71. Seaside Shenanigans

Four years ago, a group of Vikings crash landed on a nearby shore. A bit away from the Encanto.



Ever since then, it seems the magic’s influence has expanded to include that shore. Allowing the village’s inhabitants to visit the beach without fear.



And with dragons, the trip was trivial. It was a five-minute flight to a day of fun and relaxation.



Between the sun, the sand, and the sea, it’d become a very popular location.



Though recently, Alma’s been getting reports of strange activity.



Whenever anyone or anything would pop into the ocean, a massive whirlpool would follow soon after. Threatening to drag those near to a watery death.



Luckily, no one had been harmed. But a few fishing boats had been torn to shreds.



For the safety of the Encanto, these mysterious happenings couldn’t be allowed to continue.



The source of these whirlpools must be discovered.



However, Alma wasn’t going to deal with this issue.



Mirabel was.



As part of her Candle Holder training, she was tasked with handling any problems the town may have for the day.



Her grandmother would lend some advice, if asked, but all responsibilities fell solely to Mirabel. Alma wouldn’t lift a finger to help.



…Unless things got really out of hand.



And seeing as how this enigmatic oceanic issue was the most pressing concern at the moment, Mirabel readied herself to set out for the secluded shore.



And her family would join her.



Because they felt like having a day at the beach.



At first it was wondered if they should really have a seaside picnic, when said seaside was currently under investigation.



But they figured with eight magical people, and a multitude of dragons, they’d probably be fine.



This was one of the rare days when everyone was free, it’d be a shame to let it go to waste.



Clothed in a multicolored assortment of bikinis, bathing suits, and swim trunks. Carrying a basket of snacks, preparing their dragons, and bringing along equipment necessary for the day to come…



The Madrigals were ready to party.




The items in Hiccup’s hands were perhaps the most precious material objects he’d ever held.



They signified his future.



Their future.



Everything they’d dreamed of, for the last few years.



Yes, the constant badgering was annoying. A part of him almost wanted to hold it off, for as long as possible. Just to see how they’d react.



But…the rest of him didn’t want that.



The rest of him felt a heartfelt desire.



A mighty, insurmountable need...



To ask a question.



Their lives had cooled down, over the last few days.



Mirabel had gotten a bit more comfortable with her burgeoning role as Candle Holder. She still had her struggles, and her anxieties, but she was working hard on finding the balance.



Between staying true to herself, and being a good leader.



Valka had opted to spend some time in the Encanto, and was enjoying her stay here. The carefree nature of the townsfolk eased her paranoia, and the abundance of dragons didn’t hurt either. She was a big help at the stables, and could be frequently found snoozing in a pile of dragons.



The seasoned rider had been bonding with Hiccup, getting to know Mirabel, enjoying little chats with Bruno, and she’d become quite fond of Antonio’s enthusiasm for dragons.



The Madrigals were back to business as usual. Though the incoming shift in management was still at the back of their minds, it didn’t bring them much apprehension anymore. They were sure Mirabel was going to do great.



Things were calm.



After a rather hectic few days, their lives had returned to a relative normality.



Hiccup had decided that he’d wait, for things to cool down, before asking.



And he knew it. He could feel it.



It was time.



And he knew she felt the same.



Before, the topic of their marriage would be shrugged off by the girl. Accepted as an eventuality, but nothing they needed to rush towards.



But recently, she’s been talking nonstop about the subject.



She’d tell him about Encanto wedding traditions, and ask about Berkian ones. She vehemently disagreed with the ceremonial house stabbing, considering her house was alive.



Now she was the one showing him pictures of her relatives’ weddings, including the ones he’d been too.



And while she didn’t know he knew this, he’d caught her frantically writing a few times. Mumbling the words she was jotting down to herself.



They sounded like wedding vows.



It seemed this moment of tranquility in their lives had allowed her to fully open herself up to the prospect of their union…



And Mirabel was all in.



If she was ready, then so was Hiccup.



But he just needed to find the right time.



It didn’t need to be overly perfect, Mirabel didn’t care about stuff like that. But it should still be special, it should mean something to them. About their relationship.



He sat, in his little room at the stables. On a bed that was more akin to a mattress that’d been plopped on the floor. Only the most basic slab of wood functioned as a bedframe.



Draped only in a pair of teal swim trunks, a sandal, and the red bandana he kept tied on his leg near the prosthetic, Hiccup pondered.



He pondered just what, where, and when would be the ideal moment.



But as he was wrapped in his pondering, the door to his room creaked open.



Nudging his way in with his snout, Toothless plodded towards his friend. Sniffing at the things he held with interest.



“Hey there, bud!” Hiccup greeted. “Yeah, these are…these are really important.”



The Night Fury seemed to understand the significance of these items, and contained his innate puppy-like energy. As to not damage them.



“I just…I gotta figure out how to ask her…” Hiccup sighed, before turning to the dragon with a grin.



“You got any ideas?” He asked, sarcastically.



“Ideas on what?”



Hiccup looked up, to see Valka standing in the doorway.



In her own, peach-colored bathing suit. As Hiccup had invited her to join them at the beach.



She wore an expression of slight concern.



Though before her son could say anything else, Valka noticed the objects he was holding.



One of which was unfamiliar to her, but the other…



The other she knew all too well.



With a small gasp, she sank into a crouch. Creeping towards him, her eyes never leaving his hand.



Slowly, she raised her trembling hands to it.



“M-May I?” She softly requested, to which Hiccup complied. Placing the flat, round item in her grasp.



She examined it as gently as possible, turning it in her hands to view each side.



“I…I haven’t seen this in years…” Valka whispered.



And in truth, she thought she’d never see it again.



It was old, and rusted. Though it seemed someone had tried to shine it up, just a bit. And it was slightly modified, with a chain being added to it.



But despite all that…



It was still so beautiful to her.



