100. Epilogue

Two Years Later


       "Good morning, Guys! . . . Who's excited for their first day back?"

       Waverly chuckled as an almost unison groan passed over the classroom, which was the same response she had gotten with her previous two classes in the years prior. 

       It was almost hard for her to believe that this was going to be her third year teaching already. She had fallen into such a routine with it that it was all starting to turn into muscle memory at this point. 

       She smiled as she pushed off the wall by the smartboard and slipped her hands into her back pockets as she paced the front of the room a little. "C'mon, it's not that bad, is it?" 

       "Yea, it is," one of the kids in the front row mumbled before his head dropped forward to smack against the top of the desk. 

       She shook her head. "It could be worse, ya know. School could start at, like, six in the morning or something." 

       "Noooo," a few kids whined. 

       She laughed a little, stopping at her podium and crossing her ankles as she leaned onto it. "Alright, well, y'all are gonna be my homeroom babies for the rest of the year. I guess we should get to know each other, huh?" A couple of them nodded, so she grabbed her clipboard and pushed off the podium, walking towards the left-most desk in the front row. "Ok, well, I'm Mrs. Haught. That's all you get to know about me until your class with me cause I'm not gonna bore you and show you the same presentation twice.  But. I can try and get to know you guys a little more with my favorite game. I like to call it: I have all of your names on my attendance sheet and I'm gonna try and guess who is who." She gave them a toothy smile and got a couple of laughs in return. "I'll have you know, I'm usually really good at this," she mumbled as she looked down at the list of 17 names before glancing up at the boy with bleach blonde hair and braces in front of her. "You, Sir, are . . . Skylar?" 

       "Nope," he snorted as the rest of them did the same. 

       "Dang . . . Colin?" 

       "Yea," he laughed, and Waverly pumped her fist as she flipped the page and marked his name on the seating chart. 

       "See, I told you I'm good at this- Ok." She shifted to the right and narrowed her eyes at the girl with brown hair and too much makeup. "You are . . . Tessa?" 

       "Nope. You're not gonna guess it," she smirked. 

       "You're probably right, . . . Mia?" 

       "Not even close," she laughed. 

       Waverly let out a groan. "Ok, tell me." 

       "I'm Skylar." 

       Waverly's jaw dropped and she let out a whine, "Not fair !" She filled in the seating chart before sighing again. "Ok, fine. Hi, Skylar." 

       "Hi," she giggled. 

       Waverly continued all around the room, surprising most of them when she was able to get some right first try. She barely finished by the time the bell rang and the ones that didn't have her class first hour filed out of the room. New faces took their place and she put up the premade seating chart on the board because she had learned it almost never went well to have the kids pick their seats for her actual classes. Sure, she stereotyped and staggered them boy-girl-boy-girl both down the rows and side by side, but it always made sure there wasn't much side chatter for the most part. 

       The tardy bell rang and everyone took their seats, only a couple of them having to stare at the board in confusion for a few moments before they figured out where they were supposed to go. She walked to the front of the room with a smile. "Morning, Guys!" 

       "Morning," a couple mumbled back. 

       "Welcome to Social Studies, AKA your new favorite class," she grinned, enjoying the eye rolls that always got. "I'm Mrs. Haught. I'm usually pretty tolerable to be around unless you get on my nerves, then maybe not so much. I, uh, I don't have a whole lot of rules really. Just, ya know, all the basic common human and classroom decency stuff that you're gonna hear a million times today. I'll spare you of most of it. You guys are big kids. I don't think I have to tell you that you're not supposed to cheat or to keep your hands to yourself, right?" 

       "No," they all answered. 

       "Yea. Didn't think so. That also means that when you do do any of those things, it's not excusable anymore. I didn't mean to, it was an accident -" She shook her head with a roll of her eyes. "Save it. I'm not dumb. If Suzie's paper looks just like Billy Bob's I know it isn't just a coincidence or if three days in a row you forgot to do your homework, I'm pretty sure that just means you either don't care or you're too lazy to do it. And, trust me , there ain't nothing I hate more than a lazy student. All I ask is that you put some time into your work and studying, pay attention in class, be nice to each other and my things, and please don't cheat. That's it really. Cool?" 

