80. Haught Cross Buns

       Nicole tapped her foot at her desk, looking up to that clock on the wall for the millionth time in the last five minutes. She let out a low groan as she repositioned her hips once more in hope to ease the ache in her lower abdomen. She had no idea why, but she swore she had never been this damn horny in her life . And it was seven in the morning . Sure, she had been at work a few hours now, but her situation had only seemed to come about in the past hour. She was honestly half tempted to go lock herself in the bathroom and relieve some of the tension herself, but that would be completely inappropriate. 




       She quickly pushed out of her chair and rounded her desk like her life depended on it. She was a woman on a mission. 

       But her door opening by a rather chipper Wynonna was definitely corrupting said mission. “Haught Sauce!” She greeted with a grin. “Where’re ya goin’?”

       She stopped dead in her tracks, mouth falling open as her eyes went wide. She felt caught even though she knew the brunette was none the wiser. “Uh, coffee,” she finally mumbled out, relaxing her face with a sigh. 

       “Good thing I got you a cup! Sit, I need to talk to you.” She pushed the cup into her hand and gave her a shove in the direction of the chair behind her desk. 

       The Sheriff let out an angered huff as she sat back in her chair and took a drink of the coffee she had been handed. Her face soured and she pulled the lid off, looking down into the normal-looking coffee. “D’you put whiskey in this shit, Earp?” 

       Wynonna looked up at her when she sat down in front of her, furrowing her brows. They suddenly shot up as she took a drink out of her own cup. “God dammit , I gave you mine. Gimme.” Nicole blinked at her for a second before tossing the lid at her and beginning to chug down the slightly scolding liquid, throwing the cup at her when she finished it and slumping back in her chair. Wynonna stared at her with the smallest bit of horror, but did a slow nod as she took a sip of her regular coffee. “Ook then.” 

       “What did you want?” Nicole questioned, scooting her chair in and resting her head on her fist. 

       “I mean, I was going to talk to you about what we are getting Waves for Christmas, but you seem to be Haught and bothered about something else.” 

       If only she knew . 

       A small groan left her throat when the brunette said her fiancée’s name, but she covered it with a sigh. “Wynonna, Christmas is in three days . You still haven’t gotten her anything?” 

       “No,” she mumbled. 

       “ Really ?” Her voice was dripping with disappointment. If Nicole was reading her right, a small amount of hurt flashed onto the woman in front of her’s face. 

       She clasped her hands around the coffee cup, looking down at it as it rested on her lap. “I don’t know what to get her,” she mumbled, looking up at her. 

       “She gave you a list !”

       “I know. I didn’t know what you got her off it- That’s why I’m asking you.” The hurt was evident now; it was in her voice and all over her face. 

       Nicole didn’t mean to make her feel like an asshole. She was just really not in the mood to be bothered by her at the moment. She took in a breath to calm herself down and sat up straight. “. . . I got her the new phone case, all six of the books she had on there, the cat igloos , a couple sweaters, some jewelry, and I tye dyed some white jeans for her.” 

       “Spoiled much?” Wynonna immediately bit her tongue with the deathly glare she was shot. Her voice went soft again, “Ok . . . Is there anything she wants more than the others?” 

       Nicole wasn’t quite used to this side of her. She was used to the I don’t give a fuck Wynonna. It just showed how much she cared about her sister, even though she had waited until the last minute, but that was the Wynonna Nicole knew. “I know she really wants those candles and those Tetris cookie cutters- and that sloth mug. Get her all that and you’ll be fine.” 

       “From where?” 

       “Amazon?” Nicole shrugged. 

       “You really think they’ll ship it in time? That’s funny.”

       The redhead looked up at her and pursed her lips. “C’mere. You can use my Prime account and just pay me back.” 

       Wynonna stared at her for a second to see if she was serious, but her blank stare as she waited for her to get up led her to believe she was being serious. “Aww, Haught Pocket, you do care.” She stood and walked around to her side, plopping onto her lap. 

