59. Chapter 59

HOSPITAL“I suppose we should discuss the elephant in the room.” Hayley hesitantly says.

“Only if you want to, then I am willing to listen.” Louise places her cup on the bedside table, her hand doesn’t let go of Emily’s hand.

It was around the time for the nurses to come in and do their rounds, so Louise thought that this conversation best needed to have elsewhere. “Would you like to join me in getting some fresh air, the nurses are going to come in soon and do their rounds. I’ve been in here all day and need to stretch my legs.

Louise and Hayley gather their bags, just as the nurses come in with their wash bowls and towels, ready to give Emily her bed bath and reposition her in the bed. As the pair exit the Hospital front doors, Louise breathes a sigh of relief at being able to not be breathing in the hospital fake air. Louise relaxes her shoulders as the heat from the sun hits her, warming her up from the outside in.

Walking towards the park opposite the hospital they find a bench allowing Hayley to be able to sit on the wooden seat and place her head in her hands as she tried to control her emotions. Louise reaches out and gently places an arm around the other woman’s shoulder. Giving her time to work through her emotions.

“I assume that you think that it was cruel of me to have sent Emily that package and then turn up in Purgatory. I never knew anything about Emily until just over 5 years ago, after when our father passed away. Our mother told me all about how she gave Emily away, when she was born, so that she would be safe from our father. I didn’t know how to cope with this news, but our mother asked me to search for her. I just did what she asked.” Hayley sat staring at the child’s swing in the playground, Louise started to realise the struggle that Hayley most properly has had to face these last 5 years.

“I can only imagine how it would have made you feel. No doubt you had your questions?” Louise replies.

“Using my connections, I found Emily was alive and living in Old Quebec. I told our mother that Emily had joined the Police force, I uncovered an article detailing upcoming Weddings, with you and Emily being featured in the article. Our mother was delighted to know that her daughter had found a path to follow and that she had found her mate. My mother told me that she had put together a box of items, she wanted to send to Emily, but before she could, our mother passed away.”

“For the next year I struggled with not only the grief of losing our parents, but also finding out that I have a sister. From my research, I was disheartened to find out that Emily was never adopted and lived in that orphanage till she was 18 years. It broke my heart when I read all the case files from that place, in those files there was graphic details of the abuse, the children underwent. Knowing how to read through the lines, Emily experienced on a regular basis.” Hayley sits up straight and wipes away tears from her cheeks.

Louise sat and listened to Hayley, not wanting to judge the woman, because she knew that it had to be a big deal to reach out to Emily in the first place, and now reaching out to her sister’s wife.

“While working on a case I got caught up in taking drugs to keep up with the hectic pace of trying to close the case. It was during the take down of this ring of demon drug dealers, that one of my deputies was killed, because of my addition. I didn’t notice the gun until it was too late, and it was then that I realised that I needed to change. I was dating this amazing guy and we eventually got married six months later after I came out of rehab. He has stood by me the how entire time; I was getting help with the addiction. Black Badge took me off any cases and put on desk duty after I returned from Rehab.” Hayley stops and looks over at Louise, who still has her arm around Hayley’s shoulder.

The only sound that could be heard in that park was that of the brushing of the leaves on the trees, as the wind gently made itself known. Louise said, “What’s your husband like? Do you have any pups?”

“My husband’s name is Kevin, and we have a boy aged 3years and an 18-month-old girl. They both take after their father in looks, but they have my personality. Kevin works as an IT expert and works from home, which is lucky for me, because Kevin looks after the kids, while I work. I miss them madly. Emily’s has said that you two have two twin girls, and from what I have seen of them, it not hard to tell as to who they take after.” Hayley reaches into her coat pocket and pulls out a well-worn packet of cigarettes, she flips the packet in her fingers, before tapping them on her knee.

“I’m sorry, I gave up smoking last year, it’s a nervous trait of mine.” Hayley explains her actions.

“What made you to send the photos, journal and the letter?” Louise takes a deep breathe in, preparing herself for Hayley’s answer.

“I had been going through therapy and realised that when I found out about Emily, without knowing it, I began to hate her, mainly because she didn’t have to face the abuse of our father. Emily had been given a new life, while the beatings of our mother and I escalated. (Sobs) It was with the help of the therapist, I learned to not only love myself, but to also find it within me to forgive Emily.” Hayley stops so that she could catch a breath.

