13. My Hero

“So how many of these Revenants has she killed?” Nicole asked Waverly, taking another bite of her burger. She was on her lunch break and they were sitting in her car. Waverly was trying her best to explain it all to her.

“11, including last night,” she confirmed, balancing a tomato from her salad on her fork.

“That’s it?”

“She only started a few months ago, Nic,” Waverly mumbled. “She just came back, remember?”

“Oh, right. I forgot about that.” She paused for a second, thinking back to what Nedley had pulled her aside and told her earlier. She tapped her straw on her chin and turned her body towards Waverly. “Hey, I need to talk to you about something,” she said quietly.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, not liking the look on Nicole’s face.

“Um . . . So Nedley told me I had to ask you if you were gonna press charges against Champ . . . After 48 hours with no statement, we have to let him go.” Waverly looked down and pushed her food around with her fork. “We technically have ‘til 11:32 tomorrow morning ‘cause that’s when he was booked yesterday, but I figured I’d ask you now so you could have some time to think about it.”

Waverly slowly looked up at her. “I mean, of course I'm pressing charges, who wouldn’t?” 

Nicole looked down, then back up at her after a second. “. . . Jessie Reyes.” 

Waverly’s eyes widened and she shifted in her seat. “I . . .” Tears flooded her eyes. She fumbled her shaky hands around and unbuckled her seatbelt, quickly jumping out of the car and pacing to the other side of the station’s parking lot.

“God fucking dammit, Haught. Why d’you always say the worst things,” she hissed at herself, slamming her hands on the steering wheel before storming out of the car. “Waverly, stop!” she yelled, running up to her.

Waverly spun around with tears flowing down her cheeks and pushed her hands through her hair. “I-it's all my fault,” she said in between sobs. “I-I knew what he did to her. I should’ve known it would happen to me, too.” Her hands covered her face and she began sobbing harder, knees buckling underneath her.

Nicole pulled her into her arms and sat them down on the curb. “No, don't say that,” she whispered. “Shh. You know that’s not true.” Nicole realized Waverly was now gasping for air. She sat her up and held her shoulders. “Shh, hey look at me, right here. Slow it down, you’re ok.” She moved the hair away from Waverly’s face and kept at her attempts to calm her down. “Just breathe, Baby, you’re ok. Look at me, shh.”

Waverly slowly calmed down after a few minutes after Nicole walked her through a few things. She scooted back into Nicole’s arms, pressing her head against her chest. She had never experienced anything like that, not even after the attack. She could hear Nicole’s heart racing, slowly steadying after a few seconds. “Sorry I scared you . . . I don’t know what that was,” she whispered, looking up at her. 

Nicole shook her head. “You didn’t scare me . . . That was a panic attack, Waves. You got all worked up and your body flipped out on you.” She rubbed her hand up and down Waverly’s back.

“I scared you,” Waverly whispered even quieter, resting her hand over Nicole’s heart and nuzzling into her neck.

Nicole put it together and sighed, “Yeah. You did. But, it’s ok."

“I guess I was just holding it all in for too long, and when I finally let some out, it all came,” she mumbled.

Nicole sat her up and used her hand to tilt her chin up. “I don’t want you to ever hold any of that in. It is not healthy and we're all here for you. No matter how much you want it to go away, it's not. Not unless you work through it.”

Waverly let out a sad huff. “I don’t wanna be a burden on you guys. I just wanna be strong. And you. You just got here and you already have to deal with a whiny not-even rape victim.”

Nicole was put back by that response, and she quickly shook her head. “Waverly, I . . . no,” she mumbled, barely audible. “You’re not a burden and you never will be. I would never think of you like that. Do you understand me?” She placed her hands gently on Waverly’s cheeks, and she nodded as a single tear rolled down her face. “You’re gonna make yourself sick, Baby. Let’s go back inside, it's cold out here.” Nicole kissed away the tear and they stood, walking towards the station.

