43. Poor Sunglasses

       After a trip to In N Out, Nicole pulled up to a gated community. “Fancy,” Waverly mumbled as the redhead rolled her window down, punching in a code to make the gate open. 

       “Mhm,” she smirked, driving through it. Waverly watched out the window as they passed a bunch of other condos and houses. Down a couple of turns and at the very edge of a culdesac stood a stunning 2-story stone condo. Nicole pulled into the driveway and opened the center console, pulling a set of keys out. 

       “It’s gorgeous, Nic,” Waverly said in awe as they climbed out.

       Nicole smiled, taking her hand. “You wanna go take a look around before we haul all of our shit in?” She nodded. The taller one led them up to the door, unlocking it and pushing it open, letting the brunette in first. She slowly walked into the main room, tracing her eyes around. 

       It was beautifully furnished and the floors were a deep cherry hardwood. The Officer followed her around as she explored at her own pace. When they walked upstairs, she found the master bedroom. 

       “That is the biggest bed I have ever seen,” Waverly gasped slack-jawed.

       Nicole chuckled, gripping each of her hips, pulling her ass vigorously into her front. “That we certainly will get good use of,” she husked.

       Waverly let out an unanticipated moan, and the Officer licked her lips. “Like . . . Right now?” She asked, slowly grinding back into her. 

       “Yea- sure- if you want?” The redhead stammered.

       Waverly slowly turned around and stuck her hands up the back of her shirt, stroking her nails up her back, feeling goosebumps rise. “I always want,” she purred. Nicole fixed her eyes on her for a few seconds before grabbing her jaw, tugging her in for a bruising kiss. Waverly turned them and walked back to the bed, shoving her back onto it as she felt her legs hit it. 

       “God, I love when you do that,” she uttered as the younger girl hopped onto her lap.

       “Oh, I know,” she assured, dipping her head to meet her lips again. She felt strong hands grip her ass as she ghosted her thumb across the faint indent on her cheek from Wynonna months back. She groaned, grinding down into her. Nicole snuck her hands to the sides of her shirt, tugging on it a bit. She sat up, allowing her to pull it off of her. 

       “Oh my . . . boobs.” Waverly bit her lip as she watched her girlfriend’s hungry eyes trace over the new maroon and black lace number she had on. She took each of her hands in her own, placing them on her breasts. “Nicole like,” she growled with a wolfish grin as she flipped them over. She palmed at her chest as she slid her tongue deep into her mouth, getting a low groan out of the smaller girl. Waverly hooked a leg around her hip, pulling her body closer. Nicole tutted, ripping the sunglasses that fell down over her eyes off.

       Waverly laughed lightly. “Poor sunglasses.” She rolled her eyes playfully, pulling her own shirt off her body, flexing her arms as she balled it up, tossing it elsewhere. “I suddenly don’t care about sunglasses.” 

       “No?” She asked, teasing her a little as she slowly removed her bra. 

       “Nope, not at all,” she confirmed, eyes tracing over the newly revealed skin. 

       “Mm, didn’t think so,” she rasped, stroking a finger down her neck.

       The smaller girl sat up quickly, surprising Nicole a bit. “You. Are being slow. I. Can’t do slow right now.” She forced the redhead off of her and pushed her to her back, ripping the shorts off her legs, pulling the briefs down with them. 

       “My bad,” she drawled, looking up at the brunette with an all-knowing smile of what she had just hinted back to. 

       “Is that funny?” She asked, cocking her head as she pushed her thumbs into her hip bones. 

       “Yea, kinda is,” she admitted with a shrug. Waverly licked her lips as she unhooked her bra, sliding it down and off her arms. She pulled her bottom lip into her mouth when she tousled her hair a bit, staring seductively into her eyes. Nicole inhaled slowly, reaching out to grab her hip, but in .5 seconds, the brunette’s face was right over her’s and both her arms were being held down on either side of her head. 

       “Tsk, tsk, tsk.” She dug her nails into her wrists. “Officer Haught, did you not learn from last time?”

       She gulped, pupils blowing. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled.

       Waverly smacked one of her hands onto the bottom of her chin, curling her fingers around it tightly. “That didn’t answer my question,” she growled.

       The redhead let out a whine, bucking her hips slightly. “Ye-yea-yes, Ma’am, I learned. I did.”

       She let her go, switching her hand back to her arm. “Good,” she sneered, dropping her lips to her neck, slowly moving across the sweet-tasting pale skin. Nicole let out a throaty moan as she sank her teeth in around her collarbone. 


