16. Stupid Earl

Nicole slowly opened her eyes, feeling the stiffness in her neck as she sat up. She tried to move, but realized that she was tied to a chair. “What the–” She said groggily as she tried to free herself from the ropes around her wrists.

“Oh, good. You’re awake…finally,” Wynonna said with a roll of her eyes. Nicole looked over and saw that she too was tied to a chair.

“Where are we? What happened to us?” The redhead tried to make sense of everything, but she was still feeling a bit dizzy and couldn’t remember much.

“Not sure yet. Last thing I remember was passing out. I just woke up about 10 minutes ago.”

Nicole quickly began to get her memories back, including the part about Wynonna being pregnant. “Are you okay? You know, with the…” She looked down at Wynonna’s stomach, not wanting to say anything in case someone was listening.

“I’m okay. But I don’t know what this idiot drugged us with, so there’s no telling how it’ll affect me or the…” she looked down before looking back up. “You know.”

“Do you know who drugged us?”

“Red, if I did, they would be knocked unconscious on the floor right now.”

Nicole sighed in frustration. “Okay, so we’re tied up…” she tried to wriggle her hands free. “…pretty tight, in the middle of what seems to be an abandoned building, by someone who could possibly be a serial killer, all while feeling like we’ve been hit by one of Purgatory’s sketchy busses. Yeah, we’re doing great.”

“Actually, I feel fine.”

Nicole looked at Wynonna with a cocked eyebrow. “The drugs aren’t giving you massive hangover feels?”

Wynonna shook her head. “I am a little hungry though. I would kill for a sprinkle doughnut...and by that, I mean a box of sprinkle doughnuts…” she faltered as she looked down at her belly.

“Well why are you feeling so great while I’m here feeling like shit?”

“Probably because my drugs weren’t mixed with alcohol. Guess that water really was my best friend tonight.” She chuckled before pausing. “Or, last night? God, there’s no telling how long we’ve been here.”

“Okay, so what do we do?” Nicole asked in her ‘ready to punch stuff’ voice.

“Well,” Wynonna sighed. “Seeing as these ropes are too tight for us to be able to get out of, I guess now we just have to wait here for the possible serial killer ASSHOLE TO SHOW HIS FUCKING FACE!” She yelled the last part at the top of her lungs in frustration. Nicole had never seen the woman so angry before. But then again, she hadn’t even seen Wynonna that often before.

A man rounded the dark corner at the opposite end of the large room wearing a wicked grin on his face. Wynonna squinted to try to see who it was. When he came into the light, her face scrunched up in surprise.


“Wynonna Earp,” the man said in a low, husky voice.

“Ah, now it all makes sense.” She nodded with a huge grin on her face. “Let me guess, this is one of your kinky fantasies? Trying to get into my pants again? Because we both know how much you failed the last time.”

He gave a hearty laugh as he walked closer to Wynonna. Just as he reached her, he took the knife that was previously hidden by his side and plunged it into the wood of the armrest, less than an inch away from Wynonna’s arm, causing both women to jump. Wynonna clenched her jaw in an attempt to hide her fear.

He leaned down so close to her face that she could smell the cheap aftershave on his skin. “Careful Wynonna. You might not want to piss me off. This time, I’ve got a big knife,” he warned crossly before yanking the blade out of the chair and taking a few steps back.

“Really? ‘Cause from what I’ve heard, it’s not that big,” Wynonna scoffed.

Earl snickered, his head shaking as his body bounced up and down. “Oh, Wynonna. You always were ruthless. Your big mouth is going to get you and your friend here killed.”

Wynonna’s eyes flitted to Nicole, suddenly remembering that she was there. She looked at the redhead with questioning eyes, silently asking if she was okay. Nicole replied by pursing her lips and slowly nodding with a crinkled brow. She looked pissed more than anything. The left corner of the older Earp’s mouth tugged up slightly in a half smile. She already knew Nicole was a badass who didn’t scare easily, but in this very moment she was thankful for it.

