48. Role-Play

“Hey, can I ask you for a favor?” Nicole asked as she approached Doll’s desk.

He spun his chair around so that his slouching body was facing Nicole and clasped his hands together atop his chest. “Depends on what it is and what’s in it for me?”

“I need you to cover my shift tonight, just a few hours. I work until midnight, but I need to be out of here by nine at the latest.”

“And what’s in it for me?” He quirked an eyebrow.

“I’ll cover for you next time you need me to.”


Nicole rolled her eyes. “And I’ll take desk duty on your designated days this week.”

Dolls grinned. “There’s one more thing I want.”


He leaned forward in his chair as he waved his index finger at her. “Tell me what you’re doing tonight.”

“Just some plans with Waverly.”

He pursed his lips in disappointment as he slouched back into his chair. “Boo. That’s not as intriguing as I thought it would be.” He pondered for a moment before his frown was replaced by a shit-eating grin. “Unless it’s plans that involve you getting laid…”

“Like I’d blow off work to have sex?” She scoffed as she held a hand up in the air. “Please. I’m more responsible than that.”

“Then what are you doing?”

Nicole shrugged. “Just stuff with Wynonna. Baby stuff. Girl stuff.” She folded her arms across her chest. She was doing so well holding her poker face, until her eyes slightly shifted. It was only for a brief moment, but it was enough for her to know that she had just blown her cover with her fellow police officer, who’s trained to be able to detect when someone is lying.

He perked up in his chair. “Bullshit.”

Nicole groaned as she rolled her eyes. “Can you just cover for me please?”

“Sure, as soon as you admit that you’re blowing off your duties to have sex with your girlfriend.” He grinned.

“Dolls…” She warned.

“Not until you admit it.” Dolls waved his hand around his ear, waiting for her to say it. She always gloated about how responsible and sensible she was – much to his annoyance – so hearing this would completely make his day.

Nicole rolled her eyes as she groaned. “Okay, fine! Yes, I’m going to fuck my girlfriend. Waverly and I are going to bang all night long, and have some incredible, mind-blowing, kinky sex until we can’t walk anymore. Satisfied?”

The sound of a man clearing his throat behind Nicole startled her, and she whipped around to find Nedley standing at his office door no more than ten feet behind them. She felt her entire face turn red. He knew about her and Waverly, everybody did, but they had never actually talked about it. And now he had just heard her say unmistakably inappropriate words about defiling his former boss’s daughter who had become like a daughter of his own.

“Officer Haught, may I speak with you for a moment?”

“Uh, y-yes sir.” Nicole stammered.

Nedley turned around to walk into his office, and Nicole glanced down at Dolls to find him stifling his laughter with the back of his fist.

“Okay, I’ll cover your shift. But not because of your amazing night with Waverly, but because of that.” He pointed to the office as he began laughing, and continued to do so even as Nicole smacked him in the back of the head before walking into the office.

Nicole traipsed into the room with worried eyes.

“Close the door and have a seat.” Nedley said as he slouched in his desk chair.

She quietly shut the door and guiltily slid down into the chair across from his desk, much like a student who had been sent to the principal’s office.

“Sir, I am so sorry about that. It was completely inappropriate and unprofessional, and I swear it won’t happen ever again.” Nicole gesticulated as she rambled.

“Oh, that’s not what this is about. In fact, why don’t we just forget that ever happened.”

“I would like nothing more, sir.” Nicole let out a sigh of relief.

He gave a curt nod before continuing. “The reason I brought you in here is because I’m planning on retiring soon, and I want to make sure this place is passed on to someone who truly cares for it; who truly cares for this town.”

Nicole’s eyes widened. “And you want me to take over?” She couldn’t believe it. She had only been here for a few months. She didn’t ever think she’d be promoted to sheriff so quickly.

