15. Sid the Science Kid

 All five of them were in Willa’s old room. She was asleep on the bed and they all were quietly chatting in the corner of the room. Wynonna had told them the story about the weird step-into-the-light cult she and Dolls visited and how they had found this girl that helped save their lives by shooting Peacemaker successfully.

“How much propofol did you give her?” Waverly asked, eyeing the girl nervously.

“Enough to calm her down,” Nicole sighed, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in her hand. The pain pills that she had gulped down in the car before Waverly got back in were starting to wear off. “I thought she was gonna hyperventilate to death.”

“Yeah, I know how she feels,” Waverly mumbled, and Nicole tightened her grip around her waist when she let out a heavy huff. “How can a woman recently sprung from a hippie forest cult be our big sister Willa? I don't know her at all!”

“Dude, none of us do,” Wynonna grumbled, turning and walking out of the room, heading downstairs. They all followed. “How do you think she feels?”

“She doesn't even know she's herself, Wynonna, so-”

“Girls, please!” Gus huffed, sitting down on the chair in the kitchen. Wynonna let out an annoyed sigh, leaning against the sink, and Waverly and Nicole stood next to each other near the other end of the room. “I know this is all overwhelming . . . but it’s also a second chance.” She ran her fingers through her hair. “Good lord, the whole town will be upended!”

“We can’t tell anyone,” Wynonna grumbled. “We don't even know if it’s her!”

“I could run a DNA test,” Nicole suggested.

Gus and Wynonna looked over at her. “Wait, really?” Wynonna asked.

“Uh, yeah . . . I have a friend around here that is into all that sciency forensic stuff,” she confirmed. “I’d need both of your DNA so he could run them against her's. Results would probably be back . . . tomorrow maybe . . . if I ran them to him tonight?”

“You’d do that for us?” Waverly asked, grabbing her arm with heart eyes.

“Yeah . . . Of course. I’ll do anything to help you guys get to the bottom of this.”

“Oh, Officer. Thank you,” Gus mumbled, pulling her into a tight hug.

“Yep, no problem,” she said through a pained groan. Gus pulled away with an apologetic smile. “But please, call me Nicole."

“Not when you’re in uniform,” she said with a shake of her head.

Nicole nodded. “Ok, I need spit swabs from you guys, so I’ll need . . .” She thought for a second. “Latex gloves, q-tips that you do not touch the ends on please be careful about that, plastic baggies, and a Sharpie.” The Earps quickly turned away to gather the supplies, but Nicole stopped them. “And, hey, do not drink anything from this point on! It will interfere with the results!”

“Got it!” Both Earps called at the same time, heading in different directions to scour the house for the materials.

Nicole was explaining to Gus the process of DNA testing when Waverly and Wynonna trotted back into the kitchen, carrying the needed items. “Now what?” Wynonna asked, setting her arm full down.

Nicole gave her a look as she somehow managed to slap a glove on her uninjured hand. “Now I’m gonna rub this all over the inside of your mouth,” she said with a smirk, picking up a q-tip. “And you’re lucky contestant number one.”

She parked her truck in the chair next to Nicole and scooted closer to her. “Is this gonna be like a strep test?” she whined.

“I don’t know, you tell me,” she shrugged as she quickly grabbed Wynonna’s chin and yanked her mouth open, rubbing the q-tip all along the inside of her cheek and down near her gum line. Nicole winced slightly as her bad hand was being stretched out with her grip on her face. Waverly and Gus broke into a fit of laughter as they watched Wynonna bat her head around, making slight gagging noises. After a few more seconds, Nicole pulled her hand out.

“You’re an ass, Haught Pocket,” Wynonna mumbled, standing up and rubbing her chin where her grip was.

Nicole snickered as she bent the end off that she didn't have in her mouth, and dropped the used part into the bag, marking it, A. “I know, thanks,” she replied, giving Wynonna a shit-eating grin. She rolled her eyes, flipping her the bird as she turned around to pull some booze out of the cabinet. “Mk, your turn, Waves,” Nicole said, looking up at her with a soft smile.

“You’re not gonna manhandle me, are you?” she asked as she sat down in the chair.

“No, no, of course not!” Nicole assured with a quick shake of her head. “That's just the only way I knew she would actually do it.”

“You could have tried asking nicely,” Wynonna retorted.

