26. Tell Her I'm Coming

       Nicole was awoken by Waverly smacking her repeatedly. She bat at her hand and pulled the blanket over her head. “Oww! Whatttt, Waves?”

       Waverly ripped the blankets down and shoved a phone in her face. “Nicole, who the fuck is this?!” She demanded, smacking her one more time. Nicole grabbed the phone, realizing it was her own, and read the text message.  


-  -  -


       Waverly’s eyes blinked open at about 4 AM. No matter how much she wanted to fall back asleep snuggled up to her girlfriend, her body said she had had enough. She stayed with the warmth of Nicole for a few more minutes before sliding out from underneath her arm and wandering out of the room. If she was going to be up 5 hours before they needed to leave, she wanted to make herself useful. She put a pot of coffee on for herself and closed the bedroom door so she could turn some lights on without disturbing Nicole. Realizing that if she was going to be cleaning that she needed music, she headed back silently into the room. She pulled her earbuds out of her bag and picked up her phone, realizing it was on 3%. With a groan, she began to walk back out, but she spotted Nicole’s that happened to be on the charger. Figuring she wouldn’t care if she used it, she plugged her earbuds in and found one of her playlists to listen to.

       The brunette worked her way around the house, cleaning up the mess that the intruders had made in every room. Within 2 hours, she had made every room spotless. It was only 6 and she didn’t want to wake Nicole up until 8. She decided to do the other thing she had already discussed with Nicole: Laundry. During her cleaning, she had found the redhead’s laundry room. She gathered the hamper in the bathroom and the one in the bedroom and headed off towards the washing machine.

       If there was one thing that Waverly noticed while listening to Nicole’s playlist, it was that she might have had a small obsession with Fall Out Boy. There were at least 200 songs on this playlist and out of every three that played, one was from them. She didn’t mind, though. The band was starting to grow on her, if she was honest.

       An hour and a half later, she was on her second load. Nicole’s phone buzzed in her pocket, so she absentmindedly pulled it out to check it, not giving a thought to the fact that it wasn’t her phone. The empty laundry basket that she was taking back to the bathroom slipped from her hand as she read the text.


Jessie: Thanks again for last night. I know it wasn’t easy for you, being with Waverly and all, but I’m happy you were able to pull through for me. Hope to see you again soon!


       She probably read it over and over again 20 times, trying to understand one thing: Why?

       Why was some Jessie girl texting her girlfriend? Why did said Jessie girl know about her and Nicole being together? Why was she thanking her for last night? Why was she happy to see her again soon? But, one thought hit Waverly like a ton of bricks: Why was Nicole cheating on her?

       Obviously that is what she was referring to. What else wouldn’t be easy for Nicole to do because she was in a relationship? And what would make her hope to see her again? The anger of it all was bubbling up in her chest. She was squeezing her fist so hard she was sure she drew blood. She yanked the earbuds out of her ears and ripped it out of the phone, slamming the cord down on the sink in the bathroom. The fiery brunette stomped to Nicole’s room, needing an explanation.


-  -  -


       Nicole read it over a few times. She sat up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes as she looked up to her girlfriend. She pursed her lips and sighed. “Waves, I was gonna tell you about this today.”

       Waverly’s eyes widened and she tipped her head at her. “Oh, yes, please Nicole. Explain to me why you’re cheating on me. I’d love to hear it,” she snapped.

       Nicole sat back a bit at that. Her eyebrows drew together and her mouth fell open in a confused stare. “Wha- Waverly, I-I’m not cheating on you. Why in the world would you think that?” She asked with the same look on her face.

       Waverly snatched the phone back out of her hands and began to read the text aloud. “Thanks again for last night . . . I know it wasn’t easy for you, being with Waverly and all . . . I hope to see you again soon .” She emphasized on some bits, casting her glare up to Nicole’s face as she said it. “This Jessie girl really makes it sound like you are, Nicole!” She saw tears forming along her lower lids. She realized now that from an outsider’s perspective it could have sounded kinda bad.