“H-How did you…?”



Hiccup answered the remainder of her question, while clutching the other item in his hands tightly.



“Dad gave it to me…” He said, before realizing he needed to clarify. “Uh, Berk Dad. Not Encanto Dad.”



The thought of Stoick made Valka furrow her brow.



Despite Hiccup’s claims, she still doubted that Berk could ever be dragon-friendly. And was adamant about not going back.



Yes, the Encanto loved dragons. But these happy-go-lucky inhabitants were quite different from the violent, volatile Vikings she remembered.



And in addition, after learning of Hiccup’s mistreatment on Berk, she was quite cross with the man.



How could he allow something like that to happen for so long? To his own son!



Though at times, she felt she was no better.



But still, Hiccup had reassured her that he’d forgiven his father. And as such, her emotions were very conflicted.



And a part of her still longed to be held by him…



Refocusing on reality, she placed the item back into Hiccup’s hands.



“And you intend to ask her soon?” Valka questioned.



Hiccup nodded, resolutely.



“As soon as the moment’s right.”



And his mother smiled.



“I-I’m happy for you, truly!” She embraced him in a light hug. “She’s a wonderful young lady!”



“That doesn’t even begin to describe her!” Hiccup chuckled.



Then, Valka began to look sheepish.



“I uh…I hope I’ll be invited to the wedding.” She mumbled, while averting her gaze.



Her tone implied she intended to play it off as a joke, but the look in her eyes revealed hat her question was very real.



“It’s like I said, you’re not getting rid of me that easily!” Hiccup spoke, with a grin.



The relief on her face was immense.



There was then a warbling, from the doorway.



Toothless was gesturing outwards, reminding the mother and son that they told everyone they’d meet them at the beach. And that they should get a move on.



Laughing at his impatience, the two began to make their way outside.



Though before he could leave, Hiccup placed his precious items on a desk.



And then he left.





And then he came running back in.



Hastily, he retrieved a pack he could wear on his waist. He tied it around himself, and placed the objects inside.



You never know when the right moment may strike…




The Madrigals were having a good time.



Here on the secluded shore, all dressed in swimwear and ready to let loose, they greeted the salty breeze and the bright sun with open arms.



Though some of this lovely weather could be attributed to Pepa. As soon as they’d entered the beach, she and Felix slipped off to hide somewhere. Like giggly teenagers, sneaking kisses in secret.



While Julieta had packed snacks, Augustin insisted that the real meal would come from him this time. He’d brought some coals, a grill, and an assortment of meats. With a blast from Julieta’s Gronckle, he got started on lunch.



She didn’t quite know if she should let her accident-prone husband handle fire, but he looked so excited about it. Julieta figured she’d let him try.



The ground crumbled and quaked, as Luisa stomped around the beach. Engaged in an action-packed volleyball game with Isabela and Camilo. The two of them together barely managing to keep up with the hulking woman.



Dolores allowed the sounds of the ocean overpower everything else, sitting serenely on the shoreline.



Antonio tried his best to replicate Valka’s tricks, gesticulating wildly in front of the dragons with vigor. It wasn’t quite working, but Mariposa pretended it did. To indulge him.



Bruno and Manuel were constructing a sand castle, for the rats. Manuel took the process a bit too seriously.



Mariano held Sofia above a small tide pool, letting her get her feet wet. When the baby noticed the critters that resided in the waters, she started trying to sing to them.



Valentina had heard Diego babble the blossoms of his first word, and all morning she and Bruno had been trying to urge him to say Mama. She was currently on a beach towel, doing just that.



And Alma sat reclined, on her own beach chair. A book in one hand, an ice-cold drink in the other, an oversized hat on her head, and her oversized dragon dozing beside her.



The Madrigals were all having a great time. Relishing this moment of relaxation, and togetherness.



Except for one.



Mirabel was on a mission, and she was determined to accomplish it.



The sand crunched between her toes, as she stood on the water’s edge. In her cobalt, one-piece swimsuit, she leaned forward. Antonio's binoculars to search the horizon.



Something was in the ocean, and making those crazy whirlpools. Alma had explicitly instructed everyone to stay away from the sea.



And whatever was causing this mess, Mirabel was going to fix it.



This was her first day as Candle Holder. Even if it was just a training exercise, she had to give it her all. She had to prove that she could handle the role that would be given to her.



There would be no fun in the sun for her, not today.



Though before she really got down to business…



She had a poem to read.



Reaching into a pocket she’d sewn onto her swimsuit, she pulled out another note from Hiccup. This one found under the courtyard’s staircase.









The jumbled message was exactly what she needed.



He always knew just what to say…



And it only served to increase her yearning.



She couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment when she decided she wanted to marry him sooner, rather than later. But it was definitely recent.



Something about Valka’s reappearance made her think about just how precious her family was to her.



And it made her realize that she wanted him as close as could be. Always. She wanted to become one with him.



She’s been dropping some rather blatant hints, so hopefully he’d pick up on them…



Refocusing on the task at hand, Mirabel initiated the first step of her plan.



She dropped to the sands, sucked in a deep breath-



And plunged her head into the waters.



Her hair billowing out from her head like a dark, curly jellyfish, the bespectacled girl searched the area for anything that looked suspicious.



Seaweed flowed with the waves, crabs skittered about, fish of all sorts rapidly darted here and there…



But there was nothing here that looked to be capable of causing those whirlpools.



Pulling her head out, and letting her wet hair fall over her face like a soaking mop, Mirabel removed a small squid that had attached itself to her nose.



She then came to a realization.



Whatever this thing was, it had to be located further out at sea. She wouldn’t find anything on the shores.



And while her abuela had told them all to steer clear of the waters…



Mirabel was the current acting Candle Holder.



She could do whatever she wanted!



She turned around and marched back towards the beach, ready to call her dragon and head out there.



