97. The Pair of Tits Playing Blackjack

       “Ali, are you excited ?” Nicole cooed to the baby beside her in her car seat, leaning over and pressing a kiss to her head as she squealed up at her. 

       “Haught, do not get her all wound up,” Wynonna grumbled from the seat across from her.

       “She’s fine , Nonna. Chill out,” Waverly huffed. 

       “Yea, Nonna, chill out ,” Nicole echoed, getting a smack from her wife.

       “Will y’all knock it off?” Gus snapped. “We just got in the damn limo.” 

       Oh, right. Yea, they were in a limo .

       They , as in Waverly, Nicole, Wynonna, Gus, Michelle, Doc, and Alice. Waverly’s plan hadn’t originally involved a limo, but here they were. Her reasoning was that they needed something that could fit all seven of them, they needed something someone else could drive so they wouldn’t have to leave a car at the airport, and that she still had 50 grand from the case settlement, so why the hell not a limo?

       Well, some of the 50 grand, at least.

       She had already used some to shave a chunk off her student loans since that was her original plan for it, but the rest she was saving for their trip, and she planned on throwing whatever was left of it at them when they got home. 

       It had been exactly a month since The Slasher’s attack now that it was July first, and the past few weeks had been quite hectic, to say the least. 

       Wynonna had continued recovering from her injuries and had even gotten clearance from her doctor the week before to go back to work. (Even though she had already been anyway.) She was alright. Better than anyone thought she would be. She’d never tell anyone, but the calls she made to Nicole on the nights when she had nightmares after the two had moved back to their house had probably helped her most out of everything.

       Waverly had pretty much enveloped herself in getting prepared to start teaching when August rolled around. She had spent hours upon hours reading through Whitney’s materials and books to really learn about everything she would be teaching both grades from top to bottom. Most of the time, you would find her in her classroom, looking over everything she could get her hands on. If she wasn’t doing that, she was sorting through everything to reorganize and get rid of what she didn’t need, or she was out getting the new things she did need because, let’s face it, Mrs. Goddard’s classroom and ways of teaching hadn’t changed much since Waverly had been with her 10 years before. That meant her room was in dire need of some technology and new decor, so she gave it the good ol’ Waverly Haught update. She couldn’t help but feel excited about it despite the bittersweet circumstances on how she got the job in the first place. 

       Nicole’s job had finally returned to a sense of normalcy after The Slasher’s case was closed. She had learned some things that answered many of her questions before it was, though. She and Dolls had returned to Fletcher’s house not too long after Wynonna downed him, giving it a BBD inspection that was a lot more in-depth and a lot less legal than the one that her deputies had given it the days following his publicly released ‘death’ by Nicole’s hand. The neighbors had heard the many gunshots loud and clear, so there was no way they were going to be able to walk away from it and say he hadn’t died that night. During Nicole and Dolls’ inspection, they had discovered that the gaming set-up in his room was just a ploy. She had brought Jeremy in to do a search on his computer since he was into all that techy stuff along with his science stuff and had been surprised to see that he already knew something was up the second he had gotten there.

       Apparently it wasn’t entirely normal to have two PCs under your desk or something like that. 

       He had switched out the cables for the one plugged in for the other and fired it up, eyes widening right when he logged onto it. He first saw the security cameras of shots all over the city. Some Fletcher had hacked into to get the feed from, but some were obvious that he had set up himself.

       Like the one that was a direct shot of her and Waverly’s house, the one pointing at the Homestead, and the one in the BBD office. 

       It was now clear that he had used the cameras as a way to spy on them and his next victims, so Nicole was quick to call up people, sending them out to remove the ones he had set up and switch out the ones that were already there with new systems. She had no clue if anyone else had access to the live footage, so it was better to be safe than sorry. 

       After finding that , she figured that it couldn’t get any worse. How could it? She had just learned he had been spying on almost every inch of Purgatory.

       But, of course, it got worse.

       Far worse.

       It wasn’t the file on Waverly because, yes, he had one of those. It was full of details and information about her entire life from the people she was friends with to her bank records.

       And it wasn’t the fact that he somehow had access to the station’s database. She didn’t know which one of her deputies’ ID’s he had been using to get in, but she figured he had probably been using more than one anyway. 

       No, it wasn’t any of that. None of that answered her question as to why he knew so many things about them that he shouldn’t have had any way of knowing.

       But the fact that he had each of their phones tapped did. 

       Nicole, Waverly, and Wynonna’s.

       After some digging, they found out that it had happened over the summer two years before, which was before any of this had even started, and every new phone that any of them got since then had continued to be re-tapped.

       She had a lovely time arresting the man at the tech store in town that they all went to after figuring out he had been helping Fletcher with it.

       The Slasher hadn’t just been monitoring all their calls and texts. He hadn’t just been watching their activity on all the apps they used. He hadn’t just had access to all of their pictures and search history and personal information.

       He also had the ability to turn their phone’s microphone and camera on and off, giving him the ability to watch and listen in on whatever it was that they were doing.

       It made Nicole sick to her stomach when she thought about all of the things he probably knew about them. All of the things he probably had listened in on or seen. It surely explained how he knew some things, like the situation with Mrs. Summers and the dude that had gotten far too gropey with Waverly in Seattle during her Bachelorette Party. (That had been fun for Nicole to find out about when she brought it up.) He had probably listened to Nicole fess up to what happened and either heard the fight Robin almost got into with the guy or heard them talking about it when they had gotten back to the hotel that night.

       And that was just the things she knew about.

       Even though he was downed, they had all gone together to get new phones to ease their nerves about the whole situation. They had even gone to a place far from Purgatory to do so just to be sure that nothing sketchy was going to happen.

       So yea. They had a very long month.

       They were all on their way to Calgary to hop on a plane and get the fuck away from there for a while, though.

       When Waverly had suggested that they all go with Nicole when she went to Vegas, she thought it was an amazing idea. Not only did they all need a break from the real world for a while, but she thought it would be good to let them all come to Liz’s resting place with her.  

       Waverly had already made it clear to all of them, especially Nicole, that she was going to be funding the whole thing. Everything from their food to the place they were going to be staying when they headed to California for a few beach days to getting everyone their passports.

