68. Back to Berk

The moment the pleasant warm breeze shifted to a nearly unbearable cold, the four and a half Madrigals knew they’d arrived.



They immediately recognized their destination.



From its towering mountain, spiraling into the clouds. To the screaming pillars of stone, depicting fierce warriors, jutting out of the sea.



This was Berk, home of the Hairy Hooligan tribe.



Descending down from the clouds, Mirabel, Hiccup, Isabela, Luisa, and Camilo all brought their dragons into dives. Racing towards the wet heap of rock.



On their way to the surface, the four Madrigals couldn’t help but reminisce on their first time coming here. And how much was different.



The island had changed quite a bit in the last four years, as well.



Dragons used to be a massive problem, for them. In fact, their entire culture revolved around slaying the beasts.



But once it was discovered that they were acting against their will, and the atrocious Red Death was slain by Hiccup, the Vikings accepted the dragons with open arms.



Just like the Encanto, Berk had been changed in a variety of ways. To accommodate their new scaly friends.



Stables were constructed all over the island, these one’s even bigger. As Berk’s dragon population was significantly larger than the Encanto’s.



Feeding stations were placed around the village, as well as baths for the reptiles. And the fire prevention system Hiccup had created was so good, he had to implement it on Berk as well.



Even the forge, which once created weapons to kill the creatures, now made saddles so they could be ridden. And when he wasn’t doing that, the local blacksmith was acting as a dragon dentist.



Thanks to the efforts of the Berkian Dragons Riders, with some assistance from the Encanto Riders whenever they could pop in, the process of acclimating Vikings to living with the reptiles was a success.



It would be an insane thought, just a few years ago. But the people of Berk had fully accepted the dragons into their way of life.



And they were incredibly happy about it.



The people’s mood was much more jovial. Still unhinged and violent, as those from the barbaric archipelago tended to be. But definitely more upbeat.



The island itself even seemed to be flourishing. Lusher greens, brighter skies, and slightly warmer weather.



Their arrival was noticed, and soon enough horns were blaring. To alert the village that Hiccup and their favorite demigods had returned.



Gleeful dragons flapped up to them, on their way down. Greeting their saviors from all those years ago.



Coming in for a landing, in the center of the village, it wasn’t long before they were swarmed by excited Berkians.



Luisa was showered in flowers, and requests for dates. Isabela was offered weapons to sign. Camilo was gratefully welcomed back, as they believed he could keep the twins in line. Hiccup was given far too many hands to shake.



And they immediately requested Mirabel play a song for them.



To their eternal displeasure, she didn’t bring her accordion.



It wasn’t long before one of their friends found them.






They all looked over to see a rather rotund man, shuffling through the dispersing crowd.



Fishlegs Ingerman, who’d grown both in size and in his enthusiasm for dragons, eagerly approached the group.



“Hey, Fishlegs!” Hiccup greeted, before he began approaching himself.



Once the two were close enough, they initiated their overly long and oddly complex secret Dragon Rider handshake.



It lasted about five minutes.



Isabela watched the interaction with a bemused expression, before turning to her youngest sister.



“That’s the guy you’re gonna marry.” She sardonically stated, referring to Hiccup. Who seemed a bit too into the handshake.



Despite finding the situation rather silly herself, Mirabel exhaled a contented sigh at those words.



“Yeah…he is…” She spoke, airily.



Finally finishing the handshake, Fishlegs asked a question. “So how’s everything been? Are the dragons okay? I know I asked this the last time you visited, but I don’t really know what types of fish you guys have over there, so I’m not sure If their dietary needs are being- “






Upon hearing the shrill shout, every ounce of joy immediately left the Ingerman’s face.



A very angry Ruffnut Thorston stormed in, followed by her twin brother Tuffnut. She was barefoot, for some reason.



Marching right up to Fishlegs, she held up one of her fungus-infused feet in a surprising and disgusting show of stability.



“Why’d you leave!?” She demanded. “You weren’t done cleaning the gunk outta my toes!”



While the four and a half Madrigals reeled back with revulsion at her putrid appendage, Fishlegs released a resigned sigh.



This was his life now.



Just as the Rat Man foretold, he and Ruffnut had become romantically involved. After a rather odd mishap involving them being accidentally married, once they got out of it, they decided to pursue an actual relationship.



Which quickly devolved into Ruffnut ordering him around, insulting him, and forcing him into degrading and often painful acts.



Meatlug was the only thing that kept him going, at times.



“B-But Princess!” Fishlegs squealed, while trembling. “We have guests!”



Ruffnut hadn’t even noticed the people he was talking to. But when she did, her face lit up with joy.



Her God had returned.



“Almighty Loki!” She cried, rushing over to Camilo and dropping into a bow.



Tuffnut, hastily did the same. Crouching down and kissing his shoes.



Over the years, the twins had certainly grown older. But not a bit wiser.



Camilo stuck his hands in his pockets, and basked in their reverence. “Just what I needed! Worship!”



With Fishlegs and the twins present, nearly all the Dragon Riders were reunited.



Except for…



“Hey, where’s Astrid? And Snotlout?” Luisa asked, looking around for their absent friends.



Fishlegs had the answer.



“They’re on a scouting mission! We started keeping track of Dragon Trapper activity, and we’re trying to- OW!”



His explanation was cut off, when Ruffnut yanked his ear.



“Alright, playtime’s over!” She declared, while dragging him along elsewhere. “I’ve got boogers, and you’re gonna pick ‘em!”



Fishlegs made no attempts to protest, simply going with her tugging.



“Yes dear…” He mumbled.



The Madrigals watched him go, unanimous in feeling awful for the poor guy.



Tuffnut smirked to Mirabel. “Thank your uncle for me, next time you see him. This is hilarious!”



“See you later, Loki!” He cheerily said to Camilo, who was a bit disappointed that they hadn’t stuck around to do some more groveling.