And it was then that she heard a familiar shriek, and noticed the arrival of a Night Fury.



Toothless landed on the sand, Hiccup on his back. Valka and Cloudjumper followed shortly after, descending elsewhere on the shore.



Mirabel decided she could put her mission on hold, just for a moment, to greet her boyfriend.



Though a bubbly, giddy little part of her hoped he wouldn’t be just her boyfriend for much longer.



“Sorry we’re late!” Hiccup exclaimed, as he dismounted his dragon. “We had to stop on the way, because Toothless had to peeeeeeeee…”



His sentence trailed off, put on hold, when he saw Mirabel walking up to him.



In her swimsuit.



That was just a bit too tight.



The reddest of tomatoes were nothing compared to his face.



“Uh…Hiccup?” Mirabel asked, concerned for his health. “You okay?”



The thoroughly reddened man just continued to drone on, flushed and frozen.



Until a beach-ball to the head knocked him out of him stupor.



“Take it easy, lover-boy!” Camilo laughed, being the origins of the projectile. “Save it for the wedding!”



“You know, assuming you have the guts to even ask her…” He mumbled, just loud enough for everyone to hear.



Regarding the shifter with an unamused stare, Hiccup picked up the ball and lightly tossed it into the air.






At his word, the dragon smacked the ball with his powerful tail. Launching it towards Camilo, and bonking him in the nose.



“Thank you!” Hiccup said, earning a polite croon from the dragon in response.



“So…” He then turned to Mirabel. “What’d I miss?”



Still a bit worried for his wellbeing, but letting it slide, the young woman smiled.



“Dieguito’s about to start speaking…Isa, Luisa, and Milo are in a very one-sided volleyball game…” She casually spoke. “Oh, and there’s something in the ocean making life-threatening whirlpools.”



Hiccup’s eyes widened in shock.



“Woah!” He exclaimed, before hesitating for a moment.



“…Diego’s talking already?”



His bait-and-switch got the results he desired, as soon the girl was giggling.



But she then quickly regained a more serious expression.



“I’ve gotta investigate the whirlpools, and find out what’s going on.” She said.



Hiccup nodded, while adjusting the pack around his waist.



“Alright, yeah. Let’s get out there- “



“No.” Mirabel shut his idea down quickly. “Just me.”



At his confused expression, she explained her reasoning.



“This is my first day as Candle Holder! I have to prove that I can handle these problems by myself, just like Abuela did!”



Hiccup released a small groan.



“Babe, I really don’t think- “



A finger to his lips silenced his protests.



“Nope! Here’s what’s gonna happen…” She moved her finger to poke his chest. “You’re gonna go have fun with everyone else, while I figure out what the deal is!”



“Got that?” She asked, in a jovial tone that left no room for debate.



With a roll of his eyes, Hiccup agreed. “Fine…”



“But…I’m here if you need me.” He said, as he began to walk towards the rest of the family.



Mirabel watched him leave, and as soon as she was sure he wouldn’t see her…



She released the deep breath she was holding in, even having to fan herself a bit with her hand.



“Who does he think he is, walking around with abs like that?”




Something stunk.



Atop Mariposa, Mirabel flew over the ocean. Searching for any signs of the whirlpool’s origin.



And out here, above the sea…



Something smelled awful.



It wasn’t a salty scent, or a fishy scent, or anything one would associate with the deep blue.



It smelled like a buzzard’s butt had fallen off, was sprayed on by a bunch of skunks, and then dropped into the waters.



She was surprised she didn’t see the bodies of unfortunate fish, floating on the surface.



Looking down, she could see that the foul stench seemed to stem from a collection of bubbles. Rippling to the water’s surface, and releasing that putrid smell whenever they popped.



And they were moving.



The bubbles rapidly surged onwards, in the direction of an unassuming Scauldron. Peacefully swimming the day away.



Once they were close enough, the bubbles disappeared…



And were soon replaced with a massive whirlpool, appearing in mere seconds.



Mirabel released a small gasp, as her mind made the connection.



“Okay, bubbles lead to whirlpool…but why?”



But while she thought on this mystery, she had to release another gasp when she saw that the Scauldron was now trapped in the whirlpool.



Trying and failing to fight against the current, the aquatic dragon released terrified hisses. Fearing for its life.



Springing into action, Mirabel brought her dragon into a dive, soaring towards the swirling waters.



Mariposa managed to grab the young Scauldron before it was in too deep, and they swiftly pulled it to safety.



Strangely, as soon as the creature was no longer in the water, the vortex dissipated.



They let the Scauldron go, and it frantically flew elsewhere. All the while Mirabel kept her eyes locked on the sea below.



How could such a massive whirlpool appear out of nowhere, and leave just as fast?



Scrutinizing the briny blue, the bespectacled girl caught a glimpse of something.



A large shadow, rocketing through the waters.



A very reptilian shadow.



And now Mirabel had her answer.




All around him, Hiccup’s family was having fun.



Diego was getting ever closer to his first word, to Valentina’s glee. He kept babbling “Mm-Mm!” with an increasing confidence, and it seemed the promised moment was soon to arrive.



Antonio giddily soaked up Valka’s every word on dragons, and had begun to mimic her draconic movements. Lurching about on all fours, just like she did. The sight freaked Alma out.



And just in front of him, Augustin was still hard at work. Grilling with a grin.



Though his grin soon fell.



“Shoot, I think I burned this one…” He griped, holding up a cooked piece of meat with a fork.



He then held it close to Hiccup. “What do you think?”



The meat was absolutely charred, and looked more akin to ash than anything edible.



Every other food item on the grill looked the same.



From his position on the sand, leaning against a resting Toothless’ side, the young man suppressed a wince.



“Y-Yeah, just a bit…” Hiccup awkwardly answered, trying to spare his adoptive father’s feelings a tad.