       Though, she did have to thank Wynonna for her help getting Doc’s totally legal and legit passport.

       After she balanced planning their vacation on top of working at Shorty’s and getting ready for teaching, she was damn near ready to explode, so Nicole was relieved that they were finally off to Vegas.


       “Let’s fuckin’ party!” Wynonna whooped as they boarded the plane. 

       “ Wynonna ,” they all grumbled from in front and behind her. 

       “Oh, shut it,” she huffed, dropping down into her seat and bouncing in it a little. “Damn, Babygirl, first class is nice.” 

       “I know, right?” She stopped at their seats, reaching up to try and shove her carry-on in the compartment. 

       Nicole slipped behind her and gave her ass a squeeze with a smirk. “Can ya get it up there, Short Stack?”

       “Yes,” she grumbled, standing up on her tippy toes for a few more seconds before dropping to the flats of her feet with a sigh, “ No .”

       The redhead chuckled, dropping her hand to her hip and leaning against her as she reached up and pushed it in, then adding her’s. “ There we go.” 

       Waverly turned around with a smile, running her hands down her tight, black-sleeve covered arms. “My personal giant .”

       “When y’all are done canoodling, we’d like to get through,” Michelle grumbled from beside them. They both blushed dark, moving into their double-seater and taking their seats. 

       Everyone got boarded and settled, taking some time to relax before they took off. Wynonna and Doc were beside one another, as were Michelle and Gus, and Alice was with her parents, seeming to be behaving herself for now. 

       Nicole turned her head to look at Wynonna and Doc when she heard them talking, furrowing her brow. “Look at your Daddy, Ali. He’s shitting himself and we ain’t even moving yet.”

       “ Wynonna ," the obviously pale Doc huffed from beside her. “Mind you, there were no planes back in my day, so excuse me if I ain’t allowed to find them unsettlin’ at first.”

       Nicole looked towards Waverly, raising a brow, and she nodded with pursed lips. The redhead looked back towards them. “Hey, we’ll take her if you want.” They both looked towards the couple, furrowing their brows.

       “I basically had a panic attack when we flew to Vegas the first time and I’m still terrified of flying now, so I get it,” Waverly added with a little smile.

       “Are ya sure?” The cowboy questioned, toying with the brim of his hat that was in his lap. 

       “Yea, it’s cool,” Nicole assured. 

       “She’s your kid if she starts crying,” Wynonna sighed, lifting Alice out of her lap and handing her over. 

       The Sheriff grinned, taking her and pressing a kiss to her face. “Hi!” She handed her to the brunette, reaching over and grabbing the diaper bag Wynonna handed her, setting it on the floor in front of her. She looked back towards her wife, smiling softly when she saw she was holding her up to the window and pointing at the people and vehicles on the runway. “You heard her, Wave, she’s your kid if she starts crying.”

       “Oh, no, she is not ,” she argued, sitting back and setting Alice on her lap.

       Nicole sighed with a tiny smirk, leaning back in her seat and throwing her feet up. “We’ll see about that.”


.  .  .


       “Oh. My. God.” Wynonna jumped out of the car and stared up at the condo in front of her. “You own this place, Haught Shit?!” 

       Nicole shut the car off and climbed out, pushing her sunglasses to the top of her head with a smirk. “Damn right, I do.” 

       Wynonna shook her head as everyone else started to climb out of the Range Rover they had rented. “Your aunt? Excellent tastes.”

       Waverly climbed out of the front seat and pat Wynonna’s shoulder with a grin. “It even has a pool.” 

       “A pool?!” She snapped her head toward the redhead, who nodded with a smile in confirmation. “Oh, you know where I’ll be.”

       She went to start for the condo, but Waverly grabbed her arm. “After we get everything inside.”

       Wynonna let out a whine and stomped her foot. “But Mom!”  

       “ Mom says help us get everything inside,” Michelle said from behind her with her arms crossed. 

       The older brunette turned her head to look at her, pursing her lips at the look she was shot. “ Fine .” 

       They all rolled their eyes and moved to the back, opening the trunk and beginning to pull bags out. Nicole threw the straps of her carry-on and the baby’s diaper bag over her shoulders, grabbing her suitcase and hooking her free arm around Alice’s middle to take her from Doc as she hauled everything up to the front door. She fished her keys out of her pocket and unlocked the door, leaning them all inside and flicking a few of the lights on. She heard a few mumbles of amazement from behind her as she made her way across the living room but ignored it for the most part. “Alright. Uh, two bedrooms’re upstairs ‘n the other’s down that hall.” She flicked her head to the right of the kitchen. “I think it’s a mess cause I’ve used it for whatever I didn’t wanna shove in the garage, so sorry bout that . . . There’s a bathroom, gym, ‘n laundry room down there with it, and there’s another bathroom, one in the masters, and an office with a computer upstairs just in case, I dunno.” 

       “Nic, you look exhausted,” Waverly mumbled after listening to the way her words had slurred together. She knew she had worked late the night before, so it wasn’t too shocking.

       She shook her head with a smile. “I’m good.” Alice let out a whine, so she let go of her suitcase and flipped her around to face her, leaning her against her shoulder as she cooed to her. “ Someone’s getting tired, though.” 

       “I think the both of you need to go catch a nap,” Gus said in agreement with Waverly. 

       “Go on, Dallas,” Mama sighed. “We can settle in ourselves. Ain’t like we planned on doing anything today anyway.”

       “ I planned on getting in the pool,” Wynonna said as she returned from down the hallway, somehow already in a navy one piece. “But yea, Haught Shit, go put my kid to bed and go with her. You look whooped .”

       The redhead rolled her eyes with a sigh, “Alright.” She grabbed her suitcase and started for the stairs. “Doc, you’re in charge. Make sure nobody drowns.” She looked towards Waverly’s offended face and threw her a wink.

       She shook her head at her. “I’ll be up there in a sec with my bag so I can get changed, so don’t pass out yet and yell at me for waking you up.”

       Nicole let out a huff as she walked up. “And miss the chance to see you naked? Not a chance.” 