“Yeah, ooook,” Nicole and Waverly mocked simultaneously, then laughing when they realized they said the same thing.

“Mmm, you two are hilarious.-” Wynonna flicked her eyes towards her sister. “Hey, Waves, you might need to, ya know, wash your mouth out, just to make sure none of Haughty’s DNA is left in there.” Nicole’s eyes shot open, flicking between Wynonna and Gus.

“Wynonna!” Waverly hissed. 

Gus smacked her on the arm. “Aye! You leave them girls alone! Don’t joke with people if you can’t take one! Go on, now, check on Willa!” Gus pointed out of the room with a sharp glare, and Wynonna’s shoulders sank as she stomped out, heading for the stairs. “Ornery child,” Gus muttered, turning around and going back to the dishes she had started earlier.

Nicole brought her eyes to Waverly with her mouth dropped open. She was trying to say something, but couldn’t. Waverly stared back at her with the same terrified look on her face. “Is she mad?” Nicole finally managed in an almost-silent whisper.

“I don’t think so,” Waverly mumbled, looking over to her aunt, who was humming some song and moving her hips slightly as she washed.

“Ok, I hope not,” she sighed, picking up the second q-tip.

Waverly let out an uncomfortable huff. “There is absolutely no way we can make this cute or sexy so just go for it, ok?” Nicole nodded with a blush and did so very gently. When she was done, she bent off the other end like the last one and placed it in a new baggie, labeling it Y. “Why Y and A?” Waverly asked, standing up and running her finger over Wynonna’s bag.

“I don't want him to know that it's your stuff he’s esting, and your lovely parents started your name’s with the same letter, so I used the last one instead.”  

Waverly was slightly upset she hadn’t figured that out for herself, but she smirked up at her anyway. “Oooo, very smart,” she hummed, wrapping her arms around Nicole’s neck as she stood and pulling her in for a kiss. Nicole chuckled and smacked a hand down onto Waverly’s butt, gripping it. Waverly let out a gasp, pulling her lip down with her teeth with a giggle.

“Officer Haught, if you just smacked my baby’s rump in my presence, I’m gonna come over and do the same to you,” Gus warned, giving them the side-eye.

“And we’re running!” Waverly announced, grabbing the Sharpie, baggie, and q-tip with one hand and Nicole’s hand with the other. They dashed up the stairs, laughing as Waverly tripped halfway up. 

“Remind me to never get on her bad side,” Nicole mumbled, looking down at her hand when they reached the top.

Waverly noticed, stepping towards her. “Yeah, I wouldn’t recommend it,” she chuckled, gently picking up her hand and examining it. “Baby. Why’s it bleeding again?”

“I think I hit it on my way up, I dunno,” Nicole mumbled.

“Cmon, Clutz,” she sighed, heading towards the bathroom.

“Aren’t you the one who fell up the stairs?” 

“Aren’t you the one who brought the whiskey?” Waverly retorted, placing her hand on her shoulder and pushing her down onto the toilet seat with a playful smirk. “Lemme see it.” 

Nicole let out a sarcastic groan, lifting her injured hand up to Waverly and placing the back of her other hand on her forehead. “Dr. Waverly, you have to help me! I have a boo boo!”

 Waverly shot her a look as she flipped her hand over and started peeling the tape off her palm. She got it off and slowly started peeling the gauze that had stuck to her knuckles. “Oh, Nicole . . .” She brought it closer to her face. Nicole was a bit shocked when she looked down at it, too. It was terribly swollen and bruised around her middle knuckle, almost two times worse than earlier. They also confirmed that it was, indeed, bleeding again. “This knuckle might be broken.” Waverly gently touched her middle knuckle and looked up at Nicole with a swallow.

“I’m fine, Waves. It would hurt a lot more if it was broken and I probably wouldn’t be able to open my hand,” she assured, placing her good hand on her cheek.

Waverly gave her an uncertain look. “Open it then.” She crossed her arms and raised her brows.

Nicole started to say something but didn’t. She grabbed her wrist with her other hand and began slowly stretching out her fingers, holding her breath. “Fuck!” she groaned as she reached halfway open, almost tumbling forward after getting lightheaded. She grabbed onto Waverly’s outstretched arm and pushed herself upright.

“What’re you two bickering ab- Holy shit, Haught Hands, what the fuck did you do?!” Wynonna barreled into the bathroom and snatched her hand up, making Nicole’s eyes pop out.

