Second Labor

"Prepare the room!" Linora called urgently. "The queen is in labor again!"

The chamber, which had just begun to settle down after the first birth, instantly became chaos again. The other physicians, Petra and Rias, immediately prepared fresh linen and warm water. 

Dena quickly took the newborn prince from Matthew's hand, wrapped him snugly in a soft blanket, and placed him in a nearby cradle. Liviana noticed that Matthew had been pacing and had been slow to process the situation.

She clicked her fingers in front of him. "Pull yourself together, Your Majesty! Your wife needs you now."

On the other side, Ruby closed her eyes as she concentrated on her breathing, bracing herself for the second time for what was to come. She had heard of such things happening - rare cases where a mother unknowingly carried twins, only to discover the second child after the birth of the first.