57. Sinner Central

       Waverly’s mouth came open a bit, eyes tracing over her concerned face. “I just met your mom.”


-  -  -


       Every time those damn double doors opened, the late October air sent a chill down her spine. And it didn’t help that it was snowing more on top of the 5 inches they already had. She finished refilling the man in front of her’s beer, nodding along to his sob story about his paycheck cut. She poured the woman a few seats over from him a whiskey and bent towards the left to grab a few shot glasses for the two teens she had just ID’ed. 

       She did a double-take, snapping her head back to the head of fiery red hair sitting on the left corner of the bar. Her heart thumped in her chest, recognizing the woman next to her as Mrs. Chetri. She gulped as she finished pouring their tequilas and wiped her hands off on her jeans, walking towards them, being the only bartender there on that Tuesday night. 

       Mrs. Chetri- Ina , she had often insisted on the occasion when she came to the bar, looked up at her first. “Waverly! Honey, how are you?” She smiled brightly. 

       “I’m great! How are you!” 

       “ I am amazing!” 

       She smiled, eyes drifting over to the other woman. Jesus H. Christ . Nicole had never mentioned that she was the spitting image of her mother. The woman smiled at her. “Hi! I’m Sharon,” she greeted. Waverly shook her outstretched hand. There’s the dimples.

       “Waverly Earp.” She let go of her hand, dropping to her side as she cleared her throat to try and keep it from shaking from nerves, tearing her eyes away from their inspection of her face. “So . . . What can I get you two?” 

       “Hun, I’m from Texas. I have no idea what y’all got up here,” Sharon said with a laugh. Oh, the accent . It was far heavier than Nicole’s, yet still familiar. 

       She raised her eyebrows in mock surprise. “Wow . . . That’s quite a trip.” 

       “That you made just to see me ,” Ina cooed, tugging on her ear. She swatted her hand away, throwing her a look. At this point, Waverly couldn’t tell if Ina knew about her and Nicole being together or if she was just hiding it from her, but either way, she wanted it to stay that way. That was a can of worms she did not want to open. She was already shaking like a leaf just talking to the woman. “I’ll take a screwdriver . . .” She looked towards her best friend, raising her eyebrows. 

       “Uh . . . Do y’all got Bud Light?” 

       Waverly coughed to hide her laugh. She was making this increasingly difficult. She pushed Ina’s screwdriver towards her. “We have bottles? Not on tap, though.” 

       “That’ll be fine,” she said with a smile. She nodded, turning to grab one. She returned a couple of seconds later, wiping the bottle off with her towel before setting it in front of her. 

       She was about to turn away to go take a breather, but she saw her sister jogging up to the bar. She stopped, standing next to Ina and leaning forward onto the counter. “Waves, where’s your girlfriend, I need to talk to her.” 

       The brunette’s face paled, eyes widening. Wynonna cocked an eyebrow at her. “Uh . . . She’s at the station,” she mumbled. 

       She nodded, patting the counter and standing up straight. “Thanks, Sis.” She went to turn away but caught sight of the older redhead. “ Woah . You look like Haught Shit,” she breathed. 

       Sharon cocked an offended eyebrow. " Excuse me?” 

       “Haught Shit . . . Deputy Dimples . . . Some call her Nicole, more formally Sheriff’s Deputy Haught -” She gasped. “Are you her mom!? Oh, please tell me you’re her mom!” 

       Waverly watched in shock as Sharon’s jaw clenched, Ina looking between the three with concern written all over her face. The redhead looked back towards her. “Ina, I thought you said she lived in Calgary ?” She questioned with a bite. 

       “Well . . .” She swallowed. “She did . Now she lives . . . here .” 

       “Yea, I can see that. So why’d you tell me otherwise?” 

       The darker haired woman chewed her lip. “I don’t think you want the answer to that, Shar.” 

       Wynonna looked towards her sister with wide eyes before putting her hands up and slowly backing away and leaving out the front doors. 

       “I do, actually. She’s my daughter and I have the right to know where she lives!” 

       Ina’s face softened, though the rather harsh words were directed at her. “Then why didn't you ask her, Sharon?” She asked helplessly. “You’re doing this to yourself!” 

       “No, she’s doing this to herself!” She retorted. “I didn’t raise her gay!” 

