28. Are You Turned On by My Girlfriend?

       “Is there any reason why you are knocking on my door at 6 in the morning, Holliday?” Wynonna grumbled.

       Doc removed his hat. “I’d like to get an early start working on the house, and I don’t have Officer Haught’s number, so I was wondering if I could get that from you?”

       Wynonna blinked at him for a few seconds before letting him in. “Would you like me to go wake her up for you?” Wynonna asked with an annoyed smile. He looked confused. “She’s upstairs, Doc.”

       He made an O shape with his mouth and nodded. “I will be . . . waiting right here,” he smiled, leaning back against the couch.

       Wynonna grumbled something and walked up the stairs, giving Waverly’s bedroom door a knock. “Haught Pantssss,” she sang quietly, cracking the door open a bit. She didn’t hear anything, so she walked in. “Haught Pants, get u-” She paused, looking at the couple with a small smile forming on her face. Nicole was still cuddled up on Waverly, who had a protective arm hugging her shoulder. “This is . . . dare I say . . . adorable .” She moved closer to the bed, but a blue box on her sister’s dresser caught her eye. She recognized it quickly as her polaroid camera. With a smirk, she walked over to it and picked it up. She slowly climbed up on the edge of the bed and stood up, raising the camera to her eye and snapping a picture of the two of them. She dropped her hands and waited for the film to come out of the bottom. Her lip twitched a little bit. “I am suddenly realizing how creepy this is,” she mumbled to herself, hopping off the bed. She shook the film, watching it develop, and clipped it up on Waverly’s wall next to all her other Polaroids. She sighed, placing the camera down and picking up a fly swatter. She walked over to Nicole’s side and smacked her on the ass. “Wakey, wakey, eggs and bac-ey!” She sang.

       Nicole jerked forward, quickly grabbing where she hit her. “What the fuck, Wynonna,” she grumbled groggily, eyes still basically shut.

       “Cole,” Waverly mumbled, voice cracking from sleep.

       Nicole sat up, placing her casted hand on her stomach, making patterns with her thumb, and rubbing her eyes with the other. “What do you want?”

       Wynonna chuckled. "You,” she bopped her on the head with the fly swatter, “have work to do. Doc’s downstairs already.”

       The redhead blinked at her, grabbing her phone from the nightstand. “At 6:14 in the morning?” She asked with no emotion.

       “Yep!” She smiled, clapping her hands once. “You have to go pick up the materials still, too, so I’d get a’movin.” Nicole flopped back down on the bed as Wynonna walked out. She rolled over to face her girlfriend.

       Waverly scooted closer to her. “My Cole,” she mumbled, burying her face in her chest and gripping her sleeve.

       Nicole sighed, rubbing her hand along her back. “I gotta get going, Love. I want to get as much work done as we can today.”

       “No.” Nicole rolled over, throwing her legs over the side of the bed. “Nooo.”

       “Go back to sleep, Wave,” she said, throwing a smile over her shoulder as she stood up. She changed back into her clothes from the night before and sat back down on the bed.

       “Be careful today, mk?” The sleepy brunette mumbled into the pillow.

       “We will,” Nicole said as she laid down. “I’ll see you later.” Waverly turned her head and Nicole gave her a chaste kiss, standing back up and leaving the room, shutting the door behind her. She walked downstairs and poured herself a cup of coffee into a travel mug she found.

       “Who knew she owned pants?” Wynonna snickered as she walked out of the bathroom.

       Nicole gave her a look, walking over to John Henry. “Ready, Amigo?” She sighed, taking a drink of her coffee.

       “Yes, Ma’am,” he answered, pushing himself off the couch and heading for the door.

       “First. Call me Nicole or Officer Haught, I don’t care. When you say Ma’am it makes me sound old. Second. You are taking me to my house so I can change.” He nodded, opening the door and heading towards Wynonna’s truck that now had a trailer attached to it. “Please tell me you already did measurements and have it all ready to pick up,” she begged.

       “It’d be quite foolish not to,” he said with a grin, pulling away from the Homestead.


.  .  .


       Their first stop after Nicole’s house was the lumber yard. Nicole stepped out of the truck, now dressed in a white t-shirt, blue, black, and white flannel, distressed skinny jeans, the black combat boots she had worn the other day, and a black snapback with rainbow lines stitched across the front, hair hiding underneath in her normal french braid. She and Doc walked up to the front desk, finding a half-asleep man sitting behind the counter. “How can I help ya?” He yawned.