       "Yea," they all said with nods. 

       "Alright, good." Waverly walked over to her desk and grabbed her board pen. "So. I'm the one that you all get to deal with first at 8 in the morning, so I think it'd be nice if ya knew a little about me, yea?" 


       "Great!" She flicked the front row of lights off so the projection on the board could be seen better. "So . . ." She hit present on the little presentation she threw together at the beginning of every year with her pen and the first slide had a picture of her on their couch in her unicorn onesie on her Kindle that Nicole had snapped the week before. "My name's Waverly Haught. This year'll be my third year teaching. I'm turning 25 on September 8th just in case, ya know, anyone was wondering for no reason at all." That got a couple of giggles. "I'm vegan, love unicorns-" she tapped her picture with the end of her pen, "if you couldn't tell, and I love candles just, ya know, like I said, for no reason at all." 

       "What kind of candles?" A girl- Kaylee from her homeroom asked. "Asking for no reason at all." 

       "I'm a sucker for anything that smells like I just walked into a bakery, but I'm open to anything and everything," she answered with a wink before tapping the board. "So my favorite food is vegan sweet and sour soup with peanut butter- don't hate on it if you've never tried it. My favorite book is just any book I haven't read yet cause I love reading. My favorite place is Disneyland obviously. I . . . grew up in Purgatory. I actually did seventh and eighth grade social studies in this very classroom ." 

       "You're an Earp, right?" One of them asked from the back of the room. 

       "Yep," Waverly answered with a smile. "Earp's my maiden name- Speaking of. " She tapped the board and smiled as three different pictures of Nicole popped up on screen- one of just her in uniform leaning against her cruiser, one of her looking like an idiot decked out in Rangers gear, and one of them together with Mickey and Minnie ears on at Disneyland. "This is my wife, Nicole. I'm pretty sure most of you have seen her around doing Sheriff stuff, yea?" 

       "Coach Sheriff!" One of the boys shouted. 

       Waverly laughed. "Or coaching baseball, that, too. We've . . . been together for a little over four years now, married for two. She's a big ol' Texan and a die-hard Rangers fan, so if I ever have a twang it's her fault. She also likes to just come hang out in here for no reason but to distract all of you to make me mad, so yea, be ready for that."

       Waverly continued on with the slides, hitting on Geronimo, Calamity, Wynonna, Alice, and the rest. There were a few other little things she covered, but that was it for the most part. 

       And she continued to do it all over again for the next two classes of seventh graders. She was lucky enough to have her prep period right before lunch, so she was able to relax as she worked on her lesson plans for the week with some peace and quiet. 

       Her Apple Watch buzzing on her wrist wasn't helping, though.

       She looked down at it with a huff, eyes shooting out of her head when she saw she was getting a FaceTime from Jessie. She grabbed her phone and answered it with a smile. "Hey, Girl!" 

       "Hey, Wave," the other brunette said quietly. 

       "Why are we whispering- Oh my God, you're in a hospital! Did you-"

       Jessie tipped her phone down with a chuckle, revealing the tiny newborn in her arms. "It's a boy!" She said with quiet excitement. "My water broke early this morning and now here we are." 

       Waverly beamed at the tiny baby with a tightness in her chest before Jessie tipped the phone back up to her face. "Oh my God, he's so cute, Jess!" 

       "He looks just like Topher," she mumbled with a smile. 

       "No, he looks like you," Topher said from off screen. 

       "He looks like both of you," Waverly huffed. "What's his name?" 

       "August Julio Hanna," Jessie answered. "Named after his dad and my brother." 

       Waverly pouted her lip. She knew one of the things the two had bonded over when they met was losing someone close to them at a young age. Topher had lost his father to cancer when he was 10 and Jessie had lost her brother, Julio, to a dirt bike accident when she was 8. 

       It was actually what her and Jessie had bonded over in school, as well- the loss of their older sibling.