“What the hell did you put in our drinks, Earl?” Wynonna raged.

“Oh, don’t you worry about that,” he smiled. “Just know that it’s not anything harmful. Just a special drug that’ll knock you unconscious for a bit. I know a guy who’s able to get his hands on the stuff, and he was more than happy to hand it over when I told him it was for one Wynonna Earp. You’re a very popular girl around here.”

The brunette rolled her eyes. “Yeah, so I’ve been told.” She then wrinkled her forehead in confusion. “Wait, how did you get us out of the bar without anyone noticing?”

“Well, that was the best part. As soon as I watched you two pass out, I pulled the fire alarm. You should’ve seen all of the drunks stumbling out of the place. With the amount of people in there swarming the exits, it was enough to make it look like I was being a hero, escorting a couple of wasted ladies from a fire.”

“And Jeremy didn’t say anything about us being passed out over the counter?”

“Who, that bartender? Well he was in the back when it all happened. Didn’t even notice you two were zonked.”

Wynonna gritted her teeth and shook her head. “Goddammit Jeremy.”

“Okay, now that you’ve explained how you’ve managed to kidnap us, do you want to tell us why you’ve stupidly decided to kidnap us and tie us up? Because I’m starting to get very impatient here and not being able to use my hands is pissing me off,” Nicole barked.

“Oh, you’re feisty. I like it,” he grinned as he walked over towards Nicole. “The redheads always are.” He brushed a lock of hair out of her face as she hastily yanked her head away from him, her eyes burning a hole in his skull as she glared.

He laughed at the reaction. “Well you see, Wynonna here owes me some money that I lent her…oh, nine years ago.”

Wynonna’s eyes widened. She had completely forgotten all about their deal.

“So, all of this for some chump change?” Nicole asked in disbelief. “Pretty theatrical of you. You should think about auditioning for Cirque Du Soleil.”

“Oh no, not chump change. Not at all.”

“So what, like five hundred? A thousand?” Nicole was already thinking about taking the money from her savings to get them out of Wynonna’s mess.

Earl shook his head, chuckling at how naïve the woman was. “More like ten grand.”

“Ten thousand dollars?!” Nicole nearly choked. “Jesus, Earp! What, were you trying to acquire a Birkin bag?!”

“I needed a way to get to Greece…and settle down there,” Wynonna explained. Nicole put the pieces together and finally realized how much shit they were actually in.

He began pacing around the room. “So I lent you ten thousand dollars. Money that I had saved up my whole life – birthdays, Christmases, hours of work on your Uncle’s farm – to leave this god-forsaken place when I finally graduated.”

“Some birthdays…” Nicole mumbled in shock at how a kid could save up that much money.

“But you came to me with these sad puppy dog eyes, talking about how your daddy and sister had just died and that you needed the money, and that you promised to pay me back. But you never did!” He slammed his fist against the wall. “And I’ve been stuck here in this shithole ever since, working construction, because I was the idiot who believed you! You manipulative bitch!”

“Look, Earl–” Wynonna began, but was quickly cut off.

“It’s my fault, really. I shouldn’t have been going around bragging about having all that money. Because I was too young to know that some lying whore would come and take it from me!”

“Actually, it’s your fault for believing me when I pinky promised that I would pay you back,” Wynonna chuckled. She looked up at his scowl and sighed. “Look, I’m sorry,” she said, genuinely apologetic.

He gave a hearty laugh. “I don’t give a shit about how sorry you are Wynonna. I just want my goddamn money back! So here’s the deal. You have 24 hours to get me fifteen thousand dollars, or else I’ll kill you and your friend.” He held the knife up and pointed it at them. “And I’ll be sure to kill Ginger Spice here first so that you can watch,” he stated as he grinned over at Nicole.

“Bite me, asshole,” Nicole spat.

