62. That, My Friend, Is Called Skill

       Nicole stopped at the house and pulled her phone out of her pocket as she walked up to the porch and unlocked the door. She pressed it to her ear, walking inside. 

       "Hi, Honey!" Waverly answered. 

       "Hey, Babe," she said, noticing the huge smile that pushed onto her face just hearing her girlfriend's voice. "I just got home." 

       "Alright. Wynonna and Doc are already here at Shorty's." 

       Nicole set the phone on the dresser as she began to tug her uniform off. "Mk. I'll be there in 10-15 minutes." 

       "Ok, see you in a bit. Love you." 

       "Love you, too. Buh-bye." She tapped the red button and tossed her pants into the hamper. 

       It was exactly one week until Christmas and Waverly had already gotten the best gift she could have asked for: a simple email telling her that she got her Associate's degree and had been accepted to continue to get her Bachelor's. She was so excited when she picked her phone up and read it that morning that she accidentally elbowed sleeping Nicole in the nose. 

       Hugging and spinning her around with two tampons shoved up her nostrils was not the ideal celebration they were hoping for, but it's what they got. 

       And the gang decided that today was a day worth celebrating even more so they were all heading to Shorty's for some drinks. 

       Nicole pulled on some heavily ripped black skinny jeans and straightened the sleeves of her skin tight white button-down before tugging on a black leather jacket and plopping a white beanie on her head. 

       She smirked as she moved back towards their closet and pulled the black shoebox hiding in the back corner of the top shelf out that she knew Waverly could not see nor reach. Maybe she had bought herself a little itty bitty early Christmas present. And maybe the price tag was not so little itty bitty . And maybe Waverly was going to have a little itty bitty fit when she found out about said price tag, but that was ok. 

       Her new black and white Jordan 1 Retros were worth it.

       After putting them on, she fed Calamity and headed off to Shorty’s. 

       She pulled in the parking lot behind Jeremy’s car and parked beside him. She climbed out and walked around to greet him. “‘Sup, Kid,” she smirked, pinching the skin on the back of his neck. 

       “Quit,” he whined, smacking her hand away. 

       Nicole laughed as she pulled one of the double doors open, letting him walk through first. She traced her eyes around, finding her girlfriend’s smiling face at the other end of the bar, chatting with . . . Rosita. 

       Every muscle in her body tensed up and her jaw locked. Jeremy turned when he noticed she wasn’t beside him anymore, seeing that she had stopped four steps into the bar. He walked back over to her. “What . . .?” 

       She kept her eyes forward, watching the girl’s every move. Waverly had told her that they hadn’t really talked since the incident but seeing how friendly they were being might have just proved otherwise. 

       “Oh! Did you hear that Rosie is working with BBD now?” Jeremy asked with a smile. 

       Her head snapped towards him. “ What ?!” 

       His brow hitched. “Do you have a problem with her or something?” 

       “She tried to kiss Waves while she was drunk, so yes, I think I have a problem with her, Jeremy.” His eyes widened as he glanced back over to the duo. “Why the hell is she working with Black Badge?” She asked a little quieter. 

       “Cause she has a Ph.D. in biochemistry and engineering,” he informed. “She’s helping me create more of Dolls’ . . . anti-dragon drugs.” 

       She rolled her eyes, shoving her hands in her pockets as she wandered over and stopped about five feet behind Waverly, leaning her hip heavily against the bar as she pulled her switchblade out and ran the sharp edge against her finger, staring right at Rosita. 

       The woman glanced up from the brunette, face going white at the sight of the Deputy. Waverly saw the way her face changed and snapped her head back to see what she was looking at, eyes narrowing at Nicole. “Jesus Christ, what is wrong with you?” She snapped, pushing her backward and grabbing the knife out of her hand. 

       “What the hell is she doing talking to you, huh?”

       “She was congratulating me, Nicole, chill out.” She tugged her hips closer to her and pushed the now-closed knife back in her pocket. “You’re lucky I wanted an excuse to stop talking to her or I’d be pissed at you.” 