       "Aww," she mumbled, staring at him in awe when she tipped the phone down again. 

       "Auggie for short, of course," Jessie smiled. "You're not busy, are you? I wanted to wait and tell you until I knew you didn't have class." 

       "I mean, it can wait now," she laughed. "Did everything turn out ok? He's, what, two days early?" 

       "Yea, only two. But everything went fine. I was in labor for, like, six hours- which wasn't a whole lot of fun, but it was worth it. Doctors say he's perfectly healthy and we can go home this evening." 

       "That's amazing!" Waverly grinned. "I'm so happy for you guys!" 

       "Do you and Nic wanna come over for a bit later once we get settled?" She asked. "All of our families have met him already, and I want him to meet his two other aunts."

       "Are you sure?" Waverly asked with wide, hopeful eyes. "We can wait a day or tw-" 

       "No, no. Tonight," she insisted. "I really want you guys to meet him." 

       Waverly tried to not let out too loud of a happy squeal. "Ok! Nic gets off at six, so just let me know when." 

       "Alright, we will." Jessie tipped the phone down to get Auggie in shot. "Say bye, Auggie!" He was sound asleep, but it was worth it so she could see his cute little face once more. 

       "Bye, Bud!" Waverly giggled. "Bye, Topher," she said a little louder so he could hear her. "Have fun being a dad!" 

       "Oh, I will," he said with a grin as he poked his head into frame, his hair dyed baby blue since he swore it was gonna be a boy. 

       She laughed, raising her brows when Jessie pointed it back to herself. "Bye. Have a good one." 

       Jessie gave her a smile. "You, too, Wave. See ya later." 

       The call ended and Waverly leaned back in her chair after setting her phone down, letting out a happy sigh. She hadn't felt this kind of excitement in a really long time. She had been so happy when she found out that they were expecting, and she was even more happy now that her nephew was born. 

       Blood hardly made family to her these days; it was more of who she would bleed for. Jessie and Topher were certainly in that group of people, and that just meant their new baby boy was, too. She couldn't wipe the stupid smile off of her face for the life of her, so she let out a sigh as she cleared her lesson prep tabs. There was no way she would be able to focus on any of that now.

       Waverly slowly scooted her chair in and logged out of her school email on Google and signed into her personal one. She pulled up a couple of the tabs she had been looking at an unhealthy amount of times these days and let out a soft sigh in thought. 


.  .  .


       Waverly jumped off the couch the second their door opened, giggling as she ran over and hopped right into Nicole's arms. The redhead let out a quick breath, hooking her hands under her thighs and hoisting her up some. "Someone had a good first day," she grinned. 

       "Sure did," she confirmed, cupping her cheeks as she leaned into a long kiss, pulling back and meeting her eyes. 

       The last two years certainly hadn't been as eventful as the first two that they had been together. One of the most eventful things was when Waverly had ran into Champ at the store in town- yes, quite literally ran into him. He hadn't done anything but glare at her, but Nicole still had to drag her out to the parking lot to calm her down. She didn't see him often, but it always made her uneasy when she did. 

       Another eventful occasion had been when Nicole was hired for head coach of the Blue Devils after Marty retired. Nicole loved that team more than anything, so Waverly was sure she would lead them to victory after victory. 

       Wynonna had downed all but 12 Revenants. They had Bobo captured and in BBD for intel, but it really didn't seem like he had any at this point. She figured the remaining ones either lived too far out of town or had chosen to blend in with society. 

       Either way, they were still working hard each day to track them down. 

       Relationship wise, Nicole and Waverly were stronger than ever. They had their ups and downs as every relationship did, but they had grown out of their days of not communicating long before now. They had traveled some more, having gone to Hawaii over one Spring Break, Toronto once with the Hanna's so Nicole and Topher could watch a Raptors game there, and back to Greece over the past summer to hang out with Del and Nevaeh and go to the beach there for the first time since their Honeymoon trip was in the early spring.

       Overall, everything was great. They were both happy and healthy, working together to get through the obstacles life threw at them each and every day.

