75. Return to Dragon Island

Mirabel was freaking out.



After weeks of training, readying herself for the role of leadership, it seemed Alma had decided it was finally time to instate Mirabel as the new Candle Holder.



A sort of coronation was in the works, the first of its kind, and would be held in the coming days.



The whole town was invited to witness the appointing of their new leader, the woman who’d guide them into the future. An excitable buzz could be felt throughout the village.



Yes, it seemed it was finally time.



Or, it was almost time.



Before she was to officially become the Encanto’s new leader, Mirabel was to undergo one last test. To see if she was truly ready.



There was only one problem.



She had no idea what the test was.



Her grandmother wouldn’t tell her a smidge of information regarding her final challenge, she had no hints as to what to do.



Or where to do it, or how to do it, or anything of the sort.



All she knew, is that to prove she could be the leader her people, her family needed, she had to pass this test.



And it was freaking her out.



It’s been freaking her out for days.



It occupied her every waking thought.



The times when she and Hiccup would just sit, and discuss their wedding, were her only reprieve.



A stressful activity for others, Mirabel found the process quite relaxing. Imagining what the day would be like, trying to incorporate traditions from both their cultures…



And just basking in the knowledge that soon, they’d be wed. They’d be one.



But for as enjoyable as these times were, they were always brief. They both had obligations.



And one of Hiccup’s obligations was keeping an eye on the giant killer dragon that was currently rampaging through the archipelago, wrecking anything it came across.



In the time since the emergence of the Screaming Death, he would make frequent trips to Berk to check on its status.



According to Astrid, it hasn’t been spotted on Berk since their last encounter.



But they’ve been hearing frightful tales from travelers and traders of a snake-like demon. Visiting many of the islands in the archipelago, and laying waste to them indiscriminately.



Whether by tunneling under them, sinking them into the sea. Or just blasting them to pieces.



There was only one dragon that fit that description.



For whatever reason, it seemed intent on annihilating the archipelago. And it needed to be stopped.



But Mirabel wasn’t thinking about that right now.



On this sunny, warm morning, the usually plucky girl was a bundle of nerves. Wracking her brain over just what her final test was, and how she’d pass it.



Stepping through the town on shaky feet, a very concerned Mariposa following behind her, Mirabel tried to remain calm.



Emphasis on tried.



Sitting on that bench facing the mural, she attempted to take her mind off the subject.



Her eyes traced over the familiar images of her and her loved ones, her view occasionally being intercepted by passerby and their dragons.



She grew the faintest of grins when she saw the depiction of Manuel. She was eternally grateful that they’d drawn him smiling, as opposed to his usual stoic expression. His smile was the cutest little thing.



Once they were both a little older, Sofia and Diego would be added too. She could only imagine the small boy’s happiness, once he realized there was a giant picture of himself for all the town to see.



Her thoughts then turned to Hiccup, and she tried to envision just how they’d draw him on the mural. What pose would he be in? Would Toothless be there as well?



With Hiccup, that was sort of a necessity.



And while she was on the subject, a stray thought floated into her mind.



“Our child will be on this mural…”



It was abrupt, and unexpected.



But…she couldn’t say that she disliked the idea.



Her time on the bench actually did serve to relax her, a bit. She was no longer as wound up about the test.



But she was still quite worried.



If she didn’t know what it was, how could she be ready for it? If she couldn’t be ready for it, she may fail. And if she failed…



Could she truly trust herself to be the next Alma?



As she pondered these quandaries, she didn’t notice someone walking up to her.



She did notice when they sat next to her, though.



Isabela was now on the bench, her Snaptrapper standing a bit to the side.



“Hey, sis.” Isabela greeted, a trace of worry on her features. “Everything alright?”



Mirabel was immediately inclined to just shrug off her concerns, and tell her that she was fine.



But that wouldn’t make anyone feel better.



“I’m just…” She sighed. “I’m trying not to worry too much. About my last test.”



A look of understanding fell upon her older sister.



“Yeah…it’s weird how she just didn’t tell you anything, huh?” She asked.



This made Mirabel scoff, and roll her eyes.



“You’re telling me…”



“But y’know…” Isabela started. “I think it’s a good sign, that you’re so worried.”



She received an odd glance for this, so she tried to elaborate.



“Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you should freak out. I just think the fact that you are, shows how devoted you are to being a good leader!”



While the encouragement was appreciated, it didn’t do much to lift Mirabel’s mood.



“I don’t think Abuela would be so worried, about this…” She sullenly mumbled.



And now Isabela was feeling very troubled.



There she goes again, thinking she had to be just like their abuela.



Isabela needed to do something. Something to take her mind off this.



“Hey, why don’t we head up to the stables?” She offered. “We could pet the baby dragons, see what your dork of a fiancé is up to…maybe get some ice cream?”



The thought of the frozen treat sent rumbles to Mirabel’s stomach, making her sister giggle.



“Alright, that does sound pretty good!” Agreed the bespectacled girl.



Both wearing smiles, the sisters mounted their dragons. Flying off in search of the stables.



And ice cream.




Cones in hand, the cool-color duo entered the dragon hangar.



Just as they said they would, they spent some time making light conversation while watching the baby dragons waddle about. Though they had to protect their desserts from wild bursts of flame.



Once they were done, they strolled across the rope bridges connecting the structures. Eyeing the reptiles that flittered about the mountainous forests. Eventually finding themselves in the center building.



And there they found Hiccup, looking quite bothered about something.



He was anxiously muttering and mumbling, while sitting at the desk. His leg was bouncing erratically. In his hands, he held pieces of paper that he frantically checked over.



They couldn’t see what was written on them, but whatever they said must have been awfully disturbing.



From beside the desk, Toothless noticed their arrival. Rumbling a greeting to them.



When their dragons hissed and trilled in return, Hiccup finally realized it wasn’t just him and his dragon in the room.



“Oh, h-hey girls!” He said, trying to appear less distressed than he truly was. “What’s up?”



“I could ask you the same thing.” Mirabel responded, walking forth with a concerned expression. “What’s got you so upset?”



With a sigh, he stood from the desk. Papers in hand.



He handed them to his fiancée, while Isabela came closer to inspect them as well.



They were hand drawn maps of the archipelago, portraying an assortment of islands and islets.



With each page, more of them were crossed out.



The words were written in his home language, so he translated the meaning.