       “EW!” Wynonna gagged. 

       Waverly shot the redhead a look, and she chuckled, continuing her way upstairs. She let out a breath, letting her shoulders drop after she set the bags that had been hanging off them on the bed. Alice was crying now, so she pulled her off her arm, pressing a kiss to her face and rocking her. “I know. You’re tired.” She laid the baby down on her back, opening her diaper bag and pulling a red and black plaid pajama onesie and stuff to change her diaper with out. She unhooked her little jean overalls she had on and began to change her, looking towards the door when Waverly walked in the room a couple of minutes later. 

       She dropped her carry-on on the bed, gently running her hand down Nicole’s back as she zipped up the baby’s pajamas. The redhead pushed her hand through the Alice’s hair as she continued to fuss, looking towards her wife with a tired sigh.

       “You doing ok?” Waverly asked softly. 

       She nodded. “I think so, yea.” 

       The brunette smiled, standing up on her toes to press a kiss to her cheek before moving around the bed and setting her suitcase on it and unzipping it. “Ok . . . You’ll tell me if you’re not, though, right?” 

       Nicole sat down on the bed and tugged her Air Jordans off, moving all the bags off the bed and scooping the baby into her arms, turning and leaning back against the headboard. “Of course, Babe.” She continued to try and calm Alice down, looking up when she started to and smirking just the slightest bit as she watched Waverly toss her cardigan on the bed and pull her tank top off. 

       “Are you really gonna watch me change?” She asked as she flicked her shoes off.


       “You’re a creep,” Waverly grumbled, turning around as she unsnapped her bra and dropped it onto the pile forming on the bed behind her.

       Nicole let out a huff, “Oh, c’mon , Baby.” 

       “Nope.” Nicole pouted her lip, laying the baby down on the bed once she calmed down and started to fall asleep. Waverly slipped out of her black jean shorts, turning around to get to her bag and jumping when she saw that Nicole was standing right there. “Jesus.”

       “Hi there,” she mumbled, flicking her eyes down her body for all but a second before meeting her eyes again with an innocent smile.

       The brunette glared at her, crossing her arms over her chest. “What?” 

       Nicole leaned back to sit on the edge of the bed, reaching her hands out and grinning when Waverly rolled her eyes and took them, letting the redhead pull her to sit on her lap. “ My baby,” she mumbled, hugging her arms around her and pressing her face into her shoulder.

       Waverly chuckled, pushing a kiss to her head and running her fingers through the hair at the back of her neck. “Yea?” 

       Nicole lifted her head, keeping her arms wrapped tightly around her as she looked up at her. “Yea.”

       The brunette moved her hands to her cheeks, leaning down into a soft kiss. “I love you.” 

       The Sheriff let out a hum, slipping her hands up to the sides of her ribcage and deepening the kiss. “I love you more.” Waverly shook her head and went to pull away, but Nicole moved a hand to the back of her neck to keep her there. “Cause you’re the best. And you’re always there for me.”

       “So are you-”

       “But you’re better than me,” Nicole mumbled, sliding her hand back down and moving both to her hips, hooking her thumbs under the sides of her underwear and coaxing her into a slow grind. “I’m selfish sometimes, but you , Baby?” The redhead pulled from her lips, shaking her head. “Never.”  

       Waverly rolled her eyes but snapped them closed as her fist tightened in Nicole’s hair when she dropped her head to kiss along her neck. She let out a breath, pressing her hips up into her stomach as she gripped her free hand around her bicep. “Nic . . .”


       “We can’t.” 

       She slipped her hands down to her ass, pulling her flush against her as she nipped at her shoulder. “Oh, I think we can.”

       “Doc is right across the hall.”

       Nicole pulled back, looking up at her innocently as she cupped her hands around the bottom of her breasts, sucking a nipple into her mouth. Waverly pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, digging her nails into her arm. The redhead pulled back with a pop. “They’ve all heard me make you scream plenty a’time, Darlin’.” 

       “There’s a literal child behind you.”

       “She’s sleepin’,” Nicole huffed, dropping her mouth to the other nipple and circling her tongue around it. 

       “Babe,” she whined.

       The Sheriff sat back again, flicking her eyes down and pulling up on the front of her grey underwear, raising her brows when she saw the wet patch. “Well, it doesn’t look like you’re not enjoying yourself.”

       Waverly glared at her, but her eyes widened when the redhead slipped her thumb down and pressed forward against the fabric, rolling it in slow, small circles. She dropped her forehead to rest against her’s, meeting her eyes. “You’re horrible.”

       “I believe it’s pronounced horny,” Nicole mumbled with a sly smirk, moving the side of her underwear out of the way so her finger came in actual contact with where she wanted it. Waverly let out a shaky breath, pressing her hips forward into her hand as she cupped her face and met her lips so she could swallow her moan. 


       Waverly quickly pulled from her lips when she heard Wynonna shouting from the bottom of the stairs and Nicole jerked her hand back, moving both to her hips as they stared at each other with wide eyes. The brunette quickly cleared her throat and tipped her head towards the door. “We’re not, Wynonna!” 

       “Oh, so if I come up here, I’m not gonna find you both naked?” The older brunette questioned, and they heard the sound of her feet running up. “You sure are taking quite some time, Babygirl!”

       “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.” Waverly scrambled off of Nicole’s lap and grabbed her bikini out of her bag, ripping her underwear off and quickly dancing into the bottoms. “Tie me.” She tossed the top to Nicole and she jumped up and spun her around, hooking the bottom strap and slowing down as she moved her hair out of the way and began to tie the top one around her neck, looking towards the door with raised brows when it opened.

       Wynonna looked as if she was going to start yelling at them, but when she saw that Nicole was simply helping her tie her bikini top, her face fell. “Oh.” 

       “Told you,” Waverly grumbled, letting her hair go once her top was tied and shoving her clothes into her suitcase. 

       “What the hell was taking so long then?” She questioned as she walked over and looked down at Alice, smiling as she leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

       “We were just talking,” Nicole mumbled, dropping down onto the bed on the other side of Alice and laying back. She rubbed her eyes, turning her head to look at her. “Why’re you so impatient?”

