84. Sticks and Stones(2)



Or, the clock was on them.



The nursery’s floorboards bounced a clock into their view, the device reminding them that it was time to get ready.



The big moment was coming.



With a gentle smile, Mirabel and Hiccup looked to their children.



Their mother had five words to say.



“Let’s get you some gifts!”




It was time.



The wild partying was quieted, and every human and dragon moved to form an audience. Split into two sides, so a path could be formed.



The music was silenced, the food was put to the side for now, and chatting consisted of hushed whispers. Speculation, on what was to come.



Mirabel stood up on that third level, candle in hand, with Mariposa behind her. Her professional smile was tinted with maternal joy.



Those three, unmarked doors were just sitting up there. Waiting to be activated.



The other Madrigals stood at the front of the crowd, near the staircase. Some standing on it, most of them hanging around it. All ready to see their youngest members claim their magical birthright.



The Vikings weren’t that close, but they were still near the front of the masses. All having good seats, for the events to come.



Everyone’s focus shifted to that curtain, anticipating the moment three little forms stepped out from behind it.



And from behind the curtain, those three forms were all ready to go.



Karla, in her little white dress, was bouncing on her feet. Grinning wildly, her frizzy red hair swaying to her movements.



“This is it, guys!” She ecstatically said. “We made it!”



Pedro, in his dapper white suit, raised a hand to his chin in thought.



“Do you think we’ll get super strength? Or maybe one of us can grow plants? Or what about shapeshifting…”



“Uh…those gifts are taken.” Karla pointed out.



To which her brother looked to her with surprise.



“By who?” He asked.



The big sis just rolled her eyes.



Peep, in a white dress and with a white bow placed on her head, took several deep breaths.



Trying to calm her quaking nerves. Trying to rein in her hyperactive mind, already envisioning doomsday scenarios.



It was going to be okay.



It was going to be fine.



She would not be afraid.



Karla and Pedro noticed their sister’s trepidations, and tried to offer some calming words.



“Hey, come on, sis!” Said the red head, moving the place a hand on the girl’s shoulder.



“This is our night! The night we’ve been waiting for! Nothing bad is gonna happen!”



Pedro put his hand on her arm, with a soft smile.



“It’s okay to be afraid, sometimes.” He said. “But I really think it’s gonna be okay!”



And despite her anxieties threatening to work into overtime…



Peep managed a shaky little smile.



“Look at you guys!”



They all looked over at the man who was entering, as they heard the voice of their father.



Flanked by Toothless, who warbled to them jovially. And the three Night Lights, who all toddled over to their friends.



The kids laughed, as they were nuzzled and nudged by the little reptiles.



“Hey, no licking!” Hiccup commanded, to the little dragons. “Do you have any idea how long it took to comb Karla’s hair?”



The tiny Furies backed away, and allowed Hiccup a good view of his children.



In their little dresses, and suit…



They were precious.



“You’re gonna do great!” He said, brimming with happiness. “All of you!”



“I’m proud to call you my kids!”



Each little face lit up with a beaming smile.



A sharp chuff from Toothless told his rider that it was time to go.



“Alright, it’s time.” Spoke the Dragon Master.



Shuffling the Night Lights out of the area, he looked back to the three as he left.



“I’ll see you guys upstairs!” He said. “Break a leg!”



“Like you?” Karla asked, with a smug smirk.



Hiccup faced her with an unamused frown.



“I didn’t break my leg, I lost it. Big difference…”



With one last encouraging croon from Toothless, they were gone.



Leaving the triplets to stand behind the curtain. The butterflies in their tummies becoming frenzied, as they waited for their cues.



They could hear their mother’s voice, from the other side.



“Sixty years ago, in our darkest moment, this candle blessed us with a miracle!”



“And the greatest honor of our family has been to use our blessings to serve our beloved community!”



“Tonight, we come together once more. As three step into the light, to make us proud!”



Make us proud.



Those words stuck into Peep’s mind.



Make us proud.



The drive behind her mission today, that led to her realization.



Make us proud.



