41. I Feel a Challenge Coming On

       The next 3 months for the squad were rather busy. Wynonna and Dolls were tracking down Revenants left and right. Nicole had physical therapy at least once a week and one of the Deputies was out on paternity leave, so she was working more hours than usual. Waverly’s days were spent either researching things that had to do with the curse or working on her schooling. She was already two months ahead in her college work than the normal person would be. And if she wasn’t doing either of those things, she was at Shorty’s. 

       The first day of summer rolled around and it was the first time in a long time that neither she or Nicole had to work. And Waverly thought up the perfect idea. 


Waves : R u awake?

Nic ❤ ❤ : Now I am

Waves : Sorry

Waves : Wyd today?

Nic ❤ ❤ : I have a strange feeling that I am going to be hanging out with u

Waves : Good answer. Get ready, I’ll be there in an hour

Waves : PS: you might want to wear workout clothes

Nic ❤ ❤ : Oh no

Waves : Oh yes

       Waverly giggled, setting her phone down as she grabbed a towel, jumping in the shower. 


.  .  .


       Nicole was brushing her teeth half-dressed when she heard a knock at the door. She knew it was Waverly because she knocked the same beat every time she came over. She checked her phone, cocking an eyebrow as she walked to the door, unlocking it and opening it.

       There she stood with hair in braids, dressed in a tight cut off tank top and some colorful leggings. “You’re certainly ready,” she laughed, walking in and kissing her cheek. 

       “It’s only been 35 minutes!” She said around the toothbrush dangling out of her mouth. They walked back towards the bathroom so she could finish getting ready. 

       “I just really wanted to see you,” she admitted, standing behind her and reaching around her waist, sticking her thumbs under the hem of her shorts. “It’s been a whole 3 days.”

       Nicole bent forward, rinsing her mouth out before turning around and leaning back onto the counter. “If I remember correctly, you are the one who had the super big and scary test to study for that called for absolutely no distractions,” she teased. 

       “Mm.” She ran her hand down her exposed abs. “Well, now you may distract me as much as you please.”

       Nicole chuckled lowly, abruptly turning them around, ripping her leggings down and picking her up by the hips, setting her on the counter. Waverly gasped at the sudden action. “I sure do please,” she husked, connecting their lips. Waverly moaned, tipping her head back as her hand definitely began to distract her. 


.  .  .


       They left Nicole’s house a little later that Waverly had hoped to, but was she mad? Absolutely not. “Where are we going?” Nicole asked for the third time that drive. 

       “You’ll see,” Waverly answered . . . for the third time. The redhead groaned loudly. “Patience, Honey,” she smiled. She rolled her head across the headrest to throw her a look. 

       The brunette pulled into a parking lot a few minutes later, Nicole bending her head to read the sign on the building. Her eyes went wide. “Is this a . . .” 

       “Mhm,” Waverly smirked.

       A smile almost tore her face in half. “Oh, I love you,” she muttered, sliding out of the car. Nicole had been talking about her past as a catcher a lot lately, so Waverly decided she wanted to see it for herself. That’s why they were walking, practically running with the speed Nicole was going, into an indoor training facility. When they got inside, they saw the multiple batting cages, an infield, and other areas for different training purposes. The Officer giggled, rubbing her hands together as she looked around with bright eyes. 

       “Are you excited?” Waverly asked, clearly already knowing the answer. 

       “Hell yes!” She exclaimed. They walked up to the front desk, finding a familiar face behind the counter. “Hey, Topher!” 

       “Hey, guys!” 

       “I didn’t know you worked here,” the brunette said, leaning forward onto the desk. 

       “I don’t . . . I volunteer sometimes. Give kids lessons, help out with pitching and catching to whoever needs it. I played all throughout school and never really gave it up,” he shrugged.

       They both nodded. “This one wants to show off so . . .” Waverly nudged Nicole with her elbow. 

       “Oh, you know I am,” she smirked, throwing her a wink.

       Topher laughed, walking around to their side. “Let’s go get your equipment.” The man led them to a room in the back.

       Nicole sorted through a container of gloves, handing one to the brunette. She slipped it onto her hand, opening and closing her fingers a few times with a giggle. “Does it fit?” Nicole asked with an amused smile. 

       “I think so?”

       She grabbed her hand, looking it over. “Good enough,” she confirmed, moving to a different bucket, finding herself a catcher’s mitt. She put one on, punching the center a few times. 

