39. Halloween

“Okay, it’s Halloween.” Waverly said as she looked down at Wynonna sitting at the kitchen table, as if waiting for something.

“Uh, okay? Congratulations, you can read a calendar…” Wynonna shot back in a sarcastic tone. She took a s sip of her coffee as she continued to read the comics on the back of the folded newspaper in her hand.

“Come on, Wynonna! You said by Halloween you would find out the sex of the baby!”

“I did?” Wynonna said, slightly confused.

“Yes, you did.”

“Why would I say that?”

“Because you’re bad at getting stuff done, so you gave yourself a timeline. Which is why last week you made a doctor’s appointment for this morning to hold yourself accountable.”

“Huh. That doesn’t sound like me.” Wynonna shrugged before focusing her attention back on the comic strip.

Waverly leaned over the table and slapped the newspaper down, catching her sister’s undivided attention. “Wynonna, come on!” Waverly whined. “Your appointment is in less than half an hour and you’re still in boxer shorts and a t-shirt!” She waved her hand up and down her sister’s attire for emphasis.

“Speaking of which, does your girlfriend wear boxers? These feel different, and I don’t remember owning any plaid ones in green…”

“Wynonna!” Waverly whined again.

“Okay, okay. Relax, kid. We’re not going to miss any appointment, because I cancelled it.” She stated nonchalantly.

“You what?!”

“I cancelled the appointment.” Wynonna repeated.

“Yeah, I heard what you said. Why did you cancel it?”

“Oh. Because I went to see my doctor yesterday while you were at work, and she told me the sex of the baby already.” Wynonna grinned.

Waverly’s eyes nearly popped out of her eye sockets. “You know the sex of the baby?!” She yelled so loudly that the loose hairs that weren’t secured in Wynonna’s messy ponytail moved as if caught in the middle of a breeze.

“Yep. I sure do.” Her grin was even wider.

“Oh my god! Tell me!” Waverly shrieked as she fell into the chair next to her sister and violently shook the older woman’s arm.

“Okay, okay. I was going to do one of those cheesy gender reveal things, but your neediness has convinced me.” She shook her little sister’s hands off of her, and Waverly immediately clasped them against her chest in anticipation as she impatiently waited for her sister to give up the information. “Okay, so I was getting the ultrasound done, when the doctor said, ‘there’s your baby’s head, and there are the legs, and…looks like it’s a boy!’”

Waverly’s eyes filled up with tears at the idea of having a little nephew. She had hoped it would be a girl, but she couldn’t be mad that Wynonna was having a boy. In fact, she was more thrilled than she thought she’d be. She thought about how amazing this child would turn out being raised by a bunch of women. He wouldn’t be an asshole like Champ or any of those other boys she knew in high school. No, he was going to grow up to be a good man. The kind of man that this world needed.

Wynonna chuckled at her sister processing the information before continuing with the story. “…But then she said, ‘Oh, oops. That was just an arm. It’s actually a girl!’”

Waverly froze as she stared at her sister in confusion. “Wait. So…it’s a girl?”

“Mhm” Wynonna hummed as she smiled. “Waves, I’m having a little girl. You’re going to have a niece. And I called it!”

The tears that were in Waverly’s eyes were now spilling down her cheeks as her heart swelled with happiness. She lurched forward and wrapped her arms around her older sister, who was also crying with joy. After a few moments of tears and laughter, Waverly wiped her tears from her face and kneeled down in front of Wynonna. She placed both hands on her sister’s baby bump as she leaned her face towards it.

“You are one lucky little girl to have such a badass Mama. And your Auntie Waverly loves you so much.” She lifted the black shirt Wynonna was wearing and kissed the soft skin of her belly before pulling it back down and giving it a single pat as she looked up at Wynonna with a wide grin. The older Earp wiped a tear from her cheek and smiled as she grabbed Waverly’s hand resting on her belly and gave it a gentle squeeze.

“I love our little family.” Wynonna whispered before sniffling.

“Speaking of which, can I go with you when you tell Gus? She’s been telling me for weeks that she thinks it’s a boy, and I can’t wait to see the look on her face when she finds out that she was wrong for once.”