       “ Nope .” Waverly turned on her heel, walking back down the bar. She couldn’t do that. She couldn’t listen to her say stuff about Nicole like that. And she wasn't going to say anything she knew without her permission. 

       “Waverly,” Mrs. Chetri called after her. She looked back towards her with a clenched jaw and tears in her eyes. “Come here, Sweetheart.” She slowly walked back towards them, arms clutched tightly to her chest. Ina leaned forward on her arms. “Is she happy?” 

       “Of course she’s happy,” she mumbled, looking over to Sharon. 

       "Well, she won't be happy when she finds her ass in Hell." 

       "Sharon!" Ina snapped, obviously at her last nerve with her friend. "I don't understand how you can even say something like that! When are you going to get over this?! I’d understand a few months, it took me a little to accept Jer because of the same reasons you don’t. But it’s been over 10 years . She’s not going to change no matter how much you want her to! And you need to accept that!” 

       “Oh, I don’t need to accept anything ,” she quipped. 

       Waverly couldn’t take it. She turned and grabbed her purse from under the bar, quickly walking past them as she came out from behind the counter. “Tell Shorty I’ve got to go,” she said as she passed Ina, voice cracking. 

       The woman stood up from her seat, gently grabbing her wrist. “Waverly, don’t. Don’t listen to her, she’s an asshole.”

       The redhead threw her a dirty look before looking up at the shaking brunette. “I’m not directing this at you, Hun.” 

       She threw her arms out in front of her, letting them fall back to her sides as a single tear ran down her cheek. “Do you realize how much shit Nic’s been through because of who she is? The thing with her father, her job in Calgary where she got harassed on a daily basis, when the guy badmouthed us at dinner and it triggered her PTSD and she ended up shattering her fist on her car hood. And on top of all of that, her mom’s had her head stuck up her ass for the past 10 years! . . . But you know what, Sharon? She’s still true to who she is. And she’s still a kind, positive, beautiful human being who would do absolutely anything for anyone without a second thought. So if you want to focus on the fact that she’s gay and that she’s a cop, that’s fine. Go right ahead. I’m sure she couldn’t care less. She’s made it this far without you. But I just want you to know that you’re missing out on the chance to be a mother to an amazing woman.” Waverly stood there for a second to look at the shocked, yet saddened look on her face before she took off out of Shorty’s. 


-  -  -


       “I’m so s-sorry,” Waverly bawled into her shoulder. “I didn’t mean to tell h-her off. I just cou-couldn’t listen to her talk about you like t-that.” 

       “Shhhh. Breathe, Wave. It’s ok.” Nicole gently rocked them back and forth, stroking her fingers through her hair. “I’m not mad, she deserves it.”

       The brunette lifted her head with a pouted lip under her blotchy cheeks, tears slowing to a stop. “You’re not?” 

       “No, Love. She’s got a hard head, she can take it,” she said with a smile, wiping under her eyes. 

       She dropped her head back to her chest, taking in a deep breath. She let out a sigh with a smile. “Is that where you get it from?” 

       Nicole scoffed, rolling her eyes as she pulled away and moved to her couch. Waverly followed, pushing her sideways and dropping on top of her, curling into her front. “Wave-”

       “Shush. You’re comfy,” she mumbled, closing her eyes. The redhead gave in, wrapping her arms around her, running her fingers up and down her back. “You look just like her.” 

       “Wow, really?” Nicole asked sarcastically. 

       She let out a small huff of annoyance, though that response was what she expected. “No, but really. I thought I found your doppelganger or som’n for a second.”

       “Are you trying to tell me I look like a middle-aged woman, Waverly Earp?” 

       She smacked her arm. “Nooo, quit,” she complained with a laugh. Nicole chuckled, hugging her arms tighter around her. 

       A knock at the door pulled them out of their giggles. 

       Waverly sat up off of her, looking at her worriedly. Nicole clenched her jaw as she stood and walked over to the door, taking a breath before she opened it. Waverly saw relief rush over her face. The redhead pulled the door open all the way and Ina stepped into her office, looking over and giving Waverly a half-smile. She stood up, walking over to Nicole’s side. 

       “Ok. Firstly. I’m really sorry, Honey. I took her in there not even thinking about the fact that you worked there. And when I remembered it, you were standing right in front of me.” She turned her eyes to Nicole. “Second. I’m sorry about all of this. I’m really trying, Nicole. You know that.”