       “We have a load to pick up. It’s probably under Earp,” Doc informed, removing his hat and smoothing his hair back.

       The man searched through a stack of papers. “Here we are. Wood siding and furring strips, it says?”

       “Yes, Sir,” Nicole nodded.

       “Alright. We make people pay before they load it. Are you guys going to need help, there’s a fee for that.”

       “I think we’ll be alright,” Doc said, placing his hat back on and pulling a debit card out of his pocket. The name on the front read Gus McCready. She figured Gus had offered to pay.

       “It’s gonna be . . . $12,200,” the man said.

       She watched Doc’s mouth fall open. “Good gracious,” he gulped. She was not going to let her girlfriend’s aunt that had practically raised her go broke.

       “We could break that down into monthly payments if you would prefer,” the man informed, looking at Doc’s rather pale face.

       Nicole quickly dug her wallet out of her pocket, handing the man a card. “I got it,” she said, looking over to him with a smile.

       “Officer Haught-”

       “I said I got it, Doc. Go start loading, I’ll meet you out there in a sec.” He slowly nodded, pushing the card back in his pocket and walking out of the building. The man handed back her card. She thanked him and pulled her work glove out of her back pocket, slipping it onto her left hand as she walked out the door. She watched Doc back the truck and trailer up to a tarp-covered pile of wood. He hopped out and pulled the tarp off, revealing some skinny siding, wider siding, and furring strips, all in individual piles.

       “How are we going to go about doing this?” He asked.

       “I say we put them in the trailer, keeping them in their piles. We can put the windows in the bed, it’d be less likely for anything to happen to them.” Doc nodded, pulling his work gloves on.

       They had everything loaded in about 20 minutes, so they got back in the truck and headed for Home Depot. “Ya’ll have all the equipment already, right? Like table saws and nail guns?” Doc looked over to her with a cocked eyebrow. “Oh, jeez.” She pulled her phone out and called Wynonna.

       “Wassup, Haught Bod,” she answered.

       “Mr. Old Fart doesn’t know if ya’ll already have the equipment we need.”

       “Ok . . . Like?”

       “Table saws, nail guns . . .”

       “The big circle thing that cuts things?”

       “Yea. Do you have that stuff?”


       Nicole groaned. “Fantastic. Ok, bye Wynonna.” She hung up and turned to Doc. “You are going to go get the windows and I am going to go get tools. Got it?” He nodded as they pulled into the parking lot.

       Nicole got a cart and headed off her way and Doc went his. She picked up a table saw, 2 nail guns and nails, 2 tape measures, some levels, and a pack of carpenter pencils. She strolled over to the windows section and found Doc walking towards her with 8 windows in his cart. They headed towards the checkout.

       “They’re really fine with us redoing everything?” She asked. She knew the house meant a lot to the Earp’s. And they were replacing everything on the outside.

       “Gus talked to them about it. Wynonna wasn’t too fond of the idea, but when she explained that the wood was basically rotting, she gave in.” Nicole nodded, loading stuff on the belt. The total for it all was over $3,000, so Nicole decided to pay for it again. They walked out to the truck.

       “I don’t see how you have $15,000 laying around,” Doc grumbled.

       “I don’t see how you didn’t figure this would cost a lot,” she said, raising her eyebrows at him.

       He pursed his lips. “Things were a lot cheaper in my day,” he sighed.

       “Yea cause you had to go chop the tree down yourself,” Nicole smirked as she started loading things in the back.


.  .  .


       Doc and Nicole had all the old siding off of the front of the house by 10 AM. “Break time,” Doc sighed, sitting down on the porch and pulling a flask out of his pocket. Nicole wiped her face of dirt and sweat with the bottom of her shirt, walking inside.

       “How’s it going, Dear?” Gus asked from the kitchen where she was cooking.

       “Good. Ripped everything off the front. Bout to start cutting.”

       She nodded with a smile. “Does John Henry still have my card?”

       Nicole grabbed a water from the fridge. “Yea, I’ll go get it from him.”

       “How much was it all,” she asked, turning around and rubbing her forehead.

       Nicole’s heart rate sped up a bit. She slowly turned to face her. “Uh. I covered it,” she said with a small smile. Gus furrowed her eyebrows. “Cause it was . . . a lot.”