He then followed after his sister, eager to watch more of the tubby man’s torment.



But once the spectacle of their unfortunate union had worn off, Hiccup formed a grimace.



“Trappers…” He groaned, voice filled with disdain.



Upon hearing this word, his four companions grew deep frowns of their own. And their dragons all growled and hissed.



All around the archipelago, there were dragons.



And where there were dragons, there were people willing to use them for power or profit.



Astrid and her Riders made an effort to foil the plots of Dragon Trappers, wherever they could. And occasionally, Hiccup and his Riders would assist.



But the fact that the dragons, such wonderful creatures, were being abused in the first place…



It boiled their blood.



Though before they could stew on this matter anymore, the ground started quaking.



And they knew he was coming.



Massive stomps signaled the arrival of a man who was more akin to a mountain.



The Madrigals all back away, and so did their dragons.



Hiccup braced himself for impact.



And in an instant, he was swept up in a rib shattering hug by Stoick the Vast.



His father.



Well, one of his fathers.



“Welcome back, son!” Stoick bellowed, with a wide grin.



Chuckling nervously as he felt his bones begin to fracture, Hiccup patted the man’s mighty bicep.



“G-Good to see you, dad! Now do you mind not destroying my spine?”



He was then set back on the ground, next to his father’s Rumblehorn.



“Hey, Skullcrusher!” He greeted, earning a snort from the dragon in return.



Stoick then turned his focus to the rest of his guests. The bespectacled one, in particular.



“There she is!” He cheered, holding his arms out for a much gentler hug. “My future daughter-in-law!”



She accepted the hug with a smile. “Hi, Mr. Haddock!”



Upon hearing this, the bearded man fervently shook his head. “Please, call me Stoick!”



After a rather tumultuous set of first encounters, Mirabel had actually managed to foster an amicable relationship with her incoming father-in-law.



Though only after he apologized profusely for nearly killing Mariposa.



Camilo moseyed forth, as nonchalant as ever.



“What’s up, Stoick?” He asked.



The chief immediately furrowed his brow, and regarded the shifter with a stern glare.



“That’s Mr. Haddock, to you.”



Regaining his smile, he placed a large hand on Hiccup’s shoulder.



“So, what brings you all here?”



“We figured we’d pop in and say hi.” Isabela said. “See what you meatheads are up to.”



Mirabel stepped forth, looking a bit shy. “And, Mr. Had-Stoick…I was wondering if I could ask you something?”



“And I wanted to swing by the house and pick up...” Hiccup then remembered that he wasn’t alone here. “Th-The thing."



Mirabel gave him an inquiring glance. “What’s the thing?”



He averted his gaze, and tried to look casual.



“What thing? I don’t know anything about a thing…”



His attempts to look casual failed. Terribly.



Stoick nodded.



“Well, if that’s the case…” He started moving, and motioned for them to follow. “Come along, we can talk on the way!”



Under the surprisingly blue sky, and the cold, but not unpleasantly cold breeze, they strolled through the village. Occasionally having to duck under dragons flying overhead, though they were used to things like that.


Stoick turned to Mirabel, a jovial expression on his face.



“So, what’s on your mind?” He asked.



“Well…my abuela has chosen me to be the next Candle Holder…” Her sentence petered out when she saw the blank look on the chief’s face, and realized he had no idea what she was talking about.



“The next chief.” She elaborated, with a deadpan stare.



Stoick perked up with pleasant surprise.



“Oh…oh! That’s great!” He cheered, sending her an incredibly proud smile.



“At least one of my kids will be a chieftain!” He taunted, slapping Hiccup’s back while rumbling with laughter.



Hiccup had officially abdicated his role as heir to Berk, as the Encanto was his home now.



Stoick was very reluctant, and offered a myriad of schemes to try and make balance between two villages work, but eventually he’d accepted his son’s decision. Though he still teased him about it.



He hasn’t chosen another successor yet.



“Thank you!” Mirabel replied cheerily, before her joyful expression fell a bit.



“I was just…I was wondering if you had any tips on leadership? I could really use some help.”



Stroking his grey-streaked red beard with thought, Stoick nodded resolutely.



“Aye, I could do that…”



“In fact, I was just about to make my afternoon rounds. You could join me.” He offered, to which she eagerly accepted.



Though before they set off, the bearded man quickly turned to his son.



“Hiccup, it’s in my bedroom. Under the pillows…” He whispered. “Be…be careful with it…”



“I will. Thanks, dad…” Hiccup replied, before he suddenly adopted a look of surprise.



“Aw jeez, it looks like one of those pesky Terrible Terrors has gotten into my father’s home!” He awkwardly proclaimed, arousing massive amounts of suspicion. “I better go and take care of it!”



While giving him weird looks, Isabela, Luisa, and Camilo moved to join him.



“Alright, we’ll help- “



Isabela’s statement was intercepted by the young Haddock.



“Nope, it’s fine! We got this!” Without wasting another second, he hopped onto Toothless and flew off in search of his old home.



“I’LL CATCH UP WITH YOU GUYS LATER!” He called down to them.



The Madrigals watched him go, confounded by his shift in behavior.



Isabela gave Mirabel another bemused stare.



“That’s the guy you’re gonna marry.” She repeated.



Mirabel shot back with a smirk. “That’s the guy who’s gonna be your brother!”



With an amused sigh, she shrugged. “Yeah…I guess he is.”



“Come on, you love him!” Luisa prodded, elbowing her sister.



The botanical woman scoffed at this. “Maybe, but I’m never gonna say it to his face…”



Camilo took this opportunity to morph into Hiccup himself.



“Aw thanks, sis! I love you too!” He mimicked in a nasally voice. Shuffling his shoulders as he spoke.



He was rewarded with a small flytrap, clamping over his nose.



As the shifter struggled to remove the offending plant, Stoick observed the proceedings with fascination.