       “How many Jessies do you know, Waves?” She asked calmly, resting her arm on her knee and laying her head on her fist.

       Waverly cocked an eyebrow at the weird question. “One . . .” She answered slowly.

       Nicole nodded. “And what is her name?”

       “Jessie Reyes,” she responded. She watched the gears turn in her head as she looked down at the message again, watching them all fit together after a few seconds. She met the redhead’s eyes again, mouth dropped open and a pained look in her eyes. She tossed the phone on the bed and plowed Nicole over, strangling her with her arms around her neck. “Oh, thank God!” She gasped, showering her face in kisses.

       “I would never cheat on you, Babe, I really hope you realize that. I’m not throwing around I love you for fun,” the redhead groaned, trying to get some air.

       “I don’t know what I was thinking . . . I guess I am just used to that because of-”

       “And that’s why I am here to treat you like the absolute queen that you are.” Waverly sat up quickly, bringing her hands over her face. Nicole sat herself up in front of her and touched one of her arms. “Wave?” The brunette brought her hands down, clapping them on her thighs, tears making their way down her face.

       “I am such a horrible girlfriend! Last night I thought you were lying to me! And now I accuse you of cheating on me! I’m so sorry, Nic . . .” She trailed off, babbling things Nicole did not want to listen to. 

       “Waverly Earp, you better stop that right now, I don’t want to hear it!” Waverly stopped her ramble and looked towards her cautiously. The redhead moved her hand to her cheek. “I totally understand why you have the tendencies to jump right to those conclusions. That used to be the norm for you, I get it. The only reason I got mad last night was because I was tired and still upset about the Tucker thing. In no way are you a horrible girlfriend. You’re the best I could ever ask for, Waves,” she admitted with a smile.

       Waverly nuzzled her head into her hand. “Ok,” she breathed. “But, now I have to make it up to you . . .” She sat up and pointed her finger at the redhead. “I am taking you on a date tonight and you will not complain one bit, got it?”

       “But Waves-”

       “What did I just say?!”

       Nicole pursed her lips. “Fine,” she grumbled, picking her phone up from the edge of the bed where Waverly threw it. It was 7:42. “Let me text back my side chick,” she joked, getting a slap from the brunette.  


Officer Haught: No problem. Like I said, you will be one of the first to know if I learn anything new.


       “What’d she want anyway?” She asked. “Like, why did she come to you about it?”

       “I don’t know why she wanted to talk to me specifically, but she requested a meeting with me. She just asked if it was true cause she had heard something from Chrissy and I told her it was. Then she told me she wanted to testify with you.”

       Waverly’s eyebrows went up. “Really?”

       Nicole nodded with a smile. “It was kinda weird though. She wanted to watch your tape.” Nicole laid back down and Waverly rested her head on her stomach, tracing patterns along her bare skin.

       “Hmm . . . I feel like if I was in her position I would want to, too. Just to see how similar our experiences were, ya know?”

       The redhead hadn’t really thought about it like that. “Yea, that makes sense . . . Anyway, Nedley said I could let her watch it so she did . . . and then Wynonna called. I made the horrible mistake of leaving her on speaker as I unhooked the camera and when I told her I was busy, she asked- What was it, it was like . . . “Is my baby sister getting some hot redhead booty?””

       Waverly covered her face with her hands. “Oh jeez! And she heard it?”

       She laughed. “Yes! And when finally hung up, Jessie was like, “You and Wavesssss” . . . I don’t think I have ever blushed harder, it was horrible.”

       “You poor thing,” Waverly consoled sarcastically.

       The Deputy rolled her eyes. “You poor thing,” she mocked, wiggling her fingers around on the brunette’s stomach, making her spaz around for a few seconds.

       “Oh, you wanna go there?! I see how it is.” Waverly sat up quickly and ran her fingers up and down Nicole’s sides. She sprung off the bed and Waverly jumped off right after her. They circled around the room for a few seconds. “Come at me, Bitch,” Waverly teased.

       “Oh yea?” Nicole smirked. She ran at her, throwing her over her shoulder.


