24. First Time Strap-On - Part 3

Waverly cracked an eye open as the sudden howl of a distant coyote gently pulled her out of her dream – something about Wynonna having to save Purgatory from revenants with a magic gun. She breathily chuckled to herself.

Well that was a crazy dream.

She looked down and saw Nicole’s strong arm wrapped protectively around her stomach and smiled as she placed her hand on top of Nicole’s and laced their fingers.

“Mmm you okay?” Nicole croaked, mostly asleep.

“Yes. Everything is perfect.” Waverly replied as she gently squeezed Nicole’s hand for reassurance.

“Good.” Nicole punctuated the word with a light kiss on the back of Waverly’s neck, which sent chills down the girl’s spine. It only took about five seconds for the soft sounds of the redhead’s gentle snoring to fill the room again.

Waverly smiled and pushed herself further into the front of Nicole’s body, wanting to feel as close to her as possible. She looked over at the strap-on sitting on her nightstand in front of her face, and her tender smile was replaced by a colossal shit-eating grin. She’d never admit this, but she was a little worried that she wouldn’t enjoy strap-on sex based on her past experiences with men, but boy did she enjoy it. The current ache between her legs was a testament to just how good their night was. A heavy sigh slipped out of her mouth and her eyes fluttered shut as she replayed the vivid memory of what had happened just a few short hours ago…

“Fuck!” Nicole hissed as she stared up with wide eyes at Waverly bouncing up and down on her cock.

“Do you like when I ride you like this baby?” Waverly asked sweetly. She pressed her palms further into Nicole’s stomach, causing the girl to flex her abs more – which was exactly what Waverly wanted.

Nicole nodded fervently before letting out a breathy “yes” and wrapping her hands around the brunette’s dancing hips. She stayed there for a moment, urging the girl on before bringing her hands up to cup Waverly’s breasts. She lightly squeezed the fleshy mounds, eliciting a moan from the smaller girl.

“You have the most perfect breasts, do you know that?” Nicole stated, eyes staring in awe.

Waverly grinned as she brought her hands up over Nicole’s hands on her chest, now relying solely on her knees to hold her weight, and encouraged her to continue squeezing.

“They’re all yours baby. Every part of me is yours; my boobs, my ass, my lips, my other lips…” she smirked as she grinded down harder into Nicole’s hips, making sure her girlfriend knew exactly which body part she was referring to. “They’re all yours to touch.”

Nicole never liked the thought of owning someone. Most people in relationships became possessive of their significant other, but Nicole always liked the idea that nobody belongs to anyone and that we are free to live our lives the way we want to without somebody else telling us what to do. But even so, Nicole shuddered at the words, and she was extremely grateful to have earned Waverly’s trust.

With her legs getting tired, the brunette dropped her hands back down to Nicole’s abdomen to support herself as she continued sliding her walls up and down the cock, completely soaking it in her arousal. The redhead gently rolled Waverly’s taut nipples between her fingers as she studied the girl’s face, using it as a guide for her actions. Waverly’s mouth slightly opened, allowing a moan to tumble out as she began bouncing faster up and down Nicole’s length.

Nicole could see on Waverly’s face that she was getting close, so with her left hand playing with an erect nipple, she brought her right hand down to rest on Waverly’s pubic bone and began thumbing her clit.

Waverly inhaled sharply at the unexpected touch. “Yes baby, don’t stop. I’m almost there!” She pressed down harder into Nicole’s strong abdomen to give herself more leverage to pump faster as she felt the tension building up in her body. “Fuck, Nicole, baby, I’m gonna come. Ohhhh!” She sunk down into Nicole’s hips and sat straight up so that they were completely perpendicular to each other as she moved her hips back and forth, riding out her orgasm. As soon as she slammed her eyes shut and threw her head back, she felt protective hands on her waist, holding her up so that the only thing she had to focus on was her release, and she was thankful for it.

After she had come down from her high, she dropped her hands down onto the mattress on either side of Nicole and stared down at the woman, shaking her head with a satisfied smile.