They walked into the Deputy's office. She had some paperwork to get done and Waverly decided she wanted to lay down for a little while on her couch. “Just let me know if you need anything, ok, Waves?” Waverly nodded. Nicole sat down in her chair and plugged an earbud in, pressing play on her phone. She immediately got to work, leaning one head on her fist. Music helped her focus on everything better, and as a kid, it helped her block out the world when she needed to most.

A few hours and a lot of Fall Out Boy later, Nicole heard a small whisper. “Nic?” 

She pulled her earbud out and rolled her chair over to the couch. “Yeah, Waves?” 

“I think I'm ready now.”

Nicole swallowed. Hard.

“Are you sure?”

Waverly sat up and rubbed her eyes. Nicole rolled directly in front of her and placed her hands gently on her knees, rubbing small circles with her thumbs. “I just wanna get it over with,” she sighed, looking into Nicole’s honey brown eyes.

There was a knock at the door, and they both looked towards it. “Come in!” Officer Haught called, standing up. Wynonna popped her head in the door, and she let out a sigh, sitting back down.

“Hey, just wanted to let y'all know that me and Dolls are heading out on a lead. I dunno for sure when we will be back, but I'll text you, ok, Babygirl?”

Waverly nodded. “Bye, Nonna. Be safe.”

“Always am,” she said with a smile before closing the door.

Waverly looked back at Nicole, who was subconsciously running her fingers along the seam of Waverly’s jeans. Nicole glanced down and pulled her hands into her lap with a blush, pushing a small onto Waverly’s face. It slowly faded when she remembered what they had been talking about before they were interrupted. “I don’t want you to do this until you are completely ready,” Nicole said, using a bit of her Officer voice.

Waverly nodded shyly, tracing her eyes around at the room. “I won’t be completely ready for a while,” she said quietly, still not looking directly at her. “Let’s just get it over with, ok? I'll be fine.”

Nicole sighed, pursing her lips. She didn’t know if this was the best idea, but they were slowly running out of time. “Ok. But. At any time, if you feel like you need to stop, tell me and we will stop. I don't care if we have to take 20 breaks.

Waverly nodded and pushed her hands against the tops of Nicole’s thighs to roll her back so she had room to stand. “Does, uh . . . Does Nedley have to be in there the whole time?” 

Nicole hadn’t thought about how that would make her a bit uncomfortable. “Unless you want to do a written report,” she answered softly, standing up next to her. Waverly knew that was not going to happen. The thought of having to write all that down made her even more uneasy than having to say it. She shook her head. 

Nicole stood a second in thought before smoothing her shirt. “Actually, lemme see what I can do. I'll be right back, don't go anywhere.” She gave Waverly a soft kiss and gently closed the door behind her. 

Waverly knew it was protocol to have the highest-ranked officer in the room during an interview since she had given one or two before, so had no clue what strings Nicole was going to try to pull for her. She sat on the office chair and rolled it over to the couch, propping her legs up on it. She tried to distract herself by playing Crossy Road on her phone.

Nicole took a breath and tapped on the Sheriff’s open door. He looked up. “Haught.” He motioned for her to come in.

She sat in the chair in front of him. “Sir,” she greeted with a nod.

“Has Waverly made her decision yet?” he asked.

“Uh, yes, Sir. That’s actually why I’m here.” 

“She doesn’t want me in there, does she?” Nedley asked, immediately knowing the answer by the way Nicole pursed her lips after he asked it.

“Not really, no,” she mumbled.

Nedley stood, causing her to pop up right after. He grabbed his Stetson off the coat rack and turned to her. “Well, it just so happens that I’m headed to Shorty’s on my break. I guess that makes you the top rank in the building at the moment, don’t it, Sheriff’s Deputy Haught?”

 A smile crept onto her face. “Thank you, Sir,” she said softly.

Nedley nodded. “This stays between us, Haught, and ‘cause I’m so nice, you can take off for the day when you are done. You have had a long week." He turned for the door.