       She said that to try and ease the tension but Nicole’s body went rigid again. “Why, what was she doing?” She asked quickly as she gripped Waverly’s hip, looking towards her as she was now back behind the bar serving customers.

       “No, nothing, she just thinks that anytime I talk to her I want to be her friend again and I don’t.” She draped her arms around her neck. “People that want to make out with me aren’t the people I try and associate myself with,” she said with a grin, pulling her head down into a deep kiss. “Well, besides you.” 

       Nicole smirked wolfishly, dropping her hands to her ass with a squeeze when she saw the bartender looking at them out of the corner of her eye. “ Damn straight .” 

       “Will one of you horn dogs bring me a Coke?!” Wynonna shouted from her and Doc's position at the pool table. 

       Nicole and Waverly looked towards her with a joined sigh. “Yes, Wynonna,” the redhead called, rolling her eyes. She walked with the brunette over to the front of the bar and Waverly hopped up onto one of the stools, jerking her hips towards her. 

       The Officer quickly braced herself with her hands pressed against the counter on either side of her body, looking down at her with a knowing smirk as Waverly slid her hands inside her jacket and rubbed along her abs and sides over her shirt. Rosita walked over to her with an annoyed stare. “What?” 

       “Coke, 5 tequila shots, and a . . .” She looked down at Waverly. “Whachu want?” 

       “2 AMFs,” she said, tipping her head back. “Make ‘em strong.”

       Rosita widened her eyes at her, walking off to make their drinks. “What the hell is an AMF?” Nicole question. 

       “You’ve never had one?” 

       “No . . . What’s it stand for?” 

       “Adios Motherfucker,” she smirked.

       Nicole matched her face. “Well, now I want one.” 

       “Why do you think I ordered two?” 

       Nicole grinned, leaning down to catch her lips. Rosita cleared her throat after a minute and the redhead looked up, seeing all their drinks sitting in front of her. “Are you gonna pay or what?” 

       “Oh. Right.” Nicole reached her hand in Waverly’s back pocket, pulling it out with nothing but her middle finger. She grabbed the tray and one of the glasses and the brunette grabbed the other two, carrying them over to the pool tables. She set it all down on the table by it, slamming three of the five tequila shots. “She can suck my dick.” 

       “I’d break her neck,” Waverly snorted, tipping back the remaining two when she pushed the tray towards her. 

       Doc, Chrissy, Wynonna, and Jeremy walked over to them. “Guys,” the tall blonde slurred, leaning heavily against the smaller girl. She had always been a lightweight. “ I would like to make a toast to my super-duper smart best friend for getting her super-duper smart degree.” They all laughed, clinking their glasses. 

       “Seriously though, Babygirl, we’re all so fucking proud of you,” Wynonna said with a smile, pulling her into a one-armed hug.


.  .  .


       Some new poppy country song about falling in love at first sight shot through the speakers of Shorty’s. Wynonna and Doc watched on as Nicole and Waverly did some not-so-clean dance moves in the dim lighting, surrounded by a bunch of other people, young and old, who could care less because they were all doing some near-cousins of the moves they were showing off. 

       After the song ended, they stumbled back to their table, holding their own giggle fest. “Having fun, are we?” Wynonna asked, raising her eyebrows at them. 

       “Ya,” Nicole slurred into her drink, draping half of her body over the back of the chair. “Hey. You should play some pool with me,” she grinned, pointing a finger at the older Earp. 

       “No. You’re drunk, I’d win in five shots,” she said with a laugh. 

       “No, you wouldn’t,” she scoffed. 

       “Wanna bet?”

       “Yuh-huh,” she agreed wide-eyed. 

       “Nonna, if you bet and she wins, that doesn’t mean you can skimp out of it like you usually do,” Waverly reminded. 

       “Oh, so you think she’s gonna win, huh?” 

       “Of course I do,” she smirked, leaning into Nicole’s side. 

       Wynonna walked over to one of the pool tables and began to get it racked up. “Well. I guess I’m betting against both of you fools then.” She walked back over to Nicole. “If I win, you two have to do whatever I tell you two to do. And if you win, I have to do whatever you tell me to do. Deal?” 