He knew the Madrigals were magical, he’d known this for years.



But it was still so strange, just watching them use their gifts.



The way they used these supernatural abilities to do things like make jokes and play pranks, almost made them seem mundane.



And it was then that Stoick was stricken with a thought. One that honestly hadn’t occurred to him at all in the last few years.



With the exception of Mirabel, every child born to the Madrigal family was given a magical gift.



So…if Hiccup married into this family…



“Will…Will my grandchildren be magic as well?”




Hiccup was in the Haddock House, climbing the stairs. Heading for his father’s bedroom.



He had a mission.



Toothless sat at the bottom of the stairs, scratching himself with a hindleg.



Entering the room, Hiccup immediately went to lift the arrangement of pillows lying at the top of the bed.



And there it was. Buried under the pillows, just as his father said it would be.



He kept her close, even after all these years.



The young man gently picked up the object, which resembled an oversized coin. It was marked with intricate engravings, depicting the head of a Viking on the left, and a dragon on the right.



It was a bit rusted, and its shine had diminished with age. It wasn’t the prettiest thing, and he’d certainly have to get her a ring as well.



But it was so very important to him.



Years ago, Stoick had shown it to Hiccup. Stating that one day, when he met that special girl, he’d give it to her. Just as Stoick did with the boy’s mother.



Well, Hiccup had found that special girl.



Now he just had to find the right time to ask…



She was dealing with a lot, right now. He didn’t want to overwhelm her.



He decided to wait until things cooled down, to ask the long-awaited question.



Though he probably shouldn’t wait too long. Pepa looked like she was closer to having a mental breakdown over it with each passing day.



As he gazed upon the pendant, pondering its significance to him, he couldn’t help but think of the woman it once belonged too.



He loved Julieta, dearly. She was the best mom a guy could ask for.



But he still found himself wondering how things would be, if his birth mother hadn’t died.



What would their relationship be like? How would she feel about the dragons, or the Encanto?



Would she be proud of him?



He then heard a squawk, from outside.



It sounded like Stormfly, which meant Astrid was back. As well as Snotlout.



Quickly stuffing the precious item in a pocket, he rushed outside to meet his friends.



He decided to stop thinking about his birth mother, as it always ended up with him having teary eyes and a lump in his throat.



This was supposed to be a good day!



And besides, he figured he should quit mulling over questions he’d never get answers to.



He quickly descended the stairs, and left his old home.




Isabela, Luisa, and Camilo went off to check out the old arena, now Berk’s Dragon Training Academy. While they did so, Stoick allowed Mirabel to tag along on his duties. They were flanked by their dragons, Skullcrusher and Mariposa.



As they stepped through town, a few young Vikings started pummeling each other in Mirabel’s presence.



Her charm, wicked battle scar, and status as a local hero, had earned her some admirers here in the last few years.



She didn’t pay them any mind. There was only one Viking for her.



Mirabel also noticed that the townsfolk seemed to be getting ready for something.



Setting up flags, and banners. Painting the town with a variety of symbols and colors. And wheeling machinery into place.



“Is there a party coming up?” Mirabel asked.



An enthusiastic glint flashed in the chief’s eyes.



“Aye, the biggest dragon race of the year!” He answered. “The entire village is excited!”



“In fact…why don’t you and Hiccup come?” He offered. “Bring the whole family! This is one race you don’t want to miss!”



The bespectacled girl considered the idea.



“Well…that does sound pretty fun…” She mused. “I’d have to ask Abuela, but…I don’t see why not!”



Pleased with her answer, Stoick nodded with a smile.



The smile fell, and was replaced with a serious expression, as he started dispensing his chiefly advice.



“These lessons were passed down to me by my father, when I was learning to be chief.” He spoke. “I tried to pass them down to Hiccup, and now I’ll pass them down to you.”



Mirabel listened attentively, ready to soak in any knowledge that may aid her in her mission of becoming the leader the Encanto needed.



“Firstly, a chief’s first duty is to their people. You must put your personal needs and desires aside. Your first, second, and third priorities will be the prosperity of your village, and its inhabitants.”



Mirabel felt a swell of recognition, as she’d heard this one before.



“Secondly, no task is too small when it comes to serving your people. Even the most inconsequential of problems should be dealt with accordingly. But that doesn’t mean you should handle everything, you’re not trying to coddle them. You just want them to be able to live their lives comfortably.”



Mirabel wondered if she should be writing this stuff down.



“And finally, a chief protects their own. The entire village becomes your family, and you’d do anything in your power to keep your family safe, wouldn’t you?”



She nodded with a fierce protective desire. Not only would she be leading her people, but her actual family as well.



Mirabel then asked a question.



“How much did you have to give up, when you took over?” She wondered. “Like…hobbies and stuff?”



Stoick chuckled upon hearing this.



“Ah, the age-old ‘Will I still get to have fun?’ question…” He said. “Hiccup used to ask that all the time.”



“Being chief requires a lot of sacrifice. As I said, your own desires are not your priority. You can’t just mess around, anymore. You have to start carrying yourself like an authority figure.”



Mirabel was disheartened, when she heard this. But it confirmed her belief.



Her belief that, in order to be the Candle Holder her people deserved, she’d have to set her own interests aside. And change aspects of her personality in the process, to focus solely on her people.



It was very unfortunate…



But she’d do it.



If it was for the prosperity of the Encanto, and her family, she’d do it without question.



However, Stoick wasn’t done speaking yet.



“But…that’s not to say you can’t make time for yourself.”



She listened intently, as he continued. She needed to hear this part.



“There was a time when I focused only on running the village, and left everything else behind. It was when I first became chief, and let me tell you, those first few months were miserable.”



“It wasn’t until Gobber dragged me into a mud wrestling match, and literally slapped some sense into me, did I realize…” He looked down into her eyes, as he shared his final word of advice for the day.