       “Cause I wanna swim!” She whined, crossing her arms and looking towards her sister while she put her hair up into a bun.

       “And I told you I would be down in a minute.” She pulled her flip flops out of the bag and dropped them to the floor. “Go. I’m right behind you.” Wynonna groaned but complied, turning out of the room. Waverly looked down at Nicole, shaking her head at the smirk on her lips. 

       “What? Did I get you all worked up or somethin’?” 

       She rolled her eyes, walking around the bed and pulling the shades closed, moving her suitcase off the bed and pulling the covers over her. “Good night.” She went to turn away, but Nicole whined, reaching up for her. Waverly leaned back down and pushed a kiss to her forehead, doing the same to Alice. “I love you.” 

       “Love you, too,” Nicole mumbled with a sleepy smile. “Have fun.” 

       “We will. Night, Baby.” She pushed her hand through the redhead’s hair one last time before turning away. 

       “Ni’ night.” 

       Waverly turned to look at her when she reached the door, smiling softly when she saw the Sheriff roll onto her side and pull the baby closer before settling. She let out a happy sigh, slipping out the door and quietly shutting it behind her.


  .  .  .


       “Wake up.”

       Nicole’s eyes opened and she blinked in the light of the room, letting her eyes focus in on the figure in front of her. “What?” She grumbled, trying to move her arm but looking down at the baby on top of it when it didn’t budge. 

       “Change of plans, Haught Shot. We’re going out tonight.” 

       She rolled to her back, lifting Alice and setting her on her chest as she rubbed her eyes. “What?”  

       “Wynonna, I told you not to wake her up yet.” Nicole turned her head, smiling a little when Waverly walked in the room wrapping her just-showered hair up in a towel. “I’m sorry, Babe.” 

       Nicole shook her head, sitting up when Wynonna picked up Alice after she had crawled off her towards her. “What time is it?” The redhead questioned

       “Almost eight. You only slept a few hours.” Waverly sat down on the edge of the bed, pressing a kiss to her forehead when she leaned into her. 

       “Mm.” Nicole flicked her eyes up to Wynonna. “What were you saying?” 

       “We’re going out. So you need to get ready cause you're coming, too.”

       “Where’re we goin’?” She questioned, looking between them as Waverly slowly pulled her fingers through her hair. 

       “We’re in Vegas, where d’you think we’re going?” Wynonna asked with a huff. 



       Waverly looked down at her with a smirk. “And, Baby, you’ve never casinoed with an Earp.” 

       Nicole sat up off of her, leaning back against the headboard as she looked between them suspiciously. “What’s that supposed to mean?” 

       “Why, Sheriff.” Nicole looked up as Doc entered the bedroom. “I feel I may be able to break this down for ya quite nicely.”

       Nicole rubbed her eyes again, furrowing her brows as she looked at all of them. “Why’re y'all being weird?” 

       They all paid her no mind as Doc continued, “I’m sure the tales of my . . . abilities at a card table are no secret to you, so it shall be no surprise as to where my whereabouts will be. As for your sister-in-law, she has her own set of abilities- Which are more commonly known as her looks. Heaven knows they worked on me, for now we’ve got this little angel here.” He smiled as he gave Alice’s cheek a squeeze. 

       “Mercy me,” Wynonna drawled mockingly, and he shot her a wink.

       “Wynonna’s night will be spent at the slots, moseying about until she finds an unlucky lucky gentleman that has seemed to have sat himself on a hot seat. She will work her magic, and once it seems that she has stuck his fancy, she’ll deliver her line.” 

       The older brunette handed the baby over to him and moved over to the bed, dropping onto Nicole’s lap and twirling her hair around her pointer finger. “If it turns out I’m your good luck charm, I think I deserve a thank you gift .” 

       “Like that’s gonna work,” Nicole huffed, scrunching her face and pushing her off her lap.

       Wynonna let out a laugh as she stood, tipping her head at her. “You’d be surprised how giving some dudes are, especially ones that’re already gambling their retirement money away.”

       “Ew, Nonna,” Waverly grumbled. 

       Doc cleared his throat, handing Alice over when Wynonna reached for her back. “Now, Sheriff, I’m not sure if you’re aware or not, but I’ve seen with my very own eyes how much of a whiz  your wife is at the ol' Vingt-Un .” Nicole raised a brow. “More commonly known these days as Blackjack.” 

       The redhead looked towards her. “Really?”

       She shrugged as a light blush colored her cheeks. “I may know a thing or two.” 

       Nicole blinked at her for a second before her eyes narrowed. “You count cards, don’t you?”

       She smirked only the slightest bit, running a finger down her face and tapping her cheek. “A proper lady never reveals her secrets.” Nicole shook her head at her with a sigh, looking back up at Doc.

       “To the eye of the unknown, she’ll just look like a girl that’s trying to have some fun and maybe catch a good run for the night, but that’ll certainly not be the case.” 

       “Alright, but you do realize that they’re very good at spotting counters at all of the casinos around here, right?”

       “You haven’t even heard your job yet, Baby,” Waverly said with a smile.

       “What’s my job?” Nicole sighed, raising her brows at her.

       “You’re our lookout,” she said with a smile. “If you see any of the floormen getting a little too suspicious of any of us, you get to intervene.” 

       “And how do you expect me to do that?” The redhead huffed. Waverly reached into her pocket, pulling her Sheriff’s badge out with an innocent smile. Her eyes widened at her. “You want me to pretend to arrest you?!” 

       “No,” Wynonna grumbled. “You’re just going to intervene. Make it look like you’re taking care of it.” 

       “That’s not going to work.” 

       “Sure, it will,” Doc smiled. “See, they don’t really care how people are kicked out of their joint, just that they are. So, if it does come down to it, you’ll haul whichever one of us out and slip one of the others their chips while ya go.” 

