43. Chapter 43

Amongst the different recordings, Nicole listened to an interaction between Destiny and another stripper, “Do you think that there’s going to be anymore fresh meat arriving anytime soon?”

“I’m not sure, if Bobo is able to arrange any transporting of ‘fresh meat’ from jail. All the girls that have been delivered had been arranged before he went inside.” Destiny says when a male voice joins in on the conversation. “Destiny, can you go and visit Bobo. I need you to give him a message.”

The sound of a door being opened, and another male voice says, “5 more minutes before your due to go on, Mary Sue.”

“I had better go.” Mary Sue says just before the closing of a door sounds. Then Nicole hears the scrapping of a chair, and then the male saying, “Destiny, I need you to tell Bobo, that all the fresh meat has gone off, and the wolf is starting to get hungry. I’ve arranged for you to visit Bobo in two days at the jail at 10am.”

Destiny could be heard saying, “Alright.”

That was all Nicole got from the day’s recordings, she made a note of everything that was said, so that Dolls could work out what they should do next. Nicole’s Police mindset said that they should send someone into the jail on the day of the visit, so that they could hear and record, Bobo’s response.

Meanwhile Waverly was just about to start preparing dinner for the twins, when there was a knock at the front door. Waverly opened the door and sees Wynonna standing there with take out bags in her hands. “Baby girl, I think it’s about time we had a chat.” Wynonna walked past Waverly and into the kitchen. The triplets were asleep in their cots, which Waverly could hear on the baby monitor that say on the dining table.

“Aunty Wyn. Food.” Alberto says as he stands up in his chair at the table. Nicolas is busy drinking from his sippy cup at the table.

“There’s my favourite little men.” Wynonna says as she kisses them on the top of their heads.

Waverly serves out the hamburgers and fries on plates for her and Wynonna, while the boys got nuggets and fries. After the meal was finished and the boys were put into bed and Waverly had checked on the triplets. Wynonna sat on the couch in the living room when Waverly came out from the nursery.

“Baby girl, this fight with Nicole has to stop. Nothing happened that night at Pussy Willows, you know that right.” Wynonna says as she offers Waverly a glass of Whiskey.

Waverly takes the glass and drinks it straight down. “Well it looked like something would have, if I hadn’t interrupted.”

“Waverly, the last time I’ve seen Nicole this broken, was when you had been taken captive by Deadfall for 2 months. That first month, Nicole didn’t know what to do, the boys had been hurt and needed to stay in hospital. Nicole stayed with them, but she wanted to be out there looking for you. And then when the boys where home, she spent all her days searching for you, before going home to care for the boys at night. Nicole was a wreck, but she never gave up on you, Baby Girl. Nicole loves you, I have eyes.”

Waverly pours herself another glass of Whiskey before saying, “I just thought that Nicole was going to do, what everyone has done in my life. Leave m ….” Waverly breaks down cries.

Wynonna moves closer to Waverly and wraps her arm around her sister, “Oh, Baby Girl, Nicole loves you and she would never leave you. If anything, she would die for you. I know that you have always been the one, that’s been left behind but she would never do that.”

Meanwhile back at the station, Nicole sat back in her chair while she scanned the three photo frames which sat on top of her desk. The first was of Nicole and Waverly on their wedding day, the second was of Nicole holding Nicolas and Waverly holding Alberto when the babies were 2 months old. The third was of Waverly holding Walden in her left arm, Bach was lying prop up against her chest and Winona was tucked in her right arm. Nicolas sat next to Walden and was looking at Waverly, while Alberto was kneeling next to Winona and looking at the camera.

Nicole placed her head in her hands and began to cry, she missed her wife and pups, so much that it hurt. She decided to send Waverly a message via her mind, ‘Waverly, I’m sorry.’ Not thinking that she would get a response, Nicole undid her top two buttons on her uniform in preparation to retire for the night. Just then Nicole heard in her mind, ‘Nicole, please come home. I’m sorry. Please forgive me.’ Nicole tore out of her office and jumped into her truck, she turned on her ‘cherry light’ and raced through the streets of Purgatory and headed towards the homestead.

Before Nicole had the chance to bring her truck to a stop outside her home, Waverly was out the front door and making her way towards Nicole. The door to the truck made the loudest slamming noise because Waverly had flung herself at Nicole and pushed the taller woman back into the door. Waverly jumped up into Nicole’s arms and wrapped her legs tightly around Nicole’s waist. Nicole captured Waverly’s lips with hers and they remained like this, all the way into the house and into the living room. Nicole lowered them down onto the couch before pulling away, only so that they could catch their breaths.

“Waves, I’m so sorry th …” Nicole started to say before she was interrupted by Waverly placing a finger on her wife’s lips.