“You’re not supposed to stop being you, when you become chief. You can't lose yourself in the role, the role becomes a part of you. You just have to find that balance."



And just like that, Mirabel now had an objective.



Find the balance.



The balance between being herself, doing the things she loved…



And being the Candle Holder that her people needed.



She absentmindedly stroked her hand across Mariposa’s neck, as she realized that maybe she wouldn’t have to stop being a Dragon Rider.



The thought made her giddy.



A resounding screech from above caught Mirabel’s attention.



High up in the sky, was a familiar Deadly Nadder. Stormfly. Followed by Hookfang.



Astrid and Snotlout were back from their scouting mission, and were heading towards the arena.



Figuring it was time to catch up with a few more friends, Mirabel quickly mounted Mariposa, and began to take off.



But not before thanking the chief for his help.



“Thank you, Stoick. You’ve given me a lot to think about.”



He gazed at her intensely for a moment, before murmuring “I can see it…”



She grew a puzzled look, and glanced around the area.



Seeing her confusion, he elaborated.



“The heart of a chief. I can see it in you, clear as day.” He said. “Your people are in good hands.”



Mirabel looked shocked, for a moment…



Before she grew a bright, grateful smile.



He’ll actually be a pretty cool Father-in-law…



And then she was off.



It wasn’t long before she was joined by Hiccup, and her relatives. They clearly all had the same idea.



Together, they all flew towards the ring.



To meet with their old friends, in the same place those friendships were formed.




Fishlegs and the twins were there as well, when the four and a half Madrigals arrived at the ring.



Meaning the entire team was back together.



Astrid, now the headstrong leader of the Dragon Riders, was pleasantly surprised to see them.



“Woah, hey!” She cheered, while removing her puffy hood. “What are you guys doing here?”



“I thought I smelled nerd!” Said Snotlout, who hadn’t grown a foot taller over the years. The curled horns on his helmet were now larger, to compensate.



Despite his continued arrogance, his mockery now carried a hint of warmth.



Here in the craggy Academy, hugs and fist bumps were exchanged between both branches of Dragon Riders.



Each group’s dragons mingled with each other as well. Hissing and screeching and rumbling draconic greetings.



“How’s the peaceful, boring, Encanto life been treating you?” Astrid asked with a grin, turning to Hiccup.



He snorted in response. “Just because we’re not going out and getting into fights doesn’t mean it’s boring!”



Mirabel ended his statement for him. “There’s never a dull moment, when you live with magic and dragons!”



Snotlout wretched in the corner. “Eww, they finish each other’s sentences!”



A quick pluck from Luisa silenced his protests.



“So how’d the scouting mission go?” Fishlegs asked, before his head was plunged back into a bucket of water.



Ruffnut was trying to see how long it’d take someone to drown in a bucket. And as her boyfriend, she forced the rotund man to participate.



Meatlug got him out before he lost consciousness, much to Ruffnut’s displeasure.



Astrid’s smile was replaced with a dark frown.



“We found some trapper ships, out north. They’re filled with dragons.” She answered.



Fishlegs, face still dripping wet, showcased an uncharacteristic outrage.



“Then we have to free them!” He declared.



Astrid agreed, and she ordered her Riders to begin preparing to set out.



She then turned to the Madrigals with an apologetic look. “Sorry, guys. We’ll have to hang another time.”



The magical multitude all shared glances with each other.



“We’ve still got a few hours before dinner.” Mirabel shrugged.



“I-I don’t really like fighting, but…” Luisa steeled her nerves. “I don’t want any dragons getting hurt!”



“Nothing like busting up some trappers to take your mind off a break-up!” Camilo smirked.



Isabela sighed with relief. “Finally, some action!”



Their dragons shared their feelings, wanting to get out there and free their captured kin.



Hiccup locked eyes with Astrid, eyes bursting with determination.



“We’re in.”



With a grin, the shieldmaiden retrieved some of her spare weapons.



It was meant to be a simple hit and run mission. Hit the cages, free the dragons, and run.



But one could never be too careful.



She handed a spare sword to Mirabel.



“Just in case!” Is what she said.



But when she tried to offer a hammer to Hiccup, he declined.



“Thanks, but I’ve got a little something up my sleeve…” He spoke, ominously. While pulling out a metal cylinder from a back pocket.



Now geared up, the complete Dragon Rider squadron launched into the skies.



Heading north, in search of the captured dragons.




It took about an hour to get there, flying as fast as they all could. They knew they were close when the freakishly cold weather turned even more freakishly cold.



“W-Why d-didn’t w-w-we b-bring o-our c-c-coats?” Camilo chattered, shivering atop Tonta. The Changewing had shifted colors into an icy blue, a physical representation of how cold she was.



“We’re almost there!” Astrid shouted, cozy in her fluffy winter clothing. “We spotted them around here!”



The frosty seas, splattered with pieces of ice drifting about the dark waves.



Not the most pleasant place, for tropically inclined people.



Down below, a trio of ships could be spotted on the water. Sailing in a triangular formation.



Through the snowfall, they could see the little bodies of people, walking along on the vessels. And cages, occupied by miserable looking reptiles.



They’d found their targets.



“Alright, here’s the plan!” Astrid yelled over the snowy winds.



“Snotlout, Luisa, you’re with me! We’ll take the top left ship!”



“Camilo, Fishlegs, Ruff, Tuff, you take top right!”



“Hiccup, Mirabel, Isabela, you handle the center!”



The shieldmaiden cracked her knuckles, her hands trembling. Eagerly awaiting the moment they gripped her axe.



“We get in, free the dragons, and get out. Got that?” When she received affirmative nods, she smirked. “Good!



“Now let’s ride!”



At her command, the team split off into three groups. Each segment heading for one of the boats.



Hiccup, Mirabel, and Isabela all urged their dragons into the grey clouds, using them as a cover.