With a shrug, he got started on a new set of meats.



Leaving Hiccup with his thoughts.



It seemed Mirabel had encountered another hurdle on her road to leadership. As she now believed she had to handle everything herself.



First it was that she had to give up her interests, and now this.



Where does she get these ideas?



With a small sigh, he recognized that this whole successor thing was still a challenge for her.



He could certainly relate. When he was the heir to Berk, he’d felt many of the same anxieties she was feeling.



He swore to be there for her, in whatever way he could.



…And that got him thinking about his question, and how exactly he should ask it.



With both Augustin in front of him, and Julieta relaxing on a chair beside him, Hiccup made an inquiry.



“Mom, dad?” He asked, getting both their attentions.



“So, hypothetically…what do you think Mirabel’s ideal proposal would look like?”



“Asking for a friend.” He quickly added.



The husband and wife shared a shocked glance, before they both grew knowing grins.



“And why do you want to know?” Julieta asked, a teasing quality in her voice.



“Just…y’know…curious…” Hiccup mumbled, while averting his gaze.



Wiping a charcoal-covered hand on his striped bathing suit, Augustin readied himself to answer.



“Well, I think- “



“It’s a dragon!”



From up high, Mirabel came flying back to the beach. Her voice carrying over the briny winds, drawing everyone’s focus with her shout.



“A dragon’s been making the whirlpools!” She said, as she dismounted her own flying reptile.



Antonio perked up at the idea of a new dragon.



“What’d it look like?” He asked, excitedly.



“I dunno, I didn’t get a good look at it.” Mirabel answered, to his disappointment. “But it was big, and it smelled awful.”



This description sounded familiar to Valka.



“A Submaripper…” She realized, gaining Mirabel’s attention.



“They’re large, Tidal Class dragons. They create whirlpools to catch prey, and have been known to release…smells....” She detailed. “They’re fiercely territorial.”



“Which explains why it attacks anyone who enters the water!” Hiccup said. “It considers this sea its territory!”



“B-But how’d it get here in the first place? It wasn’t here before!” Bruno asked.



In response, Camilo shrugged.



“Sometimes when we warp, we end up bringing dragons back with us without even noticing.” He answered, nonchalantly.



This only made Bruno more afraid, looking over his shoulders for surprise dragons.



Now that they knew the culprit behind the whirlpools, it was time to figure out how to stop it.



“Alright, we need to come up with a…”



Hiccup’s sentence was stopped in his tracks, when he saw that Mirabel was already mounting her dragon again.



“Woah, hey!” He cried, waking up Toothless in the process. “You can’t just walk out in the middle of planning time!”



With a sigh, Mirabel regarded her boyfriend with a stern glare.



“Remember what I said?” She asked, rhetorically. “I need to handle this. Alone.”



Hiccup was starting to get a bit annoyed. Her anxiety-born ideas were becoming dangerous.



“Oh yeah, sure. Go face the giant sea monster by yourself.” He moaned. “Makes sense.”



“Hiccup, this is what I have to do.” She replied, becoming irritated. “And I’d appreciate it if you supported me.”



He met her gaze with an exasperated frown.



“That’s what I’m trying to do.”



They kept their eyes locked onto each other, neither one wanting to back down.



Until finally, with a huff, Mirabel flew off towards the sea without another word.



The young man watched her figure become smaller as she soared further, while groaning his irritation.



She could be so…stubborn sometimes!






…Just like him.



Toothless had sidled up beside him, and the dragon gave his rider a look. Before turning back to the sea.



“Yeah…yeah we’re going, bud.” Hiccup confirmed. “We gotta help her.”



And they would help her.



Whether she liked it or not.




Flying out here to fight a sea dragon without a solid plan was not the smartest move.



But Mirabel was just so annoyed with Hiccup, she had to step away from him for a moment.



What didn’t he get?



She had to prove herself. She had to show that she was capable of leading the Encanto.



She had to do this alone, just like her abuela did.



Now hovering over the sea, Mirabel tried to think of a course of action.



She could just teleport it to Berk, but then she’d be subjecting that village to the giant sea monster. That wasn’t an option.



This thing considered the Encanto’s waters its territory. But it’s not like the miracle covered the entire ocean. After a certain point, the field of magical influence ended.



If she led this creature outside the Encanto, it’d be rendered unable to return.



Thinking on the fly, while flying, she brought her dragon downwards.



Delicately, the tips of Mariposa’s talons touch the water. Making little ripples on the surface.



And soon enough, she saw and smelled some stinky bubbles approaching.



But right before it could start its whirlpool rampage, she urged Mariposa upwards. And got her to fire several torrents of flame at the waters. To draw its attention.



It worked.



A large, turquoise head rose from the depths. Covered in warts, dark green stripes, and tipped with floppy spines of a similar color. Beady blue eyes glared daggers at the duo.



They’d drawn it out, not it was time to draw it away.



“Over here, ugly!” Mirabel hollered, while firing another burst at it.



Big dragons always seemed to respond to petty insults.



Roaring with anger, the Submaripper leapt out of the water. Its nearly forty-foot body, reaching to chomp Mariposa.



But they were too fast. They deftly dodged out of the way, and soared onwards. Intentionally flying in a straight line, so their pursuer would gain speed.



The sea creature followed, angry at the little interlopers. Biting at them with any chance it got.



Flying speedily towards the Encanto’s border, making sure the dragon was hot on their trails, they abruptly stopped at the end of the threshold.



The large dragon’s momentum should have carried it right on through to the outside world, making it no longer their problem.



But instead, it quickly turned right at the edge. As if it knew this as where the magic stopped.



Mirabel's plan had failed.



Now what?



Flying back towards the magically-protected seas, she tried to wrack her brain and figure out another solution.



But she wouldn’t get the chance, as the Submaripper was tired of waiting.