       Nicole walked them into the kitchen and set her on the island. "How was your day?" Waverly asked as she hooked her legs tighter around her hips, pulling her closer. 

       "Nothing special," she sighed, though Waverly narrowed her eyes at the hint of a smirk on her face that was there for a millisecond. 

       "What?" Waverly asked slowly. "Nicole Haught, I know all your tells. Do not lie to me." 

       The Sheriff pulled her off the counter with a loud sigh, walking back over to the front door. "Nothing happened, Babe." She pulled the front door open and Waverly's eyes popped out of her head. 

       "HOLY SHIT!" She wiggled out of her arms and ran outside, tracing her eyes over the brand spankin' new Sheriff's car sitting there- a Tahoe, branded with the Purgatory's Sheriff's Department logo and everything. "How'd you get this?!" She asked when Nicole made her way out to her. 

       "You remember that police auction I went to in Edmonton a bit ago?" She questioned. 

       "You told me you didn't get anything," she said slowly with a cross of her arms. 

       Nicole gave her a dimpled smile. "Well . . . Surprise?" 

       "How much was it?" She questioned, opening the door and raising her brows as she looked over the inside. She knew damn well the station didn't have the budget for a new car considering that all the Deputies had to pay for their own gas and repairs for the cars they did have, so the only way Nicole could have gotten it was if she bought it with her own money.

       "Only 10 grand." 

       "Ten grand?!" Waverly shouted, pivoting quickly back towards her. 

       "Baby, with the repairs I needed on the old cruiser, which was an '04 may I add, it would have probably almost matched it- You know I would have needed a new one soon anyway, and a Police Tahoe in this condition would easily have been about 50k. I wasn't gonna pass it up. Also,  you know I've been saving up over the past few years to put a down payment on a really nice new car for work, and it covered almost half of it, so . . . Besides, this way we won't be paying it off for years. It's all set."  

       Waverly slowly walked towards her and slid her hands down her arms before she continued blabber, closing her eyes with a heavy exhale. ". . . You're very lucky I've had a good enough day to where all of those are decent excuses as to why you wanted a new toy to play with." 

       Nicole smiled, leaning down and pressing a kiss to her lips. "See, I knew you'd be fine with it." 

       Waverly snapped her eyes open. " Don't push it." 

       Nicole pressed a peck to her lips, backing away from her and walking around the front of the car. "C'mon. I'll take ya on a test drive." 

       "Oo," the brunette grinned, hopping into the passenger's seat. "Oo." She pressed a couple buttons on the touch screen radio thingy. 

       "Fancy, right?" 

       "Very," she smirked. "Maybe I'm not so mad at you after all."

       "I like to hear that," Nicole chuckled as she put the car in drive and pulled away from the house. 

       "Don't you ever do something like this again without talking to me first or I'm making you dig your own grave." 

       "Yes, Ma'am," she mumbled. "Where we headed? Food? I could go park somewhere and we can break in the backseat?" 

       Waverly buckled up, shaking her head at her as she leaned back in the seat that was admittedly a lot more comfier than the cruiser. "How about we go meet our new nephew, huh?" 

       Nicole furrowed her brow at her. "New neph- No way! Jessie had the baby?!" 

       "This morning," she confirmed with a smile. "August Julio Hanna.- Auggie for short." 

       "Aw, I like that," she mumbled with a pout. "Are they home already?" 

       "Yea. I was waiting for you to get back so we could head there anyway." 

       "See, it worked out then," the Sheriff said with an innocent smile. 

       "You're really pushing it, Woman." 


.  .  .


       "Your fingies are so wittle!" Nicole cooed to the newborn laying on her thighs, wiggling her pointer fingers that Auggie had grips on. 

       Waverly smiled from the other end of the couch next to Jessie, looking towards her. "He's a lot smaller than Alice was when she was born," she sighed. 

       "Seven pounds, five ounces . . . He's a lot tinier than I thought he'd be." 

       "It just makes him that much more adorable," Topher grinned, running his thumb gently across his cheek. 