The others might have preferred a more upfront approach, but Hiccup and Mirabel valued stealth. And the element of surprise.



Isabela wanted to just storm the ships, but they convinced her to follow them.



Drifting around the centermost ship, slowly descending, they looked for the optimal moment for an ambush.



The trappers began to notice their comrades being attacked by the other Riders.



Scrambling to grab their weapons, they rushed to offer any form of assistance they could. Readying catapults, and fruitlessly tossing spears and javelins towards them, only for them to splash onto the waters.



They were distracted.



It was time to strike.



Or so they thought…



Using the dark clouds as a veil, and the heavy winds as a muffle their sounds, the trio dove towards the center ship.



Toothless began charging a blast, ready to hit one of the cages-



But he quickly had to dodge, as a net was fired at him.



With lightning quick reflexes, Hiccup maneuvered out of the net’s path.



But unfortunately, Mirabel was flying right behind him.



Mariposa was wrapped in the net, trilling with fear as she plummeted towards the ship.



With a yelp, Mirabel was knocked off her dragon. Tumbling towards the freezing seas.



“HICCUP!” She yelled.



As swiftly as he could, he turned to Isabela.



“Help Mariposa!” He commanded, speaking as swiftly as he ever had. Before he was even done talking, Toothless was already zooming towards the bespectacled girl.



Mariposa crashed onto the ship, and was immediately surrounded by trappers. Pinning her down as she struggled, and trying to secure her loosening constraints.



A rather muscular man wrapped in furs hefted himself over to the deck, and started sprinting towards the dragon.



Fearing for her life, the Stormcutter fired a torrent of fire in his direction. But he deftly avoided the shot.



“Watch the flames!” He shouted to his men. Sliding onto his knees, he held her mouth closed. Preventing her from firing any more, while she writhed and squirmed.



“Tie those legs up!” He commanded, with a thick accent.



But it was his legs that were tied up, as he soon found himself suspended in the air. His ankles bound together by a large vine.



“What in the…” He looked up, to see a dark-skinned woman with a very angry expression on her face. Standing at the front of his ship.



Isabela, her four angry Snaptrapper heads hissing behind her, glared daggers at the man she held in her grasp. While the men on the ship ogled the vine in confusion, wondering where it came from.



“Uh…” The man started, suddenly very baffled. “Who exactly are you supposed to be- “



His sentence was cut off when he was dropped on his head, by the vine.



It then picked him back up, and dropped him again.



And again, and again.



Each time he was slammed harder.



Now incredibly dazed, his dark hair a frazzled mess, the trapper raised a weak finger in her direction.



“G-Get her…”



The men all raised their weapons, and began to approach her.



Isabela was actually a bit worried, even with her Snaptrapper backing her up. She didn’t know if she could take all these guys at once…



She held a defensive stance, and summoned giant aloe leaves to act as shields. Blocking incoming spears. And a small garden of thorny vines kept the trappers from getting too close.



The men all jumped back, eyes wide with horror.



“Sh-She’s a witch!” One of them cried.



Isabela groaned. “I’m not a- “



She paused for a moment.



And then released a reluctant sigh.



“Y’know what? Sure. I’m a witch.”



This only intensified their fear. Some of them started praying.



Using their shock to her advantage, she quickly got to work. Tying them in vines, trapping them in pitcher plants, or pelting them with cacti.



Rosita, the lead Snaptrapper head, hissed to her sisters. Giving them their orders.



Together, they gnawed at the ropes that were binding Mariposa. Slowly but surely whittling their way through.



The man with the marked chin tried to release himself from his plant prison, swinging himself this way and that.



But he was freed, when a blade-like boomerang swung through the air. Chopping Isabela’s vine in half.



A second boomerang whirled throughout the ship, freeing other trappers with an incredible accuracy.



Isabela just barely had time to duck, as one of them flew by her face.



It still managed to cut one of her eyelashes.



She watched as the boomerangs returned to their master, now standing just behind where her vine once was.



She was a lithe woman, who looked to be in her mid-twenties, dressed in furs and adorned with a cloak made of polar bear hide. Her complexion was similar to the man she’d just freed. Her black hair was tied into a messy bun, and her face was marked with similar tattoos to the lead trapper. These ones lying on her left cheek.



Her brown eyes were cold, calculating, and incredibly threatening. Like a wolf, about to pounce on a rabbit.



“Ah, there you are!” The trapper leader sighed, clearly happy to see her. “I was wondering when you’d show up!”



Climbing to his feet, he stood beside her. Placing a pleased hand on her shoulder.



“This here is the mightiest warrior I’ve ever known!” He spoke, with a proud grin. “And unfortunately for you, she’s sworn allegiance to me! You’re in trouble now, Witch!”



The woman brandished her boomerang-blades, and grit her teeth with a barbaric snarl. Ready to cut Isabela into pieces, at the man’s word.



The trappers advanced on the Snaptrapper sisters, stopping them from freeing Mariposa.



Isabela rushed over to defend her dragon, but a group of trappers intercepted her. She summoned vines, to deal with them. But an instant later, two boomerangs sliced through them like they were nothing.



“Girls!” She shouted, and a moment later all four Snaptrapper heads opened up, ready to start spouting flammable mist.



“Ah-Ah-Ah!” The lead trapper chided, holding a spear over Mariposa’s neck. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you!”



Isabela was backed into a corner. She darted her eyes around, trying to figure this situation out-



But then, a familiar screech filled the air.



The men all looked to the skies, filled with fear and unease.



The dragons in their cages skittered to the back, trying to create as much distance as possible.



The lead trapper’s eyebrows furrowed.



“Is that what I think it is…?” He asked, stroking his tattooed chin. The woman next to him readied her weapons.



Isabela managed a smirk, while her Snaptrapper tittered.



“That’s the unholy offspring of lightning and death itself!” She said. “And unfortunately for you, he belong to my brother!”