       “I know,” she said with a small smile, rubbing her arm. “It’s not your fault.” 

       Ina smiled softly at her. “Thirdly, what I’m most sorry about . . .” Her smile slowly faded. “She . . . was about 6 shots in at Shorty’s when I left and is refusing to leave.” 

       “. . . And that’s my problem because . . .?” 

       Ina almost said something but stopped when she heard Nicole’s radio fizz. “We need a unit at Shorty’s for a public intoxication call.” 

       Nicole blinked slowly at Mrs. Chetri, pressing the button. “Is it a redhead, Lucy?” 

       The line was quiet for a few seconds. “. . . Affirmative.” 

       She let out a groan. “Sheriff, can you go?” She called over in a begging tone. 

       “I just clocked out, Haught,” he informed. 

       “Randy, it’s my mother ,” she complained. 

       “Exactly why you’re going. That’s an order.” 

       She rubbed her face with her right hand as the left pressed the button. “10-4,” she mumbled. She turned towards her coat rack and grabbed her coat, pulling it on. “Let’s go.” 

       “Who?” Both women asked at the same time.

       She turned, blinking at them. “Have you met my mother? I’ll probably need both of you.”

       They looked at each other with wide eyes before following her out of the station. 

       Nicole rolled to a stop outside of the bar, shoving the shifter into park. She stepped out, blowing a puff of visible breath out, snow falling quickly all around them. She opened the back door, letting Ina out, and Waverly walked around to her from the passenger's side. 

       “Are you sure you’re ok with this?” She asked cautiously. 

       The Deputy gave a one-shouldered shrug. “I guess I’m going to have to be,” she murmured. She looked towards the double doors before trudging off towards them, the other two following closely behind. She pushed the door open and took in the scene.

       Sharon was standing at the very edge of the bar, obviously in an argument with Gus, who was standing in front of her, blocking her from getting behind the counter. 

       Nicole let out a grumble as she walked over, shaking her head Waverly's aunt. "Let's go." She grabbed her mom's arm, trying to pull her away. 

       But she spun around, pulling her fist back. "Getchur hands off-" 

       Nicole pulled her head back, catching her fist before it could hit her. "Jeez, Mom!" She breathed with wide eyes. 

       The woman's eyes narrowed at her. "Nicole." 

       The Officer shot her a tight-lipped smile. "Fancy seeing you here," she grumbled, tugging on her arm again. "Let's go. Now." 

       She yanked her arm back. "What makes you think you c'n tell me whata do?" 

       "Cause I'm a Sheriff's Deputy and you're in my town, therefore you have to listen to what I say." 

       "Like Hell, I do," she scoffed. 

       Nicole glared at her. "Don't think I won't cuff you and drag your ass out of here." 

       "Oh, I'm sure you would." 

       "D'you wanna test out that theory?" She asked with raised eyebrows. Sharon pursed her lips. "C'mon," Nicole said a little gentler, letting her arm go. She surprisingly complied, walking past her daughter. Nicole turned towards Gus. "I'm so sorry," she mumbled. 

       "It's fine, Dear," she assured with a smile. 

       The Officer nodded, patting the counter. "I'll see you later." 

       "You'll see me Saturday cause you and Waverly's butts are going to be at the Homestead for Family Dinner." 

       Nicole smiled with a nod. "10-4." 

       Gus shot her a wink before Nicole turned, fast-walking to catch up to her stumbling mother. "Who's'that?" Sharon questioned. 

       "That's Gus. Waverly's aunt. And if you'd refrain from harassing my girlfriend's family, I'd appreciate it." She put her hand on her shoulder to make sure she didn’t fall over herself as they walked out of the bar into the snow. Waverly and Ina followed behind them.

       “If she would’ve jus’ given me ‘nother drink, we wouldn’t have this problem,” she slurred. 

       “I think you’ve had enough.” 

       “Well, I’ont care what you think.” 

       Nicole let out a sigh, giving her the side-eye as she opened the back door for her. “Watch your head,” she warned as she pushed her into the car. She closed her door and walked over to Waverly, pinching the bridge of her nose. “So-”

       “I don’t want her at my house until she’s sober,” Ina grumbled. “I can’t listen to her complain about you anymore.”

       The redhead looked over at her, mouth coming open slightly. “Then what am I supposed to do with her?” 

