80. Fond Farewell

The vast, open, endless sky…



Was getting old.



Here in this expanse of clouds, Toothless was on the hunt.



With his new automatic tail-fin, he could finally keep up with the Light Fury.



Now he just had to find the Light Fury.



This has been a recurring theme in his life, recently.



He’d spent a good ten minutes, searching the skies around his humans’ friends’ Honeymoon island. Calling out to her as loudly as possible.



But he never received an answer.



At one point, he thought he’d found her.



He surged forth to meet her, rumbling with glee-



Only to discover it was his shadow, against a large cloud.



He was literally jumping at shadows.



Somehow, this has also become a recurring theme in his life.



The dragon was seriously considering calling it quits, or at least taking a break.



But then he heard something.



An explosion, to his right.



A burst of plasma.



He immediately looked in that direction, and saw nothing.



But he knew her. She liked to disappear.



If he heard something, then he had to check it out.



Drifting over to the suspicious area, he swiveled his head this way and that. Trying to find wherever she may be hiding.



And as he did so, a figure appeared from beneath him.



A white dragon, who’s scales sparkled in the midday sun, rose up out of the sea of clouds.



The Light Fury had arrived.



She seemed quite surprised to see him, up here. She thought he couldn’t fly.



Catching onto her question, he looked back to his new tail-fin.



Waving the fins around with glee, and even doing a midair roll. Just because he could.



The white dragon was still unsure as to how he’d managed to regain his flight, but she was also very happy.



Because now they could really have some fun.



With an inviting croon, she twirled around him. Before diving onwards, leading him to their next date.



Flapping his wings, Toothless rushed to keep up with her.



She was just as fast as he was!



Following her lead, he soon arrived at a massive cyclone. Clouds whirling in a tight rotation, rumbling with thunder and crackling with lightning.



It reminded him of the storm that brought himself and Hiccup to the Encanto, all those years ago.



Heading into the whirlwind, the dark clouds periodically glowing with purple electricity, the Light Fury wanted to show Toothless something.



She shot a blast outwards, and flew into it. Disappearing, as she often did.



When she reappeared, she looked to the dark dragon expectantly.



It was his turn to try.



With an excited chuff, he gave it a go.



Building up a burst within his throat, he let it loose. Before flying into the resulting explosion.



But it didn’t work. He was still just as visible as ever.



Briefly overtaken by panic, Toothless hastily checked his new prosthetic. He huffed with relief, when he saw that it was still intact.



He decided to give it another shot, but it was as successful as his first.



He then tried once more.



No dice.



With a dejected snort, he resigned himself to the fact that he’d probably never learn this trick.



But then his eyes met his white-scaled companion, still looking to him hopefully. Like she knew he could do it.



And that’s when one of nature’s most unbreakable principles took effect.



For as long as there’s been life on this earth, one rule has held firm.



If a male found someone he really liked…



He would go to stupid lengths to try and look impressive.



Donning a determined glower, his scales glowing a bright blue, Toothless mustered up all the energy from within himself.



With a wicked shriek, he managed to channel the lightning from the storm.



It surged around his body, offsetting his deep black scales with sparks of white.



In this moment…



He truly looked like the unholy offspring of lightning and death itself.



Just as soon as the light show started, it was over. In a flashy spark, the electricity disappeared.



Along with Toothless.



The Light Fury ceased her flight, and hovered in place. For once, she was the one looking for him.



The Night Fury soon reappeared, with a dopey look on his face.



Burping a cloud of smoke, he began to drift out of the air.



That stunt took a lot out of him.



But he looked awesome in front of a girl, so it was totally worth it.



Chirping excitedly, the white dragon moved to catch him on he back. Before he fell.



Jostling him, to wake him out of his stupor, she then soared upwards. Crooning with elation.



She knew he could do it!



Even if his methods were…unorthodox.



Flying up and out of the storm, they found themselves high in the air. Above the setting sun.



Snout to snout.



He looked into her blue eyes, she looked into his green ones…



And he licked her.



A small lick, barely a little peck.