“You’re in trouble now!”



A second later, a plasma blast hit the deck, knocking away anyone standing to close to it.



Toothless roared in, immediately clutching the lead trapper in his claws before he had a moment to move. Throwing him off Mariposa.



Mirabel quickly dismounted, and dropped to her knees to see if the dragon was alright.



Hiccup stood defensively in front of them, while pulling out his weapon of choice.



He retrieved the metal cylinder from his back pocket, and with the press of a button, it tripled in length. It’s two hidden sides folding out, and becoming a fully formed staff.



After clicking another button, the two tips were coated with Monstrous Nightmare saliva, and then ignited. Giving Hiccup a staff of flame to wield.



In truth, it wasn’t meant to be a weapon originally. The Encanto had no need for such things.



It was a tool of communication, for convincing more unruly dragons that he was one of them. He’d whirl and twirl it around, dancing with the item. Enthralling any reptiles who saw the display.



Though, it tended to freak his opponents out. And if it just so happened to give him an opportunity to conk some trapper heads, he wouldn’t complain.



He held the staff out, to keep any foes at bay, as Mirabel tried to free Mariposa.



“You’re okay…you’re okay, girl…I’m here…” She frantically whispered, while the Stormcutter gleefully trilled at the sight of her rider.



Now on the ground, the head trapper stared at the dragon that had just attacked him in awe.



“Soil my britches…” He whispered, standing to his feet. “That is a Night Fury!”



“Thought they were all gone for good!” He chuckled, while elbowing one of his men.



The boomerang woman eyed Toothless with the cold gaze of a hunter, and he growled at her in return.



Isabela moved to join her relatives, just as Mirabel finished cutting Mariposa free with her sword.



The leader wasn’t done talking.



“Looks like our luck’s turned for the better, lads!” He cheered. “A Night Fury would fetch a high price! In fact, we sell one of those, and we’d be set for life!”



At this, the men all roared with celebration. The prospect of being rich beyond their wildest dreams was an enticing one.



“No one’s selling anybody!” Hiccup declared. “You are hurting innocent dragons, and we are putting an end to it!”



The man groaned, when he heard this.



“See? This is what I can’t stand!” He complained, gesturing to them with annoyance. “You do-gooder Dragon Riders are so self-righteous! All we’re trying to do is make a living!”



One of the men stepped up, clutching his spear with agitation. “Our jobs are tough enough!”



Another trapper walked forth. “And it’s not like you guys fight fair! Coming in here with an ice-spitting dragon…how’re we supposed to fight that?”



Mirabel looked to Hiccup, confused. “Ice-spitting dragon…?”



“Don’t play dumb!” One of the men shouted. “You’ve got the Stormcutter! We know you’re the Dragon Thief!”



Mariposa growled at the accusation, but Mirabel could only huff.



Twice now, her dragon has been mistaken for a different Stormcutter.



“Oh, you poor babies…” Isabela mocked.



“Look, we don’t know anything about an ice-spitting dragon, and we kinda don’t care about how hard your horrible jobs are!” Mirabel insisted.



“We’re just gonna free these dragons, and we’ll be on our way…strange, hostile person who we’ve never met!” Hiccup said.



Smiling smugly, the lead trapper decided to introduce himself.



“Oh, where are my manners?” He chuckled, before giving a bow. Flashing a charming, yet threatening grin. “I’m Eret, Son of Eret!”






All eyes turned to Isabela.



“Your name’s Eret, and your dad’s name is Eret…” She stated. “That makes you Eret junior.”



This actually got a few laughs from the crowd, while the boomerang woman grew a mocking smirk. Looking towards him with taunting eyes.



After grumbling a string of curses, he continued.



“I am the finest dragon trapper alive! After all…” He pulled out a dagger, pointing it towards the group. While men wielding crossbows readied their aims.



“It’s not just anyone who can capture a Night Fury!”



Toothless roared in defiance.



“And this is Toothless!” Hiccup said. “He says, not gonna happen!”



Eret replied with a scoff. “They all say that!”



Gesturing to his men, he signaled them to attack.






Toothless fired another blast, hitting the ship’s mast. Splitting it in two, and causing the upper half to crash onto the deck and roll into the ocean. Nearby trappers leaped to avoid it.



“Let’s go, gang!” Hiccup cried.



They all ran to their companions. Hiccup blocking hits with his staff, Mirabel disarming trappers with her sword, and Isabela summoning deadly greenery.



Once they arrived, Hiccup quickly got on Toothless, and Mirabel did the same for Mariposa.



Their dragons fired at trappers, launching them overboard when the bursts connected with their shields. Or sweeping at them with their tails, sending them hurtling to the salty seas.



They flew to the back of the ship, avoiding nets and arrows, and started trying to release the captured dragons. Blasting open the cages with dragon fire, and destroying locks with their weapons.



The liberated dragons wasted not a second, flying into the air with joyous screeches.



“No, no!” Eret shouted, watching his money literally fly away.



Isabela ran to join her own dragon, but she was intercepted by the woman wielding the boomerangs.



Her Snaptrapper tried to help her, but Isabela stopped them with an outstretched hand.



“I’ll be fine, girls! Go help the others!”



While appearing reluctant, the Snaptrapper sisters complied. Flying over to where Mirabel and Hiccup were, and blasting at cages themselves.



Now staring down the woman with a fierce expression, she immediately summoned a giant Venus flytrap from beneath her. Swallowing her whole.



But a second after, a blade cut a hole into the plant. And a boot kicked out of it, knocking Isabela onto the ground.



The woman stepped out from the hole, dripping in plant juices. And regarding the Madrigal with a cold glare.



Her eyebrow twitched, just the slightest bit, and this made Eret laugh.



“Ha! She says you’re strong, but unskilled!” He chortled.



Standing up, and stumbling a bit as the boat rocked, Isabela looked to Eret with a confounded expression.