“That…was…so good…” she said between pants. Her body was shaking from all of the hard labor her muscles had done.

“Come here baby,” Nicole said lovingly as she guided the flustered girl to lay down on top of her. When she felt Waverly plop down, the girl’s chest heaving against her own as the brunette’s head rested in the crook of her neck, she lightly scratched the nails of her right hand along the girl’s back as her left hand came up to cup the back of her head and began massaging her scalp. “You just lay here and relax for a minute.” She punctuated the statement with a tender kiss to the girl’s temple.

Waverly let out a deep breath as she relaxed into her girlfriend’s soothing touches releasing all of the tight muscles in her body.

After a couple of minutes, she felt herself begin to quickly drift off into sleep, but pulled herself out of it at the last second, jumping up and hovering over Nicole.

“I’m up!” She nearly yelled, staring wide-eyed at a slightly startled Nicole.

“Baby, it’s okay. We can go to sleep. I’m sure you’re exhausted by now.” Nicole cooed as she tucked Waverly’s long hair behind her ears.

“No way! I’m ready to go again!”

“Are you sure? Maybe we should get some rest first.”

“No!” Waverly protested. “I want more sex.” Her bottom lip poked out in the cutest pout Nicole had ever seen. “Pleeeease?” She pulled the inside edges of her eyebrows up more as she quivered her lip.

The redhead melted at the sight. “Oh my god, you’re so cute.”

“So, it that a yes?”

“Yeah baby. Whatever you want.” Nicole replied, completely entranced.

Waverly grinned at her victory. She sat up and slowly lifted herself off of Nicole’s cock, her eyes fluttering in the process.

“What should we do now?” Waverly asked as she settled beside Nicole’s long body, sitting back on her heels.

“What do you mean?” Nicole pushed herself up, sitting against the headboard with her legs stretched out in front of her.

“I mean, what position should we try?”

“Oh, um…” Nicole thought about it for a moment. The truth was, she knew exactly what she wanted to do now…she wanted to fuck Waverly from behind. But she didn’t want the girl to feel pressured, so she decided to let her make the decision. “What do you want to do?”

“Nuh uh, I just got to pick. It’s your turn now.” She waited patiently for Nicole to say what she wanted. She could see the gears turning in Nicole’s mind, and that she was too hesitant to voice her desires.

“I don’t know,” Nicole shrugged.

“Okay then.” With a devilish smirk, Waverly brought her hand down to the purple dick, slowly stroking it up and down, spreading her arousal from her previous orgasm all over it in hopes that it would drive the redhead crazy enough to say what she wanted. “I’ll just do this until you come up with something.”

Nicole gasped as she felt the base of the cock push against her clit. “Baby, that’s not fair.”

“Tell me, Nicole. What do you want?” She continued her painfully slow movements.

“I…” Nicole began, but paused.

“Uh huh?”

“I want to…” She stopped herself again.

“Go on.”

“Um…” She paused.

Getting impatient, Waverly huffed and pushed the dildo down as hard as she could against the officer’s clit.

“Fuck!” Nicole yelped as she jerked her hips forward. “I want to fuck you doggy style!”

Waverly released the member and grinned. She had hoped that’s what Nicole was thinking. Almost immediately, her grin was replaced with a smirk. “See? Now was that so hard?”

The redhead bit her lip and shook her head. “I hate you sometimes.” Her mouth curved into a playful smile to signal the lack of seriousness in her words.

“Mmm no you don’t,” Waverly replied as she reached over to grab the lube.

“I don’t.” Nicole grinned before standing up off the bed to stretch and adjust the straps of the harness a little.

Waverly’s jaw dropped at the sight of Nicole standing before her and she dropped the bottle of lube on the bed. “Whoa.”

“What?” The redhead looked herself over with concern.

“I haven’t actually looked at you yet. I mean, I haven’t really stopped to see what you look like wearing that thing. Damn.” She bit her bottom lip as her eyes roamed over every inch of her girlfriend.

“Oh. You like it?”

