24. Ask and You Shall Receive

       Nicole slowed to a stop in her cruiser at the house. “What time do you have to be at work?” Waverly asked, stepping out and walking up to the front door.

       “7,” she answered, pushing the door open after she unlocked it.

       “Ughhhh, it's already 5:30, though!”

       Nicole looked up at her, pulling her boots off. “Hmm . . . I guess we better make the time we have last then.” She stood and tugged Waverly back towards her by the loop in her pants. 

       “What did you have in mind, Officer Haught,” she asked, turning around. Nicole pulled her into a quick kiss, taking Waverly’s free hand in her own, other being wrapped around her neck. The brunette smiled, moving said hand down to her jaw, deepening the kiss.

       The Officer pulled back a few seconds later, teasingly casting her hot breath onto her lips. “I’m not sure . . . but I think it might involve my bedroom,” she smirked, pulling her hips flush against her own.

       “I don’t think I remember how to get there . . . you might have to take me,” she husked, gripping her upper arms.

       “Mm, is that so?” She asked, licking her lip with the bottom of her tongue. She bent forward and threw the brunette over her shoulder.

       Waverly let out a shriek that was followed by giggles as she smacked her hands on Nicole’s back as she made her way down the hallway. “Niccccc!” The redhead tossed Waverly on the bed with a cocky smile and she kicked her shoes off as the older girl climbed on top of her, leaning down on her elbows and pressing her hips into her. Waverly sucked in a breath of air, pulling Nicole’s lips to hers with her hand on the back of her neck. The kiss was passionate, leaving them both searching for more. Waverly sat them up and pulled off her cardigan, tossing it to the floor. Nicole pushed her back down, working her way down her neck to her exposed collarbone. The smaller girl gripped the pillow behind her head, letting out a breathy moan. Nicole smiled as she worked her way back to her lips, rocking her hips harder as she slipped her tongue in. “You are wearing way too much clothing for my liking,” the brunette whispered, sliding her hand down to the hem of her shirt.

       “Then why don’t you do something about it, Darlin’?” Nicole husked, biting her lip when she felt a shiver travel through Waverly’s body.

       The smaller girl looked up at her with lust in her now darkened eyes with a wide smile and pulled her shirt off, balling it up and throwing it elsewhere. “Much better,” she smirked, tracing her eyes up the newly revealed skin. As Nicole leaned back down, she squeezed her thighs around her legs, flipping them over. The redhead looked up at her wide-eyed and she let out a giggle, pulling her own shirt off and running her fingers through her hair. Nicole wrapped her legs around her back, pulling her down to meet her hungry lips. The redhead took her tongue in her mouth, coaxing small moans from both of them. Waverly pulled back and made her way down her neck, across her collarbones, and down to the swell of her breast, nipping slightly. The redhead bucked her hips up and Waverly moved her hands down to her belt buckle, undoing it. Nicole looked down and placed her hand on Waverly’s.

       “Woah, Waverly, wait,” Nicole breathed, slightly out of breath. Waverly looked up at her wide eyes. “Are you sure?”

       “Yea,” she responded quickly. “I’m very sure.”

       “Cause we don’t have to-” Waverly cut her off with a kiss, showing her that this was what she wanted. She moved back to the buckle, pulling the belt off. Nicole lifted her hips up and the smaller girl pulled the jeans down below them and off her legs. The taller girl flipped them over once again and brought her hand down to the button on her pants. “Yea?”

       “Good luck getting them off,” she chuckled. Nicole smiled and undid the buttons, sliding her good hand around the hem, trying to inch them down with no avail.

       “Ugh, stand up,” Nicole grunted, pushing herself to the edge of the bed, swinging her legs over. Waverly rolled off the bed and stood in front of her, trying to push them down herself. Nicole pulled her hips towards her, tilting her head and leaving gentle kisses down her abdomen to where the elastic of her underwear started. She stuck her fingers down the side of her jeans and began yanking them down, Waverly pulling on the other side. They got them under her hips, so Nicole threw her back on the bed, pulling them off her legs on her own with a giggle. She looked down at the beautiful girl on her bed with a smile before pouncing back on her, resting her thigh on her centre.