Earl snickered at the insult. He would’ve felt more insulted, if he didn’t have the upper hand.

“You’ll kill us? Really Earl? That’s a little overdramatic, don’t you think?” Wynonna shook her head before cocking an eyebrow. “Wait, fifteen thousand? I only borrowed ten!”

“Yeah, well I added interest for each year you didn’t pay me back when you were supposed to.”

Wynonna groaned. “Okay, fine! I’ll get it to you, but you have to let us go.”

“And let you run away back to Greece? No, not happening. I’m not stupid. You’re staying right here in this chair until I get my money…or until you die. Whichever comes first.” He grinned.

“And how am I supposed to get the money to you if I’m stuck here without my phone to call anyone to bring it, numbnuts?”

He thought about it for a moment before rolling his eyes. “Fine. I’ll give you one phone call. But I’m going to be monitoring. And you better not tell anyone that I’m holding you hostage! You just tell them to put the money in my mailbox and leave. Got it?”

“Yeah, I got it,” Wynonna said through gritted teeth.

He hummed as he leaned down over Wynonna and stroked her cheek. “And Wynonna, I forgot to mention this before, but you look just as good as the day you left.” He licked his lips.

“Yeah, wish I could say the same, but you somehow seem even less attractive,” she sniffed the air around her, “And wreak a bit more of desperation.”

He chuckled and shook his head as he leaned back. “I’m going to get your phone. I’ll be right back. Try not to miss me too much.” He winked at the women, earning a couple of disgusted looks as he walked out of the abandoned building.

“Let me guess, an ex of yours?” Nicole asked as she got comfortable in her chair.

“Not mine. Waverly’s.”

Nicole pursed her lips and slowly nodded. “Huh. Well that was a plot twist I did not see coming.”

“Yep. Baby sis always has the best taste in men,” she stated sarcastically before looking over at Nicole. “Or, had…”

The redhead clenched her jaw and shook her head, not even listening to Wynonna anymore. She was too angry about the whole situation. “I can’t believe that idiot spiked my drink. I mean, yours I get, but mine?”

“Hey!” Wynonna complained, clearly offended.

She clicked her tongue. “You know what I mean. I’m a police officer for god’s sake.”

“Yeah, but he probably doesn’t know that since you’re wearing standard civilian clothes…” Wynonna stated as she gestured her head towards the redhead’s outfit.

Nicole looked down at her black and white striped tee and blue jeans. “Oh. Right. Dammit. I knew I shouldn’t have gone home to change before going out.” She sighed as she shook her head in disappointment. “You think if I tell him I’m a cop it’ll scare him into letting us go?”

“That moron? If anything, it’ll probably scare him into doing something even stupider. Probably best not to say anything yet.”

Nicole nodded. “Okay, so what are the chances of Jack the Ripper here actually killing us with his big knife?” She asked mockingly.

“Slim to none. It’s all for show. He couldn’t even watch Uncle Curtis kill a rat without crying. Clearly he just wants the money.”

“Any chance you have fifteen thousand dollars lying around?”

“Yeah, let me just pull it out of my back pocket.” Wynonna rolled her eyes.

“Well how am I supposed to know how much money you have!”

“Nicole, do you think if I had that much cash lying around that I’d be working at Shorty’s?”

The redhead squinted her eyes. “You work as a bartender at a bar that your family owns, which means free alcohol, easy money, and a boss that won’t fire you. Yes, I do.”

Wynonna nodded her head. “Touché. But no, I don’t have that kind of money.”

“Okay, so then how are we going to get out of this mess?” Nicole asked, beginning to get slightly worried.

“Relax, don’t get your panties in a wad. I’ve got a plan.”


“Doc!” Waverly shouted as she banged on the door of a sleazy motel room. Doc had moved here a few months ago and made friends with the owner, who let him stay in a room for free. He was good at getting things like that from people. “Doc!” She shouted a bit louder and slammed her fist against the door even harder.