“These are charts, from Fishlegs…” He explained. “Showing which islands the Screaming Death has destroyed.”



Hiccup spoke with a great sense of urgency. “It’s moving, fast. All across the archipelago. And everywhere it goes, it sinks more and more islands.”



“But…why?” Mirabel asked, anxiety in her tone. “Why is it doing this?”



Hiccup could only shrug. He didn’t have the answers, and he hated that.



“I don’t know…” He admitted. “But what I do know, is that it needs to be stopped. Tons of wild dragons are being displaced, and…”



These next words seemed to bring him some sorrow. “And it’s already hit a larger island. One with a village on it.”



The sisters shared a horrified glance.



“What happened to them?” Isabela questioned. Perhaps not wanting to hear the answer.



“They managed to get out in time. I saw them, last time I was there. They stopped by Berk to pick up supplies.”



“But we can’t wait for people to actually get hurt.” He declared.



Glaring resolutely, the sisters shared in his sentiment.



“You’re right. We have to stop it.” Mirabel said. “But how?”



Hiccup gathered the papers, and placed them back in a drawer in his desk. “I was about to head back to Berk, get an update from Astrid and Fishlegs. Maybe discuss ways to deal with this thing.”



“We’ll come with.” Isabela decided.



Both because she wanted to end this creature’s onslaught…



And because she felt like her sister could use an adventure right now.



With that settled, they all readied themselves to warp.



But before that…






With the simultaneous shout from both sisters, Mirabel and Isabela hastily gobbled down their scoops.



Fighting through the brain freeze, Mirabel managed to win. Scarfing down her cone with an inhuman swiftness.



Mumbling triumphantly through her full mouth, she watched as Isabela clutched her head in pain.



Hiccup was baffled.



After swallowing, Mirabel elaborated.



“We used to have ice cream races all the time, when we were little!”



“I always won!” She said, with a smug grin.



“Because you eat like a pig…” Her older sister groaned, her brain exceedingly chilly.



With their desserts disposed of, the trio stepped outside. And flew into the skies.




It was worse than Hiccup thought.



The last time he was here, the damage caused by the Screaming Death was already substantial.



Now it was downright catastrophic.



Nearly every small island was destroyed, leaving the dragons that inhabited them without a home.



With nowhere else to go, they flew to the nearest landmass.






The village was positively overrun with wild dragons of all sorts.



Vikings could barely walk, as there was no space that wasn’t occupied by a lizard. Sometimes having to step on them to get anywhere.



Houses were in danger of collapsing, as far too many creatures perched atop them.



And not only that, but they were quite unruly.



Taking food inconsiderably, starting fights with the tame dragons, or breaking into people’s homes with a complete disregard for personal privacy.



The Berkian Riders and Valka tried their bests to wrangle them all, but they were only human.



This crowded island…



All these dragons piled atop each other…



It was definitely an unsustainable lifestyle.



Flying through the flock, Hiccup, Mirabel, and Isabela managed to make their way to the Great Hall. Perhaps the only area of the village that was dragon free, at the moment.



They were all quite frazzled. They had to claw and scratch and fight just to get in.



“Sheesh, it’s like Antonio’s room out there…” Isabela groaned, shutting the door behind her. Her luxurious locks were a mess.



Mirabel shook her head, freeing her curls of leaves and twigs.



“No, Antonio’s animals have manners.”



Wiping their clothes of dust and fallen scales, the three headed deeper into the building. Followed by their dragons.



In this dimly lit hall, they found Astrid, Fishlegs, and Gobber. Huddled around a table.



Astrid and Fishlegs were pouring over the contents of what looked to be more charts.



Gobber was just enjoying some day drinking.



“Astrid, Fishlegs!” Hiccup called, as they approached.



Removing a wayward Nadder spine from his arm, he took a seat at their table.



“What’re we looking at?” He asked.



Fishlegs looked terribly worried.



“It’s not good, Hiccup!” He held up his three newest charts, showing even more wrecked islands.



Though…one of the papers looked a bit different.



“Woops!” Fishlegs quickly snatched one of the pages away, tucking it into his pocket. “You weren’t supposed to see that, heh…”



“Was that a…romantic letter?” Hiccup wondered, having caught a glimpse of the words.



Grinning nervously, the rotund man feverishly tried to deny it.



“What? Pfft, no way! That’d be-I mean, come on- “



Chuckles from a slightly tipsy Gobber intercepted his sputtering.



“It seems a lass has caught his eye!” He laughed. “One of those refugees from that wrecked village! They docked here for a bit, and he really hit it off with her!”



“Aww, ‘Legs!” Mirabel cooed, happy for her friend.



“Let’s hope this one’s better than the last one…” Isabela muttered.



“What was her name again?” Gobber pondered, stroking his mustache in thought. “Feather?...Weather?”



Astrid rolled her eyes.



They didn’t have time for this…



“ANYWAY!” Astrid interjected, slamming her cup down to draw everyone’s attention.



“R-Right!” Fishlegs fought to remove the blush from his cheeks, and got back on track.



“Tall Tree Island, Thor Rock Island, and Boarhead Island have all been sunk…” He said, pointing to each cross on his chart. “And that’s just in the last day!”



“I-I’ve been tracking it, to the best of my ability! If my calculations are correct, it’s next target will be Dragon Island.”



“And after it’s done there…” Astrid began. “Where do you think it’ll head next?”



From the graveness in her tone, there could only be one answer.



“Berk…” Hiccup realized, with a horrified gasp. His companions shared similar looks.



Fishlegs gave a meek nod.



“I believe it’ll arrive at Dragon Island in a few hours, meaning that’s how long we have to figure something out.”



“But that’s just a theory.” Astrid said. “We also have evidence to suggest it may be heading elsewhere.”



“We need to know where it’s going, so we can prepare for it. I’m taking the riders to investigate one location, and I want you to check out Dragon Island.”



“Neither mission should take long. Once we’re done, we’ll meet back here with the chief. And come up with a plan.” Finished the shieldmaiden.



With three nods, they accepted the assignment.



Stepping quickly, as time was of the essence, they made their way towards what was sure to be their toughest battle yet.



Getting through that mass of dragons again.




Eret was very happy.



Thanks to the enigmatic creature that was razing uninhabited islands, the number of wild dragons just flapping around aimlessly had skyrocketed.