Later that night, Nicole waited on the couch at the Homestead for Waverly to finish getting her costume on. They were getting ready to go to Chrissy Nedley’s annual Halloween bash, which always ended up being a huge rager. Chrissy had finally moved out of her father’s house and into a cheap house with Rosita on the outskirts of Purgatory, which Nicole was happy about. She really wasn’t too excited to go to a party being held at her boss’s home, but now she could have a good time without feeling like she had to completely police the place.

Nicole and Waverly had decided to go as Jack and Rose from Titanic – Waverly’s idea. Nicole wore a loose white long-sleeved Henley with slim fitting khakis, light brown oxfords, and of course, khaki colored suspenders. She had gotten her hair trimmed from her shoulders to her chin, which she knew Waverly had been wanting her to do since the girl had been hinting at for weeks now. She couldn’t wait to see the look on her girlfriend’s face when she saw the new look. But more importantly, she couldn’t wait to see Waverly’s dress. All she knew was that it was going to be a more modern take on the famous red and black gown, because that’s all Waverly had told her before they ended up having a full-blown makeout session in the police cruiser...which may or may not have led to a teenage-style hands-in-pants scenario.

The redhead was deep in thought of that memory when she heard a creak come from the top of the stairs. She jumped up from the couch and made her way towards the steps as she watched her girlfriend emerge from the second floor with attentive eyes and her hands in the pockets of her khakis. Her jaw nearly hit the floor when she took in the tight mid-thigh deep red dress with a black lace pattern going across the off-shoulder neckline. The black heels weren’t helping either. Realizing that she was practically drooling, Nicole shut her mouth so hard that she nearly bit her tongue.

“Oh my god! You cut your hair!” Waverly shrieked from the bottom step as she reached out and touched the neatly-trimmed edges of the woman’s auburn waves. Nicole was pulled out of her trance.

“Oh, you like it?” The older woman asked coyly as she zhooshed the back of her hair.

“Um, I love it. You know I think you look super sexy with short hair, babe.” Waverly smirked as she wrapped her arms around the redhead’s neck and pulled her in for a kiss. They were equal heights since she was on the bottom step and Nicole was still on the floor, which was a nice change. She smiled against Nicole’s lips when she felt strong arms wrap around her waist. She was lost in the moment for only a second before she remembered why she had originally come down the stairs. She pulled out of the kiss and stepped down onto the floor and backed away so that Nicole could fully see her. “So, thoughts?” Waverly asked as she spun around, showing off every angle of her dress and ending with a sexy pose.

“Damn.” Nicole breathed out as she looked up and down the woman’s attire, taking in every little detail of the ensemble.

“You like?” Waverly smirked.

“I think if Kate Winslet’s dress looked more like that, it wouldn’t have taken me as long to figure out my sexuality.” Nicole chuckled as she wrapped her arms around Waverly and pulled her into a hug. She exhaled longingly as she rested her chin on top of soft, light brown hair.

“Well, if Leonardo DiCaprio looked more like you, it definitely wouldn’t have taken me as long to figure out my sexuality.” Waverly replied as she pressed her right cheek against Nicole’s collarbone, melting into the hug.

Nicole pulled back to look at her girlfriend with a quirked eyebrow. “You never had a crush on Leo?”

“No, I did.” Waverly giggled as she placed a flat hand on Nicole’s chest and gave it a couple of soft pats. “But I’ve never touched myself while thinking about Leo.” Waverly winked and gave a hearty laugh in reaction to the redhead’s wide eyes.

“Waverly Earp! That’s so inappropriate!” Nicole feigned surprise as she gasped, but Waverly just shrugged as she began to walk away. Nicole caught her by the wrist and pulled her back, effectively spinning the shorter girl back against her body. The sudden action caused Waverly to giggle, which caused Nicole to let out a cheery laugh. Her favorite sound was the sound Waverly’s laughter.

“I hear a lot of giggling in here. Are you two banging? I feel like girl-on-girl sex is just a lot of giggling…” Wynonna said as she entered the room with her hand over her eyes.

“Ha ha, very funny.” Waverly replied sarcastically.

“But not as funny as your costume!” Nicole blurted out as she doubled over in laughter.

Wynonna glared at the redhead as she folded her arms across her chest…or at least tried to, before giving up and letting her arms fall by her side. “I can’t believe I let you convince me to wear this thing. Betrayed by my own flesh and blood.”

