13. You're Not Alone

Waverly peeked an eye open as she looked at the time on the alarm clock. She groaned when she saw that she had 10 more minutes until she had to get out of bed to get ready for work. She turned over to wrap her arm around Nicole, but her hand abruptly hit the empty bed instead. She sat up and looked around the room, widening her eyes in an attempt to see better in the dark, but didn’t see Nicole anywhere. She slid out of bed and grabbed the fleece blanket from the edge to wrap around her bare body as she headed towards the stairs.

When she got to the bottom step, she noticed Nicole in the living room wearing a tight tank top and short cotton shorts doing push-ups. She watched with attentive eyes as she carefully studied all of the muscles in Nicole’s arms flexing with each push. Her breathing began to pick up as a surge of heat rushed to her center.

“…48, 49, 50.” Nicole murmured to herself before pushing all the way up to a standing position, which was when she noticed Waverly standing at the bottom of the stairs with her mouth agape.

Nicole froze, startled by the woman’s unexpected presence, but then quickly replaced her expression with a smirk. “Like what you see?” She asked as she walked over to Waverly.

“I love what I see,” the brunette replied as she felt strong arms wrap around her skin underneath the blanket, warming her up. The women were eye level, since Waverly was standing on the bottom step and Nicole was on the floor. Waverly leaned forward and gave Nicole a chaste kiss before quickly pulling away.

“That’s all I get?” Nicole pouted.

“I have morning breath,” Waverly explained as she shyly covered her mouth with her hand.

“Not the first time,” Nicole replied with a smile before giving the brunette a longer kiss.

Waverly melted into the kiss, but quickly pulled away when the redhead’s insult had registered. “Hey!” she whined as she hit Nicole’s arm.

Nicole jumped away, defending herself as she laughed before wrapping her arms back around the brunette.

“So, why are you up so early doing push-ups?”

“I do this every morning before work. I have this whole workout routine that I do. It gets me energized for the day, and I like feeling strong before going into my shift.”

“Hm,” Waverly hummed. “Remind me set my alarm a bit earlier when I sleep over on work nights.”

The redhead chuckled and shook her head before wiping Waverly’s abdomen. “Sorry, I’m getting you all sweaty.”

“Wouldn’t be the first time,” Waverly replied smoothly, causing the officer to grin. “But I’m about to take a shower anyways. Care to join?” She asked with a suggestive smirk on her face.

“Well normally I would go for a two-mile run after my strength training workout, but how could I resist such an offer?”

She leaned in to kiss the brunette, but just before their lips touched Waverly whispered, “Race you!” And threw the blanket over Nicole before sprinting up the stairs.

The officer struggled to get the blanket off of her head, but finally got it off just in time to see a flash of Waverly’s ass as it turned the corner at the top of the stairs.

“Oh, you…” Nicole said through gritted teeth as she ran up the stairs two at a time following behind Waverly. She went into her bedroom and heard the shower water running through the slightly cracked door.

“Waves?” She called out as she gently and slowly pushed open the bathroom door, giving the brunette enough time to oppose if she wasn’t allowed to enter.

Waverly poked her head from around the shower curtain, covering herself just above her breasts. “Are you going to get in like that?”

Nicole looked down at her sweaty clothes and pushed them off before walking towards the shower with a smirk. She stepped under the hot stream behind Waverly and wrapped her arms around the smaller woman as she moved her long, brown hair to the side and began kissing her neck. Waverly hummed in reaction to the touch and smiled.

“We’re not even going to bathe first?” Waverly asked.

“Nope,” Nicole murmured into Waverly’s neck before pushing her up against the wall. The contrast of the cool tiles against the front of her body with the hot water hitting the back of her body made her shudder. A small whimper from Waverly echoed throughout the bathroom as Nicole ran her hands up the backs of Waverly’s thin legs.

“Spread ‘em,” Nicole ordered in her police voice.

Waverly instantly obeyed, spreading her legs wide as she pressed her palms against the tiles on the wall. Nicole reached between the brunette’s legs from behind and teased her entrance, eliciting a moan from the smaller woman as she instinctively pushed her ass out to give the redhead better access. Nicole dipped her finger inside Waverly’s entrance just enough to reach her first knuckle before quickly pulling it back out, repeating this process a few times as she placed passionate kisses all over Waverly’s upper back.