       “You asked for it!” She exclaimed as she made her way into the living room. She tossed her onto the couch and straddled her lap, but paused, looking around the room. “Hey, you cleaned.”

       “I had nothing better to do at 4 AM,” she shrugged.

       “Aw, thank you, Baby,” Nicole cooed, leaning down and kissing around her face.

       Waverly giggled. “And I did your laundry, so guess what that means?”

       She let out a dramatic groan. “Do I have to wear it?”

       Waverly gave her a look. “You are getting surgery in four days, Nicole, you’re wearing your sling.”

       “Fineee,” she sighed, crawling off her lap. “I need to shower. We gotta leave soon.”

       Waverly smirked as she got up off the couch. “Well, I need to shower, too. And . . . We wouldn’t want to waste water, right?” She asked, tracing her finger down Nicole’s stomach.

       “I’m all about saving the Earth,” she agreed. 


.  .  .


       Nicole pulled into the Homestead driveway. “Chop, chop. Go change and get your butt back out here! We’re gonna be late!” Waverly hopped out of the car and jogged inside to her bedroom. She threw her bag on her bed to deal with later and quickly sorted through her closet, pulling out a jean jacket, a black short sleeved crop top, and some ripped white skinny jeans. She shoved her feet into a pair of Converse and dashed back out the door, sliding back in the car. Nicole looked her over with pursed lips.

       “What?” Waverly asked.

       “I hate you,” she mumbled as they pulled away.


       “I don’t understand how you can look so gorgeous without even trying,” she sighed, shaking her head. Waverly blushed and smacked her with the back of her hand.

       They arrived at the station at 9:03, flying out of the car and rushing inside. “Ok, we’re here!” Nicole announced as she pushed the door open, both stepping in the room and observing the 3 pairs of annoyed eyes on them. 

       “I don’t see how you two can be later than Wynonna,” Dolls grumbled, typing away on his laptop.

       “Hey!” Wynonna complained. Nicole and Waverly took their seats around the table.

       “Ok, let’s get started.” Dolls stood up and walked to the head of the table. “Wynonna, you want to start it off?”

       She nodded. “So, yesterday, I caught Willa up by the fence talking to Bobo, so I asked Haught Pants if she wanted to help me spy on her that night because Willa said she was going out.”

       “I agreed and got a call from Wynonna later saying Willa had left, so Dolls and I loaded up some gear and headed out to the Homestead to pick her up.” She looked to Dolls.

       “Wynonna had put a tracker on her phone, so we were able to let it lead us to where she was at. It seemed to be in the middle of a field, so we stopped 2 miles out to make sure we would enter unnoticed and started walking towards the location. It was too dark to be able to see that far ahead of us, so I was using a heat scanner to scan around for Revenants. We were about a mile in when I spotted one, so we dropped and Officer Haught successfully moved in and took him out cleanly. We continued on and stopped about 70 yards from the house. We used a microphone to listen to the meeting that was happening inside. I placed it on the house and when I got back, Willa and Bobo were talking about Wynonna and Waverly not noticing something at the party. Bobo then brought up the question of how she was going to get Peacemaker away from Wynonna and she said she hadn’t figured it out yet . . . Then, uh, they . . .”

       “Then they kissed and it was probably one of the most disgusting sounds I have ever listened to,” Wynonna said, face scrunched up.

       “What?!” Waverly exclaimed. “Ok, hold on a second . . . Not only is she working with Bobo, but she is also kissing him?!”

       “Mhm,” Nicole mumbled from next to her. Waverly pushed a hand through her hair.

       “Ok, I get to tell the next part!” Wynonna announced. “So, Bobo adjourned the meeting and that meant that the Rev-Heads were gonna start coming out of the house or whatever. So, Haught Shit and I had to full-on sprint a mile while this d-bag just trotted along ahead of us, not bothered at all. THEN, we had to drag that fat Revenant that she shot while still sprinting the rest of the way, and may I add that his pants came off halfway through and I’ve never been so scared in my life . . . I sent him back where he belongs and we jumped into the car and took off.” Wynonna shifted her glance to Nicole. “I get to ride your Harley, you promised.”