“Yes. Of course, Sir.” She gave her boss a wave as he left. She let out a raspberry through her lips as she walked out. Nicole stopped right outside her office door. She shook her arms and pursed her lips. She knew she had to do this professionally if she wanted the statement to be taken seriously. She took a breath and wiped all emotion from her face. Waverly turned the chair around and stood as she walked in the door. “Ms. Earp, if you could please follow me to the interview room. I’m  the leading officer at the moment, therefore I will be taking your statement.”

The change in attitude threw Waverly for a loop. “Yeah, but what about Nedley, Ni-Officer Haught?” She walked out of the room and Nicole shut the door behind her.

“Sheriff Nedley's not here right now,” she informed, keeping her eyes straight ahead.

Waverly bit her lip to stop a huge grin from spreading across her face as she saw Nedley walking out the front doors of the station with a donut in his hand. She understood it all completely now. “I see,” she smirked in a lower tone, glancing at Nicole. When they arrived, Nicole typed a pin in the keypad and the door unlocked, giving them access to the room. She grabbed a piece of paper from the wall file and pulled the door open, holding it for Waverly. Nicole set the paper down on the table in the middle of the room and pulled the metal cover down on the window. She walked over to the corner of the room and reached up, flicking the small white security camera down flush against the wall. Waverly cocked a brow at Nicole, not sure what she was doing or why she was doing it. 

Her question was answered, though, when she felt her hands grip her waist and her breath hot on the back of her neck.

“In case you didn't catch on, I have to act as if we have no relationship whatsoever during this whole thing. You gotta use my title and not console in me anymore than if we didn’t know each other that well ‘cause I can’t do anything. I’m sorry.” Nicole’s voice broke a bit at the end, but turned Waverly around and pulled her hips into her. Waverly moved her hands up her arms, feeling her firm muscles through the uniform. “You’re gonna be ok, I know you will. But if you need a break at any time, just tell me and I’ll pause the recording, ok, Waves?” Waverly nodded. “Sorry if I scared you a little there a little bit ago,” she mumbled with a chuckle.

“Oh, no. You didn’t . . . It was kinda hot actually,” she mumbled back with a smirk. She stood up on her toes and moved her face millimeters away from Nicole’s ear, sliding her hands down to grip her ass. “Officer.”  

Every hair on Nicole’s body stood up and her breathing stalled, making Waverly giggle. She stood there for a few seconds, wide-eyed. “You’re right,” she finally breathed out. “That is kinda hot.”

“Mhm.” She pulled Nicole into a deep kiss, sliding both of her hands up Nicole’s chest and wrapping her arms around her neck. Nicole walked them back towards the table and lifted Waverly up, setting her on the edge. She spread her legs with her knee and inched her way in between them, gripping a hand around her jaw as she deepened the kiss.

After a bit, Waverly remembered what the purpose of being in that room was for, so she pushed Nicole back a bit. “Should we actually get started?” she asked, changing her tone a little and grabbing Nicole’s hands.

“Shit, yeah . . . sorry,” Nicole said with a shy smile.

Waverly hopped off the table and gave her one last kiss. “You can be all professional again,” she sighed, walking to the other side of the table and taking a seat. When she looked up, she was surprised. All signs of emotion had left Nicole’s face and she was re-tucking her shirt in and checking it in the viewfinder of the camera placed on the tripod standing next to the table.

The Deputy cleared her throat and sat down, pulling a pen out of her pocket. “First, you need to fill this out. It is all of your basic personal information and the minor details of the incident,” she stated, sliding the paper across the table and setting the pen down next to it. She then leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms, watching Waverly pick up the pen and begin to write.

Even with her harsh demeanor and blank face that she had trained so hard to master, she still almost smiled as she noticed how Waverly bit the end of the pen when she read and how she tapped her foot when she wrote. She had been screamed at by drunks and made fun of by young pricks, but this was by far the hardest she ever had to try to keep a straight face. She had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep herself from slipping out just a little smile. Nicole noticed how her mood changed as she continued down the paper, getting into the more serious questions about the incident.

Waverly looked up with a slight amount of fear in her eyes. “Do I, uh, have to write his full name? Like, actual first name?” she asked.