“Nic, I need more,” Waverly whined.

Nicole smiled before pushing her finger all the way into Waverly as far as it would go as she slowly moved her fingertip around, flicking across Waverly’s G-spot. The brunette’s knees buckled at the feeling as she pressed her fingertips harder into the wall.

“Oh shit,” she said in a breathy tone as she continued panting. It was a spot that rarely got much attention. “Yes, keep doing that. Ungh!”

Nicole continued flicking her finger as she lightly rocked her hips into Waverly’s backside, feeling the slightest bit of pleasure herself as she brought her other hand around Waverly’s front and began massaging her clit. Waverly sighed at the contact as she lightly bit her lower lip and smiled. She was in pure heaven.

After a few minutes, Waverly began pushing back into Nicole’s finger, signaling that she wanted her to move in and out. Nicole added a second digit and began thrusting her fingers. She abruptly picked up the pace in both hands in an attempt to speed up the process, desperately wanting to feel Waverly clench around her fingers. It was a feeling she often craved – watching the woman she loved coming undone under her touch. Orgasms were great and sometimes necessary, but for Nicole, her favorite part of sex was bringing Waverly to her climax.

When Waverly felt Nicole speeding up her movements, she shook her head and chuckled before bringing her hand down onto Nicole’s over her clit and slowed down her motions, showing her exactly how she wanted it. The officer followed Waverly’s guidance and naturally slowed down her other hand that was pumping in and out of Waverly as well.

“Mmm,” Waverly hummed and shook her head as she reached in between her legs to Nicole’s pumping hand and pushed it in and out of her at the quick speed it was going before. “This is fast,” she explained before taking her hand off of Nicole’s. “But this one,” she lightly squeezed the redhead’s other hand that was still on her clit and moved it around, slowly circling her hardened nub. “Is slow. Got it?”

Nicole smirked as she nipped at Waverly’s earlobe. “Got it,” she whispered. The redhead loved a challenge. It was a little bit difficult at first for her to keep one hand moving in quick thrusting motions from behind while the other hand moved in slow circles from the front, but she eventually got into a steady rhythm.

They stayed like this for a couple of minutes, Waverly panting as high-pitched moans occasionally escaped the back of her throat, until she felt herself nearing her climax. In which case, she quickly brought her hand down to her clit, pushing Nicole’s hand out of the way as she took control. Nicole moved her hand from Waverly’s clit to grab onto her hip as she thrusted harder with her hips, pushing her fingers in deeper.

“Ungh, Nicole,” Waverly moaned as her fingers moved erratically across her own clit. “God that’s good.”

“Yeah? Are you gonna come baby?” Nicole asked in a low, raspy voice against Waverly’s ear.

“Yeah baby. I’m gonna come so hard,” Waverly whimpered as she felt her muscles tighten.

“Make yourself come for me baby. I want to feel you pulsing around my fingers.”

“Oh fuck!” Waverly cried as she was hit with an intense orgasm. She pushed her hips back into Nicole, her movements on her clit dissipating as she slowly came down from her high. She let out a satisfied sigh as she grinned and turned around to face the redhead, pulling her into a delicate kiss.

“Mmm, I like shower sex,” she mumbled against the officer’s lips.

“Me too,” Nicole replied, her lips lazily moving against Waverly’s

“It’s okay that I touched myself, right? I didn’t want you to feel like you weren’t doing a good job or anything. I just knew exactly what I wanted in that moment and figured it would be better just to do it myself.”

Nicole shook her head as she gave a caring smile. “Sweetheart, you can touch yourself any time your heart desires.”

Waverly beamed at her girlfriend as she wrapped her arms around the taller woman in a tight hug. It wasn’t anything sexual, but rather an action filled with strong emotions of unconditional love and the assurance that everything was going to be okay, no matter what happened in other parts of their lives. Waverly sniffled as tears fell down her cheeks.

“Hey,” Nicole cooed as she pulled back and wiped the tears from Waverly’s face. “What’s wrong?”

The brunette shook her head as she gave a reassuring smile. “No, no it’s nothing bad. I just really love you and I got a little overwhelmed for a minute.” She punctuated her statement with another sniffle.