And she swooned.



Soaring down to the seas, under a golden evening sky, they flew parallel to each other.



They glided a little closer, for a very important reason.



They wanted to touch wing tips.



Toothless was positively brimming with joy.



This felt like a dream!



But his happiness soon turned into confusion, when he saw where the white dragon was leading him next.



A massive cloud of mist and fog, stationed over the ocean.



The Light Fury led then took Night Fury into the shroud.



There was something else she wanted to show him…




Left, then right.



Then left, and then right.



Left again, and right again.



Sometimes he’d go right to left.



Hiccup was in the middle of a furious pacing session, stepping back and forth on the grass outside their cabin.



His hair frazzled, his movements frantic, and his eyes filled with anxiety.



Mirabel and Mariposa leaned against a wall, watching him go. Both with bemused expressions.



“You’re gonna pace a hole into the ground…” Mirabel snarked.



Hearing this, the man decided to just stand still.



But staying still seemed like it’d be a hard task, as he was now fidgeting on his feet. Biting his knuckles in his nervousness.



And then Hiccup started rambling.



“He should be back…” He uttered, his voice shaking. “I said be back by sundown and its sundown but he’s not back why isn’t he back?”



He was speaking quickly, almost too quickly to comprehend his words.



“Something’s wrong…” He decided. “Something’s definitely, definitely wrong…”



This was the longest he and his dragon had been apart since…the moment they became friends, actually.



They were a pair, a package deal, completely and utterly inseparable!



And while he’d given the dragon his blessing to go off with his lady friend, the newest Madrigal hadn’t anticipated the storm of anxiety such a distance would produce within himself.



“W-What if the tail broke? What if he needs me? What if- “



Mirabel figured she’d put an end to his panicked questions, or he’d keep asking them all through the night.



“Would you relax?” She requested. “He’s probably having the time of his life!”



Hiccup swiveled to face her, fear written all over his face.



“Well how would we know!? She’s never around!” He yelped. “And when she is, she’s always rushing off!”



Mirabel had to giggle at his frantic mannerisms, which only made him more agitated.



“How are you not more worried about this!?” He questioned. “Our boy is out there, with a dragon we know nothing about! She’s so wild, and skittish, and-and…”



“And y’know what? I’m just gonna say it..” Hiccup crossed his arms. With a disapproving look. “I don’t trust her.”



Mirabel’s giggles turned into full-on belly laughter.



If this is what he was like with Toothless, she couldn’t wait to see what would happen when they had kids.



But she then sighed, and really tried to calm her husband’s fears.



“Hiccup, I understand that you’re just trying to look after him…” She began. “But you gotta trust him. He’s a big dragon, who can make his own decisions!”



“Toothless doesn’t need you for everything.”



Hiccup’s frenzied breathing relaxed, and his pupils ceased their quivering.



With a deep exhale, he nodded.



“Y-You’re right…you’re right…” Hiccup admitted.



“He’s his own creature, with his own wants and needs…I can't treat him like a puppy...”



Taking a seat on the porch, he ran a hand through his hair. Before sighing again.



All that mattered, is if Toothless was happy.



“I just…I gotta trust him…”



Mirabel took a seat next to him, leaning on his side. Her head tucked snuggly beside his neck. And Hiccup moved his arm to wrap around her.



They stayed like that for a while, just listening to the other’s breathing. And watching the fireflies float aimlessly.



But then, Hiccup saw something.



Furrowing his brow, he stood from his seated position. Walking over to where his workbench was stationed nearby.



His wife and her dragon watched him with mild interest.



He bent down, reaching through the grass. And his fingers found a screw.



A small, black screw. Unremarkable in every way.



And his heart exploded with fear.



This screw was part of the automatic tail-fin. Every little piece helped maintain its mechanisms.



If even one thing was out of place, the whole device could fall apart.



And if it fell apart mid-flight…



Jolting to his feet, he quickly ran back to the cabin. Already in a cold sweat.



“We have to go!” He frantically cried. “We have to find Toothless!”