       “Fuck, Waves,” she breathed, glad her hands were preventing her from touching her. She let out a low chuckle as she continued on down with nips and kisses. She rolled her thumb over a perked bud before pushing it into her mouth, flicking it with her tongue a few times. The taller girl tipped her head back, pushing her body off the bed.

       Waverly moved herself up, kissing the bit of neck right below her ear. “You can touch me now,” she smiled.

       Nicole sighed a laugh, brushing her finger against her thigh, testing the waters before resting her whole hand on it. “You are so fuckin’ sexy, Baby,” Nicole muttered in between kisses as she slowly slid her hands up her sides.

       The brunette detached from her mouth, pushing her face sideways on the bed, casting her hot breath onto her ear. “Speaking of fucking.” The redhead looked down, now realizing that her head was in between her legs. “Do you want me to fuck you, Officer?” She asked, voice laced with innocence. “Would you like that?” 

       “I would,” she breathed out.

       Waverly traced a finger up her slit. “You wou- God, Nic, you’re so wet.”

       She pushed her hand through the brunette’s hair. “Yea, just a lil’ bit,” she nodded breathlessly. Waverly placed her hands on her inner thighs, spreading her legs farther as she blew a stream of cold air onto her sex. She groaned, pushing her thighs against her hands. “Babe,” she whined. 

       “What do you want me to do, Love?” She questioned with a few kisses to the pelvic bone.

       The redhead’s body continued to squirm under her grip. She gripped the back of Waverly’s head, pulling it back and staring into her hazel eyes. “Fuck. Me.” 

       Waverly smirked, heat rushing to her core. “Yes, Ma’am.” 

       And with that, she placed her open mouth against her, forcing her tongue into her folds and tracing it up, stopping right below the swollen bud. She flicked over it once, quickly moving down to her entrance, stiffening her tongue and sticking it in slowly. The redhead drew out her name in a moan. She smiled, wrapping her arms around her thighs to get a better grip as she teased it in and out. Glancing up at a sharp cry, she saw a red-faced Nicole who looked to be losing her patience a bit.

       And, of course she had to give in to her Baby’s needs. 

       She rubbed her thumbs along her thighs gently as she slid back up to the nub, rolling her tongue around it. She heard her breath catch in her throat. “Good, Babe?” She asked, continuing her movements. 

       “Oh, God yes,” she blurted, arching her spine. She pressed down on her hips to keep her grounded as she sped up the roll of her tongue. The redhead let out a few short wails, digging the heels of her feet into her lower back. “Fuck, Waverly, there!” She met her wide gaping eyes, sliding her nails against the quivering skin of her hips. 

       Nicole let go of the sheets, latching her hand onto one of her breasts, the other fisting in her red locks as the sounds of her own screams dispersed into white noise. Waverly though, grinned proudly as she made the woman practically do a backflip over the edge, hearing her name echoing off the walls. She slid her tongue up her slit to gather reminisce of the orgasm, slowly moving up her girlfriend’s shivering body, laying next to her, placing one of her hands on the arm that’s hand was still in her hair, peppering light kisses on the side of her shoulder. 

       After a minute or two, her eyes came back open, blinking quickly. “Are you on Earth again?” Waverly asked, moving her kisses across her bruised collarbone and up to her cheek. 

       “Whatever that was was not Earthly,” she breathed, still trying to steady the rise and fall of her chest. Waverly giggled, blushing slightly as she rested her head next to her’s. Nicole flopped her head to the side to meet her eyes, tilting her chin up and kissing her slowly. “I really like this mouth of yours,” she whispered, tugging on her bottom lip with her thumb and forefinger. She hummed, nuzzling their noses together. 

       Her face fell as a thought popped into her head. A thought that carried images. Images she had to bite her tongue to keep from moaning at.

       “What?” Nicole asked, raising an eyebrow, tracing her eyes over her unreadable face.

       The brunette met her eyes, closing her mouth all the way. “No-nothing. Nothing.”

       Nicole placed her hand over her’s. “You can talk to me about anything, ya know,” she empathized.

       Waverly shook her head, looking away from her face. “No, it’s nothing,” she repeated. 

       She raised her eyebrows. “Really? Cause you drooled on my arm 10 seconds ago.”

       She glanced down, confirming she actually did do that. “No, it’s stupid.”

       The redhead cupped her cheek. “I don’t think anything you could say would be stupid, Working to be Miss Earp,” she smiled.  

