65. Trust Me

       “C’mon, Gerry is adorable ,” Nicole coaxed, scooting closer to her. 

       “For a 50-year-old man, maybe.”

       The taller girl huffed, sitting up and swinging her leg over her lap. Waverly smiled a little, rubbing her thumbs on her hip bones. She slowly smirked. “You are old .” 

       Her eyes widened in offense. “27 is not old .”

       “You sure? Cause I think it said your walker should be here by tomorrow.”

       “Oh,” she laughed. “You wanna see old?” 

       Waverly flicked her finger up and down in front of her. “I already see old.” 

       Nicole rolled off her lap and set Geronimo on the floor before dropping herself in between her legs, wrapping her fingers around the bottom of her chin. “ I’ll show you old .” 

       She watched her eyes darken with a devilish grin, slowly dropping her mouth to her lips. Waverly smiled, leaning her head back against the headboard and pushing her fingers through her hair, cupping her palm around the side of her jaw. “How’re you gonna do that?” 

       Nicole squeezed her fingers into her waist, pushing her hips forward slightly. “ Nice. And. Slow .” 

       Waverly’s eyes widened slightly. “ Oh no .” 


.  .  .


       The couple rolled out of bed a few hours later, both with  darker hickeys covering their bodies than usual. Hmm. Weird. 

       Nicole got a pot of coffee going and poured herself a cup, leaning against the counter as she raised it to her mouth. She suddenly paused, standing up straight. 

       “What?” Waverly asked, furrowing her brow as the redhead began to dart her eyes around. 

       Nicole set her mug down as she pushed herself off of the counter, walking towards the living room. “Where’s Geronimo?”

       Her eyes widened and she followed her as the search began. She had totally forgotten about their new furry friend. 

       Nicole clicked her tongue a few times as she got down on her knees, looking under the couch. “Geronimo? Where’d you go, Bud?” She crawled over to the recliner, tipping it back to look under it. “We are such bad parents, Wave, we already lost our kid.” She turned her head at the laugh from the corner of the room.

       “C’mere, Babe.”  

       She cocked an eyebrow as she got up off of the ground and walked over, a smile pushing onto her face. There laid Calamity, sleeping on top of her cat stand, using the grey poof as a pillow. She was about six of him, so it was quite amusing to look at. “I guess that means they like each other,” Nicole chuckled. 

       Waverly smiled as she gently ran her finger across his head. He slowly opened his eyes, the cutest noise escaping as he yawned. “Hello!” She cooed as he wiggled out from under CJ’s head, letting lose a big stretch. He walked to the edge of the stand and sat down, swatting at Nicole’s finger as she wiggled it in front of his little round face. 

       He must have forgotten how his body worked, though, because he went to swat with both front paws and, well, he was sitting at the edge of the stand, so he flipped right off. “ WOah !” Nicole quickly reached down and caught him, bringing him to her chest protectively. “Dat was stupid , Mo Mo,” she mumbled, walking over to the couch. 

       The brunette lifted up the orange one and followed her over, setting her on her lap when she sat down. Nicole laid down, propping her head up on her feet and setting him on her chest. “Y’know, Wave, I got you a day off on your birthday, you could have gotten me one.” She looked up at her with a straight face, keeping her smile at bay. 

       “Oh, should I just ask your boss then?” 

       “Yea, I think you should,” she sighed as Geronimo walked onto her face. 

       “Mk.” She cleared her throat. “Sheriff Haught, can Nicole have the day off?”

       She smirked, picking him up after he slid down the side of her head, setting him back on her chest and stroking her thumb down his back. “Yep,” she confirmed, popping the p. 

       The smaller girl giggled. “There you go, Nic.” 

       “Thanks, Honey,” she winked, grabbing her hand and kissing her palm. She looked upwards as an orange head hovered over her’s, reaching up and scratching her chin with a smile. “Did you get a brother? Yes, you did.” Calamity ignored her, walking off of Waverly’s lap and using Nicole’s face as a stepping stone to get to the little one. “Well, excuse you.” She laid down in front of him, her butt, of course, being right in the redhead’s face. “Seriously?” She scooted her over slightly, watching as she stuck her paw out in front of Geronimo. 

       He sunk down, tail slowly swaying before pouncing on it. CJ wiggled it, getting it free from his grasp and swatting at him. It only took one hit to knock him over, rolling off of Nicole into the couch crease. 

