The Social Gap

The Kingdom of Mivell was known as the golden kingdom. It was called that because the Kingdom of Mivell had gold mines and always produced many luxury products made of gold every year.

When Ruby gazed at the streets of Mivell capital from inside the carriage, she could see that most of the shops were selling jewels that could dazzle her eyes.

The nobles wore lots of gold and diamonds on their clothes, showing they were more prosperous than everyone else.

However, the social gap that exists in Mivell was noticeable. While the nobles and wealthy people were covered in gold in their clothes, the commoners could only bite their fingers on the roadside with their shabby clothes.

"Truman made much money by selling the gold because he paid the miners a very low price. Miners only get 50 bronze coins every time they mine one gram of gold."

Matthew laughed mockingly. "Even I must spend thousands of gold coins to buy one gram of gold."