“You said you wanted to be a part of our costume theme this year!” Waverly raised her voice in defense.

“But did I have to be the fucking door?!”

Waverly stifled her laughter as Nicole took a step towards Wynonna and examined the cardboard box she was wearing with intricate designs painted on it. “Personally, I think it’s poetic. You’re the thing that saved Rose, which is who your sister is dressed as. I think it’s metaphoric for how you’re always there for Waverly when she needs you the most.” Nicole smiled.

“Wow. That’s actually really sweet, Red.” Wynonna said with raised eyebrows. “What’s your costume a metaphor for? Sucking at staying alive?”

Nicole scowled at the elder Earp laughing at the top of her lungs.

“I think she looks cute in those suspenders.” Waverly popped Nicole on the butt as she gave the redhead a once over, suggestively biting her bottom lip as she did so. The look Waverly was giving Nicole caused the redhead’s cheeks to match the color of her hair.

“Gross.” Wynonna said before fake gagging.

“Look, it took me forever to make that costume for you. Can you just appreciate my work?” Waverly pleaded.

“Fine.” Wynonna sighed as she rolled her eyes. “Can we just hurry up and get to this party already before I decide to glue on some red cups and turn this thing into a classy beer pong table costume?”

“Yes, we can go. But I have to pee first.” Waverly gave the women an apologetic look as she ran off to the bathroom.

“I can’t believe I’m actually wearing this thing.” Wynonna shook her head as she let out a breathy chuckle.

“Hey, a bet’s a bet.” Nicole shrugged with cockiness. “And the stakes were that if you lost, you would have to be a part of our costume theme and wear the first thing Waverly suggested.”

“That’s not fair! You failed to disclose that you two had already decided to go as Jack and Rose. I mean, there’s not really a significant third person in that movie. You knew Waverly would have picked an inanimate object.” Wynonna grumbled as she tried to fold her arms again, but failed…again.

“Personally, I was hoping that she was going to suggest the iceberg. Seems more fitting for your personality.” Nicole grinned, but quickly dropped her smile when she had to defend herself from being punched in the arm.

“And what if I decide to not wear this stupid thing?”

“Do you really want Waverly to know that you were sparring while being 21 weeks pregnant?” Nicole asked with a raised eyebrow and her hands on her hips.

“Do you really want Waverly to know that you were sparring with her 21-week pregnant sister?” Wynonna asked as she mirrored Nicole’s stance.

“No. Which is why you’re wearing that costume and Waverly never knows the truth, because I won fair and square.”

“Ugh. Fine. But you only won because I really had to pee and couldn’t stay focused. As soon as I pop out this little Pop-Tart, I want a re-match.”

“Fine with me.” Nicole shrugged. “Oh, and by the way, girl-on-girl sex does not involve giggling.” Nicole stated with confidence as a look of something that resembled pride took over her features.

“Yeah, I know that dipshit. I was just making a joke. These walls aren’t thick you know. And neither am I.” Wynonna flicked Nicole hard on the forehead with her middle finger.

“Ow! What the hell was that for?!” Nicole yelped as she rubbed the red spot on her forehead.

“For all the times I had to listen to you and my baby sister doing god knows what in her bedroom.” Wynonna said with a scowl on her face as she poked Nicole in the chest with a firm finger.

“I think you know what we were doing in there, Wynonna…”

“Hence the flick on the forehead.” She stated matter-of-factly. “Now help me get out of this thing.”

“What for?!”

“Because, now I have to pee.”

Nicole groaned as she helped Wynonna out of the oddly-shaped 3-dimensional piece of cardboard. “I hope your daughter is as annoying as you are, so that you know what it’s like to have to deal with yourself.”

“I think we both know she’s probably going to end up being more of a Waverly.”


Nicole, Waverly, and Wynonna rolled up to Chrissy and Rosita’s house in Waverly’s red Jeep. The party had clearly already started, as evidenced by the pumping house music and flashing lights coming from inside the house. Not to mention the fact that there were several people on the front porch, which usually meant that it was slightly crowded inside.

“Uh, I thought the party was supposed to start at 9?” Nicole queried.

“That’s what they said.” Waverly shrugged as she pulled up against the curb and parked.