Diving back under, it opened its massive maws and created another whirlpool.



Mariposa suddenly found herself caught in the vortex, and tried her best to fly out of it.



But despite their best efforts, they were getting closer and closer to the swirling seas.



Just when it seemed they were about to become seafood…



A plasma blast fired into the whirlpool, shocking the Submaripper. And ceasing its gulping.



Now free, Mirabel flew up and away from the waters. Creating a safe distance between her and the sea beast.



And right in front if her, were Hiccup and Toothless. Antonio sitting behind the young Haddock, along with his Terrible Terrors.



Mirabel groaned.



“What part of I need to do this alone do you not get?” She asked.



“Why exactly you feel that way.” Hiccup responded, with crossed arms.



Down below, the Submaripper glared up at them. Wanting them to hurry up and leave already.



“I need to prove that I can be a good leader, just like Abuela.” Said Mirabel. “She handles all the town’s problems by herself, and I need to show the people that I can do that too!”



Fighting the urge to place a palm to his face, Hiccup sighed.



“You know why Miss Alma handled everything herself?” He questioned. “Because she had to. It was just her, three babies, and a barely developed town. There was no one around to help her.”



“You, on the other hand, have a ton of people who’d drop everything if you just asked!”



“Being a good leader doesn’t mean going it alone. Asking for help if you need it isn’t weakness. In fact, knowing your limitations is a strength.” He said. “…That was future-chief lesson sixteen, by the way.”



“I…I’m here for you, Mirabel.” Hiccup spoke, his eyes meeting hers. “I always will be.”



“We all will!” Antonio cheered.



From beneath her, Mariposa released an urging trill. Suggesting her rider allow the others to assist.



Mirabel paused, and truly considered what they just told her.



And sighed…



Before she grew a small smile.



“O-Okay!” Was all she softly said.



They immediately jumped right back into the fray, discussing how to deal with this marine menace.



“Alright, we need to either calm this guy down, or get rid of him.” Mirabel spoke. “Any ideas?”



Hiccup and Antonio grinned to each other.



“I figured we could talk it out!” Said Tonito.



Initially, Mirabel thought he meant they should talk it out with each other.



That was not the case.



The plan was for Antonio to politely ask the dragon to chill out.



It was a bit crazy, and very risky…



But it was worth a shot.



Descending down to the ocean, Antonio leaned out from Toothless’ back. Calling to the beast that swam beneath.



The sea was still.



“Hello? Mr. Submaripper?” He shouted.



The waters began rippling with movement.



“Could you please stop attacking everyone?”



Revolting gas bubbles popped to the surface.



“I mean, you’re making a lot of people uncomfortable…”



A large shadow was rapidly appearing from the depths.



“So I’d really appreciate it if you- “



Before he could finish that sentence, the dragon’s massive head jutted out of the seas. Snapping at Toothless with a ferocious bellow.



Shaking water out of his fluffy hair, Antonio sighed.



“He won’t listen to me!” Spoke the boy. “He just said…These are my waters! Get off my property, darn kids!”



The Submaripper was riled up, now.



If these intruders wouldn’t leave his turf alone, then he’d just have to keep them off the beach as well.



By force.



Starting with the family that was currently there.



With an incredible speed, the dragon started tearing towards the shore. Prepared to wreck the beach, and anyone foolish enough to stand in his way.



Jolting with fear, Mirabel and Hiccup cut through the air on their dragons. Trying to reach the coast first.



But on the way, the Submaripper’s large tail lashed out of the water. Slapping Toothless and Mariposa, and dislodging their riders. Sending them all hurtling to the seas.



But before Antonio could hit the water, his flock of six Terrible Terrors caught him.



Iggy, Lemmy, Larry, Morton, Wendy, and Roy. Named after a troop of reptilian characters from a story he loved as a small child.



Together, they latched onto the boy’s arms, legs, and back. Keeping him afloat.



Antonio frantically scanned the seas below, looking for his older cousins and their dragons.



Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the Submaripper dashing through the sea. Heading straight for his family.



To his relief, Mariposa and Toothless soon rose from the sea, dripping wet. Their soaked riders on their backs.



His Terrors deposited him onto Mariposa, and together they all examined the situation.



The Submaripper had fully submerged himself, as it swam ever closer to the shoreline. A trail of bubbles being the only indication that something was off.



They wouldn’t see him coming.



“We gotta warn everybody!” Mirabel shouted.



And so they flew. Rocketing as fast as they could to the beach.



To warn their family, and defend them if necessary.



But Antonio had another idea...




They flew faster than the beast swam, and they reached the seaside before their aquatic adversary had arrived.



But they didn’t have much time.



Thankfully, that time wouldn’t be spent explaining things to everybody. As thanks to Dolores’ hearing, they already knew something was coming.



“So what’s the plan?” Luisa asked, ready to protect her loved ones. Hercules took a defensive stance behind her.



“I say we give him the Dragon Rider special!” Camilo said.



Dolores glanced to him, confused. “What’s the Dragon Rider special?”



Leaning on Tonta’s head, he answered. “Beat him up till everything’s cool.”



Isabela glared at Valka. “Can’t you do some freaky dragon-lady thing and make him stop?”



“H-He’s much too hostile, right now. I don’t think he’d be receptive to me …” Valka replied, skittishly eyeing the waters.



Eyes turned to Alma, as they usually did in these situations.



But Alma’s eyes turned to Mirabel.



Despite how obviously frightened she was, she tried to keep her poise. And asked the girl a question in a balanced tone.



“What do you think we should do?”



And everyone followed her gaze.



The family looked to Mirabel for guidance. Direction on how to proceed.



For a moment, she quivered under their stares.



Uncertainty overtaking her, as the rolling waves signaled the incoming threat.



But she took a deep breath, regained her composure, and spoke clearly.



