53. Waverly’s Birthday Pt. 2

       After a few more hours, hunger became an issue for the girls, so they finally rolled out of bed, hopping into a hot shower to soothe their sore muscles. 

       Waverly stood at the sink, straightening her hair. “Where are we going?” She asked the redhead, who had her arms wrapped around her waist from behind, head snuggled in her neck. 

       “Linner,” she answered. “Technically blinner because we haven’t had breakfast either.”

       “Ok. Where are we going?” 

       “Dunno,” she shrugged, standing up straight and adjusting her collar. She was now dressed in a dark grey button-down, some light blue ripped skinny jeans, a black bomber jacket, and her high-top Vans. 

       “I don't even know why I ask anymore,” she sighed. She unplugged the straightener and picked up her makeup bag, going to work covering up the hickeys that were visible above her neckline. She had opted for a pinkish-beige sweater with white skinny jeans and high-heeled tan boots. She grabbed the redhead’s arm and pulled her in front of the sink, grabbing her own makeup bag and covering up all of her marks, as well. 

       “I was going to do that,” she grumbled. 

       “Well, I just did it for you, you’re welcome.” She pushed up on her toes, giving her a chaste kiss. “We ready?” 

       “I think so, yea,” she nodded as they stepped out of the bathroom. They walked into the bedroom and Nicole stopped at the nightstand. “Phone, wallet, keys, switch- . . . Where’s my switchblade, Wave?” 

       The brunette looked over at her, walking to her side of the bed. “I don’t know, was it there earlier?” 

       “I . . . don’t know . . . Shit.” 


       She pushed her hand through her hair with a sigh. “I think I left it at Shorty’s yesterday. He needed something cut and I guess I set it somewhere.”

       “Do you want to go look for it before we go?” The smaller girl asked as they walked towards the front door. 

       “If that’s ok with you?”

       “Yea, it’s ok,” she assured, pulling the door closed behind her. They climbed in the cruiser and drove towards the bar. 

       “Some jackass probably stole it already,” Nicole grumbled as they climbed out of the car. 

       “With a Sheriff’s Deputy’s last name on the front of it? Yea, sure.” She did have a point there. 

       Nicole’s heart thumped in her throat as they approached the entrance. She placed her hand on the small of her back, letting out a breath before she pulled the door open. 


       Confetti popped and noisemakers blew as all of Waverly’s friends and family jumped up with smiling faces. The brunette clapped her hands over her face, looking around the highly decorated bar. “OH MY GOSH!” She shrieked excitedly, spinning to face the redhead, poking a finger into her chest. “Did you know about this?!” 

       Nicole smirked as she reached in the inside pocket of her jacket, pulling the “lost” switchblade out. “No, not at all.”

       Waverly felt arms wrap around her back, feeling herself lifted off the ground and shook around. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BABYGIRL!” Wynonna squealed.

       The smaller girl kicked her legs around with a giggle before she set her down, wrapping her in a hug. “THERE’S SO MUCH GLITTER!” 

       Wynonna pulled out of the hug and they walked further into the room. “Yea . . . Haught Stuff insisted on all the glitter,” she sighed as Waverly handed out hugs to everyone that she walked past. 

       She snapped her head towards her sister with wide eyes, but then looked up at the Officer. “Wait, you planned this?!” 

       “I mean . . . Wynonna did all the work,” she mumbled, swinging her hand out in front of her. 

       “Shut up, I didn’t do squat. I just ordered people around all day. It was her idea.” They walked up to the bar, ordering drinks from Gus. 

       Waverly turned towards her girlfriend with heart eyes. She wrapped her arms around her neck, pulling her in for a kiss. “Thank you, Baby,” she smiled sweetly. “I love it.” 

       Nicole beamed down at her as she was yanked into a hug. “You’re welcome, Love.” 

       “So, how did you manage to keep this one distracted all day, Haughty?” Wynonna questioned. The smaller girl’s eyes widened, a blush creeping up her cheeks. 

       “We . . . went to the animal shelter and played with all the puppies and kittens,” Nicole lied with a smile. We fucked all day long was probably not a suitable answer. 

       “Yea,” Waverly nodded. “It was amazeballs. Food time, let’s go.” She grabbed ahold of Nicole’s wrist and dragged her towards the array of pizzas. “So, now we actually have to go and play with puppies and kittens all day long some time,” she informed, plopping a large slice onto her plate. 

       “Yep. Got it,” Nicole nodded sharply. They got some food and Nicole started walking, noticing that Waverly was following her. “Baby, go mingle! This is your party!” 


       “Go!” She insisted with a laugh. Waverly let out a sigh, smiling as she gave her a short kiss before walking off. Nicole wandered back over to Wynonna, who was still sitting at the bar. “You did a great job, Earp. It looks fantastic.”