“Yes, Ma’am."

“But . . . He never told anyone his real name,” she mumbled.

“It’s James,” Nicole said bluntly. Waverly opened her mouth to speak, but she decided against it. Nicole pulled out her notebook from her utility belt and jotted down a few things, mostly reminders of questions she needed to remember to ask. Waverly continued on with answering her own questions, chewing on the hem of her shirt. 

After a few more minutes, she was all done. She slid the paper back across the table and rolled the pen next to it. Nicole put her notebook down and picked it up to skim over it, making sure she hadn’t missed any boxes or wrote anything illegible. It seemed good so she pushed it to the side. “Are you ready to start your statement?” Waverly resituated herself and nodded. She began chewing on the side of her thumb. The Officer got up to press start on the camera but paused. “Waves.”

Waverly looked up at her. “Yeah?”

“Breathe. Ok? This won’t take too long, I promise.” She gave her a caring smile and looked behind her at the wall. She gathered her bearings and cleared her head, getting back into her professional state. Waverly dropped her hand to her lap and heard the ding of the camera as Nicole sat down. “Case number 42048: Earp vs Hardy, Clip 1. The date is currently March 16, 2016, and it’s 3:41 PM. Sheriff’s Deputy Nicole Haught interviewing Ms. Waverly Earp, who claims Mr. James Hardy attempted to sexually assault her. Please note that the defendant goes by Champ.” The Officer moved her eyes from the camera to Waverly, who looked somewhat calm at this moment, much to her relief. “Ms. Earp, what day did this crime occur?” Nicole clicked her pen out.

“March 13, 2016,” she stated.

Nicole jotted it down as if she hadn’t known that already. “And at approximately what time?”

“Maybe 7:45 PM?” Waverly guessed.

She wrote that down also. “So where were you at the time of this event?” The Officer looked up at her and clasped her hands on the table.

“I was at Shorty’s Saloon in the bathroom." She felt the nerves building up in her stomach.

“And why were you there?”

“I work there, and I had to use the bathroom.”

“So I’m gonna assume this means you had no alcohol in your system?”

Waverly shook her head. “No, Officer, I hadn’t had anything that night.”

“And did it seem that Mr. Hardy had?” Nicole asked.

“Yes, Ma’am,” she responded quietly.

“Was it to the point where he didn’t know what was going on or maybe even that he didn’t even know who you were?”

She shook her head. “Um, no. He knew what he was doing. He told me why.”

Nicole shot her eyes up at the new information. “What’d he tell you, Ms. Earp?” she asked gently, sitting forward in her seat a bit.

“He, uh- he said . . .” Waverly waved her hand at the camera and Nicole quickly stopped the recording. “I’m sorry. I haven't thought about that part in a while,” she mumbled, bringing her hands to her face with a heavy breath.

“It's ok, take your time. There’s no rush.” Nicole felt her heart shatter into pieces as she watched a few tears roll down Waverly’s face. She knew she couldn’t do anything about it. No matter how much she cared for her, she was not going to break protocol any more than she already had. “Would you like some water?” she asked quietly. Waverly nodded her head and Nicole quickly walked out of the room. She entered the break room and placed her hands on the counter, dropping her head. She let out a few deep breaths and blinked her eyes rapidly, trying to push the tears that wanted to fall away. She poured herself a cup of the cold coffee that had been at the bottom of the pot for a few hours and chugged it, trying to push all of her feelings back down. She rubbed her hands up and down her face and decided she was ready to go back in there. She grabbed a cup and placed it under the nozzle of the plastic tank, filling it with water.

Waverly looked up as she heard the buzz of the lock on the door, and Nicole stepped back into the room and set a cup of water in front of her. “Thanks,” she mumbled.

“My pleasure,” Nicole said with a dimpled smile, taking a seat and going back to her notes. She jotted down a few more things and glanced up at Waverly. “Just tell me whenever you are ready to begin again.”

Waverly rubbed her hands on her eyes and cracked her knuckles. “I think I'm good,” she mumbled, taking a final sip of water.