       Waverly widened her eyes at her. “You what now?”

       Nicole gave her a toothy grin before turning back to Wynonna. “We will discuss that later,” she said, patting her leg.

       “So, we still don’t know what Bobo’s lead is yet?” Waverly asked.

       “Is it Peacemaker?” Doc asked.

       “No . . . It might involve it, though,” Dolls answered. “Did Willa say anything last night, Earp?”

       “No. But, she was trying to avoid me it seemed.”

       “That’s unfortunate,” Waverly mumbled. Nicole threw her a look.

       “Ok. On the invitation, the only two rules were that it is a Black Tie event and that there are no guns allowed. So, we are going to have to work around that last rule because I want Peacemaker there, Wynonna,” Dolls informed.

       “Oh yea, let me just crawl through the window, dress and all,” Wynonna huffed. Everyone looked around the room at each other. “You people actually want me to do that . . . woooow.”

       Dolls cleared his throat. “Any questions?” Everyone shook their head. “Great. I will see you here at 6 on Saturday. Nedley said he will just meet us at the Hotel. Ya’ll are dismissed.” Everyone broke off from the table. Haught went up to Dolls. Doc wandered out of the room. And Wynonna went over to Waverly.

       “How’re you doing, Babygirl?” She asked, pinching her cheek.

       Waverly smacked her hand away. “Good . . . I can’t believe Willa would do this to us. After everything we’ve done for her. I told you I didn’t like something about her, Wynonna-”

       “Hey, ok yea, she is a traitor ass bitch, but now we know so we can look out for it, right?”

       “Since when are you so optimistic about things?” She joked.

       Wynonna pursed her lips. “Ya know . . . I got to see your girl in action last night . . . and let me say, if I were you, I would have crawled down her pants then and there cause damnnn-”

       She smacked her arm. “Wynonna!” She hissed through a smile.

       “Oh right right, sorry.” She put her hands up. “You two haven’t done it yet,” she ended teasingly, pushing herself off the table towards the coffee pot. She was unable to see how wide Waverly’s eyes got and how fast her face blushed. She rubbed her hands on her face and followed her sister.

       She felt Nicole come up behind her when she reached the counter. “What’re we talkin’ bout?” She asked, grabbing a mug and pouring herself a cup.

       “How Babygirl wants to get in your pants,” Wynonna chuckled.

       Nicole choked on her coffee, gurgling it back into the cup and Waverly shoved her sister. “What?” The redhead managed to get out.

       “Oh my- Wynonna you said that- ok I am leaving.” Waverly turned and walked towards the door.

       “Actually, Waves, you are coming with me today,” Wynonna informed, wiggling her eyebrows at her when she turned around.


       “Gus needs your help with some stuff around the Homestead and I volunteered you to help.” 

       She threw her a look. “Fine,” she grumbled walking back over to them. She leaned back into Nicole against the counter.

       “Plus, you have been with Haught Shit all week and I want some Babygirl time,” the older Earp admitted, sounding a little hurt if she was reading her right.

       “Does Wynonna Earp miss me?” Waverly asked sarcastically.

       She rolled her eyes. “Let’s go, you dweeb.” Wynonna turned to walk away but stopped when Waverly didn’t follow her. Waverly turned around and Nicole flipped her hand over from where it was in her back pocket, pulling her closer.

       “I will see you later,” the brunette said, tapping the rim of her Stetson. “What time do you get off?”

       “5 o’clock."

       “Mk, then I will be there to pick you up at 7, how’s that sound?”

       “Sounds great,” she smiled, sealing it with a kiss. Wynonna came over and clapped Nicole’s arm after a few seconds, making her pull away.

       “Not to be a taco-blocko, but I really do need to pull Waves off of you so we can go,” she stated.

       “What the hell is a taco-blocko?” The redhead questioned. Waverly popped the collar of her jacket, fixing her hair.

