11. Handcuffs

Nicole and Waverly snuggled on the couch as they watched TV, bellies full of pancakes. They were only two episodes into The L Word, and Waverly couldn’t take it anymore. All of the sex scenes were driving the brunette crazy. Waverly slowly drew her hand down from its resting spot on Nicole’s chest to the waistband of her shorts as she teased the woman. She looked up at brown eyes, which were glued to the screen, trying their best not to react to the smaller woman. Waverly knew she would have to go further if she wanted to get a reaction from her girlfriend. She dipped her fingers between slick folds, causing the officer to gasp.

“Waves,” Nicole wined as she drew out her name.

“What’s wrong?” Waverly asked innocently as she continued stroking with her fingers.

“I’m trying to watch,” Nicole replied as she swallowed a moan.

“I’m trying to watch too. I’m trying to watch my hot girlfriend come for me,” she grinned.

Nicole laughed and shook her head as she paused the show. “I’ve created a sex addict.”

“It’s your fault for fucking me so good,” Waverly replied before swinging her leg over the officer and straddling her lap as their lips hungrily connected. Nicole brought her hands under Waverly’s shirt and lifted it above her head, revealing her bare torso before scratching her short nails all over her back. Waverly wrapped her arms around Nicole’s neck for support as the women grinded their hips into each other.

After a couple of minutes in this position, Waverly stood up off of the officer, who whined at the loss of contact, before grabbing the woman’s shorts and yanking them off, leaving her in nothing but her shirt. Then, she dropped to her knees and spread Nicole’s legs, taking in the sight of the woman’s wet sex.

“Waves, are you sure?” Nicole panted.

The brunette responded by bringing her tongue down to Nicole’s center and swirling it around.

“Fuck!” Nicole hissed as she grabbed onto the back of the couch behind her head and began thrusting up into Waverly.

Waverly took her time exploring around Nicole’s heat with her tongue before bringing it up to her clit and circling it, taking in the taste and smell of the woman she loved invading her senses. The corners of her mouth tugged up into a slight smile as she heard sounds of pleasure escape her girlfriend’s gaping mouth.

“Oh yeah, right there. Fuck!” Nicole moaned before bringing her hand down to Waverly’s head, feeling it bob up and down with each lick.

The redhead crinkled her brow as she looked down into Waverly’s eyes, which were staring back at her seductively through thick lashes. The sheer sexiness of the woman between her legs was enough to bring her to her climax.

“FUCK!” She yelled at the top of her lungs as she threw her head back, letting the waves of pleasure wash over her. When she had finished riding out her orgasm, she reached down and grabbed the brunette, pulling her up into a searing kiss and tasting her own arousal on Waverly’s tongue. But they were quickly interrupted by the doorbell.

The women quickly pulled apart as if they had been caught. Nicole shrugged, signaling that she didn’t know who it could be.

“Just ignore it,” Waverly whispered as she went back to kissing her girlfriend.

“Um, hello?” Came a voice through the door after a few loud knocks. “I’m here to exterminate the bugs from your house!”

Nicole quickly pulled out of the kiss. “Shit,” she hissed. “I completely forgot about my appointment.” She covered her mouth with her hand.

The pair quickly put their clothes back on before Nicole ran to the door, brushed her hands through her hair really quick, and then opened it.

“Uh, hi,” she said sheepishly.

“Hi,” the man waved back. “Hope I didn’t catch you at a bad time,” he smirked.

All of the blood drained from Nicole’s face. She knew he had heard. There was no way he hadn’t. “Um, no, not at all. Please, come in.”

The man walked through the house and noticed Waverly awkwardly standing in the living room in the oversized t-shirt and boyshorts. She thanked the heavens that the shirt, which belonged to Nicole, was long enough to make it look like she was wearing really short shorts.

“Waverly Earp?” He questioned as he squinted. “Is that you?”

“Tim? You’re an exterminator?” She subtly grabbed onto the edges of the shirt and pulled down a bit, trying to stretch it out to cover a bit more of herself.

“Yeah, well you know, family business,” he said as he eyed her up and down, licking his lips.

Nicole noticed the drooling man and clenched her jaw. “Let me guess, friends from high school?” She asked, forcing herself into the conversation.

“Well, sort of. I was a senior and the captain of the basketball team that Waverly and her girls cheered for every Tuesday night. But of course, Waverly was the real MVP of those games. Even back then when she was a little freshman.” He continued ogling her. “Man, you still look good Earp!”