       “15K, Gus.”

       Her eyes widened. “How did you-”

       “Don’t worry about it. I just wasn’t gonna put all of that on you.”

       Her face softened. “I would smother you in a hug right now, but you are quite nasty.”

       Nicole laughed, looking down at herself. “Good decision.” 

       The older woman smiled, turning back to the stove. “Get Doc in here, brunch’s ready” She nodded and walked outside, calling him in and getting Gus’ card from him. The Earp sisters were trampling down the stairs when they walked back inside.

       “You two stink,” Wynonna scoffed when she walked past them.

       “I can’t imagine why,” Doc joked. Nicole kicked her shin as she walked past her to go in the bathroom to clean up a bit.

       When she came back out, Doc and Wynonna were flicking each other, Willa was glumly looking at her phone, and Waverly was helping Gus set the table. She spun around her, taking the plate of pancakes out of her hands and kissing her on the cheek.

       “Hi,” she giggled.

       “Hi yourself,” Nicole smiled, placing the plate down and taking a seat. Waverly sat down next to her.

       “As if people didn’t already know you were gay,” Waverly sighed, tapping the bill of her hat. The Officer smacked her with a pancake.


.  .  .


       “Wynonna!” Waverly shouted from upstairs. No answer. “Wynonna!” She shouted again, louder this time. Still no answer. With a loud exaggerated sigh, she slammed her book down and went downstairs, finding Wynonna’s face locked on something outside. She walked over to her. “Wynonna,” she huffed.

       Wynonna turned to her, mouth open. “Haught-Damn,” she breathed. Waverly cocked her eyebrow, moving to the door next to her, mouth immediately dropping open. She saw Nicole lugging a pile of wood towards the house in nothing but a sports bra and jeans. It was unseasonably warm for March in Canada, even Doc was shirtless cutting wood at the table saw. “You are one lucky woman.”

       “Are you turned on by my girlfriend, Wynonna?” Waverly asked with a smirk, crossing her arms.

       “Pshh, no!” Waverly rolled her eyes. “I need to go outside to . . . yea.” The smaller girl followed her out and walked over to the truck, hopping up onto the hood that just so happened to be facing the redhead's direction. She was starting to put the new siding up on the left side of the Homestead. She could see all the muscles in her upper body working as she moved along. Arms flexing when she picked up a new piece of wood. Back clenching as she put it into position against the furring strips and nailed it into place. She was pretty sure she was drooling at this point.

       Nicole caught her gawk after a few minutes when she went to get another piece of siding. She turned to face her, sticking her tongue out slightly between her teeth with a smirk. She turned her hat around and pulled her wireless earbuds out of her ears, purposely flexing as she did so. She swaggered towards the brunette, placing her hands on the hood on either side of her legs. “Whatcha doin?” She asked, raising her eyebrows above a wide smile.

       Waverly started breathing heavier than she already was. “Just . . . watching the gun show,” she said, looking down at her with wide eyes.

       “Ms. Earp, I do not believe you paid admission,” she drawled.

       Her cheeks flushed. “And how shall I go about doing that?” Nicole licked her lips, gripping her legs and pulling her forward so her hips hit her middle. The brunette gasped slightly, slowly looking up at her. She smiled a cocky smile, pushing her legs behind her back and sliding her hands under her thighs, lifting her off the hood and walking around to the side, pinning her against it.

       “That’s hot,” Waverly whispered, grabbing her neck and pulling her sweaty face into a kiss. She moved her hands down to her arms, gripping her biceps and sliding her tongue into her mouth.

       Wynonna was leaning forward, hands on the table saw. “Are you guys gonna get the front done today?” She asked Doc.

       “With the rate she’s moving, we will . . .” He trailed off when he looked forward, seeing the couple. He quickly averted his eyes back to Wynonna, face blushed the slightest bit.

       She squinted at him, turning around and seeing her baby sister pinned against her truck. “Yuuuck,” she complained, making a face when she turned back around. With a grumble, she started walking towards them. They seemed to be too distracted with one another to hear her approach, so she slowly leaned against the cab, a few feet away from them. “HAUGHT!”

       They quickly pulled away from each other. Waverly brought a hand to her mouth. “Oww, you bit my tongue.”

       She gave her a sorry look. Wynonna scooted closer to them. “Are we having fun over here?” She asked sweetly.

