Sassy part 1

 It is the day of the conference the school agreed to hold in conjunction with us. Though I am relieved by how they are handling the situation about the rumors, the minute the conference begins our families will find out but we will cross that bridge when we get there. 

" Are you ready?" Dove asked nervously 

" What is this? Are you scared on my behalf?" I asked as I teased Dove though my friend has a strong of responsibility she like Hannah does can not stand in front of a large crowd.

" Well?? You can not blame me. Just the thought of it is plain nerve wrecking." Dove admitted 

" Do not worry, I've got this. Everything will go according to plan." I said to comfort a nervous Dove 

" Yeah, do not worry Dove. I bet, we are going to rock this." Hannah said while looking at the mirror to look at Dove in the backseat as she was the one in charge of driving today. Speaking of which, I need to get a myself a license and a car.

" Says the girl who was the first to chicken out of Alyssie." Dove responded to Hannah. Here they go again

" I did not. besides you were the one who suggested that since she was the one who recommended the idea then she should speak at the conference." Hannah said to defend herself 

" Yeah well that was the only logical way we could use to solve the dilemma at the time." Dove mumbled her reasoning

" As if I would believe that." Hannah scoffed.

" Okay, ladies. It does not matter who is going to speak at the conference. The main point is that whoever is going to styand there today will be representing us. So I am honored to go there and represent our dearest Andrews and Kim heiresses. I said with a wink which earned me a smile from the both of them. The drive was going to be longer than usual because the venue selected was Glamor hotel because preparations were being done at Areela for the farewell ball so the conference can't be held there.

So in preparation for the long than usual drive, I snuddled up in my seat and got as cozy as I could while admiring the view as we past the different places.


I dozed off because Hannah woke me up when we reached the entrance of the hotel where the hotel valet was supposed to take the car and park it. The hotel did not put its name to shame, it looked magnificent, all the hotels I have been to pale in comparison. It was made from the finest graphite marble with trims of creamy colored stones and ran up to 8 floors high.

 The hotel is in the center of the city with the streets buzzing around it. Despite all the buzzing, around the hotel is a humongous collection of sculptures of different sizes expressing different and vivid artistic views. The sculptures were uniquely configured to fit the class and nature of the hotel and one can help but be drawn in by them. 

As we walked past the sculptures, we saw many people sitting in the garden close to the sculptures. 

" what are they doing?" I asked the personal guide who was assigned to show us the area where the conference was going to take place. Her name was Lenna and she worked at the hotel.

" As you know our sculptures are very unique and they attract a lot of tourists from various countries in the world." Lenna said 

" Oh, I heard that some great artists actually come here to draaw out their inspiration when they are working on a new piece of art." Hannah added

" Oh, that must be amazing. Is it true Ms Lenna?" Dove asked

" Well, we are not allowed to disclose such information but since you ladies gave me a good impression so far I will tell you guys. Yes, many famous painters and other famus artists come here a lot to seek inspiration. You see, the garden and sculpture arrangement was done in such a way that it let the beauty of man-made structures shine in nature ( the garden) so instead of our buildings destorying our surrounding nuturer like most brillant infrastructures, we dwell in it and express our full brillance through its energy. " Lenna explained

" Oh, can you mention one famous artist you have met behind these walls?" Hannah said gushing 

" Really? You can? Tell me, have you seen Mr Ade in person?" Dove asked about her long term favorite painter who uses a ghost name instead of his real name to sign off his paintings.

" Now, now ladies. I can only tell you this much." Lenna said with a smile 

" Though if you are really curious, you should come back here on tuesdays evenings every 3 weeks if you want to know the answer to your question." Lenna added while looking at Dove 

" Really?!" Dove shrieked out of excitement which please believe me when I say that this was such a rare occurence because Dove hardly gets excited over anything or she just simply chooses not to show her emotions most of the times.

" Of course. Though keep this between us and let it be our little secret. I will see you guys next time. Good bye, ladies." Lenna said as we reached the our destination and it was time to part ways with her. 

" Alright, let's go in." I said and we went inside.

The conference well was elegantly organized and not too extravagant with seats arranged according to whether you are media personnel, Areela staff, students and if you are someone very important. We were ushered to our seats by the events coordinator who planned this and she was not particularly happy that we were forcefully added to the program. Oh well, She'll live. 

" Good afternoon, everyone..." The conference started with the head of Areela's marketing and PR department making a statement about the success of the exchange program between the various universities in the world.

