The Frightened Fox

Matthew held both of Ruby's hands. His golden eyes softened as he met his wife's face, which looked paler. "Are you really fine? You have to be honest with me so I can understand your feeling."

Ruby gasped, her eyelids blinking rapidly as she lowered her head. When her hand grasped Matthew's hand tightly, she whispered, "I'm not fine. Matthew, I was scared."

The hand in Matthew's grip felt cold and trembled. Instead of anger, Ruby's heart was overwhelmed with fear, making it difficult for her to straighten her back.

As their carriage's wheels slowly moved, Matthew pulled Ruby into his arms and stroked her back to remind her she had nothing to fear as Matthew would always be by her side.

"Greysen scared you?" asked Matthew. He had never witnessed Ruby being rejected and humiliated by Greysen in Wridal Palace, but Matthew was sure the event had carved a deep wound in Ruby's heart.