       Nicole’s eyes snapped shut as she tried to conceal a groan from the unfortunate new pressure, her fingers digging into her hips. “ Wynonna ,” she growled.

       “Jeez, what was that noise for?” She asked with a laugh as she typed away on her computer. 

       She shoved her fingers into her eyes as she rubbed them with a sigh. “Next time warn me before you almost break my legs.” 

       Wynonna scooted back to resituate herself, wiggling around in the process and Nicole held her breath to keep any noise from escaping as she wished for death. Fantastic day so far. “Are you calling me fat, Haught?” 

       “ No , Wynonna. Hurry the fuck up, I have work to do.”

       “ I have work to do ,” the brunette mimicked. Nicole let out an annoyed sigh, rolling her head back to look up at the ceiling tiles as she finished up ordering her crap. “Mk, thanks, Haughty,” she said as she stood up off her lap and walked towards the door, much to the redhead’s relief. “Hope you’re not in such a shitty mood later.”

       “Bye, Earp,” she grumbled. 

       Once the door was closed, she let out a heavy breath, chest heaving for a few seconds as she tried to regain herself, though it didn’t seem to be any use. Thanks to her Santa Claus motives, she was now more worked up than she had been before, something she never thought she would say about her future sister-in-law. She let her head flop down to smack on the top of her desk, resting her forehead there as she let out a whine. 

       She lifted it after a minute and untangled her earbuds from her pocket, shoving them in her ears and blasting some music to hope to distract herself from haunting thoughts of a certain woman she knew was asleep at home as she tried to get some paperwork done. 


       15 minutes or so later, she had written about four things down, for she couldn’t think straight for the life of her.

       But what was new ?

       She looked up after seeing her door open out of the corner of her eye, and her mouth watered as she slowly pulled her earbuds out of her ears, watching Waverly Earp step into her office. 

       One of her own hoodies, baggy sweatpants, and a messy bun had never looked so god damn hot. 

       “Wy called me and said you were being moody, Baby. What’s wrong?” The brunette questioned, stepping further into the room. Nicole swallowed as she stood up and walked over, moving past her as she moved from window to window, twisting her blinds shut. “Nic?” 

       The Sheriff moved her away from the door. “‘Scuse me,” she mumbled as she closed it and twisted the lock on the door. 

       “What is your problem ?” Waverly huffed, throwing her arms out. “I don’t understand why you-” The redhead cut her off as she crashed their lips together in a bruising kiss, a relieved moan leaving her mouth as she quickly backed her towards the couch in the corner of the room, letting her fall back on it before pouncing right back on her. She went to start it right back up again, but the smaller girl pushed her back, chest heaving a bit. “I thought you were moody?” 

       “Nope, not moody,” Nicole confirmed through her own labored breaths. “Just very, very horny. Like, I almost cried cause I’m so horny horny.” She looked down at her with pleading eyes. “Please, Baby, I need you, like, an hour ago.” 

       She stared up at her with wide eyes for a second, but nodded, “Yea, Love. What d’you want?” 

       “ You .” Before Waverly realized it, her lips were back on her’s. Nicole was going a trillion miles an hour, but she didn’t mind at all. If she was honest, she had woken up that morning a little Haught and bothered herself. 

       She sat up a bit and walked the redhead to the other end of the couch so she was on her back and she pulled from her lips and sat up, tugging her hoodie off. She smirked as the redhead whimpered, seeing that she had nothing on underneath. “ Wave ,” she breathed out. 

       “Shh.” She pulled her knees apart and dropped her body in between them, meeting her lips as she reached up and undid her tie, tossing it to the floor before popping the buttons on her uniform as she kissed down her neck. She stuck her fingers in her mouth as she sunk her teeth in around her collarbone as she unclipped her utility belt and Nicole’s body arched so high, Waverly lifted off the couch with it. She looked up at her as she sat up again and grabbed onto the front of her tank top, proceeding to rip it in half .