       Nicole shot her a glare. “I was having fun, but then you came along.”

       “Nic,” Waverly said through her teeth. She set her down with a wink.

       “I don’t think Gus is paying you to make out with Babygirl,” Wynonna huffed. 

       The Deputy cocked an eyebrow. “She wants to pay me?”

       “Uh, ya,” the older Earp confirmed.

       “Wh- No. I’m just helping you guys out, I don’t want her to pay me.”

       Wynonna raised her eyebrows at her in disbelief. “You’re gonna refuse money?!” 

       Nicole blinked at her, “Yes, I am. Tell Doc to take a break.” She turned around and headed for the Homestead.

       “She seriously signed up to do this not wanting to get paid for it?” Wynonna asked her sister.

       “ I didn’t know she was getting paid.”

       “Well, I mean, after she bought all the materials, I’d think she would want a little something back for it.”

       Waverly widened her eyes. “She what?!”

       Wynonna leaned back against the truck. “Yea, Doc said she wouldn’t let him use Gus’ card. Sum about her having 15K lying around, I dunno.”

       “15,000 DOLLARS?!” The younger girl exclaimed.

       “Apparently wood siding is really expensive,” Wynonna shrugged. Waverly started for the Homestead.




       “Gus!” Nicole shouted as she walked in the door.

       The woman turned around from the sink, eyebrow cocked. “Nicole,” she answered.

       Nicole walked over and placed her hand on the back of the chair.“You’re not paying me,” she said bluntly.

       The older woman dried her hands off. “Yes, I am.”

       She shook her head. “No, I won’t- You don’t need to pay me, I’m just helping ya’ll out.”

       Gus furrowed her brow. “Sit.” Nicole did so, removing her hat. Gus sat down in front of her and poked her finger into the table. “You took $15,000 out of your own pocket to help. The least I can do is repay you a little bit.”

       “But-” She bit her cheek, letting out a sigh. “Family doesn’t pay family where I come from, so I’m not gonna take it. You can pay Doc all you want, but I’m fine, ok?”

       Gus smiled, tapping her thumb on the table. “We need more of your kind to walk into town,” she sighed. Nicole smiled.

       The front door swung open. “Nicole!” Gus gave her a worried look.

       “I think I’m in trouble,” Nicole muttered to her before standing up and placing her hat back on. “Yes, Darlin’?”

       Waverly stomped over to her and crossed her arms. Nicole held back a smile as she mimicked her stance. “Why’d you do that!?” She demanded, throwing her arms out in front of her.

       Nicole raised her eyebrows at her, dropping her arms to her sides. “Why’d I do what?”

       “Why’d you pay for all of it?”

       She rubbed her hand down her face, tired of hearing that question. “Because I wanted to,” she sighed, walking past her.

       Waverly grabbed her arm and she turned back around. “Don’t you think you should have at least talked to me about it first before you blew 15K?”

       Nicole shifted her stance. “Wave, it’s my money. I told you I only use it on important things . . . and this was pretty important to me.”

       Waverly clenched her jaw and fists, tapping one against her side. Nicole gulped, watching her eyes well up with tears. “God, I love you,” she breathed, wrapping her arms around her middle. Nicole let out the breath she didn't know she was holding, slowly hugging her arms around her shoulders. Waverly pulled back after a few seconds, wiping her eyes. “You stink,” she giggled.

       “Knowing how much you've been all up on me literally, you probably stink, too,” she winked. Waverly smacked her stomach. Nicole smirked, cupping her cheek, giving her a kiss.

       She smiled up at her when she pulled away. “Back to work, Officer,” she husked, tapping her pointer finger on her collarbone.

       The redhead dropped her hand to her ass. “Yes, Ma’am.”  

       “Haught,” Gus growled from the sink.

       Her eyes widened. “Sorry!” She squeaked, running towards the door. She noticed the black SUV parked outside. “Hey, Dolls,” she said, walking up to him. He had seemed to have taken over her position nailing the siding.

       “Officer Hau-” His voice stuck in his throat when he looked up at her, eyes quickly glancing at her body. He cleared his throat, standing up. “I, uh, thought I would come and help you guys out.”

       “Ok, cool,” she smiled, shoving her hand in her pocket. “You sure you don’t need me to go put my shirt back on?” She smirked, throwing her other thumb over her shoulder.

       He smiled a fake smile. “Cute.”