Mirabel exhaled, growing a bit exasperated.






“No, no, no! Look!” The man shoved his hand right in her face, making her flinch back.



She eyed the screw he was holding with a perplexed look.



“This is part of the new tail-fin!” He explained. “I-It must’ve fell out while he was bouncing around!”



“He could be in danger! We have to find him!”



Mirabel’s own eyes shot open, feeling a surge of fear herself.



Without another word, the two hopped onto Mariposa. And they took off, in search of their draconic friend.



Before it was too late.




Stormcutter’s weren’t Tracker Class dragons, but most dragons had a decent sense of smell.



Especially if the scent the dragon was following belonged to their friend of four years.



With Mariposa’s nose as their guide, the newlyweds were on the hunt for Toothless.



Under the starry night, the northern lights dancing amongst the clouds, they soared over the vast ocean.



The Stormcutter drifted this way and that, but she didn’t seem lost. She appeared to be heading straight for…something.



If only they knew what.



“Where’s she taking us?” Hiccup asked.



Mirabel reached down, and caressed one of her dragon’s frills.



“She’s picking up on something…” She said, before adding a mutter. “Aren’t you, girl?”



Hiccup looked around them, trying to see just what she was so focused on.



“There’s nothing but miles and miles of…”



His sentence was cut off, by his dropping jaw.



Whatever Mariposa’s destination was supposed to be, they’d clearly arrived.



A massive shroud of mist and fog, hovering over the sea.



They could hear the water rushing deep down. But to what or where, they didn’t know.



However, they were about to find out.



Flying into the mist, they discovered what looked to be a positively monumental hole. Just sitting on the ocean. As if a God had taken a heavenly knife, and cut out a piece of the world.



Massive, spiky pillars of stone jutted out from the pit, and wrecked ships could be seen littered about the rim.



Hiccup and Mirabel tried looking into the depths, but it went impossibly far down. Not to mention it was dark out. There was nothing to be seen, up here.



Mariposa circled the hole’s perimeter, while her passengers continued to gawk at it.



But while Mirabel was speechless, Hiccup had something to say.



“A great waterfall…at the end of the world…” He whispered.



Mirabel looked to him, confused.



“Dad-uh, Berk Dad, used to tell me about an old mariner’s myth…” He explained. “A secret land, at the edge of the world, where all dragon’s come from…”



“He called it a…Hidden World…”



Before either of them were able to ask any more questions, or tell any more stories, the Stormcutter now was the time to take the plunge.



Without any warning, she dove down into the depths. Her riders screaming all the way.



The waters wet their hair, the mist fogged up Mirabel’s glasses…



But they soon found themselves out of the waterfalls, and in the middle of a colossal cavern. The crashing waters, echoing throughout the chamber.



Mariposa seemed to really be sensing something, as she started to sniff around intently. Her eyes, darting left and right.



She flew onwards, taking them into a dark cave.



So dark, that they could no longer see anything. Not even their own hands.



Hiccup held Mirabel’s midsection a bit tighter.



But just as quickly as the darkness came, it was soon illuminated.



They entered another cavern, this one filled with a lake. The lake glowed an otherworldly blue, thanks to the phenomenon known as bioluminescence.



The newlyweds were about to become very familiar with this phenomenon.



The glowing lake led them to a veritable forest of towering stalagmites, each one covered in glowing fungi of differing shades of blue, green, and purple.



The mushrooms weren’t the only thing that started glowing.



The couple looked down in surprise, as Mariposa’s scales began shining a bright gold. Almost mystical looking patterns, glimmering on her skin.



But this wasn’t like Toothless’ powered-up form, this was something different.



This was a reaction to the bioluminescent landscape. A connection to this world, engrained into every one of her cells.



The two gasped in awe, both at the Stormcutter, and at what they saw next.



Flying out of the rock pillars, they were finally allowed a good view of their current location.



And both their eyes shined with an insurmountable wonder.



This wasn’t just a cave or a cavern, they were in.



This wasn’t a nest, built into a volcano or fashioned out of ice.