       “It's like a cockblock . . . but for . . . ladies,” the darker brunette said, gesturing to them. The Officer did a long nod.

       “Ok, Wy, let’s go,” Waverly said in hopes to end that conversation. Wynonna nodded and headed towards the door. Waverly quickly pulled Nicole in for one more kiss. “I love you,” she mumbled into her lips.

       “Love you, too,” She mumbled back. Waverly giggled, kissing the bottom of her chin.

       “Waves!” Wynonna called from the door.  

       “I’m coming!” She yelled back, giving Nicole one more quick peck, heading towards the door. She turned to her before she walked out and the Officer tipped her hat, making her cheeks go rosy.

       The Earp girls climbed into the car and headed out towards the Homestead. “What does Gus need?” 

       “Nothing. Gus isn’t even home,” Wynonna admitted.

       Waverly turned to her. “Then why am I going with you?” She asked, throwing her hands out.

       “Cause I want to hang out with youuu. It gets boring hanging out with Willa all of the time. All she wants is to know more about our past and it’s really not my favorite thing to talk about.” She paused for a few seconds. “I just don’t want you to forget about me, Waves.”

       “I haven’t forgotten about you, Nonna . . .”

       “Seems like you have,” she mumbled under her breath.

       Waverly brought her eyebrows together, feeling bad for unintentionally neglecting her sister for the past few days. “Tell you what, how about we get some snacks and watch The Lion King like old times, huh?” She suggested, tapping her arm.

       Wynonna turned to her with a smile. “Yea?”

       “Uh-huh,” she smiled.

       “Only if you don’t sob when Mufasa dies like you usually do."

       “I used to do that when I was a child!”



.  .  .


       Waverly and Wynonna are curled up with each other on the couch with a blanket draped over them. All the curtains were pulled closed and Mufasa’s death scene was playing on the TV. “You said you wouldn’t cry!” Wynonna sniffled.

       “You told me I wouldn’t cry, I didn’t tell you that!” Waverly responded, rubbing her eyes. “And you have no room to talk!”

       “It’s just so sad! . . . He was just trying to save his kid an-and then his stupid friggin brother goes all “Long live the King” and drops him off the side of a cliff!”

       “I know,” her sister consoled, stroking her head that was laying on her lap.


.  .  .


       Wynonna was standing on one side of the coffee table and Waverly was on the other. They both had imaginary microphones held up to their mouths and were singing along with the blaring TV.


       “IT MEANS NO WORRIES FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS!” Waverly belted, sliding across the floor on her socks, sticking one arm in the air.

       “God, I hate you,” Wynonna mumbled in between verses.

       “IT'S OUR PROBLEM-FREE PHILOSOPHY! HAKUNA MATATA!” They finished together.

       They heard footsteps approach from behind them. “Can you two keep it down, you sound like those hyenas!” Willa complained.

       “You’re such a party pooper!” Wynonna argued.

       “I’m trying to talk to my boyfriend, but I can’t hear him over the sound of you two!”

       Waverly and Wynonna shared a glance before looking back to her. The youngest Earp climbed onto the couch and rested her arms on the back, sitting on her knees. “You’ve been back for like 3 days and have already managed to get a boyfriend?! Who is it?!” She asked excitedly.

      Willa smirked and walked off towards the kitchen, other two on her tail. “You probably don’t know him,” she sighed, opening the fridge.

       “Try me, I know everyone,” Wynonna countered.

       She pursed her lips as she poured herself a cup of juice. “His name is Robert.”

       Both the girls’ eyebrows went up, but they played along. “Robert . . .?” Wynonna asked, questioning his last name.

       The front door opened and Dolls walked in. “Hey, Earp!” He called, looking down at a tablet. When he glanced up, he saw three sets of eyes on him. “Uh, Wynonna Earp,” he corrected.


       “We got something.”

       The middle Earp looked to Waverly. “Go,” she encouraged with a nod.

       “But, Lion King,” the older one muttered, pushing her bottom lip out.