“I’m just glad we’re not early like a bunch of losers.” Wynonna scoffed as she jumped out of the car and walked around the back to get her costume out – Upon getting in the car, she had quickly realized that it would be impossible to sit down with the costume on, so she had to take it off and stuff it in the trunk

The three of them walked up the front porch and inside the house, where they were immediately greeted by a buzzed Chrissy.

“Ladies!” The blonde drew out as she slung both arms around Waverly and Nicole. She looked over their costumes and smirked. “Jack and Rose? Sexy. You look totally hot in that dress Waves!” She then took in Wynonna’s costume and held her hand over her mouth as she laughed.

Wynonna rolled her eyes. “Yeah yeah, whatever. The only reason I’m wearing this thing is because…” She looked over at Nicole, who was giving her a warning look. “Because my favorite sister made it for me.” Wynonna continued as she pulled Waverly into an uncomfortable embrace against the cardboard costume.

“I’m your only sister, Wynonna.” Waverly rolled her eyes. “But I’m glad you like it.”

“Hey, you two look fancy.” Rosita said as she walked up to the group.

Nicole nodded in response to the compliment. “And you look…sober.”

“I drew the short straw. I have to stay sober and make sure nothing gets destroyed.” Rosita explained, clearly a little bummed.

“So, you told us to get here at 9, and now it’s...” Waverly grabbed Nicole’s arm and looked at the large quartz watch on her wrist. “9. Why are there so many people here already? I know that not everyone is as punctual as we are…”

Wynonna grimaced at the thought of being referred to as punctual.

Rosita rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Darren showed up early with some of his college buddies to pre-game. Ended up drawing in a huge crowd before the actual invited guests even showed up.”

“That makes so much sense.” Waverly chuckled, unsurprised by the information.

The group continued to chat for a couple of minutes, when they noticed Jeremy and Robin walk up, Dolls trailing behind them.

“Did you three drive here together?” Wynonna questioned with a quirked eyebrow.

“Figured we’d save gas.” Dolls shrugged. He was dressed in a black suit with dark sunglasses.

“Let me guess, Men in Black?” Wynonna asked as she pointed at his getup.

“Well you know what they say, once you go black you don’t go back.” Dolls smirked as he leaned closer to Wynonna, who playfully pushed him away with a blush and a coy smile.

“And you’re a…door?” He drew his eyebrows together in confusion.

“I’m the thing that saves her.” Wynonna pointed to Waverly.

“And I’m the one who dies.” Nicole joked.

“Ah, Titanic. Classic.” Dolls nodded as he took in the trio’s costume theme.

“We’re Batman and Robin!” Jeremy exclaimed enthusiastically. “Robin is Batman, and I’m Robin…well, Robin as in like, the sidekick. Not as in my boyfriend. It would be really weird if I dressed up as my boyfriend.”

“I almost dressed up as Nicole.” Waverly shrugged.

“No you didn’t. Did you really?” Nicole asked incredulously.

“Yep. Almost wore the uniform, too.” She smirked as she wrapped her arms around the redhead.

“Oh that would’ve been beyond sexy.” Nicole admitted as her eyes roamed over her girlfriend’s body, picturing the petite woman in a police uniform.

Wynonna waved her hand in the air. “Um, hello, sister present. Can you guys stop eye humping each other in front of me? It’s grossing me out.”

Waverly and Nicole pulled away, slightly blushing at the looks everyone was giving them.

“Jeremy insisted I dress up as Batman, even though he’s more of the superhero than I am.” Robin smiled as he wrapped his arm around Jeremy’s shoulders, causing the shorter man to blush.

“Well, I’m gonna go find Darren. Make yourselves at home and drink up!” Chrissy winked before dancing off into the living room.

“I’m going to get a drink. You want anything, babe?” Waverly asked as she rubbed Nicole’s lower back.

“Just a beer.”


“Something fruity…and virgin.”

Waverly looked at her sister waiting for her to make some dumb joke, but just nodded when she realized she wasn’t going to. “Anyone else?”

Jeremy and Robin politely shook their heads as Dolls replied, “Not yet. I want a beer pong rematch against Haught. And this time, I want to do it sober.”

“Fair enough. But you’re going to get your ass whooped again.” Nicole smirked as she led them towards the back door and to the back yard where there was a large crowd surrounding the beer pong table.