       She laughed, shaking her head. She plugged one of her earbuds back in and shoved a piece of wood at him.


.  .  .


       It was 8 PM and Nicole’s hand was blistered from ditching her glove hours prior. Her feet hurt from standing up all day. Her brain hurt from doing math. But most of all, her eyes hurt from the mixture of sawdust and squinting in the dark for the last hour. She couldn’t do it anymore. She peeked her head inside the door. “Baby!”

       “What?!” Waverly shouted from upstairs.

       “C’mere!” She shut the door and Waverly came outside a few seconds later.

       “Aw, you put clothes on,” she frowned, sticking her bottom lip out.

       “It's, like, 45 degrees out now.”

       Waverly smirked at her. “What’d you need?”

       “Do ya’ll have a light or something? My eyeballs are going to fall out of my head if I have to squint at one more measurement.”

       Waverly furrowed her brow, grabbing her shoulders and pulling her underneath the very dim porch light, tilting her head towards her. “Niccc.” She pulled her eyelids down gently, staring at her bloodshot eyes. “You’re eyes are so red!”

       Nicole pursed her lips, taking her hands and bringing them down to the collar of her flannel. “That’s why I need a light,” she smiled. Waverly went to say something, but she put a finger to her lips. “We have like 2 hours of work left and then we will be done with the front.” The brunette clenched her jaw. Nicole kissed her forehead.

       “I’ll get you a headlamp,” she sighed, walking inside. She walked back out and Nicole put her hand out as she cut a piece of wood. Waverly gasped, yanking her by the wrist back into the porch light.

       “Waverly,” the redhead sputtered, almost tripping up the step.

       “You’re hand is bleeding and blistered!”

       Nicole sighed loudly. “Babe, I love you. And I know you care about me, but I have work to do. You can doctor me up when I am done.”

       Waverly bit her cheek, turning her hand over and running her thumb along the top of her hand. Nicole flinched slightly, so Waverly looked down at the bruising along her knuckles. “Nico-”

       “I am fine, it's from that asshole last night.” She let go of her hand and took the headlamp, turning her hat around and placing it over the top of it. “I’ll be done before you know it,” she assured, flashing a dimpled smile. Waverly smiled slightly with a nod, heading back inside. Her lips formed a straight line and her eyes dimmed as she walked upstairs.


.  .  .


       The Officer handed Dolls the final piece of wood, and he nailed it in place, climbing down off the ladder. “Thank God Almighty!” Doc exclaimed, falling back onto the grass and staring at the stars above him. Dolls pulled his gloves off and Nicole took her hat off, sliding her hand down her hair, feeling the sting from her hand.

       “Good work today, Boys,” she sighed. They both grumbled something, saying goodbye to one another, and headed their separate ways. Nicole trudged over to the truck and grabbed her bag from the passenger’s seat, heading inside, right to the bathroom upstairs to shower.


.  .  .


       She walked out of the bathroom, now in a grey MTV tee and Nike cotton shorts, headlamp in hand. She walked towards her girlfriend’s room. “Hey, Wave? Where do you want me to pu-” She stopped at the door, her slightly burned face going pale. Waverly was sitting up on her bed, knees to her chest, slowly rocking back and forth. She threw her bag and the light down, rushing over and jumping onto the bed, pulling her onto her lap. “Waves, look at me.” She cupped her cheek, tilting her head up. Her eyes were glazed over in a daze. “Waverly, c’mon,” she repeated, voice wavering. She rubbed her thumb on her cheek. “Baby.” A tear rolled down the redhead’s face, but she quickly wiped it with her shoulder.

       Waverly blinked, meeting her teary eyes. Nicole let out a breath, hugging her head to her chest. "How're you done already?" She mumbled.

       Nicole cocked an eyebrow, letting her out of the hug and resting her hand on her knee. "What do you mean?"

       "You said you still had, like, 2 hours left." 

       "Baby, that was 2 hours ago." She realized she must have been dazed the whole time. "Wave . . ." She choked out, hugging her again.  

       “I thought it was him,” she said, barely a whisper.

       The Officer looked down at her. “You thought who was wh-” It took a second to click. “Baby, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have turned my back on you, it wouldn’t have-”

       Waverly shook her head. “It’s not your fault . . . I guess I’m just the pretty girl that every guy wants to rape.” She blinked hard and a tear fell.