And for Dragon Trappers, that was very good for business.



They had to sail a fair distance from home, as this phenomenon seemingly wasn’t present in the northern seas. But he wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth.



Not to mention that those pesky riders seemed occupied.



A few scouts confirmed that Berk wasn’t a wreck, which was disappointing. And they had no idea where all the Whispering Deaths went, so clearly that plan was a bust.



But any day where their livelihood wasn’t stolen from them was a good one.



And days like that have been their only days, recently.



Scores upon scores of dragons had been captured. And most importantly, they got to actually sell them.



They were rolling in money now.



Which was good, because his village really needed it.



So far out of the way that no one even knew it existed, Eret’s home was a small, rundown, and frozen place. Barely worthy of even being called a town.



It was awfully tough to make a living, out there. Going hungry for extended periods of time was to be expected.



And with his father gone, the son of Eret was having a hard time leading it.



The dragon trapping gig was a solid source of income, and it helped him support the town for a while.



However, one day those riders started coming in and stealing their assets. Plunging his hometown back into near ruin.



And they kept doing it. Again and again.



Eret’s had many sleepless nights, trying to figure out how to deal with this.



But it seemed the tides had finally turned in their favor, and the stars were smiling down on them.



They had a ship sailing through the south-western waters. A bit warm, for their tastes, but they’ll manage.



They were heading for a nearby village, where they could restock.



And hopefully get more cages. They were running out of unoccupied ones.



Grinning widely against a fully loaded ship, Eret proudly faced his crew.



“Drink up, lads!” He said, holding up a beverage. “With all the good hunting we’ve been doing, I’d say we’ve earned ourselves a break!”



Cheers broke out, as everyone dropped their weapons and went to find themselves a drink.



Loving to hear himself speak, Eret continued to do just that.



“In fact, we’ve caught so many dragons…I bet we could afford materials to finally build new homes!”



He received applause for this.



“We’ve caught so many dragons…I bet we could afford to buy the kids some real toys!”



Louder cheers rang out from the boat.



“We’ve caught just so many dragons…I bet we could afford enough food to last us more than a month!”



Uproarious applauding was had, laughter and cheering and other such joyous noises.



Eret soaked in their approval, letting it feed his already huge ego.



But when the cheering died down a bit, he was then caught off guard.



A crewmate by the name of No-Name, a deceptively stocky man with a much smaller disposition, held up his hand.



“Er, Eret?” He said. “I…I just wanted to say thank you.”



“For a while there, I didn’t know how I was gonna feed my family. I know I wasn’t the only one, either…” Other men shared somber nods with him.



“I’ll be honest, I didn’t exactly know if this dragon trapping thing was the greatest idea…” A smile soon grew on his face. “But with all the dragons we’re selling, it looks like the village will be just fine!”



“I can tell, you’re gonna be the one to lead us to a brighter tomorrow!”



He returned to cowering, shyness coming back in full force. “So uh, yeah…thank you…”



There was silence, on deck. Only the wind, the waves, and the creaking of the ship could be heard.



Eret’s eyes were impossibly wide.



But soon, his brows furrowed into a determined glare.



“I promised my father I’d look after you. All of you.” He declared. “And I meant it.”



For the fourth time, there was applause. The loudest yet.



The men were relaxed, and merry.



Back home, the children went to sleep with full bellies. A luxury in those parts.



And Eret was very happy.



Though…he was also a bit worried…



Placing his drink atop a dragon’s cage, he stepped onto the deck.



Clomping down the stairs, and hearing the rhythmic sounds of strikes just out of his view…



He found her where he thought she’d be.



Arny was locked in a heated battle.



Her teeth grit in concentration, and her grip on her boomerangs incredibly tight, she squared off against her opponent.



A dummy, made of sandbags. A dolled-up face drawn where the head would be, and a mop taking the place of flowing hair.



With an assortment of ferocious slashes, she ripped into the dummy. Surely wishing she was piercing actual flesh.



Then, she delivered a powerful kick. Knocking the doll onto its back.



With a flying leap, she plunged both her blades into the dummy’s gut. Ending the faux battle.



She huffed and puffed for a moment, winded. And she looked over, when she heard a voice.



“Aren’t you a bit old to be playing with dolls?” Eret sardonically asked, leaning against the wall.



With a silent sneer, she stood herself up. Before prepping the dummy for another round.



Whenever they weren’t out trapping dragons, this is how she’d occupy her time.



Arny was positively obsessed with defeating the plant witch.



And it was really starting to concern Eret.



“Hey, we’re all taking a break up there. Drinking, dancing, y’know…having fun?” He said, gesturing to the upper level. “Why don’t you join us?”



She declined his offer, and the slightest twitch of her lip told him all he needed to know.



“Right, you have to keep fighting…” He sighed.



As useful as it was to have an ally as skilled in battle as Arny, it seemed that was all she cared about.



She was single-mindedly focused on fighting, proving she was superior. It was all her life revolved around.



Looking for a strong opponent, beating them, and moving on to the next.



She didn’t even seem to enjoy her victories anymore.



“Look, uh…” Eret hesitated, not quite knowing how to ask this.



“Have you ever considered getting a hobby?”



Arny froze, her back turned to him.



Before she slowly turned with the most incredulous look on her face.



“I’m serious!” Eret said, answering her soundless question. “There’s tons of stuff you could try! Whittling, or needlepoint, or…”



With a scowl, Arny turned back around. But Eret moved in front of her, standing in the way of the dummy.



“It’s not stupid! I just don’t think it’s healthy for someone to obsess over one thing like this!”



“You’re not a bad warrior because somebody beat you once!” He said. “And even if you were…you’re more than just a warrior!”



She sent him a pointed glare, which made him roll his eyes.



“Yes, I know this is very important to you. Vow of silence and all that, but…” He began to look a bit morose. “Would it be so bad? If you started speaking again?”



“…I kind of miss talking to my friend…”



Arny looked taken aback, her eyebrows raising up in shock.



But then, she grew another deep frown. One that made Eret frown himself.



“…Of course. You have to be the best. That’s all that matters…”



They stood in an uncomfortable quiet, neither of them looking at each other.



A hurried creaking told them that one of the men was making his way downstairs, quickly.



He arrived, panting a bit.



