Bad Kids

When Ruby walked through the fence of the orphanage, she didn't see any kids playing in the yard, making the orphanage look even more deserted than usual.

After the outbreak of the disease in Trigas, the children at the orphanage were immediately isolated. Healthy children were not allowed to leave their bedrooms, and the rooms they could access were limited.

The orphanage caretakers moved the sick children to the hall under heavy guard. Only the healers and orphanage caretakers were allowed to enter the hall.

Although Trigas' illness showed no signs of contagion, the orphanage caretakers also did not want the other children to be contaminated by the disease.

"The famine alone has made it difficult for the children in the orphanage, but now they have to deal with a disease outbreak as well." Margaret shook her head with a pitying look. "Poor things."