57. Chapter 57

Emily unlocks the front door to her home, the home she used to share with her wife and daughters, when they were all happy and she had not stuffed up this happiness. Being so focused on wanting to get back to the station, Emily did not check the house before entering, because when she reaches the kitchen, which had on the table, three cups that had residue of what looked like Orange juice in the bottom. Smiling as she remembered the first time her daughters tasted Orange juice, the funny face that Vicki pulled was priceless, but Alison just loved the stuff, drinking all of it in one go. Being lost in her memory, Emily felt a sharp pain at the back of her head, causing her vision to begin to darken, as the view of the kitchen disappeared from her sight.

“If I were you, I’d be more mindful of the things you love, because one day they will all be gone.” Tucker said as he stood over Emily’s limp body, lying on the floor.

Emily wakens and finds that she is having difficulty in being able to see anything, so she tries to move her hands, but discovers them tied together and placed behind her back. Realising that she has no idea as to where she is, Emily knows from her Police training, that she needs to use her other senses, so she listens for any clue to her location. Hearing and feeling that she is in a moving vehicle, Emily makes out that the car just drove over what sounded like railway tracks, by the way the tyres made a thud sound as it travelled over the metal rail tracks. This indicated that the vehicle was near the railway line which passes through the middle of Purgatory and out towards the city at one end and the other towards the local stone quarry.

It was what seemed like 20 minutes later when the vehicle came to a stop, and Emily listened and heard a large garage door opening, before the vehicle drove inside, and when it came to a stop, the vehicle door open and then after a short while it slammed closed. A bright light greeted Emily as she tried to see as to who had kidnapped her, but the person’s face was blocked from view by the light shining behind them. What Emily could make out was a distinct odour, an odour she had smelt before, and Emily knew just as to where she had smelt that odour; it was in Tucker’s bedroom. Then she heard her kidnapper snicker as they pulled Emily out of the vehicle’s boot, and she was standing face to face with Tucker. Before she could say anything, she sees out of the corner of her eye, the but of a pistol before it contacted the side of her head, rendering her unconscious before her body hits the ground.

MEANWHILEBack at the station and it had been over a hour since Dolls had last seen Emily, before she raced off towards her home to collect clothing for her family. Concerned that things were not right, he heads over to Nicole’s office and asks to speak to her outside, as Louise and the twin girls were in the office.

“Nicole, it’s been over an hour since Emily left and her phone rings out. I got Jeremy to trace her cell and found that the signal is at the house. Supervisor Marshall Stranger and I are going to head over there, can you not tell Louise what’s going on, just yet.” Dolls says as he checks that his pistol is secure in its holster.

“Lonnie, I want you to go with Marshall Dolls and if you need back up, radio it through and we’ll be there. (Nicole turns and faces Dolls) And you make sure that my Deputy Sheriff comes back in one piece.” Nicole’s forehead crinkles between her eyebrows.

Lonnie follows Dolls and Marshall Stranger out of the station and they all head towards Emily’s home. Upon arrival Dolls pulls out his pistol and stands with his shoulder pressed against the front door, he indicates to Stranger and Lonnie to wait for his signal before they entered the home. Gingerly reaching for doorknob, Dolls finds that it was unlocked, he apprehensively opens the door ajar, just enough to be able to peek inside, once he was satisfied there was no threat, he entered. What Dolls finds was a broken wooden chair laying on the floor of the kitchen and a pool of fresh blood on the floor. Stranger and Lonnie enter and search the rest of the house, hoping to find Emily, but to no avail, the house was empty. Lonnie was instructed by Dolls to check the chair and the rest of the house for fingerprints, while Stranger took the crime scene pictures to go with their report, Dolls called Nicole and informed her that Deputy Sheriff Faye appeared to been kidnapped and maybe injured.

Nicole and Dolls knew exactly as to who was responsible, but until the fingerprints were confirmed to be that of Tucker Gardner’s, they could not do anything. The most important thing was that they had to find their friend.

MEANWHILERemembering her Police training after coming too, Emily surveyed her surroundings, she was tried to a chair that was attached to four ropes that were connected to the roof of what looked like an abandoned warehouse. These ropes held the chair suspended above the floor, Emily looked down at her body and discovered that her shirt had been ripped open and her chest had been sliced four times. She felt agonising pain in her chest as these cuts were deep, and her Police uniform pants was soaked with her blood, her face hurt and her vision in her right eye was blurry and the pain was so severe when she pried it open. Mentally Emily knew that if she was going to make it out alive, she needed to stay focused.