       “I dunno . . . I was just wondering . . .” The Officer raised her eyebrows again. She clapped her hands over her face, rolling to her back as a blush stormed her cheeks.

       Nicole grabbed one of her arms, coaxing it away. “Noo, c’mon, we were getting there.” She kissed the palm of her hand. 

       The brunette groaned softly. “I was just wondering . . . if you’ve ever- nope.” She covered her face again.

       Nicole smiled as she pushed a kiss into her arm. “Have I everrr . . .?” The brunette muttered something into her hands, but it was too muffled for her to understand. “Hmm?” She mumbled a negative response. “Wave, it’s ok. What, Baby?” She asked softly.

       She turned her head towards her quickly as she uncovered her face, blurting out her question. “Have you ever used a strap-on?”

       Nicole’s eyes widened. “What?” 

       Her face heated up. “I think you heard me,” she mumbled.

       The redhead blinked at her. “Did I?” She nodded slowly. Nicole swallowed, clearing her throat. “Uhm . . . Yea, I have.” Waverly sighed at the roll of images filling her head again. “Is- Is that something you-” 

       “Yes,” she cut off. 

       Nicole sat up after a few seconds, moving off the bed. Waverly’s heart dropped in fear that she was leaving. “No, Nicole, wa-” 

       “Wave,” she said softly. “Chill.” She opened the drawer on the nightstand and plopped a sealed package in front of her. She looked down at it, heart rate increasing.

       Nicole had a random strap-on set in the nightstand of a condo she didn’t come to a lot because?

       She slowly raised her eyes to the redhead, jaw dropped open. “I’ve never used that one, but I have used one,” she informed softly. 

       “Why’s this here?” She asked, picking up the box.

       Nicole laid back down on the bed next to her. “I don’t know really . . . I bought it last time I came up here . . . just in case I . . . needed it all of a sudden.” 

       “AKA, just in case you picked up a random girl from a club in Vegas ‘n brought her home?”

       Nicole blushed a deep red. “Maybe.”

       She giggled, smacking her arm. “Have you ever done that?” She asked, cocking an eyebrow with a smirk.

       Nicole cleared her throat again, sitting up. “Where were we? Oh yes, you drooled on me because you were thinking about a strap-on, right.”

       Waverly sat up, spinning the box in her hands. “Actually, I was thinking about you in a strap-on,” she mumbled.

       Nicole smirked. “Well . . .” She took the box from her nervous hands, dropping her voice to a husk. “How about we make those thoughts a reality?”

       She snapped her eyes to her face, pupils almost taking up her whole iris. “Now?” 

       “Only if you want to,” she said, a smile still on her lips. She tugged her closer by the legs, breath tickling her ear. “I do have to warn you . . .” She traced the tip of her tongue down her earlobe, sending a chill up her spine. “I tend to get a little filthy.”

       Waverly felt the puddle in between her legs grow, soaking her underwear through to her shorts. “I’m good with filthy,” she breathed.

       Nicole smiled wolfishly, eyes not leaving her face as she ripped the box open. Waverly let out a breath, looking down, watching her slender fingers pull the harness out of the box, followed by a blue dildo. Waverly met her eyes again with slightly labored breathing. “Are you sure, Baby?” Nicole asked with all seriousness.

       She nodded slowly. “Very sure.” The wolfish grin returned and she hopped off the bed, trying to figure out how the harness worked. “So . . . Why have you never brought this up before.”

       Nicole looked up at her. “Truthfully?” Waverly nodded. “I thought it wouldn’t be your thing cause . . . yea.” That was a pretty logical answer. 

       “Well, you thought wrong,” she smirked.

       Nicole nodded with wide eyes. “I see that.” She tightened it around her hips, straps gripping her ass. Harness now tightly attached to her body, she fumbled with the dildo, getting it into the hole in the front. She glanced up, finding her girlfriend gawking at her, squeezing her thighs together uncomfortably. She motioned for her with her finger and she scooted to the edge of the bed, still staring downwards. Nicole lifted her to her feet with a finger pushing up on her chin and clamped her hands tightly on her hips, jerking her body forward so their hips touched. Waverly gasped, feeling the dildo pressed flat up against her stomach. The thoughts were nothing compared to the real sight in front of her. Nicole ran a finger down her parted lips. “You tell me to stop if you need me to stop. Promise?”