“E-Eret, we’re here, but- “



“Ah, good.” The trapper cut off his sentence before he could finish. “I was getting tired of holding it…”



But as he began to make his way towards the stairs, he noticed that the crewmate looked very anxious.



“What’s wrong?” Eret asked.



The man started fumbling with his words.



“It’s a…it’s kind of…sort of like a…” Finally, he decided on something.



“Y-You should really come see…”



Sharing an unsure glance, Eret and Arny went above deck.



All the men were huddled together, staring at something the two couldn’t really make out.



Shoving through the crowd, they arrived at the front of the ship.



And what they saw terrified them.



Their jaws dropped, chills ran down their spines, and they broke into frightful sweats when they gazed upon-






There was nothing here.



Just more ocean.



Which was very confusing. Because there used to be an island here.



A big one, with a thriving village and everything.



Whenever they were in these parts, that village was there go-to for a rest stop. Eret was quite acquainted with some of the townsfolk.



And now it was gone. Vanished into thin air.



The only signs that anything was here, were a few hunks of rock and debris. Floating where the island once was.



“W-What…what happened?” Eret softly asked. While Arny released wordless exclamations of shock.



From within the crowd, one of the crew spoke up.



“It was the demon! It must’ve been!”



This sent fearful murmurs all throughout the ship.



They of course knew of the snake-like demon, tearing through the archipelago. It was quite the disturbing tale, even if it happened to benefit their profits.



But from what they’d heard, it only went after small and uninhabited islands. This was something else entirely.



If there was truly a monstrous serpent, capable of demolishing entire villages, harming innocent people…



Eret really hoped it never stopped by the northern seas.



“So…what now?” A crewmate asked.



It was a good question.



Their intended destination was no more, where do they head next?



Another of the men spoke up, seeming excited.



“Ooh! Ooh! Me! Pick me!” He shouted, raising his hand like a schoolchild.



When Eret pointed to him, he presented his information.



“I overheard some traders talking about sightings of a white dragon, around the Berk area.” He grew a smirk. “Sound familiar?”



He earned looks of intrigue, as his implication hit everyone.



Eret raised a hand to his chin, as he considered this.



While that species wasn’t quite as rare as the Night Fury…it was still pretty rare. Few people even knew of its existence.



So much so, that it didn’t even have a proper name.



Sell one of those…and the village wouldn’t have to worry about money for a good long while.



With a growing grin, Eret pointed a finger to the horizon.



“Then that’s where we’re heading!” He proclaimed.



And so, they steered their ship in that direction. All dreaming of capturing the illusive creature, and finally being able to live comfortably.



Little did they know, the white dragon and the snake-like demon were one in the same…




Dragon Island.



None of them were fond of it.



To them, it was the place where they fought a monstrous beast. Just barely making it out with their lives.



The place where Mirabel was permanently scarred. The place where Hiccup lost his leg.



…The place where, briefly, they thought one of their own had perished.



Sneers grew on all three faces, when they looked upon the barren grey landmass. Its sole distinguishing feature being the volcano.



Only a few things had been changed, in the time since the defeat of the Red Death.



The overwhelming fog that had impeded Vikings for years was gone, for reasons still unknown.



Thanks to recent developments, wild dragons have taken up residence here. Despite the fact that it wasn’t the most habitable place, it was one of their only options.



And there was a positively massive skeleton, lying on the gravelly beach. All that remained of the Tyrant Lizard Queen.



Mirabel wasn’t one to desecrate the dead, but she still felt the desire to deliver a kick to the ginormous skull.



With her left leg, specifically.



Trying to ignore flashes of a traumatic moment in their lives, Hiccup, Mirabel, and Isabela quickly got to work.



Flying around the island and its surrounding waters, they searched for any signs of an arriving Screaming Death.



When they found none, they kept searching anyway.



As they drifted along the sulfur-infused breeze, Hiccup took this time to talk to his fiancée.



“Hey, so I’ve been thinking…” He said. “I think I know what your final test is.”



The bespectacled girl perked up immediately upon hearing this.



“Really? You do?” She asked, suddenly filled with energy.



Hiccup grinned. “After giving it a lot of thought, I’ve come to the conclusion that it can only be…”



He paused for effect, while she waited on his next words with great anticipation.



“A math quiz!”



Mirabel slumped over, a grumpy pout on her face.



“No, think about it!” Said her betrothed. “You’ve gotten the hang of pretty much everything except all that tax stuff! I bet Miss Alma’s gonna sit you down, slide you a work sheet, and then you’re done!”



His attempts at humor were not working.



“This is serious, Hiccup…” She groaned. “If I don’t pass the test, how can I be a good leader?”



His smile fading, he glanced to her with a rather troubled expression.



“…Y’know, you really should believe in yourself more.”



Rolling her eyes, Mirabel scoffed. “I believe in myself.”



“Not with this you don’t!” Hiccup said.



“Because this is huge!” She shot back. “I need to know that I’ll be a good Candle Holder!”



“And despite everything you’ve already done to prove yourself, this one arbitrary test is the ultimate deciding factor?” Hiccup asked, with a skeptically raised eyebrow.



Mirabel responded with crossed arms. “From the way Abuela’s been hyping it up…I’d say yes.”



Hiccup suppressed a deep sigh.



For all the strides Mirabel had made when it came to self-confidence, she obviously still had her anxieties.



And it seemed those anxieties had latched onto this one thing, and refused to let go.



He wished he could just…take her outside herself.



Let her see herself the way he saw her, and she’d know that she was doing a fine job. More than fine, she was doing great!



The Encanto was in good hands, with her at the helm.



She just needed to believe that.



Their silence was broken by Isabela, who flew her Snaptrapper up to meet them.



“I just got done searching the surrounding sea, again.” She said. “I don’t think it’s here.”



The three released small sighs of relief.



If it wasn’t here, then Berk wasn’t hours away from destruction.



But the Screaming Death was still out there.



“Alright, let’s head back…” Hiccup spoke.



They urged their dragons to soar around the island, heading back towards Berk.



While the oppressive haze was no longer present, it was still fairly foggy. It was hard for the riders to see more than a few feet in front of them.



So they missed the net that was launching straight at them.



Isabela released a surprised yelp, as she and her dragon were suddenly captured in a bola.



“Isa!” Mirabel cried, as her sister began to fall to the ground below.



Racing down to the shore, Mirabel and Hiccup found their sister in the clutches of trappers.