“Oh, you motherfucker!” she growled through her teeth.

Waverly smacked her sister. “WYNONNA!”  

Wynonna quickly released her grip and threw her hands up. “Sorry! But, seriously, Dude, what did you do?” she asked. “I’ve never seen anything like that. It’s, like, popping out of there.”

“Yes, Wynonna, we’re aware. That is why we’re going to the ER,” Waverly grumbled, raising her brows at her girlfriend.

“Uh, no, we’re not,” Nicole corrected. “I still have to run those swabs to Sid the Science Kid.”

Waverly shook her head. “No, that can wait, Babe. What if there is something really wrong?” 

Nicole stood up and placed her hand on her shoulder. “Hey, I promise, first thing tomorrow we’ll go, ok? But, right now, you guys really need answers.”

“Haughty’s right, Waves . . . We really need to figure out what is going on here,” Wynonna added.

Waverly clenched her jaw, looking up at Nicole before letting out an annoyed sigh. “Ok, fine, but that means you’re  staying here tonight so I can make sure you don’t bleed out or anything like that.”

“Mm, don’t need to tell me twice,” Nicole muttered with a smirk, pulling Waverly in for a kiss.

Wynonna let out an exaggerated gag and they pulled away from each other chuckling. “You better leave room for Jesus on that bed and you know what I mean by that. I will come and break your other hand. You hear me, Haught Stuff?” Wynonna glared at her, wagging her finger as she waited for an answer. Waverly had to hide her head behind Nicole to shield her blush.

“Ye-yeah, obviously, Wynonna,” she answered, holding in a laugh. Wynonna nodded and walked out, heading back to Willa’s room. When she was for sure out of earshot, they both started cackling.

“I fear for your life when she finds out,” Waverly sighed, wiping her eyes.

“Ditto,” Nicole laughed.

“Ahh, ok, lemme rewrap your hand.”

“Actually, I plan on running back to my house to shower and pack a bag, so there’s really no point,” she mumbled, throwing her thumb over her shoulder.

Waverly nodded with a nervous sigh. “Well, let’s go get Willa’s sample. It's already 10 o’clock and I don’t want you out too late.”

“Ok, Mom,” Nicole muttered, placing her hand on the small of her back and walking out of the bathroom.

They entered Willa’s room and saw Wynonna going through Willa’s old things. “You better hurry up, she’s starting to move around a little bit,” Wynonna warned. Nicole nodded and walked up beside her bed. She slowly pulled her mouth open and rubbed the swab around quickly. She put it in the bag and labeled it L because there was already an A. Nicole said goodbye to Wynonna, and she and Waverly walked back downstairs. Nicole grabbed the two other swab bags and headed towards the door.

Waverly let out a whimper, grabbing her arm before she could open it. “Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you? It’s late and- and what happens if you get lost or something happens with your hand or if you-”

“Sweetheart. It would just make it suspicious if you came with me, remember?” Nicole ran her fingers through Waverly’s hair and her hand landed on her cheek. “I’ll be fine, I promise.” She pressed her forehead against Waverly and gave her a gentle smile.

Waverly let out a shaky breath. “But what if-”

“Waverly Earp, come over here and chillax,” Gus ordered. “Officer Haught can handle herself just fine.”

“See?” Nicole asked softly. “Even Gus has faith in me, what more do you need?”

“Just please be careful,” Waverly grumbled, hooking her arms around her waist.

“I will, Waves.” She gave her a kiss. “I should be back by 12, ok?” Waverly nodded. “You don’t need to wait up for me, go ahead and go to sleep. You’ve had a really long day.”

“We’ll see,” she mumbled, burying her face in her chest.

Nicole hugged her until she finally let go. “Ok. I'll see you in a little bit."

“Bye, Nic. Please be careful,” she begged once more, leaning against the door frame.

“I willll,” Nicole called after she walked out. 

Waverly gave her a half-smile and a wave, closing the door. She walked over and sat next to Gus, leaning her head onto her. “What if something happens!? Did you see her freaking hand? She didn’t let me wrap it, so what if it starts to get infected!?”

“She’s a strong girl, Waverly, she’ll be ok,” Gus soothed, running the backs of her fingers down her cheek. “How bout you tell me about your day, huh?”

Waverly let out a sigh, calming herself down. “Should I start with dragging those two’s bodies into the house at 3 AM with Chrissy?” 