“Well, I’m considering between you and Officer Dolls. We both know Lonnie would never make it as sheriff.” Nedley shook his head as he let out a huff of amusement. “I’m going to be keeping my eye on both of you in order to make the right decision, and I just wanted to make sure this was something you wanted. I know you haven’t been here for very long, but you’re a strong candidate. This place could really use someone with your passion and skillset, and I want to make sure you planned on staying.”

“Oh, absolutely sir. I have no plans to leave whatsoever. I would be honored to take over as sheriff, and I am extremely grateful to even be considered for the job.” She tried to maintain a professional demeanor, but she couldn’t hold back her grin.

Nedley nodded as he pursed his lips. He was never one to show much emotion. “Alright, well I just wanted to check in. Keep up the good work, deputy.”

“Yes sir, thank you sir.” Nicole held out her hand for Nedley to shake, which he did, before practically bouncing out of the office. She strolled past Dolls, ignoring the confused look he was giving her, as she sat down at her desk and hummed cheerily.

“I’m guessing that went over better than expected?” Dolls asked curiously.

Nicole spun around in her chair. “Oh, that wasn’t about Waverly.”

“Oh. Then what was it about?”

Just then, the office door swung open. “Dolls, I want to speak with you for a moment.” Nedley said quickly before walking back into his office like he had done with Nicole.

Dolls nodded at the sheriff before looking at Nicole with a quirked eyebrow.

“You’re about to find out.” Nicole smiled, finally answering Doll’s question.


Nicole pulled up to the homestead a few hours later, excited to give her girlfriend the good news. “Guess what?” She said excitedly as soon as she saw her girlfriend.

“What?” Waverly asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Nedley is retiring soon, and he’s considering me for the position!”

Waverly’s eyes widened. “Wait, really?!”

Nicole nodded enthusiastically, and practically threw herself into the hug that Waverly was clearly going for.

“Oh my god, I’m so proud of you!” Waverly squealed as she and Nicole swayed back and forth as they held each other in a slight embrace before Nicole finally pulled back.

“It just really makes me feel like I’m actually good at being a police officer. Especially after basically being demoted at my last job, and not being taken seriously by those guys. I mean, to go from fetching coffee and doing desk work after six years of working there, to being considered for sheriff after nine months of working here is just so validating and encouraging.”

“You are a good police officer. And you’re going to be an even better Sherriff.” Waverly beamed.

Nicole chuckled. “Well, I haven’t gotten the job yet. He’s considering both me and Dolls. But still, the fact that I’m even in the running just feels so incredible.”

“As much as I love Dolls, I think you’d make a much better Sheriff than him.”

“You’re just being biased.” Nicole teased.

Waverly wrapped her arms around Nicole’s back and pulled her close. “Can you blame me? ‘Sheriff Haught’ sounds super sexy.”

“Mmm, not as sexy as ‘Officer Earp’, which is what I’ll be calling you tonight.” Nicole smirked as she leaned down towards Waverly’s lips, but Waverly pulled back slightly and let the redhead’s hot breath linger on her lips before making any contact.

“How about you just call me Officer? I won’t even give you my name tonight, so that you can’t report me when I solicit you for sex.” Waverly winked.

“Even better.” Nicole darted forward before Waverly could pull back again and gave her a searing kiss. She whined and furrowed her brow when Waverly ended it way earlier than she had anticipated.

“How about we save it for tonight.” Waverly smiled as she tapped her forefinger against Nicole’s pouting lips.

“Fine. That reminds me, I brought you something…” She walked over to her work duffel and pulled out a folded uniform before handing it out to Waverly. “Mine was going to be way too big on you, so I took one of the extras we have. These should fit you much better.”

Waverly grinned as she took the uniform and held the black long-sleeved shirt up in front of her on display to inspect. “It’s perfect! Thank you.” She folded the clothes back up and hugged them against her chest. “Did you bring the strap-on?”

“I brought everything.” Nicole gave a cocky half smile that sent a burst of heat straight between Waverly’s legs.