       “Ooooh,” Waverly laughed as she picked him up and nuzzled his face with her own. 

       “Did you tell Wy yet?” The Sheriff asked as she stroked her hand down Calamity’s back, pulling on her tail. 

       “No . . .” She didn’t like the look on her face. “What?” 

       Nicole let out an evil laugh as she pulled her phone out of her pocket. A small grin worked up Waverly’s face. She figured out what she was going to do without her even having to tell her. Nicole hit call and put it on speaker. 

       “Well, if it isn’t the Birthday Bitch!” Wynonna answered. 

       “Earp, we’ve got great news!” Nicole smiled. 

       “Oh, do you now?” She questioned, sounding intrigued. 

       Nicole held up her hand with a 3-2-1 countdown. “YOU’RE GONNA BE AN AUNT!” They both shouted. 

       “ WHAT ?!?” She sputtered a few noises and Nicole clapped her hand over her mouth to hold in a laugh. “ HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU PREGNANT ?!” 

       The redhead let out a snort and Waverly placed her hand over her’s to hold the sounds in more. “No, we adopted, Nonna.” 



       “ WHAT ?!” 

       “D’you wanna meet him?” 


       Waverly picked up Nicole’s phone and switched it to Facetime. Wynonna had an almost-horrified look on her face when she switched her’s over. The brunette smiled as she lifted Geronimo up to her face. “Look at him!!” 

       The older Earp’s face fell and she blinked at her. “You literally just almost made me go into labor over a cat !” 

       Nicole sat up, leaning back into Waverly after she stretched her legs out. She took the kitten, holding him closer to the camera. “But he’s so cute, though!” He pawed at her face on the screen with a meow.

       Wynonna scrunched her face up at her. “Looks like you’ve had a good birthday so far, Sheriff,” she muttered. 

       She recognized the tone and looked at herself in the little window, seeing all the visible bite marks and hickeys along her collarbone and up her neck. She smirked, rubbing her nose against the kitten’s face. “I got two pussies for my birthday, didn’t I?”

       “You are disgusting ,” Wynonna gagged before hanging up. 

       Waverly rolled her eyes at her, face turning pink as Nicole tipped her head back and placed an innocent kiss on the bottom of her chin. “What d’you wanna do today?” The smaller girl asked. 

       “I don’t care.” 

       “Well, it’s your birthday. You have to want to do something .” She watched as a thought passed over the redhead’s face while Geronimo yawned, curling up in a ball next to Calamity Jane’s stomach on her lap. Nicole lifted them both up, walking over and setting them both on the cat bed on top of the stand.  

       Waverly followed her with her eyes she moved to the kitchen and grabbed something, holding out of her view as she walked over to the light switches, dimming them and tugging all the curtains closed as she walked along the wall, stopping once she got to the stereo. She connected her phone to it and called her over with her finger. 

       The brunette pushed herself up off of the couch, running her hands down her back when she reached her, looking over her shoulder. “It’s noon , Babe,” she said with a laugh, watching her peeling the plastic off of the cap of their bottle of good whiskey. 

       “Do we have plans?” She questioned, leaning against the side of the speaker and taking a few sips out of the bottle. 

       “No . . .” Waverly mumbled, slowly taking it when she handed it to her. 

       “Then we’re getting a little day drunk.” 

       A smile pushed onto her face as she took a long drink. Nicole adjusted the volume on the stereo, turning and spinning her into her arms, taking another drink before setting the bottle down. Waverly giggled, pushing her face into her shoulder and sliding her hands down her arms, automatically recognizing the song as being on her Country Love or whatever it was titled playlist. 

       She had a very odd mixture of tastes in music. 

       Nicole smiled with heart eyes, dropping her hands to her waist to back her up a little. 

       And then the dance party began. 


You got the soul and you know how to use it

Put your hand on my hip cause you know that I'll lose it

You got my heart racing like there's nothing to it

Falling in love to the beat of the music


Oh, oh, why wouldn't I wanna stay? 

Oh, oh, and let that plane fly away, hey, hey


Cause you got the soul and you know how to use it

Put your hand on my hip cause you know that I'll lose it

You got my heart racing like there's nothing to it

Falling in love to the beat of the music


       The redhead looked down at Waverly’s love-struck grin as she pulled her closer, and if it wasn’t for the fact that she had gotten her a kitten , she was sure that alone was the best birthday present she had ever gotten. 


.  .  .