       “Jessie and Chrissy literally did all the work, I think I blew up one balloon, that’s it.” 

       Nicole shook her head, taking a bite of her pizza as she leaned back against the bar. “Still, this wouldn’t have come together without you.” 

       “Suuuuuuure.” She took a long sip of her drink. “How’s your Jack and Coke? My Coke and Coke is pretty good.” 

       “So good,” she teased.

       Wynonna punched her arm. “Fuck you.”

       “You’re appointment got moved to the 12th, by the way,” Nicole informed. 

       “What?! Why?!” 

       “Doctor’s on vacation or something,” she shrugged. 

       “That’s my birthday! I don’t want to deal with it on my birthday!” 

       "You are finding out if it is a boy or a girl, Wy. I’d say that’s a pretty good birthday present.” 

       “It’s not like it matters,” she grumbled. 

       “Maybe you’ll stop calling them an it,” she said with a knowing look. The brunette groaned, leaning her head over and taking a bite off of her pizza. 


.  .  .


       Gus picked up a megaphone from behind the bar, blasting a siren before raising it to her face when the bar quieted down. “Cake and presents! Head back to the pool tables!” Nicole and Wynonna walked over to the tables to meet the humongous unicorn cake.

       Waverly caught up with them, interlocking her fingers with Nicole.“Shae’s here,” she mumbled, a slight slur noticeable from the many cocktails she had ordered so far. 

       “I invited her,” Nicole informed.


       “Because y'all are friends.”

       “Yes. But you hate her.”

       “I don’t hate her,” she sighed, pushing her forward so she was front and center behind the cake. They all sang Happy Birthday to her and she blew out the 21 candles. Gus went to work cutting it and setting it out as they moved to the other pool table that was stacked with presents and cards. 

       She began to tear through them, getting a lot of candles and unicorn stuff in the presents, which she was very excited about. The alcohol was also a plus. Nicole helped her stack everything after she opened it, shoving all of the money and gift cards in her wallet for her.

       “Is that everything, Nic?” She asked, moving all the wrapping paper around to make sure she didn’t accidentally miss someone's card or something. Everyone wandered off, not seeing anything else on the table. Gus walked up behind the redhead, slipping the box into her hand. 

       “Uh, no. I think there’s . . . one more.” She held out the flat black velvet jewelry box with a nervous smile. 

       Waverly looked down at it with an inhale. She took it from her hand, looking up at her. “Nic,” she said in a complaint. “You didn’t have to get me anything.” 

       “Yea, but I wanted to,” she mumbled with a shrug.

       The smaller girl pursed her lips, looking back down at the box. She slowly opened the lid. “Nicole,” she breathed in awe. It was a white gold infinity charm necklace, the holes of the infinity sign holding each of their birthstones, a red garnet for Nicole and a blue sapphire for Waverly. She raised her head to look at the anxious redhead. She stepped forward, wrapping her arms around her neck. “I love it, Baby.” Nicole let out a relieved sigh, hugging her arms tightly around her middle. 

       “Told ya, Haught Pants!” Wynonna called. 

       The girls pulled away and Nicole shot her a look. “You really like it?” She asked, still needing a little more assurance because apparently her reaction so far wasn’t enough. 

       “Yes, Nic. It’s beautiful.” Waverly removed it from the box and handed it to her to help put it on. She reached her arms up to move her hair out of the way as Nicole clipped it around her neck. She turned around in her arms, cupping the side of her face, giving her a loving kiss. 

       “Nicky! Come DJ! My feet hurt!” Jeremy complained. 

       “I hate that name,” she groaned, kissing her cheek as she turned away.  

       Waverly grabbed herself a plate of cake as she strolled over to Chrissy and Jessie, who had somehow merged with Calli, Alexa, and Shae. “Who’s the hot DJ?” Shae smirked. She looked behind her, finding her girlfriend with a pair of headphones around her neck, screwing with the controls on the DJ stand from her garage that had somehow appeared in Shorty’s for the party. 

       “Damn, I should get her number,” she sighed, a smile teasing her lips. 

       “How’s the soulmate life going? You guys live together yet? Married? Eight kids?” Alexa joked, taking a sip of her drink. 

       Waverly laughed. “Yes, no, and absolutely not.” 

       “You live together now?!” Calli, Alexa, and Shae asked at the same time. 

       She nodded. “For almost a month now.” 

       “Wow,” Shae sighed. “That was . . . fast.” 

       Waverly pursed her lips at her to hide a smile. “Didn’t you two meet and get married on the same night?” 

       Shae was quiet for a second as she took that in. “Touche,” she nodded, tipping her drink towards her. 

       “Sorry, hold on. You and Nicole were married?” Chrissy asked. 