Nicole eyed her. “Are you sure?” she asked, her regular self coming through a bit through the softness of her voice.

“I'm sure,” she confirmed.

Nicole nodded and started the camera. “Case number 42048: Earp vs Hardy, Clip 2. Date is March 16, 2016, and it is 3:50 PM. Sheriff’s Deputy Nicole Haught. Still interviewing Ms. Waverly Earp.” She scooted her chair in. “You can go ahead and continue where we left off.”

Waverly cleared her throat with a nod. “When he snuck up on me, he said something along the lines of I’m gonna show you how much you need me and You didn’t mean what you said earlier.”

“I see. What was he referring to there?”

“I broke up with him earlier that day. We were together for four years, and I couldn’t deal with his bullsh-crap anymore,” she huffed, crossing her arms and chewing the inside of her lip.

Nicole tipped her head. “What caused you to break up with him?”

“Well . . . he was so inconsiderate. Didn’t care about anyone but himself and it didn’t help that he cheated on me every other week.”

Nicole nodded and swallowed. “So . . . what was the first thing that happened after you entered the bathroom?” she asked, staring right into Waverly’s eyes. “You can go ahead and go through it all if you’d like. Up to you, Ms. Earp.” 

Waverly scooted her chair in and rested her arms on the table. “I walked into the bathroom and went to the handicapped stall. I had just opened the door when I felt hands on my waist. I turned around and saw Champ staring at me . . . I tried to get him to let go, but he just held on harder. He pushed me against the wall . . .” Tears started welling up in her eyes again. She pushed them away, though, wanting to be able to get through this. “He just- He wouldn’t stop. He kept telling me that he loved me and that he was gonna make it better . . . I was screaming and he tried to shut me up by kissing me, but I was batting my head around, trying to do something . . . he was grinding on me and for some reason enjoying it . . . and then he started . . .” Waverly brought her hands to her face. “Don’t stop it just give me a second,” she mumbled.

“Yes, Ma’am,” Nicole mumbled, chewing her cheek.

Waverly pushed her hands through her hair and let out a shaky breath. “Ok, I’m good.” Waverly stood and sat back down on her right leg, pushing it under her left. “He started pushing his hand up my shirt and grabbing my . . . ya know,” she sniffled, signaling to her chest. “I couldn’t do anything, and then he brought his hands down to my shorts and tried to pull them down, but he couldn’t- they were too tight or whatever . . . I still have scratches from him clawing at them,” she mumbled, almost a whisper at the end. She subconsciously brought her hand down to her hip and rubbed it slightly, feeling the raised marks under her shirt.

Nicole kept a straight face, but she couldn’t help but think back to when her own hands were on her hips. She hadn’t felt anything there. “What happened next?” she asked, and to her relief, her voice didn’t break. Hearing Waverly tell this story with all the information she hadn’t known yet was a lot more difficult for her than she thought it was going to be.

“Well, he used his brain, for once, and started to try and undo the button on my pants, but . . .” She looked up at Nicole with tears rolling down her face and a small smile on her lips. “Then my hero came along.” Nicole’s mouth opened, the corners turning upwards into a smile. She closed her mouth, licking her top lip and tapping her pen on the corner of the table. Waverly let the tears roll as she looked straight into the camera. “Sheriff’s Deputy Haught rushed in and knocked Champ out before he could do anything else to me.” She looked back at the Officer, who was looking away and wiping a tear from her cheek. “You need anything else?” she asked softly.

Nicole shook her head. “End of Waverly Earp’s interview,” she mumbled before stopping the recording. She slowly walked around to Waverly’s side of the table and sat on the edge, looking into her teary hazel eyes. Waverly stood and stepped in between Nicole’s legs, bringing her hands gently up to her cheeks and wiping the tears from them.

“You didn’t have to say that. I’m no hero,” she mumbled, trying to keep herself together.

Waverly dropped her hands to her thighs and pushed their foreheads together. “Yes, you are. You’re my hero, Nicole Haught . . . God knows what would have happened if you wouldn’t have been there.”