       “What’s the difference?” Waverly asked, cocking her head. 

       “The catcher’s mitt has more padding and funnels inward to help catch pitches better,” she informed over her shoulder, reaching down into a tub and picking up four baseballs, shoving two in each pocket. She grabbed another bucket that was filled with them, setting the mitt on top. 


       The redhead flipped her snapback around, dropping a mask over her head, making sure it fit her. “Ready?” She asked, taking it off and holding it in her free hand. 

       “Uh-huh!” She followed them out. “What are we going to be doing exactly?” 

       “Playing catch,” she informed with a smile.

       Topher led them to a bullpen-esk area. “You two have fun! Come find me if you need anything!” He walked off with a wave.

       The redhead put the mask on Waverly and grabbed her by the shoulders, walking her back a few steps. “Stay,” she smiled. She walked about 20 feet away from her. “We’re gonna see if you can catch it in your glove, alright?” 

       “I’ve never done that.”

       Nicole pulled one of the balls out of her pocket. “It’s ok. I’m gonna teach you. It’s just the same if you were going to catch it with your actual hand . . . kinda.” 

       “Ok . . . Don’t throw it hard,” she begged nervously. Nicole laughed lightly, rolling the ball against her hip. “Nic, seriously.” She smirked, drawing her arm back sharply, pretending to chuck it at her. Waverly flinched, covering her face with her hands. “Don’tttt!” She whined, dropping her hands when she heard her laughing. 

       “Baby, do you really think I’d do that?”

       “No,” she mumbled.

       The Officer shook her head with a smile. “Ok . . . Ready?”

       She nodded. Nicole lightly tossed it underhand and she caught it easily. “That’s not bad,” she affirmed, juggling the ball in her hand a few times. 

       “Told ya.” 

       “Can I throw it hard?!” Sbe asked with an excited smile. 

       “If you don’t aim for my face.”

       She giggled. “I dunno, I just might.” Nicole gave her a warning look. “Ok, ok, I’ll be nice!” She shifted her body, throwing it as hard as she could.

       Nicole caught it a little above her right shoulder. “You’ve got an arm,” she said as she tossed it back to her overhand. 

       “Two actually,” she cracked. Nicole rolled her eyes. They continued to play catch for a little while, Nicole’s throws increasing in power as they went, never anything crazy, though. 

       “Ok, let’s see what I’ve got.”

       Waverly moved over to the side of the net and Nicole stood up on the ramp that acted as a pitcher’s mound. There was a spot against the net that would calculate the speed and show it up on a screen. She stretched her arm around, shaking it out for a few seconds. “I haven’t done this in a hot minute, bear with me.”

       Waverly chuckled. “Mhm. Throw the ball, Haught.”

       She shot her a look over her shoulder. “Throw the ball, Haught,” she mimicked, pulling back, flinging the ball. The screen read 74 mph. She turned to her girlfriend, who’s eyes were slightly widened at her. “Guess what?” She pulled another ball out of her pocket. 


       “I’m just warming up.” 

       “Someone’s cocky.” A small smile teased her lips.

       Nicole lined herself up again on the mound. “Yea . . . I probably should have warned you about that.” She fired it again, gaining 10 mph.

       Waverly laughed. “Trust me, I know. Remember when we played Monopoly?” 

       “Yes. You made me sleep on the couch,” she grumbled playfully. She let a breath out, cannoning the ball towards the net. 93 mph. Waverly let out a quiet whistle. She smiled at herself, glad that she still had it in her. She walked around, collecting the balls off the ground, tossing them back in the bucket. “You wanna try?” She asked, walking over to the brunette, tucking a strand of hair behind her hair. 

       “I can’t do that !” She scoffed.

       Nicole took her hand, walking her over to the mound. “Sure you can!” She placed her hands on her hips, turning her body so her feet were on the grip. “You’re gonna pitch, not just throw it like I was, though.” She set the ball in her hand, positioning her fingers on it, first two fingers on the top, crossing both seams, others tucked down below. “Grip it like this for a four-seam,” she mumbled, looking over to the spot on the net, positioning her hips correctly. 

       “A what now?”

       She looked up at her.  “Type of pitch. Easy fastball.”

       She blinked at her for a beat. “I thought you just had to throw it,” she said softly.

       Nicole smiled sweetly, shaking her head. “The way you hold it predicts how the ball will move in the air,” she informed simply.