This was an entire world, populated solely by dragons.



Reptiles soared all around, each one of them glowing as well.



Litters of eggs were lined up on comfy looking rock formations, and they’d occasionally light up. Allowing peeks at the growing lizards inside.



Weaving through more luminous stalagmites, they found themselves amongst a swarm of Fireworms. That almost seemed like a troop of living stars, the way they twinkled around the riders.



Mirabel raised her hand up, her mouth forming a wide smile. And a few of the miniscule dragons even stopped to rest on her fingers for a moment.



There were truly no words that could describe this place, it was positively incredible.



It looked like something out of a fairy tale, or a dream.



But it was real.



And it was beautiful.



“It really does exist…” Hiccup whispered. Completely enraptured.



Gliding onwards, the glowing effect seemed to wear off. As their next location was sufficiently lit-up with mountainous crystals.



The caverns ceiling was adorned with colorful coral, and ginormous mushrooms served as platforms.



Coming in for a landing on one of the mushroom floors, Hiccup and Mirabel dismounted the Stormcutter. Still looking around with a childlike fascination, taking in the enchanting sights and sounds.



And then Hiccup turned a crystalline corner.



And he found him.






The Night Fury was flying around the fungal jungle, along with the Light Fury. Neither of them seeming to have a care in the world.



Hiccup was immediately overtaken with worry, flying is something Toothless should not be doing.



He clutched his bag of tools that he’d brought, and made to move forwards. But a hand on his arm stopped him.



“Get down…” Mirabel whispered, looking to all the various lizards around the area. “You might spook them.”



Luckily, Toothless didn’t stay in the air for much longer. He and his mate touched down onto one of the crystal formations, and began nuzzling and nudging each other.



Hiccup saw it.



The way they were engaging with each other, the way they moved around each other, the way they crooned and warbled and purred to each other…



The way they just looked at each other…



And he felt a crushing, devastating feeling in his heart.



If he was standing, instead of crouching, he may have fallen over from the wave of despair.



Because he knew. He knew for certain.



Toothless would be happy here.



Toothless would be happy with her.



But she wouldn’t bother with him, or any other humans.



Toothless would be caught in the middle.



He wouldn’t make his dragon have to choose. He’d make it easy for him.



Hiccup would let Toothless go.



As soon as he was able, he’d fix the tail-fin. And then he’d release the Night Fury into the wild, to be free.



And it would hurt. It would probably hurt for the rest of his days.



But all that mattered, is if Toothless was happy.



And if Hiccup was an obstacle in the pursuit of that happiness, then he’d remove himself from the equation.



With a shuddering, heartbroken sigh, he accepted this new reality.



The reality where he’d be without his best friend.



Mirabel saw this, and sent him a very concerned glance.



Neither of them noticed the giant reptile creeping behind them.



Not until they were too late to properly react.



A Rumblehorn had spotted them, and it was not happy with them.



The stocky dragon approached with heavy stomps, snorting irritably through its nostrils.



They backed away, until they were up against a crystal cliff. With nowhere else to go.



“Miercoles…” Mirabel swore.



Hiccup tried to show they weren’t a threat, and brought out his palm.



But the Rumblehorn was not in the mood, and sent an echoing bellow throughout the area. Alerting its fellow dragons of the intruders.



Deciding that plummeting would be better than being burned alive, the newlyweds jumped over the side of the cliff. Sliding down its smooth surface.



“Mariposa!” Mirabel cried.



All the dragons present viewed the madness with shock, and confusion.



Especially Toothless.



He had to move quickly, he couldn’t command these dragons like he could the ones back home. He wouldn’t be able to stop them from hurting his friends.



With a beat of his mighty wings, he took off into the subterranean jungle, weaving through the frenzied flock to assist his companions.



The Light Fury stayed where she stood, watching him go with trepidation.



The young couple had to lurch their bodies left and right, to dodge chomping jaws and grabbing talons, as they were carried down the curving gemstone slide.



Once at the bottom, they broke into a run. The Rumblehorn hot on their heels.