“She literally didn’t say anything!”



“It’s all in the body language!” He replied, before rushing in with his dagger. “I’ve known her for years, we’re chums! I can tell what she’s thinking!”



Isabela found herself dodging swings from both Eret and the boomerang woman, trying her best to avoid being impaled by either of them.



The son of Eret kept prattling on, clearly in love with the sound of his own voice. While Isabela’s aloe shield was cut in half by a boomerang.



“She took a vow of silence, swearing to only speak again once she’s been bested in battle!” He grinned when he just barely scraped Isabela’s arm with his blade. But his grin fell when his face was assaulted by a cactus.



The botanical woman continued to try and use her plants, but each one was cut down on the spot.



“And considering her skills? It looks like she’ll be giving us the silent treatment for a good long while!” He looked over to his companion, while picking spines off his nose. “Isn’t that right, Arnapkapfaaluk?”



All movement stopped, when that name was spoken.



Isabela’s eyes were as wide as dinner plates.



“Is that…seriously her name?” She asked, quietly.



The woman looked dreadfully embarrassed, a red blush on her tattooed face, but Eret just shrugged and nodded.



“Yeah, but it’s a bit of a mouthful. So we just call her Arny for short.”



After a second of quiet…



Isabela burst with laughter.



That was by far, the strangest name she’d ever heard.



And she knew people named Fishlegs and Snotlout.



The man about to become her brother was named Hiccup.



But this took the cake.



She couldn’t help it. Over the rushing winds, she howled with amusement.



Up by the cages, Hiccup and Mirabel were wondering just what she was doing down there…



Now giving Eret a withering glare, Arny smacked him upside the head repeatedly. Growling silent swears.



“OW! What?! It’s your name!” He protested.



Seeing that they’d gotten sidetracked, Isabela quickly snagged their limbs with her vines. Disarming them of their weapons, and tossing them elsewhere.



Their hands and feet both bound, Isabela stood over them smugly.



“See you later, Junior, Arny!” She teasingly waved goodbye, and sauntered off to join the others.



Struggling through his constraints, Eret still tried to fight.



“Get back here, Witch!” He shouted, squirming and wriggling on his belly. “I’m not done with you!”



Arny had managed to free herself, and was coming at Isabela again. Not even bothering with a weapon, all she needed was her fists.



Isabela rolled her eyes.



“Well I’m done with you.”



With the flick of her wrists, she summoned an array of flower buds. Packed with sleep inducing pollen.



She swiftly chucked them at her assailants. Coating Eret, Arny, and the few trappers who weren’t thrown overboard in the pollen, and immediately making them drowsy.



Eret still tried to struggle, but his movements were becoming sluggish.



“Stupid Dragon Riders…stupid witch…ruining everything…” He mumbled, his eyelids growing heavier.



Behind him, his men were already drifting off to dreamland.



“I’m…the finest dragon trapper…alive…I’m Eret…son of…”



And with those final murmurs, he was out like a light.



Arny tried to fight against her burgeoning exhaustion. Trudging over to the Madrigals with a murderous, but sleepy look in her eyes.



She wobbled right up to Isabela, and readied an unsteady fist to strike.



With a grin, Isabela simply poked her in the forehead.



And she fell backwards, as if she weighed nothing at all.



Now splayed out on top of Eret, she fell into slumber as well.



“Nice job, sis!” Mirabel complimented.



Isabela flipped her hair, and accepted the praise. “Thank you, thank you!”



“So you guys done with those dragons yet?” She then asked.



“Almost!” Hiccup replied. “Just one more!”



All the other cages were empty, only one reptile remained.



A young Scuttleclaw, who looked to be very injured. It was limping, and its leg was in poor condition.



Their hearts broke, at seeing such a poor creature in this state.



“We gotta help him!” Mirabel said.



Hiccup nodded. “And we will!”



Once the cage was open, he tried to gently coax the Scuttleclaw into his arms. So they could get it some medical attention.



“Come on, little guy…I’m not gonna hurt you…” He whispered.



The small dragon scampered to the back of the cage, crying out in terror.



“He’s afraid of us…” Isabela realized, before she became quite angry. “Those jerks probably traumatized him!”



Seeing that the creature didn’t trust them, Hiccup tried his classic maneuver.



He averted his eyes, and held out his palm.



Apprehensively, the Scuttleclaw limped forwards. Sniffing at his hands.



It looked at the young man, with its big yellow eyes. Trying to sense his intentions.



And then…



It rushed passed him. Jumping off his shoulders, and taking off into the air.



“Hey, wait!” Mirabel called.



It was so little, and so hurt. If it was left alone in its current condition, it could die.






The trio looked up, seeing Astrid hovering over them.



“We freed all the dragons, we’re heading back!”



Fishlegs and Camilo were sharing a high-five.



“Man, that thing you did with the pineapple was awesome!” Camilo cheered.



“Don’t even get me started on the conga line!” Fishlegs laughed.



It seemed their battle was quite the interesting encounter…



Isabela was already on her Snaptrapper, eager to get out of this cold.



Hiccup and Mirabel looked into the skies, in the direction the Scuttleclaw was heading.



And they knew what they had to do.



“You guys go on ahead! We’ll meet you back on Berk!” Hiccup said, before he and Mirabel took off.



Astrid watched them go, before turning to Isabela. A questioning look in her eyes.



The eldest madrigal grandchild was about to answer, when a shiver overtook her.



“I’ll t-tell you on the w-way…” She spoke through her chattering teeth. “L-Let’s just g-go already!”



Seven dragons flew off in one direction, and two in another.



What they didn’t know, is that of all the dragons they’d freed…



They missed one.



Held in the deck of the centermost ship, chained and muzzled and locked in a cage, lied a serpentine dragon.



Its red spines, rattling with rage against its dark green skin. Its white eyes, wide with fright.