Waverly slowly nodded as she smiled, bottom lip still between her teeth before pointing her finger down and circling the air to signal for Nicole to turn around. The redhead obliged and turned so that Waverly now had a full view of her ass.

“Holy shit!” The brunette’s jaw dropped in awe. She marveled at the way the straps hung tightly around Nicole’s firm ass, crossing down from her hips to her inner thighs. “Baby, you look so fucking hot.”

Nicole turned back around, and Waverly gulped as she viewed the protruding appendage in a whole different way. “Yeah? You really like it?”

“I really do. Jesus.” She chuckled, still mesmerized by the woman’s beauty.

Nicole took the opportunity to tease the girl by seductively stroking the member. “Yeah? Well it feels so good with your come all over it.” She smiled proudly as she heard Waverly’s breath hitch. “I’m nice and hard for you baby. Are you ready for me?”

Waverly nodded her head sporadically. “Yes. God, yes.”

“Mmm,” Nicole slowly walked towards Waverly sitting at the edge of the bed, hand still gliding up and down her cock. “I just want to make sure you can take all of me again.” She knelt down between Waverly’s legs, spreading her knees apart, before dipping her head down and licking all the way up her wet folds, collecting every drop of her arousal on her tongue.

“Oh my…fuck!” Waverly shuddered at the feeling and dropped her hands back onto the bed, knitting her eyebrows together as she watched her girlfriend’s tongue repeatedly licking up her slit. She just knew that she was never going to be able to watch Nicole eat an ice cream cone ever again without getting turned on.

Nicole hummed in satisfaction before pulling her head back and swallowing all of the fluid she had accumulated on her tongue. “I’ve been wanting to taste you all day.”

Waverly grabbed the back of Nicole’s head and shoved her back down to continue the job she had started. The redhead laughed amusedly at her girlfriend’s hastiness before bringing her tongue back out and licking all the way up, slowly circling the girl’s clit at the top.

Waverly’s eyes rolled back as she dropped her torso down onto the mattress and sighed. Her fingers tangled through her own brunette locks as she trembled beneath her girlfriend’s talented ministrations. “You’re so good at that, baby. You always know exactly how to touch me.” Waverly panted. “God, you’re going to make me come so fast.” As soon as the sentence left her mouth she began rocking her hips faster into Nicole’s face. “Nicole, you’re like a fucking sex god! Oh fuck baby. I love when you eat me out. I love riding your face until I come all over it. Jesus, don’t stop.”

She was quickly working herself up with her dirty talk, and brought her hands down to Nicole’s head, lacing her fingers through red hair as she got closer to the edge.

“I’m gonna come,” She smiled in ecstasy, almost proud of herself. She knew it was going to be a good one.

Just as she began to feel her abdomen tense up, Nicole pulled back and stood up from the floor, and Waverly shot her eyes open and bolted straight up.

“No! Why’d you stop!” She brought her hand down to her clit and quickly circled it, desperately trying to work her momentum back up, but Nicole swatted her hand away.

“Because, I want to be inside you when you come. Now get on all fours,” Nicole demanded in her police officer voice as she grabbed the bottle of lube from the bed and rubbed a generous amount on her cock.

The authority in Nicole’s voice sent a surge of arousal straight to Waverly’s core, and she quickly did as she was told. She looked over her shoulder, watching as Nicole rubbed herself before the redhead took a couple steps forward to where Waverly’s ass was pushed into the air, as if displaying it for the older woman. Nicole was the perfect height to line herself up with the brunette’s entrance without any assistance, but she didn’t do so right away. Instead, she rubbed her cock through Waverly’s folds being sure to hit the girl’s clit every time as she pressed her palms into Waverly’s lower back.

“Nicole,” Waverly breathed out when she felt the erection rub against her engorged clit.

“Do you want me inside you baby?” Nicole asked as she continued her movements.

“Yes,” Waverly pleaded.

“You have to beg for it.”

“Please, Nicole. I want your cock inside me. I want you to fuck me. God, I need you to fuck me. Please.”