The fuel behind her oath to no longer fear her family, and to assist her beautiful home.



It was time.



It was time to make them proud.



Percussive music played, and the crowd started clapping, as the curtains opened up.



Karla faced the people with a wide grin, Pedro with a lazy smile, and Peep…



Peep was frozen in place.



All those eyes, watching her. Directly on her. Staring at her. Judging her. Mocking her. Belittling her-



Karla and Pedro were already stepping forth, when they realized their sibling wasn’t moving with them.



They both looked back to the girl, who stayed still as a statue.



And they knew what they had to do.



They each walked back, and grabbed one of their little sister’s hands in their own.



The girl was shocked out of her trance, and gave both of them a confused glance.



In return, they offered encouraging smiles. Giving her hands a light squeeze.



They’d do this together.



More than a few audible coos could be heard, as the triplets walked to the stairs as one.



From above, Mirabel and Hiccup felt their hearts melting.



As they approached the staircase, they were offered encouraging whispers from an assortment of Hairy Hooligans.



“Go on, then!” “Go touch those doors, ye wee rascals!” “Good luck!” “This is gonna be so intriguing!” “One of them better not get mitosis…”



And as they climbed the stairs, words of support were given by their family.



“You got this!” “You’re gonna do great!” “You all look so cute!” “Make us proud!” “B-Best of luck, kids!”



Hand in hand, they ascended the staircase. Finding themselves on the third story.



One on side of them, was there father. Grinning with paternal pride, as Toothless and the Night Lights sat behind him.



On their other side, their mother was brimming with maternal adoration. Mariposa behind her.



They stood in front of the doors. Karla faced the leftmost one, Pedro in the middle, and Peep on the right.



They each took simultaneous exhales.



It was time.



Mirabel stepped forward, and bent down. Moving the candle towards them.



The magical flame was glowing brightly, more than it usually did.



The kids all lightly grasped the candle, swearing they could already feel the magic flowing through them.



With a gentle smile, the Candle Holder began the ritual.



“Will you use your gifts to honor our miracle?” She asked. “Will you serve this community, and strengthen our home?”



Karla released a resounding “YEAH!”



Pedro dropped a quiet “Uh-huh…”



Peep nodded, resolutely.



“And will you also remember to stay true to your wonderful selves, no matter what?”



The three nodded, at the same time.



Mirabel’s smile increased.



She heard what she needed to hear.



“Okay, we’ll do this in order.” She decided. “Karla, you first!”



At her word, Karla eagerly skipped to her door.



The crowd all watched with great anticipation, but they weren’t left waiting for long.



Karla wasted no time. Less than three seconds after her name was called, she gripped her doorknob.



There was a bright flash, magical particles burst out from the knob, her door began glowing even brighter, and then-






Karla didn’t feel like anything.



Where was this instinctive feeling they were talking about? Where was this knowing?



What’s the hold up?



Karla despised waiting.



Already overflowing with impatience after no more than two seconds, she huffed. Turning away from her door with crossed arms. And began tapping her foot.



But as she tapped, she noticed that something was off.



The distinctive noise of her sole hitting the floor was present, but it sounded far more rapid than what should be normal.



Bristling with confusion, she looked down to see her foot moving at an insane pace. Appearing as a blur.



And as soon as she was looking, she caught what looked like arcs of electricity stemming from the bottom of her foot. Racing up her leg, and coursing throughout her body.



Everyone watched with shock, as the girl seemed to be getting electrocuted.



But Karla felt fine.



There was no pain at all.



But she did feel something.



A strong, overwhelming desire.



To run.



Her red hair becoming even more frizzy from the static, Karla bent down in a sprinter’s crouch.



And with a growing, wild grin on her freckled face-



She took off.



At supersonic speeds.



Barely appearing as anything more than a bolt of energy, Karla raced around the perimeter of the hallway. Circling it over and over again.



Clothes and hair were blown about, portraits and vases threatened to knock over, as she zoomed about the third floor.



As quickly as the circling began, it was over. She then zipped down the stairway, circled the second story for good measure, and found herself in the courtyard.