       A crooked grin worked its way up the redhead’s face as ideas started to fly through her head. She quickly nodded. Wynonna smirked as they both spit in their palms and smacked them together in a handshake."You two are disgusting," Waverly grimaced, scrunching her face up. 

       Nicole smiled, kissing her temple as she walked over and grabbed a pool stick, chalking up the end. "You can break cause I'm just that nice," Wynonna smiled. 

       "Aw, how sweet ," she cooed, shrugging her jacket off and tossing it to the younger brunette. She leaned forward onto the table, wiggling her hips a little as she lined up her shot. She shot Waverly a wink over her shoulder as she flexed her right arm, putting all her weight behind it as she snapped it forward. The ball hit the others with a loud crack and two of the solids slid into the pockets. Nicole smirked, moving around to the right side and slowly bending forward again, ass now facing them. Waverly let out a wolf whistle.

       Wynonna walked over and gave her butt a hard smack as she watched her next move. Nicole kicked her shin before shooting again, knocking another in. "Look at you, Haught Shot," the brunette teased. 

       "Don't disturb the Master," she hushed as she walked to the left and struck the cue ball, hitting it too hard and knocking it in behind her blue ball. " Shit ." She tapped the end of her stick against the floor a few times before walking back over to the table and downing the last of her second Jack and Coke of the night as Wynonna stepped up to bat. She took a seat in one of the tall chairs and Waverly leaned back into her front. Nicole stuck her fingers under the hem of her high-waisted black jeans and held her stick with the other hand. 

       The brunette looked down to push herself up onto her lap, but stopped, squinting at her shoes. She turned around, pointing down at them. “Where’d those come from?” 

       Nicole’s eyes widened in fear for a second before she calmed herself down. “The house,” she said with a dimpled smile, sticking her hands in her back pockets with a light squeeze. 

       “Nicole,” she warned with a look, pushing her thumb into one of the rips in her jeans. The Officer didn’t answer, and instead cupped her cheek, pulling her into a kiss as she tugged her closer. Waverly sighed, pushing her fingers into the squishy part on the tops of her thighs as the redhead eased her tongue into her mouth. 

       She pulled away after a minute. “How much were they?” She asked, noticing how it said Air Jordan on the sides. The Officer looked at her with a toothy smile. “Over a hundred?” Nicole kept smiling. “150?” Her eyebrows slowly began to raise and Nicole’s smile grew more terrified. “200?” She smacked the side of her leg. “ Nicole Rayleigh Haught , if you spent more than $250 on shoes, I’m gonna-”

       “Bottom left!” Wynonna called from the pool table. 

       Nicole’s eyebrows shot to her hairline as she climbed off the chair and walked over to the table. And sure enough. The last ball of Wynonna’s was the 8 ball. “Did she cheat?!” She asked Doc. 

       He put his hands up. “I swear to you she didn’t.” 

       The older brunette let out an evil laugh as she struck the white ball, sending the 8 ball right in the pocket. “WHOO!” She pumped her arms in the air before giving her stomach a high-five. 

       “You jus' got lucky,” the redhead grumbled. 

       “That, my friend, is called skill,” she corrected, leaning against the edge and crossing her arms. “Now. What do I want you two unfortunate souls to do?” 

       Nicole’s heart quickened in her chest as she waited for what she wanted them to do. Nothing good was going to come out of it, she knew that for sure. 

       An evil grin worked its way up Wynonna’s face and the couple’s eyes widened. “Here’s what’s gonna happen.” She stood up straight and rubbed her hands together menacingly. “Waves, you are gonna change into her clothes and you are going to change into Waves'. And you both have to stay like that for the rest of the night.” 

       They both looked towards each other, tracing their eyes over one another’s outfits. They had expected something way worse knowing Wynonna, but it was still going to be weird since they were different sizes. “Ooh boy,” Nicole muttered, trying to figure out how she was going to fit into those tiny-ass skinny jeans. 

       “Let’s go,” Waverly said, grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the stairs. They went up and she let them into her old room, locking the door behind them and pinning Nicole against it, jumping at her mouth. 