The door swung open, revealing a slightly drunk Doc Holliday. “Good heavens Waverly, I was sleeping off a bad hangover!”

“Nicole and Wynonna are missing!” she quavered with tears in her eyes.

“What do you mean missin’?” He asked, his demeanor suddenly becoming serious and ready to fight.

“They left hours ago to go to Shorty’s, and haven’t come back yet. So I went over there to check, and they weren’t there. Both of their phones are going straight to voicemail and I can’t track either of them.” She was full-blown crying by this point.

“Well they probably just went to another bar to continue their ventures, drinkin’ and laughin’ the way friends do. I’m sure it’s nothin’ to worry about.” He gave her a reassuring smile.

“Doc, something’s wrong,” She said seriously. “They’re in trouble. I feel it. Don’t you?”

“He looked at her as his face slowly dropped. He rushed over to the bed to slip on his shoes and put on his jacket. He grabbed his Stetson from the chair next to the door and placed it on his head with his right hand. “Let’s go save our girls.”


Earl walked back into the room with Wynonna’s phone in one hand, and the knife in the other. “What’s the passcode?”

“I don’t remember, I always just use my fingerprint,” Wynonna huffed. “Here, just give it to me and I’ll call someone.”

“No!” He shouted. “The phone stays in my hand at all times. I don’t want any chances of you calling the police.”

She looked over at Nicole knowingly, who just rolled her eyes at how dense he was, before looking back at him. “Okay, fine. Try 9895.”

“Waverly’s birthday,” he and Nicole both said in unison. He looked over at the redhead with a quirked eyebrow. “You a friend of hers too?”

“Something like that,” she smirked.

“You know, we used to date before she got with that jackass Hardy James. Of course, we only lasted a couple of months before I broke up with that little bitch. She would never let me in, if you know what I mean,” he said as he grabbed his crotch and adjusted himself.

“Probably because you weren’t her type,” Nicole replied smugly.

“Yeah, and what’s that?”

Nicole bit her tongue, knowing it wasn’t her place to out Waverly, especially to an ex. When he saw her change in expression, a smug grin formed on his face, realizing how territorial she was being.

“Oh, I get it. Waverly’s playing for the girls’ team now,” he chuckled. Nicole clenched her jaw and glared at him with fire in her eyes. “I guess it all makes sense, seeing as she was never any good at getting me off. I spent most of the time having to get the job done myself.”

“Funny, Waverly says the same thing, seeing as I’m the first person to ever give her the big finish. Not that it was difficult. But maybe you’re playing for the wrong team too.” She tilted her head and gave her famous half smile.

He squeezed the knife angrily and growled as he took a step towards Nicole.

“Okay, can we stop talking about doing my baby sister while I’m tied up and unable to put my fingers in my ears!” Wynonna shouted. “Earl, do you want your money or not?”

He sighed as he dropped the knife back down by his side. “Fine.” He unlocked the phone and walked over to Wynonna. “Who should I call?” He asked as he looked down at the phone and opened up the contacts app.

As soon as he got close enough to Wynonna, she answered, “A doctor,” and swung her leg high in the air, kicking him in the side of the head with as much force as possible. He dropped to the floor, the knife and phone sliding across the room as he was knocked out cold.

“Shit,” Nicole breathed out in astonishment. “Where did you learn to do that?”

“I took Taekwondo lessons from a guy in Greece. When you’re a young woman traveling to a foreign country solo, you have to learn how to defend yourself. Funny part is, I used part of the ten grand to pay for the lessons.”

Nicole shook her head as she laughed, staring down at a passed-out Earl. “Stupid Earl.”

“Okay, I knocked the bad guy out. Your turn. What’ve you got?” Wynonna asked excitedly as she ran her tongue across her top teeth.

“Well...” Nicole started as she wiggled her hands around some more – she had been discretely trying to free herself this whole time. After one last tug of the rope, she slid her hands out of the knot. “I just made this boy scout knot my bitch!”