Waverly pulled the shirt lower, and blushed, feeling extremely uncomfortable. “Um, thanks,” she mumbled.

Nicole loosened her fists and breathed slowly, trying her best to keep calm. How dare this man come into her home and look at her girlfriend like that.

“I didn’t know you lived here,” he said with a confused look on his face as he realized that this wasn’t the Earp homestead. Everyone knew that Wynonna had come back to town and Waverly had moved back into their childhood home with her. It was the talk of the town.

“Oh, I uh, I don’t live here…” she explained sheepishly with her left hand on her back and her right hand rubbing the side of her neck.

“This is my house,” Nicole said as she placed her hands on her hips territorially, hoping that he would take the hint.

“Oh.” He looked between them, trying to figure out the situation. When he put it together, a smirk spread across his face. “Ohhhhh.” He nodded, looking between the girls, grinning as he put a mental image to what he had heard earlier. “Nice! Waverly Earp, a lesbian. Who would’ve thought? I guess dreams really do come true!” He shook his head in excitement as he eyeballed the brunette again with new knowledge.

Waverly looked down at the floor in embarrassment, desperately wishing that he would leave.

“Say, if you two are ever looking for a third, I’m available!” He waltzed over to Nicole and eyed her up and down. “And luckily for you sweetheart, I’m really into redheads.”

He reached out to touch her arm, but instead Nicole grabbed his wrist and maneuvered it behind his back, pushing him up against the wall.

“Ow!” He yelped with his left cheek smashed against the wall. “What the hell!”

“Unluckily for you, I’m a cop, dipshit. And if you tell anybody about Waverly and me, even your little insignificant buddies from your Friday night circle jerk group, I will find out, and I will personally make your life hell. Got it?”

He nodded fervently. “Got it!”

“Good.” She dropped his arm and watched him grab it, wincing in pain. “Now get out of my house before I throw you out.”

He quickly sprinted out the front door before Nicole slammed it shut.

Just when Waverly thought her girlfriend couldn’t get any hotter, there she goes, proving her wrong again. “I never pegged you for the jealous type,” Waverly said with her hands on her hips. She dropped them as she slowly walked over to the fuming redhead. “It’s really sexy.”

“Guys like that make me sick! I can’t believe he had the audacity to talk to us like that. And did you see the way he looked at you?! Ugh, what a jackass!”

Waverly tried her best to hide her smile. Nicole really was the cutest when she was mad, and she was especially cute when she was mad and protective. “You know what’ll make you feel better?” Waverly asked as she walked her fingers up the officer’s chest.

“What?” Nicole huffed out, too angry to notice Waverly attempting to seduce her.

The brunette stood on her tiptoes as she nipped at the officer’s ear, causing the woman to shudder. She knew she had the officer’s attention now. “Fucking me against that wall over there,” Waverly whispered as she nodded her head over to the wall behind Nicole, right where she had previously threatened the exterminator.

Nicole felt her stomach drop. Waverly had somehow managed to make her forget all about what had just happened. She planted her lips onto the brunette’s and hastily pushed her over to the wall, slamming her against it. The roughness of it all caused a rush of arousal to coat Waverly’s center. The redhead dropped her lips to Waverly’s neck and nipped as she grabbed Waverly’s ass with her hands and pulled her into her.

“I don’t need to be worked up,” Waverly said through breathy moans. “I just need to be fucked.”

The officer kept her left hand on Waverly’s ass as she brought her right hand to her center, pushing the boyshorts aside. Before she could do anything, Waverly grabbed onto her arm and stilled her, causing Nicole to pull back and look at her with questioning eyes.

“Before you start, I just wanted to say, don’t hold back. I want it rough. And don’t worry, I can take it.”

Nicole nodded as she bit her lower lip and looked into her lover’s eyes, making sure it was really what the girl wanted. When she was sure, she plunged two fingers deep into Waverly and began thrusting them – hard and fast.

The smaller woman inhaled sharply as she dug her nails into Nicole’s shoulder blades through her shirt. She rocked her hips into the woman, setting the pace. The officer followed with deep thrusts, being sure to put pressure against her front wall each time.

“Oh yes baby. Fuck me good,” Waverly moaned as she wrapped a leg around the Nicole’s waist, forcing her in deeper.

The redhead used her hips to push her fingers in even deeper as she nipped and sucked at Waverly’s neck. She brought her left hand up to Waverly’s hair and grabbed it, pulling her head to the side to expose her neck for better access.