Eret, Arny, and a rather meek looking trapper known as No-Name.



Eret was smiling smugly, leering down at his catch. While Arny was consumed by an immense fury, and had to be held back by No-Name. Lest she tear Isabela to shreds on the spot.



Hiccup brandished his staff, setting it ablaze. Mirabel hadn’t brought a weapon, so she put up her fists. Valentina had taught her a few things. Both their dragons began growling, as well.



“Well, well, well…” Eret said, glancing to the new arrivals. “We came here looking for a dragon, and instead we find Dragon Riders! What are the odds?”



“Let her go!” Mirabel demanded, cutting right to the chase.



Eret shrugged. “Sure, I can do that. I don’t have any use for her.”



“Though of course, we will be taking this dragon. And those two, as well.” He grinned.



“You’re not taking anyone.” Hiccup said, glaring harshly.



Eret responded with a haughty laugh.



“Well, considering I’m the one with- “



Whatever he was about to say was interrupted by a cactus.



Isabela, using the prickly branches of a crown of thorns plant, had freed herself from the net with a small hole. And she was now trying to release her dragon as well.



Watching Eret flail around in pain, No-Name was overcome with concern.



“Boss!” He shouted, while running over to check on him.



Releasing Arny in the process.



Isabela only had a moment to dodge, rolling on the ground to avoid the incoming strike.



Arny had taken a flying leap, and struck the ground with her blades. Right where Isabela was.



The botanical woman rolled onto her back, and looked up at her assailant.



She had to release a soft gasp of genuine fear, when she saw the pure burning hatred in the huntress’ eyes.



Agitated at her miss, Arny plucked a pebble from the ground. She then harshly chucked it at Eret, demanding his attention.



“Ow! What!?” He asked, plucking spines from his nose.



She then pointed to Isabela, a clear request for him to interpret her meaning.



Slightly groaning, Eret complied.



“She says…this day has been long awaited, witch. Since the time of your meeting, she’s been training to face you again in battle. And now she will pay back the humiliation you’ve dealt, tenfold…”



Isabela was rendered speechless.



The knowledge that this woman has been hyper focused on beating her, ever since that one fight weeks ago, was just so odd to her…



She could only manage a half-hearted shrug.



“I literally haven’t thought about you at all.”



Arny snapped so hard, it was audible.



Because she screamed.



She used her vocal chords for the first time in years.



Releasing a primal, guttural cry of rage, she lunged at Isabela-



And collided with a palm tree.



Scurrying to her feet, the eldest Madrigal grandchild once more tried to free her dragon.



Eret and No-Name moved to intervene, but Hiccup and Mirabel stood in their way.



There was a giant dragon on the loose. They really did not have time for this.



Isabela was getting her dragon, and they were leaving.



Or at least, that was the plan.



All of a sudden, the island began quaking from beneath them.



Wild dragons began flying off into the skies, spooked by the tremors. Mariposa looked fearful, while Toothless growled with apprehension.



The humans present wobbled and swayed, fighting for balance. No-Name fell onto his face.



And then…



A crack.



Splintering across the ground, directly under their feet.



There were more, all across the island. From the edges of the shores, all the way up to the tip of the mountain. Making it look like a twisted jigsaw puzzle.



Puffs of hot air wafted from the cracks, a reminder of the island’s volcanic nature.



But then…the shaking stopped.



All was silent.



Nobody moved a muscle. Afraid that the slightest of motions would set off a chain reaction.



They all just stood there, gawking at each other.



Hiccup looked to Mirabel, Mirabel looked to Isabela, Isabela looked to No-Name, No-Name looked to Eret…



Arny looked to Isabela.



And she felt that burning, broiling rage returning.



That hatred, for the one who’d made her look like a fool. Feel like a fool.



Her blood boiling, her fists trembling, her eyes twitching.



Arny took a single step-



And the entire island broke into pieces.



Rapidly, violently, and with a cacophonous BOOM, the entire landmass split up. Revealing cavernous depths, and flowing pools of lava.



Everyone scrambled to hop onto a piece of land, floating on the lava like craggy life rafts.



But they had to keep moving, as the flow of the molten river was leading them straight into the deep interior of the island.



And the island was caving in on itself.



Isabela had leapt to safety as quickly as she could, as she was closest to the pit.



But when she turned to try and assist her dragon, she trembled with fear when she saw the tied-up Snaptrapper falling into the cavern. Plummeting inside with a chorus of hisses.



“NO!” She yelled, petrified.



Hiccup and Mirabel were just as frightened, and they quickly mounted their dragons to go save the sisters.



“We’ve got them!” Mirabel shouted, as she and Hiccup flew down into the cavity.



No-Name had tripped on a stone, and couldn’t keep up with the fast flow of the lava. His piece of rock was going over the edge.



And he fell.



Just for a moment, just long enough for him to comprehend that this would be his final day on this earth.



But then a hand caught him.



Eret had risked everything to save No-Name from death. Leaning over the edge of the crevice, the boiling magma baking his skin.



Despite the precarious situation, he managed a cocky grin.



“I-It’s like I said! I promised I’d look after- “



And then they both fell.



The hunk of rock Eret was holding onto crumbled into nothing, and the two of them dropped into the crater. Screaming all the while.



Arny released a strangled gasp, and rushed over to peer into the pit.



She couldn’t see them, but apparently they could see her. Because to her eternal relief, they started talking to her.






And that left Isabela and Arny.



They’d both moved to more stable ground, a sanctuary amidst the volatile landscape that surrounded them.



Both their companions were down there, within the crumbling island. Fighting with everything they had to escape.



All they could do was wait for them.



And…while Arny had the time…



Isabela quickly lurched back, dodging a swing from a boomerang-blade.



She then glared at her attacker with a newfound rage.



“Are you kidding me?” She asked, anger rising. “ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?”



“We are literally standing on an island that’s about to explode. My siblings and your friends could die, and this is what you want to do!?”



To answer her question, Arny took on an offensive stance.



Isabela’s eyes narrowed, as an assortment of thorny vines sprouted at her feet.









Now filled with the overwhelming desire to pummel this psychopath, Isabela saw fit to give her exactly what she wanted.



“You wanna go?” She asked, her voice dripping with fury.



“Let’s go.”




Hiccup and Mirabel dove as fast as they could, deep into the ravine.