“Yes! Nice!” Wynonna exclaimed enthusiastically as Nicole ran over to free her.

“I’ve been tied up a few times, so I’m pretty good at getting myself out situations like this,” Nicole explained as she fumbled with the ropes around Wynonna’s wrists.

“Yeah, as much as I’d love to hear all about your kinky sex adventures, I’m going to need you to speed things up a bit.” Wynonna said hastily as she noticed Earl groggily waking up.

Nicole rolled her eyes and stilled her movements before looking down at Wynonna. “I was talking about my unfortunate situations out in the field,” she replied, completely oblivious to the knife Earl was aiming at her head from his spot on the floor.

“Nicole!” Wynonna yelled.

The redhead looked down and noticed Earl throw the knife just in time to duck. She stood up and looked behind her, noticing the knife sticking straight out from the wall. She turned back to Wynonna. “I thought you said he wasn’t going to kill us!”

“And I thought you were supposed to be a badass ginger!” The still tied up woman quipped back.

“Well sorry my level of awareness isn’t all that great at the moment, seeing as not too long ago I was passed out in a chair!” She turned back around to her four o’clock to find Earl right in front of her, angrily swinging his fist at her. She dodged it and kicked him in the back of the knee, causing him to fall to the ground. He flipped over and kicked himself up from his back onto his feet and snatched the knife out of the wall, growling in frustration.

“Okay, you’ve got moves,” Nicole stated as she held her fists up to her face in a fighting stance. “Well so do I.” Just as he plunged the knife at her, she grabbed his arm with both hands and slammed the back of his hand against the cement wall as hard as she could, causing him to drop the knife as he winced in pain. She quickly kicked the knife and watched it slide across the room.

“You broke my hand you bitch!” Earl yelled angrily, holding his limp wrist weakly.

“Yeah? Good.” She grabbed him by the back of the neck and swept her leg across the front of his ankles, throwing him harshly onto the ground face first next to the chair that she had been previously tied up in as she grabbed the rope and wrapped it tightly around his wrists behind his back. She fumbled with the rope as the adrenaline rushed through her body, causing her hands to tremble. Once she was finally able to tie a decent knot, she roughly flipped him back over, the sounds of him crying out in pain falling on deaf ears.

“You’re a fucking cunt!” He hissed at her.

Nicole rolled her eyes as she grabbed Wynonna’s phone from the floor and dialed the only number she knew by heart. “Sherriff Nedley? It’s Officer Haught. We’ve got a man here by the name of Earl…” She looked over at Wynonna.

“Wilson,” Wynonna stated.

“Earl Wilson, who needs to be charged with kidnapping and attempted murder.” She nodded as she listened to her boss. “Mhm. Yes, Wynonna and me, sir.” She waited again before pulling up the GPS and searching their location. “It’s 112 Sycamore Street.” She nodded. “Got it. Thank you, sir.” She hung up the phone and smirked at him.

“You’re a cop?” He asked, surprised.

“Yeah, and you’re going away for a long-ass time. Hope you like being in Purgatory,” she said sarcastically.

“You’re all bitches. You and Waverly deserve each other.” He spat at her.

“Oh, speaking of which.” She leaned down and punched him in the face, causing blood to stream from his nose.

“Ow! Son of a bitch!” He yelled in pain.

She leaned down closer to his face. “That’s for insulting Waverly before.” She then stood up and kicked him in the crotch as hard as she could, causing him to cry out in pain as he writhed around, struggling to catch his breath. “And that’s for being a dick to her when you two were together.”

“I would applaud you, Haught, but I still seem to be tied up in this chair,” Wynonna reminded her, only slightly annoyed.

“Oh, sorry.” Nicole quickly rushed over to Wynonna and undid the rest of the knot.

Just as she was released, Doc and Waverly barged into the building – Waverly holding up her phone in front of her face as she followed the trail to Wynonna’s phone, and Doc holding up an old pistol.

