Chapter 1 ( Remake) : New beginning

was a popular novel, with a classic hero that saves the world from the demon king. The reason what made this novel popular was its character developments and a good plot. The hero group mainly consists of 5 main characters. Bae Jiho: the hero, Ban Jinsang: his rival, Min Sookjoo: the female lead, Chang Eui: one of the hero's best helper and Bok Yun: a great fighter that assist the hero from time to time, along with other characters that help him, the hero will grow on his adventures with them.

However, if there is one thing that make the readers sad is the deaths of the side characters. This novel introduces many side characters and make the readers attached to them with their back story and character design before killing them off.

"Ah...the captain dies. Why did he have to sacrifice himself for the hero. Well, this was the last chapter of this novel guess no one will die now. This novel was a lot of fun, it's quite sad that it's ending."

I looked at the time and it was 11:55pm. It was time for me to go to bed. Maybe it was because I was tired, but I immediately felt asleep. When it was morning, I was woken up by a loud alarm.

'Huh? Did I even set the alarm last night?'


When I opened my eyes, I saw an unfamiliar ceiling. I was shocked so, I decided to look around.

"Where am I?"

He looked around and found out that this place was not his room. The room was tiny yet clean and was not furnished very much. As he was about to investigate what happened to him, he heard a voice in his head.

He flinched and looked around to find no one and started to scream.

"Who are you? Where am I?"

For some reason he was very calm and didn't know why. Instead of trying to argue with the voice he decided to listen to it.

the novel.>

"How-...Why am I here?"

At first, he was about to ask how he came here but decided not to ask about it.

"Deal I don't remember doing any of that!"

as you will need it>

He doubted the voice but right now he was not in a situation where he could question it. Since people don't normally heard voices in their head.

"Do you have any proof that what you just said is true?"


He was confused. Status window the game thingy that shows the state of the player. But as soon as he thought of it a blue hologram appeared before him.

=== [Soul Synchronization completed] ===

Name: Song In

Strength: 3.1







-Eye Of Truth

Allow users to see portion of the truth.


- [Sword mastery (Proficiency - Intermediate)]



He was quite familiar with the format of this hologram. It was the same as in that would show the stats of the characters and their abilities.

Song In tried to touch it, but it seems that the hologram was intangible. He was surprised. He now had to believe what the voice said was the truth. Suddenly more hologram started to pop out.

[Soul synchronization completed]

[Obtained 10,000 Content Points (Cp)]

[Skill has been obtained]

allow user to modify a valid target using Cp. If a target is valid Cp can be used to modify their talent body traits and more.

[Cp can be obtained the more you get involve with the main story]

Song In responded coldly to the voice. Not knowing anything about the deal he made

"You say that, but I still don't know what I have to do since I have no memory of the deal. Also, my name is not Song In it's..."

Song In couldn't even remember his real name. With a huge gap in his memories he couldn't know what the truth was.

"Didn't the story end already?"

After contemplating about it Song in gave a response to the voice.

"What's in for me?"

"If I made a deal with you then I must be getting something out of it. So what do I get?"

One of his wish? He didn't even remember his real name let alone. his wish.

Song In pondered for a while and decided to believe the voice at least for now. In the novel Talent had 5 rank: Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary and Unique. He had to choose carefully. He could get the same one as the main character, but people would be suspicious of him as the main character had a unique Talent which only one person could have.

After some thought Song In found out a great Talent it is basically a broken Talent as his body would be indestructible whose original owner don't exist in this era, but it has a few flaws as well. It was more of a defence type Talent than offence. So, he asked the voice a question.

"Can I have more than one talent at a time?"

Everyone has only one Talent someone having 2 was extremely rare.

Song In had a smirk in his face. He had decided what his first Talent would be.

[Modification- Apply

[Consume 10,000 Cp to apply this Gift?]


As soon as he said yes Song In started to feel pain all over his body.