       Nicole’s eyes bulged out, and the brunette smirked, unzipping the front of her sports bra and dropping her mouth to her nipple as she undid her other belt, not even bothering to pull it out before unbuttoning and unzipping her pants. “Jesus, Babe,” she mumbled with a laugh, looking down at the giant wet patch on the front of her camo blue boxers as she tugged her pants down. 

       “You’re certainly not helping matters there.” 

       Waverly giggled as she pulled them down past her knees before kneeling on her pants to basically pin her legs down. “Would you like me to?”

       “If you do, you’re about to set a new world record. I’ll give it a minute, tops.” 

       Nicole’s eyes widened at the look on her face as she moved to hover over her. “Let’s make that 30 seconds.” She immediately met her lips to deaden whatever noise she would make as she pushed through her folds with a heavy amount of pressure, already circling her finger at top speed. 

       The Sheriff bucked hard into her hand, squeezing her fingers into the brunette’s hips to try and keep herself grounded as she let out a high-pitched moan into her mouth. Waverly seemed to be right with her guess because she could already feel herself pulsing within ten seconds. Waverly pulled away for air and Nicole’s eyes snapped close. “ Oh fuck -” A loud moan escaped as she suddenly tripped over the edge. The smaller girl’s eyes widened and she clapped her free hand over her mouth, seeing that she was unable to hold anything back anymore. 

       Nicole’s whole body trembled as it ripped through her, knowing her short nails were tearing down the smaller girl’s back hard enough that even they would leave some red marks. Her eyes opened slightly as it slowly inched past, but Waverly kept her hand over her mouth and wet her lips as she slipped down to her entrance and filled her with two fingers. She pushed against her upper wall as she pumped in and out, thumb keeping the same rhythm above. 

       The redhead’s eyes rolled back as her hips began to jump mindlessly. She was practically screaming into the hand over mouth, so Waverly replaced it with her lips in hopes to shut her up a bit. And it worked for the most part. 

       For about 8 seconds. 

       Nicole’s walls snapped shut around her fingers and she pushed her back before shoving the side of her own hand in her mouth as she shakily arched into her, tears squeezing their way out her shut eyes and rolling down the sides of her face. 

       “ Easy , Love,” the brunette soothed as she slowly pulled her fingers out after a minute, tugging gently on her chin to get her to remove her teeth from the hand in her mouth, seeing the wicked teeth marks on it as she looked it over for a second. As her breaths settled, Nicole’s eyes opened to see the younger girl’s face hovering over her with a slightly smug smile. “How was that?” 

       “ That might have just been the hardest I’ve ever come,” she answered with wide eyes. 

       “Oh yea?” Waverly smirked, obviously giving herself a pat on the back in her mind. 


       “Well, I’m glad I was of five-star service,” she said with a toothy grin. 

       She let out a startled gasp as she was suddenly pushed back and pinned down on the opposite end of the couch. Nicole stared down at her as she ran her thumb over one of her nipples. “Did I say I was done with you?” Her voice came out in a growl as she dipped down and nipped at her earlobe. 

       “N-no,” the brunette stammered out, meeting her eyes when she hovered above her and slowly rolled her bottom lip down. 

       “Mm. Didn’t think so.” She gave her a wolfish grin before dropping down to her lips with a surprisingly soft kiss. That only lasted a second, for the brunette realized it was because she was kicking her boots off and wiggling out of her pants. Once her legs were free, she immediately cupped the side of her neck as she slotted her thigh, pushing her tongue deep into her mouth. 

       Waverly’s hands balled up the collar of her uniform shirt that was still hanging open on her body as she let out a whimper into her mouth and the redhead pulled from her lips, sucking and kissing down her body as she slipped her fingers under the hem of her sweatpants and pulled them down with her underwear. She moved down the couch until she was laying on her stomach with her legs hanging off the arm of the other end, throwing Waverly’s legs over her shoulders and kissing and sucking up the inside of her inner thigh as she slowly slid her middle finger in her entrance. 