The people watched with amazement, as the girl zoomed around at lightning speed.



And Karla felt amazing.



She felt free, when running. The wind whipping through our hair, just following wherever the breeze took you.



And she’d always prided herself on her speed. She was easily the fastest of her siblings, and perhaps any kid in town.



And now?



She was the fastest thing alive.



Cackling with exhilaration, she bolted here and there and everywhere. Running in tight circles, or wide rotations. Dashing along the walls, across Casita’s rooftop, and only occasionally tripping.



Mirabel and Hiccup were incredibly happy for their oldest daughter, they knew this was a gift that she’d love with all her heart.



But they were also very afraid.



“We are never catching that kid again…” Hiccup mumbled, to the reluctant agreement of his wife.



After just a few minutes of this, Karla finally returned to her starting position. Grinning manically, and literally crackling with energy.



She vibrantly faced the audience, pumped her fist in the air, and made a declaration.






With this proclamation, her door was finished.



It showed Karla from a side-profile, in the middle of running. Her wild grin present on her face, and stylized bolts of lightning whizzing out from her.



Karla was given super speed.



She couldn’t wait to see what her room looked like.



Karla soaked up the uproarious cheering she received, and didn’t miss the bellow of “THAT’S MY GRANDDAUGHTER!” coming from downstairs.



As the applauding died down, it was time for another gift to be received.



“Pedro, you’re next!” Mirabel said, still filled with excitement.



Thankfully, they didn’t have to snap him back to reality.



Pedro stepped forth, and approached the door in the middle.



With just a bit of hesitation, she gripped his door knob.



Once again, there was a bright flash. Magical particles burst out from the knob, his door began glowing even brighter, and then-



He was conked on the head, by a large object. Suddenly falling from the sky.



Groaning with pain, the boy rubbed his aching noggin. While the item clattered to the floor.



Sneering with an uncharacteristic agitation, he looked downwards. To see just what had caused him pain.



And his eyebrows raised.



It looked to be a paintbrush, but it was far larger than usual. If stood on its bottom, it’d be just a bit taller than Pedro.



Its long, wooden handle was a slightly golden shade. The metal casing near the brush had a round emblem of sorts, with the letter P displayed on it. And the brush itself was tipped with paint that seemed to be every color at once, swirling and mixing together with a mystical energy.



As everyone wondered just what that thing was, Pedro bent down and grabbed the item. Examining it with intrigue.



It felt light in his hands, despite its size.



And now that it was in his grasp, he was hit with a sudden inclination.



A drive, a strong desire.



He wanted to draw.



But not on paper. Tonight, the world would be his canvas.



Gripping the brush with both hands, like one would a broom, the boy raised it into the air.



He began moving the object around, an image of what he wanted to create already in his mind.



And as he did so, golden lines appeared in the air in front of him. As if he was truly painting on a page.



The audience sat in a curious silence, wondering just what would happen next.



With swoops and swings, Pedro finished his drawing.



A curly cloud, with lines for legs. And a circle with a smiley face as a head.



A hand on his hip, and the brush slung over his shoulder, Pedro examined his work with pride.



“Drawing on the air is pretty cool…” He thought. “This is a rad gift…”



But this was just part of his gift.



Now that the drawing was complete, the golden lines began to shine brightly. Almost too brightly to look at.



And then, the fluffy circle he’d drawn poofed into reality. As a fully formed sheep.



Pedro stepped back in surprise, as well as his sisters and his parents. The audience gasped in astonishment.



It didn’t look entirely normal. Its body was covered in a strange, almost scribbly texture. Its form was outlined with solid black, and seemed to fluctuate a bit.



But it was a physical sheep, bleating like any other. And it had come from Pedro’s drawing.



Karla released a massive gasp of realization.



“Anything you draw becomes real!” She exclaimed, crackling with energy once more.



Everyone had heard what she said, and were now filled with amazement.



But none were more amazed than Pedro himself, who gawked at the sheep he’d made with a slack jaw.



He then brandished his brush, looking at it with a newfound sense of intrigue.