“From working through my issues, I discovered that in my mind, I thought that I had sentenced Emily to a life in a prison cell for a crime, but the reality was I was the one in the prison and I held the key to the door. (Sobs) You see, as a Christian, we view forgiveness differently from how the rest of the world. I discovered that for me to be truly free, I had to forgive Emily, even though she hadn’t done anything. The moment I forgave her…. It was felt like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders and for the first time since learning about Emily, I began to feel a love towards her, instead of hate. I knew that I had to reach out to her and that’s why I sent the package. I didn’t know that I would be sent to Purgatory sometime later.” Hayley leans against the back of the seat and rubs her eyes with her hands.

Louise unsure as to what to do, because she wanted to reach out and let the woman next to her, know that it would all work out, but that wasn’t hers to say, that was Emily’s to decide.

“Thank you for telling me. Would you like to come back up and sit with Emily for a while? Waverly and Nicole are looking after the girls for me, and I head back and spend the night with them, before heading back here once the girls are asleep.” Louise begins to stand and extends her hand to Hayley, who takes hold, and the two women share a heartfelt hug in the park.

After the women reach Emily’s room, Hayley turns to Louise and says, “When was the last time you had a decent night’s sleep in a real bed? If you let me, I’d like to give you the night off, so that you can spend it with your daughters, without having to rush off to come back here.”

“Are you sure? The girls have been staying with Waverly and Nicole, it would be great to fall asleep, knowing that they’re under the same roof as me.” Louise replies as she wearily leans against the wall.

“I’ll just head back to my hotel room and collect a couple of things and then I’ll come back. If anything changes, I will call. Enjoy your night and catch up on your sleep.” Hayley smiles and turns to head out of the corridor. Louise heads back inside to sit beside Emily, who has been repositioned and is now laying on her right side. Louise reaches out and caresses her wife’s cheek, as tears fill her eyes. As she waited for Hayley to return, the notion came to the blonde, that she had to forgive Emily for being unfaithful, if they were ever going to have a chance at resurrecting their love for each other. Deep down in her heart of hearts, Louise still could feel the deep love beating strong for her wife, it’s just that she now needs to put it into action.

BACK AT THE HOMESTEADWaverly gripped onto the side of the cool metal of the kitchen sink, as she felt her frustration of not being able to spend some intimate time with Nicole. That evening Doc had suggested that with all of the extra children staying with the Earp-Haught’s, that they should have a combined family BBQ. Waverly with the help of the little ones, had gotten ready the corn to cook on the Barbeque, along with Potato salad. Doc was happy to take care of the meat as long as Waverly prepared some Vegan protein options.

Without her wife’s knowledge, Nicole sneaks into the kitchen and snakes her arms around her wife’s waist. Placing baby kisses along Waverly’s shoulder before saying, “What’s on that pretty mind of yours?”

Waverly turns around and slides her hands up Nicole’s blue Sheriff’s button up shirt, until she can link her fingers together at the back of the redhead’s neck. “It’s been a while since we spent some alone time together, and I’m all frustrated.” Nicole can smell her wife’s arousal and the scent causes her brain to begin to send vital blood to her cock. As her cock begins to harden, Nicole’s wolf releases a groan, while her own hands wander down to cup Waverly’s ass. Pulling out her phone, Nicole makes a call to Doc before returning her attention back to Waverly.

“Doc has said that he is happy to watch the kids for us, as he promised them that they could help with grooming and feeding the horses. He also said that he would get Jeremy to look after the little ones for us. Which will give us at least a couple of hours to ourselves. What would you say to going on a run with me?” Nicole wiggles her eyebrows.

Waverly didn’t wait to give Nicole her answer, instead she headed towards their bedroom, once reaching the doorframe, Waverly seductively lifted her leg and slid it down the wooden frame. With a finger the brunette beckoned Nicole to follow her, which it didn’t take much for Nicole to recognise her wife’s eagerness. Waverly was now pulling out one of the drawers in their dresser, as she lifted out gently two dressing gowns, which they only wore was when they turned into their wolf forms and ventured out on runs.