       Nicole blinked between all of them for a good 10 seconds as she continued to try and figure out if they were being serious yet. “. . . Ok, so let me get this straight. Doc, you’re gonna be betting big dollars on poker cause, duh, you’re Doc Holliday. Earp, you’re gonna be forcing yourself on drunk old men to try and wager some of their wins off of them. And Waves, you’re gonna be counting cards, which apparently you’re very good at. All while I’m watching the floor, making sure no one is figuring out what we’re doing?”

       They all stared at her for a moment before nodding, “Yep.” 

       She let out a breath, leaning her head back against the headboard and sliding her hands down her face. “You guys are insane .” 

       “C’mon, Nic,” Waverly begged, pulling her hand from her face to get her to look at her. “What’s the worst that could happen?” 

       The Sheriff let out a raspberry as she dropped her head back forward with a roll of her eyes. “Fine. Let’s do it.”

       Waverly let out a squeal with a happy clap, pressing a quick kiss to her lips. “You have something to wear, right?” 

       Nicole smirked a little. “I’m sure I can pull something together real quick.” 

       “I’m sure you can, too,” Waverly grinned. She pushed off the bed and started for the door. “C’mon, Nonna. Let’s get ready.” 

       The older brunette handed Alice over to John Henry, shooting him a smirk as she followed Waverly out. “Find sum’ purty to wear, Cowboy.” 

       “Yes, Ma’am,” he drawled with a tip of his hat.


       Nicole buttoned the sleeves of her white button-down, cocking her head as she moved her hands back up to the front buttons and popped two of them, now leaving the first four of them opened. She shrugged once she decided it was better that way, grabbing her light grey suit jacket off the sink and pulling it on, sliding her hands down the front to rid of the wrinkles. She looked herself over, darting her eyes down to her white slip-on Vans and her cropped dress pants that were the color of the jacket, doing a slow nod and turning out of the bathroom when she decided it was good enough. 

       She slipped her wallet and badge into her jacket pockets, pushing her phone into her pants pocket before heading out of the room, turning her head and smiling when she saw Doc walking out of his and Wynonna’s room. He smirked when he met her eyes, finishing rolling the sleeves of his charcoal dress shirt to his elbows and adjusting the hat on his head as the other hand slid down the front of his black waistcoat. “You look snazzy,” Nicole chuckled as they made their way to the steps.

       “As do you,” he grinned. 

       The redhead flicked the sides of her jacket back so she could push her hands into her pockets, following Doc down the stairs, damn near falling over him when he stopped dead in his tracks halfway down. “Dude-” She flicked her eyes up, feeling them pop out of their sockets when she saw Waverly and Wynonna in the living room.

       Doc slowly started moving again, so Nicole did the same, meeting Waverly at the bottom of the stairs when she walked over. She moved her hands to her waist, taking a step back and tracing her eyes up and down her body a few times before meeting her eyes. “Wow.”  

       The brunette blushed dark, gripping her hands around the sides of her jacket and leaning into her as she pulled her into a kiss. “Where’d this come from?” She questioned, knowing damn well she would have remembered it if she had ever seen it before. 

       “The closet up there,” Nicole shrugged. “Been there for a few years now.” 

       Waverly did a long nod. “I’m glad we’re setting it loose to the world.”

       Nicole chuckled, leaning into another kiss before pushing her back to look her over again. “Now where’d this come from?” She asked. The younger one was in a sky blue backless bodycon dress that stopped about mid-thigh and had a low U-neck halter top. She had it dressed down a little with the jean jacket that was hanging on by her elbows, but the dress and navy heels were still doing wonders for her. 

       “Wy and I went shopping yesterday while you were at work,” she shrugged. “I think she already had this planned in her head, if I’m honest.” 

       “I agree,” Nicole mumbled, flicking her eyes towards her sister for a moment as she got way too friendly with Doc. “There’s no way she’d buy that for no reason.” 

       Wynonna was in a tight, knee-length black dress that had a partial sleeve over one shoulder and some way too tall heels. “You gotta problem, Haught Shit?” 

       Nicole snapped her eyes up to her face with a smirk. “I’m just trying to figure out when you got hot.”

       “Nicole!” Waverly snapped, wacking her shoulder. 

       Wynonna blinked at her for a few seconds, slowly tipping her head. “I’m not sure if that was a compliment or an insult.”

       The redhead shrugged, hooking a thumb on her belt as she leaned back against the stair rail. “I guess that’s for you to figure out.” 

       The older one rolled her eyes, grabbing her purse off the table and walking over to them. “Well, either way, if you weren’t married to my baby sister, I’d most definitely be taking you home with me tonight.” She threw a wink at Waverly and damn near got it smacked off her face. 

       “Stop!” She whined. “Both of you!” 

       Nicole chuckled, gently grabbing her wrist and pulling her towards her to wrap her in a hug. “I’m sorry. I’ll stop boosting her abnormally high ego.”


       Waverly went to pull back from her, but Nicole held her in the hug as she lowered her voice. “But if all goes as planned tonight, I’ll get to remind ya that ya look even better outta that dress than you do in it.” She looked up and met Wynonna’s eyes with a small grin as she pressed a kiss to the side of Waverly’s neck when she grabbed a handful of her ass. 

       “Aw, gross!” Wynonna whined, grabbing the cowboy’s hand as he stared at his feet and dragging him towards the door. “ C’mon , Love Bugs, let’s go make some money!” 


       Nicole entered the casino after the three that way the cameras didn’t pick up that she was with them, straightening her collar as she searched her eyes around for a moment before seeing Doc’s hat turn a corner. She dropped her hands to her side, pushing one into her pocket as she headed that way, making sure to keep her distance behind them as they entered their chosen area of target. 

       They had chosen a casino on The Strip that was relatively popular, but not the few that were the biggest and baddest. They knew this way, the security would be strict but not up their asses and that they still would have enough people moseying around to not draw attention to themselves. 

       Nicole flicked her eyes around some more after a few minutes after the three had gotten themselves some drinks, watching as Wynonna strolled over to the wall of slots that was near the Poker table that Doc sat himself at. Waverly, though, had journeyed some ways ahead to get to the closest Blackjack table. She headed closer towards her, knowing that they were most concerned of her getting found out since she was the only one that was actually doing something that the casino forbidden in its entirety. 