       Jessie traced her eyes over Nicole as she baby talked to her son before looking towards the soft smile on Waverly's face. "Ugh, I have to pee- Waves, help me, would ya?" 

       "M'kay," she said as she stood and grabbed both of Jessie's hands, pulling her to her feet. "Good?" 

       "Yep," she said with a nod. "Nic, don't let Christopher kill our child." 

       "Yes, Ma'am," the redhead laughed as Waverly followed the other brunette to the bathroom down the hall. "C'mere," Jessie mumbled, grabbing her wrist and dragging her in. 

       "I thought you had to pee," she huffed. 

       "I lied," Jessie informed with a wiggle of her brows. "I just want to talk to you about . . . something. " Waverly tipped her head in question. "It's nothing bad, it's just . . ."




       "How's the dad life?" Nicole asked, looking towards Topher with a grin. 

       "Pretty good as of now," he said with a laugh. "Then again it's only been like . . . eight hours." 

       "Fair enough," she said with a nod as she looked back down at the newborn. "I've haven't been around a whole lot of babies in my life, but he seems like a pretty calm dude as of now." 

       He smacked her arm with a huff. "Don't jinx it, Haught!" 

       Nicole laughed, "Hey, I said as of now for a reason! We've almost been here for an hour and he's barely made a peep." 

       Neither of them really knew if it was because Nicole had jinxed it or because they were being too loud, but Auggie let out a cry, pulling all of his limbs in towards his body. 




       " ~waiting for, Wave?- Auggie's crying." Jessie pushed off the sink and pulled the bathroom door open, heading back out to the living room. 

       Waverly hung back for a few seconds in thought before she followed, slowing down when she looked up from the floor. She smiled softly as she watched Nicole slowly pacing with Auggie as she tried to calm him down. Jessie looked towards Waverly, shooting her a knowing look before walking over to the redhead and taking him back from her. 

       "Someone is hungry," she said softly as she ran her hand through the dark brown hair on his head as she rocked him. 

       The brunette walked over to Nicole and ran her hand down her back with a smile. "Why don't we go grab some dinner, too, yea? So they can settle in?" 

       "Can I pick where we go?" 

       "We're not getting Taco Bell," Waverly mumbled. 

       "Why?" Nicole whined. 

       "Because," she groaned. "We had Taco Bell last week."


       Waverly ignored her with a roll of her eyes, turning back towards Jessie and pulling her into a half hug. "Have a good night, ok?" 

       "We will," she said with a smile, giving her shoulder a squeeze before letting go. 

       "See ya, Little Dude," Waverly said softly, pressing a kiss to Auggie's forehead. "Be nice to Mommy and Daddy, they're trying their best." 

       Nicole smiled, heading towards the door with Waverly on her heels. "Just call us if y'all need anything." 

       "We will," Topher said with a smile. "Bye, Guys." 

       "Bye!" Waverly called back as Nicole opened their front door. 

       "Waves," Jessie said before she could get out the door, and the brunette peeked her head back in with a raise of her brows in question. "Remember what I told you." 

       Waverly pursed her lips but nodded with a tiny smile. "I will." 


       "Yea. Soon." 

       Jessie grinned from ear to ear with a nod. "Ok, good. Bye!" 

       "Bye," Waverly laughed, heading out the door and towards the car, Nicole following close behind her. 

       "What was that all about?" She asked as she climbed in the Tahoe and buckled up. 

       "Nothing," Waverly shrugged, interlocking their fingers when she dropped her arm to the console. "Just some girl talk." 

       "I mean, I am a female," Nicole mumbled with a smirk as she backed out of the driveway and pulled away. 

       "It's none of your concern, Dear," Waverly said, tipping her head at her with a cheeky grin. 


       "Ask again and I'm picking where we eat." 

       Nicole let out a loud groan, pulling out of their subdivision. "Fine." 


       "Nic!" Waverly complained. "I said no tacos!" 

       "No," she corrected as she put the car in park. "You said no Taco Bell. " She climbed out of the car with a grin, walking around and opening her door for her. "This is Chipotle." 