       The smaller girl let her head roll back and she pushed her hand through her brown locks as Nicole slowly but surely picked up the pace as she littered the inside of her thighs and hips with marks. “ Baby ,” she breathed out in a begging whine. 

       Nicole looked up at her from the edge of her hip bone, raising her eyebrows. “Yes?” 

       “ Please .” 

       The Sheriff smirked as she bit down onto the jutted-out bone as she slipped another finger in, watching as she covered her mouth for a second as she glared at her. Nicole looked away from her face and back at the tanned skin in front of her, running her tongue across the purple mark she left to sooth it as she bumped up her speed a bit to make her squirm. 

       Running her hand up her abs after a bit, Nicole met her eyes as she pressed a gentle kiss to her pubic bone, hips bucking into her face. “ Fuck , Nic,” Waverly pleaded, her face and chest blotchy red. She raised a suggestive brow as she added yet another finger, practically ripping the air from her lungs, “ Oh my God .” The brunette smacked her hand down onto her head and grabbed a handful of hair, shoving her face where she wanted it. Her body relaxed into the couch as she finally felt her tongue push through her folds as she wrapped her arm around the outside of her thigh to hold her hips down. Nicole looked up and met her eyes, shooting her a wink. She rolled her eyes, pressing her hand harder into the back of her head as she felt her tongue starting to swirl around. 

       “ There !” Waverly’s hand tightened in her hair and Nicole pressed down harder on her hips as she felt her getting close, ignoring the cramp in her wrist as she looked up at her face to get her timing right. 

       And she assumed watching her looking up at her was all she needed, for she threw her head back, feet digging into her back as she covered her mouth. Nicole stopped her pumping, leaving her fingers in and beginning to curl and uncurl them to hit her g-spot repeatedly as she ditched the tongue and began sucking. 

       Well, if she hadn’t ripped the air out of her lungs before, she certainly did now as another surge of arousal hit her fingers. 

       Waverly’s hand came off her mouth and it hung open as she brought it down to meet the other one tangled in her hair as she sat completely upright, body twitching as her chin came down to her chest. 

       Once the redhead heard her finally start breathing again, she released her from her mouth and pulled her hand away, wiggling out from under her legs and sitting up in front of her with a dimpled smile. The brunette lifted her eyes to look at her, shaking her head with a little laugh, “ Fuck you. ”

       Nicole furrowed her brows. “Did I- . . . Did I not just do that?” She tried to hold down a smirk as she tipped her head at her. 

       “ Stop ,” Waverly giggled, knocking her back as she fell into her, resting her face in her neck. The taller girl chuckled, wrapping her arms around her middle and letting out a heavy sigh. 

       “Imagine if your sister walked in right now,” Nicole mumbled after a few minutes, giving her butt a squeeze with a smirk when her head snapped up to look at her with a horrified look on her face. 

       She relaxed it and rolled her eyes as she peeled out of her arms and stood up, tugging her pants up from around her ankles. “You just had to ruin it, didn’t you?” 

       Nicole snickered as she stood and zipped her bra back up, taking her shirt off to remove the ripped tank top, throwing it at her before pulling the other back on and beginning to button it back up. “I really did.” 

       “ Ass .” She gave her bare butt a hard smack as she bent down to grab her hoodie, slipping it back over her head and running her hand through her hair a bit. 

       “D’you wanna be a dear and go get me a new pair of boxers out of the go-bag in my cruiser cause these aren’t gonna do.” She wiggled the old pair in front of her face, and she huffed, snatching them out of her hand, but immediately dropping them and wiping her hand off on her uniform shirt. “ Waverly .”

       She smiled as she pulled her closer by the hips, sliding her nails across them as she pressed a kiss to her lips. She dropped back to the flats of her feet, rocking a bit as she looked up at her. “I’ll go tell Wy to come in here while I’m at it.” 

       “No!” She blurted, eyes popping out. The younger one let out a laugh as she turned towards the door and unlocked it, shooting her a wink as she slipped out. 

       Waverly turned for the door but saw her sister stepping out of the BBD office just as she did. She tried to give her a smile and continue on, but that didn’t seem to be cutting it. “Hey.” 