       The Sheriff swallowed down the jealousy in her throat after watching where the younger male dealer’s eyes were when her wife leaned forward to wiggle her jacket off, letting out a breath as she tore her eyes away from them and found where a couple of the floormen were milling around. There were nerves flowing throughout her body, but she had faith in Waverly. 

       The brunette dropped two grand onto the table, nursing her drink and settling in her seat as the dealer passed out her chips. She flicked her eyes around for a moment, letting her nerves relax when her eyes passed over the redhead a few yards away. She turned back forward, smiling at the dealer. “Let’s do this.” 

       Nicole turned from the area after a few minutes when she decided that Waverly hadn’t drawn any attention to herself, wandering back over towards Wynonna and Doc. She was quick to notice the already growing stack of chips in front of the cowboy, not to mention that Wynonna had herself seated on some 50 year old dude’s lap. She shook her head with a little smirk when she caught her eye, heading back towards Doc to watch the table play for a minute from a short distance. 


       Nicole repeated pretty much the same cycle for the next few hours at each casino they switched to, the only difference being that Wynonna seemed to favor the slots closer to Waverly now. The redhead had stopped to bullshit with some people as she watched them play whatever it was that they were playing, but that was about all the time she spent without her eyes to her surroundings. 

       Wynonna had collected the least out of all of them, but she had still been doing a great job, considering how much she had gotten. Doc had earned the most as of now, but that was no shocker to anyone. Waverly had also been doing a really great job, so she was only trailing behind Doc by about a thousand.

       Nicole had been circling pretty close to Doc’s table when she happened to glance up and catch a couple of the floormen in a huddle in the middle of the walkway between Wynonna and Waverly. She caught Doc’s eye, flicking towards them to make sure he was on alert and ready to move if anything happened. He nodded a small acknowledgment, so she turned away, quickly heading in their direction. 

       “-drinking, though.”

       Nicole let her ears pick up as much of their conversation as she could from the distance she kept in between them. “The Sky says she’s only gotten one refill since she sat down.” The redhead looked over at the table, seeing that Waverly was the only female at the table, confirming her suspicions that they were drawing in on her. 

       “Still,” one of the taller floormen shrugged. “She don’t look smart enough t’ be countin’. ‘ Specially with people playin’ with ‘er.” 

       “Yea,” another younger one agreed. “She seems to be more interested in that dealer than the game from what I’ve been overhearing.” 

       Nicole’s eyes flicked over to the brunette, noticing how she seemed to be acting as if that was the case with this dealer, as she had been with the others as well, using it to her advantage to keep their suspicions low on her. 

       It only made her blood boil a little bit.

       Just a little. Yep.

       “You two are a bunch of dumb motherfuckers ,” the largest one seethed. “Look at that pile of chips in front of her. Ain’t no way she’s just lucky- And if she is , she’s costing us money. I’m hauling her out.” He paused as a sly grin worked onto his face. “Besides, maybe I’ll be able to make her forget about those pretty rings on her finger.” 

       The Sheriff’s fists automatically clenched at her sides and she sucked in a breath, wiping the anger off her face as she pushed through some people to get over to them. She stuck her hand out to stop the one turning towards Waverly, playing if off as if she hadn’t meant to almost bump into him. “Woah, sorry.” He gave her a partial smile, going to step around her but she caught his arm. “I’ve got a . . . concern, actually.”

       He slowed, shifting back towards her. “What’s that?” 

       She flicked her eyes in her wife’s direction. “Cinderella.” 

       “The pair of tits playing Blackjack?” He questioned with a raise of his brows. 

       Nicole clamped her teeth on her tongue to keep the look that wanted to take over her face off. “Yea. Y’all had your eyes on her?” 

       “I was just gonna haul her out now. Ain’t no way she ain’t pulling somethin’.” 

       Nicole flashed a dimpled smile. “Well, I think I might take it off of your hands.” He raised a brow with a small tip of his head in question. She reached into her jacket, grabbing her badge with two fingers and flashing it partially for a moment until understanding washed over his face. “We’ve had our eyes on her for a few weeks now.” 

       He put his hands up and stepped back. “Then be my guest.”

       Nicole smacked his arm and nodded towards the other floormen. “Have a good night, y’all.” They all mumbled something similar as she turned away, looking around and catching how Doc scooped his chips into his hat as he stood. She continued forward before coming to a halt behind Waverly, wrapping her hand tightly around her upper arm and dropping her mouth closer to her ear. “I’m gonna need you to come with me.” 

       Waverly sucked in a breath, snapping her head back to look at her. She jerked her arm out of her grasp with a scowl. “No thanks.” 

       “Ma’am.” Nicole tipped her head in warning as she grabbed hold of her arm again. “I’d suggest we do this the easy way.” 

       “What the hell’s your authority?” She huffed. 

       The redhead glanced up at the wide-eyed dealer, reaching into her pocket and flashing her badge to the brunette when she looked back down at her. “I am the authority.”

       Waverly clenched her jaw, letting out a sigh and looking down at the chips in front of her. “What am I supposed to do with those?” 

       Nicole flashed a dimpled smile, reaching into her back pocket and pulling out a small evidence bag that she had snagged from a security cart she had passed earlier. “I’m sure my boss would love to see what the work you’ve been doing is earning you.” She looked up at the dealer. “Lighten that load, wouldja?” He nodded, scooping her chips towards him and trading them out for ones with higher values before pushing them back. Nicole reached around her and dropped them into the bag, zipping it closed and stepping back. “Let’s go, Princess.” The redhead gave her arm a tug, but she held up a finger, grabbing her glass and downing what was left of it. “Let’s go,” Nicole growled, basically pulling her off the chair.

       Waverly stumbled a step, letting out a scoff as she set her glass on the table ledge. “Jeez. You like it rough, don't you, Officer Bossy Pants?”

       “Walk,” Nicole muttered, tightening her grip on her arm as she pushed her forward, getting her to head in Doc’s direction. 

       Waverly waited until they were completely out of ear shot of anyone who had been around, keeping her face distraught. “That was hot, Baby.” 

       “Don’t you mean Officer Bossy Pants?”  