And he knew.



It was time to get creative.



With a wide smile, he began painting the air again. Scribbling flappy figures.



As soon as he started this new work, the sheep disappeared. So it seemed he couldn’t have more than one drawing active at once. Though it didn’t seem to count if he drew several things at the same time.



With a few more flicks of paint, the boy had created a flock of giant, multicolored toucans. Their beaks the colors of the rainbow.



They took off, flying over the crowd with joyous squawks.



Except for one, who sat grumpily on the floor. His wings crossed.



“I ain’t going nowhere!” He snapped. “You can’t make me!”



When he received questioning glances from his sisters, Pedro gave a shrug.



“It’s a toucan’t!”



Already, the boy was doodling again. And this time it was big.



He painted a large, wide form. With jagged shapes atop it.



And when it materialized into existence, it was revealed that he was drawing a flying pirate ship. It’s crew consisting of scurvy crocodiles.



A slab of wood was extended, allowing entry onto the ship.



“Hop aboard, ye landlubbers!” Spoke one of the reptiles, with an eyepatch and hat that fit the pirate theme.



Pedro waved his sisters towards the boat, who gleefully boarded. Karla dashed on in a second, while Peep hesitantly followed her.



Once they were on, he joined them. And the ship took off, flying over the courtyard. Leaving a shimmer of sparkles in its wake.



The triplets soared through the skies, on this imaginary boat. Given life by a miraculous brush.



Karla was bursting with elation, and Peep’s fear of heights was momentarily forgotten. This was just too awe-inspiring.



The Night Lights flapped after them, eyeing the scribbled boat with fascination.



Drawings of whales and squids gracefully swam alongside them, as if the air was the water they called home. And a multitude of colorful fish flittered amongst the crowd, including a shark that seemed very interested in Augustin.



The dragons tried to eat the doodle fish, only for their maws to be attacked by the taste of paint.



Everyone present was filled with a sense of childlike wonder, as fantasy was brought into reality.



Mirabel and Hiccup were positively awestruck, this was an incredible gift. And very fitting, for a boy like theirs.



The pirate ship completed its rounds, and hovered near the third floor again. The airborne sea life disappearing.



The triplets left the boat, and waved the crocodiles goodbye. The scurvy lizards all dissipated with simultaneous cries of “Yo-Ho!” and “Yarrr!”



And now that their feet were back on the ground, Pedro’s door was finalized.



It was an image of Pedro, his usual lazy smile on his face, wielding his brush above him. The tool was used to create a dividing line in the middle of the door.



The top half of the door was filled with various things, like stars and planets, or animals and dinosaurs. Representing his boundless imagination.



Pedro was given a magic brush. And with it, anything he drew became real.



At the audience’s vigorous applause, including more shouting from Stoick, Pedro gave a lighthearted shrug. Smiling brightly.



Karla zoomed to him, crushing him in a supersonic hug.



“That was awesome, bro!” She yelled, while she squeezed the life out of him.



Mirabel and Hiccup were overjoyed. Two out of their three children were given amazing abilities.



And that left one more.



Mirabel smiled down, on her youngest daughter.



“Your turn, Peep!”



With a slightly apprehensive nod, the girl began to walk to her door.



Her parents, her siblings, and everyone else present, all watching her. All eager to see what she would get.



They all knew, that whatever gift she received…



Would be just as special as her.



Peep stopped, just outside her door.



She took a deep breath, and quieted the anxious thoughts that were always bubbling in her mind.



This was not the time for fear.



This was the time she’d make her family proud.



Slowly, she reached her hand out. Stopping just outside her doorknob.



She froze, for a moment. Her fingers grazing the metal.



Her pine green eyes were locked onto her doorknob, her body not moving an inch.



All eyes stayed on her. Nobody dared shift their focus to anything else.



Finally, after a moment that seemed to last forever, Peep shut her eyes.



With one last exhale, she gripped her doorknob.












She heard gasps, from the crowd behind her.



And not the good kind.



Peeping an eye open, the girl saw something.



Something terrifying.



