Matthew Wants to Fight the Dragon Alone

Ruby watched the golden dragon from behind the magic shield Neville had made. The red color still covered its body, but she finally noticed there were dots of blue and purple among the red.

At that moment, Ruby also didn't notice any black color around its body, indicating it didn't want to kill them. However, why did it feel sadness and fear instead of just anger?

What made the dragon feel scared and sad?

Although it had received many attacks from the soldiers before, Ruby wasn't sure if the dragon was afraid of them or fearful of meeting death.

"Is it becoming aggressive because we keep attacking it?" asked Ruby to herself, but Matthew could hear her.

"I don't think so. I think the dragon has been aggressive ever since Sir Doran summoned him." Matthew thought briefly before saying, "But after I noticed, it seems like the ancient demon beast's bones don't affect it, so why would it also avoid ships like other demon beasts?"