       “Unfortunately,” she mumbled into her glass. Waverly bumped the doctor with her hip. “We’re better as friends.” 

       “Well, that’s . . . fun,” Jessie laughed. Music slowly started bumping through the speakers that were placed around the bar. 

       “So is she, like, full-time cop, part-time DJ? Cause she looks like she knows what she’s doing,” Calli pondered, watching the redhead twist and turn the knobs and press random buttons on the top of the machine. 

       “Her and her friend, Jeremy, DJ’ed together throughout college at different bars and clubs,” Waverly said, smirking as she watched her girlfriend. 

       Should she be turned on by this? She didn’t know. But she definitely was. 


.  .  .


       “Alright, you two, let’s go,” Wynonna complained. Time was ticking into the early hours of the AM and everyone had left the bar except for them and a few other stragglers. Nicole currently had the smaller girl pushed against the wall with her tongue halfway down her throat. “Seriously! Come on!” She grabbed onto the Deputy's shoulder, pulling her off of her.

       The redhead stumbled back a few steps, falling onto her ass. “Ouch,” she mumbled, trying to push herself up off the floor. 

       Waverly giggled, leaning off the wall. “You fell down,” she snorted, swaying over and reaching her hands out to help her up. Nicole took them and tried to get up, but Waverly fell forward on top of her. They both giggled hysterically. “We fell down.” 

       “We falled,” Nicole laughed. 

       “Thas notta word, Cole.” 

       “Need some help?” Wynonna turned at the voice behind her, seeing Shae standing there with an amused smile, looking down at the wasted women making out on the floor. 

       “I think I do,” the brunette sighed. They walked over to them. “M’kay, Wave.” She hooked her arms under her shoulders. “Let’s go.” She hoisted her off of the redhead and coiled her arm around her waist to hold her upright as she almost fell forward again. 

       “Get up, Haught,” Shae ordered, grabbing onto her wrists as she pulled her to her feet.

       Nicole tumbled forward, wrapping her arms around the doctor. “Hi there,” she hiccupped. 

       “Throw up on me and you’ll never see the light of day,” she warned, getting her to a somewhat walkable position. 

       “Don’t you look at the insides of people for a living?” Wynonna questioned as they began to drag the girls toward the exit. 

       “That doesn’t mean I like to get puked on,” she pointed out. 

       “Fair point,” she shrugged, kicking the door open, using her sister’s body to hold it open as Shae exited. 

       “Thas my face,” Waverly slurred.

       Wynonna looked over, seeing her face smushed against the door. “Sorry, Wave,” she winced, opening it more with her foot and pulling her away from it.

       “So, are you the designated driver or something?” Shae asked. 

       “Something like that,” Wynonna sighed. 

       “She’s preggers,” the redhead snickered. 

       “Haught,” the older Earp hissed, swinging her head around to make sure no one heard her. 

       “Oh,” Shae mumbled with wide-eyes. “Congrats?” 

       “Nope,” Wynonna grumbled. 

       “What’d we talk bout, Nonna?” Waverly asked, looking up at her. 

       “ Don’t see it as a bad thing , yea, whatever,” she scoffed. She directed them across the parking lot to get to her truck. 

       “Y'alls might wanna look tha’ way,” Nicole warned, tipping her head to the left. 

       “Why?” Shae asked. Her question was answered as the Officer doubled over, reuniting the many tequila shots she had taken to the Earth’s surface. “NICOLE RAYLEIGH HAUGHT, I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD!” She growled, quickly letting go of her, letting her brace herself against the car they were next to. “ALL OVER MY TIRE, REALLY?” Make that, her car that they were standing next to. 

       “I warned ya,” she slurred. 

       “Mm, ‘s my turn,” Waverly groaned. 

       “Oh no, Babygirl, please don-” Wynonna let out an uncomfortable sigh, holding her hair back. 

       “This is pleasant,” Shae murmured. The redhead dropped forward against the side of the hood, rolling down its incline and falling to the rocky pavement. “Oh, come on!” 

       “She fell down,” Waverly chuckled as Wynonna hauled her back upright. 

       Shae dropped to a squat, tapping her hand against her cheek. “She’s out.”

       They heard footsteps crunching against the rocks behind them. “What the hell?” Wynonna turned around, looking at her aunt, who was looking between the four with her hands on her hips. She let out a tsk, stepping towards the smaller girl. “I’ll take her to my car,” she sighed. “You two get that one over there and I’ll take them to the Homestead to sleep it off.” 

       Wynonna nodded, handing the brunette over. “Thanks, Gus.” She looked towards Shae. “You ready?” 



.  .  .


       The girls woke up at the Homestead later that day, both with horrible hangovers. They were in the bathroom, changing into the clothes Wynonna gave them because “she could smell them from here” when she was in the living room and they were moping in the kitchen. 