       Waverly did a long nod. “I thought you were a catcher?” She questioned with a smirk. 

       “I was,” she confirmed. “Doesn’t mean I don’t know how to pitch, though.” She kissed her gently. 

       “You teaching me all of your sports stuff. Big turn on. I approve.”

       Nicole raised her eyebrows at her. “Oh is it, now?” 

       “Very much so,” she nodded fiercely. Nicole chuckled, taking the ball out of her hand, spitting into her palm, smacking it back down onto it. She looked up at her, face contorting in disgust. “Ew, Nicole!” She grimaced. 

       “Waverly Earp, my tongue has been in your mouth,” she retorted, a smirk creeping up on her face. 

       “Do that again and my foot’s gonna be in your ass,” she quipped, wiping her hand off on the front of the redhead’s shirt.

       Nicole snorted, fixing her fingers again, then moving to stand behind her. “Ok.” She lifted her arms up, pushing the hand with the ball into the glove. “Now shift your weight back to this leg.” She tapped on her back leg and Waverly did so. “And lift this one until your thigh is at least parallel to the floor, turning your torso as you do it.” She cupped the back of her thigh, holding her hip to keep her steady. 

       “Yea?” She asked for approval. 

       “Mhm. ‘Kay. You’re going to bring it down, kicking it out in front of you as you drop your pitching hand down low, past your hip, stretching the other arm out front. Once your foot is about to hit the ground, step forward, using that momentum to swing your body and arm around, taking the weight off of your back leg, leaning forward onto the front as your release.”

       Waverly nodded, turning around and placing the ball in her hand. “Ok, you do it now,” she smiled. Nicole sighed, taking her place on the mound. She shook her arm around some more, lining her fingers up on the ball as she held it in her glove. She hitched her leg, letting out a grunt as she whipped her body around, the ball flying towards the target. 85 mph. “How!?” The smaller girl squeaked. Nicole laughed, taking the mask off Waverly's head and putting a new ball in her hand. 

       “Practice,” she whispered, walking down to the mark for home plate. She slid the mask over her own head, squatting down into a catcher’s stance and closing her mitt a few times. “Just throw it normally a few times, Wave. Get used to it.”

       She nodded, doing so. “How’d you even get into baseball/softball/whatever in the first place?” She asked as Nicole tossed the ball back to her.

       “My parents signed me up for every sport you can think of when I was really little. The only three I took a liking to were basketball, soccer, and t-ball. I was a good goalie and was great at shooting baskets, but baseball has always been my favorite. Everything about being a catcher came naturally to me.” 

       “How did you get so good, though?”

       She sighed, bouncing on her toes, pulling the legs of her shorts up a little. “That’s the only thing I’ll thank my father for. He’d train with me every day. Every day. But . . . after we moved out, my mom took his place. She worked my ass off, too. Once I hit high school, I got an amazing coach. He took over basically after my mom and I stopped talking.” When Nicole threw it back, Waverly must have been really listening to her because she ducked around it at last second. “Oop, sorry.” She stood up straight.

       Waverly grabbed a new ball, positioning it in her hand like Nicole had shown her. She looked up at her nervously. “Nic, I don’t know-”

       She walked over to her. “You can do it.” She pulled the mask up, kissing her forehead and jogging back. “C’mon, Love.” 

       “It’s gonna suck, though,” she mumbled. 

       “Do you know how bad I sucked the first time I pitched?” Waverly raised her eyebrows. “The ball went behind me.”

       She snorted. “Really?” 

       “100%,” she nodded.

Waverly let out a raspberry. “Ok . . .” She wound up like Nicole showed her, pitching the ball. Nicole popped up, reaching to catch it. “That was horrible,” she cringed.

       Nicole shook her head with a smile. “No, that was really good, Waves!”

       She groaned, covering her face to hide a blush. “You’re just saying that,” she mumbled as the redhead walked over to her again.

       She tugged her hands away from her face, holding her hand. “Do I lie to you?” She asked, swinging their arms. It was much like their conversation when she heard her singing for the first time. And many other times when Waverly was insecure about something.


       “No, I don’t. The fact that you’ve never done that before and I was able to catch it means it was good,” she smiled. “You’re a fast learner, Earp.” The brunette giggled, looking down to hide another blush. 