Waverly went to the kitchen to get the drinks. She rummaged through the refrigerator to find something to make a virgin cocktail for Wynonna. When she closed the door, she jumped back at the unexpected sight of a person standing there.

“Jesus Christ!” She gasped as she grabbed her chest.

Champ lifted the hockey mask off of his face that went the rest of his hockey costume. “Waves, it’s me.” He grinned, as if she should be happy about that.

“What the hell Champ?! You scared the living daylights out of me!” She berated as she smacked him on the arm.

“Ow! Okay, I’m sorry. I just wanted to say hey.”

“Okay, you’ve made your presence known. You can leave now.” She rolled her eyes as she turned around to make the cocktail.

“That ginger butch has made you mean.” He scoffed. Before Waverly could even make a comeback, he was leaving the kitchen. She sighed, figuring he wasn’t worth the time anyways.

She made her way to the back porch where everyone was watching Nicole and Dolls battle each other at beer pong. She held the three drinks skillfully in her hands before setting them down on a nearby table.

“Thanks sis.” Wynonna said as she gratefully took her drink.

Waverly sat Nicole’s beer down, knowing better than to distract her girlfriend in the middle of a game, even with alcohol. The redhead had a competitive streak. “Who’s winning?”

“It’s a tie so far.”

“I just hope they don’t spend the whole time playing.” Waverly sighed.

“They said they would play just one game.” Wynonna shrugged as she sipped the fruity beverage.

“Yeah, they said that last time too.” Waverly rolled her eyes.


A couple hours later, the party was really in full swing. The place was nearly packed, and the entire downstairs was full of people dancing and having fun. Wynonna had ditched her costume a long time ago and was now happily dancing with Dolls, thankful that she could now freely move her limbs around. Jeremy was busting some awkward dance moves – he had stated to everyone that The Robot was his go-to move, but nobody actually believed him – as Robin watched him with amused eyes. Chrissy and Darren were dancing together next to Rosita and one of Darren’s friends, who she admitted she thought was really cute earlier. Everyone in their friend group was taking bets on whether or not they would hook up. Nicole and Waverly were off in their own little bubble, slow dancing. Nicole had her hands wrapped around Waverly’s waist and Waverly had her arms around the redhead’s neck as they looked at each other attentively, smiling at one another as they swayed back and forth.

“You know this isn’t a slow song, right?” Waverly giggled.

“I know. I just like dancing with you like this.” Nicole smiled. The redhead had only had the one beer, and she was enjoying the time with her girlfriend, even if they were spending it with the drunkenness of practically all of the early to mid 20’s population of Purgatory. Waverly had a few more drinks than Nicole, but she wasn’t completely wasted. Although, she did really have to pee. She had been holding off for a while, not wanting to break the golden seal, but she was at the point where she couldn’t wait anymore.

“I’ll be right back.” Waverly smiled as she pulled away from the taller woman.

“Where are you going?” Nicole pouted as she held onto the smaller girl’s hand and tried to keep her there.

Waverly giggled as she gave Nicole’s hand a reassuring squeeze. “I’ll be right back. Just wait here for me.”

As soon as Waverly reached the bathroom she swung the door shut and went straight for the toilet. She sighed in relief when she was finally able to relieve herself of all the alcohol she had been drinking. She flushed the toilet and went to the sink to wash her hands. As she did so, she heard the creaking of the door opening behind her. She quickly looked up into the mirror with a smile expecting to see Nicole, but when she saw who it was, her smile dropped. She spun around and glared at Champ, who had shut the door and locked it behind him.

“What the hell do you want?” Waverly barked as she folded her arms across her chest.

“Come on Waves. I just wanna talk.” He slurred as he staggered over to the brunette, clearly hammered. Waverly couldn’t remember a time when she had seen him this drunk. He was barely able to keep his eyes open. She was surprised he had actually managed to get up the stairs on his own.

“I have nothing to say to you anymore, so please leave me alone.” Waverly replied calmly as she tried to walk past him, but he stopped her and pushed her back in front of him.

“Okay, you win. It worked.” He stepped closer to her.

“What worked?” She quirked an eyebrow as she took a step back, creating a more comfortable distance between them.