" This is boring." Hannah whispered while covering a yawn.

" Well, do not show how uninterested you are." Dove shot at Hannah because she is not only responsible she also values her reputation and she always complains that Hannah will take her down with her because of the way she acts in the public eye. 

" Whatever." Hannah responded. I zoned out at this point because I knew that a fight was about to begin between the two. Later on, I was brought back to reality by a round of applause which signaled that the speech was over and it would be my turn soon. Indeed, I was called backstage to prepare for my appearance. 

"As you all know and the reason why you are probably all here..." The PR leader said with a dramatic pause that allowed the crowd to laugh at his opening statement 

" there has been some rumors circulating and as a school we could not ignore them as they involved our staff. I stand here on behalf Areela to say that, those are false rumors and all the parties involved havd affirmed that they have no associations with one another. So I hope that the media and the people we serve in our society will be lenient before coming to a conclusion. Nonetheless, I have a spokesperson of the three ladies who are involved in this incidence and I believe she will clear up the misunderstanding." The PR head of department said 

" Sir, since you acknowledged the rumors yourself. Is it true that they were started by some from Areela? " One reporter interupted him

" sir, is it true the person is actually a student?" another shouted

" What makes you say that they are only rumors when there is concrete proof? " Another reporter said 

" Everyone, like I said before questions will be taken at the end of the presentation so please be patient. In the meantime let us welcome Miss Alyssa to the stage." the PR leader said

I went out onto the stage with eyes on me. All the reporters were looking at me as though trying to find ways to break me and get what they want out of me. It looked like a jungle where everyone is out to find the finest prey and we happened to be that prey, the juicy rumors about love affairs between three students and their senior doctors. 

I went to the chair provided sat down and said on using the microphone, " you may start asking and I will do me best to give answers that I am not quite sure will please any of you but in any case, I am not here for that. The truth sets people free not bind them to unwanted lies pinned on them." I heard gasps among the crowd after I went straight to the point mainly because they had already made their decisions, they were only here to break me down and twist whatever I say into selling tabloids tomorrow morning.

" Miss Alyssa, why would you use such an opening statement? Are you accusing us as reporters of something?" one reporter said proactively 

" I am not aware of what you are referring to ma'am." I answered with a poker face 

" What I mean is what are you insinuating with your statement?" the reporter said as she rephrased her question.

" About what?" I asked 

" do not play dumb, miss Alyssa. You want to come to the stage and lie to our faces despite there been concrete evidence about the nasty affairs you guys were involved in and then you dare say such as your opening statement? Did you plan this with your friends?" the reporter said 

" Do you know that you are ruining the lives of those poor doctors you were linked with? You are from an affluential family am I correct?" she continued, boy she did her research.

" I am sure what do you mean by " affluential"." I answered 

" Miss Alyssa please answer the questions you are asked directly." Another reporter said 

" If the question is clear, then i will surely guve a clear answer myself." I stated . There was laughter and murmurs in the room. 

"okay. Miss Alyssa, are you an hieress to the Falls family in Country C?" the first reporter asked 

" Yes, I am." I answered 

" Are your friends also heiresses like you?" she continued 

" I do not see how that is relevant..." I said with a pause which earned me looks of approval from the people in the general audience 

"but yes they are." I continued 

" Your statues are relevant because unlike you the people you are rumored with will properly lose everything they have worked hard for while you guys get perhaps what? your allowances for the month will be cut off and that is it." the first reporter said 

" Wealthy students like you guys tend to be in such scandals and you are the ones who always rock up in conferences or videos saying that you are innocent while the other parties get detoryed because they do not have strong backgrounds." she continued

" Yes, that is right!" the reporters voiced their agreements.

" Excuse me, I came here to answer questions about the issue. But it seems like you have already reached your conclusions.May I have a say now that I have heard your side?" I asked directing my question to the reporter who was playing passive aggressive with me. 

" What conclusions? the truth is the truth!" Some reporters exclaimed 

" Yeah, you said it yourself, the truth shall set you free! So clear your conscience and clear those poor guys' names!" they shouted 

" Ladies and gentleman please. The young lady asked for a turn to speak so please hear her out." The PR leader said as he picked up a microphone to try and control the situation.

" Thank you." I said to the PR leader 

" Since you all have concluded on the issue I have nothing to say to you. However, to the person behind this, we will meet in the supreme court. Thank you." I said and bowed to the cameras and left the stage.

* gasps* 