Her door, her swirling, mystical mass of wood-



Was disappearing.



Fizzling away into fading particles, until all that was left was a bare wall. As if there was never anything there at all.



And the most real, intense fear Peep has ever felt gripped her heart.



“W-What?” She asked, softly. “What’s happening?”



She stepped forth, her palms patting the wall where her door just was.



“Where’d it go?”



Her breathing was growing panicked, and she looked to her mother. Who’s deep brown eyes were wide, and filled with fright.



“M-Mami? What happened?” She questioned, her voice hitching from the terror.



But Mirabel didn’t have anything to say.



Her jaw was open, and she tried moving it. But no words came out.



Getting no answers, Peep tried her father. Who looked just as frightened.






Hiccup scrambled for a response, an explanation, anything.



“I-Uh…I don’t uh…”



But he didn’t have anything either.



Both her siblings were eyeing the wall with confusion, wondering just what happened to their sister’s door.



The crowd was starting to murmur, anxiously. The Vikings were confounded, and a bit unsettled. And the older Madrigals were hit with a dreadful feeling of déjà vu.



And Peep felt it.



A horrible feeling, that wormed its way into the very depths of her soul.






Her greatest fear had come true.



She wouldn’t get a gift.



There was nothing she could do for her town. For her family.



She was nothing.



She was truly and entirely useless.



A blotch, on the Madrigal legacy.



She would never make her family proud.



Her pine green eyes began to sting, as a deluge of tears began flowing down her cheeks,



She released shaky, strangled gasps, as she started to sob. In front of everyone, only adding to her humiliation.



It was too much.



It was all too much.



She hid her face in her hands, and wished with all her broken heart that she could just disappear.












And then she felt something.



Gentle hands, on her wrists.



Softly, her hands were pulled away from her face.  And her head was lifted up.



Her mother, Mirabel, was crouched down in front of her. A look of sadness and understanding in her eyes.



She spoke softly, these words meant only for her daughter.



“Peep, I know what you’re thinking…” She whispered. “But I promise you, you are just as special as the rest of your fa- “



“No!” Peep exclaimed, her voice drowning in sorrow. “You’re wrong!”



“I’m useless! I can’t do anything! I’m nothing! I’m nothing! I-I…”



She couldn’t even continue her protests, her misery was becoming too much to bear. She broke down into even harsher sobs.



Mirabel knew exactly what she was feeling. She’d felt it for ten entire years.



This was the one thing. The one thing she never wanted her children to go through.



It was nearly enough to make her start crying herself.



But she needed to be strong now. Peep needed her to be strong.



Hiccup stepped forward, as well as her siblings, to try and offer his own words of comfort. But Mirabel silently tasked him with getting control of the crowd, who were growing quite agitated. And the kids were told to stay back.



But when she was returning her focus to her daughter, she caught something in the corner of her eye.



The candle, which she placed on the floor, was still burning as brightly as ever.



If anything, it was glowing even brighter.



Mariposa, drawn by the light, nudged it with a talon. And accidentally pushed it closer to Peep.



And it burned brighter than ever before.



After a second of staring, wondering just what it could mean…



She understood.



She understood why her daughter didn’t get a gift.



She understood why she didn’t get a gift.



It wasn’t their role to play.



Again, she tried to get her daughter’s attention.






The girl was still crying heavily, but her mother kept trying.



“Peep, please listen…”






With a sigh, Mirabel realized what she had to do.



She pulled her daughter close, and whispered into her ear.



She whispered a song, a soothing lullaby. That would always send them right to sleep when they were small.



She really hoped this would work.



“Dos oruguitas…enamoradas…

Pasan sus noches…y madrugadas… “



After just a few lines, Peep had calmed down a bit. She was still crying, but she was now in a state to listen.



And now Mirabel could say what she needed to say.



“Peep, this family is filled with magical people…” She started. “And those people need someone to guide them.”



“A light in the darkness, to show them the way.”



“For a while, your bisabuela Alma was that light. Now, it’s me…”



Mirabel plucked the candle from the ground, and held it gently in her hands.