Nicole had this whole plan of making Waverly beg at least three times just to tease her, but fuck it. She brought her right hand down to her cock and lined it up with Waverly’s entrance before slowly pushing inside of her.

Waverly’s eyebrows knitted together and her eyes fluttered shut as she opened her mouth wide to let out some sort of verbal reaction, but nothing came out. It wasn’t until a few seconds later that a brief high-pitched moan reverberated throughout the room, and Nicole grinned to herself. She only pushed halfway in before pulling back to the tip. The redhead repeated this pattern a few times before forcefully pushing all the way in, deep inside Waverly.

“Fuck!” She cried.

Nicole stopped for a moment, afraid that she had hurt Waverly. As soon as Waverly had sensed her girlfriend’s concern, she quickly reassured her.

“No, good ‘fuck’. I’m okay, keep going.” She pushed herself back into Nicole, too impatient to wait for her girlfriend to be the one to resume.

The redhead brought her hands back to Waverly’s hips and thrusted at a moderate pace, pumping in and out of Waverly’s sex. She stared down as she watched the purple cock disappear and reappear from Waverly, wondering how someone so small could take something so long.

“God, Nicole. This feels amazing. You’re so deep.” The brunette panted.

Nicole brought her right hand from Waverly’s hip and rested it on her cheek. “Can I?” She asked as she lightly tapped her fingers on the skin.

Waverly knew exactly what her girlfriend was asking permission for. “Yes baby!”

As soon as she got the green light, Nicole lifted her hand off her ass and brought it back down, smacking the skin underneath.

“Fuck!” Waverly gasped. “Harder!”

The redhead pulled her hand back once again and spanked her a second time with a little more force, but still not as hard as she could. She didn’t want to actually hurt Waverly or cause her any real pain.

Waverly brought her hand up between her legs and fervently rubbed her clit, and almost instantly felt herself reach her climax. She gritted her teeth and slammed her eyes shut as she was hit with a strong wave of pleasure. She dropped to her forearms and cried out in ecstasy, reaching behind her with the hand that was previously between her legs to entwine it with Nicole’s for support as she rode out her orgasm. As soon as she finished, she dropped Nicole’s hand, and the redhead returned it to Waverly’s hip.

It wasn’t long before Nicole was rubbing herself off against the base of the cock buried inside Waverly, reaching her own climax. “Unnnngh,” She grunted as she pulled Waverly’s hips back into her, releasing herself all over the harness. As soon as she finished, Nicole felt her knees begin to buckle and quickly pulled out of Waverly and sat on the bed, and Waverly dropped her entire body onto the mattress before slowly rolling over onto her back, hair spilling out majestically onto the bedspread as she regained her breathing.

She reached out and lightly scratched her nails up and down Nicole’s back as the redhead also tried to catch her breath.

“God, I could do this all night long with you,” Waverly panted.

Nicole chuckled and shook her head. “Baby…”

“What?” Waverly could see the worry on her girlfriend’s face.

“I love you so much, and I really want to give you everything you want. But I’m still pretty new to this, and I’m using some muscles I’ve never really used before, so I’m kind of getting worn out. And also, the base of the dildo is pushing against my pubic bone and I’m starting to get a little sore from it.” The corner of her mouth pulled up into an apologetic half-smile as she looked at her girlfriend with big brown eyes, and Waverly shot up and grabbed Nicole’s right hand sitting in her lap with her own right hand as she used her left hand to brush back the stray hairs that were sticking to the redhead’s sweaty face.

“Baby, I said I could do this all night long. I didn’t say we had to. I’m so completely satisfied right now. I know how much work you’re doing, and I’m just amazed at your level of endurance. You’re incredible.” She emphasized the compliment with a deep kiss, intimately massaging Nicole’s tongue with her own.

“Waverly,” Nicole whined as she pulled back.

“What is it, my love?” She continued her previous ministrations of stroking the older woman’s hair.

“You make it hard to stop when you kiss me like that, getting me all worked up again…”

The brunette giggled. “Sorry baby. Your lips are just so kissable.” She pinched Nicole’s bottom lip between her thumb and index finger and tugged lightly from side to side.