Its muzzled jaw, filled with countless teeth, calling for one thing.







Over a sea of clouds, painted by a sun just beginning to set, a Night Fury and a Stormcutter were searching for a Scuttleclaw.



They found nothing.



“Hiccup, I think we lost him.” Mirabel stated.



“But he’s hurt!” Hiccup argued, still scanning the skies. “We have to find him!”



“Believe me, I want to find him! But I don’t think… “



Mirabel stopped speaking, as she noticed the weirdest thing out of the corner of her eye.



Mariposa and Toothless both noticed as well, and began growling with distrust.



Hiccup finally shifted his gaze to where they were all looking, and saw…



A stick.



A curved stick, cutting through the clouds like a shark’s fin through water.



The young couple shared a silent glance, before returning their attention to the stick.



And then it started rising.



To their shock, a figure began ascending from the clouds.



A person.



Or at least, it looked like a person in form and physiology. But everything else about this being seemed inhuman.



It was standing, just standing on the clouds. As if they were solid ground. Gliding across them with a complete disregard for the laws of physics.



It wore bulky, brown armor. Splattered with teal blue. And its head was topped with a crown of thorns. It gazed at them with blank, unblinking, incomprehensible eyes.



They just assumed it was wearing armor. For all they knew, this was truly the creature’s skin.



In its other hand, it carried a large shield. And a red, tattered cape billowed out from behind it.



Their eyes never left the being, not for a moment. But just as quickly as it arrived, it vanished beneath the clouds.



They couldn’t see it, but they knew it wasn’t gone.



They could feel its presence.



“Okay…” Hiccup whispered. “No sudden moves…”



They watched, and waited. Looking for any more signs of the being, and soothing their spooked dragons.



And just when it seemed perhaps it was truly gone for good…



A dragon launched from the clouds, blocking their paths with its large body. Releasing a mighty bellow in the process.



They hovered in place, their eyes widening at the sight.



The dragon was a species they recognized. From its owlish face, to its regal crest, it was clearly a Stormcutter. Just like Mariposa.



But this specimen was far larger than Mirabel’s companion. And its scales were a creamy-bronze color.



The Stormcutter circled around them, like a predator cornering its prey.



And on its back, was the mysterious creature.



It didn’t sit on the dragon’s back, it stood on it. With an unnatural sense of balance.



Raising its staff, it pointed to the duo as it encircled them.



Hiccup and Mirabel didn’t know what that gesture meant.



But they didn’t like it.



The large Stormcutter was now flying in place, beating its four wings and gazing down on the two smaller dragons. Tilting its head left and right, to get a good look at them.



Toothless and Mariposa were quite frightened, and their riders scrambled to clam them down. All while keeping their eyes on the mystery rider.



“Hold on…Hold on…” Mirabel mumbled.



Toothless was now glaring harshly at the large dragon, despite his fear. Daring it to try anything to hurt his friends.



The Stormcutter met his growls with a domineering warble.



The three dragons kicked up clouds, hovering in a sky-high standoff.



Nobody moved, everyone just waited to see what the other would do…





And then Toothless heard it.



From behind, a Shovelhelm came flapping in. Before the Night Fury could respond, it grasped Hiccup in his talons.



Toothless immediately began falling, as his tail-fin was no longer being controlled.



Seeing her boyfriend being kidnapped by a dragon, for the second time, Mirabel of course tried to go save him.



But Hiccup stopped her.



“NO! Save Toothless!” He frantically pleaded, struggling in the creature’s grip.



As much as she didn’t want to leave him, she knew he was right.



“I’ll be back!” She shouted, before diving down to catch the Night Fury.



Several more dragons swooped down, trying to snatch her off Mariposa. But they were expecting them now.



Performing ducks, dodges, and a slew of other evasive maneuvers, they managed to avoid the wannabe kidnappers.



Soaring down to the ice below, they found Toothless in a chilly lake. Being surrounded by dragons that looked to be a cross between a dual-headed shark and a manta ray.



“Seashockers…” Mirabel realized, recognizing the creatures from the book of dragons.



Toothless saw them approaching, and desperately wailed for them. Splashing about, and fighting the aquatic dragons that were trying to pull him under.



Mariposa tried to pluck Toothless from the waters-



But he was quickly snatched up by a Snafflefang.



They hadn’t even seen it coming.



“NO!” Mirabel shouted.



Toothless tried to struggle, but the ice-cold waters had left him weak. And his eyelids started fluttering downwards, of their own volition…



With both of their companions now taken, Mirabel and Mariposa flew off in search of the strange rider.



Flying as fast as they could, and trying not to panic.



They couldn’t see the rider, or the dragons that took Hiccup and Toothless. But they saw the flock that was following them.



And so they followed the flock.



Far enough behind, as to not be noticed. Despite how much they wanted to just storm in and save their loved ones, they didn’t know what this being was capable of.



They flew through this snowbound land, bobbing and weaving through stacks of ice, persevering through the bitter frost that assaulted their faces.



And as Mirabel wiped snow off her glasses, she was one hundred percent sure she was going to catch a cold later…



Until finally, they arrived at what had to be their journey's end.



And they saw another of the strangest things they’d seen all day.



It looked like a mountain, in size and stature, but that’s where the normality ended.



It was an absolutely colossal tower, perhaps as big as the mountains surrounding the Encanto, constructed of spikes and pillars made of ice.



But not white ice, like they were surrounded by. This ice seemed to glow an enigmatic turquoise.



It was imposing, threatening, mind-boggling…



And yet, it was also insurmountably beautiful.



They could see them, the flock. Entering the mountain.



Mirabel and Mariposa had no idea what lied within.



But they knew Hiccup and Toothless were in there.



So they had to go.



There was no question.



Mustering all the courage they collectively had, they flew onwards.



They would save them…



No matter what.



They only hoped they were prepared, for whatever lied within.