       “Shove her in the drunk box at the station. I’ll get her in the morning.” 

       She thought it over for a second before shrugging. “M’kay.” She turned, walking over to the other side of the car. 

       “Nicole!” Waverly snapped. She quickly turned to face her with a cocked eyebrow. “What is wrong with you?!” 

       “What?” She asked in confusement. 

       “She’s your mother ! You’re not letting her sleep in one of those nasty ass cells!” 

       “Then what the hell do you want me to do, Waverly!?” 

       The brunette threw her a knowing look. 


.  .  .


       Nicole’s eyes slowly opened, squinting at the sun illuminating their room. She let out a groan as she rolled her neck around, hearing the cracks that escaped. She let out a deep breath as her brain woke itself up, feeling the comfortable weight pressing down onto the front of her body.

       She looked down at the sleeping Waverly with a smile, rubbing up and down her bare back where her hand had pushed up her shirt sometime throughout the night. She felt around on the nightstand, grabbing her phone and opening Snapchat. She put her phone in front of the smaller girl’s face and took a picture, using the marker to draw a pink curly mustache and beard on her before sending it to Wynonna. 

       She laid there for about 45 minutes, taking pictures of her sleeping and drawing on her face, everything from Harry Potter to Abe Lincoln. And Wynonna thought it was the funniest thing in the world. 

       She heard the smaller girl let out a small whimper as she brought her arm out from under the covers and felt around for her’s. She grabbed it and brought it down to cup her face, wrapping her arm around it. She smiled sleepily as Nicole rubbed her cheek with her thumb. “Morning, Wave,” she whispered. 

       Waverly slowly opened her eyes, looking up at her. Nicole pulled her up closer to her face and she snuggled into her neck, taking in a deep breath, nose filling with her intoxicatingly sweet scent. “You smell good,” she mumbled. 

       The redhead sighed a laugh, hugging her arms around her. Waverly tilted her head up and Nicole placed her finger under her chin as she leaned down into a kiss. “Sleep good?” She asked, twisting a string from the younger girl’s shirt around her finger. 

       “I always sleep good when you’re my pillow,” she smiled. The redhead leaned in for another kiss before rolling her off of her and sitting up. “Noo,” Waverly whined, grabbing her hand. 

       She looked towards her, flipping her hand over and giving it a squeeze. “I need to go check on El Diablo.” 

       “Nic,” she grumbled in warning. 

       She threw her a smirk over her shoulder as she stood up and pulled on a pair of sweatpants. Waverly got up off the bed with a yawn, walking over and snapping the back of her sports bra against her back, getting a hiss and a smack. She giggled, throwing on some shorts before they walked out of the room. 

       After finding Sharon in the same position on the couch that she was in when she passed out the night before, they went into the kitchen and Waverly started up a pot of coffee. “So . . . what’d that call about Tucker say?” 

       “Just that his lawyer is going to have a hearing to try and get him out of the asylum again . . . It’s never going to work. His weird-ass is gonna be in there for a while.” 

       The couple never had to testify against Tucker Gardner, for he was condemned to asylum. And his lawyer had tried to get him out before. Twice. But even his expensive case staff couldn’t convince a judge to let his ass out. 

       “Good. I never wanna see him again,” she said with a shiver. 

       Nicole wrapped her arms around her front from behind, pressing a kiss to her neck. “You won’t,” she assured softly. 

       She smiled, turning around and pressing her hand against her bare stomach as she stood up on her toes to meet her lips. The Deputy smiled, pulling her closer by her waist. 

       The sound of the coffee pot beeping pulled them apart. Nicole lifted her up and set her on the edge of the island before turning to grab them some mugs. She poured them each a cup, handing one to Waverly as she stepped in between her legs, resting her arms on her thighs. “Have we decided what kind of pizza we’re getting for Sunday yet?” She asked. 

       “Domino’s is cheapest,” she shrugged. “And you don’t like Pizza Hut cause you’re a weirdo.” 

       “Their crust is too chewy,” she defended. 

       Waverly shook her head, locking her ankles behind her back. “I’m going to Walmart to get the stuff for the punch and chips and shit tomorrow.” 

       Nicole nodded. “Just drop it all off at the garage after so somebody isn’t tempted to eat it all.” 

       The brunette blinked down at her. “Is that somebody you?”