       Waverly swore she saw her brain with how hard she rolled her eyes as she grabbed Nicole's hand and let her drag her out of the car. The Sheriff pressed a kiss to her cheek, grinning like an idiot as she passed her, skipping into the building. Waverly shook her head as she followed her in, grabbing her hand when she reached her again and turning around to lean back against her front as they looked up at the menu above the counter. 

       "What d'you want?" Nicole asked, her voice rumbling deep far too close to her ear to not have caused a shiver to shoot down her spine. 

       "Food," she mumbled. 

       "Damn, I woulda never guessed that," she chuckled, rubbing her thumbs on her stomach. Waverly giggled, looking up at her with a shitty grin. 

       "AUNTIE COLE!" 

       Both of their heads turned towards the familiar shriek, and Nicole laughed as she let go of Waverly and caught the little one that jumped into her arms. "What are you doing here?" She questioned, glancing over at Wynonna and Doc as they walked over towards where their kid had run off to. 

       "Mama's hangry," Alice answered, twisting around in Nicole's arms and reaching for Waverly. "Hi," she grinned when she took her. 

       Waverly smiled, pressing a kiss to her forehead and leaning back against the half-wall behind her. "How are you?" 

       "Hangry like Mama." 

       "Damn straight, Kid," Wynonna smirked, giving her a fist bump when she leaned back beside Waverly. "It's unfortunate that you two are just as cuddly and gross even when I'm not there." 

       "How dare I love my wife," Nicole grumbled with a cross of her arms. 

       Even after two years, Wynonna was still annoying. Not much had changed with her. She was still the gun-toting semi-alcoholic with the worst sense of humor that she had been for as long as Nicole knew her. 

       Though, things around the Homestead had changed a bit. Gus and Michelle had moved out to the McCready Ranch right after Alice had turned two. They figured Wynonna and Doc could handle raising her on their own now, and the house was a bit crammed with all five of them there anyway. 

       Speaking of Alice. 

       She was her own little human being now at three and a half. She had definitely gotten Wynonna's attitude, but she had also gotten Doc's old-timey politeness. That girl could go from yelling and screaming at you to bringing you one of her toys as an apology five minutes later. 

       Even with all of that, she was the light of all of their lives and getting bigger each and every day. Hell, she had started pre-school today. Some things hadn't changed much since she was a baby. Nicole was still her favorite person in the whole wide world, she still called the cats titties, and you could still win her heart by handing her a cup of apple juice. But they were all learning more and more about who she was growing up to be each and every day. 

       "What're you guys doing here?" Nicole asked after Alice wiggled out of Waverly's arms back into her's. "Just hangry or what?" 

       "We promised her we'd go get dinner somewhere since she started school today," Wynonna answered, smirking a little at her daughter. "And she takes after me with her love for guac and burritos, so here we are." 

       "She's learning the ways of life young," Nicole grinned, getting a smack from Waverly.

       "Does you two being here have anything to do with that big ass car out there that I have a feeling belongs to you?" 

       "Oh, you mean the one she bought without telling me?" Waverly asked with a tip of her head. "That one?" 

       Wynonna raised her brows at Nicole. " Bad move, Bud." 

       "It was only 10 grand," the redhead huffed. 

       "That's it?" Wynonna questioned, looking towards Waverly with a cocked brow. "You're mad she spent 10k on a sick ass car that could easily be five times that price?" 

       "Thank you," Nicole breathed out. 

       "I'm not mad anymore," Waverly argued, looking up at Nicole in warning. "I can be if you want me to, though."

       Doc cleared his throat, pulling his hat off as he walked up to the counter. "If y'all are just gonna stand and bicker, excuse me while I grab myself a meal." They all looked towards him, sighing with tiny smiles as they moved up towards the counter behind him. 


.  .  .


       Waverly rolled them over, giggling into Nicole's lips as she sat them up. The brunette wrapped her legs around her back and her arms around her neck, smiling against her mouth. "I love you." 

       "I love you, too," Nicole said as her hands slid up to her ribcage. 