“This whole lesbian thing. You trying to get me to be a better boyfriend by making me jealous. You win, I’ll be better. You can cut the shit now. I want you back.” He smiled, as if he actually truly believed that that’s what all of this was about. He almost looked proud of himself for figuring it out, but little did he know how idiotic he sounded.

Waverly looked at him incredulously as she shook her head. “Champ, this isn’t some game. This isn’t some extravagant plan to try to make you be a better boyfriend. I love Nicole. I love her more than I’ve ever loved anyone, even you. Especially you. I’m gay, and nothing you can say or do can change that. Why can’t you just accept that this is who I am? I’m happy. Don’t you care about that at all?” She folded her arms across her chest and looked at him in a way that she hoped would make him see her, the real her. Not this image of her he had in his head for his own sake. All she wanted was for him to accept that they were truly done, and that there was no fixing this.

Champ growled as he lurched forward and pinned Waverly to the wall behind her.

“What the fuck! Get off of me!” She tried to push him away, but he grabbed her arms and held them to the wall on either side of her body to where she couldn’t move them.

“Because, look at you! You’re super hot! You’re girly and you wear makeup and dresses, and you’re into normal girl things like cheerleading. There’s no way that you’re gay. And there’s no way you can be happy with her!” Suddenly, a thought came across his mind. “Is she blackmailing you or something? Is she threatening you to be with her?”

Waverly grunted as she continued to try to free her arms, but he was too strong. She knew she had to weaken him somehow. She tried to knee him in the groin, but he was pushed up against her body and she couldn’t get a knee between his legs.

When he realized what she was trying to do, he pushed his body even harder against her to protect himself. His face turned serious as he blew a piece of hair out of her face, knowing that it was probably bothering her and he didn’t want to let her hands go just yet. “What does she do to you?”

“What are you talking about?” Waverly continued to struggle to free herself from his grasp.

“Don’t play dumb with me! The dyke cop. What does she do to you in bed that you love so much?” There was a chilling bite in his voice.

Waverly froze. She scrunched her nose in disgust as the pungent smell of an array of alcoholic drinks on his breath took over her sense of smell. She wished that he would just breathe through his nose like a normal person instead of through his mouth, but he was probably too drunk to even know the difference. “Everything. I love everything she does to me, because she’s actually good at it. Better than you ever were.” She spat in his face, hoping that it would cause him to pull away in disgust and she would have a chance to free herself, but he just froze.

He looked into her eyes with a blank expression. She stopped struggling and looked at him with raised eyebrows as she stood there, still pinned against the wall. His eyes were glossed over and they were completely dilated. It was as if he was looking straight through her instead of at her. For a second, she actually thought she had broken him. That is, until he smashed his lips against hers in a forceful kiss.

“Champ, what are you doing!” Waverly yelled against his mouth as she tried to push him off, but he was persistent.

“I’m reminding you of how good I am. Please baby, I know you still love me. You’ve been brainwashed. I can help you. Let me help you.” His words were slurring even more than before.

“You’re fucking delusional!” She yelled as she tried to wriggle herself from his grasp. He tightened his grip around her wrists and moved them so that they were both in his left hand before raising her arms up and pinning them to the wall above her head. As he held her wrists tightly in his hand, he covered her mouth with the other hand. Her eyes went wide as she realized what was happening. She looked at his drunken face, anger and hurt painted all over it. There was something in his eyes that she had never seen before. She didn’t know if it was the alcohol or what, but whatever it was it sent a chill down her spine. This wasn’t the Champ she once knew.

“Shh, just relax.” He persuaded as he canted his hips forward.

Waverly could feel his bulge in his pants rubbing against her between her legs. She could feel that he was semi-hard, and it infuriated her to no end, knowing that he was turned on by her right now. Her dress had ridden up at this point exposing her black-laced thong, and she chastised herself for not wearing a dress that was longer and less tight; something that would have protected her a little better; something that he would find less attractive. She also wished that she had worn different underwear, but she hadn’t chosen them with him in mind. She tried to pull her body as far back from him as possible, but it was no use. The wall behind her made it impossible.

“I’m going to remind you that you love me. I’m going to help you be Waverly again.” He whispered in her ear before sloppily kissing her neck as he continued to hump her.