       They screwed around in the bullpen for a little while longer and then Waverly decided she wanted to try the batting cages. They found Topher and traded out equipment, following him to be let into a cage. “I wanna watch you hit!” Waverly smiled, pulling on the strings of her hooded cut-off shirt.

       “Yea?” She asked, voice low.

       Waverly bit her lip, looking up at her through her lashes. “Mhm.” The brunette slid her hands to her exposed biceps and Nicole gripped her hips, flexing her arms with a sly smile. She heard her inhale sharply.

       “I think I can do that,” she whispered, reaching up and rolling her lip down. Waverly tugged her in for a bruising kiss, a small moan escaping when their lips met. Nicole dug her nails into the skin of her hips, pulling her body closer.

       They heard a voice from behind them whisper. “You have a whole team of 13-year-old boys ogling you.” They pulled away, looking towards Topher, who was carrying a buttload of water. He nodded his head slightly in the direction of the infield. They saw 10 heads drop down behind the wall when they looked. 

       “Welp . . .” Nicole turned her head back towards Topher. “Their cups aren’t gonna fit today.” 

       “Oh my God,” he snorted, shaking his head at her as he walked off in their direction. 

       “I . . . Water bottle. I’m gonna go do that.” Nicole nodded, holding back a laugh. “You know what I meant,” she mumbled. 

       “I’m going to get the pitching machine ready,” she smiled.

       Waverly turned away, walking towards the vending machines. She stuck a dollar bill into the slot. “Ya know, I’ve got some balls I’m sure you’d much rather be playing with,” a deep voice from beside her said.

       She looked over to the muscular man who had leaned against the machine. “That is probably the worst pick up line I have ever heard,” she informed, raising her eyebrows as she grabbed her water.

       He laughed to himself, readjusting the cap on his head, looking into her eyes with his baby blues. “I’m just stating facts,” he defended with a smile. 

       “Is that right?” She turned to face him.

       He slid closer to her. “It is,” he said quietly.

       She cocked an eyebrow, keeping her face neutral. “Really?” She asked, voice at the same level. “I don’t remember saying that.”

       He licked his lips. “Oh, Baby, you didn’t have to.” She rolled her eyes.

       He turned at the sound of the end of a metal bat hitting the ground. “Whatcha doin, Bub?” Nicole asked, leaning onto the bat.

       Waverly moved to stand next to the jock. “Do you know what he just said to me?” She asked with a laugh, smacking his arm lightly.

       Nicole’s face changed from a cold stare to a questioning smile. “No, what’d he say?!” She responded excitedly, looking between them.

       Waverly tapped him on the arm again. “Tell her, it was really funny!”

       He blinked at her. “That wasn’t supposed to be funny,” he mumbled, ego deflating. 

       “But it was! C’mon, tell her!” She begged.

       “Wh- No.”

       The redhead took a few steps closer to him, throwing the bat over her shoulder and puffing out her chest, sizing him up. “I think you should tell me,” she smiled with tight lips, using her Officer tone. His mouth came open, moving slightly without making noise. She raised her eyebrows at him. He averted his eyes, repeating his earlier attempt at a pickup line. She nodded, settling her eyes on the brunette. They both began to laugh hysterically. Nicole calmed herself down after a few seconds. “Oh jeez, he thinks you play for his team, Babe,” she breathed out.

       He took a step back, looking towards Waverly. “You’re . . .” 

       “Yep,” she confirmed with a sharp nod. 

       “Well, you could’ve said that,” he muttered under his breath.

       “I could have . . . but that wouldn’t have been any fun.” He sighed, pushing himself off of the vending machine, walking away.

       Nicole walked closer to her, draping her arm across her shoulders. “You good?” She asked, furrowing her brow. She always had to make sure, no matter how over it she had insisted she was. 

       “Yea, I’m fine. That was hilarious!”

       Nicole nodded with a smile, squeezing her fingers before dropping her arm back to her side. “I always enjoy fucking with straight guys,” she admitted as they walked back to the cage. She removed her snapback, setting it on Waverly’s head as she replaced it with a helmet. She threw her a wink before stepping into the cage, activating the machine. She took a couple of practice swings before the first ball spat out. She nailed it, ball flying to the far right corner. Nine more balls shot out, and she hit the majority of them. She twirled her bat around, turning and gripping the net. 

       “Wow,” the brunette breathed, putting her hand where Nicole’s was. “You’re good at that.” 

       “I know right,” she smirked. “Your turn!” Waverly grinned, walking around, entering the batting cage. 