“We need to evacuate. Everyone get to your dragons, and head back. Hiccup and I will keep him busy while you- “






Antonio had raised his hand, feverishly trying to get Mirabel’s attention.



And when he attained her focus, he spoke again. “I’ve got an idea!”



When he explained his scheme, it didn’t get many positive reactions.



“I-I’m unsure if that would work…” Valka mumbled.



“I’m sure that it’s insane!” Isabela exclaimed.



Julieta shook her head. “That’s far too dangerous, Tonito!”



The others shared similar sentiments.



But Antonio was insistent.



“I really think it’ll work…I feel it in my gut!”



And while they were nearly unanimously against the idea…



If Mirabel agreed to it, they’d try and trust her ruling.



It was up to her.



But before anything else could happen, the ground started shaking.



The waters started bubbling.



A head started rising.



“I think we’re outta time!” Valentina yelped.



Just as she said that, the Submaripper crashed onto the shore. Drenching everyone present with a deluge of water.



And dousing the flames of Augustin’s grill, to his great sadness.



Rumbling threateningly, he eyed the dragons present on the beach. And reversed his usual process.



Instead of sucking air in, he pushed water out.



The massive quantity of water he’d inhaled was expelled out of his body in a powerful stream, washing away their dragons in a miniature tsunami. Forcing them into the forest.



They were fine, but disoriented. It would take them a moment to regain their senses.



A moment was all the leviathan needed to make his point.



With their method of escape currently out of the picture, and an angry sea monster leering at them, the Madrigals once more looked to Mirabel for guidance.



“What now?” Isabela asked, an array of plants at the ready.



Mirabel considered their options.



It looks like some of them would have to stay behind, and keep the creature occupied. While the others rushed to safety.



If that’s the way it is, then that’s the way it is.



But just as the girl was about to make the judgement call, she saw Antonio.



He was looking straight at her, with a pleading look in his big eyes.



Like he knew what to do, but would only do so with her permission.



She knew he had an idea…but could she really put him at risk?



To her right, she saw Hiccup. Who simply gave her a resolute glance.



He trusted her when it came to this decision, no matter what.



She also saw her grandmother, eyeing her with both interest and trepidation. Anxious to see just how she’d handle this situation.



And in that instance, amidst all the uncertainty she was feeling…



She went with her gut.



She looked back to Antonio, and nodded.



After a surprised look, he gave her a grateful smile, before he went ahead with his plan.



Crouching down, he tip-toed towards the dragon in an animalistic stance.



Several Madrigals tried to reach for him, but Mirabel stopped them.



“Let him do this…” She said. “Trust him…trust me…”



With frightful expressions, they decided to have faith in her judgement. Their eyes never leaving the child.



The Submaripper snarled at the boy, who was a few inches away from entering biting range.



Antonio released a brief exhale, to calm his nerves.



If he couldn’t talk to him like a person, maybe he could reach him as a dragon…



While the large dragon released a cantankerous bellow, Antonio held up his hand, and splayed his fingers out.



And after a moment…



The Submaripper dropped like a rock.



There was silence, on the beach. Pure, stunned silence…



The dragon got back up, a second later. With a much more friendly expression on his muzzle. Jovially rumbling to the family.



Antonio placed proud hands on his hips, with a wide smile. His plan had worked!



While a wave of relief washed over the Madrigals, it didn’t quell their befuddlement.



“I-I still kinda have no idea what's happening...” Bruno murmured.



Antonio shrugged. “I just convinced him to share the ocean with us. He’s willing to let people in, now.”



“Literally all you did was wiggle your fingers!” Isabela stated.



The boy countered with a smug grin.



“I have my ways!”



His hair was soon ruffled by Valka, who was chuckling.



“It seems I’ve taught you well!” She said.



Screeches and squawks from above let them know that their dragons were flying back to them, or running in Toothless’ case. Landing in front of the family with protective glares.



They were quite confused to find that everything seemed to be alright.



Pepa and Felix, who’d been absent all day, finally stepped out from the woods. Having heard the commotion.



Their clothes and hair frazzled from…whatever they were doing, they took in the odd scene in front of them.



“What the heck did we miss?” Felix asked, as Pepa manifested a nervous little drizzle.



They didn't think they'd been gone that long, but...



They were prone to getting carried away.



Alma was overjoyed.



“You’ve exhibited all the qualities a good leader should have, just in the last ten minutes!” She proclaimed, a proud grin on her face. “I knew I was right to name you my successor!”



Mirabel was beaming too, though she looked a bit shy as well.



“Gracias, Abuela! But…I didn’t do this myself.”



She shared a glance with her boyfriend, and her cousin. “I had some help!”



“Good!” Alma responded, which honestly shocked the girl.



“You’re not alone, Mirabel! Never forget that!”



Her smile only increasing, the bespectacled girl nodded.



“Wow!” Hiccup gasped, sarcastically. “You don’t have to do everything alone? That’s wild!”



“Oh, shut up!” Mirabel laughed, jabbing him in the arm.



No longer in such an irritable state, the Submaripper shoved itself back into the sea. Promising not to suck up anyone just going for a dip.



And with that taken care of, Mirabel’s first problem as acting Candle Holder was solved.



Though she’d go back to normal tomorrow.



Augustin had gotten his grill working again, and had managed to make some actual food.



It actually looked quite tasty!



In all their years together, Julieta had never seen her darling husband cook anything edible. She was immensely proud.



As the sun started to set on the horizon, the family began gathering plates and taking seats on an assortment of blankets. Enjoying the peace that had returned to the shore.



And now that things were relatively calmer, it seemed Diego had something to say.






Both Bruno and Valentina could see it on his little face, he was trying as hard as he could to speak.



“Come on, little man!” His mother encouraged. “Say Mama! Say Mama for Mama!”