       She took a slow sip of her coffee. “Possibly.” 

       “ Dork ,” she giggled. 

       Nicole smirked, tracing small patterns on her leg. “Calamity needs more food, too.” 

       She nodded, looking down at the chair as the cat jumped up on it at the sound of her name. “Did you hear that? Mommy’s gettin you more food,” the redhead cooed. 

       Calamity Jane meowed, continuing her journey up onto the counter, walking onto Waverly’s legs, sitting down and looking up at her. “I gettin you more food,” she smiled, rubbing her thumbs on either side of her face, “cause Momma knew you was runnin low and didn’t do anythin about it.” 

       Nicole pursed her lips at her as she grabbed her swaying tail that was hitting her face. She let out a meow in complaint, scooting closer to Waverly. “Quit being mean to her,” she chastised, hugging her closer.

       “I’m not mean to her!” 

       She tipped her head with a look, releasing the feline from the hug. CJ stood up, walking back down her thighs toward the redhead. Nicole smiled, wrapping her arms around her and kissing the top of her head. Calamity purred, rubbing her face against her cheek. “She just hates me, doesn’t she?” 

       “You’re just asking to get hit,” she grumbled. 

       A pained groan came from the living room, bringing their attention away from their conversation. Nicole stood up straight, watching her mother flip over, rubbing her hands on her face. She leaned her head closer to the cat’s, pointing her finger towards her. “ Attack !” She whispered. 

       “ Nicole ,” Waverly hissed. She smirked, watching the cat jump off the counter and trot towards the other redhead. She jumped up on the end of the couch and walked up her legs, sitting right on her chest, head hovering over her’s. 

       Sharon’s eyes shot open, looking up at the yellow ones examining her face. “What in the Devil’s Hell?!” She quickly pushed herself to a sitting position, scooting away from the feline. She looked up at the sounds of snickering coming from across the room. 

       Nicole pushed herself away from the counter and helped the brunette down, sticking her hands in her pockets as she walked over to the end of the couch. “I see you’ve met Calamity Jane,” she smirked. 

       Sharon stared up at her with confusion written all over her face. “Where am I?”

       “You’re in our house, Mother.” She dropped down onto the couch, kicking her feet up onto her legs. 

       She pushed them off. “Why?” 

       “Cause Ina’s mad at you.” 

       Sharon furrowed her brows. “ Why ?” 

       Waverly walked up behind the Officer, placing her hands on her shoulders. Nicole tipped her head back to look at her. “You two have fun. I’m gonna shower, ok?”

       Her eyes widened. “Wa-” 

       She pat her cheek with a smile before walking off towards the bathroom, not giving her a chance to complain. Nicole sighed, bringing her head back down to look at her mom. “What does Ina usually get mad at you about?” 

       She pursed her lips, crossing her arms. “. . . Where’s your shirt?” 

       “ Mom ,” she warned, not wanting her to avoid the question. 

       She threw her arms out in defense. “What d’you want me to say, Nicole?!” 

       “Well, you could try having a conversation with me without telling me how horrible of a daughter I am?” She suggested. “Cause, ya know . . . That’s what most parents do.” 

       “And how bout you try ‘n do that without callin me a horrible mother?” 

       “I mean . . . you have neglected me for the majority of my life . . . so . . .” 

       “Oh, Pumpkin, come on ,” she complained. 

       Nicole’s face twitched at the use of her childhood nickname. “You have, Mom,” she mumbled, looking down at the cat on her lap. 

       “You’re the one who decided that you wanted t-” 

       “ No , Mom,” she cut. “Don’t even start with that. I’ve heard it a million times.” 

       “Then stop being so damn stubborn !” 

       Her eyes widened. “ I’m the stubborn one?! That’s real rich.” 

       “Have you read the Bible, Nicole! I don’t understand why you think it’s ok!” 

       She had to laugh at that. “Have you ? Cause I’m pretty sure there’s a part in there about not eating shrimp, but I guess you don’t listen to that one cause I’m pretty sure it’s your favorite food. Oh! Or the tattoo one? That cross on your ankle is really contradicting when you think about it.” 

       “Those are stupid restrictions, Nicole,” she grumbled. 

       “ Right , but if I remember correctly . . . I was born in January of 1990 and y’all got married in July of 1989 . . . That’s only 6 months apart. I guess that restriction  was stupid, too, huh?” 