       “Hi . . .” 

       “Is she ok?” Wynonna asked, shifting awkwardly on her feet.

       “Oh, yea. She’s fine.”

       “Are you sure?” 

       “Yea, Wy. She’s fine,” Waverly said, giving her a smile of assurance. “Since when do you care anyway?” 

       She pursed her lips at her. “I dunno . . . It sounded like she was crying a little bit ago.”

       Waverly’s eyes widened and she let out a little laugh. “You poor thing,” she sighed, patting her cheek. 

       “What?” She blinked at her for a few seconds, but slowly pieced it together with the look on her face. Her face scrunched up, “Oh, ew . Really?” 

       The brunette smirked, walking past her. “I mean, you were wondering why she was moody .” 

       “Ewww!” Wynonna whined as she made her way out to the cruiser and popped the trunk, grabbing her a new pair of briefs. 

       She walked back in and felt her face pale as she heard the no doubt sound of her sister and Nicole screaming at each other from her office as everyone else in the pit looked at her in question, probably wanting her to deal with it instead of them. She quickly made her to the door and opened it just enough to slip in, taking in the sight in front of her. 

       Nicole was standing in the far corner of the room, holding the ripped tank top in front of herself as a cover as she screamed at Wynonna, who was standing in the middle of the room, laughing her ass off as she pointed her taser at her. 


       “ WYNONNA !” Waverly pulled the boxers out of her hoodie pocket and tossed them to the redhead before grabbing her sister’s arm and ripping the weapon out of her hand. “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?” 

       “Oh, come on! That was hilarious!” 

       “ Hilarious , huh?” Waverly lifted the taser, aiming it at her. “IS IT FUNNY NOW , WYNONNA?!”

       The older brunette’s eyes popped out and she quickly turned, rushing to hide behind Nicole’s desk. “No, no. Waves, don-” A loud groan filled the room as the younger girl pulled the trigger, sending the probes into her sister’s back, and her to the floor. 

       “ Waverly !” Nicole spun around from facing the wall as she made an attempt to get her clothes back on at the loud pop, staring at her in horror.

       The brunette didn’t let go of the trigger until she was standing right above her sister. “Embarrass my fiancée one more fucking time , Wynonna, and I swear !” 

       “I won’t,” she groaned into the tiles. “I promise.”

       Waverly felt hands on her shoulder, sliding down her arms and gently taking the taser from her hands. “Baby, there’s a reason we get tased and pepper-sprayed before we’re allowed to carry them on duty.” 

       Waverly turned her head, watching as Nicole pulled the empty clip out, then dropping to a knee beside the one on the floor. “You’ve been tased?” She questioned, raising her eyebrows. 

       “Yes. And I know it's not fun.” She punctuated it by not so carefully ripping the barbed probes out of Wynonna’s back. “That’s why we have to be. So we don’t use it for no reason.” 

       “Cool story, Haught Shit. You can get your knee out of my back now,” the older one mumbled. Nicole looked down, seeing that she had done that out of habit because it was usually criminals she was pulling probes out of. 

       She moved her knee off and the brunette went to try and get up, but she pushed her back down. “You know what else we have to get done?” 

       “What . . .?” She questioned slowly. 

       It was immediately answered as the redhead pressed the now-stun gun of a weapon against the back of her thigh, holding it there for a few seconds as she jerked around on the floor. She pulled it away and stood up with a sigh, “ Stun gunned .” She looked down as she finished buckling her pants, fastening the utility belt that she had picked up off of the floor on and replacing the clip for the taser, putting it back in it's designated spot. “I’ve wanted to do that for a long time,” she sighed, hooking one thumb on it and wrapping her other arm around her fiancée’s waist, walking her out of the room towards the break room so she could cool off. 

       Wynonna slowly flipped over and sat up, holding her self upright by the ledge of the desk. She let out a painful exhale, “Lesson learned, Earp. Seeing some Haught cross buns is not worth it.”