The redhead smiled down at her girlfriend as she cupped her face, the brunette’s tears flowing down to her hands. “Waverly, my love, you are far too good for this world. I fall in love with you more and more with each passing second.” She leaned down and gave a slow, tender kiss before pulling back to gaze sweetly into soft eyes.

“Sorry, I’m standing here blubbering after you gave me this incredible orgasm and you haven’t even had yours yet.”

Nicole shook her head. “No, no that was incredible. Trust me, it was just as amazing for me too.” She brought Waverly’s hand up to her lips and kissed the pads of her fingers, taking in the smell of the girl’s arousal that lingered on them for a moment before dropping it back down between their wet bodies. “And I love when you give me orgasms, but if we don’t actually shower you won’t make it to work on time. I have a feeling we’ve already been in here too long.’

“Oh, right.” Waverly grabbed the shampoo bottle and quickly massaged it in her hair while Nicole rubbed a soapy loofah all over her body. When Waverly had finished shampooing and conditioning her hair, she took the loofah from Nicole and scrubbed the woman’s back. Then Nicole did the same to Waverly before washing her own hair as Waverly cleaned the rest of her body.

“Do you shave?” Nicole asked randomly as Waverly finished scrubbing herself.

“Huh?” Waverly replied, confused. “You mean like, my legs?”

“No, like between your legs. Do you shave there?” Nicole asked. She had noticed that Waverly didn’t have any hair down there and had been meaning to ask for a while, but never found the right time.

“Oh, uh no. I wax it,” the brunette replied shyly.

“How come?” Nicole asked curiously.

“I don’t know. I guess to keep it smooth?” She giggled, feeling slightly awkward.

“You don’t have to, you know. I figured before you were probably encouraged to keep it hair-free down there, but you don’t have to do that with me. Of course, if you want to keep waxing, that’s perfectly fine. I just want to make sure you’re doing it for you, and that you know that it’s not mandatory. I think you’re sexy either way.” Her left dimple appeared as she gave a half smile.

Waverly lightly began massaging Nicole’s lower back. “Honestly, I’ve been doing it since I started high school, so it’s just become a habit. You know, with cheerleading the girls always made a big deal about it with our short uniforms. But I’ll keep that in mind if I ever get tired of it.” She smiled as she wrapped her arms completely around Nicole’s waist. “Thank you.”

“No problem,” Nicole replied. “Um, I keep mine trimmed a bit because I don’t like when they get too long, but is there anything specific you want me to do? Like, do you want it smooth at all or trimmed down even more?”

“No way!” Waverly quickly replied as she shook her head. “I like it,” she smiled as she brought her hand down to Nicole’s red curls and combed her fingers through them. “They’re beautiful the way they are. And completely you.”

“Just checking,” Nicole smiled, trying her best not to get too aroused by Waverly’s touch.

After a couple more minutes of enjoying the hot water, the couple stepped out of the shower and dried themselves off before getting ready for work. Waverly threw on a pair of short black waist-high denim shorts and a fitted long-sleeved shirt that she tucked in before heading back to the bathroom to put on some light makeup. When she walked back out into the bedroom, she saw Nicole standing there in her uniform, checking everything in her utility belt that was laying out on the bed. Waverly watched with careful eyes as butterflies filled her stomach.

“You okay?” Nicole asked, concerned by the brunette’s silence.

“Have I told you how sexy you look in that uniform?”

The officer chuckled. “Once or twice.” She turned her attention back to the belt.

“Well, it’s really sexy.” Waverly strutted over to Nicole, swaying her hips in the process before reaching down to unbutton the redhead’s slacks.

“What are you doing?” Nicole giggled, but only got a kiss in response.

“Shh, relax. I’ll be quick,” The brunette smirked as she lowered the woman’s slacks and black boyshorts just enough to reveal her slightly-wet center.

Waverly dropped to her knees and reached out a pointed tongue as she licked through damp folds.

“Oh!” Nicole moaned as she instinctively brought her right hand down to the back of Waverly’s head and threaded her fingers through her light brown locks. She dropped her head back in ecstasy, letting pleasure take over her body as she began thrusting her hips into her girlfriend. Her left hand stayed down by her side. She felt Waverly grab onto her ass, pulling her into the girl’s face.