The redhead couldn’t help but laugh at her girlfriend’s baby talk. “Okay, how about this. One more, and then we call it a night?”

“Deal.” Waverly gave a warm smile. “Is it okay if I pick though? There’s something I’ve been wanting to try…”

Nicole nodded, excited to see what the brunette had in mind.

“I want you to wear the other harness though. I want to take advantage of that vibrator pocket.” Waverly winked.

The redhead felt her stomach drop at the prospect of burying her cock deep inside Waverly while simultaneously feeling the bullet vibe against her clit. She responded to Waverly’s proposition by jumping off the bed and changing out the harnesses as quickly as she could before plopping her back onto the mattress next to Waverly, hands clasped behind her head and ready to go.

“Wow, record timing Officer Haught,” Waverly stated, genuinely impressed by how quickly her girlfriend had just pulled the dildo off of one harness and put it onto another.

“Well what can I say? When I see something I like, I don’t wanna wait,” she stated with the sassiest smirk her face could conjure up.

Waverly nodded her head before quickly shaking it and huffing out. “Smooth-talker.” She reached over Nicole and grabbed the bullet vibe from the nightstand, being sure to hold onto both the vibrating end and the controller that was connected to it by a long wire. Nicole reached out to take the vibrator from Waverly, but the brunette refused.

“Can I do it?” Waverly asked.

Nicole nodded hesitantly, curious as to how Waverly was going to get the vibrator inside the hidden pocket of the briefs-style harness. She quickly received her answer when she felt Waverly reach inside from the bottom of the briefs next to Nicole’s inner thigh and begin fiddling around inside, causing Nicole to buck her hips and nearly bite her tongue as she clenched her jaw.

“Jesus, Waves!” She hissed. “Warn a girl first before you go digging around down there!”

As soon as Waverly successfully slid the silver bullet inside the vibe pocket, she gracefully slid her hand out and gave an apologetic look. “Sorry...”

She then picked up the controller, accidentally bumping the slider to full speed. Nicole’s eyes nearly popped out of her head as she sprung up into a sitting position and grabbed a fistful of sheets with her left hand while tugging at the crotch of the briefs with her right to pull the over-stimulating vibrator away from her clit.

Waverly quickly fumbled with the controller, taking way too long to shut it off, before looking at Nicole, who was giving her a death glare while trying to catch her breath – which had been knocked right out of her, similar to the way it would from jumping into ice cold water.

“Sorry,” Waverly whispered before biting her lip and bunching her eyebrows up, feeling terrible about the physical turmoil she had just put her girlfriend through.

“It’s okay,” Nicole finally said once she had calmed down a bit. “Just be careful with that thing. And no more surprises!” She punctuated with a firm finger pointed at Waverly.

“Yes officer,” Waverly smiled.

“Okay, now what is it you wanted to try?”

“I want to trying being on top again, but I want us sitting.”

Nicole thought it over, visualizing the scenario in her head before nodding. She sat back against the headboard with her knees slightly bent and resting with the outsides on the bedspread and grabbed the lube to coat the cock, but before she could do anything with It, Waverly placed a hand over hers to stop her.

“Can I do it?”

The redhead smiled at Waverly’s desire to do everything before handing the bottle over to Waverly, who giddily took it and squirted the liquid into her right palm. She spread the lube over the cock with both hands while seductively looking at Nicole, who was about to turn into a puddle…much like the one between her legs right now. After a few seconds, Waverly swung a leg over, and with both knees on the mattress on either side of the redhead, wrapped her arms around the back of the woman’s neck while hovering over Nicole’s erect cock.

Nicole gently placed her left hand on Waverly’s corresponding hip and grabbed onto the shaft with her right hand, lining it up with the girl’s entrance before pushing on her hip, signaling for her to lower herself down before moving her right hand to the other hip.

As she dropped down the erection, Waverly sighed in relief. She didn’t realize how much she had missed the feeling, and it had only been just a few minutes since she last had it. She squeezed her arms tighter around Nicole as she looked into her eyes, smiling as she rode her length.