“Please do,” Gus confirmed, turning the TV down and getting ready for one hell of a story.


.  .  .


Nicole pulled into the rock driveway of the all too familiar one-story house. She took a couple of deep breaths before grabbing the baggies and walking up to the door. She gave a firm knock, almost with her right hand but she caught herself just in time. After a minute with no answer, she rang the doorbell a few times. She was about to knock again when the door swung open to reveal a smaller, skinny man in pajamas. 

“It’s 10:30, Nicole! I was asleep!” he whined. 

“Hey Jer, sorry. I really need a favor right now,” she begged, giving him puppy dog eyes.

He sighed and signaled for her to come in. “You’re lucky I owe you." 

“Mhm.” She walked into his kitchen, flipping the light on and setting the bags down. “So. I need you to run these three DNA swabs and tell me if they’re all sisters or not. And before you ask, no, this is not work-related, and no, I will not tell you who they are, no matter how hard you beg.”

“Oook,” he complied. “C’mon.” He opened the door to the basement and flipped the light on. They both trudged down the steps, entering his lab.

“Ooooh, someone’s upgraded since the last time I’ve been down here,” Nicole smirked, looking around the room at all the chemicals and beakers and fancy-looking machines. They walked over to his forensics station.

“Yeah, it’s been like five months,” Jeremy mumbled, plugging wires in and flipping switches.

“Hey, now. I was kinda busy being unemployed,” she grumbled.

He spun around to face her. “I’m sorry, ok!? I thought everyone already knew you were a lady lover!”

“Well, they didn’t!” Nicole took a breath to calm herself down. “Ok, you know what? I don’t blame you. It's not your fault. I’m the one who quit.”

“Yeah, ‘cause those jerks wouldn’t leave you alone about it. If I wouldn’t have said anything, you wouldn’t have had to leave.”

“But it's ok ‘cause I’m happy working in Purgatory,” Nicole assured, placing her hand on his shoulder. “No one really cares here, not even my boss.”

“You told your boss already?!” He was picking the swabs out of the bags with tweezers and dropping them in some type of solution, but he stopped to stare at her wide-eyed.

“Well . . . No. But he knows, I think.” She sat down on the rolly chair that was floating around in the middle of the room.


“He kinda lets my girlfriend hang out with me all the time . . .” She looked up at him with a smirk and knew what was coming.


Nicole clapped her hands on her ears. “It just became official today, ok? I wasn’t gonna tell you until it was for real.” She rubbed her temples.

“I need to see this girl, ASAP,” he ordered, signaling for her to show him a picture. She rolled her eyes and pulled her phone out, groaning through her teeth as she had to use her bad hand. She opened her phone and pulled up the picture they took together while they were watching the sunset. They were sitting next to each other and Waverly was leaning up, kissing Nicole on her cheek with her Stetson on her head while Nicole was flashing a dopey grin. She pointed the phone towards Jeremy, and he snatched it out of her hand with his jaw dropped. “Is that Waverly Earp?” 

“Yeah . . . why?” she asked hesitantly, sitting up in her chair. 

He slowly shook his head. “I thought that girl was straight as could be and dating some douchey guy that felt her up every time they were in the same room,” he mumbled, still in awe.

“She broke up with him,” she mumbled through her teeth. “How the hell do you know her?”

“I’ve done some work with her and her sister,” he said, immediately covering his mouth with his hand. “Uh . . . I mean . . .”

“Wait a minute.” She stood, walking closer to him with her eyes narrowed. “Are you in Black Badge?” she whispered.

“Maybe . . .- Wait, are you?!”  

“Yeah!” She smacked his arm. “Jeremy, why didn’t you tell me?!”

“Dolls would have yelled at me,” he whined. “Wait, does this mean you can tell me whose DNA that is now?”

“Uh . . . It’s Waverly, Wynonna, and Willa’s,” she mumbled, looking away.

“Willa is dead, Nic.”

“Yeah, that’s what we’re trying to figure out. Wynonna found some girl in a cult that shot Peacemaker, and then their aunt freaked out when she brought her back to the Homestead, saying it was Willa or whatever.”

Jeremy stood there, jaw dropped, once again. Nicole brought her hand up to fix her sleeve, and he shook his head. “It’s too late for all of- Holy shit, what is wrong with your hand?! Is that why your face is like that?! Who did you fight?!”