       “I thought that was funny,” the brunette mumbled. 

       Nicole let out a hum, weaving her way through a group of people. “How much you get here?” 

       “Around 2000ish,” she sighed. “I’m getting a little buzzed, so it could be better.” 

       “Still really good, though.” Nicole directed them towards Doc, catching his eye and nodding towards the hat still upside down in his hand. She switched hands holding Waverly’s arm, pulling the baggie open and holding it closed as she used her hip to flip it over. Doc walked in front of them as they went to pass him and Nicole bumped into him, pressing her hand against his stomach and letting the chips dump into his hat. “Damn, Dude, walk much?”

       “Well, pardon me,” he drawled, spinning around them and continuing on. 

       Nicole shook her head, holding back a smirk and shoving the empty bag in her pocket as they continued on. They neared an exit that was surrounded by security, so the Sheriff glanced towards the brunette, and she got the message. “Would you let go of me?” She whined, pulling at her hand.

       The redhead jerked her forward. “Would you not cheat at casino games?” 

       She let out a huff, “Well, Officer Asshole, you have no proof that I was cheating.” 

       One of them held the door open for Nicole as she led her out, continuing to drag her towards the car that was pretty close to where they came out at. She looked back after they passed the first line of cars, letting go of her arm when she saw that they were out of sight. Waverly looked up at her with a suggestive grin and Nicole licked her lips, digging her phone out of her pocket and shooting a text to Wynonna. 


Haught n Bothered: Get an uber back. We’re taking the car


       Nicole grabbed Waverly’s hips when they reached the Range Rover, pushing her up against the side of it and crashing their lips together. The brunette tightened her fingers into her hair, letting out a moan into her mouth. The redhead hitched her leg over her hip, shoving her thigh forward and clawing at her ass after she hitched her dress, sliding her lips down her neck. “Nic,” Waverly breathed out, letting her head roll back against the window.

       The Sheriff let out a grunt as she pulled away, moving around to the trunk and pulling it open. “In.” 

       “What?” Waverly asked with a laugh of confusion. 

       “Put the seats down,” she huffed, grabbing her hand and helping her in. “I’m getting us out of this parking lot.” Nicole shut it on her and hopped in the driver’s seat, firing the car up and peeling out of the parking space. 

       “Nicole Haught, are you seriously going to fuck me in the back of our rental car?” Waverly questioned with a raised brow as she dropped the very back row of seats forward, moving to the next and trying not to fly around with the way she was driving. 

       “Would you have preferred right there up against it? Cause that’s what was gonna happen if we wouldn’t’ve left.” She pulled into some restaurant’s empty parking lot and threw it in park, shutting the car off and climbing over the console to get to the back.

       Waverly threw her second heel off after shedding her jacket, looking up right as Nicole knocked her to her back. She let out a shaky curse as the redhead met her lips, looping her arms around her neck to pull her closer. The redhead slipped her tongue into her mouth as she ran her hands down her body, sliding one hand behind her back and undoing the tie for her dress, pulling the strap that hooked around her neck off. “Sure had fun flirtin’ with them dealers tonight, hm?” She muttered into her neck when she began to drag her lips and teeth across it. 

       “No.” Waverly grabbed onto the sides of the Sheriff’s jacket, pushing it off her shoulders and wiggling it off of her.

       Nicole lifted her head to meet at her eyes lit up in the moonlight shining through the back window, fisting the top half of her dress and ripping it down. “Looked like you were.” She dropped her mouth back to her neck, sucking at her pulse point. 

       “No marks,” she said through a moan as her hips pressed up into her. “Won’t be able to cover it at the beach.” The redhead ignored her, moving down after pulling from the purple blotch and latching her teeth onto her collarbone. “Nic.”  

       Nicole let out a low growl, catching her hands when she went to pull at her head, interlocking their fingers and pushing them down on either side of her head. “You’re mine,” she muttered against her skin, sucking a couple of lighter marks all over the other side of her neck. “All mine.” She gave her hands a squeeze as she nipped at her jaw bone, catching her darkened eyes as her voice came out like gravel, “And I’ll be damned if you ain’t gonna show the whole goddamn world.”  

       Waverly writhed under her with a whine when she couldn’t get the friction she needed. “All yours, Babe.” 

       Nicole grinned, letting go of her hands and moving her’s to the sides of her face. “Damn straight.” 

       The brunette made quick work popping the buttons on her shirt when their lips met again, raising her brows when she realized she hadn’t been wearing a bra under it. That surely explained why she’d been able to have it basically half-unbuttoned all night. She yanked at it to untuck it from her pants, and the redhead pushed herself up, pulling it off and tugging on Waverly’s arms to sit her up. She grabbed the bottom of her dress and wiggled it out from under her, pulling the whole thing up and over her head. Nicole traced her eyes down her body, mouth coming open when her eyes caught the black thong she had on. She snapped her eyes up to her’s, shaking her head as she dropped back on top of her, squeezing at her chest as she took a nipple in her mouth. “That is not allowed.”

       “What’s not allowed?” Waverly questioned, trying to keep the smirk on her face from affecting the way she spoke.

       Nicole trailed her lips down to her stomach, sucking some marks as she went. “Keep it up, Princess.” 

       The brunette bit her lip to hold in a moan when she slid her hand up her inner thigh, bending up towards her. “I dunno what you’re talking about.” 

       The redhead moved her hand to her hip, forcing it down as she slid back up her body to hover over her face. “I swear to God, I’ll make you get off on just my thigh.” 

       Waverly’s brows furrowed with a whine, “Noo.”


       The smaller one slowly ran her fingers through her hair with a soft smile, pressing a kiss to the tip of her nose. “I love you.” 

       Nicole licked her lips with a tip of her head. She knew she was trying to get her to break, but it wasn’t going to work. “Do you?”

       Waverly grabbed her elbow, pulling her arm towards her and pressing a kiss to the tattoo on her bicep. “To infinity and beyond.” 

       Nicole chuckled, pressing a long kiss to her lips before moving back down her body. “I’m bouta send you to infinity and beyond.” 