       "We should do this more often." 

       "Do what?" The redhead questioned. 

       "Just . . ." Waverly slid her hand through her hair as she met her eyes. "Make out like horny teenagers who can't get enough of each other without it always having to go all the way." 

       Nicole chuckled as she leaned back in, gripping her waist a little harder. "I agree." 

       "Cause our sex life is healthy . . ." 

       " Very healthy," the Sheriff agreed, pulling her into an open-mouthed kiss. 

       "But we haven't just done this in a long time," Waverly said when she pulled back for air, moaning a little when the redhead's teeth caught her lip. 

       "We haven't," she mumbled. "Mostly cause I wanna shove you against walls and make you scream all the time, so I do it as much as possible." 

       Waverly rolled her eyes, sliding both hands to her neck and tipping her head up some more for a better angle. "But sometimes I forget that you're a really good kisser on top of all the other things you're good at." 

       "Mm," Nicole hummed, pulling Waverly's feet out from behind her and laying back down. She slid her hands down and gave her ass a squeeze over her leggings. "Well, I can't have ya forgettin' that."  

       Waverly canted her hips forward some with a breathy exhale. "Nope," she mumbled, taking her tongue in her mouth. 

       The two fooled around for a couple more minutes before things slowed down and Waverly slowly lifted her head to look at her. Nicole smiled at her with swollen lips, and she grinned, giving her one last kiss before rolling off of her. The redhead flicked the light on the nightstand off and shifted some to pull the blanket out from under her. "I won't be here when you wake up," she mumbled, wrapping her arm around her middle and pulling her into a spoon. "My schedule got changed again." 

       "Why?" Waverly whined. 

       "Cause Lonnie's dumb and has to get surgery on his fuckin' toe for accidentally ramming it into the side of his desk yesterday." 

       "Just like you're dumb and had to get surgery on your hand for punching your cruiser?" 

       "Shh," Nicole mumbled, pinching her arm. 



       "Go to sleep," she grumbled, though there was a little smile on her face. 

       Nicole chuckled, pressing a kiss to the back of her head. "Night, Baby." 

       "Goodnight," Waverly sighed, letting her eyes close for the night. 




       She opened them again with a heavy sigh about 10 minutes later, chewing her lip as she racked over her thoughts. Jessie's voice was echoing back to her over and over.

       What are you waiting for, Wave? 

       And, in all honesty, she really didn't know what she was waiting for. Maybe for her nerves to settle? Or the fear of actually doing it to go away? But she knew none of that would happen. 

       Maybe it was the fear of knowing that once she brought it up, there was no going back. 

       That was the whole point of it all, though, so it was pointless to be afraid of it. 

       She scrunched her eyes together and tried to push down the pit in her stomach, but it was no use. She was afraid, and rightfully so, but there was nothing else she could do but face her fears. 

       She had been telling herself that every night for the past month or so, but she had a new wave of confidence now and she was sure it was because of everything Jessie had told her today. 

       Waverly swallowed, pressing her tongue against the hole she chewed in her lip and giving the arm Nicole had wrapped around her a squeeze. "Cole?" Waverly said softly. 

       "Hmm?" Nicole mumbled, shifting slightly behind her. 

       "Can I ask you something?" 

       "Yea, what?" She questioned. Waverly stayed quiet as she swallowed down the nausea creeping up on her, and the redhead pressed her hand against her hip, getting her to flip over to face her. She brushed the hair out of her face, tipping her head up to get her to meet her eyes. "You can ask me whatever it is, Baby." 

       Waverly relaxed against her touch when she gently cupped her jaw, flicking her gaze away for a moment before raising her eyes again to look at her. She saw that Nicole was staring down at her with nothing but assurance, and it was then that she realized that whatever happened, whenever anything happened, all she wanted was for Nicole to be right by her side. She could get through anything with her, so there was no reason to be afraid. 

       Waverly pulled her tongue away from her lip, giving her a tiny smile. ". . . D'you wanna have a baby?" 

The End

. . . ?