Nicole always made sure that Waverly was well taken care of both in the bedroom as well as in everyday life and once the two wolfs had reached a secluded area within the trees behind their home. Nicole turned and faced her brunette wolf wife and nuzzled her nose along Waverly’s jaw line. Waverly leant further into Nicole’s red fur as they took some time to be within each other’s presence, without having any interruptions. Nicole took the lead and began to lick behind one of Waverly’s ears, in the spot that she knows will drive her wife crazy. Picking up on her wife’s arousal as her scent wafts up to the red-haired wolf’s nostrils, causing her cock to twitch and harden.

Waverly crouches down on all fours and rolls over, bearing her stomach and throat, in submission to her Alpha. Not that their relationship was ever about who had authority, but in this moment, Waverly’s Omega wanted to reveal her respect for her Alpha and the best way she knew was to submit. Nicole stood over her wife and began to lick the fur along Waverly’s neck and along the mate mark. Waverly then flipped over so that she was now laying on her stomach, with her hips raised, pressing against Nicole’s front.

For the next two hours the lovers spend the time losing themselves in each other, as they make love. Knowing that they only had a short time, they make the most of their time reacquainting themselves with each other’s Wolf form. Strolling back towards the homestead, Nicole leans against her wife’s form and places a lick to the mate mark. Waverly returns the sentiment as she licks her mate’s mark. Upon reaching the back of their home, they both quickly change back into their wolf forms and dress in their robes, as they can already hear their pup’s voices, indicating that Doc and the children had finished with the horses.

Waverly had gotten dressed and headed back into the kitchen as Nicole decided to grab a shower. Jessica and Nicki were playing with Winona, who had set up shop in the living room, with Jessica being the cashier and the other two stocking the groceries. A Stetson wearing Nicolas moseys up to Jessica and says, “Well hello there darling.” before giving her a wink and a flash of his dimples as he places on the made-up cashiers table, a box of cookies.

Seeing the scene play out before her, Waverly could not help but feel a warmness in her heart, because she knows that her son has watched his Mummy over the years and has picked up some of her traits, in trying to woo their Ma, but instead her son was now trying to woo little Jessica. Watching Jessica’s reaction was just priceless, as the little girl drops her head and then looks back up at Nicolas through her eyelashes and gives him a bashful smile.

“I was wondering if you’d like to join me for a cold milkshake, after you finish here?” Nicolas says with a confidence, while his fingers rest on his belt buckle, and links his thumbs through the loops of his jeans.

“Why Sheriff, I would love to. I finish soon. I’ll met you at the dinner in 10 mins.” Jessica coyly says. Nicolas tips the Stetson at Jessica and then moseys away.

“There is no one else I would like to spend some time with. I’ll wait for you over by the dinner.” Nicolas points over towards the counter in the kitchen, before sauntering off with his box of cookies tucked in under his arm.

Jeremy had joined Waverly in the kitchen, halfway through the interaction between Nicolas and Jessica and said, “I think we are going to have some trouble, if Nicolas takes after your Nicole.” All Waverly could do was smirk, moving towards the fridge to retrieve the milk and ice cream to start making the milkshakes. Vanilla milkshakes are always the number one favour in the Earp-Haught house. Waverly also made a mental note to speak with Nicole about her having ‘the talk’ with both Nicolas and Alberto, but just not yet, they still have a couple of years to go before then.

As the afternoon progresses, the group are joined by Louise, much to her daughter’s delight, if the squeals were to go by, upon seeing their Mummy’s car pull up in the driveway. After spending some quality time with her two little girls and hearing how they got to feed the big horses their carrots, before Uncle Doc put them into their hay beds. During the serving up of all of the children’s meals, Louise explained to Waverly, how Hayley was taking the night shift of staying with Emily.

“You and the girls are most welcome to stay the night.” Waverly offers to her friend.

“I’d appreciate it, I still can’t bring myself to spend more than an hour or two in the house. I know it sounds silly, but without Emily it doesn’t feel the same.” Louise’s eyes gloss over as they fill with tears. Sensing her friend’s pain, Waverly reaches out and places a hand on Louise’s shoulder and offers her a ‘I feel your pain’ look.

HOSPTIAL-The next dayFor the first time in a while, Louise had a full night’s sleep, without having to wake and stand up and stretch her muscles, to prevent them from cramping, because she had been sleeping on one of those Hospital overnight chairs. Dropping her daughters off at Day-care before grabbing two coffees, Louise stopped by the nurse’s station for an update on Emily’s condition. No change.