We go good together

Yeah, you and me

We were meant to be

We're like fireworks in a full moon sky


Yeah, the two of us

We're dirt roads and dust

We're like a first kiss and butterflies


Like goodbye goes with September

Good love goes with forever

We go, we go, we go

We go good together

We go good together


       By 2 PM, the couple was seeing that whiskey bottle as half-full as they danced and ran and laughed themselves happy-go-lucky around every inch of the living room. 

       Nicole lifted it to her lips, turning her back to the brunette for literally five seconds. “NIC!” Waverly shouted with a laugh. 

       She turned around, snorting into the bottle as Waverly walked towards her on her hands. She held up a finger as she took one more pull, setting it down and touching her hands to the ground, kicking herself up into a handstand. 

       Waverly shrieked a laugh, watching Nicole sway for a few seconds as she caught her balance. “Oh my God, c’mere!” 

       The Sheriff unsteadily walked to meet her halfway, turning around to face her with an open grin. “I DIDN’T KNOW I COULD DO THIS!” 

       “THIS IS WEIRD!” 

       “WE’RE UPSIDE DOWN!” 

       The brunette giggled as she moved forward, touching her front to her’s, and Nicole bent her arms ever so slightly so she could reach her lips, capturing them in a slow kiss. 

       Though, maybe it was a tad too slow. 

       One of Nicole’s arms gave out for a second and she quickly tried to regain her balance but ended up swinging her legs too far forward. “ Shit .” She fell into the brunette, landing on top of her as they hit the ground. She quickly pushed herself into a plank to get off of her. “ Oh my God , are you ok?” She asked worriedly. 

       Waverly had her hands covering her face and she couldn’t tell if she was laughing or crying until she pulled them away. Relief rushed over her and she dropped back down on her, giggling into the side of her neck. 

       They calmed down after a minute and the redhead lifted her head up, resting her chin on her chest as she listened to what song it had shuffled to while they were busy being acrobats. 


In case you didn't know

Baby, I'm crazy bout ya

And I would be lying if I said that I 

Could live this life without ya

Even though

I don't tell you all the time

You had my heart a long, long time ago


In case you didn't know 

You've got all of me

I belong to you

Yeah, you're my everything


In case you didn't know

I'm crazy bout ya 


       The older girl smiled as she moved up to her face, propping herself up on her elbows as she mumbled the rest of the chorus into her lips. The smaller one hugged her legs around her waist, threading her arm under her shoulder and draping the other around her neck, kissing her lovingly as she pulled her body closer. 

       The song faded as they shared soft kisses, but Waverly pushed her back as the next one started up. 


"We should take this back to my place."

That's what she said right to my face

Cause I want you bad

Yeah, I want you, Baby


       “This is not country,” she scoffed with a laugh. 

       Nicole shrugged as she pushed another kiss to her lips. “It’s kinda country.” 

       She shook her head as she slowly moved her hands up her shirt, feeling the curve of her waist. “He used to be in One Direction , this is not a country-” 

       The Sheriff slid her finger down her lips as she hovered above her face with a smirk. “Shhhhh.” 


I've been thinking bout it all day

And I hope you feel the same way

Yeah, cause I want you bad

Yeah, I want you, Baby


Slow, slow hands

Like sweat dripping down our dirty laundry, no

No chance

That I'm leaving here without you on me, I

I know

Yeah, I already know that there ain't no stoppin’

Your plans and those

Slow hands


       The brunette turned them over on the floor, kissing down her now-shirtless body as her hands traced slow lines of fire down her abs, fingers hooking around the hem of her briefs. She looked up at her dark whiskey eyes, inching them down her body. 

       “ Waves ,” Nicole breathed as her nails slid down her legs. 

       She tossed them away and moved back up her torso, ghosting her finger down her neck as she fulfilled her addiction to the taste of her lips. The redhead cupped the back of her head as she ground up into her thigh. 

       Waverly ran her right hand down her side, tracing her thumb around the border of her tattoo, having already memorized it's location, before letting it continue down, easing Nicole’s thigh away from where it had latched onto her waist. Her nails raked across the inside of her hip and the older girl whimpered into her mouth as she continued to dance around where she needed her most. 

       “ Fuck , Baby, please ,” she begged. 

       Waverly pulled away from her lips with a smirked huff. “Quit being a whiny bottom.”