       “It’s fineee, we’ll finish it later,” she assured, patting her back and giving her a shove off the chair. She walked over to Dolls and they walked off somewhere private to discuss their work matters. Waverly turned her attention back to Willa. “Ok, tell me more!” She exclaimed as enthusiastically as possible.

       Willa chuckled. “Waverly, why are you so intrigued by my relationship?” She asked with a shake of her head. “You certainly have one that is far more . . . interesting.”

       Waverly quickly bit back a harsh comment and unhinged her teeth from her cheeks. “I, uh, I’m not sure what you mean,” she said with a faux-oblivious laugh.

       “Well, you have a . . . Nicole,” she explained.

       Waverly tried to keep it down, but her kill anyone that threatens to even poke my baby instincts kicked in. “Nicole is my girlfriend, Willa,” she spat, bite of her words sending a scowl to the eldest Earp’s face.

       “I don’t see what the point of your relationship is. I remember Daddy teaching us that we needed to find someone that would help give him grandchildren, so unless she is hiding something underneath those awful boyish clothes of hers-”

       Waverly quickly rose from her seat, smacking her hand forcefully on the table. She drew up a shaky finger, pointing at the girl across from her. “You better believe that if you’d like to keep staying here, you are going to watch your damn mouth because I can have your ass on the curb faster than you can blink!”

       Willa shot up, offense written all over her face. “How dare you even . . . threaten something like that!”

       The youngest rolled her eyes. “Trust me, I’ve said worse about you,” she nipped, crossing her arms.

       Her eyes widened and she mimicked her stance. “Oh? Is that so? . . . Alright, Half-Sister, let’s hear it.”

       Waverly’s face hardened and her eyes turned ice-cold. “ Did you just -” Waverly didn’t even need an answer to that question. She knew she did definitely say that. Although it was true, it was still far, far over the line, and it made the very strained rubber band that was keeping her from jumping across that table snap. So: she jumped across the table, tackling her sister to the ground. The sound of dishes crashing to the floor is what alerted Dolls and Wynonna to the ruckus happening on the other side of the house. They rushed in and found a very angry Willa being pinned to the ground by an even angrier Waverly. Wynonna managed to pull Waverly off of her right before a fist was going to try and right her thoughts.

       “Hey, hey, hey, hey, HEY! Waverly, stop it!” The middle Earp scolded, holding back the still fired up Waverly in her grasp. Dolls had a firm hold on Willa now, who was also trying to go at her. “What the hell happened between you two!?”

       “She-” Waverly’s voice broke as tears came down her face. “She called me half-sister!”

       “Willa!” Wynonna gasped, shooting her a glare.

       “Hey! She said she was going to throw me out!” The middle Earp looked down to the now sobbing Waverly in her arms.

       “Sh-she said it wasn’t right for me and Nic to be together.” Wynonna and Dolls' eyes widened. Not only was that a stab at her baby sister , but also at her (dare she say) best friend. She was not for that.

       “Well, I think I’d want to throw you out too if I heard you say some 1900’s bullshit like that!”

       Willa’s eyes widened. “You are supposed to be on my side, Wynonna! What happened to the good days when it was just the two of us against the world, huh!? Now I come back and you are babying the . . . the baby!”

       “Well, guess what, I also have morals now. And one of them is to stand up for what is right . . . no one hurts my Babygirl, Willa, and certainly not you.”

       She scoffed, breaking away from Dolls’ grip and starting for the door. “Have fun wiping her hormonal teenager tears. I am going to go somewhere where I actually feel welcomed.”

       “Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out,” Waverly mumbled into Wynonna’s shirt. Willa left, slamming the door behind her.

       “Earp, you can't let her leave. She is going to go crying to Bobo and he is going to draw that target on your back with glow in the dark paint,” Dolls said, rubbing his hand on his forehead.

       Wynonna let out an uncomfortable sigh. She looked down to Waverly. “He’s right. Go, Wy, I’ll be fine.”

       She nodded and took off for the door. “Willa, wait!” They heard her call.