       “I think this is what death is like,” Waverly declared as she tugged her sweater off. 

       “Mhm,” Nicole agreed, pulling up the sweatpants she had been given. Waverly leaned her head against the wall with a groan, balancing herself as she stripped out of her tight jeans. She yanked the leggings on and pushed herself upright, turning herself around. “I can’t see,” the taller girl whimpered as she tried to unbutton her shirt. Waverly tutted, looking up at her with a sorry smile as she did it for her. Nicole slipped it off of her shoulders and folded it up, turning to set it on the pile. 

       “Shit, Nic,” she muttered, running her hand down her back, the swollen scratches still heavily visible. She chuckled lightly, running her finger over the heart on her stomach. “Take this off,” the brunette said, pulling up on her sports bra. 


       “Cause I want to look at it all.” 

       Nicole complied, stripping her bra. She twisted sideways, looking at her back in the mirror. “And that’s how you know you’re doing something right,” she smirked. 

       Waverly scoffed, running her thumb over the bruised bite marks on her collarbone. “You're funny.” She turned her to face the mirror again, taking a closer look at her back. 

       “Hey, guys?” The older Earp called from outside the door. 

       “What, Wynonna?” They questioned. 

       Now when they answered her, they had not expected her to swing the door open. She at least had a little more common sense than that, right?


       “Did you see whe-” She stopped, gaping at the two shirtless women. "Oh Mylanta."

       Nicole smacked her hands over her boobs to cover herself up. “DUDE!” 

       “WYNONNA, WHAT THE FUCK!?!” Waverly hid behind the redhead.

       "What in the kinky ass hell?" She breathed, tracing her wide eyes up her torso to meet the redhead's eyes. 

       "Please get out," Nicole begged, her face a dark shade of crimson. 

       The darker brunette took a step closer to her. “Are those bite-" She gasped, mouth forming an evil grin. "Haught Shit likes to get bit!” She sang. Nicole removed her hands to push her away out of embarrassment, forgetting for a split second why her hands were there in the first place. Wynonna let out a snort as she sucked in a breath of air, quickly covering herself back up with her arm, her face flushing deeper as she turned to grab a shirt to use instead. 

       “Wynonna, leave!” Waverly whined.

       “What the fuck kind of freaky shit did you two do?!” She asked, pushing her hand on Nicole’s shoulder to look at her back. She looked down at her sister, eyes narrowly following the line of hickeys from the bottom of her midriff to her collarbone. "D'you hickey my baby sister, Haught?" 

       The Officer groaned loudly in anger, annoyance, and embarrassment all wrapped up together. She dropped the shirt, not caring anymore, as she grabbed onto Wynonna's shoulders, pushing her towards the door. "Yes, Wynonna, I did. And I also fucked her with a strap-on until she screamed, so unless you want me to go into more detail, I suggest you get out so we can go home and sleep our hangovers off before our shifts tonight!" Wynonna's mouth dropped open in horror, frozen for a few seconds. She blinked hard, shaking her head around before quickly spinning and rushing out the door. Nicole rubbed her face as she turned around, trying to make the burning blush go away. She dropped her hands, looking up at her girlfriend, realizing she had the same horrified face as Wynonna. "What?" 

       "What the fuck, Nicole?!" 

       "She asked," the redhead shrugged as she pulled her bra back over her head. 

       "But you didn't have to tell her! Do you know how much shit she is going to give us now?!" 

       "Yea, well, if she does, I'll just scare her some more," she said with a dimpled smile. Waverly groaned, pulling a t-shirt on. They gathered their things and walked out of the bathroom. 

       Seeing no sign of Wynonna in the house, they figured she had already gone out to the truck to take them up to Shorty's - where Nicole's cruiser was. They walked out and Nicole opened the passenger's side door. Wynonna was staring straight ahead, gripping the wheel with white knuckles. "You're sitting by her," Waverly mumbled, giving her a push forward. Nicole climbed in and plopped down next to her, hugging her arms around her right arm and snuggling into her shoulder. Waverly climbed in next to her, closing the door. Nicole could feel how tense Wynonna’s muscles were, so she rubbed slow circles into her arm with her thumb.

       “‘S otay, Wy-Wy, we done scawin’ you now.”

       “Promise?” She asked quietly. 

       “If you never ever do something like that to us again, yes.” 

       “I won’t, I swear,” she assured, finally meeting her eyes. 

       “M’kay good,” the redhead smiled, resting her head back on her shoulder.

       Wynonna relaxed a little, starting the car and pulling away from the Homestead, interlocking her fingers with Nicole on her lap. "You're a horrible human being," she gritted through her teeth. "Putting those pictures in my mind."

       "Takes one to know one," Nicole sighed.