       Her mouth fell open in offense. “I am not a bott- om .” Her voice was cut with a throaty moan as her eyes rolled back and her spine arched, the brunette having eased two fingers into her. 

       Waverly grinned, planting gentle kisses on the marks already branded on her neck. “What was that, Birthday Girl?” 

       She felt her throat vibrate as the redhead let out a low growl, pushing up into her hand as she slowly pumped her fingers into her. Nicole dug her short nails into her hip, staring up at her with greedy eyes. “I hate you.” 

       She let out a low laugh, nipping up her jawline to her ear. “Just you wait.” 


Oo, slow hands


.  .  .


       “Mo Mo! Come eat your breakfast before Calamity gets to it!” Waverly called, tapping the metal dish on the counter. 

       The now-15-week-old kitten zoomed into the kitchen, tripping up the redhead as she tousled a towel through her hair whilst she walked down the hall. “Jeez, Dude, you act like we don’t feed you!” 

       Waverly giggled, planting a kiss on her cheek when she stopped to pour herself a cup of coffee. She turned around, tutting as she put a hand on her hip. 

       Nicole looked behind her, smirking at the kitten, who was up on the counter, standing up on his hind legs and staring at the food dish that was still in her hand. 

       She walked past him and scratched his stomach. “Mommy’s bouta whoop ya,” she mumbled quiet enough that the brunette behind her couldn’t hear before sliding into the seat on the edge. 

       Waverly stomped over. “Geronimo, get down!” She gave him a small push of encouragement. “You know better,” she grumbled, running her hand down his back a few times as she set his bowl down on the floor. She grabbed her mug and took a seat next to her girlfriend, her chair being so close that their thighs and shoulders were touching. 

       “Just think. This time next month, there’s going to be a screaming baby hanging around.” 

       Waverly's eyes widened as she took that in. It was February 10th and Wynonna was due March 4th. In fact, they were getting ready to go to her prenatal appointment now. “ Oh my God , we’re gonna be aunts in, like, three days.” She leaned her elbows on the counter, rubbing her hands on her forehead. 

       “Well, I hope not in three days,” the Sheriff laughed. The smaller girl threw her a look that screamed you know what I mean . “D’you know today marks a year since I started working here?” 

       She raised her eyebrows as she took a sip of coffee. “Really?” 

       “Mhm,” she nodded with a smile. 

       “And look at you now,” she grinned, running her fingers down her tie. The redhead blushed a little. Waverly swung her legs, rolling her finger around the rim of her mug. “Ya know . . . We’re coming up on a year of something else , too.” 

       Nicole bit the side of her cheek before turning her head to look at her with a cocked eyebrow. “Oh yea? What’s that?” 

       Her face fell. “ Nicole .” 

       “What?” She asked with a mock-oblivious laugh. 

       Waverly rolled her eyes, getting off the chair and walking towards the bedroom, “You are unbelievable .” 

       Nicole tutted with a smile, scrambling off the chair and doing a little jog to catch up with her, wrapping her arms around her from behind. “I’m kidding , Baby.”

       The redhead was very well aware that their one year anniversary was next month. Very. Well aware. 

       Waverly turned around, pouting her lip at her. “Don’t do that to me!” She whined, smacking her chest. 

       Nicole pouted her lip back. “But it was funny ,” she mimicked as she leaned in, cupping each side of her face as she kissed her. “You really thought I would forget our anniversary ?” 

       “No! That’s why I was mad!” 

       She laughed, hugging her arms around her waist. “I would never .” 


.  .  .


       “Why doesn’t Doc ever come with you to these?” Waverly asked her sister as Nicole held the door open for both of them. 

       She gave a little shrug. “Cause I don’t tell him that I’m going.” 

       “ Wynonna ,” they both scolded. 

       “What? So he can watch me get weighed and then get my blood drawn. That’s literally all we do here.” 

       The couple rolled their eyes at one another as she signed herself in. “ And how they look at the baby,” Nicole mumbled. 



       A nurse called her name several minutes later and they got moved to a room. She took all of her vitals, letting them know someone would be in to get her blood sample in a few minutes. 

       “So,” Wynonna started. “What are you two doing on V-Day?”

       They looked towards each other with questioning brows. “That is a good question. What are we doing on Valentine’s Day, Miss Earp?” Nicole drawled, leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms. 

       “I’m sure we’d be doing a lot of things if you didn’t have to work all day.” 

       “ Ew , that’s not what I meant,” the older Earp grimaced. 