The redhead moved her hands from Waverly’s hips to her back and scratched her nails hard up and down, causing goosebumps to form all over the brunette’s body.

“God, do you know how much I love you?” Nicole breathed out as she looked up at Waverly.

“Tell me,” Waverly replied as she continued her movements.

“I love you more than anything and anyone in this entire world. I love everything you are, and everything you aren’t. You’re so amazing, and incredible, and I can’t believe I get to call you my girlfriend. You, Waverly Earp, are an angel.”

The brunette leaned down and gave Nicole a searing kiss, passionately gliding their lips together as they thrusted against each other.

After about a minute like this, Waverly reached down and picked up the controller. She counted down, not wanting to make the mistake of catching Nicole off-guard again.

“Three…two…one.” She turned the vibrator on the lowest setting, and watched Nicole’s face as her mouth slightly opened and her eyelids fully shut.

“Ugh baby, that feels good.” She began thrusting her center against the vibrator, indirectly resulting in the cock being thrusted up into Waverly as well.

Waverly gradually increased the speed over the span of a couple of minutes, all while bouncing up and down on Nicole while holding onto the woman’s shoulders for support. When the speed was all the way up, Nicole felt a rush of heat shooting throughout her entire body.

“Oh fuck. Oh fuck baby. Shit.” She began thrusting her hips up harder into Waverly, sending the cock deeper inside the girl.

“Are you gonna come baby?” Waverly asked as she felt her own release rapidly approaching.

“Yeah. I’m gonna come. Jesus, I’m gonna come so fucking hard.” Nicole dug her palms into the mattress, pushing her hips up against Waverly as she braced herself for the explosion that was about to hit.

“I’m gonna come too baby. I’m gonna come all over your cock,” Waverly panted.

As soon as the words left her mouth, Nicole felt all of the tension leaving every muscle in her entire body as she reached her climax. She urgently grabbed the controller out of Waverly’s hand and turned it down halfway as soon as she felt that it was too much for her pulsing clit as she came.

“SHIT!” Nicole cried out as she rode out her orgasm, bucking her hips up fervently into Waverly.

It was ultimately Nicole’s orgasm that did Waverly in, and she immediately felt her walls clenching around Nicole. “Fuck baby! I’m coming with you!”

Still feeling her orgasm washing over her, Nicole sat up and wrapped her arms around the girl, pulling her against her warm body as tightly as possible as the brunette came. She didn’t care if she was still experiencing her own orgasm; she wanted to be as close to Waverly as possible as the girl climaxed on top of her.

The women stayed hugging each other, even after their orgasms had subsided. They stayed like that until they had regained proper breathing, and Nicole pulled back and grinned up at Waverly.

“You came on me,” Nicole said giddily.

“And you came inside me,” Waverly smiled back.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”


Waverly was ripped out of her memory as she bolted up in bed, Nicole quickly following behind.

“Who the hell is that?” Nicole asked with her hand on her heaving chest, heart racing from being so suddenly startled.


“Better not be! She knows better than to interrupt us again. Even if we are just sleeping,” Nicole stated groggily, still in the process of waking up. She dropped back down onto the mattress and groaned. “Just ignore her.”


Waverly quickly turned her head towards the bedroom door. “What if something’s wrong with the baby? I’ll go check.”

Waverly pushed the blankets off of her and slid out of bed. She quickly threw her dark blue silk robe around her shoulders and tied the ties around her waist before hastily sliding her feet into her fuzzy slippers.

“I’ll be right back baby,” She whispered to Nicole, who mumbled something incoherent in response as she was already falling back asleep.

The brunette quietly slipped out of the room and padded down the stairs and towards the front door.


“I’m coming Wynonna!” She yelled as she urgently unlocked the deadbolt while simultaneously turning the door lock. When she swung the door open, her eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.

“Doc? What are you doing here? It’s like 3 a.m.”

“Is your sister here? Please, I need to speak with her. It’s very urgent.”