“And one day…it’ll be you!”



Peep’s teary eyes opened wide, with shock.



“Wha-me!?” She asked, in disbelief.



Her mother nodded, which made the girl even more stunned.



“B-But I’m not a leader!” He shouted. “All I do is hide!”



Mirabel released a slight chuckle.



“I’m not saying you have to start now! This wouldn’t be for a long time.”



“But…you clearly love this family, and the Encanto. Even if it took you a bit to realize it. “Spoke her mother.



The bespectacled woman then grew a teasing grin. “And I dunno, all those contingency plans and procedures…you can definitely prepare for a situation!”



“You’re creative, smart…and you’re a quick thinker! You come up with so many weird ideas on the spot, just to avoid things!”



“You have the qualities of a good leader, they just need to be nurtured.” Mirabel said. “And I’ll be with you every step of the way!”



The initial thought of taking the role of leadership was a terrifying one, to Peep.



Already, her mind was filling with images of her running the village into the ground.



But then she remembered a very crucial fact.



She was five.



She wouldn’t be taking over for decades.



And the idea of her, as a grown-up. A confident, competent, not-quite-as paranoid woman, who could lead her family and her community to a brighter tomorrow…



It made her heart feel all fuzzy.



The despair that had taken root in her soul was replaced, with a newfound sense of purpose.



One day, she would hold that candle.



And she’d make her family proud.



Still weeping, but also growing a shaky little smile, Peep nodded. And accepted her future position.



Mirabel felt a surge of happiness flow throughout her being. Her youngest daughter’s night had come scarily close to ending just like hers. With the girl crying herself to sleep, filled with nothing but despair.



She was eternally grateful it hadn’t turned out like that.



Standing back up, she focused on her new task.



Despite Hiccup, the other Madrigals, and even the Vikings best efforts, the crowd was starting to grow frenzied.



Which wouldn’t do at all, because she had an announcement to make.



She glanced to Toothless, who was still sitting in the hallway with his pups, and Peep’s siblings. All of them looking quite wary.



“Toothless?” She called, earning the dragon’s attention.



She gestured to the crowd.



“Could you shut them up?”



The Night Fury seemed to grin.



Mirabel beckoned her other children over, and held them close.



“Cover your ears, mi vida…” She said, to all of them at once.



And once they did, Toothless released a resounding shriek. Overpowering every other noise in the building.



Thankfully, Dolores was already covering her ears.



Now that she had everyone else’s focus, Mirabel spoke.



She pointed to Karla and Pedro, who stood at her left.



“We have two new gifts! And…”



Gently, she placed the brightly burning candle in her other daughter’s hands.



The girl looked surprised, but Mirabel just giggled.



She may as well get a little candle holding practice in!



“…Our future Candle Holder!”



The crowd was silent.



They hadn’t anticipated this news, not even the Madrigals.



After such a dramatic mood whiplash, no one knew quite how to react.



But then-






Tuffnut’s sudden shout started a chain reaction, and soon the entire audience was cheering.



Hooting and hollering and whistling and clapping, both for the new gifts, and the young successor.



Hiccup sprinted up the stairs, and caught all three of his kids in a tight hug.



During the time he was on crowd control, he was desperately wishing he could comfort his youngest daughter. And now that the issue was resolved, he was endlessly happy for all of them.



“I’m so proud of you!” He said. “All of you!”



But for as much as he wanted to hold onto them forever, they eventually wriggled out of his grasp.



“Woah, Candle Holder?” Karla asked, facing her youngest sibling. “That’s crazy, sis!”



“That means you’re gonna be the boss, someday…” Pedro noted.



And Karla realized she’d be taking orders from her little sis.



And she was no longer as excited.



Peep was blushing through her cheeks, marked with dry tears, at all the attention.



Ghost waddled up to her, and began licking her salty cheeks. Making her giggle.



Dash took Karla’s new speed as a challenge, and was devoting himself to becoming as fast as her.



Dot eyed Pedro’s brush with intrigue, especially the salmon he’d just drawn.