       They ignored her. “I get off at six,” Nicole shrugged. “We can probably do dinner somewhere.” 

       Waverly chewed the side of her lip as she slowly nodded, thinking of a few ideas for where they could go. “Ok. I’ll see what we can do,” she smiled. Nicole returned it as she took a drink of her coffee. 

       “Hey, Haughty, you’ve sucked dick before, right?” 

       There went that mouthful of coffee. All over the floor. 

       “ Wynonna !” Waverly chastised, grabbing the box of tissues sitting on the table next to her and handing them to the redhead to clean it up. 

       “So was that a yes, or . . .” She trailed off with a knowing smirk, crossing her cankles on the bed. 

       Nicole’s face went darker than her hair as she dropped to a knee, hating Jeremy for ever bringing that up months back. “We’re not talking about it,” she grumbled. 

       “What the hell does that have to do with anything , Wynonna?” Waverly asked with an angry brow, hating how she always found a way to make Nicole uncomfortable. 

       “It doesn’t really,” she said with a shrug. “I just wanted to make sure she knew exactly what I’m going to be doing on Valentine’s Day.” 

       They both groaned, looking up at her smug smile with disgusted faces. 

       “Do you need a step-by-step on how I’m gonna eat your sister out then or are you good?” Nicole asked her, throwing one of the coffee-soaked tissues at her. 

       “ HEY !” Waverly smacked her shoulder. She looked towards her flushed face with a wink. 

       Wynonna picked up the tissue with her thumb and pointer finger, flicking it back at her. “I’ve already spent some time with Connie Lingus, but thanks for the offer.”

       “ WHAT ?!” Waverly shrieked with wide eyes as Nicole stopped cleaning with a horrified look on her face. “ WHEN ?!” 

       “ You go to a club in Greece. Trust me, you’re not the same person when you come out.” She looked between their shocked faces, blinking slowly. She leaned back with a smirk. “And let me tell ya, they’ve got some biiig- ” She stopped when the door opened, not wanting to scare the nurse that just came in. 

       “Hi!” The blonde smiled. “I’m gonna be ta- king your blood again . . .” 

       Waverly cocked an eyebrow at the way she trailed off, but then she noticed she was staring past her. She turned her head, looking down at her girlfriend.

       Whose face was pale as she stared back at the woman who had stepped all the way over her boundaries a few months back. 

       It took Waverly a few seconds to figure out what their deal was. But then it clicked. And it clicked hard . 

       A small gasp left her throat as her head snapped back towards the blonde. Her body tensed tightly as a pit of anger bubbled up in her stomach. “Oh, you bitch ,” she growled, shooting out of her chair and sprinting towards her. 

       Nicole was pulled out of her stare at the sound of glass shattering, for the nurse had dropped the vial when Waverly tackled her. 

       “ Hey !” Wynonna shouted, hauling herself off the bed as her sister let the punches fly. 

       “Waverly , don’t !” Nicole pushed herself off of the floor, pedaling over as the nurse rolled them over, nailing the brunette with a couple of socks to the face. Her eyes went wide. “ Get the fuck off her ,” she fumed, leaping forward and wrapping her arms around her middle to knock her off. 

       They rolled a few times, Nicole ending up with her back on the floor. “I didn’t tell anyone!” The nurse shouted as she pinned her neck to the ground, rubbing her other hand against her bruising jaw. “You said you wouldn’t tell her if I didn’t!” 

       “That sucks for you, I guess,” she choked out as she tugged at the arm cutting off her oxygen. 

       She scowled, pulling her fist back. The Sheriff blocked it, turning them over and standing up on her knees as she flipped her and pushed her front to the ground. She quickly grabbed her arms and pinned them behind her back, slapping her cuffs on her wrist. 

       “You can’t arrest me and not her, you asshole !” 

       “She didn’t try and choke a Sheriff , now did she?” Nicole asked as she hauled her to a sitting position and sat her against the wall. 

       “She still punched me !” 

       “And you punched her back when you didn’t need to, so it wasn’t self-defense. Be glad I’m not gonna charge you for it.” 

       She stood up straight as she began to cuss her out, rushing over to Waverly, who was still being held back by Wynonna. Her eyes widened as she placed her hands on either side of her neck, tipping her head up. “Baby , your nose .” 

       The blood coming from each nostril trickled down her face and dripped off her chin, and Nicole could see how the bridge was now curved slightly to the right. 