“Go! Go!” Hiccup urged, as they ran into a cave of gems.



Toothless shoved dragons out of his path, pushing out of the pack, and rocketed into the cave.



Whizzing past the Rumblehorn, he plucked both his friends safely into his paws.



Mariposa had caught up, and the Night Fury deposited Mirabel onto her back. While he kept a tight grip on Hiccup.



Taking a few hasty turns to lose the trails of the frantic flock, they managed to evade any more detection.



And so their dragons flew them out of this mesmerizing land.


One very reluctantly.




Back in the cold night air, the group was flying back to Honeymoon Island.



But Toothless obviously had his mind elsewhere.



His eyes were unfocused, seeing things only he could see.



It didn’t take a genius to realize what he was thinking about.



Who he was thinking about.



And that only made Hiccup all the more determined to fix his friend’s tail, and finally turn him loose.



And that crushing, devastating feeling overtook Hiccup again. Briefly forgotten, in the earlier chaos.



But it was what he had to do.



It wouldn’t take long, to reach the island. Once they’d arrived, he’d get to work on the tail-fin.



But as they soared, trouble arose.



Toothless jolted with surprise, when he noticed his prosthetic acting wonky.



The fin, opening and closing erratically. Against his will.



It was causing him to sway in the air uncontrollably, and no matter how much he tried to control it, it kept spasming.



Until finally, just as Hiccup feared, it burst apart. Exploding into nuts, bolts, and screws. The fin falling uselessly off Toothless’ tail.



And now, Toothless was falling as well.



With a panicked shriek, the Night Fury began dropping to the waters below. Inadvertently letting go of Hiccup in the process.



Mirabel immediately tried to dive down and save them, but she was stopped by a burst of flame.



A Rumblehorn was chasing them, grumbling with anger.



It was the same one from before. Back to start more trouble.



The bespectacled girl tried to ignore it, her husband and his dragon were more important.



But the Rumblehorn was unrelenting, and surprisingly speedy for such a stocky dragon. It intercepted their every move.



But just when the beast was charging another blast, an explosion of plasma struck it from behind.



The Light Fury whizzed past it, flying alongside Mirabel, and growled threateningly at the creature.



Dazed, confused, and far too tired for this, the Rumblehorn finally conceded. Drifting back into the massive hole in the sea.



The threat apprehended, the white dragon eyed Mirabel with suspicion. Ready to flit away at the slightest provocation.



But Mirabel regarded her with a gentle smile.



“I owe you one!”



A yelping scream reminded them that the boys were still hurtling to the deep blue.



The Light Fury was very confused, seeing her mate not flying again.



What had happened?



But as Mirabel surged forth, the Fury decided she’d figure that out later. And she dove after the girl, the both of them in pursuit of the duo.



In the middle of their fall, Hiccup was able to scramble onto Toothless’ back.



They’ve had so many close-calls, they were used to catching up to each other.



“I got you, bud! I got you!” Hiccup shouted.



Reaching into his bag, Hiccup pulled out Toothless' usual tail-fin. Covered in Madrigal iconography.



He’d questioned if he should even bring this, assuming it wouldn’t have a use, but he figured it wouldn’t hurt to have a plan B.



And he was so glad that he did.



He affixed it to the dragon’s flailing tail, but that wouldn’t be enough. It wasn’t hooked up to the saddle, there were no pedals and pulleys to control.



He would have to do this manually.



But that would be no issue. He knew the tail positions by heart at this point.



Grabbing the fin with his hands, he splayed it out. Immediately ceasing their fall.



He then tilted it inwards, allowing them to ascend.



And finally, he moved it to the basic position. Letting them glide the rest of the way back.



Hiccup breathed a sigh of relief.



For all there close-calls, that one was awfully close.



Mariposa flapped up to them.



“You guys okay?” Mirabel asked, more than a little worried.



From his seat on the Night Fury’s tail, facing backwards, he grinned.



“What took you so long?” He asked, sarcastically.



“That Rumblehorn was a huge pain in the butt…” Mirabel groaned, before gesturing backwards. “But we had some help!”