       “Gardner, seriously? Just eat the damn sandwich!” Nicole groaned from the cell door.

       The timid boy on the inside thumbed through the contents of his meal. “I don’t eat white bread,” he complained quietly.

       The Officer had to laugh at that. “Dude, you’re gonna learn to eat what you are fed real fast,” she sighed, placing the Stetson back on her head. “And you are also gonna learn to do what you are told because if you keep picking at it I am gonna make Lonnie come and feed it to you.”

       He looked up, but not at her. He seemed to be taking Waverly’s threat to not look at her very seriously. “Ok, I’ll eat it,” he grumbled, making a sour face.

       “Great. I’ll be back in 30. You better be done by then.” She left the room with a huff. 

       “He didn’t give you any trouble, did he?” Nedley asked from the break room as she walked past.

       “He doesn’t eat white bread,” she mimicked, rolling her eyes so hard it hurt. The sound of heels quickly tapping across the tiles of the station approached from behind her. She turned around to meet another redhead eye to eye. “Uhm, may I help you?”

       “Yes, you may. Will you be ever so kind and tell me what my shithead of a brother did this time to get himself in here and why I can’t bail him out like I have all 13 other times?”

       Nicole ran her tongue along inside of her bottom lip as she crossed her arms (well, to the best of her ability with the sling on). “I’m going to assume your brother is Perverto, yea?” She asked, eyebrows raised.

       “Haught!” Nedley hissed from behind her.

       She stuck out a hand to the woman. “Officer Haught, yet another grope-ee of your lovely brother,” she introduced with a smile.

       The other redhead blinked at her before accepting the handshake. “Mercedes Gardner, the one who has to clean up all of his messes,” she sighed.

       Nicole pushed herself off of the doorframe and headed towards her office. “Follow me, I’ll tell you how Shorty’s got a few bullet holes added to its ceiling.”




       Waverly pushed a mug across the table to Dolls. “You ok?” He asked.

       “Yea, I’m good . . . just thinking,” she mumbled into her own cup. “There’s a lot going on right now.”

       “I hear ya,” he sighed.

       “Wh-what were you and Nonna talking about?” 

       “We think Judge Cryderman is the mastermind behind Bobo’s success . . . and that means someone is feeding him BBD intel.”

       “Someone we know or someone you work for?”

       He took a drink from his cup. “I don’t know.” He paused for a few seconds. “Black Badge isn’t just a job for me.”

       “Yea, no kidding,” she chuckled. “I . . . I get it. Feeling like you are about to lose something.” She looked up at him, rubbing her finger along the outside of her mug.

       “It’s ok if you don’t like her, ya know,” he said, giving her a soft look.

       She took a breath. “I’m happy she’s back, I really am . . . It's- I just never really knew her, ya know? . . . But, now I don’t think I want to.”

       “Hey . . . it doesn’t matter how many Willas come back, we’re still gonna need you . . . Earp.”

       She smiled up at him. “You called me Earp,” she giggled softly.

       “Yea, I did,” he nodded. “Don’t let it get to your head . . . And there’s only three of you right?” They both laughed. The moment was cut short when they head a window shatter and the room started to fill with smoke. Dolls quickly sprung up and threw a towel over it. “Smoke bomb! Clear Clear! Go, Waverly, get down!” She dropped to the ground right as bullets started to fly through the windows and walls. Dolls tipped the dining room table, hiding them behind it. He pulled his gun out and began shooting back. “Go find the basement now! Anything without windows! Go, go, go!” He shouted when he ducked down to reload. She crawled out from the protection of the table and into the kitchen, hiding against the cabinets. She searched around under the table to find the gun they kept there. “Waverly, hide!”

       She let out an annoyed groan. “God, I wish people would stop saying that to me!” She found the shotgun and pumped it, getting ready to aim through the window above her. “Ah, you wanna get all up in my kitchen!?” She popped up and shot two shots at the man shooting through her window. “Eat shit, Shit-Eaters!” She suddenly felt a searing pain in her side, causing her to drop to the ground and let out a few wails. Under the madness, she could hear returning shots to the attackers. Dolls was still inside, so she knew it must be Wynonna and Willa.