       She pushed against the redhead in anger. “That bitch broke my fucking nose!” 

       “Hey, hey, shh.” She pushed her hands against her shoulders. “It’s ok, Wave. It’s not that bad, calm down.” 

       “Don’t tell me to calm down , Nicole!” 

       Rule number one when your girlfriend is upset and/or angry: Never ever tell her to calm down.

       That’s just common sense. 

       She pursed her lips and stepped behind her, leading her back into the room. She got her to sit down and handed her the box of tissues that was sitting on the floor. “I’ll be right back, ok?” The brunette nodded with tears in her eyes as she pushed one to her face, her anger finally wearing off and letting sadness through. 

       Nicole stood and kissed the top of her head, closing the door behind her as she walked out of the room. She grabbed onto the nurse’s arm and stood her up, unlocking the cuffs. “The hell?” 

       “Just leave us alone, alright?” The nurse rolled her eyes. Nicole took a quick step closer to her, grabbing onto the front of her scrubs and shoving her up against the wall. “ You better be goddamn glad that I’m in uniform or I’d be knocking those eyes out of your fuckin’ head for even touching her ,” she growled through her teeth before letting her go with a shove. “ Now get out of my face before I decide I don't care about that anymore .”  

       She backed away with a testy snarl, turning around and heading around the corner. The redhead let out a heavy breath, relaxing her shoulders. She walked back into the room, kneeling down to pick up the needle and shards of glass from what she dropped. She threw the glass away and set the needle down on the desk, spotting a box of rubber gloves as she did so. She grabbed a pair and snapped them on, pulling her chair around to sit in front of Waverly. 

       “What’re you doing?” She mumbled as Nicole grabbed a tissue and dried the couple of tears rolling down her cheeks. 

       “I’m just looking to see where it’s broken.” She raised her hands to her cheeks, tipping her back up a little. 

       “Nic,” Waverly whimpered, grabbing onto her wrists and pulling her hands away. 

       “Honey, I promise , I’m not gonna do anything to it.” She wiped a few more tears away.

       The brunette slowly let her go. “. . . Ok.” 

       Nicole gave her a soft smile. “It’s gonna hurt, but I’m gonna be as gentle as I can.” 

       Waverly let out a breath, giving her a small nod as a go-ahead. Nicole swallowed, moving her hands back up to her cheeks. She lifted her right hand, putting her thumb and index finger on each side as she pinched at the cartilage at the bottom. She breathed a relief, feeling it still intact. She knew if that was broken in any way, it would need surgery to repair it. She slowly moved upward, getting to the actual nasal bone. 

       And that’s where she felt the fracture. 

       She pulled her hands away, placing them on her knees and drawing patterns on them with her thumbs. “Is it bad?” Waverly whispered, eyes filled with worry. 

       “No, no. It’s not bad . . . It’s there . But it’s not bad.” She paused for a second. “I could probably reset it right now.” 

       Her eyes popped out. “No! You don’t know what you’re doing!” 

       She rubbed her hands up and down her arms. “ Hey . I’ve reset my nose twice . It looks normal to you, doesn’t it?” 

       “Nicole . . .” She mumbled, knowing that she never would have guessed her nose had ever been broken. 

       “I got kicked in the face with a soccer ball in my Junior year of High School during a game. A kid got nailed by a line drive in my Freshman year of college at practice. I was drunk at a party during my Senior year of college and my friend smacked his face on a toilet seat. And I got pummeled by this dick that I was trying to arrest when I worked in Calgary. All four times, those noses looked good as new.” 

       Waverly stared at her with uncertainty in her eye before pulling her phone out and opening the camera, examining herself for a minute. She brought her arms down with a conflicted huff. “Babe, I don’t know.” 

       Nicole cupped each side of her jaw, pushing their foreheads together. “Do you trust me, Wave?” She asked gently, staring right into her eyes. 

       “I trust you with everything,” she mumbled. “I’m just scared.” 

       “I know, Love. But if you wait to go to the doctor, the more you’re gonna bruise and I really don’t want you to look like a raccoon.” 

       Her jaw clenched and she sat back, running her hand down her braid. “. . . How bad’s it hurt?” 

       “Uhm . . .”

       “Like, 1 to 10.” 

       “11,” she said bluntly. Waverly’s eyes widened. “But then it feels better really fast . . . And you’ll be able to breathe through it right away.” 

       “Nic . . .” She said again with a whine. 