       “W-Wave. That’s not true . . . You don’t even know what his intentions were.” Nicole wiped her face of another tear.

       Waverly dropped her glance. “Trust me, I know exactly what his intentions were,” she mumbled.

       “How?” Nicole asked gently, tipping her head back up.

       She swallowed. “What do you think he was whispering to me, Nic?”

       Her face softened with a frown. “Oh, Baby . . .” Waverly brought both hands to her face, leaning her head on the redhead’s shoulder as sobs started to shake through her. Nicole pulled her closer as her own tears started to fall. And she let them.

       A few minutes later, the Deputy heard footsteps approach the door. “Aw, Waverly, d’you get a papercut?” Willa asked, sticking her bottom lip out.

       The Officer snapped. She slid out from beneath Waverly and stormed the door. The eldest Earp’s eyes went wide and she backed up. “You know what, Willa?! I am seriously this fucking close t-”

       Waverly placed her hand over her mouth, pushing her back, much like she had at the pizza place. “Stop,” she sniffled, shaking her head. Nicole dropped her shoulders, pushing her hand through her still-wet hair. Waverly took her hand off her mouth and turned back to the bed.

       “Gosh, Waverly, tame your fucking dog,” Willa scoffed, walking away.

       Waverly spun around, sprinting towards the door. “YOU MOTHERFUCKING SON OF A GODDA-” Nicole wrapped one arm around her stomach, picking her up off the ground, and covered her mouth with the other. Waverly kicked her legs as Nicole pushed the door closed with her foot and carried her over towards the bed.

       “Willa, get your ass down here right now!” They heard Gus snap.

       Waverly was still struggling in her arms. Nicole dropped the hand that was covering her mouth. “Let me kill her,” she growled.

       “Nope,” Nicole sighed, tightening her grip as she started to grab at her arm. “Stop it, Wave.” She stopped moving. “You done?”


       “So, you can promise me that when I put you down, you’re not gonna run for the door?”

       Waverly sighed. “Fine.” Nicole set her down, watching her carefully. She looked quickly down at her hand, seeing she had ripped a blister open. And Waverly caught her. She grabbed her elbow. “C’mon.” She brunette drug her to the bathroom and sat her down on the toilet lid.

       “Wave-” She stopped at the glare she got from her.

       “Don’t start.” Nicole sighed, leaning back. Waverly took her hand and examined it. “Jeez, Nic.” She pulled some stuff out of the medicine cabinet. “Peroxide. C’mere,” she said, wiggling the bottle.

       “Noo,” Nicole complained, sticking her lip out.

       “Would you like to have to get your hand cut off?” Waverly asked, raising her eyebrows. The redhead sighed, stepping towards her and putting her hand over the sink. “Not a lot, Babe.”

       “Mk.” She began to pour it, grabbing Nicole’s wrist with one hand and holding the bottle with the other.

       And it hurt . . . a lot more than she remembered it did. “Fuckkkkk! Holy shit, ok Wave, that’s good!” She ignored her. “Waverly!” Still ignored her. “Babe, c’mon!”

       “Nicole, you better shut the fuck up, there is still crap in it!”

       Nicole clenched her jaw, gritting her teeth. She stopped after a few more seconds, but still held her hand there, letting it bubble up. “Why are you so mean to me?” She grumbled.

       Waverly rinsed her hand off. “Because I love you." She kissed her cheek.


       Waverly bumped her with her hip. “Sit.” She did so and propped her elbow up on her leg, palm up. Waverly started rubbing Neosporin on each blister and cut.

       Someone knocked on the door. “If it’s Willa, go fuck yourself,” Nicole grumbled. Gus peeked her head through the door. Her eyes widened. “Sorry.”

       “I expected more if I’m being honest,” she chuckled, moving into the room.

       “I was gonna add with a cactus,” the redhead smiled, but quickly winced, looking back down to her hand.

       “Quit moving,” Waverly mumbled.

       “Quit moving,” the redhead mimicked. Waverly looked up at her, eyebrows raised as she pushed down on one of the open blisters with the cotton swab. “OW! Ow, ok, I’m sorry!” Waverly smirked, continuing on.

       Gus shook her head at them. “She won’t be bothering you two anymore, I hope."

       “Why?” They asked.

       “Well . . .”