The rough act mixed with her back hitting the wall and Nicole’s fingers roughly fucking her caused Waverly’s walls to tighten. She couldn’t take it anymore, she wanted to feel the woman on every inch of her skin. She pulled Nicole into a searing kiss, lips messily gliding back and forth as she let heat and arousal take over her body. She felt her muscles tense up as a burst of energy jolted through them, squeezing tighter and tighter, until she felt all of the tension breaking in an explosion of pleasure. She grabbed onto Nicole’s shoulders for support as her whole body shook in ecstasy, releasing a very loud, strangled moan. Her fresh arousal spilled out of her heat and onto the redhead’s fingers. Nicole felt Waverly getting heavier on her shoulders, so she quickly pulled out of her and wrapped her arms around her, holding her up as the girl’s knees gave out.

Nicole let out a chuckle. “You alright there?”

“Jesus,” Waverly said with her face buried in Nicole’s chest, slowly shaking her head in disbelief. “That was so freaking good.”

“Really? I never pegged you to be the rough type,” Nicole smirked, copying Waverly’s wording from earlier.

The brunette lifted her head from the woman’s chest. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Officer Haught,” Waverly winked.

“Oh really? I can’t wait to learn everything.” She smiled as she kissed the top of Waverly’s head. “Want to finally finish the rest of this episode of The L Word?”

“Yeah, I could use a bit of a break. But then afterwards, you’re all mine.”


“Do you have your handcuffs?” Waverly asked hesitantly from her spot on top of Nicole, after each having had three more orgasms in the officer’s bed.

“Uh, yeah. Why?” Nicole looked at her with a raised eyebrow, still panting from her last orgasm that had just happened moments prior.

“Because,” Waverly leaned down and moved her lips slowly against Nicole’s. She smirked as she sat back up and rubbed her hands slowly up and down her girlfriend’s torso. Nicole watched the sexiness that was Waverly Earp with wide, attentive eyes. “I want to play with you,” she said, batting her eyelashes.

“I feel like this is a bad idea,” Nicole said as she uncontrollably began to move her body up and down under her girlfriend’s touch, already getting worked up again.

“It’ll feel good, trust me. I’m going to give you the best orgasm of your life.” She smiled innocently as she slowly rubbed her hands from Nicole’s neck all the way down to her ankles. The officer gulped. “And besides, you always get to be in control. I’d like to see you be the one taking orders for once,” she smirked.

Nicole was nervous, yet excited. She was kind of a control freak, which she knew, so thinking about being cuffed and unable to do anything scared her a little. She thought about it for a moment until she decided to give in. Screw it. “Okay, they’re in my utility belt in my closet.”

Waverly hopped her naked body off of the bed and rushed over to grab the handcuffs before carefully placing the keys on top of the dresser and returning to Nicole.

“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” The brunette asked as she opened the cuffs and crawled back on top of her girlfriend to straddle her.

“I’m sure. I mean, the thought of not being in control scares me a little, but also the thought of you doing things to me with my hands restrained sounds exciting and sexy,” Nicole smiled.

“Do you want to use a safe word or something, just in case?” Waverly asked.

“Um, sure. How about, pineapple?”

The brunette giggled. “Okay, pineapple means stop. Got it.” She gazed down at Nicole with a fire in her eyes.

The redhead chuckled. “You look like you’re plotting something very devious right now.”

“Oh, you have no idea what I’m about to do to you,” Waverly stated as she roughly rolled the officer over onto her stomach and cuffed her hands behind her back – making sure they weren’t too loose or too tight – before rolling her back over and sitting back on her heels between Nicole’s legs,

“Damn Waves. That was hot,” the redhead smirked.

“Shut up,” Waverly barked as she scratched her nails down the officer’s legs, causing them to tremble. “Don’t speak unless I say you can, got it?”

Nicole gulped as she nodded her head. She was right – dominant Waverly was sexy.

“Good,” Waverly replied. She reached out to massage Nicole’s breasts.

“Ungh baby, that feels good,” Nicole sighed, slightly writing under the smaller woman’s touch.

Waverly stopped her movements and pulled her hands back. Nicole opened her eyes to see the reason for the sudden loss of contact.

“Did I say you could speak?” Waverly asked sternly.

“Oh, uh, no- I mean…” Nicole shook her head.

“That’s right. Next time, I’m going to leave you here handcuffed without release…in more ways than one.” She looked down at Nicole’s red curls, and then back up to her eyes. “Got it?”