       The redhead gripped her hips, sliding her hands down the back of her jeans and squeezing her ass roughly. Waverly let out a heavy breath, biting onto her lip as she ripped the beanie off her head. A hiss escaped the Officer's mouth as she pushed herself off of the door and walked them towards the bed. 

       The brunette quickly undid all the buttons on her shirt, flinging the sides open and dropping to her knees to run her mouth all over her abs. “Well, damn,” Nicole breathed with a laugh, pushing her hand through her hair as Waverly unzipped her jeans. 

       Waverly yanked them down to her knees, popping up to her feet and shoving her back onto the twin-sized bed. She practically ripped her lacey maroon long-sleeved crop top and jeans off before jumping into her lap, shoving her tongue back into the redhead's mouth like there was no tomorrow. “You look so fucking hot tonight, I’ve been horny since you got here.” She unzipped the front of Nicole's sports bra, wrapping her lips around her left nipple. 

       “Yea, well, I was this close to getting off when you were grinding on me earlier, so if that tells you where I’m at right now.” She unclasped the hook of Waverly’s bra, tossing it to the floor and untangling herself from her own shirt and bra. Waverly flipped around and went to tug her shoes off. “ Gentle ."

       She huffed as she pulled them off with care. “$300 fucking shoes.” She got the redhead's pants all the way off and turned back around. 

       “220, actually,” she corrected. The brunette rolled her eyes, shoving two fingers into her as she kissed down her neck. “ Fuck ,” Nicole growled, hips jumping to meet her hand. She smirked, pulling them out and moving to straddle her legs. After lining herself up with the Officer’s, she dropped her body forward to meet her mouth as she began to roll her hips around. 

       The redhead dug her fingers into the bend of her hip and thigh, coaxing them in all different directions for a few minutes. The brunette sped it up, rocking back and forth as her hands attached to the Deputy’s breast. She let out a quiet moan, lifting her head to meet Nicole’s eyes, who was staring at her with her mouth dropped open, neck and face flushed with pleasure. "Waver-" Her eyes snapped close with a sharp inhale. " Fuck , don't-" 

       Any air that would let her speak was ripped right out of her lungs as a tidal wave crashed over her. Waverly pushed her face into her neck in an attempt to quiet her moans as her own cum spilled out all over the redhead. 

       The Officer ran her hands up her back, sucking light marks into her shoulder as Waverly gathered herself enough to lift her head. "Shit," she breathed out with a laugh. 

       A grin crept onto Nicole's face as she sat up and dropped them back down so she was on top. "Round two." She shifted herself onto the smaller girl's thigh and pushed a finger through her soaked folds. 

       "Nicole," Waverly cried, body arching off the mattress as the redhead rolled her finger around her still-sensitive bud, nipping at her pulse point. 

       "Yea?" She husked, tracing the tip of her tongue up her jaw bone, staring into her dark forest eyes. The younger girl grabbed her by the back of the neck, crashing their lips together as she rocked into her hand. The taller girl quickly pushed a finger into her, adding another after a few pumps. 

       Nicole slid her free hand behind her head as Waverly writhed beneath her, resting it at the base of her skull. “Fuck me,” the brunette muttered under her breath, digging her fingers into her bicep. 

       “I’m working on it,” the redhead smirked, winking at her from above her nipple. Waverly rolled her eyes, smacking her ass with a grip. Nicole pumped her fingers faster, curling them upward as her breathing got heavier. Her own chest began to heave as she ground harder into her thigh. 

       Waverly’s eyes closed as she felt her walls start to flutter and she gripped the bedsheets, knowing she was teetering over the edge. But she felt the redhead seize her movements against her thigh after a groan, so she opened them a little. 

       The Officer was now sitting up, pumping her hand quickly into the smaller girl. Her other hand, though, was busy spazzing around in between her own legs, strangled pants escaping her throat. Waverly’s eyes widened at the sight, watching her abs flex above the skin harder than she had ever seen them before. 