“Shh, the one that needs to say their sorry is me. Nicole, I need to explain the reason behind my anger. It goes all the way back to the week before my Mama died. That night Willa had gone out on her first date with Robert Svane aka Bobo and Wynonna was staying at a friend’s place, leaving me to stay home to listen to Mama and Daddy fight. I hid under the covers of my bed, while Daddy yelled at Mama downstairs. The next thing I heard was Daddy yelling, ‘If you’re not going to give it to me, I’d better go where they will’ before slamming the front door.” Waverly stops talking and looks into Nicole’s eyes. Nicole reaches out and takes Waverly’s hands into hers.

“I must have fallen asleep, because later in the night, Mama woke me up and told me to put on my dressing gown and slippers. Mama then dragged me to her car and drove us to some building, that had a lot of cars parked out the front, one of which was Daddy’s. All the way into town Mama told me that before she met my Daddy, she was a regular on the Rodeo circuit and later found out she was pregnant to Daddy. They had to get married and when Willa was born, Mama said that Daddy just loved his little girl and she couldn’t do anything wrong, and when Wynonna was born, Daddy told Mama that she was just like her, screaming like a banshee. I asked Mama what was Daddy like when I was born and she said that Daddy didn’t want me, he tried to abort me, by punching Mama in the stomach, that was why he was so keen to promise me to Champ. Mama told me that all us Earp women are only good for one thing and that was being used and tossed away.” Waverly’s body began to tremble as tears streamed down her cheeks. Nicole reached out one of her hands and caressed her wife’s arm, while her other hand squeezed Waverly’s hand.

“While growing up I couldn’t work out why Daddy didn’t care about me and in that moment, I started to see that he had my life already planned for me, that I had no say. When we got to the building, Mama said, ‘Your Daddy is in there with those whores. He’s in there screwing them.’ Mama didn’t leave me in the car, she dragged me into the building. Mama made me follow her as she searched through every room, looking for Daddy. Then she opened a door and there was Daddy, naked and having sex with two women. Daddy saw Mama and me, instead of being embarrassed, he laughed. Mama yelled at him and then Daddy followed us out to Mama’s car. As Mama drove us back home, Daddy took great delight in hitting Mama. When I looked away, Daddy reached over into the backseat and made me look, as he laughed while he hit Mama. Daddy didn’t stop when we reached the Homestead, he continued his assault on Mama. Only that I was able to run off and hide in my room. The next morning Mama had two black eyes, one so badly beaten, that she couldn’t open it. A week later Mama was dead.” Waverly falls into Nicole’s outstretched arms that encircled her and held her tight.

“Oh, my Baby. I am so sorry. It’s ok now, your safe with me.” Nicole says as she runs her hand through Waverly’s hair and presses kisses to her temple.

“Nicole, when I saw you with that stripper, I thought that you were going to leave me, just like everyone else has done in my life. Nicole, I know it’s no excuse, but I was afraid that what Mama said about being used and thrown away, was coming true.” Waverly buries her head into Nicole’s neck and rubbed her mark against Nicole’s.

“Waverly look at me. I love you and this mark, right here (Nicole touches Waverly’s mating mark with her fingers), means that I am yours and only yours and you are mine. I am never going to leave you.” Nicole looks into Waverly’s eyes and the brunette sees tears in her wife’s eyes. Nicole places her hand behind Waverly’s neck and pulls her into her so that they can kiss.

“Waves, I have missed you and our pups so much.” Nicole says as she presses kisses to Waverly’s neck. Waverly caresses the back of Nicole’s neck and plays with her wife’s hair. Nicole’s hands begin to wander under Waverly’s shirt and touches her wife’s stomach.

“Nicole, let’s go to bed.” Waverly seductively plays with Nicole’s uniform tie as Nicole notices desire reflecting from her wife’s eyes. “Nicole, I’ve been such a bad girl and needs to be punished. What kind of punishment do you have in stall for me, my big Haught Daddy?” Waverly winks as she leads Nicole into their bedroom by pulling on Nicole’s tie.

They had only just made it inside the room, when Nicole slammed Waverly against the bedroom wall and pressed her large bulge into Waverly’s sex. Nicole didn’t let up on her assault of attacking Waverly’s neck with her lips, while her hands ripped open Waverly’s top, exposing two large breasts being held captive by a blue bra. Waverly heard Nicole’s wolf begin to growl as Nicole kissed her way down to take into her mouth an harden nipple.

“You’ve been a very bad girl. Daddy is going to punish you.” Nicole growls as she shifts just enough so that she could use her wolf nails to slice through the material of Waverly’s bra and then her skirt, leaving Waverly to stand before Nicole in her panties.

“Oh, Daddy I’ll do anything you want. Let me suck your big hard cock.” Waverly says in her best sexy voice.