       She taught her how to swing the bat and then pitched the ball to her for a little while. She was doing really well and the redhead was ecstatic about it. 

       “How hard can that thing pitch it?” Waverly questioned, taking a drink of water, pointing to the pitching machine. 

       “100, I think?” Nicole shrugged. “Why?”

       The brunette grinned evilly. “Can Nicole Haught hit a ball at that speed?”

       Her eyes widened. “Uh . . .-”

       Waverly cut her off with a gasp. “I feel a challenge coming on!”

       Nicole tutted, plopping a helmet on her head. “Fine,” she huffed playfully. Waverly got out of the cage and Nicole messed with the controls on the machine, walking back to the batter’s box. “10 tries! You owe me dinner if I hit one!” She shouted. 

       “Deal!” The first ball shot out of the machine and Nicole didn’t swing. She wanted to see what her timing would have to be. 

       “Ooh shit,” she mumbled, watching the countdown for the next one. She swung and missed. Along with the next four. “C’mon, Haught,” she whispered. She sucked in a deep breath, loading up. The sound of the ball hitting metal was music to her ears. “HAA!” She exclaimed, swinging at the next one, tipping it. She got a good hit on each of the next few. On the last swing, she nailed it, sending the ball across to the other side of the cage. 

       “WOAH!” A bunch of voices gasped. She looked to her left, realizing the whole team from earlier was watching her. She smirked at her very impressed girlfriend and exited the cage. 

       “You’re really good!” One of the boys exclaimed.

       She laughed, removing her helmet, putting her other hat back on. “Thanks?” She said a bit bashfully. 

       “You should so come practice with us!” Another said. 


       “That is a great idea!” Waverly smiled, bumping her arm.

       She looked to her with wide eyes. “Uh-huh,” she mumbled, looking back to the posy of teenagers.

       They both followed the running herd to the infield. “Coach!” One hollered. The dark-skinned man turned around, glancing quickly at the couple before back to the boy in front of him. “She,” he pointed to Nicole, “just hit a hundo in the cage and said she'd practice with us!”

       He nodded with a smile, walking over to them. “That’s not an easy thing to do,” he mused, a smile teasing his lips. 

       “I get a free dinner now, so.” Waverly elbowed her. 

       “Marty Fasbinder,” he greeted, sticking out his hand.

       She shook it. “Nicole H-”

       “Haught,” he finished for her. She blinked at him, trying to figure out how he knew her. He must have noticed the somewhat concerned look on her face. “It’s not like you weren't the number one female baseball prospect in America or anything,” he smiled.

       She blushed with a sheepish look on her face. “Right . . .”

       “I coached at Duke way back when. And we wanted you. Real bad.” 

       “I . . . remember,” she said softly. 

       “How’d the U of C treat ya?” He asked, crossing his arms. 

       “Good . . . I’m still a proud Dino,” she laughed. He chuckled. “I . . . don’t know what they want me to teach them.”

       “Just . . . Wear ‘em out. Show ‘em what it takes.”

       She nodded with a large grin. “Is there anything specific you want me to work on?”

       “If you can somehow teach them to think of themselves as a team and get them to focus on the game, I’d be thrilled.” Ideas started shooting through her head.

       “What do you want me to do?” Waverly asked Nicole. 

       “You were a cheerleader. Go do your thing.”

       She widened her eyes at the redhead. “No!” 

       “They are already staring at your ass, what are you afraid of?” She furrowed her brow, looking to her right, finding a group of the boys quickly turning their heads away.

       The Coach threw them a glare and they scattered off. “You’re the boss,” he sighed, clapping her shoulder. Nicole smirked, walking towards the group. Waverly hung back, fully ready to ask Mr. Fasbinder more about this “Number One Prospect” title she hadn’t been informed about. 

       “Alright!” Nicole clapped her hands together, getting all of their attention. “Huddle up!” They all jogged over, standing in a circle. The redhead locked her hands behind her back. “My name’s Sheriff’s Deputy Nicole Haught and I work at the Sheriff’s Department. Some of you probably know that about me. But. What you may not know is that  I was the number one female baseball player in America  during my senior year of high school.” She glanced around at the widening eyes. “I also may or may not hold the record for the lowest pop time during a game.” She smirked. “So . . . Now that you know that. I’m going to show how I trained every day to get there. And trust me when I tell you that you’re not going to get anywhere from a couple of sissy sit-ups.” She exited the circle and began to walk around them. “Here are my rules: 1. You can call me Officer; Haught; Nicole; Master; Sensei; I don’t care.” That got a couple laughs. “ BUT . . . If I hear you call me Bitch, I will make you my Bitch. You will drop and give me 50 . . . 2.” She turned towards her girlfriend. “WAVE!”

