The Same Purpose

Ruby dropped the pile of papers she was carrying. Her body felt stiff, so Ruby could only stand still when her eyes stared at Lucas.

Ruby's hands were shaking, and all kinds of past memories were playing rapidly inside her head. Lucas never bothered Ruby while she lived in the Barnette family's residence, but the man also brought Barnette's name with him.

A family that has brought pain and sorrow to Ruby. A family that has deeply traumatized her for a lifetime.

A sudden feeling of nausea shot through Ruby's stomach, making her feel like she wanted to throw up the breakfast she had just eaten. Her pupils darted in random directions, trying hard to avoid Lucas's gaze.


Ruby's knees collapsed to the floor as her legs went limp, and she gasped for breath. She felt like her neck was being strangled by something until she could not breathe freely.