       The new pressure sent a shockwave through Waverly’s body. She moaned into the Officer’s mouth, digging her nails into her sides when she began to roll her hips. She met Nicole’s movements with her own. The redhead moved her hand down to Waverly’s breast, cupping it in her hand before moving her thumb around the slightly perked bud hidden beneath the fabric. She watched her throw her head back, so she snaked her hand behind her back, tapping on the clasp of her bra. She met Waverly’s eyes in question. She nodded her head, letting out a loud groan when Nicole bucked her hips as a thank you. She dipped her head to Waverly’s neck as she undid the clasp swiftly with one hand, feeling the wetness in between the brunette’s legs grow as she watched her do so. “D’you like that, Baby?” She asked near her ear as she slipped the bra off her shoulders and down her arms.

       “You’re something else, Nicole Haught,” Waverly sighed, watching the redhead’s eyes trace over her chest. She felt a little self-conscious, but it all slipped away when she looked up at her, smile as wide as a kid in a candy shop. Waverly brought her hand to the middle fabric between Nicole’s sports bra, pulling her in to meet her lips.

       “You’re beautiful,” she whispered, sending a chill down her spine. She walked her lips down to her chest, running her tongue around the stiff mountain of flesh, squeezing at the other one with her left hand. She began to grind harder and faster into the girl underneath her when she heard her whisper her name in ecstasy. She felt Waverly’s breath grow faster and she felt her hands closing around her biceps. 

       “Don’t stop!” Her eyes locked on Nicole’s face as she went to town on her nipple. She took the bud in between her teeth and pulled up slightly, letting it go as she looked into the brunette’s eyes. She bit her lip as she sat up to peel the bra off her body and then she dropped her hands to Waverly’s hips, holding them down as she rocked her hips as fast as they could go. The sight of the two perfect breasts in front of her was all Waverly needed to send her over the edge. Digging her nails into Nicole’s arms, her back arched off the bed as she let out a piercing moan. The sound was music to Nicole’s ears. She dropped her head to Waverly’s lips, slowing the roll of her hips as she eased down from her climax. “And I thought that other time was good,” the brunette said out of breath, thinking back to the time in her office.  

       “Oh, Baby, that was nothing,” Nicole drawled lowly, a grin creeping up her face. Waverly’s eyes grew wide as she kissed her way from her lips all the way down to her underwear. “Is this ok?” She asked as she stuck her fingers under the hem.

       “You are allowed to do anything you want to me, Officer,” Waverly breathed, squeezing her thighs around Nicole’s hips.


       “Yes, and you better hurry up and do so before we run out of time."

       She smirked as she slipped her underwear off, slowly looking back up at her, rubbing her thumbs on her hips. “This is gonna sound really cocky of me, but I’m kinda a righty and that hand is out of use . . . so my performance might not be up to its regular standards.”

       She shot her a look. “I’m sure you’ll do fine,” she assured, pushing Nicole’s hand down, letting her finger rest against her wet folds.

       Nicole leaned forward, chin resting against her shoulder. “Oh, I know I’ll do fine . . . I’m just saying there’s better where this comes from.” She punctuated her sentence by sticking her finger in and sliding it across the swollen nub, watching her eyes roll back. “Yea?” She asked as she slowly began to roll her finger around in small circles.

        The brunette pushed herself up on her elbows and yanked Nicole’s head in, teeth knocking together. “Faster,” she mumbled against her lips. The redhead did so. Waverly moaned, looking back into her eyes with a smile. She eased back down onto the bed and pulled her down with her, sloppily searching for her tongue. Nicole sped up her movements, hearing Waverly let out some airy moans as she tangled her fingers in her hair. She pulled back quickly and grabbed Nicole’s cheeks with both of her hands. “Nicole,” she breathed heavily. “I need you . . . to fuck me.”