       “Promise,” she whispered. Nicole licked her lips, glancing down at the pink pair in front of her face. She surged forward, latching her lips to them in a mind-numbing kiss. Waverly pulled her head down, wrapping her arms tightly around her neck. The redhead dropped her hands to her ass, giving it a powerful smack before gripping the backs of her upper thighs, hoisting her up. Waverly let out a small moan, feeling the object press upwards against her centre. Nicole pressed her against the wall, wasting no time as she batted at her tongue with her own. 

       The brunette’s moans were swallowed as the Officer slowly began to roll her hips. She dug her nails into her shoulders, throwing her head back. Nicole looked up at her face, mouth opening slightly as she pulled her away from the wall, walking near the bed and dropping her back to her feet. Waverly looked up at her, gripping her bicep. Nicole placed her hand on the top of her head, forcing her to her knees in front of her. She took the blue object in her hand, tapping her on the nose with it a few times. 

       A smirk worked it's way up onto the brunette’s face. She took it in her own hand, tonguing the tip for a few seconds before taking the whole thing in her mouth. Nicole let out a moan, feeling the base press against her, eyes rolling back at the sight below her. “Holy . . .” She cleared her throat as Waverly pulled it out with a pop. “Holy shit,” she breathed.

       The smaller girl stood up and shoved her back onto the bed, crawling up her legs, taking the toy in her hand and pumping her hand up and down the shaft a few times. “Did I surprise you there, Haught?” She asked, voice dripping with lust. 

       “You . . . Yes, you did,” she confirmed, sitting up on her elbows, watching the girl smile before placing her mouth on the dildo again, bobbing her head up and down slowly. 

       Nicole’s moans and groans filled the room as she sucked her off for a few minutes. But as she felt that she was starting to reach the edge, she put a stop to it. She grabbed onto a handful of brown hair and yanked her head up. “Back. Now,” she ordered in a growl. Waverly quickly flipped to her back and Nicole moved to hover over her, sitting in between her legs. She leaned in close to her ear, placing a gentle kiss to the side of her cheek. “You sure you’re ok with this?” 

       “I’m sure, Nic, I promise.” 

       “Ok . . . If it hurts or is too much or-”

       “Baby, I’ll tell you. It’s ok. You’re not gonna break me.” She inhaled deeply as she saw a grin crawl onto her lover’s face. 

       “I just might,” she rasped, sitting back up and ripping the shorts and underwear off her body. Waverly watched her run the tip of the dildo against her folds, gathering a heap of wetness and stroking it down the shaft. She dipped her fingers in, stroking against her swollen nub. “Are you always this wet for me, Baby?” 

       “I-I don’t think so,” she admitted, watching her smear more wetness on the object.

       She chuckled a little. “Is it cause you’re excited . . .? Excited for me to fuck you senseless?” Waverly whimpered, feeling her press the tip into the entrance and she closed her eyes, getting used to the size of it. She hadn’t had anything other than one or two fingers penetrate her for a while now, so it would take a bit to get used to again. The Officer watched as she began to push it slowly into the smaller girl, checking frequently up at her face. She drew back after a third of its length was in, slowly pushing it in again, rocking her hips at that length for a few pumps. She pushed it in to halfway, repeating the same process until she eventually got it all the way, her hips touching the back of her thighs. She leaned in towards her face again. “Is that ok?” She asked quietly. 

       Waverly slowly opened her eyes, looking up at the concerned brow above her with a smile. “Yea. Good, just give it a second.” Nicole nodded, placing kisses along her jaw. She felt a hand touch her hip after several seconds and she knew that was the go-ahead. She moved her kisses down to her neck as she began to rock her hips, sucking light red marks into her skin. “Faster, Baby,” she coaxed, meeting her darkened brown eyes.

       A storm of smoldering heat bubbled up in her at the request. She nibbled at a mountain of skin as she sped it up, body easily getting back into the swing of things. “You like that, Darlin’?”

       The younger girl’s body trembled underneath her at the pet name. “Fuck- Yes,” she stammered out, feeling the dildo enter and exit her with ease now. 

       “Huh? You like when I fill your tight pussy?” She bucked her hips roughly, and Waverly let out a euphoric cry.

       This side of Nicole, wherever it came from, she loved it. 

       “I love it, Nic,” she whimpered, meeting Nicole’s movements with her own. The redhead lifted her body to sit up, gripping onto her hips as she began to drill faster into her girlfriend, a thin layer of sweat starting to form on her body. She grunted, licking her lips and digging her fingers into her skin as the sound of her hips coming in contact with the back of her thighs filled the room. Waverly fisted her hands in the sheets with a moan, “You look so hot right now, it’s not fair.”