“Alright, where is he!” Doc yelled.

Waverly gasped as soon as she saw Wynonna and Nicole safely in one piece and ran to hug them both, one in each of her arms as she hugged them tightly.

“Aha!” Doc exclaimed when he saw Earl laying on the ground, blood all over his face. He pointed the gun at him. “You must be the perpetrator who snatched these lovely ladies,” he said furiously.

“Doc, it’s okay. He’s been detained.” Wynonna explained, rolling her eyes at how quick he always was to draw his gun.

Doc looked down and noticed that the man was tied up, unable to move. He quickly retracted his gun back into its holster. “Right, I see. Better tie up his legs too. Wouldn’t want him to escape.”

Wynonna picked up the rope that was previously around her wrists and threw it at Doc. “Have at it.”

He enthusiastically tied the rope around Earl’s legs, eager to feel useful.

“I’m so glad you’re okay,” Waverly beamed as she hugged them again, a happy tear escaping her eye. She quickly wiped it away with her index finger before pulling back. “I was worried sick about you two!” She looked at Wynonna. “How’s the…” she looked at her pointedly with a quirked eyebrow.

“It’s okay. I know,” Nicole smiled.

“You do?”

“We went to a bar and I drank a water. Wasn’t that hard to figure out,” Wynonna explained in a whisper so Doc wouldn’t hear. She looked over at him to make sure he wasn’t listening and was pleased to find him focused on tying a fourth knot.

“Right,” Waverly nodded. “Well, I’m glad you know.”

“Come on, kiss already!” Earl said as he made kissing noises in a mocking manner.

“Earl?” Waverly asked in confusion.

“Hey Wave, baby. Did you miss me?”

“No. Not at all.” She folded her arms across her chest.

“Probably because I have a dick, since I hear you’re into the ladies now,” he laughed.

She scrunched up her face and shook her head at the nerve of him. “No, Earl. It’s because you are a dick. A dick who’s going to jail for a really long time. And a dick who apparently got beaten up by my super sexy cop girlfriend.” She wrapped her arm around Nicole as she glared at him.

He rolled his eyes. “Whatever. She got lucky.”

“I sure did,” Nicole smiled as she looked down at a blushing Waverly, eliciting a groan from both Earl and Wynonna.

It was only a matter of time before Nedley and Dolls showed up in their uniforms. Nedley cuffed Earl and dragged him to his squad car, mumbling something about telling his father what he’s done.

“Are you okay?” Dolls asked Wynonna with a worried look, eyeing her up and down to check for any bruises or scratches.

“Uh, yeah. I’m fine,” Wynonna stated awkwardly.

“Um, yeah, I’m alright too,” Nicole waved in an attempt to remind her partner that she was there.

“Glad you’re okay too, Haught.” He smiled at her, but she gave him a weird look as she subtly nodded her head over towards Doc. Dolls turned around and saw the man standing there with his hand protectively over his gun.

“Um, hello. Nice gun you got there,” Dolls commented as he watched Doc’s hand attentively, slowly reaching for his own gun.

“It was my great-great-grandfather’s. Still works like a charm,” Doc replied, a hint of threat in his voice.

Dolls looked over at Nicole, who quietly mouthed “Doc” to him before repeatedly jamming her right index finger into the hole of her left fist and nodding towards Wynonna with wriggling eyebrows. His eyelids drooped a bit in response to her childish gestures as he dropped his hand from his holster before offering it out to Doc. “I’m Officer Dolls, Officer Haught’s partner.”

Doc retracted his hand from his own gun and took Dolls’s hand. “Doc Holliday. Friend of Wynonna’s.” They vigorously shook hands as Dolls eyed him with a raised brow.

“Doc Holliday, as in the fastest gunslinger?”

“It is a family nickname,” Doc smirked.