       It took Waverly a second to realize she had hit her climax, but when she did, oh , she did. Her eyes rolled back as her brain short-circuited. And at this point, she couldn’t tell if the moans were her’s or Nicole’s. 8

       She felt Nicole's weight drop onto her front as her body melted into the bed. Her eyes opened and she looked down at the Deputy’s face. Nicole smirked, sticking her right fingers in her mouth and her left in Waverly’s. “I wanted to get there together,” she mumbled into her chest. 

       “Do you hear me complaining?” 

       Nicole rolled off the bed, shaking her head jokingly at her as she began to collect their clothes from around the room. The brunette watched on, smiling at the perfect balance of athletic tones and feminine curves of her body. 

       She set them in two separate piles on the bed. “We can wear our own bras, right?” 

       Waverly snorted, picking up her own and snapping it on. “You’re tits are just going to fall out of this and I don’t need you flashing anyone.” 

       “Fair point.” They both pulled their own bras and underwear on, standing in front of one another. “Ok . . .” She picked up Waverly’s jeans and held them up in front of her legs. This was the only time she would ever be upset that her girlfriend was so tiny. Just the width of her hip bones alone would make these a tight squeeze, not to mention how she also had a butt and actual hips to think about. “If these rip, I’m sorry.” 

       Waverly laughed as she buttoned Nicole’s white shirt up on herself. The redhead sat down on the edge of the bed and began to tug the legs up. She got them up each leg and stood, yanking them up a little higher. And with some jumping and wiggling, she got them up to a point where she could button them. They were high-waisted on the smaller girl but didn’t even go above Nicole’s hips and the bottoms came up about 3-4 inches above her ankles. She turned and picked up the shirt as Waverly pulled Nicole’s jeans up with ease. “That was a workout." 

       “Ooo, you need to wear my pants all the time if they’re gonna make your ass look that good.”

       “I can barely move my legs.” Nicole pulled the crop top on, yanking the sleeves up her arms. It wasn’t as bad considering that it was supposed to be loose on the normal person who would wear it. But with her long torso, wide shoulders, and toned arms, it hugged her body, coming to rest just below her boobs. 

       The brunette giggled, running her hand down her exposed stomach. The light blue band of her briefs stuck out like a sore thumb against the dark maroon and blacks of the rest of the outfit. “I love it.” 

       “I do not,” she mumbled, already feeling the circulation to her feet being cut off. "Now you, on the other hand . . ." 

       The ripped jeans on Waverly fit like normal jeans would, but were a little baggy around her ankles. And the button-down hung loosely on her, especially considering that she kept the top three buttons opened. And the beanie. Well. Anytime Waverly wore a beanie, Nicole almost had a heart attack. And the same applied for now. 

       She blushed as the Deputy's eyes traced up and down her body, that hunger already back in her eyes. She sat on the edge of the bed and grabbed the Jordans, looking them over with wide eyes for a second. "What size shoe do you wear?! Jeez." 

       "13s in Women's," she smirked. "Those are 11 and a half cause they're Men's." She slowly eased herself into a sitting position next to her and picked up Waverly's black combat boots, blinking at them. 

       "Yea, good luck in those 7s, Bigfoot." 

       She groaned, shoving her foot into the tiny shoe. "You need to grow some." 

       "Have you ever considered that maybe you need to shrink?" 

       "Oh, so now you're calling me fat, huh?" She said with a laugh as she stood up. 

       " No . Shut up." She smacked her stomach before walking over to the door, still getting used to the clown shoes on her feet.  

       Many questioning stares traced over the two as they returned to the bar. They walked over to the table where Doc and Wynonna were still at, seeing how the older Earp had her back to them. 

       Doc must have looked up and seen them walking over because his eyes went wide as he gestured to them with a laugh. Wynonna turned her head, mouth dropping open with a wide smile. "Oh my God, this is the best thing I have ever seen." She stood up and walked around them, looking them up and down. “I always forget you’ve got these, Haught Bod,” she mumbled, poking her finger into her abs. 

       “Thank you, Wynonna,” she sighed, rolling her eyes as she slid her finger around the hem of the jeans in hope to get some relief from the tightness. 

       Wynonna suddenly stopped walking as she thought about how long it took them to change. “You two just fucked, didn’t you?” She asked with narrowed eyes. 