Diego’s little feet were kicking up a storm, as he concentrated.






“You can do it!” Manuel cheered.



Everyone had their attentions on the youngest Madrigal, eager to see him reach such a milestone.



And finally, after a solid minute of trying, Diego triumphantly released his first coherent word into the world.











Was not the word they were expecting.



But the baby seemed quite proud of himself, repeating it over and over again with a gurgling giggle.



“ME! ME! ME!”



Valentina looked down at the baby in her arms with a puzzled expression.



But then she remembered just how desperate her son seemed to be, when it came to obtaining the spotlight.



Now he had a word, to directly demand someone’s focus.



“Yeah, this makes sense…” She sighed.



And Bruno broke into a fit of chuckles.



His snickering spread, and soon everyone present was laughing.



Because their smallest member was such an eccentric child.



And because they were all happy to be together.



And right then and there, Hiccup felt it.



This moment…



It was perfect.



A day of fun, interrupted by a dragon battle, that was rectified by off-the-wall ideas and a bit of magic. Culminating in sharing a laugh with the family.



That was basically Hiccup and Mirabel’s lives!



There was nothing that could better exemplify all the things they held dear, in his mind. No fancy dinners, or elaborate performances could compare.



This was the moment.



This was the moment.



And Hiccup was now very glad that he’d brought this fanny pack.



Because suddenly his question was the most important thing on his mind.



Mirabel was standing from their blanket, presumably to grab some seconds. In a family as big as this, such a thing was a rare commodity.



And Hiccup took this as his chance to strike.



“Hey, Mira, hold on!” He called, stopping her in place.



“What’s up?” She asked, turning to him.



Hiccup just…stood there.



He just stood there, taking her in.



Her beautiful face, bathed in the golden glow of the sunset. Her glasses reflecting the light, slightly obscuring those deep brown eyes he adored so much.



She noticed he was staring, and became slightly perplexed.






Getting himself back on track, the young man began speaking.



“I-I was just thinking…you’ve been doing such a great job as successor. And I know you’ll be even better as the actual Candle Holder!”



She grew a warm smile, at these words.



Hiccup continued, with a slightly joking tone. “And I just want you to know that I’ll always be there to support you! Whether that means backing you up, or telling you flat out if you’re wrong!”



The others were listening in on them now, and they laughed at his last statement. While Mirabel rolled her eyes.



“Seriously, though. I am completely committed to you. I am completely committed to my role as…” He hesitated, pausing for dramatic effect.



“And there’s the problem!”



The family was confused, now. Wondering just what he was talking about.



“We still don’t have a word for me!” He shrugged. “We still don’t have a word for the husband of the Candle Holder!”



Hiccup took a gulp, while he reached down to unzip his bag.



Moment of truth.



“A-And I think it’s time we changed that…”



A rapid fluttering had grasped Mirabel’s heart, a deep blush appeared on her cheeks, the butterflies in her stomach were doing somersaults.



And she dropped her plate, so her hands could fly up to her mouth-



When she saw him pull out a small, velvet box…



And get down on one knee.



Gasps broke out from around them.



Even Dolores, who’d heard the two inch increasingly close to this moment, hadn’t expected him to do this now.



The reactions were immediate.



“No way!” Luisa exclaimed.



“It’s happening…O-Oh Dios Mio, it’s happening!” Bruno frantically whispered.



“The man’s got guts after all!” Camilo snarked.



Mirabel’s quivering eyes were locked on that little box he was holding.



“Mirabel…you are, without question, the most incredible person I have ever met…” Hiccup said, voice overflowing with emotion. “I can’t imagine the rest of my life, without you in it…”



Isabela, despite how coolly she liked to carry herself, was overcome with joy. She was even starting to sniffle.



Antonio was bouncing on his feet. Happy for his cousin, and the man who would finally become his official cousin.



Valka counted herself eternally lucky that she got to witness this moment in her son’s life.



“There is nothing I want more, than to fully become part of your family. To become one, with you.”



Hiccup’s heartfelt words touched Mariano’s heart as a poet. Dolores quietly asked him if he helped write the speech, but he had to give full credit to Hiccup.



Valentina felt a vindication rise up from within her. Finally, the last of the would-be Madrigals was coming home!



Alma, who’d witnessed many proposals in her life and knew these two would be wed, was still caught off guard by this development. It was a pleasant surprise though.



“Through all of life’s ups and downs, no matter what the world throws at us, I want us to be together. Because I believe, if its you and me, we’re basically unstoppable!”



Hiccup chuckled. “You can probably guess what I’m asking, but I’m gonna ask it anyway…”



That box.



That little box, popped open.



Mirabel saw a ring.



And she nearly screamed.



Her heart pounding, her body trembling, her mind solely focused on that ring.



That ring.



That ring that would begin a new era in her life.



The ring that promised her future with Hiccup, the moment it grazed her skin.



It was time.



It was finally time.



After years of dating, surviving both the mundane and the impossible…



Hiccup asked her the question.



“Mirabel Madrigal…will you make me the luckiest, happiest man alive…and do me the honor of becoming my wife?”



“To put it shortly…”



“Will you marry- “






The very next instant, Hiccup was on the ground.



Tackled to the sands. Enveloped in a crushing, flying hug from Mirabel.



And that’s when the cheers started.



Uproarious, wild cheering from every Madrigal, Valka, and even the dragons.



They raised their voices high, higher than ever before for some, as the moment they’d waited for had arrived.



Truly, this was a wonderful occasion.



Pepa fell to her knees, clutching Felix with all her might, while crying to the heavens.






She was so incredibly happy, a double rainbow appeared in the now gorgeous afternoon sky.



Julieta and Augustin shared an impassioned embrace, both weeping merrily at the news.



Manuel and Sofia were both filled with happiness. And even Diego, who was usually annoyed if anyone else was the center of attention, clapped his little hands with glee.