“No, face is from the fight with Wynonna when she caught me and Waverly kissing. Long story. Hand is from a fight with my car,” she mumbled.

He stepped towards her with a tsk. “You need to get that checked out, Nicole, it looks bad.” 

“Yeah, yeah. Waverly and I are gonna tomorrow morning,” she assured.

“You two are awful close already,” he said with a smile.

“I suppose that's what happens when you save someone’s life,” she mumbled.


“Like I said, long story and I’ve had a really long day, so I don’t really want to talk about it. How . . . long will it be until that's done?”

“Maybe tomorrow sometime,” he shrugged, though he was eyeing her a bit. 

Nicole nodded, letting out a heavy sigh. “Ok, well, I better get going then. Waves is already mad I left so late and is probably glued to a clock waiting for me to get back.” She moved towards him and pulled him into a hug. “It was really nice to see you, Jer . . . We should get lunch or something soon, ok?” 

“Oh boy, at the rate you two are going, I expect to be getting a wedding invitation any day now.” She pulled back from the hug with her brows raised. “I’m kidding, but lunch sounds good. Just send me a text when you’re free.” 

“With this hand, I’m expecting to have some time off,” Nicole mumbled. “Ok, I’ll talk to you soon.” She turned and headed up the stairs.

“Bye, Nicky, love ya! Tell Waverly I said hello!” he called up to her.

“Alright! Love you, too, but call me that again and I'll beat your ass!” She shook her head as she heard him laughing from downstairs.

She got in the car and plopped her forehead on the steering wheel. Jeremy was her best friend and had been since they were babies, and now she had been pushing him away for something that had actually helped her in the long run. She sighed and started the car, seeing on the radio that it was a little after 11. She figured she could make it back to the Homestead just in time if she really pushed it. 


.  .  .


“Waverly, Hun, sit down. She’ll be here any minute. It's only 12:05,” Gus pleaded, patting the couch next to her.

Waverly continued pacing by the front door. “I knew she shouldn’t have left,” she muttered. Her eyes shot up as the door opened and she heard a string of curse words come from behind it. She dashed over and pulled the door open completely, almost yanking Nicole’s arm off since she was still holding onto the door handle.

“Jesus fuck, you scared me!” she said with a little laugh. “Take this before my hand falls off.” Nicole handed her a gym bag, and Waverly quickly grabbed it from her injured hand so Nicole could step all the way inside, and she closed the door behind her. She was holding her uniform on hangers and  her boots in her good hand.

“Why didn’t you text me to come and help you carry all that in?” Waverly asked with worry in her eyes.

“‘Cause I didn’t know if you were sleeping or not.” Waverly blinked at her, and Nicole dipped her head with a chuckle. “And I’m now realizing you never would have gone to sleep waiting on me to come back,” she sighed, looking at her with a small smile on her face.

“Unfortunately,” Gus grumbled groggily from the couch.

Waverly shook her head at her. “Well, now that you’re here, we’re going to bed.” She walked towards the couch. “Night, Gus. Love you.” She gave her a kiss on the forehead.

“Goodnight, Waverly and good night, Nicole,” she said, looking back at her with a smile.

Nicole smiled back. “Goodnight, Gus. 

They made their way up the steps. Nicole made her way into Waverly’s room and kicked her slides off after she turned the light on, plopping her boots down next to them. She was now dressed in a navy hoodie that had the Canadian Police Flag across the front and black Adidas track pants. Her hair was up in a still-wet messy bun and she looked like she was about to fall asleep then and there. “Where do you want this?” she asked when Waverly walked in, covering a yawn with her wrist.

“That hook on my closet door is fine,” she said with a smile, setting Nicole’s bag next to her shoes. “Come to the bathroom when you’re done. I’m cleaning and wrapping your hand again before bed.” 

Nicole sighed and did so. Waverly already had a few things sitting up on the sink by the time she got there. Nicole stood behind her and looked at her through the mirror. Waverly flashed a tired smile and turned around. “So how did your meeting with Einstein go?” she asked, sticking her hands in Nicole’s pockets as she leaned back against the counter.

“Good,” she mumbled, pressing her lips to her forehead softly a few times. Waverly turned to grab the cleaning solution from the other cabinet. “His name’s Jeremy. Jeremy Chetri.” 