       “ No .” “Of course we did.” 

       Waverly snapped her head towards Nicole wide-eyed, smacking her arm. “Sorry, I didn’t realize that was a secret,” she mumbled with a laugh. 

       Wynonna’s lip hitched and she turned away, shaking her head. “You two are nymphomaniacs, I swear.” 

       Her sister’s mouth dropped open in offense. Nicole let out a single laugh. “That’s a big word for you, Earp.” 

       “You better watch it or my cankle is gonna be up your ass.” 

       The redhead turned her head at the sound of a familiar gruff voice. “Haught, what the hell are you wearing?” 

       A toothy smile pushed onto her face. “Hi, Nedley . . .” 


.  .  .


       Nicole pulled the Jeep up to the house and climbed out. She had just got done with some last-minute Christmas Eve grocery shopping. She grabbed the five bazillion bags out of the trunk and passenger seat because God knows she was not going to be making two trips. She stumbled up to the porch and pushed the door open, her senses being overloaded by the smell of cookies and the sound of the brunette singing along to Hallelujah from the kitchen as she made said cookies. 

       She set all the bags down on the free part on the counter and smiled as she dropped her hands gently to Waverly's hips from behind, pushing a kiss to her cheek and resting her chin on her shoulder as she rolled some cookie balls and set them on a baking sheet. “Jeremy called,” Nicole mumbled, pressing another kiss to the side of her face. 

       “Yea . . . You two talk almost every day.” 

       Nicole pursed her lips, tipping her head towards her. 

       “Sorry, sorry.” She cleared her throat. “What did Jeremy call you for, Dear?” 

       “ Well . . . He was wondering if he could bring his boyfriend with him tomorrow,” she informed. 

       The smaller girl’s eyebrows went up and she turned around in her arms, leaning back against the counter. “ Jeremy has a boyfriend?” She questioned. “We’re talking about Jeremy Chetri here, correct?” 

       Nicole chuckled, crossing her ankles and leaning on her hands that were on the edges of the countertop on either side of her body. “Apparently he does ,” she confirmed. “His names Robin . . . something, I don’t remember. He was squealing too much.” 

       “Robin Jett?” 

       “Yea, that’s it. You know him?” 

       She laughed a little. “If by know him, you mean that he realized he was gay after spending 7 minutes in Heaven with me at some high school party, then yes , I know him.” 

       Nicole’s eyes widened. “What year was that ?” 

       “Junior, I think?” She guessed with a shrug. “. . . Yea, cause he was dating Chrissy at the time.”

       She shook her head around at all of this interesting information. “Wait, so he was with Chrissy and you were with . . . Champ?” 

       “Mhm. But Chrissy wasn’t there because her dad’s the Sheriff so she wasn’t allowed at barely any high school parties, so she still doesn’t know. And Champ let me go cause he was convinced he was a . . . long series of all those fun words.”

       The redhead’s jaw hardened and she slowly nodded. “ Nice .” 

       Waverly stood up straight, rubbing her hands up and down her sides. Nicole stepped back with a hiss. “Sorry,” she cringed, knowing that she had dropped a weight on her ribs a few days ago, or at least that’s what she had told her. Why she hadn’t let her see it, she didn’t know. 

       Nicole leaned forward, pushing a kiss to her lips. “I’m ok,” she mumbled into them, having noticed the worry in her eyes. “So, you’re fine with Robin, though, right?” 

       “Yea, totally! We became really good friends after all he came out and all,” she assured with a smile.

       “Mk, good.” She walked over and began to put all the food away, sneaking one of the cookies that was sitting out to cool when she wasn’t looking. 

       Though she got a smack when Waverly turned to grab something and noticed her chipmunk cheeks. 

       Nicole laughed, running off to the bathroom as she tried to come at her with the spatula for the second time when she caught her eating another. “You better watch yourself, Haught!” The brunette warned from outside the door. 

       She smirked with a sigh, pushing her hand through her hair as she looked at herself in the mirror. She took a step closer to it and pulled her jacket off, rolling the bottom of her t-shirt up and turning to look at her left side.