Nicole opened her eyes and looked down at Waverly before catching sight of her reflection in the mirror that rested against the wall. She was eventually going to hang that mirror up horizontally in the downstairs hallway, but thanked the heavens that she had procrastinated doing that job, because right now she was watching the back of Waverly’s head bob back and forth between her legs as the rest of her body was completely covered in her police uniform. The whole thing kind of looked like Waverly was giving her a blowjob. She spread her legs a little wider and bent her knees as she pushed her pelvis out before bringing her left hand next to her right on Waverly’s head. She jerked her hips faster and pushed on Waverly harder as she watched herself fucking the brunette’s mouth. It wasn’t long before she felt the heat taking over her body as she reached her climax, letting out a low grunt in response to the pleasure coursing through her.

Waverly smiled against the red curls as she felt Nicole’s muscles relax. She lapped up every drop of arousal, cleaning up the mess before wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. She pulled the officer’s pants back up, standing up in the process, and buttoned them back. She then tucked her shirt in and smoothed out the wrinkles.

“Officer,” Waverly winked.

Nicole stared at her with her mouth wide open. “God, what was that?”

“You tell me!” Waverly exclaimed. “I feel like you went somewhere you’ve never gone before.”

Nicole shrugged, knowing exactly where her mind had gone but not wanting to tell Waverly out of embarrassment. “I guess it was just a new position for me.”

“Nobody’s ever gone down on you like that?”

“Not standing up, and definitely not while in uniform.”

“Huh. Well we’ll have to do that more often then,” the brunette replied as a devilish grin spread across her face.

“Um, yes please.”

Waverly chuckled at her eagerness. “Well, I better get going to work. Don’t want to be late for any customers that might want to come in for some coffee.” She wrapped her arms around Nicole’s shoulders and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. “Are you coming in this morning?”

“Yep,” Nicole replied as she wrapped her own arms around Waverly’s small waist.

“Same time?”


“Okay. Well I’ll see you in an hour then, sexy.”

“See you in an hour, sexier.”

They kissed again, this time more passionately, before Waverly left for work and Nicole went back to triple checking her utility belt.


“How was your weekend?” Dolls asked as he sat on Nicole’s desk.

“Oh, um it was good,” she smiled.

“Anything interesting happen?”

“Nope. Nothing important.” She straightened out some folders before looking back at Dolls, who was glaring at her. “What?”

“Haught, don’t play me like that. I want to hear all about it!”

Nicole furrowed her brow. “Um, hear all about what?” She was wondering if he could somehow tell. Like maybe she had some sort of post-orgasm glow or something…or, post-orgasms glow, because she had way more than one.

“About your dinner date with Waverly!” Dolls replied excitedly. “I mean, I know it wasn’t the first date, but you seemed pretty excited about it when she came into the station Friday.”

“Oh, right. The dinner. Yeah, it was good! She’s an amazing cook. It was a perfect date.” She smiled.

“Well I’m happy to hear that,” he said supportively. He looked at the redhead and noticed her shoulders were practically raised up into her ears. “You can relax. I’m not going to ask you about the sex,” he laughed as he shook his head.

“Wha– what makes you think we had sex?” Nicole asked accusingly as she crossed her arms.

“You’re glowing,” Dolls smirked before hitting her on the shoulder with the papers he had in his hand and leaving towards his desk.

Nicole bit her lip, trying her best to hide her smile as she shook her head. She wasn’t embarrassed about it or anything, but she hated when people were able to read her like an open book. Even if that person was her partner, whom she trusted with her life. But even Dolls knowing that she had spent the weekend having incredible, earth-shattering sex didn’t bring her down. Because…well, because she had spent the weekend having incredible, earth-shattering sex.

As she ruffled through some papers, she heard her phone vibrate on her desk. When she looked down, she saw it was a message from Waverly. She grinned as she picked up her phone and opened the message. She was expecting a text that said something about missing her, or maybe some sort of sexual teasing at most, but she didn’t expect to see a picture of Waverly’s bare chest and short shorts in the small employee bathroom of the coffee shop. Nicole accidentally dropped her phone onto her desk as her eyes widened in shock.

“You alright over there?” Dolls called out.

“Oh, uh yeah, sorry. This thing is slippery,” Nicole fumbled as she quickly picked the phone back up and began typing.

Nicole: Waverly Earp!!!