Nicole nodded fervently. Waverly’s dominance was already making her crave her sweet release, but she knew she had to be patient. She took a deep breath and tried to relax, but it didn’t prepare her for what Waverly was about to do next.

The brunette brought her hand down to her own center and parted her wet folds before slowly dipping her fingers inside and fucking herself. Her eyelids fluttered as she let out a small gasp.

“Oh, fuck baby.” She began to slowly rock her hips. “This feels so good.”

Nicole watched with wide eyes as she gulped. Watching Waverly fuck herself was undoubtedly the hottest thing she had ever seen. The brunette began to pick up her pace as she brought her other hand down and circled her clit, short moans and whimpers escaping her lips as she did so.

“Baby, I’m going to come. Are you watching?”

Nicole nodded with her mouth wide open as she stared down at Waverly’s center, watching her delicate fingers at work.

“Fuck!” Waverly moaned as she sat up off her heels and thrusted roughly into her fingers, her center pulsing in waves of pleasure. When she was finished, she leaned down and shoved her glistening fingers into the officer’s mouth, who greedily sucked them dry.

“You liked that baby?” Waverly asked before releasing her fingers from her girlfriend’s mouth.

“God Waves, that was so fucking sexy,” Nicole replied in awe. She had never seen this side of Waverly before, and it was driving her nuts.

“Uh uh uh,” Waverly replied as she brought a finger down to Nicole’s clit and gave it one quick swipe, causing the redhead’s hips to jolt as she moaned. “No talking, remember?” She continued as she brought the finger up to Nicole’s lips and shushed her. The redhead nodded in understanding.

The brunette then brought her hands back down to Nicole’s nipples and played with them for what felt like hours. Nicole was starting to become impatient. She tried squeezing her legs together, but with Waverly sitting in between them she couldn’t, keeping her from feeling any relief. She writhed under her girlfriend’s touch, not sure how much more she could take. She needed Waverly to touch her center.

Waverly noticed how much Nicole was twisting and turning. She looked down and saw her arousal begin to drip down onto the sheets. She knew Nicole wouldn’t be able to take much more with how long she had been teasing her. She slowly dragged her hands down towards the officer’s red curls, but instead of touching her right where Nicole needed, she brought them to the sides, impossibly close to her wetness, and rubbed up and down. Nicole whined as she involuntarily pulled her hands apart, but was stopped by the cuffs.

“What’s wrong baby? You want me to touch you?” Waverly asked as she moved her hands dangerously close to where Nicole wanted them most and traced lightly.

The redhead nodded as she panted, eyebrows furrowed in frustration. Waverly took one finger and drove it deep into Nicole’s center, causing her hips to buck forward and her back to arch off the bed as the back of her head sunk deep into the pillow.

“Fuck!” She cried at the unexpected contact, her eyes squeezed shut.

The brunette slowly dragged her finger all the way back out and brought it up to her lips, sucking it like it was the best thing she’d ever tasted. Nicole watched in agony, desperately wanting to feel Waverly’s finger inside her again.

“You may speak,” Waverly said as she saw the thoughts racing through Nicole’s mind.

“Baby, I don’t think I can take much more of this teasing. I need you to touch me. Please,” She begged.

Waverly tapped her finger on her chin. “Well, since you asked so nicely.” She brought her fingers to the redhead’s center and stuck two of them inside, pushing forward painfully slow as Nicole tried to push herself onto the brunette’s fingers, but Waverly adjusted to where her pace remained the same no matter what Nicole did. She stilled her hand before slowly pulling all the way back out again, causing Nicole to whine in frustration. She repeated this motion nine more times, each time eliciting a whimper from Nicole, before picking up her pace.

“Ungh,” Nicole moaned, finally getting what she wanted. She felt herself getting close to the edge.

“I’m gonna come,” she panted, urging Waverly to keep going. Just as the brunette felt Nicole’s muscles begin to tighten she pulled her fingers back out.

Nicole shot up to look at Waverly. “What the hell!” she growled as she was stopped from reaching her climax. She tried to free her hands, but it was no use. Waverly held her legs wide open, making sure she didn’t get any contact on her center.

“You come when I decide you can come.”

Nicole dropped her head back onto the pillow and groaned. Just as she was about to say something, she felt her clit being stimulated. Her eyes shot open as she gasped. She quickly looked down, and saw Waverly’s head between her legs, tongue moving at a pace so fast it was causing her legs to involuntarily shake. She bit her bottom lip and rocked her hips as she watched. It wasn’t long before she was brought back to the edge again. In a matter of seconds, she felt the heat rush to her center.