Waverly twirled back around wide-eyed to meet the smirk on her lips. “I- I know Jeremy,” she mumbled.

Nicole laughed. “I heard. I know him, too. He’s kinda been my best friend since I was like- well, as long as I can remember.”

“Wow,” Waverly breathed out, still shocked.

“Yeah . . . he kinda flipped his shit when I told him I’m dating an Earp.”

“Well, I can’t imagine why,” she replied with a laugh, rolling Nicole’s sleeve up and pulling her arm over the sink.

“And then he flipped more shit when I told him about being part of Black Badge,” she added, eyeing her. Waverly looked at her, waiting for her to continue. “Yeah, so I just told him about the whole DNA thing. I figured he would have figured it out anyway after I mentioned you.”

“That’s fair. I trust him.” She looked Nicole’s hand over a few times, making sure nothing new was forming. It looked the same as earlier, just with deeper colored bruising now.

Nicole smiled a little. “Good, you should, and I’m not saying that just ‘cause he’s basically my brother,” she said, getting herself ready for the hydrogen peroxide. Sure, they had cleaned it earlier, but not with the strong stuff.

“Aw, that’s sweet,” Waverly cooed, looking up at Nicole and cupping her cheek. “You ready?” Nicole nodded. “Ok. If you need me to stop, tell me.” 

Nicole nodded, and Waverly started to drizzle it on the wounds across her knuckles. Nicole felt the sting of pain shoot from her hand all the way up her arm. Her eyes went wide and she clenched her jaw so hard she thought she was going to break her teeth.“Ok, ok, ok! You don’t need to use the whole bottle!”

Waverly pulled back. “Sorry!” she winced. “Are- Are you ok?” She ran her fingers across her cheek worriedly. 

“Yeah, Baby, I’m fine,” she assured with a smile. “I just didn’t want you to use it all up ‘cause I have a feeling this won’t be the last time you’re doing this.”

Waverly blushed, looking down at her hand. “I just don’t want it to get infected,” she mumbled.

“It won’t, Waves, I’m gonna be alright.”

She met her eyes again. “But you don’t know that.”

“What I do know is that you’ll be watching it like a hawk, so I’m pretty darn sure,” Nicole said with a smile, turning the tap on and running her hand under it, wincing slightly, “Owwie.”


.  .  .   


Waverly tugged Nicole’s Police Academy hoodie over her head after her shower and grabbed the pile of her other clothes. She exited the bathroom. “Is she asleep, Nonna?” Waverly whispered, peeking her head into Willa’s room. Wynonna nodded her head. She was sitting in a rocking chair and had planned on staying in there with her for the night. “You need anything?” she asked in the same tone as before. Wynonna shook her head. “Ok, goodnight, love you.” Wynonna smiled and blew her a kiss. She closed the door gently behind her and walked back into her room, flipping off the hall light.

“How’s she doin’?” Nicole asked, face lit in the dark room from her laptop screen.

“Asleep,” Waverly yawned. “I’m jealous of her.” She threw her clothes into the laundry basket and crawled onto the bed, cuddling up next to her girlfriend.

Her yawn made Nicole yawn. “Mmm. Me, too,” she replied, shutting the lid of her computer and setting it on the floor. She scooted down so her head was on the pillow and pulled the blanket up, turning so they were lying face to face. Waverly moved, pushing her front against Nicole and fitting into the bend of her body like a puzzle piece. She let out a content sigh as she snuggled her head into Nicole’s neck, taking in that scent she could never get tired of. Nicole began to rub her hand up and down her thigh. She tugged up the hem of the hoodie, placing her hand gently on her hip. Her breath hitched and her eyes widened but felt Waverly smiling against her neck. “Waverly Earp, where’re your pants?” she asked with a tired drawl.

“In the laundry basket,” she mumbled back. “Usually don’t sleep in ‘em.” This was true.

“I see,” Nicole said with a little smirk, snapping the elastic of her underwear with her thumb.

“You gotta problem with that?” Waverly asked, tilting her head back and tracing her finger along the bottom of Nicole’s jaw.

“Nope. Not at all,” she answered, looking down at her.

“Didn’t think so,” she smirked.

Nicole chuckled and gave her a kiss. “Night, Baby,” she mumbled. Her eyes were fluttering shut already. Waverly used the last of her energy to flip herself over and Nicole pulled her into a spoon.