       Her eyes went wide at the request that was more of a demand. “You need me to- ok,” she said out loud to herself. Eyes locked on the smaller girl, she moved her middle finger down to her entrance, continuing the movements with her thumb. She slowly pushed it in its full length and left it for a second before pulling back out, letting her body get used to it. “Ok?” She asked. Waverly nodded, mouth slightly open. She did the action again, starting out slowly. She felt her twitch when she pushed against her upper wall so she sped it up a little, dropping her head to her breast and working her tongue around her nipple. Waverly was moaning louder, hand’s balling up the sheet beneath her so Nicole smashed their lips together as she added a second digit, increasing in speed some more. She felt her shudder, pushing a smile on her face.

       “I wanna feel you tomorrow, Baby,” Waverly whispered as Nicole nipped at her jawline.

       “Ask and you shall receive,” she husked in her ear as she began to flick her wrist at full speed.

       The younger girl spewed out a series of curses, walls beginning to flutter. “I’m gonna-” Her voice was cut with a guttural moan as her body clamped around Nicole’s fingers. She let out a chuckle as Waverly came down from her high. She removed her fingers, tracing them up the length of her folds before sticking them in her mouth, pulling them out with a pop. Waverly’s jaw was on the floor with that.

       “What?” She asked with a smile, dropping her hand to her hip.

       “Did you just . . .?”

       “Yes?” Nicole said slowly. “Why?”

       “I dunno . . . It's just that Champ used to say-” Nicole cut her off when she laid down on her, finding her lips with her own.

       “That shithead has no clue what he is talking about and I don’t want you to believe anything he ever told you anymore, ok?” Waverly nodded her head, swallowing the lump in her throat. “Good.” She dropped her head to her chest, above her heart. She began to suck at the skin, long enough that when she pulled away, she had left a good branding. She looked up to Waverly, who had a smile on her face. The brunette pulled her head up for a deep kiss, pulling back after a few seconds after, resting her forehead against the taller girl’s.

       “I love you,” she whispered, closing her eyes.

       Nicole kissed the tip of her nose. “And I love you.” She slid off the edge of the bed walking over to her dresser. “I’m gonna shower, ok?”

       Waverly sat up and stretched her arms behind her back. “Mk.” Nicole gathered some clean underclothes and headed off to the bathroom.


.  .  .


       She walked back in the bedroom, towel completely covering her head. “Hey, Babe, do you know-” She stopped when she removed the towel, seeing a sleeping Waverly sprawled naked across her bed. With a small smile, she walked to her closet and pulled a red Under Armour hoodie off the hanger and a pair of briefs that were tight on her and some basketball shorts out of her dresser, folding them up and leaving it in a pile at the end of the bed for her to change into when she woke up. She walked around and picked up all of the clothes they had thrown about the room and placed it all in the laundry. She then quietly gathered her uniform and left the room to change so she didn’t disturb her. 

       After she was dressed, she placed a pile of take-out menus on the nightstand with a $20 note. She drew a little heart on the bill, clicking the pen closed. She looked over to Waverly again with a smirk. She picked the pen back up and kneeled on the edge of the bed, writing MINE in big letters above the mark on her chest. She pulled the covers over her and kissed her forehead before heading off to work.


.  .  .


       Nicole walked into the station 5 minutes before 7, chowing down on the apple she had grabbed from her house before she left. She walked into the break room and poured herself a cup of coffee before heading down to her office.

       “Officer Haught!” Nedley called as she walked past.

       She backtracked and peaked her head in. “Yes, Sir?” He signaled for her to come in. She noticed a young brunette woman in nurse scrubs sitting in the chair in front of his desk.

       “Someone would like to have a meeting with you,” he said, gesturing to the woman. She stood and held her hand out to shake, but dropped it when she realized her shakable hand was full.

       “Uh, Officer Haught. Hi,” she greeted. “My name’s Jessie Reyes.”