Hearing footsteps coming up behind her, Emily braced herself for whatever was going to come next. “Well you’ve decided to grace us with your presence. It is good that you are awake. It is no fun hurting you, when you’re out to it. I want to hear you scream and beg for me to stop. My friends here (Tucker points over his shoulder to two women, standing behind him.) want to see you screaming and squirming.” Tucker stands in front of Emily and then raises a foot to rest on the bar under the seat and pushes the chair down and backwards.

This caused the most excruciating pain to ripple through out Emily’s body, as her arms and legs have been tied to the ropes and the pressure on them to pull on her limbs. She screams out in pain as Tucker laughs.

Emily can just make out the sound of someone whimpering before hearing a sharp piercing screaming seeping through to her ears from behind her. Then the odour of rotting flesh reaches her nose and knows right then that Tucker had taken more girls to be his play toys. Bile rises in her throat as she spits in Tucker’s face. Tucker wipes the spit off his face before straightens his shoulders and narrows his vision.

The two women that watched as Tucker tortured Emily, were dressed in casual clothing, and chanted in a foreign language. “Please meet the Iron Witch and her sister, the blacksmith. They promised me if I helped them with getting them some girls to feed off, they would help me with claiming what is rightfully mine. Louise is going to feel so good wrapped around my cock, she will forget all about you, when she is with me. You are not going to survive after when I am finished with you, especially with this (Tucker smirks as he pulls out a 20cm knife).”

Tucker presses the knife against the mate mark left by Louise on Emily’s left side of her neck. As the knife pierced her flesh and Tucker started to cut away the physical sign of her connection with her wife. Emily begins to feel her Alpha becoming restless and enraged. Due to the large amount of pain surging throughout her body, Emily loses control of her Alpha and transforms into her wolf form. The ropes binding her are broken and fall to the floor, Emily lunges at Tucker and they stumble to the ground.

As soon as the Iron Witch noticed that Emily was free and in her wolf form, she stops her chanting and calls out to Tucker, “Kill her and then you will get YOUR girl, LOUISE.”

Pushing himself free from Emily’s wolf’s clutches, Tucker reaches a hand around his back and removes another knife, but this one begins to glow a bright blue light. Tucker then runs at Emily and the two bodies clash, causing the pair to fall to the ground and roll along until there was a crashing sound coming from the other end of the building. Tucker is able to drive his knife deep into Emily’s lower abdomen, causing fresh blood to soak into her uniform pants.

Emily’s wolf stands 3 feet high when on four paws, with jet black fur covering her form, but when she rears up onto her back-hind legs, Emily now was over 6 feet. Even with the extra height over Tucker, Emily had lost so much blood and energy prior to their battle, that she found that she was distracted by the noise at the other end of the building, and this was when Tucker struck his fatal blow, by thrusting the bright blue glowing knife deep into Emily’s throat. Tucker then removed the knife and thrusted it back into Emily, right into her right lung.

Emily lay lifeless on the floor of the building, at the foot of Tucker. He turned and sees Dolls, Stranger and Nicole shifting towards him, all standing in a defensive posture, Tucker said, “YOU’RE too late. She’s dead.” He kicks her in the head, just to prove his point.

Something inside of Stranger snaps and instead of telling Tucker to lower his weapon, she raises her hand with her weapon drawn and then takes aim, then pulls the trigger, firing a fatal shot, Tucker drops dead next to Emily. The Iron Witch and her sister pulled out from their back pockets, similar bright blue knives and aimed them at Dolls and Nicole.

“Drop your weapons.” Dolls calls out, but the sisters were backing down. Nicole and Dolls take their aim, when the sisters lunged towards them, the officers take their shot and the women fall to the ground. Supervisor Marshall Stranger rushes over to Emily’s side, kneeling beside the fallen officer on the floor, she checks for a pulse and finds a very weak one, but is relieved to know that the Deputy is still alive, only just.

“We need an ambulance, she’s alive, only just.” Supervisor Marshall Stranger yells to Nicole, who calls it through on her radio. Dolls walks over to Tucker and the women to make sure they were dead. Just then Dolls notices that Nicole and Hayley were beginning to perform CPR, with Nicole attending to the presses to the chest, while Hayley saw to giving breathes to Emily’s opened mouth. Dolls closes the distance between the others and offers to take over from Nicole until the Ambulance arrived. The Paramedics saw the situation and brought to the group, the defibrillator and set it up, before jolting Emily’s body with the electric charge to stop and restart her heart. Once they were able to regain a heartbeat, the Paramedics then attended to Emily’s other wounds before placing her onto the stretcher. Hayley insisted on travelling in the back of the Ambulance with Emily and the Paramedic, as they headed off towards the Hospital.