Hiccup and Mirabel stood side by side, smiling at all their kids.



Mirabel released a heavy sigh.



“That could’ve been a disaster…”



Hiccup nodded.



“Yeah, it really could’ve…” He agreed, before growing a smile. “But you saved the day, like you always do!”



“Flattery…will get you everywhere!” She replied, before bringing him in for a kiss.






The combined cries of their children brought them out of the moment, and they both laughed.



“Alright! Enough hanging around out here!” Mirabel said.



“Let’s check out those rooms!”




Karla’s room was big.



Which made sense, as she needed space to run.



It was an expansive, open field. Rolling green hills, topped with palm trees, under the bright blue sky. Towering mountains could be seen in the distance.



Though the geology was quite odd.



The terrain was twisted into strange shapes, forming loops and curves and bends. Its design reminiscent of a roller coaster.



As soon as they entered, Karla dashed through the field. Leaving a trail of energy behind.



Jumping over every rock, rolling through every loop, and having the time of her life just running.



It seemed to go on for miles and miles. Meaning Karla could cross it in a matter of minutes.



Her sleeping arrangements consisted of a hammock, placed between two large palm trees. Near the entrance. And a few rocks served as counters, or tables.



Once they’d checked it out, they moved onto Pedro’s room.



It looked like a cozy art studio, mixed with a bedroom.



His bed and other personal requirements were placed in a snug corner, accessible by a small staircase. The room consisted of a sizeable space, blank canvases lining every wall. Ones the boy was clearly meant to fill in.



There were cabinets and drawers, filled with any art supply a guy could ask for. A table lied in the center, with a pair of chairs, giving him a nice view of the great big window that lied on the wall.



But outside the window…was nothing.



Just a blank, eerie white void.



Though with a wave of his brush, that all changed.



The scenery could be whatever he wanted it to be. The far reaches of space. Prehistoric lands, crawling with dinosaurs. Ancient Japan, with samurai and ninjas duking it out.



The only limits were his imagination.



Both rooms were lovely, and fit both child perfectly.



But they raised a question.



“Where am I gonna sleep?” Peep asked her parents, as they made their way back to Karla’s room.



It was bigger, so that’s where the party would be held.



“A-Am I gonna have to stay in the nursery?” She wondered.



Mirabel vehemently shook her head, hating the very thought.



“We’ll make you a room!” She said. “You can design it yourself! It can be whatever you want!”



Stoick stomped up to them, and plucked the skittish girl from the ground. Placing her on his shoulder.



“We’ll help!” He decided. “No one can build a house like we Berkians!”



Alma rolled her eyes at the man.



“We’re not building a house, just a room…” She clarified.



Stoick faced her with a frown.



“And when did I ask for your input?” He questioned.



Before the interaction could get anymore heated, Karla and Pedro joined their sister.



Karla, by racing up a wall and jumping onto her grandpa. And Pedro by doodling a giraffe, and having its neck take him up.



“Until then, you can sleep in my room!” Karla said, hugging Peep from the side.



“Nuh-uh! She’ll stay in my room!” Pedro said, hugging her other side.



“My room’s got more space!” Argued the speedster.



“Well my room’s got more stuff to see!” The artist shot back.



This back and forth continued all the way back to those rolling and winding green fields, where the party really got started.



Karla immediately challenged every kid present to a race. The other children knew they’d lose, but they just wanted to run along the track.



A few got stuck on the loops.



Pedro wowed the people with his drawings. His latest one being a Tyrannosaurus skeleton, who was playing its ribcage like a xylophone.



And to Hiccup and Mirabel’s great relief, Peep was treated no differently.



If anything, she was regarded even more warmly. Especially by the family, thanks to her earlier actions.



They all remembered that dark time, when Mirabel was shut out. No one wanted to repeat the same mistakes.



Besides, this was their future leader. They had to show at least a little respect!



The girl was still jumpy, and she wasn’t exactly in the middle of the dance floor or anything. But she looked to be enjoying herself, which is all her parents wanted.