Standing up, their bodies now covered in sand, Mirabel found it very hard to stand still.



“Put it on! Put it on! Put it on!” She squealed, while hopping in place.



“I’m trying!” Hiccup laughed.



Finally, he got a hold of her quivering hand. And placed the ring on her finger.



A golden loop, with a beautiful teal diamond resting at its peak.



And she almost cried.



Then, Hiccup brought out his mother’s old betrothal gift. That he’d transformed into a necklace.



“I know it’s old, and kinda rusty…but I always hoped that one day, I’d give it to the girl I wanted to marry…so- “



Before Hiccup had a chance to finish, she snatched it up. Hastily placing it around her neck.



She looked down at the dented, faded piece of bronze.



And she did cry.



It didn’t matter what it looked like.



It’s what it meant, that was important.



And this busted little medallion meant that she was marrying the love of her life.



So it was beautiful to her.



“I-I love it!” She sobbed, overflowing with joyous tears.



And try as he might to fight it, droplets were appearing in Hiccup's eyes as well.



Slathered in sand, dripping with sweat, seawater and tears, and insurmountably happy…



They shared a lovestruck kiss.



The first kiss of their engagement.



And even more cheers were had.



The celebrations lasted for hours, everyone was positively elated.



Now that they couldn’t hound them about proposing, the Madrigals got to hound the couple about weddings plans.



Toothless and Mariposa didn’t even know what a wedding was, but they could feel their riders’ energy. And so they were ecstatic too, bounding around the beach with fervor.



And already, less than twenty minutes after the engagement, there were talks of children.



Valka was quite shocked to learn that her future grandchild would be magical too.



Soon enough, the sun had finished setting. As much as they wanted this jubilant night to last forever, it was time to go home.



Besides…if it lasted forever, they’d never get to the actual wedding.



They headed back into town. The Madrigals went in one direction, and Hiccup in another.



But they knew.



They knew this was one of the last times this would happen.



Soon, Hiccup’s home would be Casita.



With the rest of his family.



After five years, finally…






Hiccup would truly become a Madrigal.




Under the cover of night, darkness shrouding their movement, with only the light of the moon granting a glimpse of their positions…



There were intruders on Berk.



Two people, a man and a woman, snuck through the Berkian forests.



One, the finest trapper alive. The other, a silent huntress.



Wheeling a very heavy wagon through the dark and dense woodland, Eret, Son of Eret and Arnapkapfaaluk put their plan into motion.



They’d sent a scout, to find the best location on the island for their purposes. Now wielding a marked map, Arny led her companion to their destination.



Struggling to keep the wobbly wagon full of dragon eggs steady, Eret tried to make conversation.



“Sheesh, those Whispering Deaths work fast! We put ‘em together and just a few days later…Boom! Wagon full of eggs.”



“Horniest dragons I’ve ever seen…” He mumbled.



Arny sent him a quiet look, requesting he shut up.



“Oh, excuse me for wanting to talk to my little sister…” Eret griped.



Another look, this one harsher.



Eret rolled his eyes. “Right, you’re not my sister.”



“It’s not like my father found you, drifting at sea, when you were just a girl. It’s not like we were raised alongside each other. It’s not like we stayed up late, sharing secrets and talking about our dreams…”



Arny released a soundless groan, and shot him an exasperated glare.



“I’m whiny?” Eret asked, aghast. “Did you just call me- “



She held a hand to his face, to silence him.



“Don’t you shush me!” He protested.



But with another scowl, and a point, Arny got her real message across.



They were here.



After kicking away a few leaves, deliberately placed to conceal something, they found it.



A hole, in the dirt.



Big enough for someone to fit through, but it would be a tight squeeze.



They were informed by their scout that this hole led to a hidden cavern lying just under the ground. One unlikely to be discovered.



The perfect place to hide Whispering Death eggs. If one intended to have them hatch in secret, and destroy an island from the inside, that is.



That’s exactly what Eret and Arny intended.



They quickly got to work, placing each of the eggs into the hole as gently as possible. An egg shattered is a Dragon Rider that goes unmaimed.



As they continued the monotonous activity, the huntress couldn’t help but think of the current focus of her hatred.



That dragon riding plant witch.



That smug glint in her brown eyes. Her stupid, impractical flowing hair. The fact that she smelled of lavender, instead of a dead fish.



How she used witchcraft and trickery, instead of fighting like a real warrior.



Everything about her was infuriating.



Arny hadn’t been bested in battle for twenty years. Which is impressive, considering she’s twenty-four.



She’d intended to keep the streak going until the end of her life. She had her last words picked out and everything, for when she finally broke her vow of silence at the climax of a long and victorious existence.



And that obnoxious witch had come so close to ruining everything.



She had to pay.



Arnapkapfaaluk, she who strikes fear into the hearts of hunters, would make her feel true pain.



“Er, Arny?”



Brought out of her violent fantasizing, the woman looked over to Eret. Who was eyeing the last egg in the wagon oddly.



“I think something’s wrong with this one…”



She walked over herself, to take a peek.



It looked similar to all the other Whispering Death eggs, a white shell, covered in spots. But there were two major differences.



First of all, the spots were red. As opposed to a dull grey.



And secondly, it was nearly triple the size of the others.



“It might be a dud…” Eret proposed. “A very big dud.”



In response, Arny just shrugged.



“Really? Childhood obesity?” Eret repeated, with a deadpan stare.



Losing her patience, Arny sharply gestured to the hole.



“Alright, alright! Geez…” Eret picked up the egg, which was considerably heavier, and placed it into the cavern.



Their job complete, the two hurried to leave the isle of Berk.



And they left with a devious excitement in their hearts.



Because Whispering Deaths grew fast.



In a matter of days, once the eggs have hatched…



There wouldn’t be an isle of Berk.