Supervisor Marshall Stranger suggested that Dolls and Nicole stay behind and secure any evidence that linked the women to the deaths and brutal mutilation of the young girls. Nicole checked the rest of the building and located 2 more mutilated bodies towards the back, which she alerted Dolls to. Once back up had arrived, they all worked to collect vital evidence to be used in creating a solid case against Tucker Gardner, the Iron Witch and her sister, the Blacksmith for not only the torture, mutilation and murdering of young girls, but also include the assaulting of an Officer.

MEANWHILE IN THE AMBULANCEAs the Ambulance travelled through traffic towards the hospital, Emily was hooked up to a heart monitor, which provided the Paramedic a clear reading of Emily’s condition. Emily has slipped into unconsciousness and Superior Marshall Stranger rides alongside Emily, holding her hand, watching for any sign of life from the Deputy.

EMILY POV FlashbackAs I sit at my desk, looking at this letter from my older sister, I just am finding it hard to believe that everything that I had been told all my life, was a lie. Within this letter, this sister of mine, tells me that our parents had only died a couple of years earlier, and that it was only when she was going through their records, that she found out that I existed. Hence the reason for her sending me, our mother’s journal, which details the events which lead to my conception and eventually my birth.

It appears that my mother had been raped by our father, hence my conception, on a night when he had come home drunk and demanding sex, although she was in heat my mother was not willing and so as an Alpha, he took what he wanted. My sister hinted that our father was a violent man and would frequently beat our mother, when he was angry. From what I could gather from reading the journal, was that my birth mother was afraid for my being after the birth, as my father’s reaction to the news of my conception, resulted in her being placed into hospital with five broken ribs. Our mother made a plan to leave the home for a couple of weeks, before my due date and travel to two provinces away from her home, and it was there in Old Quebec that she gave birth to me, and arranged for myself to be left at the orphanage.

I now look for a long time at the photo of the three members of my ‘birth family’, and I notice how much I resemble my mother in looks and hair, but I take after my father in height. When I look at my sister, I am filled with a mixture of hurt and wonder, hurt that she got to know our parents, but I wondered what she was like now? What has she done with her life and if she was happy?

BACK IN THE AMBULANCEEmily slightly comes too and groggily looks over at Hayley and blurts out, “Mum” Hayley interrupts and starts to say, “No, I’m your s….” Emily slips into an unconsciousness state. The heart monitor makes the sound, indicating that Emily had flat lined and the Paramedic calls out, “She’s flat lining. I’m going to start CPR.” For the next couple of minutes were stressful, as the Paramedic and Supervisor Marshall Stranger took turns at doing chest compressions and giving mouth to mouth before the defibrillator indicated that the next step was to shock the patient. Stranger sat transfixed as she watched the Deputy’s body was given an electric shock, to stop her heart so that it could restart itself. After the first shock was given, Emily’s heart started to beat, slowly but she was alive. The Ambulance had finally arrived at the hospital and Emily was taken through to the first Emergency bay.

MEANWHILELouise and Waverly had received the call and had rushed to the hospital in quick time. Rushing up to the hospital administration window, Louise announces that she is Emily Faye’s wife and that her wife had been brought in. Louise and Waverly are shown to the emergency bay in which Emily has been taken to. Upon seeing her wife laying on the stretcher, with bloody clothes laying on the floor, as the doctors and nurses were assessing the seriousness of her wife’s wounds, becomes all too much for the blonde woman to handle. She reaches out for Emily’s bloody hand that hangs off the stretcher, and she says, “Emily.” Before a nurse led both Louise and Waverly off into the waiting room, where they find Supervisor Marshall Stranger pacing up and down.

“I thought you were supposed to have protect her. Now she is ….“ Louise breaks down as she stumbles to sit in a chair, she sobs into her hands. Waverly sits next to her friend and pulls her into her side.

“I am so sorry. I never wanted any of this to happen.” Stranger crouches down in front of Louise and places an arm around her shoulder.

The next couple of hours drag on as they wait for news of Emily. By this time Dolls and Nicole have arrived, as Jeremy, Wynonna, and Doc are back at the homestead minding the children as they also wait news. The doctor from the emergency bay walks into the waiting room and says, “Who is here for Emily Faye?” The Doctor says.

“I am.” Louise says.

“She is not out of the woods just yet. She has lost a lot of blood. She has a rare blood type and we are having to source more from another Hospital. We have made her stable for the moment.” Says the Doctor, but before Louise could say anything, Hayley stands up and says, “Doctor, I have the same blood type as Emily, you can take some of mine.”

“How do you know her blood type?” Louise asks,

“The thing is…. she’s my sister.” Hayley says with a tearful voice.