Waverly shook her head and repeatedly yelled “no” over and over to try and get him to listen, but it only came out as muffled whimpers against his rough, calloused hand. She tried to release her wrists from his grasp, but it was no use. He was much physically stronger than her, but she didn’t stop trying. She continued to wriggle around and move away from him; She wasn’t going to give up that easily.


“Hey, have you seen Waverly?” Nicole asked Jeremy and Robin, who both shook their heads.

“She’s probably hooking up with Champ by now.” Pete said from behind her. He laughed as he knocked back his beer, slightly missing his mouth as some dribbled down his chin. It was obvious that he was wasted by the way he stumbled.

Nicole looked him over and grimaced at the worst Jack Sparrow costume she had ever seen. Although, he had the walk down. She drew her eyebrows together. “What are you talking about?”

“Said something about winning her back. My guess is she’s already come to her senses. Pun intended.” He chuckled and shook his head as he brought the beer can up to his mouth to take another sip, but dropped it when he felt two hands grab him by the collar and brutally shove him up against the wall. “Ow! What the fuck!”

“Where are they?!” Nicole demanded as she clenched her fists so tightly around his shirt that her knuckles were turning white. She was pushing him as hard as she could against the wall to the point where she could actually feel his rapid heartbeat thud against his chest.

“Last I saw he followed her upstairs! I think they went into the bathroom!” He pointed up the stairs as he looked at the redhead in terror.

Nicole released him so quickly that he fell to the ground. She jumped over him and ran up the stairs, taking three at a time until she reached the bathroom. She tried to open the door, but it was locked. Without even thinking, she took a step back and with as much force as possible, kicked the door as hard as she could, grunting in the process. It swung open, revealing Champ pressed up against Waverly with his lips on her neck. Nicole could hear Waverly calling her name in a muffled voice with wide eyes.

“Get off her!” Nicole shouted as she pulled Champ’s burly body away from the brunette. He stumbled a bit before catching himself on the sink. He was so drunk that he looked like he was about to pass out. He shook his head as he took in the sight of the redhead.

“You make an ugly ass dude.” He said as he looked over Nicole’s costume with disgust.

“That’s because I’m not one. What’s your excuse?” Nicole didn’t even give him a chance to answer before she decked him right under his left eye, knocking him out cold.

Waverly covered her mouth in shock as she looked at an unconscious Champ laying on the floor. She was shaking from the adrenaline rush and the flood of emotions that were coursing through her body, from confusion to terror to relief. It was like she couldn’t pick one emotion, so her body was just feeling them all.

“Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” Nicole asked as she frantically looked over her girlfriend for any injuries.

Waverly shook her head. “I’m fine. He just tried to kiss me.”

Nicole took a step back and looked at her girlfriend with a quirked eyebrow. “Waverly, it looked like he was trying to do more than just kiss you. It looked like he was trying to-“

“Well he wasn’t.” Waverly abruptly cut her off. “He was just drunk. He didn’t know what he was doing.”

“Yes, he did. He knew exactly what he was doing, Waverly.” Nicole scolded. She looked down at Waverly’s ex and glared at his inert body, thinking of all the ways she was going to get him back for this.

“You don’t know him like I do Nicole! He would never do that to me!” Waverly said, bringing Nicole out of her thoughts and causing her to look back at Waverly.

“Why are you defending him?” Nicole’s voice was a little bit louder than she had intended.

“I’m not defending him. I’m just telling you what happened. He was just trying to kiss me, that’s all. Nothing else happened.” She folded her arms tightly across her chest as her eyes began to water. She tried to blink the tears away, but instead they ended up falling down her cheeks.

Nicole’s demeanor changed from angry to sympathetic when she saw the state of her girlfriend. She finally noticed that the girl was trembling, and she cursed herself for raising her voice. Her face softened and her clenched muscles were now more relaxed. “Waves...” She cooed as she took a step forward with outstretched arms, but when Waverly smacked her hands away, she retreated with concern.

“I’m fine. I just...I don’t want to be here anymore. I’m going home.” Waverly said as she brushed past Nicole.

“Well, wait a minute. At least let me drive you home. You’ve been drinking.”

“No.” She waved her girlfriend off. “I’ll call a cab or something. I just want to be by myself.”


“Don’t follow me.” She warned before storming out of the bathroom, leaving Nicole standing there dumbstruck next to Champ’s unconscious body.