Looking to where she was pointing, Hiccup saw…






Nothing but more ocean, and the night sky.



But Mirabel had the distinct feeling that they were being followed.




They made it back to Honeymoon Island.



Toothless gazed out into the horizon, back towards that land of mystery and wonder.



Back towards her.



But he couldn’t go back for her, right now. Not with his tail in its current state.



The automatic tail-fin was not only completely busted, it was also completely lost. Drifting somewhere they’d never find it, in that endless ocean.



“Don’t worry, I-I’ll get started on a new one. As soon as possible…” Hiccup said, more sullenly than intended.



His eyes shifted downwards, locking onto his feet. “And then…then you can go. With her.”



The sheer sadness in his tone shocked those present, shaking Toothless out of his gazing.



He sent a concerned croon towards his friend, with an inquiring head-tilt.



Hiccup shook his own head.



“No, no…don’t worry about me.” He softly pleaded. “You don’t have to worry about me anymore.”



He leaned down, looking the dragon straight in the eyes.



“You have done so much for me. It’s time I returned the favor…”



The night breeze ruffling her curls, Mirabel was growing confused.



“Hiccup, what are you talking about?”



The man gave another sigh, before answering.



“The Light Fury hates humans, and she lives in the Hidden World. Which is filled with dragons who also hate humans.”



“I don’t see any way she’s gonna want to hang around us.” He spoke, a somber quality in his voice. “So the only way she and Toothless can be together…is if he stays here…”



Mirabel’s eyes widened in shock, as did her dragon’s.



“W-Wait!” She demanded. “Hold on!”



“Are you seriously suggesting we just leave Toothless here?”



His sad eyes hardened into a determined glare.



“If he’ll be happy here, then yes.” He replied.



Mirabel placed her hands on her hips, and regarded her husband with a glare of her own.



“But he’s not just happy here!” She reminded him. “He loves it back home! He loves our family!”



“And our family loves him! I mean…how would Antonio feel, if he never saw Toothless again?”



That question made Hiccup wince, the thought bringing a fresh wave of misery to his already saddened mind.


Mirabel still had more to say.



“What about me?” She asked. “You know I love him! I’ve known him almost as long as you!”



“What about Mariposa? They’re best friends!” The Stormcutter beside her trilled in agreement.



“Not to mention that he’s the Encanto’s alpha!” She then said. “Is he supposed to just abandon his position?”



Hiccup wished he had solid, coherent answers to these questions.



But he truly didn’t.



“I just…I just want him to be happy…” Hiccup admitted.



Mirabel softened her glare.



“I know you do, I do too. But I don’t know if separating him from everyone and everything he loves is the way to do that.”



Hiccup began gesturing out to the horizon, where the Hidden World lied.



“B-But what about the Light Fury? What- “



Frantic sniffing cut off whatever Hiccup was about to say.



Toothless had his nose to the air, smelling around for something.



Toothless couldn’t entirely understand their conversation, but he knew it involved him.



It involved him staying here, with his mate. Or going home with his family.



And the decision was freaking him out. Because he really just could not choose.



Whenever he found himself leaning towards one option, the other would start screaming at him.



It was even starting to affect him physically, his breathing becoming heavier. His pupils shrinking from the stress.



How was he supposed to pick between the ones he loved?



How was he supposed to pick between his best friend, and his soul mate?



As the dragon’s mind was working into overtime, trying to make sense of this impossible decision…



He caught wind of a familiar scent.



All eyes turned to the Night Fury, as he feverishly surveyed the area with his nostrils.



His nose directed him towards a large patch of tall, swaying grass.



And if he squinted, he could see a white head hiding amongst the plants. With big, blue eyes.



Their eyes shot open, everyone filled with a pleasant surprise.



“She followed us back!” Hiccup shouted, as a black blur zipped by him.



Toothless wasted no time, running over to her with a gleeful pant. The two began pouncing and frolicking with each other immediately, earning chuckles from the humans present.



But then, the Light Fury did something unexpected.