“I- Wave, it could have been anyone,” she mumbled.

She pulled Nicole off the table and into a hug. “Well, I‘m so glad it was you,” she whispered, squeezing her a little harder.

“I am too, Baby,” she breathed out, taking in the scent of her fruity shampoo. She stepped out of the hug after a bit and dropped to a knee, eyeing Waverly and rolling her shirt up. “Did he really scratch you up?” she asked quietly with a hint of concern in her voice as she ran her hand along the area below her belly button, noting how toned her core was. Not the time, Haught. She bent the hem of her jeans down and saw it: three almost identical red lines on her right hip that were now fading with small dots of scabs scattered throughout them. 

“I didn’t notice it until the next day,” she admitted quietly. “I even showered that night, but I didn’t see or feel them. It's kinda weird, actually.” She shrugged.

Nicole stood back up. “Do you have anything else?” she asked, sitting back on the table.

“No-” Waverly rubbed her wrist and felt soreness so she looked at it, noticing the slight bruising on the underside of it from his tight grip on them. Her eyes bulged out as she checked the other, seeing it was the same way. “Oh my God,” she breathed out shakily, holding her arms up, showing Nicole with fear in her eyes. “Why did I not notice this before!?”

Nicole took her left arm and gently rubbed her thumb over it. “I don't know . . . Maybe your body told you to ignore it or something.” She thought for a second. “I should, uh, probably take pictures of all that for evidence . . . If you’re ok with that.” 

“Yeah- Yes, of course. Obviously.”

Nicole pulled her phone out and opened her camera. Waverly held her arms up in front of her chest, knuckles facing up, and Nicole snapped a picture. She took another with the flash on before glancing  down at Waverly’s hip. Waverly nodded in consent, so Nicole took a knee again and pulled her shirt up. “Can you hold that up like that?” she asked softly. Waverly took the fabric. Nicole flipped the hem of her jeans to the inside and kept her hand there so it didn’t flip up. She took a picture with and without the flash, fixing her jeans when she was done. “I’ll send those to Nedley for processing.” She gave Waverly a small smile and rubbed her arm, slowly looking away from her as an idea popped into her head. Officer Haught turned on her heel and walked to the camera with a smirk on her lips. She unscrewed it from the tripod and grabbed the paper from the table, handing it out to her. “Take this and make yourself comfy in my office. I need to figure out what to do with the camera and then I’ll give you a ride home, ok?”

“Ok . . . Wynonna said Gus was hanging out there today, so maybe she is still there and you can say hello? ” She ran her finger down Nicole’s arm.

“That sounds nice.”

They headed towards the door, and Waverly looked up at her as she opened it. “Speaking of Wynonna, have you heard from her?”

“Nope. She's probably boning Doc . . . or Dolls . . . or both.”

“I don't think either of those boys would be into that,” Waverly laughed. “Well, maybe Doc.”

Nicole let out a little snort and gave Waverly a shove. “Go.” She gave Waverly a shove, motioning towards her office. Waverly chuckled and walked away. Nicole waited in the break room until she was out of sight and began fast-forwarding the footage on the camera. She paused it and walked back to the holding cells, grabbing an apple and checking to make sure Waverly wasn’t watching her. She entered the foul-smelling, dark room and walked up to the cell.

Champ was laying down, facing away from her, and she chucked the apple at the back of his head. He sat up quickly and faced her, squinting his eyes and glancing down at the camera in her hand. “What do you want?” he growled.

“Nothing,” she shrugged, leaning back against the wall.

“Then why are you in here?”

“Well. I just wanted to update you on your, uh, situation.” She made a pouty face.

“Unless I’m getting outta here, I don’t care.” He propped his head up on his fist and rested his elbow on his knee.

“Oh, Champ, the only time you’re getting out of here is when your sorry ass is hauled off the Big House,” she said with a chuckle.

He let out a laugh. “Oh yeah? How can you be so sure, Officer Haught? You have nothing. I'm sure I’ll be a free man tomorrow.”