       The brunette jogged over. “What?”

       Nicole turned back to the boys. “2,” she repeated. “This is my girlfriend, Waverly.” Her voice dropped low. “I know most of you know that already, though.” She watched as some of their faces turned red from the incident earlier. “So. When she walks away from here and starts doing her thing, you are not to look at her. And if you do, I will, once again, make you my bitch. You will drop and give me 50.” They heard a few audible gulps. She smiled at Waverly, who gave them a wave as she walked away. 

       They all locked their eyes on the redhead. She clapped once, “Let's line up!” The Blue Devils quickly dispersed and did so. She circled to the front of their line and began to pace back in forth in front of them. “Ya’ll will do 30 down and backs. All the way to the wall and back to the line for home plate. If I hear anyone complain, I’m adding another one for everyone.” They all nodded and she walked to the end of the line. “Go!” The 16 kids took off, gawking at the redhead as she sprinted past their light running speed. Their gawk was nothing compared to Waverly’s, though. She threw her a wink, continuing on. She had lapped them by at least 10 when she finished. She placed her hands on her hips, breathing heavily. “32!” She shouted. “Thank Bennington and Lincoln for that!” She had heard those two mumble complaints as she passed them, so she had looked at the names on the back of their jerseys. They all pushed on, most of them red-faced, as she walked over to the two adults in the room. 

       “Show-off,” Waverly mumbled, licking her lips.

       “I’ll make you go run, too,” she warned. Waverly put her hands up, walking away. 

       “You’re good, Haught. They are actually listening to you,” Marty said, nodding his head in approval. 

       “I guess they’re scared of me or something,” she shrugged. He smiled. The boys finished their down and backs, a couple dropping to the ground. She walked back over and they all stood up. “That was good. I’m pleasantly surprised.” They smiled, nodding their heads. The sound of feet pedaling across the floor caught their attention, but when they saw it was Waverly, they all quickly looked back to Nicole. She looked on, though. The brunette did a round off front handspring, ending with a full twist.

       Nicole looked at the boys as her head was still turned. “Carlton, Smith, and Yarber, 50, now,” she ordered, eyeing the three. They shot her a look. “I’m not saying this cause I don’t want ya’ll drooling over my girl. Trust me, I know she’s gorgeous. I was told ya’ll don’t know how to pay attention to the game, and this way, it’ll give you a reason to.” She looked back to the three. “Go on, 50, count together.” They sighed, moving to an open area, dropping to a plank and began doing pushups. “Buddy up. You’re playing some catch. I want to see your throwing. One of you is with me until these three finish.” They heard feet again, but none of them dared to look. The brunette twisted her body into a back handspring, leaping into an aerial cartwheel. Nicole kept herself cool as she looked back to the boys, who had lined up and started playing catch with one another. She stood across from the lonesome boy. “What do you play, Wu?” She asked, tossing him the ball.

       He was a little smaller than all the other’s, so she wasn’t overly shocked he was the one no one grouped with. “Catcher,” he informed.

       She could tell he was shy. “Starter?” She asked, catching the ball as he threw it back. 

       “No,” he mumbled.

       She cocked an eyebrow, throwing the ball pretty hard towards him. He caught it with no sweat, firing it back. “You’re good,” she complimented with a smile.

       He smiled widely back. “Thanks,” he responded softly.

       It hurt her a little. It was almost like no one had ever told him that before. “What’s your name?” 


       She smiled again. “Dude, that’s a really frickin’ cool name!” He laughed, blushing a little. The three finished their pushups, so one took her place. She looked back over to her girlfriend, who slid down into the splits. She locked her jaw to keep it from flopping open as she walked over. “Having fun, are we?” 

       “Mhm,” she smiled, pushing herself back up to her feet. “You?”

       “A lot actually. I forgot how much I loved this.” Waverly smiled, giving her a quick kiss. “Tell me who’s looking.”

       Waverly peeked behind her, spotting a pair of eyes. “Hartford.”

       Nicole chuckled, spinning around. “Hartford! Give me 50!”