Steam billowed out from below, as the rapidly crumbling island's lava met the ocean water.



Dodging falling rocks and spouts of lava, they quickly tried to catch the Snaptrapper sisters before they fell to their dooms.



Toothless being the more aerodynamic of the two, he caught up to them quicker. Grabbing onto them with his paws, before zooming off towards a chamber in the cavern. Mariposa following closely behind.



Coming in for a landing, Hiccup quickly hopped off his dragon. He brought out a small dagger he kept for emergencies, and used it to cut the netting.



As soon as they were freed, all four Snaptrapper heads started nuzzling Hiccup’s stomach. Thanking him for saving them.



“Alright, alright! You’re welcome!” He giggled.



Glancing to the collapsing caves around them, Mirabel sent her fiancé a troubled look.



“Can we save the tickles for later? We gotta get out of here!”



With a nod from Hiccup, they readied themselves to exit the ravine.



But then they heard something…






A panicked voice, crying out for salvation from deeper in the chasm.



It was a voice they both recognized.



Despite their feelings on the man, they weren’t about to let someone die.



Sprinting through the winding caves, they found Eret. Along with No-Name.



Stationed on a little chunk of crag, they were trying their bests to fight against the rushing lava. Using a fallen stalactite as a paddle.



Their efforts weren’t paying off, and soon it seemed they’d fall into the boiling depths. Where even their bones would turn to ash.



Mirabel and Hiccup glided in, ready to assist.



Eret continued screaming. “HELP! ANYONE!”



He then noticed the incoming riders, and grew a very cross expression.



“Except for you!” He shouted, while trying to paddle away. “I’d rather be burned alive, then die at the hands of you Dragon Riders!”



Despite his protests, he was soon plucked by Mariposa. Toothless did the same with No-Name.



He struggled, within the dragon’s grasp. Trying to fight his way out.



Mirabel rolled her eyes, looking down at him with a glower.



“We’re not gonna kill you!” She snapped. “We’re not nutjobs, like you!”



Eret scoffed. “We’re the nutjobs? You’re the ones riding mindless, bloodthirsty lizards!”



A falling boulder interrupted their flight path, and they quickly had to land in another cavern to avoid it.



There was more where that came from, as a whole parade of boulders came crashing down.



They would have to wait out the deluge of debris.



Seeing as how they had a moment, Hiccup tried to open the trapper’s minds.



“Dragons aren’t the creatures you think they are.” He said. “If you just show them respect, they can make amazing companions!”



With crossed arms, Eret huffed at his words.



“What? Are we supposed to treat them like pets?” He asked.



He swaggered up to Mariposa, to prove a point.



“Are we supposed to walk up to them and go who’s a good girl? Who’s a good girl?” He cooed, mockingly.



The Stormcutter had no idea his praise was disingenuous, and was now wiggling excitedly. Trilling to him with those big eyes, and her tongue plopped out.



Eret was very uncomfortable with how the dragon was looking at him. He’d never seen the beasts in a non-violent state.



“See?” Hiccup grinned. “You’re a natural!”



Mirabel called her dragon over to her, and hugged her neck protectively. Glaring at the trappers.



“Dragons can be incredible, compassionate creatures. And you’ve been hurting them for money.” She sneered, spitting out that last word.



Eret met her scowl with his own.



“It’s not my fault dragon hunting is a lucrative business! I know you don’t have any real problems, but I’ve got a village to feed. And when your waters are so frozen there aren’t even any fish, you’ve got to find other solutions.”



Hiccup and Mirabel shared a surprised look.



Here they thought these guys were just jerks.



But perhaps they were people, trying to make a living, who just fell into being jerks.



“You’re trying to do what you can for your people…I can understand that…” Mirabel said. “But that doesn’t change the fact that you’re harming innocent animals!”



“I’m sure there are other ways you can support your village.” Hiccup offered.



From beside Eret, No-Name was examining the dragons present with fascination.



“They are kinda cute…” He murmured.



Once more, Eret glanced to the Stormcutter. Who kept ogling him with those big round eyes.



And he couldn’t find it within himself to deny that statement.



More tremors rumbled throughout the cavern. These ones even worse than before.



Bracing themselves by leaning against the cave walls, both riders and trappers watched in terror as a monstrous head rose from below.



With blood red eyes, that bored into your very soul.



The Screaming Death had arrived, somehow even bigger than before.



“The demon…” No-Name whispered, speaking the words with great fear.



“What the bloody hell is that!?” Eret asked, nearly soiling his britches.



“The Screaming Death.” Hiccup shakily answered. “A highly mutated Whispering Death, that showed up on Berk a little while ago.”



This made No-Name think.



“Hey…didn’t you and Arny go to Berk a little while ago? With Whispering Death egg- “



A hand over the mouth from Eret shut him up, before either of the riders could hear.



The great white beast was clearly the one who destroyed this island, just as it had all the others.



They still didn’t know why it was doing this.



But now wasn’t the time to think about questions like that.



The sunlight wouldn’t reach down here, meaning Hiccup couldn’t use it to draw the dragon’s attention.



They only had one option.






“Come on!” Hiccup shouted.



Both he and Mirabel hopped onto their dragons, and grasped one of the trappers.



The downpour of boulders had stopped, meaning they were free to fly out of the ravine. Followed by Isabela’s Snaptrapper.



They soared upwards, reaching for freedom.



But as soon as they were out in the open, the Screaming Death noticed them.



With a frenzied screech, it slithered after them. Chomping at the bit to chomp them to bits.



“I-It’s following us!” Eret frantically cried, feeling very unsafe while dangling from the Stormcutter’s talons.



“Thanks for stating the obvious!” Mirabel hollered.



Not only did they have to dodge falling debris from above, they also had to evade spine shots and blasts of flame from the creature below. Their reflexes were being pushed to the absolute limit.



Not only was it bigger, it was faster. And it certainly seemed meaner.



It caught up to them in no time, and it was opening its ginormous maws. Deciding whether to burn them to ashes or bite them in half.



“We gotta get this guy off our backs!” Hiccup cried.



Their prayers would soon be answered, by the earthly remains of their old foe.



As the island creaked apart even more, the skeleton of the Red Death came hurtling down.



That massive skull, its alabaster jaws wide open, crashed down on them.