       “If I thought this wasn’t going to go well, I wouldn’t even think about trying it. You know that.” 

       The smaller girl let out a slow breath through her mouth. “. . . Just do it,” she sighed.

       “Are you sure?” 

       “Not really, but I trust that you’re not gonna make me more ugly.”

       "Shut up, you're not ugly," she grumbled as she stood up and walked over to the desk. 


       Nicole turned her head towards Wynonna. "What?" 

       "If you fuck up my baby sister's face, I get to fuck up yours." 

       She rolled her eyes, picking up the pen she found. "I'm not gonna fuck up her face." She grabbed a tissue and squirted some Germ-X on it, cleaning off the bottom end of it before wiping it off and sitting back down in front of the brunette. 

       "I swear to God, if you're sticking that pen up my nose." 

       Nicole gave her a toothy smile. "I cleaned it." Waverly groaned. Nicole grabbed a clean tissue and handed it to her. "Blow." She did so to get the rest of the blood out, tipping her head back after to keep the nose-pained tears from falling. "Ok," the redhead breathed, tugging her sleeves up. "I love you. And I'm so sorry in advance." 

       "I'm also sorry in advance. Whatever comes out of my mouth in the next 5 minutes, I swear I don't mean." 

       Nicole laughed at that, straightening her posture in the chair. "Ready?" Waverly swallowed with a slow nod. “Ok . . . Just relax, Love.” She placed the hand holding a clean tissue on the bottom of her chin to tip her head back and leaned forward as she lined up the pen with her right nostril, slowly pushing it in until she felt where the bone was shifted. “Tell me if you’re gonna sneeze,” she mumbled softly through her concentration. 

       The brunette’s face was contorted slightly with pain, but her eyes snapped closed tightly when she began to push inward on the middle cartilage to straighten it out. She let out a groan, squeezing her fingers into the Sheriff’s thighs. “ Fuck you .” 

       “Maybe when your sister’s not in the room,” she mumbled with a tiny smirk. 

       She pinched her leg at that, but her eyes opened slightly. “ S-Sneeze .” 

       Nicole pulled the pen out and brought the tissue up, smiling a little as Waverly cupped her hands around her’s and let it out. Even with a broken nose, she had the cutest sneeze she had ever heard. She reached her hand up, wiping the stray tear that got knocked out and handed her the pen to hold. She ran her finger gently down the bridge, already noticing a difference. “We’re done with that.” 

       “Thank God ,” she grumbled.

       “Mm, that was the easy part.” 

       Her face fell. “Wh- Now what?” 

       Nicole’s jaw clenched slightly. “Now I have to push the actual bone back in place,” she mumbled. 

       “ Baby -”

       “It will only take 3 seconds , I promise.” 

       She rubbed her hands up and down her thighs a few times. “You’re buying me Starbucks when we leave.” 

       “Babe, I’ve gotta be at wo-” 

       “ Nicole ,” she warned. 

       She pursed her lips. “White Mocha frap, it is,” she sighed, bringing her hands up to her cheeks. She felt her body tense up as her eyes looked up at her worriedly. “Relax,” she whispered, sliding her thumbs down her nose on each side as she felt for the break again, positioning her fingers where they needed to be to push it back in position. Waverly closed her eyes as she let out a breath, loosening her neck and shoulders. “I know you’re gonna want to, but please try not to jerk your head back. It might not set and then I’d just have to do it all over again.” The brunette nodded, her heart beating fast against her ribs. “Ok. On 3, Wave. 1 . . . 2 . .-”

       Crack . 

       “YOU MOTHERFUCKER !” Waverly hissed, unintentionally punching her in the gut. The redhead doubled over, letting out a strained groan. The brunette gasped, pushing her hands against her shoulders. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to!”

       Nicole pushed her hands on her knees to sit herself up with the attempt at a smile. “You’re good,” she said, voice still low with pain. “I fixed it,” she informed, gesturing to her face. 

       Waverly pulled her camera up on her phone again, checking herself over. “Holy crap,” she said with a small laugh. Besides the swelling, it looked perfect. 

       Their heads snapped towards Wynonna at the sound of a retch, seeing her head in the trash can. “ Wynonna ,” Nicole said worriedly, standing up and walking towards her. 

       She lifted her head with a shaky glare. “I heard her face pop from all the way over here,” she mumbled, a shiver shaking through her body at the end. “ Oh , that was gross .”