“I wouldn't get your hopes up,” she sighed and pressed play on the camera.

Waverly’s voice filled the room, and Nicole pulled her phone out of her pocket as it played. “He started pushing his hand up my shirt and grabbing my . . . ya know. I couldn’t do anything, and then he brought his hands down to my shorts and tried to pull them down, but he couldn’t- they were too tight . . . I still have scratches from him clawing at them.” Nicole paused it and looked up at him with an innocent smile.

“Th-that proves nothing. You can’t prove anything with that . . . right? ” Champ was now standing at the cell door, gripping the bars with white knuckles.

Nicole shoved her phone in his face, the picture of  Waverly’s scratched hip on screen. His bruised face went pale. “Still think you will be a free man tomorrow?” she asked with a laugh, shoving her phone back in her pocket. “Enjoy that apple, by the way. It might be the best thing you’ll eat for a long time.” Champ stood frozen at the cell bars. She walked out with a wave, slamming the door behind her.

Sure, what she just did was totally illegal, but was it worth it? Hell yes.

In Nedley’s office, she pulled a sticky note off the stack and jotted a note down:

Interview done. 2 clips.

Thanks again, Boss.

May or may not have scared Champ with it. Whoops.

-Your fav Deputy :)

She stuck the note to the camera and walked out, heading into her own office. Waverly was reading the degree hanging on her wall, and she turned around with a smirk when she heard her come in. “Nicole Rayleigh Haught, huh?” she asked with a laugh.

The sound of her middle name made Nicole’s cheeks turn a light shade of pink. “That’s my name, don’t wear it out,” she sighed, walking towards Waverly with her thumbs tucked in her belt.

Waverly laughed and pulled Nicole close, bending her head up near her ear. “More like Nicole Really Haught.”

Nicole chuckled and traced her finger along her jawline. “That is a new one,” she muttered, pulling her in for a kiss. Waverly’s lips curved upwards as she arched herself into the Deputy. She pulled back for a millisecond, glancing around and finding the couch. She slowly walked them towards it and reached her hands down, finding the buckle of Nicole’s utility belt. She began to undo it but felt Nicole’s hand reach down to stop her as she pulled away from the kiss. “Waves-”

“Calm down. You’ll see,” she assured, bringing her finger to Nicole’s lips.

Nicole thought about it for a second and shrugged, bringing her hand to the back of Waverly’s neck and continuing the kiss. Waverly found the half-unclasped belt and finished undoing it, tossing it onto the rolly chair and kicking it away. She placed her hands on her chest and pushed Nicole back onto the couch with a cocky smile on her swollen lips. Nicole looked up at her, curiosity in her darkened eyes as she tried to catch her breath. Waverly let out a giggle and straddled Nicole, grinding her hips down into her as she kissed across her cheek and down her neck.

Nicole threw her head back with a moan and balled the extra fabric of Waverly’s shirt at her waist in her fists when she nibbled on her pulse point. “Fuck, Waves,” she muttered, gripping her ass.

Waverly moved her way back up to her lips with a small chuckle. Nicole let out a low groan and traced her tongue along her bottom lip, asking for access. She opened her lips, taking Nicole's tongue in her mouth and placing her hand on the back of Nicole’s head as their tongues began to twist together. She could feel the pool of arousal between her legs growing as she sunk deeper into Nicole’s lap. The ache in her core was becoming a little too much to handle, so brought her hands down and slid them under Nicole’s butt, wiggling her fingers a little bit with a whine. 

Nicole got the message, lifting her hips and scooting her body so her back was almost flat against the back of the couch. Waverly let out a moan as Nicole’s lips made her way down her neck, kissing at the hickey she had left earlier. Nicole slid her hands under her shirt, rubbing her thumbs across Waverly’s toned abs, causing her to jerk her hips forward. “Shit.” 

Nicole let out a chuckle as she continued down her neck. Waverly shifted onto Nicole’s thigh, gasping at the new pressure her jeans placed on her clit. She pulled her head back and looked into Nicole’s eyes then glanced down to her thigh. She looked back up at Nicole with a bite of her lipe, seeing she now had a smirk plastered across her face.