The much smaller dragons effortlessly flew through it, soaring out of the six eye sockets with ease.



But the hulking Screaming Death was bludgeoned by the bones, and fell to the bottom of the splitting volcano. Screeching on the way down.



They knew that wasn’t the end. This dragon was too strong, and too stubborn, for this to be the end.



But it allowed them to finally escape the obliterated island interior, and so they counted themselves lucky.



As they rocketed towards the open sky, itching to smell anything other than heat…



Mirabel and Hiccup couldn’t help but wonder how Isabela was doing.




While her siblings faced off against the threat below, Isabela engaged with the threat on the surface.



Here in this arena, made of stone, surrounding by boiling lava, and located on a collapsing landmass…



Arnapkapfaaluk, the silent huntress, was fully devoted to destroying her.



And it showed.



Her teeth perpetually grit in a bestial snarl, she pelted Isabela with everything she had.



She’d toss out her boomerangs, and strike with punches while they were still returning. Then, once she caught them, she’d lash out with them like they were sickles.



She’d kick and tackle and had even tried to bite-



But Isabela held her own.



Using every plant in her arsenal, the botanical woman managed to defend herself from the huntress.



Aloe leaf shields were nearly constantly summoned, thrashing vines kept her adversary at bay with offensive whips, huge flytraps served as field control…



She’d tried the sleeping pollen, but it seemed Arny was just too angry for them to take effect.



Each time a hit was deflected, each time her opponent landed a blow, and each time Isabela made one of those infuriating quips, the woman just got madder and madder.



“You trained to beat me for weeks, and this is the best you’ve got?” Isabela snarked, while blocking hits with a leaf shield.



Arny grunted at this.



“No wonder you like those boomerangs so much. They’re probably the only things that’ll come back to you!” She insulted, using a giant helicopter seed to evade more strikes.



Arny’s face turned red with anger, and she growled, upon hearing this.



“Y’know, I gotta say…” She started, while chucking hefty coconuts at her opponent. “If you’re the mightiest warrior Junior’s ever met, he should really meet more warriors…”



When she heard this, she released another rage filled bellow. Announcing her fury to the heavens.



An unimpressed Isabela watched her with half lidded eyes.



“…You done?” She asked, hands on her hips.



And that did it.



She was so insurmountably pissed…



That Arny broke her vow.






With a burst of speed Isabela wasn’t expecting, the huntress bashed her with her shoulder. Knocking her to the ground.



Before she could get up, Arny was on her. Pounding her with savage punches, Isabela barely managing to protect her face with her forearms.



“You mock me with your taunts! Your childish jokes!” Arny seethed, in an accent similar to Eret’s.



She kept the hits coming, all while voicing her rage. “You act as if you’re so superior!”



Strike after strike after strike was dealt.



“But I know the truth! You are NOTHING without your witchcraft! Without your trickery!”



Isabela’s arms were becoming very bruised.



“You’re not a warrior! You’re a liar!” She screamed, continuing to bash her foe’s face.



“I am superior! I am a warrior! Me! ME!”



Isabela finally managed to kick her assailant off of her, but not until she already had a black eye, and a bleeding mouth.



Wiping the red liquid from her face, she sent a harsh scowl to the woman panting on her knees in front of her.



She spat out some blood, and she spoke.



“The only one here who’s nothing…is you…”



Arny grew a confused expression, as Isabela continued speaking.



“I fight because I think it’s fun…you fight because it’s the only thing you have. You get beaten once, and you have an existential crisis…”



“I could never get in another battle, for the rest of my life, and I’d be just fine.” She wheezed. “Because that’s just one aspect of me, I have other things. More important things...”



“It took me a while, but…I know who I am.” She softly said, before fixing her rival an intense glare.



“Do you?”



For a moment, an animalistic fury overtook Arny’s features. And Isabela readied herself to start fighting again.



But then…



The Huntress’ expression was replaced with one of realization, and then of great despair.



She floundered around for a retort, a rebuke. Anything to prove the witch wrong.



But she found nothing.



She was speechless. And for the first time in years, it wasn’t of her own volition.



The two just sat, on opposing ends of their makeshift battleground.



Catching their breaths, licking their wounds, and neither of them sure if the fight was even going on anymore.



And then they heard it.



From within the island, came a familiar screech.



Toothless came bursting out of the chasms, along with Mariposa, the Snaptrapper sisters, and all their passengers.



Both women were elated to see their respective companions had made it out alright.



But that elation turned into terror, when they saw what had followed them.



Arny crawled backwards, staring up at the massive serpent with quivering eyes.



But upon seeing the Screaming Death, Isabela just sighed.



“This guy again?”



Giving a whistle, Isabela called her dragon to her.



Hopping on, she took off. Before swooping back around, and plucking Arny from the ground.



A gesture she did not understand.



“W-Wait…why are you helping me?” Asked the confused huntress.



They were enemies! You weren't supposed to save your enemy.



“I could totally drop you in the lava, if you’d prefer…” Isabela spoke, with a tired frown.



Glancing down to the boiling land below, Arny knew her answer immediately. “No! This is fine!”



The flowery woman then met up with her siblings, the both of them wincing when they saw her current state.



“Ask her about it…” She sighed, gesturing to what lied in her dragon’s claws.



“Would anyone like to explain just what that thing is!?” Arny loudly asked, as the Screaming Death resumed its pursuit.



“Oh, you know…” Eret laughed uncomfortably, in Mariposa’s grasp. “Just a mutant Whispering Death!”



And when he gave her a simple, yet terrified glance…



She knew they’d messed up.



Hiccup surged forward, and dropped No-Name onto Mariposa. Just behind Mirabel.



“H-Hello!” He waved.



She didn’t wave back.



“I’m gonna distract it.” Hiccup said. “You get them somewhere safe!”



The sisters flew onwards, to deposit the trappers away from this madness.



Bringing out his collapsed staff, he used it to reflect the sunlight. Earning the Screaming Death’s ire.



“That’s right, pal! Over here!” He taunted, as Toothless began flying in the other direction.



Just as planned, the Screaming Death began following him.



For a moment.



After a few seconds of chasing, it stopped. Hovering in place, while shaking its mighty head.



Then, it turned around. After Mirabel and Isabela.



“What? No!” Hiccup yelped, before zooming in front of it.



Once more, he tried distracting it with the light. But the serpent just ignored him, and charged after its targets.



