feisty little miss

" No need. I know my limits so it is fine we can talk now." Calix said dismissing the idea Alyssa suggested. 

"Okay." Alyssa said in a small voice because she suddenly felt very nervous because she was anticipating ... a confession!

' Breathe, breathe. I have to calm down. I don't why i am feeling all jittery all of a sudden! What if he notices something from my facial expression? Or worse what if he is not going to confess but talk about something else?! But wait... am I ready to hear a confession though? I do not have experience in this kind of thing!' Alyssa thought to herself.

" Are you okay?" Calix asked suddenly 

" Uh? Yes, I am okay thank you. But why are you asking?" Alyssa answered automatically. ' Did he notice something?! Is my face flushed?' 

" No reason." said Calix 

" Anyway I called you here to discuss something with you. I was wondering if..." Calix paused because he felt kind of embarrassed asking her what he was about to ask her. He was not used to this kind of stuff.

"Yes?" Alyssa said urging him to continue with what he was going to say.

' here it comes!' Alyssa thought to herself and she could hear the sound of her heartbeat resonating within. 

(Ba dum ba dum ba dum. )

"Ahem, Do you have a mentor?" he asked

" Sorry?" Alyssa exclaimed and her face showed how shocked she was at Calix's question.

" A mentor. You know, your profession is very competitive and you need connections to get through most of the stuff." Calix said while gesturing with his hands.

" Oh... a mentor... Um, yes I mean no I do not have a mentor. Why do you ask?" Alyssa said in a disappointed tone. 

" Do you want me to be your mentor?" Calix offered. Calix was not stupid, he could clearly see how Alyssa's face fell when he mentioned being her mentor and he definitely knew what Alyssa wanted to hear and sadly for her, he was not going to entertain such thoughts. He figured that since he still felt uncertain about his course of action about his feelings for the young lady in front of him, he would rather keep her close as a mentee.

" Uh, sure..." Alyssa answered absentmindedly. She was berating herself in her mind about how she set her expectations so high actually hoping for Calix to do something like confessing his feelings to her. 

' What was I thinking? Is this not a fantasy or something, wishes do not come true just because I...argh, it does not matter now, he chose to be my mentor, yay' Alyssa thought to herself with a self-depreciating smile.

" Sure? So you agree?" Calix asked doubtfully.

' What? Did he expect me to say no? Argh, he is so frustrating! He is the one who offered to be my mentor so why does he...Sigh' 

" Um, yes I agr-" Alyssa stopped midway her sentence as she thought of her personal favorite saying.

" If you want something, you simply gotta go get it because no one will hand it to you." She said this out loud.

"Pardon?" Calix asked now a whole more confused than he was earlier 

" I am sorry, I know that this is irrelevant to our current discussion but I had to say it for myself. I needed to hear it." Alyssa said as she took a deep breath. 

" Okay, sure." Calix said without seeking any further explanation 

" So we are on the same page? I can be your mentor?" Calix continued completely ignoring and sidelining Alyssa's recitation of her favorite quote.

Alyssa took several deep breaths while collecting her thoughts and thought to herself, ' one more, one more time.' 

" No, we are not. Calix, we are both adults here and I am done playing detective trying to figure out how you actually feel about me. So, I will tell you one more time how I feel and if you do not appreciate my feelings for you then it is okay but I have had enough of this tortuous game."

Alyssa looked at him without averting her eyes and said, 

" Calix Evans, I like you." 

Nothing. Calix did not move nor make a sound. He also stared at Alyssa and did not say anything in return. 

' well, I was expecting this. sigh.' Alyssa thought to herself as she stood up. " You do not have to answer me, I just wanted to let you know instead of leaving you to put two and two together through my actions. I have tried this and it is not fun." Alyssa said with a dry smile.

" And I am sorry, I will not be accepting you as my mentor but thank you so much for the offer, having an astounding surgeon like yourself to offer me such an opportunity is truly a blessing. However, I do not want to keep playing this game anymore and I chose to free myself. If you can not see me as something more than you do now then..." Alyssa could not finish her sentence because she choked on her words as she wiped her tears. 

" Goodbye and thank you." With that, she walked out and left. 

" You should properly order a car to come and fetch her. We are in a deserted place you know." A female voice suddenly sounded and actually caught Calix by surprise.

" Em." Calix said as he briefly acknowledged his sister. 

" Ate you not going to? It is pretty dark outside. Ask Tim to take her back." Em said to Calix who was frowning and probably not listening.

" Cal?" Em said as she threw the knife she was using to cut her fruit at Calix who caught it swiftly

" I do not want to fight." Calix said

" Who cares about fighting you right now?! I said call the poor girl a ride back to her friends! Argh, never mind I will do it." Em said as she stepped into the hidden room she was in earlier to call her driver Tim.


" Alright, thank you Tim and I am sorry about taking away your day off. I will make it up to you, bye." Em said as she went back to the room she left Calix in. Calix was still in the sitting position she had left him unconsciously fiddling with the knife she threw at him.

" Man! If you are so caught up about feisty little miss then why don't you just tell her how you feel?" Em said 

" I can't." Calix said 

" Why not?" Em asked 

" I just...can't." Calix responded

" You are so frustrating, little brother! Use your words. Speak more so that we know what is going on in your mind." Em said as she exasperatedly threw her hands in the air.

" Tell you what, you have my approval. Worry about Dad and the others later. Just for once, do something for you...please" Em said softly. She was worried about her little brother because he was about to lose someone over something that happened when he was still in college. Yes, a girl played and betrayed him but she could feel it and everyone who has met Alyssa felt it too, the young miss is the perfect person for his idiotic brother plus she is feisty too so she will keep them entertained. While Em was lost in her thoughts Calix was close to sorting his out. 

" Your opinion is not important to me." Calix finally said 

" What?! You ungrateful little..." 

" But I guess you are right," Calix said with his usual sly smile.

" Wha-? Of course I am!" Em said with a smug look on her face forgetting that she wa about to curse Calix 10 seconds ago. 

" Has she left yet?" Calix asked 

" Who? You mean feisty little miss? Oh, she is gone. Tim came in while you were fighting your inner demons." Em said

" Why do you call her that?" Calix asked 

" What?" Em asked 

" feisty little miss?" 

" Oh, that. It's coz it is the only trait that someone who loves you needs to have to handle you and yes, she's got it, alright. I can not wait to see how colorful your dull life will be once you bring her into our family." Em said with a laugh.