       The brunette was about to say something, but she was cut off with a gasp when the Sheriff ripped her underwear off. “Shit.”

       “Mhm.” Nicole dropped to her stomach in between her legs, pressing kisses up the inside of her thighs. She slid her arms under them and wrapped them around her hips to hold her down as she pushed her tongue through her folds. Waverly let out a sharp moan, jerking up into her mouth as she pushed a hand through her own hair. The redhead pressed down harder on her hips, looking up and meeting her wide eyes as she circled her tongue around her clit, flicking over it a few times. 

       “Fuck, Nic,” Waverly breathed out.

       The redhead lifted a brow as she added more pressure with her tongue. “What was that?”

       “Oh my God,” she moaned, dropping a hand to fist in her already tangled hair.

       Nicole shook her head, slipping her left arm all the way across her hips as she slid her right hand down and shoved a finger in her. “Speak up, Baby.”

       Waverly’s back arched and her hand tightened in the redhead’s hair, pulling upward. “Nicole!”

       She let out a growl, wrapping her lips around her clit as she added another finger, her own hips grinding down into the floor. She quickened the thrust of her hand, twisting her wrist every so often as her tongue kept batting at her clit. 

       Waverly wiggled more and more as a couple minutes passed and she throbbed harder and harder against her mouth. Her whines and moans continued to grow in volume until she was practically screaming, “Don’t stop! God, don’t stop!” 

       Nicole knew she would be a dead woman if she were to stop, so she kept at it, beginning to curl her fingers in every direction with each twist of her hand. She grinned when her wife let out a wail that was music to her ears when the orgasm hit.

       And, honestly, she didn’t want it to stop.

       The redhead kept steady with the pumps of her wrist despite how her walls were pulsing tightly around her fingers, and she only sucked harder on her clit, feeling it try and pull away from the stimulation. 

       “Nicole!” Waverly cried as a second one hit, and her thighs clamped around the Sheriff’s head as both hands braced themselves on either side of her skull. “Fuck, oh my-” The tears bordering her eyes spilled out as her back snapped towards the roof of the car with a whine as yet another one washed over her. Her entire body was shaking in a way she had never felt before and she pushed at Nicole’s head to try and get her to let up, but she ignored it entirely as she forced another finger into her. 

       The brunette swore she could see space and time when her fourth orgasm hit right after that, and she wasn’t even comprehending what her body was doing at this point. Twisting and shaking probably, if she had to guess. 

       The sounds had stopped being able to come out of her mouth with this one, so that was what made Nicole finally pull her mouth away after she had slowly decreased the speed her fingers were going to walk her down from it. Waverly’s arms fell limply to her sides and the redhead chuckled, moving to her side and dropping her arm over her middle as she rested her face against the side of her neck with a couple of gentle kisses. 

       “. . . I can’t feel m’legs,” Waverly mumbled after a long couple of minutes. 

       “Good,” Nicole smirked. “That was my goal.”

       “I think thassa new record, yea?” Waverly pushed up on her elbow and flopped over onto her partially.

       “I think so,” she nodded, looking down at her with a proud smile. 

       The brunette let out a heavy sigh, tracing her fingers over the tattoo on her side. “I think I’d pass out if we went over that, so let’s keep it there for now.”

       “I thought you were gonna, that’s why I stopped.”

       Waverly giggled a little, “Thanks, Babe.”

       “No problem,” she chuckled, slowly running her hand up and down her back. 

       They laid there for another minute in silence before Nicole’s abs tightened when the brunette started idly tracing her fingers over them. “. . . Your turn?”

       “Mnmm . . . I was good by your third.”

       Waverly raised her head to look her in the eye with a cocked brow. “How’d you manage that?”

       Nicole shrugged, cheeks tinting darker. “If you hump the ground hard enough, you can make anything happen.”

       Waverly shook her head with a smile, dropping her head back to her chest. “Good for you, Love.” 

       “Very good for me,” she mumbled. 

       The brunette let out a sigh, running her fingers over the veins on the back of Nicole’s hand when she moved it up to rest on her stomach. “. . . What would Nonna do if you had to tell her you put me in a cum-coma?”

       “Probably ask me to put her in one, too,” Nicole admitted. 

       “Oh my God,” Waverly muttered with a huff, sitting up off of her. 

       The redhead laughed as she sat up in front of her. “What? You think she wouldn’t?” Waverly rolled her eyes, throwing her shirt at her. Nicole smirked as she pulled it back on, patting her pants pockets when she heard a ding. “Did we summon her?” She pulled her phone out, raising her brows. “Oh, we sure did.” She unlocked her phone and read over the couple of texts she had gotten from her since she had sent her the one earlier. 


Earp: Fuck u. I hate Uber

Earp: Then again the last time I took one I got laid so…

Earp: Speaking of laid, u better not be schtupping my baby sister in the Rover

Earp: Ur either ignoring me or defiling Babygirl n I’d kill u for both 

Earp: Okay...we just got back after leaving 20 min after u and u both aren’t home yet so I’m worried



       “Awe, she does love us,” Nicole cooed, smirking as she typed back a response. 


Haught n Bothered: Sorry was busy listenin to ur sis scream my name 4 times in a row. Whoopsie

Earp: Oh thank God ur not dead



Haught n Bothered: Would u have preferred it in the house for all to hear?




Haught n Bothered: I was gonna say nah Wifey had a great time

Earp: S T O P 


Haught n Bothered: So?

Haught n Bothered: I’ve fucked ur sis in every room in my AND your house yet u still go in them

Haught n Bothered: Scratch that- Every room except Ali’s. That’d be weird..

Earp: Nicole

Earp: If that means u have done the nasty in MY ROOM

Haught n Bothered: …

Haught n Bothered: If I tell u we were wasted and thought it was her room, does that make u feel better?



Haught n Bothered: Gettin railed by Dolls downstairs if I remember correctly

Earp: DOLLS?

Haught n Bothered: Yup

Earp: Ya know what? I’m gonna let it slide

Earp: BUT

Earp: Only cause I know how many times I’ve gotten sum from either of my man slaves in ur office while ur not working

Haught n Bothered: EARP WTF