-  -  -


       Gus was sitting on the couch when she heard Willa make the papercut comment. She took a drag of her beer, ears perking up when she heard Nicole yelling. She stood up and walked to the bottom of the steps, wanting to make sure no one hurt anybody. She had heard from Wynonna how Willa had been tormenting them all the time. “Gosh, Waverly, tame your fucking dog.” She inhaled sharply, clenching her fingers around her beer. She heard the unmistakable scream of Waverly Earp that was cut short and watched Willa go to enter her room.

       “Willa, get your ass down here right now!” She snapped. Willa turned around, looking down at her with her eyebrows raised. She pointed in front of her and the older sister sulked down the stairs. “Get on the couch.” She sat down with a huff and Gus sat on the opposite end, setting her beer down. “What the hell is your problem, Girl?”

       “What? I was just messing with them and then she went batshit crazy on me!”

       “I’m not talking about just now, I am talking about how you never have anything nice to say to either of them.”

       Willa scoffed. “What do you mean me? Did you hear that Waverly tackled me yesterday?!”

       Gus nodded. “Yes, I did. I also heard about the horrible things you said that caused her to.”

       “She threatened to kick me out!”

       “Good! I would have, too, if you talked about my partner like that! Nicole’s been nothing but nice to you.” 

       She rolled her eyes. “Oh please, just because they are screwing each other doesn’t make them together! What they have is pointless, and I am trying to make her realize that!”

       Gus scowled and stood up. “Get out,” she said pointing towards the door.

       Willa stood with wide eyes. “You can’t kick me out,” she snapped.

       “Really? Cause that’s what I’m doing.”

       “You’re choosing Dike Magee over me?! I am your niece, Gus!”

       She clenched her jaw, stepping towards her. “No one talks about my family like that.” Willa’s mouth dropped open. “Go. I don’t want to see you until you have a changed mindset and a sincere apology for both of them.” She huffed, turning around and storming out the door. Gus shook her head, heading towards the stairs.


-  -  -


       “Thank God! I was seriously about to snap her neck,” Waverly sighed. Nicole kicked her leg, giving her a look. “What? I was.”

       The redhead rolled her eyes. “Really, though. Thank you, Gus,” she said with a smile as Waverly put a bandage around her finger. Gus nodded, squeezing her shoulder.

       Wynonna popped her head in the door. “Why is Willa standing at the end of the driveway?” She asked.

       “I kicked her out,” Gus said, turning to her.


       “She called me a dog,” Nicole informed, looking over to her.

       “We’re tired of her bull,” Waverly sighed, taping gauze to her palm.

       Wynonna nodded in agreement, casting her eyes to the Officer's hand. “Damn, Haught Potato, you’re a fragile little snowflake,” she laughed.

       “Yea. And this snowflake can have you on your ass in 2 seconds flat,” she smirked.

       Wynonna rolled her eyes. “I’m sure you can.”

       Nicole stood up, puffing her chest. “Oh, you want to test it out?” 

       The older Earp stepped back. “No, I-I think I’m good.” The trio in the bathroom laughed.

       Wynonna scowled at them before smiling a shit-eating grin. “Hey, did I tell you that I found the video of you doing that body shot off me the other night?”

       Nicole’s face went ghost white, mouth falling open. “WHAT!??!” Waverly exclaimed. “You better be lying,” she growled, turning to her sister.

       “Wynonna . . . ?” The redhead asked nervously.

       “Scout’s honor,” she sighed, holding up three fingers.

       “NICOLE!” She barked, smacking her arm.

       She cracked her neck. “I’d suggest you start running right about now,” Nicole seethed, turning to the darker brunette. They both took off. Nicole chased her down the stairs and tackled her in the living room.

       “Oh damn,” Gus muttered, looking to Waverly. They were watching from the top of the steps.

       Nicole flipped her over. “Show me,” she demanded, grabbing her face. Wynonna dug her phone out of her pocket from under Nicole’s leg. She sneakily sent it to Waverly before turning the phone around. Nicole let her face go and grabbed the phone, pressing play.


       The camera panned around the club, stopping at Wynonna laying on the bar with her shirt rolled up. There was a lady putting a line of salt down her stomach. It quickly panned over to a very drunk Nicole. “Do you have any words of wisdom before you do this?” The lady filming it asked.

       Nicole grabbed the phone with one of her hands.  “Waves,” she slurred. “If you see this, I’m so sorry. I am realllly bad with peer pressure.” She handed the phone back to the lady and walking over to Wynonna.