Waverly: I showed you mine, now you show me yours ;)

Nicole looked around the room to make sure nobody was paying any attention to her. She noticed Dolls with his head buried in paperwork, Nedley in his office with the door and blinds shut – like always – and Lonnie asleep at the front desk…also like always. She slipped out of her chair and hastily made her way to the bathroom. She locked herself in a stall before taking off her top and bra, exposing herself to the camera and snapping a picture to send.

Nicole: This is all you get.

Waverly: That’s fine, because it’s all I need :) Those boobs are mine!

Nicole shook her head before typing out her response.

Nicole: Only on weekends ;)

She shoved her phone back into her pocket before putting her bra and shirt back on. She walked out of the stall and made her way back to her desk.

“You forgot to tuck your shirt back in,” Dolls stated without looking up from his paper as he walked past Nicole, making his way from the break room to his desk.

“What? I wasn’t sexting!” She quickly replied.

Dolls froze midstride and looked up as he slowly turned on his heels. “I just assumed you went to pee and forgot to tuck your shirt back in. But you just made my day,” he grinned.

Nicole buried her face in her hands as she cursed herself for being so jumpy. She was a cop for god’s sake. She wasn’t supposed to be this skittish person who spilled their secrets the second anyone suspected anything, but that was the kind of effect Waverly had on the woman.

“Can we please never speak of this,” she mumbled with her face still buried in her hands.

“Fine. But I’m keeping it as blackmail for when I need it,” he smirked before walking to his desk.


“Hey cutie,” Nicole said giddily as she walked into the coffee shop.

“Hey,” Waverly smiled, noticing Nicole’s line of sight was a bit lower than her face. “Uh, my eyes are up here?” She chuckled as she gestured up to her face.

Nicole shook her head, not even realizing that she was straight up staring at Waverly’s chest. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay. You can look at them all you want...when I’m not working,” the brunette winked. “So, to what do I owe this pleasure?”

“Have you eaten lunch yet?” Nicole asked, smiling as she bore her weight onto her arms over the counter.

“Not yet, but I was just about to. Darren just left for his lunch break and I was going to finish stacking these cups before heading out. Why do you ask?”

“I brought you your favorite sandwich from that mom and pop shop that you love so much,” Nicole grinned.

“You mean Mom and Pop’s?” Waverly asked with raised eyebrows, trying to stifle her laughter.

“Yeah, that one.”

“That’s so sweet! I literally have the most thoughtful girlfriend.”

“Well, you know,” Nicole blushed as she looked down at her shined shoes. “I figured we could eat in my car. That way you can be close by and have more time to eat.”

“I’m in! Let me just finish up here and I’ll come find you.”

“You sure? I can wait for you if you want.”

“No, you go ahead and get comfortable. Your police cruiser shouldn’t be too hard to find,” the brunette teased.

“Okay, fair enough. But don’t be too long!”

“I won’t, promise.” Waverly grinned as she watched Nicole walk out the door. She quickly finished her task before waltzing out of the shop, locking it up, and getting into the passenger’s seat of the squad car.

They ate their sandwiches and talked about their day and other random things for about 20 minutes before they fell into a comfortable silence, just genuinely enjoying each other’s company.

“So, do you want to go on a real date with me tonight?” Nicole asked.

“You mean, this isn’t a real date?” Waverly pouted.

“You know what I mean,” the redhead rolled her eyes.

“I do. But I can’t. I promised Wynona we’d have some sister time tonight since I’ve been a little MIA all weekend,” Waverly smirked.

“Ah, okay. No problem then,” Nicole replied, attempting to hide her disappointment. She had never been the type to get attached to people, but Waverly was quickly changing that.

“But tomorrow night, I’m free,” the brunette grinned.

“Okay, then it’s a date,” Nicole smiled, trying her best not to sound too eager.

They fell back into silence as Waverly worked up the courage to bring up the conversation she had been wanting to since last night.

“Hey, Nicole…can I ask you something?” Waverly finally said nervously.

“Baby, I think you’ve done worse things to me,” Nicole chuckled. “But sure, go ahead.”

“Right. Um, well I was wondering if you’ve ever used – well, if you’ve ever…with someone else…used a…a…” she gestured by waving her hands around her crotch. She wasn’t sure why she was so nervous to talk about it. She was able to talk about it with Wynonna the night before...but then again, she had also been in the thrall of passion thinking about Nicole all day. And also, Wynonna was the one who brought it up last time.