       “Fall back, fall back!” She heard a man shout and the bullets stopped flying. She stood up and slowly made her way to the living room.

       Wynonna ripped the screen door open, rushing into the room. “Waverly? Dolls?” She grabbed onto Dolls. Willa was still peaking out the window.

       “We’re ok,” he assured.

       The oldest Earp turned to them. “Good to go? She asked as she reloaded her gun.

       “Wait.” Wynonna made her way to the struggling Waverly.

       “For what? They just tried to kill us in our own home again!” Willa shouted back.

       “Uh, guys,” Waverly slurred. “I think I got a littlebitshot.” She fell to the ground, still gripping her side.

       “Waverly!” Wynonna dropped to her knees, grabbing her face.

       “They’re getting away!” Willa yelled again, trying to get the darker brunette to pay attention to her.

       “JUST A SECOND!” She shouted, turning to her. Willa rolled her eyes with a groan, running back out the door. Wynonna looked back to her baby sister. “It’s ok, you’re ok,” she soothed, running her hand through her hair.

       Dolls moved Waverly’s hand away, examining her wound. “Ok, it’s just a graze,” he breathed, looking between both of them.

       “Just!?” Waverly gasped, throwing her head back in pain.

       Wynonna looked back to the door as she pulled her phone out of her pocket. “Shit! Willa!” She looked at Dolls.

       “I’ll go, stay with her!” She handed him her SMG and he rushed out the door.

       “Shh, you’re ok Babygirl,” she cooed as she pulled up her contacts.




       “So, he’s going to prison?” Mercedes asked, staring wide-eyed at the redheaded Officer.

       “Yes, most likely,” she confirmed.

       She sat back in shock as the heeled redhead started bouncing around the room, cheering and whooping. She stopped after a few seconds, placing her hands on the back of the chair. “I have been waiting for this day for 18 years! That little shit has ruined my life and now he will be out of my hair!- Oh my gosh, I have to tell Beth!” She grabbed her purse and ran out of the room, leaving Nicole more than confused.

       She felt her phone buzzing in her pocket. “Officer Haught, at your service!” She answered cheerfully, kicking her feet up onto her desk and twirling a donut around on her left pointer finger.

       “Nicole,” Wynonna answered breathlessly.

       Her heart dropped to the floor as she heard the familiar sounds of someone's crying in the background. She dropped her feet leaning forward in the chair, gripping her phone like her life depended on it.  “Wynonna, what-” Her voice broke. “What happened?” She asked shakily.

       “There was a siege on the Homestead. And, Waver- Waves got shot.”        

       Nicole’s breath stalled in her throat as she stood up. “I’m on my- I’m- I’m coming. Tell her I’m coming.”

       “I will, Nicole, just get here.”

       Nicole gulped as she hung up, flying out the door, heading straight for Nedley’s office. “Randy,” she breathed, gripping the doorframe.

       He looked up, standing when he saw the color of her face. “Nicole?” He asked cautiously.

       “Wynonna- there was a- Waverly got shot,” she stammered.

       “Oh, oh no. Ok, Nicole, go,” he finished. She left without a word, sprinting out the doors, pushing past a group of people, and scrambling into her car. She started it and sped off, sirens blaring.

       With the help of hitting 130 as she went, driving like a bat out of hell, she was quickly at the Homestead. She saw the front of the house decorated with bullet holes and the multiple bodies scattered across the front lawn.

       “Nic,” Waverly slurred, looking up at Wynonna when she heard her siren approach.

       “Yea . . . I told you she was coming,” Wynonna soothed, putting pressure on the cloth she was holding against Waverly’s wound.

       The front door smacked open as Nicole tumbled into the house, scanning her eyes frantically around the room until they landed on Wynonna with Waverly’s head in her lap. She rushed over, sliding on her knees beside them. “Waves,” she breathed, taking her bloody hands in her good hand.