Dislodging herself from the two-dragon pile, she began stalking over to Hiccup. Skepticism in her gaze.



She knew humans, she’d heard the stories from those who ventured far outside. She knew they weren’t to be trusted.



When she followed her mate out of their homeland, she was distressed to find that he’d somehow lost his flight. And was falling to his doom.



But that distress turned into shock, when she saw the human male helping him. Saving him from his demise, and even finding a way to get him flying again.



Not only that, but the particularly fluffy human female seemed intent on helping him too. If only that Rumblehorn hadn’t gotten in the way…



And for whatever reason, her mate really seemed fond of these humans. Yammering on about a “Hiccup” and a “Mirabel” and other such things.



Something wasn’t making sense here. She needed answers.



And so she was here to get them.



Nobody moved an inch, knowing any sudden motions would scare the skittish dragon away.



They just let her approach, stalking out of the grass slowly and meticulously.



Hiccup was the nearest, so she went to him first. Slowly circling him, smelling him for any whiff of bad intentions.



She found none, which only served to confuse her more.



Settling in front of him, she sat on her hind legs. Raising to her full height.



Partly for intimidation, but also so she could get a good look at his eyes.



She expected malice, or greed, or a disregard for any life other than his own.



What she saw was kindness, selflessness, and an overwhelming love for dragon-kind.



Hiccup was trying very hard not to sweat, both out of excitement and fear.



This moment would make or break his future with his friend.



Deliberately, making sure his every movement could be followed, he brought out his hand.



The Light Fury immediately began growling, leaning back with a distrustful look in her eye.



And suddenly, Hiccup was fifteen again. He was in that cove.



And so he did now what he did then.



The gesture that started it all.



He splayed out his palm, averted his gaze, and surrendered his trust to her.



No longer growling, the white dragon ogled the man’s palm.



Just…looking at it.



It was just a human’s hand...and yet…



She didn’t entirely know why, but…



She kind of wanted to touch it.



Everyone waited with bated breath, for the next move.



Hiccup could feel her hot breath on his hand, but he made no more movements.



And after a good nine seconds, framed against the full moon-



She pushed her snout into his palm.



And she felt it.



She didn’t know what it was, but she felt it.



And she knew this human was okay.



Hiccup released a short, disbelieving laugh. Turning his head to look at her.



She stepped back, falling down onto four feet.



She wasn’t bouncing around him or anything, but she was giving him a much more relaxed look. With the faintest hints of curiosity.



Toothless, on the other hand, was bouncing around.



He wouldn’t have to choose! Everything would be okay!



He tackled Hiccup, bringing him to the ground. Slobbering all over his best friend.



Mirabel approached, a soft grin on her features. Flanked by Mariposa.



The calmed dragon allowed the girl to crouch to her level, and even received a few chin scratches.



“I was hoping you’d come around!” Mirabel said, elated at the new development.



Hiccup felt a weight on his very soul being lifted.



That crushing, devastated feeling dissipated entirely. And was replaced with nothing but warmth.



It was even kind of funny.



A day after he’d gotten married, his best friend found a mate.



It was poetic, in a sense.



Mariposa trilled a peppy greeting, always happy to make a new friend. Though she was soon enraptured by the dragon’s sparkling scales, and ended up staring for far longer than comfortable.



But for as amazing as this was, it was terribly cold out here.



“Alright, come on guys!” Hiccup called, already heading back to their lodgings. “We're going home in the morning!”



The dragons began to follow, even the Light Fury, at Toothless’ urging.



Mirabel grinned to the white dragon.



“Trust me, Nubless. You’re gonna love it!”



And that made Hiccup stop in his tracks.



Slowly turning to her, he asked his wife a confounded question.






Mirabel shrugged.



“She needed a name.” She said.



“Okay but…why Nubless?” Hiccup questioned.



The woman gestured to the dragon’s head, specifically at her number of ear-flaps.



“She’s got less nubs than Toothless!”



At this, Hiccup grew a bemused expression.



It was among the silliest names for a dragon he’d ever heard.