Nicole looked down at the stuttering woman’s hands, smiling at how cute she was. It was amazing how one minute Waverly could be so brazen and daring, and the next so shy and timid. She loved it.

“You mean a strap-on?” Nicole asked, not wanting her girlfriend to have to struggle any longer.

“Yes, exactly.” Waverly fidgeted with her hands.

“I haven’t.”

“Oh.” Waverly said softly as she built up the courage to ask her next question. “Um, would you like to try it?”

The officer sighed as she relaxed her head back against the headrest. “I mean, I don’t know. I’ve never really thought much about it. I guess it’s never really been a thing I felt like I needed, you know? Plus, it all just seems very heteronormative. Like I need something penis-shaped inside of me for it to be considered real sex.” She snorted as she thought back to all of those guys who made fun of her in high school for being a lesbian. She looked over at Waverly, who was nodding and looking down at the floor in obvious disappointment. Then she realized what Waverly was actually asking. “Oh. Oh, Waves. I thought you were asking me personally, like just out of curiosity. I didn’t realize–”

“No, it’s okay,” Waverly replied with a weak smile. “I don’t want you to do something you don’t want to do, and clearly this is something you don’t want to do.”

“Do you want to?”

“It doesn’t matter,” she said with a weak smile.

“Of course it matters. We should be able to communicate with each other the things we want. And I want to know what you’re thinking.”

“Well, yesterday Wynonna brought it up, and it got me thinking about it. I think it is something I would like to try, but of course not if you’re not into it.”

The redhead nodded as a feeling of insecurity began to take over. “Um, is it because you miss it?”

“Miss what?” Waverly asked with a raised eyebrow.

“You know…sex with a man? I mean, I just want to make sure you’re getting everything you need, and if you’re saying that’s what you need to be happy, then I would totally do that for you.”

Waverly felt her gut wrench in guilt. “Nicole! Hey, you listen to me…you are perfect. Everything you’re doing is perfect. I don’t miss anything, especially not with Champ. You’re better than him, like a million trillion times better.”

Nicole couldn’t help but grin. Waverly always knew the right things to say to boost her ego.

“And you’re definitely enough for me. In fact, you’re more than enough. I love you so much…which is why I want to try everything with you. The truth is, I never really liked…you know, it, but I think it would be different with you. With it on your body.” She gently placed her right hand on the officer’s thigh and continued in a low, sultry voice, “And honestly, I think it would be really sexy to have you making love to me as you look into my eyes, your hands free to touch me anywhere you want, my hands digging into your back as you rock into me with your cock buried deep inside me.”

Nicole’s breath hitched. She felt her arousal begin to take over…and she really felt it when Waverly dragged her hand up to her center to cup her crotch, causing the redhead to inhale sharply.

“But, if you don’t want to, I understand,” Waverly said shortly as she retracted her hand.

Nicole sat there, unable to speak. It was true that she never really wanted to before, but that was before – before Waverly just painted her a picture that changed the entire game. She never really thought much about having someone fuck her with a strap-on, but thinking about fucking Waverly with one? Now that was a fantasy Nicole had just moved to the top of her list. Before she could will herself to speak, Waverly was already getting her stuff together.

“Well, thanks for the sandwich, Officer Haught. I’ve got to get back to work, but I’ll call you later.” She smiled as she gave Nicole a quick peck on the cheek before stepping out of the car and shutting the door.

Nicole sat there as she watched Waverly walk into the coffee shop, facial expression still mimicking that of a deer in headlights.

“Fucking hell,” she finally said before starting the car and driving away.


Waverly walked through the front door of the homestead and sighed in happiness, finally glad to be home after standing on her feet all day. She loved being with Nicole, but there was nothing like coming home after a long day of work.

“Wynonna?” She called as she set her purse down on the couch.

“I’m in the bathroom,” Wynonna called out wearily. Waverly plopped down on the couch next to her purse.

“Okay, so remember when we were talking last night about using a strap-on? Well, I asked Nicole about it. She acted kind of weird, like she wasn’t really into the idea. I don’t know, I just don’t want her to think that she’s not good enough in bed, because she is. But ever since you brought it up I can’t stop thinking about it and how hot it would be.” She got up and walked over to the bathroom door and sighed. “I don’t know. I just don’t want her to feel uncomfortable. But I also want to at least try everything with her, you know? Especially a big thing like this. Do you think it’s too much of me to ask for that from her?”