“Perfect. I’m going to go get ready. Are you going to change here?”

Nicole nodded as she smiled. “I’ll change in the hall bathroom.”

Waverly had no idea what Nicole was going to be wearing. She knew she was going to be wearing a dress, but she didn’t know which dress. And Nicole could not wait to see her reaction. On the flipside, Nicole had no idea what Waverly would look like in a uniform, but she already knew that it was going to be ten times better than what she imagined. They both planned ahead of time on not seeing each other in ‘costume’ until they met up in their separate cars. Seeing each other for the first time during the role-play would only add to their arousal.

“Do you remember how to work the lights in the squad car?”

Waverly nodded. “And do you remember where we’re meeting?”

Nicole nodded. “Saved the pin as ‘sex date’”

Waverly covered her hand over her mouth as she giggled. “You’re so cute.”

“I know.” Nicole said as she did a dramatic hair flip. “Just remember, no sirens.”

“Got it.” Waverly nodded before leaning in for one last kiss before gathering up the things she needed and went to her room to get ready.

The first thing Waverly did was put on the strap-on. She giggled a little as she twisted her hips slightly, watching it wiggle back and forth before putting the uniform on. She unzipped the top of the shirt as far as it would go, smiling at how good the tightness made her cleavage look. She reached inside the shirt and adjusted her boobs a bit to get an even fuller look before sliding her hands down her torso and cupping the bulge in her pants. She smiled as she looked at herself in the mirror. She thrusted her hips a few times, smiling at how empowered she felt. She then placed Nicole’s Stetson over her brunette waves before sliding on a leather belt. She didn’t put on the utility belt, since she didn’t really need it. She looked herself over and smiled as she rested her hands on the buckle of her standard belt, just like Nicole usually did.

“Perfect.” She whispered to herself.

As soon as Waverly heard Nicole leaving, she made her way downstairs and grabbed a bag with everything she needed – condoms, lube, hand warmers to put in her shoes. When she double checked that she was ready, she put on her thick black winter jacket that was lined with faux wool and grabbed the key to the cruiser that Nicole had left for her on the key hook. The plan was for Nicole to leave first and drive towards an old backroad that nobody ever went on, since there was nothing on it and the parallel road next to it was a much quicker route. As soon as Waverly started the car, she pulled up her tracking app on her phone and tracked Nicole’s location before making her way over to her.

It took her about 15 minutes to catch up to Nicole, giving her plenty of time to build up the anticipation. She squeezed her thighs together, occasionally letting out light moans at the pressure she felt against the base of the dildo. There were a few times where she would cup the bulge and rub it against her, wanting to get herself worked up and excited to use it, which she succeeded in. When she finally saw the red Jeep in the distance, she grinned and flipped on the police lights before speeding up. The Jeep pulled over onto the side of the road, and Waverly parked behind it. As soon as she turned the engine off, she cut off the lights, not wanting to draw any attention to them in case somebody did happen to drive down that road. She reached over into her bag and pulled out the small bottle of lube and a condom to shove into her pockets. She pressed her hand firmly against her chest as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, wanting to get out all of her nerves and get into character. The last thing she wanted was to break out into a nervous fit of giggles. Once she was calm, she grabbed the flashlight next to her on the front seat and with a look of confidence, stepped out of the car.

As Waverly took her time getting out of the car, Nicole had checked her makeup and hair in the mirror. She smoothed out her dress before grabbing onto the steering wheel and fixing her eyes on the rearview mirror as she waited for Waverly to step out of the car. When she finally saw Waverly walking towards her, her jaw dropped. The road was barely lit with a single streetlight that was several feet away from them, but there was enough light to give her a prefect view of Waverly in that uniform as she strutted towards the car, tapping the flashlight repeatedly into the palm of her opposite hand.

“License and registration?” Waverly asserted as soon as Nicole had cranked the window down. She shielded the light Waverly was shining in her face with her arm.