“Fuck!” She cried. But once again, Waverly removed herself from Nicole, and stopped her from reaching her orgasm. The redhead cried out in frustration as she writhed around in the bed, searching for contact anywhere, but found none.

After a minute without being touched anywhere except her knees – where Waverly was keeping her legs spread – Waverly quickly brought her fingers down through red curls and moved them as quickly as possible around Nicole’s impossibly hard nub.

“Jesus, fucking Christ. Holy fuck, yes!” Nicole was brought closer to the edge than she had been before, and knew she was going to get to finish this time. Surely Waverly wasn’t that cruel. But once again, Waverly removed her hand, causing tears to well up in Nicole’s eyes as she whimpered in frustration, moving her limbs all around the bed. “Dammit Waverly!”

“Do you want to come baby?” Waverly asked sweetly as she gently rubbed Nicole’s legs, urging them to still.

“Yes!” She growled, body still writhing in torture as her center throbbed.

“Then beg me,” the brunette demanded.

“Please baby. Please let me come,” Nicole cried.

Waverly shook her head. “Not good enough.”

“Waves, baby. I need you so badly to give me an orgasm. I can’t take this anymore.”

“Try again,” she replied, unimpressed.

Nicole sat up. She’d had enough. “Waverly Earp, my pussy is dripping wet, waiting for you to fuck it and give it the release it deserves for dealing with all of your fucking teasing! I need to come, right now, or else I might actually die! I don’t care how you do it, just fuck me Waverly. Fuck me right now until I come everywhere, or else I’m sending you straight fucking home!”

As soon as Nicole finished her sentence, Waverly plunged three digits deep inside the woman and began thrusting hard and fast as she brought her other hand down to Nicole’s clit and drew quick circles, causing the redhead to fall back down onto the mattress.

“Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Fuck fuck fuck FUCK!” Nicole screamed as she arched her back off the bed and pulled against the handcuffs, her whole body shaking as she finally got the release she had been craving for the past half hour.

Waverly continued her movements as Nicole continued rocking her hips into her girlfriend’s hands.

“Oh god, oh fuck, UNGHHHH!” Unexpectedly, Nicole was hit with a second orgasm, with just as much intensity as her first. “Shit!” She cried as her legs began to tremble at the unbelievable amount of electricity that pulsed through her veins. She dropped her body onto the bed and panted, beads of sweat dripping down her entire body as she quickly pulled her overly-sensitive clit away from Waverly’s fingers. She could feel the damp sheets sticking to her skin.

“Waves, holy shit,” she said between gasps of air. “I’ve never come so hard in my entire life, and I’ve never come twice in a row like that.” She continued panting.

“Really?” Waverly asked as she brought the keys over to unlock the handcuffs.

“Really. Jesus Christ, that was incredible.” The officer set the handcuffs down on her bedside table as soon as she was released. “But don’t ever do that again. I almost kicked you in the face.”

Waverly giggled. “You wouldn’t have done that.”

“You deprived me of my orgasm three times. There’s no telling what I would’ve done,” Nicole joked. She looked over at the clock. “Shit, it’s past midnight. You have work tomorrow.”

“I do,” Waverly pouted. She hated having to work on Sundays. But she was very thankful that her girlfriend had the entire weekend off, which was rare for her. “I wish I could stay here with you,” she said as she curled up next to Nicole.

“Me too, but it’s probably a good thing. We’ve had so much sex in the past 28 hours, I think we both need a break.”

“Hey, are you saying I can’t be around you without initiating sex?”

Nicole looked at her knowingly.

“Okay, I’ll admit, I have been a bit eager…”

“A bit? Waverly, I’ve had more orgasms with you than I have in my entire life. I mean, I love it, but a girl needs some rest!”

“Okay, okay. Fine. Maybe I’ve been more than a bit eager. But it’s your fault! You introduced me to amazing sex and now I’m obsessed.”

“Well, tell you what, when you get off work you can come back here to my place and we can have some more amazing sex if you want,” she smiled at the brunette.

“I want!” Waverly exclaimed. “Work is going to be torture though. I don’t know how I’m going to make it through the day without you.”

“I’m sure you’ll think of something,” Nicole smirked before turning over to spoon Waverly, holding her as they fell asleep.