She waited for her sister to respond, but nothing. Waverly knocked on the door. “Wynonna, are you okay in there?”

The older Earp swung the door open, revealing a pale face as she held a beer bottle in her hand.

“What’s wrong? And why are you drinking beer in the bathroom?” Waverly asked, her face showing a mix of concern and confusion.

“For support. Waverly, I can’t be a mom.”

“Okay, nobody said you had to silly,” Waverly chuckled. Then she noticed a couple of used pregnancy tests laying on the counter. Her eyes widened as she saw that they all said positive. “Wait, are you…” She looked down at Wynonna’s stomach.

“I’m so screwed,” Wynonna said shakily as she brought the beer up to her mouth, but before she could take a sip, Waverly grabbed it from her.

“Okay, no. No more alcohol until we figure this out.” She sat the bottle down on the counter.

“See, I can’t do that! I’m not mature enough to give up drinking for this…for a baby. Waverly, there’s a tiny human growing inside of me.” She grabbed the sides of her head with her hands as she paced around the bathroom.

“Does Doc know? Is that what your fight last night was about?”

“No, he doesn’t know. And our fight was about him not calling me pretty enough in bed. Apparently I was being hormonal,” she rolled her eyes at herself as she went to take another sip of beer.

“Hey, no,” Waverly said as she grabbed the drink away from her again and poured it down the sink.

“See! I already forgot! How am I going to do this Waverly? How am I going to be a mom?” The older Earp was on the verge of tears.

“Okay, it’s okay. Everything’s going to be fine, alright?” Waverly said soothingly as she rubbed her sister’s arms. “You have a few options here, and whatever happens, I’m here for you.”

“Waverly, I can’t do this,” Wynonna replied as tears began to roll down her face – something Waverly had only ever seen a handful of times in her entire life.

“Hey,” the younger Earp cooed. “Can’t do what exactly?”

“Any of it! I can’t have this baby, because I can’t be a mother who hasn’t even gotten her own shit together yet, and I can’t live my life knowing that I gave up my child because I was too selfish to take care of it. But I can’t not have this baby, because it’s my baby. I don’t think I could ever…” She shook her head. “There are no good options here. The only good option is to not be pregnant at all, and that’s not possible.” She sunk down onto the floor in front of the sink and dropped her head back into the cabinet as Waverly followed her down and sat next to her, weaving her arm through her older sister’s in support.

“How did this happen?”

“It happened because the universe hates me.”

“Okay, but I mean, how did it happen? Did you forget to take your pill?”

“No, Waverly. I always take it on time. I make sure of it so that things like this don’t happen. But they happen to me anyways, because I’m fucking Wynonna Earp. Everything bad always happens to me, and I never have a choice. It doesn’t matter if I’ve been taking birth control since I was thirteen, or if on my graduation day Daddy and Willa get killed by some idiot who can’t drive for shit, or if on my 27th birthday Uncle Curtis has a heart attack. None of it matters, because the universe is in control of my life.”

Waverly looked at her sympathetically as she gently stroked her hair. She knew that there was nothing she could say that would make it better. “Have you made a doctor’s appointment yet?”

“No. As soon as I realized I was late I bought a couple of take-home tests. Spoiler alert – they both agreed that I was screwed.”

Waverly nodded. “I can make the appointment for you. And we can get a blood test done to make sure you’re really pregnant.”

“I am really pregnant, Waverly. You think I don’t know my own body?” Wynonna snapped as she began to cry even harder.

“Oh, trust me, I’m sure you’re pregnant too,” she snipped in response to her older sister’s sensitivity, which was completely out of character for the badass woman. She looked at Wynonna, who was glaring back at her. “Sorry, that was insensitive of me.”

“Yeah, dick move making the pregnant woman feel bad,” Wynonna sniffled.

“What I mean is, we should get you checked out and make sure everything is okay. And then we can go from there, okay? Wynonna, no matter what happens, I’m here for you. Okay? I promise. You’re not alone.” She said as she wiped the tears from her older sister’s cheeks with a curved index finger.

“You could say that again,” Wynonna replied as she looked down at her stomach and rubbed it gently with her hand.