Nicole brought her lips to Waverly’s ear. “If you don’t cum through those jeans, I will be very disappointed,” she muttered in her officer voice, the hot air sending chills down Waverly’s spine and a new rush of arousal between her legs. 

Waverly slowly pulled her head back, wide-eyed. Her lips slowly formed a smirk. “Yes, Ma’am.” She forced her mouth against Nicole’s and began to slowly roll her hips. 

Waverly didn't think she had ever been so turned on in her life. She didn’t know what it was. The way Nicole had just asked her to do that or the fact she was grinding on the most beautiful girl she had ever laid her eyes on. Whatever it was, it was working. Especially since she was letting out some extremely loud moans for a police station with other people in it. She sped up her rhythm and felt Nicole’s hands press against her lower back. She looked up at her, and by the look on Nicole’s face, got the message. She scooted farther up her leg to where her knee was pressed completely in between Nicole’s legs. 

The sudden pressure and movement forced a moan from Nicole as her fingers dug into Waverly’s back. Waverly licked her lips as she watched Nicole throw her head back, and she took this opportunity to start kissing her neck again. She leaned in, unintentionally adding more pressure to her clit, and began kissing up and down her neck with a hand cupping her jaw. 

Nicole moved her hands to Waverly’s waist and sat up a bit, allowing Waverly to slip her hands under her arms and behind her back. Waverly paused the kissing as she felt her clit start to throb and her body heat up. She rested her forehead against Nicole’s shoulder and dug her fingers into her back. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” she breathed out, grinding her hips down onto her thigh as fast as they could go. She squished her eyes together, and the sound of Nicole moaning in her ear sent her toppling over the edge. Waverly called her name in a throaty moan that she tried to silence against Nicole’s shoulder and rode out her orgasm, slowing her hips as her clit became more and more sensitive. 

Nicole looked up at her with a bite of her lip and slid one arm under her ass and the other behind her back, picking her up completely and turning them. She laid her down so her head was on the arm of the couch and propped her leg up a bit, easing herself onto it. Nicole slid her hands up Waverly’s back and gripped her hands around the tops of her shoulders, grinding fiercely against Waverly’s leg as she slipped her tongue into the gorgeous girl’s mouth. It only took a mere 20 seconds until Nicole was letting out a few lengthy groans as she rode out her own climax, staring right into Waverly's eyes. 

“Holy shit,” Nicole mumbled, dropping her whole body onto Waverly’s, still trying to catch her breath

Waverly brought her legs around and wrapped them behind Nicole, crossing her ankles behind her back. She showered her sweaty face with kisses. “Holy shit, indeed.” Nicole pushed herself up and Waverly released her legs. She flopped against the other end of the couch, crossing her arms over her head. Waverly sat up and looked at Nicole with a shy smile. “I’ve never gotten there with anyone before,” she mumbled, causing Nicole to sit up quickly.

“What?!” she gasped, shooting her brows up. “You’re telling me that on top of everything else, that bastard never made you cum?” Waverly shook her head. “Men.” She rolled her eyes and swung her legs over the side of the couch, resting her hands on her thighs. A smirk slid on her face when she felt wetness smeared across her right pant leg. “Well, you succeeded. I’m not disappointed,” Nicole chuckled, sticking her leg out for Waverly to see.

Her face turned as red as Nicole’s hair. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry! I-”

“Waves, chill the fuck out,” she said with a laugh, rubbing her knee. “That was kinda the point of all that.”

“Oh . . . right.” She looked down but back up with a smile. “You are pretty good at that, too, I guess.” She swung her legs next to Nicole, and she glanced down at the one.

“Oh boy!” she gasped with faux shock, slapping her hands on her cheeks.

Waverly smacked her on the arm. “You’re such a dork, Haught,” she laughed, standing up. “Pizza?” 

Nicole swore she had never heard something so beautiful come out of that girl's mouth, and that was saying something considering she had just heard her cum moaning her name.