       “Haught Shit! Let’s do this!” The brunette drunkenly sputtered. People that were watching started cheering. Nicole got herself up on the bar and straddled her legs. The lady put the lime in Wynonna’s mouth and the shot in between her legs.

       The faint sound of people chanting got louder.  “Body shot, body shot, body shot!” Nicole smirked, locking her hands behind her back and dipping her head to her crotch, grabbing the shot and tipping it back. The lady took it from her mouth. She licked the line of salt off her stomach and grabbed her shoulders, leaning forward and getting the lime. The chanting suddenly changed. “Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss!” Nicole pulled back a little, looking down at Wynonna wide-eyed. She smirked, pulling her head down into a kiss. People were cheering and clapping. The redhead pulled back, sitting up and punching the air. She stumbled down off the bar, tossing the lime away, and walked back over to the camera. 

       “Love you, Wave,” she slurred with a nervous smile.


       The video ended. Nicole slowly looked to Wynonna with a horrified look on her face. She quickly deleted the video and deleted it from her recently deleted. She looked back down at her. “WHY DID YOU LET ME DO THAT?!?!? I AM A FUCKING COP, WYNONNA!!! DO YOU KNOW HOW FUCKING DRUNK I MUST HAVE BEEN TO EVEN THINK ABOUT DOING SOMETHING LIKE THAT?!?!” 

       “Honestly, Haughty, I don’t remember it either. I found the video and knew I would torture you with it one day,” she smirked.

       Nicole groaned, rolling off of her lap. “I hate you,” she grumbled, covering her eyes with her arm. “Don’t give her details, please?”

       Wynonna snickered. “Too late. I can hear her watching it right now.” Nicole shot up, sprinting up the stairs. She could hear it now, too.

       “Love you, Wave.”

       She stopped at her door, looking at Gus and Waverly sitting on the edge of her bed. Waverly looked up at her, standing up and angrily stomping over to her. Nicole stared down at her, mouth opened, eyes wide.

       Waverly drew back and smacked her across the face. She pursed her lips. “YOU KISSED MY SISTER!!”

       “If it makes you feel any better, I don’t remember kissing your sister,” she mumbled with a smile. Waverly shot her a glare.

       Wynonna appeared behind her. She pushed Nicole out of the way, smacking Wynonna (harder than she had smacked Nicole of course.) “YOU KISSED MY GIRLFRIEND!!”

       “Not to be a bitch, but we weren’t dating when this happened . . .” the redhead mumbled.

       Waverly turned towards her, thinking it over. “THAT . . . Is a very good point . . . Ok.” She kissed her reddened cheek.

       “What the hell?” Her sister said breathlessly. “You’re not mad anymore?”

       “No, I’m still mad.” She smacked Nicole again. “Don’t you ever do something like that again! Especially with my sister!” She snapped, pointing a finger at her.

       “I would never,” she mumbled, rubbing her cheek.

       Waverly nodded, pulling her in for a kiss. She pulled back, quickly gripping the bottom of her chin and tugging her head down. “Good. Cause I know how to hide a body,” she said sweetly. Nicole smiled nervously down at her. 

       “Ok, Waves, I think she got the hint,” Gus said, rubbing her hand on her back.

       “She better,” Waverly grumbled. Nicole smiled a toothy smile at both of them. Gus walked out of the room, glaring at Wynonna as she passed her.

       “Love you, Haught Stuff,” the older brunette called.

       “Fuck you, Earp,” she scoffed, shaking her head and walking over to the bed, plopping down face first. Waverly turned the light off, crawling over her and laying down next to her. Nicole rolled over to face her, pulling the blanket up to her chin. “I’m so sorry,” she mumbled. “I’m such a fucking asshole.”

       Waverly cupped her cheek. “I said it was ok,” she reminded.

       “That doesn’t make me not an asshole.”

       “Well, you apologized to me drunk in a video you didn’t even know if I would see, I think that makes you not an asshole.” Nicole smiled lightly, closing her eyes. Waverly kissed her nose. “Night, Baby, love you.” 

       “Mm, love you, too . . . Make sure I’m up at 10, I’m working 12 to 12 tomorrow.”

       “Mk,” Waverly sighed, snuggling up against her chest. Nicole threw her arm around her, hugging her closer.