Coronation, welcome to adulthood.

A twenty-first birthday. A twenty-first birthday is a coronation for all soon-to-be 21-year-olds because once 21 years old, they are then welcomed to the world of adulthood through some sort of ritual, party, or ceremony. Many households in the country often hold a celebration to mark this particular day for their children and it is often a symbol of the trust they give to their children as they enter the world of grown-ups. And the Falls family is no different as they are hosting people from afar and near to celebrate the 21st birthday of their daughter.

"Attention everyone, attention! let's welcome the head of the Falls family to the stage." The noise died down and instead of a big round of applause to welcome the family head, the venue was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop...if it was dropped within hearing proximity of course. Mr Falls simply stood up and started walking using his walking stick as he made a beeline to the stage, the people attending made way for him to pass.

The scene was astounding because well-known and respected people from generals, commanders, business tycoons, doctors, high-class actors, and musicians all shifted to create a path for the old man, all that was missing was a red carpet from his seat to the stage. As Mr Falls passed all the guests young and old, one could see the respect shining in their eyes and I mean who in their right mind wouldn't respect this man, the former commander of a powerful force in the country?

"ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Falls's humble home. Although I love being adored and all the attention, today is not about me. I am here as a mere messenger to all to ask you to help our family welcome my granddaughter to adulthood. Let the coronation begin!" As if on cue, the lights dimmed and the doors to the staircase close to the stage opened. 

A pair of glistening grey eyes were opened to the world and the owner of these, the real show stopper for the day was Mr Falls's granddaughter, Alyssa Falls. She was wearing a silver strapless waist-hugging gown with a slit on the side. With her head held high and her chin up, she took the first step, and as she walked her black hair highlighted with a tinge of sliver swayed to the side. Her movement was not too slow or fast but just right, it was as though she was dancing to music unknown to the guests but nonetheless quite enchanting to allow them to witness the way Alyssa Falls carried herself like she was a contemporary dancer lost to the music and moving with sophistication and elegance rare for her age.Her every move held the attention of the guests.

She squinted her eyes, pouted her lips, and then lifted her hand slowly and effortlessly to touch her forehead like she was wiping off something. This left many guests scrutinizing her forehead trying to find the object which made the young lady pout. "Adorable," some guests thought. They were truly mesmerized and what they did not know was that she touched her forehead because that is what she does each time she is stressed or under a lot of pressure.

She walked to the edge of the staircase and stopped abruptly almost breaking the spell the guests were under. Her eyes intently surveyed the crowd as though she was taking in every detail of the world she was about to enter. "Coronation, welcome to adulthood Alyssie," she thought to herself and then resumed walking down the stairs towards the stage where her grandpa was waiting for her.

She got to the bottom of the staircase where the members of the Falls family were lined up on either side up to the center where a mini flight of stairs up the stage was situated. The Falls family has a tradition, all the elders of the family can choose whether they acknowledge the member turning 21 by extending their right hands to the member and helping him or her get to the stage with their support. So, the more people lined up the stronger the sense of acknowledgement from the family. As Alyssa walked past the elders they extended their right hands to her as acknowledgment and it was truly shocking to the observers who know this tradition that no one in the line stood without giving Alyssa a hand, Alyssa was acknowledged by all the elders! This was no ordinary feat!

As the last couple of elders helped her up the mini staircase where another hand was waiting for her, her grandfather had extended his hand to help her up the stage! This was no ordinary gesture but a golden laurel to the members of the family. Murmurs and gasps were heard among the guests, she's the 7th person to be acknowledged by the head of the family! To Alssya however, the hand represented warmth and love from her grandpappy.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let's welcome my granddaughter, Alyssa Falls!" The announcement was followed by a round of applause for the first time since the beginning of this series of events. Alyssa did a simple curtsy in response. Her grandfather resumed, " Today my dear, I will give you not a key but a lock so that you can remain true to yourself and not be tainted by the world you have entered. Nonetheless tainted or not you will always be my granddaughter and this lock is only a selfish wish from this old man to protect you and your innocence. I hope you accept it." 

Following her grandfather, her immediate family also shared a few words. Her Father, Adam Falls said " Alyssie, my baby, we are giving you the key to unlock the door to this gruesome world and we do hope that your brilliance will overshadow the darkness of this world and that you will not be consumed by it" he paused, "I would say follow in your siblings' ( older sister and brother) footsteps but I will not because they are both successful today because they chose their paths. I encourage you to follow yours." 

Her Father's speech did not come as a shock given that, he was known within the family as the only Falls to give his children the freedom to choose how they want to lead their lives. However, as a member of a prominent family in the country, this was looked down upon by the other families because it was assumed that if you give a child freedom you are giving them a chance to get carried away and possibly tarnish their family name. But Mr Adams Falls did not care what other people thought about how he raised his children because he knew his way and trusted it just like how he trusted his children. 

" Alyssa, you have grown up into a fine young woman and I am proud to have you as my youngest daughter. As I am standing here, let me take this opportunity to say that you must not let anyone who is not worth it into your life. If you want to lead a life without trouble, especially in this society, choose them wisely and bring them to Papa if you ever face any tricky situations and I will filter them for you. I am saying this to let you know that despite having the key to your unique door, I will always be a pillar for you and you will forever be my little pumpkin."

Touched by the grand speech from Alyssa's father, the guests applauded once again to appreciate the sweet father-daughter relationship and anyone could tell that Alyssa was daddy's girl. The noise died down, and Alyssa took center stage.

It was her turn now. 

" Thank you to the elders for your hands of wisdom which you were kind enough to share with your daughter. To Grandpappy, I accept and I will forever cherish this lock and finally, Daddy, I will forever remain your baby nothing will ever change that. To the guests thank you for coming to share this special day with me and my family. I am honored to have each of you here to celebrate my 21st birthday. I hope that the event will be memorable, thank you." she gave a slight bow and handed over the mic back to the event coordinator who was overseeing the program for the night.

She walked off the stage with her Grandfather as the event coordinator announced that the high priest would perform a coming-of-age ritual for Alyssa at midnight and people were now free to mingle and watch performances until then. Though Alyssa knew that most people present were only there to strengthen or form social connections, the performances were perfunctory in all honesty. 

The air was buzzing, glasses clattering everywhere, and laughter resonating throughout.