“May I ask what the problem is, Officer?” Nicole asked politely, and lowered her arm when Waverly lowered the flashlight.

“I clocked you doing 15 over. License and registration please.” She didn’t crack even the slightest smile, and Nicole was impressed.

The redhead reached into her purse and pulled out her license before leaning over into the glovebox and grabbing a random piece of paper.

“I’ll be right back.” Waverly said with a curt nod and walked back over to the squad car. Nicole poked her head out the window like a dog and stared at Waverly’s ass with a smirk.

With her head still out the window, Nicole watched Waverly through the windshield of the cruiser as she pretended to run her license. Waverly looked up and winked as soon as she made eye contact. Nicole smiled and quickly pulled herself back inside the car and faced the front, biting back her dopey grin. She cleared her throat and ran a hand over her face to get rid of her smile when she noticed Waverly walking back towards the car.

“Your record is clean, but it looks like I’m going to have to write you a ticket, ma’am.” Waverly stated as she handed the items back to Nicole.

“But officer, I can’t afford to have a speeding violation on my record!”

Waverly slightly shook her head as she stood with her hands on her belt buckle. “Well, Miss Haught, you should’ve thought of that before you decided to speed.”

“I know, but my husband and I are supposed to be meeting for dinner for our three-year anniversary and I’m already half an hour late.” Nicole quickly explained.

Waverly swallowed thickly. She was surprised that Nicole had planned out that little detail, considering how much she was against cheating. But she wasn’t about to break character to ask, because that added detail of having a husband just added to her arousal, especially when she thought about what she was about to do to her. She lightly shook her head, realizing that she had been zoned out for too long.

“That’s no excuse.”

Nicole opened her car door and stepped out, finally revealing her full outfit to Waverly. She was wearing a tight long-sleeved black dress with a low-cut neckline and a hem that sat mid-thigh. It was accompanied by suede black knee-high boots and an olive colored bomber jacket. Waverly suddenly noticed Nicole’s dark eye shadow and bold red lipstick. Realizing that she was acting less like an assertive police officer and more like a dumbstruck girlfriend, she quickly changed her facial expression. She let out a single-toned whistle as she looked Nicole up and down, lightly pushing up the brim of her hat as she rubbed her forehead. Nicole wasn’t sure if this was Waverly reacting to her outfit or her character, but she wasn’t complaining either way.

“Damn.” Waverly whispered.

“Like what you see?” Nicole asked with a smirk as she grabbed onto the sides of her jacket and opened them up with the intention of exposing every bit of her chest in that dress.

“You could say that…” Waverly replied as her eyes lingered on Nicole’s chest, taking in the fact that she was obviously not wearing a bra, if the two small protrusions in her dress were anything to go by. After all, it was pretty cold, but her arousal was keeping her pretty warm. She had hoped it was doing the same for Nicole, because if the woman woke up sick the next morning because of something that was her idea, she would feel completely awful.

“What if I said there was a way you could get out of this ticket?”

Nicole quirked an eyebrow. “What do you mean, Officer?”

“I mean,” Waverly started as she stepped forward. “I’ve got a bit of an itch that I think you can help me with.” She winked.

“What kind of itch?”

Waverly grabbed Nicole’s hand and placed it over her bulge. “This kind of itch.” She smirked.

Nicole’s eyes widened as she looked down at her hand lightly gripping the bulge. “I see…”

“So how about you scratch my back, and I scratch yours?”

Without removing her hand, Nicole looked up. “Well, if it’ll get me out of the ticket, how could I refuse such an offer. Especially with someone so…” she roughly squeezed the bulge, and Nicole smirked at the way Waverly jumped at the contact before continuing. “Well-endowed?”

Waverly shuddered at the words but quickly slipped back into character. She grabbed Nicole’s shoulders and spun her around, pushing her up against the driver’s door with her body as she whispered into Nicole’s ear, “Do you want this?”