“Well baby girl, you have better take it all.” Nicole groans as Waverly kneels and unzips Nicole’s uniform pants, then gently pulls out Nicole’s hard cock from her shorts. Waverly licks her lips before licking the tip of Nicole’s cock, causing the Alpha to lean her head back and release a pleasure sounding groan. Waverly begins to take Nicole inch by inch, until she has the whole 12 inches in her mouth. Nicole takes hold of Waverly’s head and begins to thrust herself inside her wife’s mouth, until she was close to knotting. Nicole pulls herself out of Waverly’s mouth and lifts Waverly up off the floor and throws her onto the bed.

Nicole teasingly kisses her way down Waverly’s body, while she removed her wife’s panties, revealing her glistering wet sex. The Alpha began her assault upon Waverly’s sex with her tongue, working Waverly into a frenzy. Nicole slipped two fingers between Waverly’s folds and thrusted so deep and hard, that Waverly’s body moved up the bed, Nicole could feel that Waverly was close, so instead of continuing, Nicole pulled her fingers out of Waverly, which had Waverly begging, “Please Daddy, I need you to fuck me. I want to cum all over your cock before you knot and breed me. Daddy please.”

Nicole smirked to herself as she removed her clothes and climbed on top of Waverly, rubbing her hard cock against Waverly’s sex. “Only good girls get to cum when they want. You’ve been such a bad girl that only Daddy gets to decide when you can cum. Daddy’s girl is going to be good and take all of Daddy’s hot cum deep inside you.”

“Yes, Daddy, Yes.” Waverly begs before Nicole presses herself deep inside of Waverly. Nicole begins a steady rhythm before feeling her knot start to take hold inside. Waverly groans as Nicole uses her free hand to stimulate Waverly’s clit, “Please Daddy, make me cum around her hard cock.” Waverly begs.

Nicole ramps up her flicking of Waverly’s clit, till she starts to feel Waverly’s walls begin to tighten around her cock, “Baby girl, are you going to cum for your Daddy, now?” “Yes, Daddy.” Waverly screams as she cums hard under Nicole, who hold her wife with her free arm. “Shh, Baby I have you.” Nicole says as she chances from being Nicole the Daddy to Nicole the loving and caring wife. Waverly sucks on Nicole’s pulse point, causing the Alpha to let go and release streams of hot cum deep inside Waverly.

Nicole has always been one to take responsibility for the after care, when she and Waverly made love, but this time, Waverly took control. The brunette pulled Nicole down so that she could rest between Waverly’s breasts, while running her fingers through her wife’s hair. Nicole closed her eyes as she felt the joy, that only filled her after she knotted and came deep inside Waverly.

After waking the next morning, Waverly stretched out and was expecting to find Nicole laying beside her, but instead she found an empty space and cold sheets. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted into the bedroom and the sound of tiny people voices echoed from the kitchen. Knowing that she was not wearing any clothing, Waverly got out of bed and gingerly dressed in a pair of Nicole’s boxer’s and sleep shirt, as she felt the stiffness of her muscles from last night’s activities.

Nicole was cooking Vegan pancakes while drinking her morning coffee, when Waverly quietly slipped behind Nicole, and wrapped her arms around her wife’s waist. Waverly pressed her lips against Nicole’s neck. Nicole said, “Did you sleep alright? I know I sure did, lying beside you.”

Nicolas and Alberto were setting the table, when they saw that their Ma was awake. Running over to Waverly, the twins wrapped themselves around her legs. “Ma, Mummy make pancakes.” Nicolas says and then Alberto says, “Mummy says, she home for good.” Nicole smiles as she watches their first born pull their Ma towards the dinning table. Nicole pours Waverly a fresh cup of Coffee and sets it down in front of her love. Waverly reaches up and caresses Nicole’s cheek as she kisses her passionately. The sound of Walden crying comes over on the baby monitor and Nicole says, “I’ll go and get him, you stay here.”

After a diaper change and a fresh set of clothes, Nicole remerges with Walden siting on her hip and hands him over to Waverly to hold. Waverly says, “Morning my little munchkin. I can see that you’re happy that your Mummy’s home.” Walden babbles at Waverly, as she places kisses to his chubby cheek.

Nicole returns with Bach and Winona perched on both her hips; she then takes a seat at the dining table with the rest of her family. For the first time since the night at Pussy Willows, Nicole was filled with so much love and joy. “Nicole, why aren’t you dressed for work?” Waverly says as she kisses the top of Walden’s head.

“What’s the good of being the Sheriff, if you can’t take a day off to spend it with your family.” Nicole says as Bach tries to climb over towards Waverly. Waverly reaches out and takes Bach and makes room for him and Walden on her lap. Winona grabs a small piece of Nicole’s pancake and begins to mash it up with her little hands, then she shoves her pancake filled hand into her mouth. For the rest of the day, the Earp Haught family stayed together and was never out of sight of each other, even the pups refused to sleep in their cots, they had to be in the same room as their Ma and Mummy. Nicole decided that it would be best that they all slept in the same bed.