But strangely enough, the white dragon seemed to like it.



Every time the word was uttered, she’d perk up. And it didn’t go unnoticed.



“Do you like it? Nubless?” Mirabel asked.



To which the dragon gave a cheerful chirp, which confirmed the question.



“Then Nubless it is!” Mirabel declared, sending a very smug smirk to her husband.



But for as baffled as Hiccup was…



He was just too happy to care.



If she wanted to be called Nubless, then that was fine by him.



With a carefree shrug, he accepted the name.



Now back at the cabin, Toothless, Mariposa, and the freshly dubbed Nubless sleeping outside, the newlyweds were lying in bed.



“Tomorrow’s the day…” Mirabel yawned. “We’re heading back home. Starting our new lives together!”



Her tone was tired, but it still carried excitement.



Hiccup drowsily nodded.



“Our Honeymoon was a bit more hectic than I thought it’d be…” He chuckled. “But at least it all turned out okay.”



Mirabel hummed her agreement.



“Yeah…I kinda wish we had a bit more time to ourselves though…”



The two were silent, for a moment. Realizing that once the sun rose, they’d be back amongst their loud and overly nosey family.



With very little opportunities for privacy.



And a thought struck them both.



Mirabel shifted her position, to look at her husband, and asked a very simple question.



“You up for round two?”



At first, he had no idea what she was talking about. His mind still a bit frayed from earlier events.



But when he finally understood…



An eager smirked wormed its way onto his face. One she soon shared.



Once the sun rose, they’d be back in the Encanto. Biding a fond farewell to Honeymoon Island, and the Hidden World.



They had a few more hours of alone time.



They were going to enjoy it.




Hiccup and Mirabel were surprised to find everyone waiting for them.



Flashing back to the Encanto, the whole family was standing on that hill. Their heads raised to the skies, eager to spot their arrival.



Once they could be seen, drifting down from the clouds, they were met with loud greetings.



Though the Madrigals soon fell silent, when they noticed the extra dragon they came with.



Everyone ogled her with confusion, and curiosity. Especially considering how similar she looked to another dragon they knew.



The sight of a new species had Antonio bouncing on his feet.



“We found a new friend!” Mirabel cheerily said, as they all landed.



The Light Fury, Nubless, was very apprehensive.



All these humans, all these eyes, staring at her.



Toothless sidled up to her, and nuzzled her reassuringly. Trying to tell her that she could trust these people. She lovingly returned his nudges.



And nearly everyone present released an audible aww.



“Toothless has a girlfriend!” Isabela cooed, in awe of the sight.



Camilo faced her with a smirk.



“And yet, you’re still single.” He taunted.



The woman’s smile turned into a hard frown, and she was very tempted to shut him up by shoving a cactus into his mouth.



Antonio ran right up to the Light Fury, always eager to meet a new dragon. Especially one that looked just like his favorite scaly puppy.



Julieta approached the newlyweds, sweeping them both into warm hugs.



“Welcome back, you two!” She smiled, kissing both their cheeks. “Did you have fun?”



Mirabel and Hiccup shared a glance, remembering the frankly chaotic events of the last few days.



And they both shrugged.



“Something like that!” Mirabel grinned.



They’d made it just in time for breakfast, and they chose to have it in the backyard this time. So the other dragons could meet their new addition.



Alma had refused to let Mirabel resume her duties today, insisting that she start up again tomorrow. Giving the girl an extra day of rest. Something she was honestly thankful for.



And as they all made to enter their home, Toothless enthusiastically showing Nubless around the magic house, Hiccup couldn’t help but stop just outside.



Because the house had changed.



The front doors, marked with glowing images depicting the entire family…



Now depicted him as well.



Standing amongst the people he adored.



Standing right next to Mirabel.



His wife.



And he grew a warm, lopsided smile.



He made it.



He really was part of the family.



The house noticed him staring, and clinked its tiles playfully.



Hiccup laughed, and looked up to the building.



“It’s just…it’s good to be home, Casita!” He sighed.



“It’s good to be home…”