Dolls nodded as he finally dropped Doc’s hand, realizing he had been shaking it for a little too long. “Um, are you ready to give me your statement?” He asked Nicole and Wynonna as he pulled out a notepad and pen.

“Actually, can we do it tomorrow? It’s been a long night and I’m sure Wynonna would like some rest. As would I,” Nicole asked as Dolls eyed her suspiciously. “I promise we won’t forget any details. Please, Dolls?”

He nodded his head and closed his notebook before putting it back in his utility belt. “Fine. But first thing in the morning, okay?”

“Thank you.” Nicole gave him a quick smile.

“Well, I’ll let you all get home. Get lots of rest you two.”

Wynonna saluted him before walking over to Doc, who led her out the door. He smiled at Nicole and Waverly as they walked hand-in-hand behind Doc and Wynonna.

The four of them made their way back to the homestead, Nicole and Doc following the Earp women inside to make sure they were okay.

“Why don’t you both just crash here?” Wynonna suggested.

“Really? You sure?” Nicole asked, looking at Waverly, who was nodding with a grin.

“I wouldn’t want to impose,” Doc replied as he took off his Stetson and held it over his chest.

“It’s already 4 a.m. anyways, so it’d be silly to just have you drive home,” Wynonna replied. “Really guys, it’s fine. I think we all deserve at least some rest. And I think Nicole and I deserve some fun after the night we’ve had,” she said as she patted the redhead’s back, who in return tensed her muscles feeling slightly awkward. “And also, I’m extremely horny,” she added without batting an eyelash.

“Well, okay then,” Doc replied as he hung up his hat on the coat rack. “Who am I to oppose such an offer.” He smirked as he followed Wynonna to the stairs. A few steps in, he turned and bowed his head. “Ladies,” he said before following Wynonna up the rest of stairs.

Waverly giggled at the two of them. “They really are cute together.”

“I suppose,” Nicole smiled.

“But not as cute as us.”

“No, definitely not.” The redhead smiled as she gave Waverly a quick kiss. “You know, what Wynonna said…we don’t have to. I mean, I’m fine if you just want to sleep.”

“Do you?” Waverly asked as she ran her nails up and down Nicole’s back.

A sigh escaped Nicole’s smiling lips. “Well, you make it kind of hard to not want sex when you touch me like that.”

“Well maybe that’s the point,” Waverly replied seductively.

“I mean, she’s your sister, and if it’s too weird doing it with her in the house, I’m okay with that.”

Waverly brought her hands up to wrap them around the back of Nicole’s neck and looked lovingly into her eyes as she played with the ends of her hair. “There was a moment tonight where I thought I had lost you. You almost died. I think that’s something worth celebrating, whether Wynonna is in the house or not.”

Nicole’s dimples formed on her face as the corners of her mouth tugged up gently. “Okay then. Take me to your room.”

Waverly eagerly took Nicole’s hand and led them upstairs. They quickly shut the door behind them, Waverly pressing Nicole up against the door as she hungrily placed her lips onto the taller woman’s. Their tongues massaged one another’s as slight moans escaped tingling lips. After taking off clothes, layer by layer, they eventually made it over to the bed. Waverly pushed Nicole down and laid on top of her, straddling her hips. She gave her a passionate kiss before kissing down her torso. When she reached her naval, she positioned herself between Nicole’s legs, wrapping her arms under the redhead’s thighs before lowering her warm tongue onto Nicole’s center and exploring her wet folds. Nicole smiled as she dropped her head back with her eyes closed and her hands holding steadily onto the pillow underneath her head. She sighed at the pleasure that coursed through her body.

About a minute into Waverly’s ministration, the pair heard a very loud moan coming from next door. Nicole’s eyes shot open, but Waverly continued to swirl her tongue around Nicole’s clit. The redhead closed her eyes and tried to ignore it, but then she heard Doc grunting. She shook her head and sighed as she patted Waverly on the head.

