Ruby Wants a Compensation

"Your night must be rough yesterday, Your Majesty." Dena closed her mouth immediately when she realized she had said something rude. "Please forgive my rudeness, Your Majesty."

Ruby laughed awkwardly and tried to cover the kiss mark on her neck with her long hair. Her cheeks turned red as she said, "It was certainly a rough night."

Although she didn't want anyone to know about Matthew's ferocity last night, she couldn't hide it from Dena, who always helped her dress.

Had Loreina not invited her to breakfast that day, Ruby might have preferred to hide under the blanket until all the red marks had disappeared from her body.

"The weather is incredibly warm today. Are you sure you're alright with wearing such a long dress?" asked Dena.

Ruby sighed. "It's not like I have a choice. Besides, Oscar and Lucas also will be there."