Nicole panted and fluttered her eyelids as she felt Waverly press her hips forward against her backside as she ran her hand up the outside of her thigh.

“Yes,” Nicole breathed out.

“Tell me what you want.” Waverly whispered before pushing Nicole’s hair aside and placing a delicate kiss against her neck.

“I want you to make me come.”

“How?” She placed another kiss slightly lower.

“With your big cock.” Nicole breathed out.

Waverly’s breath hitched as she slowly ran her hands along the backs of Nicole’s thighs from the top of her boots all the way up to the bottom of her cheeks. “Does your husband ever eat you out?”

Nicole shook her head. “Never.”

Waverly smirked as she turned Nicole back around and dropped to her knees in front of her. She lifted up her dress and slowly pulled her panties down just above her knees, revealing her glistening heat. Waverly smiled and looked up at the redhead’s completely blown pupils. “Can I taste you?”

The redhead nodded fervently, and Waverly licked a flat tongue all the way up Nicole’s sex.

“Ungh.” Nicole moaned as she shut her eyes and immediately threw off the Stetson to tangle a hand in Waverly’s hair while grabbing onto the side mirror with the other.

Waverly hummed and let out tiny noises, occasionally looking up at Nicole. After a few moments of enjoying Nicole’s taste on her tongue, she brought a finger up and teased the redhead’s entrance. She looked up at Nicole and waited for eye contact and a nod before pushing inside. She went in to the first knuckle before pulling back, then to the second, and then all the way to the third, all while making a slow figure eight pattern with her tongue over Nicole’s clit.

“Oh baby, that’s amazing.” Nicole breathed out.

Waverly smiled against Nicole’s heat at the words as she got into a steady rhythm of slowly pushing her finger all the way in before pulling all the way back out to the tip. She continued her slow pace for a few minutes, really working the redhead up before adding a second digit. She let out a sigh of pleasure as she felt Nicole’s walls adjusting around her. It’s wasn’t long before she felt Nicole getting closer, even with her slow pace. Not wanting to push the redhead over the edge just yet, she retracted her fingers and tongue and stood up. Nicole whimpered, but immediately moaned when she felt Waverly’s lips press forcefully against hers. She instantly wrapped her arms around Waverly’s neck and moaned when she felt Waverly’s tongue against hers, forcing her to taste herself. Her eyebrows furrowed together when Waverly’s bulge pressed against her on just the right spot. Waverly pulled back from the kiss – not caring about how much red lipstick was probably all over her face right now – and shoved her two fingers into Nicole’s mouth. The redhead diligently sucked on them while staring intensely into Waverly’s eyes until the brunette pulled them out and brought them to her own mouth. She released her fingers with a pop before shifting her stance so that she was in a power pose with her legs spread slightly. She smirked as she unzipped her slacks. She reached inside the hole of the zipper and pulled out the purple cock, pushing her hips forward as she showed it off. “Are you ready for this baby?” She brought her hand down to the shaft and began stroking it as she rested her other hand palm-down on the front of her thigh.

Nicole looked down at the erection with wide eyes, pretending to be surprised by its size. She nodded as she licked her lips. “God, I’m already dripping for you. You’re way bigger than my husband.”

“Yeah?” She continued to pump the shaft, showing off her broad strokes.

“Oh, definitely. He doesn’t fill me up enough.”

With a cocky grin, Waverly shoved her hand into her jacket pocket and pulled out the condom before opening it and rolling it onto the dildo while Nicole watched attentively.

“Take off your panties.” Waverly demanded, and Nicole did so and shoved them into her pocket as the brunette pulled out the lube and poured a strip along the shaft before closing it and putting it back into her jacket. “Turn around.”

As soon as Nicole turned around, Waverly guided her towards the fender as she spread the lube over the cock with her free hand and pushed Nicole down, forcing her to lean over it with her forearms on the hood. She teasingly ran her hands up and down the small amount of exposed skin between the tops of the boots and the bottom of the dress a few times before bringing them all the way up against her bare cheeks and gave the firm muscles a squeeze.