“What’s wrong?” Waverly asked as she sat up to look at Nicole. She wiped her girlfriend’s arousal off of her mouth with her thumb and index finger.

“Sorry, I just…” the redhead placed her palms on her forehead and sighed as she shook her head. “It’s hard to get in the mood when they’re making all that noise.”

Waverly moved up to lay next to Nicole. “Yeah, sorry. With Wynonna being pregnant and all, her hormones are probably making her extra…well, you know.”

“No, I get it. It’s okay, I’m not blaming them or anything. I’m just saying…do you mind if we just lay here and cuddle?”

“Of course not.” Waverly placed a quick kiss on Nicole’s nose before snuggling up next to her and entwining their fingers, playing with them.

“So, are you mad that I outed you to your ex?” Nicole finally asked.

Waverly smiled. “Depends. Are you mad that my ex tried to kill you?”

“A little.” The pair laughed before Nicole continued, “But seriously, how did you ever date that guy?”

“Well, he started working for my Uncle Curtis when he was 13. I was 11 at the time. That’s how Wynonna and I got to know him. We didn’t start dating until high school though, when I was in grade 10 and he was in grade 12. And it only lasted two months. He kept trying to have sex with me, but I never wanted to. I wasn’t ready yet. But I did other stuff with him just so that he would stop asking for it. But one night he tried again, and I told him I didn’t want to, and he broke up with me, saying that I was a tease.”

Nicole rolled her eyes. “The men in this town are all the same.”

“Yeah, I guess I wasn’t really the best at picking them. I was kind of just taking whatever I could get, you know? Because of the accident and Wynonna leaving and me having to live with my aunt and uncle, everyone just saw me as this charity case that was too fragile to be with anyone.”

“I get it, believe me. When I first came out I had my fair share of taking whatever I could get.” She chuckled at the memories of failed relationships and flings.

Waverly nodded and chuckled before resting her head on Nicole’s chest. The redhead gently rubbed her fingers up and down Waverly’s bicep as she swallowed hard. “So, any other exes I should be aware of?”

The brunette smiled at Nicole wanting to know her history. “Um, just a couple. I had a boyfriend in middle school, but we broke up two weeks later, so I wouldn’t really count that. And then in grade 9 there was Kyle. He also ended up being a complete dick. Caught him making out with my best friend a month later. Needless to say, I broke up with him…and with my friend.”

“Wow. I’m really glad I never had to worry about stealing boyfriends,” Nicole laughed lightheartedly.

“In hindsight, she actually saved me, because I probably wouldn’t have had the courage to break up with him without some sort of excuse like that.” Waverly smiled. “But yeah, just those two. After that it was Earl and then Champ.” She wrapped her arm around the redhead’s torso and squeezed her. “And then you.” A bright smile crept across her face.

“Well, technically I’m not an ex,” Nicole chuckled as she played with Waverly’s brown locks.

“Only if you play your cards right.” The brunette gave a playful wink, which earned her a pillow to the face. “Hey!”

“That’s what you get!”

“You’re lucky you’re so cute, or else I would break up with you right now for that,” Waverly teased.

“Yeah right. You love me too much.”

The brunette hummed as she rested her face in the crook of Nicole’s neck. “I do.”

“So, only four, huh? Honestly, I was expecting more than that,” Nicole laughed, a hint of relief in her voice as she brushed her thumb along Waverly’s hipbone.

Waverly bit her lip. There was one person she hadn’t ever told anyone about, not even Wynonna, and she debated whether or not she should tell Nicole. She went back and forth, fighting with herself in her mind.

Does she really need to know? It’s not like she would benefit from knowing. But then again, she’s your girlfriend, and you should be able to tell her everything – even something like this. But what if she hates you? What if she can’t trust you anymore? Waverly exhaled nervously. Her breathing became shaky as her hands around Nicole’s torso began to tremble. There’s only one way to find out.

“Well, actually…there is one other person…”