       Nicole laughed, grabbing onto her tits as she leaned forward some. “Yea?” She nodded, biting hard onto her lip. Nicole dropped forward all the way, forcing her tongue in her mouth, keeping her thrusts constant. “Tell me how hot I am when I drain every ounce of cum from your body.”

       Waverly's eyes spun back, Nicole’s name rolling off her tongue in a moan. “Keep doing that and you will,” she breathed out once her eyes opened, gripping the pillow behind her head.

       The redhead clutched her hips again when she sat up, breathing picking up as she began to pound into her with bruising force. “Like this, Baby?” 

       “Oh-my-fucking-shit-Babe-don’t-stop!” She gasped in between thrusts. Nicole threw her head back, splaying one of her hands across her abs, pressing down into them. “I’m so close, Nic,” Waverly whined as she watched blue pummel into her body like a blur. 

       The redhead let out a few strangled noises as her muscles all over her body tightened up, not letting any air in as lights flashed in front of her eyes. 

       Waverly felt her body clench around the toy as she watched her girlfriend hit her climax, feeling her snapping into her at maximum speed as she clawed her short nails into the skin of her hips. The brunette's body jumped up once, going limp after as cries filed out of her mouth, a few tears rolling down her cheeks. 

       Nicole sucked a breath of air in after the best of it was over. She slowly stopped the roll of her hips, dropping forward onto the smaller girl, keeping the object buried inside her. Her chest rose and fell quickly as her body tried to remember how to breathe again. She pushed a wad of sweaty hair out of her face, tapping her hand against Waverly’s chest. “You ‘kay?” She questioned, still in a pant. 

       “Best . . . ever,” the brunette whispered back to her after a few seconds, and the Deputy chuckled a little. 

       It took them a few minutes to full gather themselves again. “You can . . . pull it out now,” Waverly sighed, crossing her arms over her forehead. Nicole reached down, easing the toy out of the smaller girl, feeling her shudder after it was completely removed.

       She unhooked the harness from her body, tossing it to the floor and rolling off of Waverly. “I’ma go get our bags and . . . then we can go swimming?”

       Waverly’s ears perked up. “Where?” 

       “In the pool,” she said with a smile. 

       “There’s a pool!?” 

       “There better be. I pay a pool cleaner.” She rolled her head to look at her with a megawatt smile. “Be right back, Love.” She crawled off the edge of the bed and threw her shirt and shorts on, heading downstairs. 

       Waverly was washing her face off in the bathroom when she heard her enter the bedroom, lugging both of their suitcases and their carry-ons in. “You could have taken two trips, ya know?” Waverly laughed, walking back in and watching her plop it all onto the floor. 

       “I really didn’t wanna do that,” she sighed. “Get your suit on and head out there. I need to wash off our little friend still.” She blushed a little, setting her suitcase on the bed and unzipping it as Nicole walked out of the room. 

       Now outside in her bikini, throwing a towel on each of the chairs by the large in-ground pool, Waverly heard the sliding glass door slide open. Turning her head, her stomach flip-flopped at the sight of the Officer. She had a teal sports bra on with matching swim trunks. 

       But the swim trunks.  

       The swim trunks were mid-thigh and super tight. She had them settled just below the V of her abs. When she turned to close the door behind her, Waverly fell back onto the chair she was standing in front of. 

       Her ass. 

       The definition. 

       Pure. greatness. 

       “Nicole fucking Haught,” she said aloud without realizing it. 

       “Yes, Dear?” She asked as she walked closer to her.

       Waverly closed her gaping hole of a mouth and stood up. “This,” she circled her finger around, pointing at the redhead, “is not allowed.” 

       “Why’s that?” She questioned, tipping her head when she stopped in front of her. 

       “Because! It’s too freaking sexy!” 

       “I could say the same thing about you . . .” Nicole muttered, tracing her eyes over her white floral swimsuit.

       She smiled sweetly, taking each of her hands in her own. “I guess we are just very sexy people with very sexy bodies that wear very sexy swimsuits to show them off.”

       Nicole laughed, pulling her face in for a gentle kiss. “And you better help me put sunscreen on this very sexy body because sunburnt Nicole is apparently no fun to be around.”

       Waverly giggled, taking the bottle from her hand. “Don’t be so ginger and we won’t have that problem.”

       She threw her a look over her shoulder as Waverly lathered up her back. “I’ll throw you in that damn pool.”