       Sharon’s face tightened. “ Nicole Rayleigh Haught -” 

       She put her hands up in defense. “I’m just sayin, Mom.” 

       “Well, you better quit just sayin before I whoop your ass!” 

       “Mom! It’s 2016 ! You say those rules are stupid. Do you know why? Because we are modernizing ! I mean, yea. It’s still illegal to go stab someone or rob a bank, but that’s because it hurts people when you do that . . . But being gay? I’m not hurting anyone by being in love with a woman-” 

       “ LOVE ?!?” She exclaimed with wide eyes. 

       “Yes, Mother. Waverly and I are in love. Is that hurting you in any way?” 


       She sighed annoyedly. “How?” 

       “Because! God doesn’t want that!”

       She raised her eyebrows in question. “Really? Did he tell you that?” 

       Sharon threw her a look. “It’s in the Bible , Nicole.” 

       “Yet, you still threw your V-card out the window before you said I Do,” she sighed with a half-smile. “Us Haughts are Sinner Central, I’m telling ya.” 

       Sharon clenched her jaw as she pushed herself off the couch, stomping off to the kitchen and muttering comments under her breath. She began ripping open cabinets. Nicole got up, walking over and standing by the island. “ Left ,” she coughed. Her mother paused, looking back at her before opening the cabinet she directed her to, slowly pulling a mug out and filling it with coffee. Nicole smirked to herself, leaning back against the counter where she was standing. Sharon took a long sip, staring right at her. The Officer stared right back. 

       The silence chilled the air as minutes passed, their eyes staying locked on one another. 

       Sharon finally broke it after a few more. “You’ve grown up.” 

       She nodded with an inhale. “It’s been 4 years , Mom.”

       “I know,” she mumbled. “You’re an adult now.” 

       “. . . And have been for 8 years . . .” 

       She was quiet for a few seconds, looking down into her mug. “You’re old ‘nough to make your own decisions . . .” She looked up at her, “even if I don’t agree with it.” Nicole nodded, swallowing the lump in her throat. “. . . If you’re willin to try and make somethin between us work . . . I guess I am, too.” 

       Her eyes widened. “Really?” She asked softly, almost in disbelief. 

       Sharon nodded with a sad shrug. “You’re my daughter, Pumpkin. You’re all I got left.” 

       Nicole’s eyes slowly filled with tears. She stepped forward, clutching her arms around her mother and pressing her face into her shoulder. Sharon wrapped her arms around her, letting out a shaky breath. 

       She pulled away a minute later, cupping her cheeks and wiping her tears. “I’m gonna try,” she whispered. 

       “That’s all I’ve ever wanted,” she mumbled. 

       “I know,” she soothed. “I’m sorry.” 

       Nicole let out a breath to calm herself down and her mom dropped her hands from her face. “If this is going to work, you have to be ok with me and Waves . . . She’s my everything, Mom.” 

       She could see the nerves building on her face. “I . . .” She closed her eyes, slowly nodding her head. “I will. It might take some time, but I will.” 

       The Officer smiled. “You’ll love her, I promise.”


.  .  .


       Waverly shut the hairdryer off, unplugging it from the wall and shoving it back under the sink. She brushed through her hair and tossed her clothes in the hamper, opening the bathroom door. 

       She paused, focusing on the sounds coming from down the hall. 

       Laughter ? 

       She slowly made her way towards the living room and kitchen, stopping when she got to the end of the hallway. She traced her eyes around the kitchen, lips set in a straight line. 

       There were Cheerios covering the floor. Nicole was standing at one end of the island and her mom was at the other. It was clear exactly what they were doing. 

       Nicole lined up her shot. “Ready, ready, ready!” She tossed the Cheerio and Sharon successfully caught it in her mouth. 

       “ YESSSSSSS !!!” They both cheered before erupting into laughter. 

       Waverly continued to blink at them until Nicole calmed down, finally seeing her standing there. Her mouth came open slightly, eyes going wide. “Hey, Baby,” she said slowly, mouth curving into a scared smile. 

       She glared at her for a few more seconds before letting out a sigh and walking towards the living room. “I’m not cleaning that up.”

       Nicole looked towards her mom, who had a nervous look on her face. The younger Haught’s mouth slowly formed a smirk, Sharon’s soon following. She let out a snort and within seconds, they were both cackling.