“God, you have the sexiest ass I’ve ever seen.” Waverly stated. “Do you work out?”

“Every morning.” Nicole grinned, knowing full-well that Waverly knew that.

She gave one more slight squeeze before sliding her hands around the front to Nicole’s hipbones and pulled her back against her.

Nicole gasped as she felt the erection slide along her center between her legs. “Officer, I can feel how hard you are for me.” She pushed her hips back and forth, matching Waverly’s slow pace.

“You’ve been a very bad girl, Miss Haught.” Waverly pushed her hips forward, leaving the cock surging forward towards Nicole’s clit before slowly pulling back. “Speeding...” She forcefully thrusted forward again and slowly pulled back. “Seducing me in that dress and making me hard...” She pushed forward again. “Having sex with me in order to get out of a ticket...” Another thrust.

“What are you going to do to me, Officer?” Nicole asked through her ragged breathing.

“I’m going to make you come.” With her left hand wrapped around the top of Nicole’s shoulder, Waverly used her right hand to guide the cock inside Nicole and slowly pushed forward, filling her up little by little.

Nicole inhaled deeply with pleasure as she clasped her hands together and dropped her head between her resting forearms. “Fuck” she said in a breathy moan. It had been so long since she had their dildo inside her that she forgot how good it actually felt.

Waverly pulled back and pushed back in, grabbing onto Nicole’s shoulders with both hands. Her mouth was slightly agape as she watched the entire length disappear and reappear with each slow thrust, feeling the base press against her clit each time her hips were flush with Nicole’s backside. “God baby, I’ve never met anyone so sexy before.”

Nicole was too aroused to come up with some sort of retort, so she just replied with some more moaning.

Pretty soon they both had picked up the pace, and Waverly was now pumping her hips fairly quickly. She sounds of fluids smacking easily sent Waverly’s sex into hyper drive, and she felt an intense surge of arousal shooting straight to her core. Her stomach felt like it was dropping and goosebumps formed everywhere as beads of sweat formed all over her body from being heated up. It ignited something inside her, and she was immediately hurdling towards her climax.

“Wait, wait, wait...” she said as she pulled back, trying to get the base of the harness away from her clit.

Nicole immediately stopped her own thrusting. She looked over her shoulder at the brunette, whose face was skewed in concentration.

“What’s wrong?” Nicole asked in concern.

Waverly didn’t answer. She put all her energy and focus into stifling her orgasm, but it was too late. The contractions began, and she was coming. Too weak to ruin her orgasm, she pushed herself against the strap-on, effectively stimulating her clit against the base and indirectly thrusting the cock deep inside of Nicole as she released a guttural moan.

“Oh!” Nicole dropped her forehead back down onto her left forearm and grabbed onto the edge of the hood by the windshield with her right hand.

When she heard Waverly’s moans and ragged breathing, she realized what was happening. She looked back at Waverly, watching the tail end of her orgasm before the brunette froze. Her breathing was heavy and her face was flushed. Her eyebrows were furrowed in disappointment as she just looked down. Waverly shook her head as her labored pants continued to take over. She tried to resume her thrusts into Nicole, but she was too sensitive and had to stop. She glanced up at Nicole and saw her looking at her and quickly averted her eyes.

“Sorry. I’ll be good to go again in a few seconds.” Waverly said with a frustrated sigh.

With her neck still craned behind her, Nicole reached back a rubbed Waverly’s forearm. “Take your time.”

She had to admit, she was a little sexually frustrated right now and slightly annoyed that Waverly had stopped right when she was getting close, but she would never tell Waverly that.She would never make Waverly feel bad for reaching her orgasm, no matter if it was before her or after her.

Waverly slipped a hand down the front of her pants and reached inside the harness to adjust herself so that her engorged clit was less exposed and not touching the base of the dildo directly.