The celebrations went on for hours, everyone was having a great time. Thanks in no small part to Sofia’s energetic singing.



“Let the winds carry us to the clouds, hurry up! Alright!

We can travel so far, as our eyes can see!”



Her music was accompanied by wondrous illusions, that put all who heard it in a lighthearted mood.



The Madrigals were overjoyed.



There was a brief period where things got a little rough, but this was a great night.



No, it wasn’t perfect. But that was fine by them.



This night needed to be remembered.



“We need a picture!” Mirabel decided, summoning the photographer to her.



“Come on, everybody! Vamos!”



On that twisty, grassy field, the entire family came together.



Each member, so unique in their own way. Not just because of magic, but because of who they were.



Flanked by their dragons, a wide assortment of species. From big and spikey to small and round. They were all so different, but each one was eternally loyal to their rider.



Every Madrigal struck a pose, either flashing their magic, or just presenting themselves.



Mirabel and Hiccup stood up front, arms around each other. Toothless and Nubless near the husband, Mariposa near the wife.



Their triplets stood at their feet. Karla crackling with energy on the left, Pedro brandishing his brush on the right, and Peep in the middle. With her shaky little smile.



The Night Lights didn’t even bother posing, already tussling with each other. But they were in frame, so that was fine.



They were all together, each and every one of them. No one was left out.



United not by magic, but by love.



The love that gave them the miracle in the first place.



The love that would keep the miracle burning forever.



The photographer gave them a thumbs up.



The camera flashed.



And this night, this memory, was preserved for all time.



And Mirabel and Hiccup shared one thought.



Both their hearts, beating with the same feeling.



“Our family really is amazing…”




The party was over.



After a long and joyous night, everyone had gone home. And after a brief, but very stressful moment, everyone was super tired.



They had to drag their bodies through the cleaning process, exhaustion slowing them down significantly.



And now that Casita was tidy again, everyone went off to bed.



Including Mirabel, and Hiccup.



And their kids.



Peep was too afraid, to sleep alone in the nursery, and had asked if she could sleep with her parents tonight. A request they readily accepted.



As it turns out, Karla and Pedro were also too afraid to sleep alone.



The triplets had slept together since the day they were born. It would take some time before they were comfortable on their own.



And until that time came, Hiccup and Mirabel would have to get used to sharing a bed, they supposed.



The kids were knocked out, after such an exciting night.



The parents lied awake in bed, silently enjoying each other’s company. As the sounds of crickets, and their snoring dragons, filled their ears.



Though the silence was soon broken, by Mirabel.



“I forgot to bring it up earlier, but…today was special for another reason.”



Hiccup’s nose scrunched in confusion, as he tried to figure out what it was.



“…Enlighten me.” He requested.



With a soft chuckle, his wife elaborated.



“On this day, ten years ago, the Encanto…”



“Was invaded.”



Hiccup furrowed his brow, even more confused.



“I-I don’t remember anything about an invasion…” He said.



Mirabel smiled, knowingly.



“Oh no, it was definitely invaded.” She said. “By a crazy, unnaturally skinny, child-kidnapping Viking, and his pet dragon.”



Hiccup rolled his eyes, as the snickers rolled in.



“Oh wow, that sounds nuts…” He sarcastically replied. “How’d you deal with that?”



“A brave girl, with awesome glasses, risked her life to be his guide…” She answered, a more earnest grin forming. “…And after that, they became friends.”



“And they fell in love, and now they have three beautiful, incredibly hyperactive children!”



Hiccup’s lopsided smirk matched her own.



“At least the story has a happy ending!”



They locked eyes, deep brown meeting pine green.



The saw themselves, in each other.



Kindred spirits, born worlds apart. Brought together by incredible circumstances.



They’d been through so much.



From saving miracles, battling killer dragons, and the wonders of parenthood.



They had no idea what could lie ahead, but they knew they’d face it together.



In that moment, they shared a kiss. Fueled by ten years of love, and ready for an eternity more.



The dragon and the butterfly.



Two creatures, individually capable of flight.



But when they were together, they didn’t just fly.



They soared.




The End