“It…it knows that I’m trying to trick it!” Hiccup realized. “It learned from its mistake!”



And that wasn’t a good thing.



Flying as fast as their dragon’s would take them, the cool-color sisters located the trapper ships.



“DON’T FIRE!” Eret shouted, already seeing men start to ready catapults.



All three trappers were unceremoniously dropped onto their boat, as the girls flew back towards the rapidly sinking island. To assist their fishbone.



From the ship, Eret and Arny looked upon the massive beast with fear.



…And regret.



“We did this…” Eret softly admitted. “We unleashed this thing on the archipelago. We sunk those islands…”



“We were trying to sink an island in the first place! Not even caring about any innocents, we were willing to destroy an entire village because we were mad at a few people!”



He released a deep sigh. “We really screwed up…”



Arny shared in his feelings.



And from deep within her soul, she felt a newfound desire.



To fight.



But not to prove she was the best.



She wanted to fight to protect.



“We have done wrong…” She spoke. “And now we must make it right.”



Eret glanced to her, completely confounded.



“D-Did you…did you just…”



Instead of answering his question, she simply gave him a resolute stare.



“Are you with me, brother?”



And after a moment’s hesitation…



He grew a cocky grin.



“I’m the finest trapper alive!  And you’re the mightiest warrior I’ve ever known!” He proclaimed. “We can handle an oversized garden snake!”



With a grin of her own, Arny dived into the seas. Hastily swimming back towards the fractured shore.



Eret faced the crew. “Don’t wait up! We’ll meet you back at the fort!”



He then dove in after her.



The both of them ready to help the Dragon Riders clean up their mess.




The Screaming Death was not very happy.



The little pests wouldn’t stop firing at it. Or trying to flash lights at it.



They were impeding its mission.



They were stopping it from finding her.



And so, just like all things that hindered its quest…



They needed to be destroyed.



It then did what big dragons really seemed to like doing.



It called for backup.



Hiccup, Mirabel, and Isabela covered their ears, while their dragons began flapping erratically, as the beast released a monstrous bellow to the skies.



And soon after, slithering out of the fog, its cavalry arrived.



A monumental multitude of Whispering Deaths all came to answer the call of their leader, each one ready to pulverize something.



“That’s way more than I remember there being…” Mirabel noted, becoming disturbed.



“It must be the alpha of all Whispering Deaths…” Hiccup surmised. “Or at least a lot of them.”



“Oh, great. We gotta fight an entire species…” Isabela grumbled.



The winged snakes descended onto the trio, a swarm of razor-sharp teeth whirring in unison.



Desperately, they tried to dodge the assortment of dragons. Flying away from the flock as fast as they could.



The tunneling dragons all chased after them, flanked by their ginormous leader.



Down below, Eret and Arny saw an opportunity to join in the fight.



Climbing up the nearly submerged mountaintop, they jumped up to grab onto a few low flying Whispering Deaths. Somehow managing to hang on, despite the writhing of the reptiles, and following after the riders.



“I don’t remember there being this many eggs!” Eret shouted.



“We will worry about that later!” Arny replied.



Hiccup had gotten all turned around, in the swarm. And somehow found himself face to face with the Screaming Death.



Quickly, Toothless jolted to the right. Dodging a giant fireball, they flew across the length of its long body.



But then its whip-like tail lashed out. Slamming the young Haddock right on the head.



Whacking Hiccup off his dragon, and knocking him unconscious.



He fell, drifting in and out of reality, not even noticing that he was in a near death situation.



Shrieking with fright, Toothless made a dive for his rider. Screaming through the clouds.



Hearing the shriek, Mirabel and Isabela quickly went into dives themselves. The both of them, desperate to save their fishbone.



All the Whispering Deaths followed them, including the ones Eret and Arny had hijacked.



And the Screaming Death followed them as well.



Toothless had managed to catch up with his friend, and positioned himself to get his rider on his back.



But he still wasn’t quite conscious, and they were still falling. As he was unable to operate the tail-fin.



Hiccup, unaware of all the beings who were currently after him, and not registering the danger he was in, had a stray thought drift into his hazy mind.



“I could really go for some of mom’s cooking right now…”



And in a flash…




It was a lovely afternoon in the Encanto.



It was so lovely, that the Madrigals had decided to just hang out in their front yard.



Chairs were set up, on the hill leading up to Casita. Occupied by several members of the family.



Idle chatter was made, while Bruno sat on the grass in front of the children. Enrapturing them with a story.



Their dragons were snoozing, in one big reptilian pile. Antonio relaxed on the top of it.



It was a good time.



Julieta took this serene moment to ask her mother a question.



“Mirabel’s been really worried about her last test. I’m not sure if she’s even sleeping…” She said, brimming with maternal concern. “Are you sure you can’t give her a hint?”



While this information worried Alma, she held firm.



“It is imperative that the contents of her final challenge remain a secret, until she faces it.”



The healer released a sigh. “Yes, but- “



There was a flash, from above.



A Night Fury crashed into the hill, just barely missing Bruno. Who’d moved to shield the kids from the scattering dirt and grass.



Carried by the momentum, a barely aware Hiccup rolled out from under his dragon.



Then, two more flashes. As Mirabel and Isabela came in for much softer landings.



While the Madrigals gawked at him with shock and concern, Julieta rushed over. Fearing for her children.



“What happened to him?” She asked.



She then reeled back, when she saw her oldest daughter’s face. “What happened to you!?”



Before she could answer, there was another flash.



Eret and Arny were dropped onto the hill. Face first.



Most of the family didn’t recognize them at all, but a few did.



“What are they doing here?” Camilo asked, Luisa sharing in his surprise.



Once again, before anyone could answer, there was just one more flash.



So big, that it briefly overwhelmed everyone’s visions.



And when the light cleared, and their sight was returned to them…



Hiccup had woken up.



Sitting up on the grass, he groggily saw the members of his family looking at something.



Something far away. Something he couldn’t quite see.



And whatever it was, it was apparently horrifying.



His tired brain decided to follow their gazes…



And suddenly he wasn’t so tired anymore.



Adrenaline shot through his body, he’d completely woken up.



Because now, he too was horrified.



Hovering over the town, flanked by its many minions, and casting its monstrous shadow over the Encanto…



Was the Great White Beast.



The Screaming Death.