“Okay, I’m good.” She announced and immediately picked up with slow thrusts before working back up to their previous pace.

“Ugh. Shit.” Nicole panted.

With one hand gripping Nicole’s hipbone, Waverly brought her other hand around to stimulate Nicole’s clit as she flicked her fingers back and forth.

“Yes baby. Right there. Fuck me harder.”

Waverly rocked her hips so hard that the sounds of her hips slapping against Nicole would’ve easily been heard by anyone within a 100-yard radius.

“Fuck I’m gonna come. Shit baby.”

Nicole placed her hand on top of Waverly’s holding onto her hip and threaded their fingers together as she grabbed onto the hood again with the other. Her moans filled the air as her walls contracted around Waverly’s length, until she felt her legs start to wobble. Waverly quickly pushed herself up against Nicole, pinning her to the car as she removed her fingers from her clit and wrapped her arms around her torso, effectively holding her up. She placed a tender kiss on her neck as she waited for the woman’s breathing to slow down. Once it had, Nicole turned around, forcing Waverly to pull out of her, and leaned back against the car as she pulled Waverly in by the collar with a searing kiss. When she pulled back, she began laughing and quickly covered her mouth with the back of her hand.

“What?” Waverly asked in confusion.

Nicole circled her forefinger in the air around her own mouth. “You’ve got lipstick everywhere.”

Waverly leaned over and looked at herself in the side mirror before joining in with Nicole’s laughter. “I look like a clown!”

“But still a very sexy clown.” Nicole said with a seductive smile as she watched Waverly pull off the condom and tuck the dildo back in her slacks. “So, did I get out of that ticket, Officer?”

“You sure did, ma’am. And any other ticket you may receive in the future.”

“Wow, that’s a big hook you’re letting me off of.”

Waverly shrugged. “I never claimed to be a good police officer.”

Nicole chuckled as she pushed herself off of the car. She bent down and picked the Stetson off of the ground before brushing the dirt off the bottom and placed it on Waverly’s head before giving it a light pat on top. “Are you ready to go home and cuddle in bed?”

The brunette nodded fervently. “The heat of passion is already starting to wear off and I’m getting cold.” She shivered as she stood with her arms firmly by her sides and her shoulders tensed up to her ears.

“Aww, baby. Come on, let’s get you home and under a bunch of blankets.”

Nicole pulled the Jeep up next to Waverly in the cruiser in front of the homestead before stepping out and following the brunette up the stairs. When they got inside, they noticed that the kitchen light was on, and Wynonna was standing in front of the counter, pouring herself a glass of orange juice. She briefly glanced back to verify that it was Waverly and Nicole before turning her attention back to her glass.

“There you guys are. It’s past midnight. What were you doing out so late, robbing a bank?”

She twisted the cap back on to the carton and put it back in the fridge before swiping her glass up and turning around to lean against the counter. She rested one hand on the edge on the counter beside her while the other brought the glass up to her mouth, but paused just before it had touched her lips. She took in the sight of the pair standing awkwardly; Waverly in a police officer uniform with red lipstick smeared all over her face, and Nicole in a tight dress and out-of-character knee-high boots. Her eyes flitted down to the obvious bulge in Waverly’s pants, and she quickly looked back up into her younger sister’s embarrassed eyes. She remembered her conversation with Waverly the day before about her using the strap-on, and figured she was wearing it. Suddenly, everything made sense.

She continued to take a sip of her juice as she stared at them. When she brought her hand back down, she lightly tapped her fingers against the glass. “I’m not even gonna ask what kind of kinky shit you two got up to tonight, so I’m just going to sit at this table to drink my juice and never speak of this again.” She stepped towards the table and sat down.

“Thank you.” Waverly gratefully replied as she grabbed Nicole’s hand and swiftly led them towards the stairs, attempting to stifle their giggles as they made their way into the bedroom and shut the door behind them.