Ruby Saw Something Strange

Liviana said, "And I think the landfill keeper is his trusted person. If he can't find Mr. Gorgon, then he will know that we already know their crime."

"Should we let Mr. Gorgon stay in front of the landfill's gate and watch him from a distance so that the Sorcerer doesn't suspect anything?" suggested Ruby.

Matthew shook his head. "We shouldn't trust the landfill keeper because he might still leak our plan to the Sorcerer."

After hearing Matthew's words, Liviana immediately wrapped her arms around Ruby's neck and smiled broadly. "Who said we would trust the landfill keeper? Instead of trusting him, wouldn't it be better to make him obedient?"

Suddenly Matthew realized that he was facing a great enchantress. Liviana had excellent control over her magic, so that she could control someone's mind better than Ruby.

"Alright, let's go to the Baron and tell him our plan," said Matthew.