Thanking Louise for the coffee, Hayley headed back to her hotel to catch up on some sleep, leaving Louise alone with Emily. Even though Emily was able to breath on her own and not requiring a ventilator, she has an canula in her arm, through which is hooked up to an IV drip, allowing the nurses to give Emily fluids, nutrients, and medicines. Louise noticed how her wife looked as though she had just stepped out of the shower and appeared to be napping on her back. Emily’s hair had been washed and falls upon the pillow, causing Louise to catch her breath, thinking how beautiful she looked at that moment.

Climbing up onto the bed and carefully moving Emily’s right arm, so that Louise could snuggle into her wife’s side, sliding her own right arm to lay upon Emily’s stomach. Resting her head on Emily’s shoulder and without realising it, drifts off because for the first time in a long while, Louise finds herself back in her love’s arms.

EMILY’S POV-FLASHBACKI am so looking forward to the end of today’s shift. There’s been nothing great about today, first I had hot boiling coffee spilt on my uniform by a bystander, as they got knocked by a perv as they ran away from a crime scene. Not only having to deal with a stained shirt, but I had to get first aid for the burn to my chest, after I caught the perv and booked them. Then I had to put up with the ribbing from some of my co-workers, who questioned my ‘love making’ abilities.

“What it’s been like over six months since you started dating this chick and you’ve still to slide your sausage into her bun? Maybe your blonde girl is wanting a real man?” Deputy Smith taunts while flicking through his case load.

Deputy Smith is a jerk, there’s no other word to describe him. Smith is an Alpha that has screwed his way through the entire unmated Omega’s and Beta’s within the station. As soon as he has gotten his piece of flesh, it’s onto the next victim. Louise and I have been together for the past six months, but we are still to make love, mainly because I’m scared that I will mess it up, and Louise will see that maybe I’m not enough for her. Smith’s comment hits a nerve, leading me to doubt my abilities in that area.

Thankful that my shift has come to an end and there is still a couple of hours before I have to met up with Louise at the bar, allowing me to head home and grab a quick nap and then a shower. The weather has turned from being calm to a rainstorm to match my mood, grey and gloomy, as I had the feeling that Louise would realise that she be better off without me in her life. The bar was not that far from my place, so I decided to grab the umbrella from behind my front door and walk the distance. When I opened the umbrella, it was caught by a gush of wind and flipped it inside out, rendering it useless, I throw it into the nearest trash bin and forced my fists into my black jean pockets and hankered down as I steamed towards the bar.

By the time I reached the bar, my green button-down shirt and black jeans were soaked through, causing me to shiver due to the coldness clinging to my skin. The thought of the brightness of seeing Louise’s smile the moment, she saw me walking into the bar, was what kept me warm inside my chest. I pushed open the front door to the bar and looked around the patrons in the bar, for the love of my life, but instead of seeing her talking to one of our friends, I found her in the arms of another man.

They were embracing and from where I stood, it appeared that Louise was kissing him. If I thought that my day was bad, it just got worse. This man was taller than Louise and from the behind, appeared to be stronger than me. I should go and confront Louise. Why? I knew this was going to happen, Louise has been dropping hints that she has been wanting to mate, but because of my insecurities, we haven’t. Feeling deflated I turn and storm out of the bar, not realising that my slamming the door behind me, caused a scene in the bar.

I had not gotten far down the street from the bar, when I heard the voice I’d want to hear at that moment. “Emily.” I kept walking.

“EMILY FAYE STOP.” Louise screams, my head says to keep walking, but my feet had another idea as they stop dead in the middle of the street. My head is hanging down and my eyes are focused upon my shoes, just then I notice another set of red high heel shoes touching mine joggers.

“Why did you leave?” Louise asks.

“I didn’t think you would notice, seeing that you had your lips connected to that guy.” My tired to keep my anger in line, but I failed.

“What?” Louise questions. My eyes are still focused on my shoes. Louise places her hand under my chin and lifts my head, so that she could look directly into my tear-filled eyes. We stood looking at each other, while the rain fell all around us, our clothes clinging to our bodies.

“You mean my cousin. You saw me giving him a hug. But from where you were standing, it might have looked like we were kissing. I haven’t seen my cousin for over 2 years, and he contacted me this afternoon and asked to meet me. I should have told you before you came…. Emily did you think that I….” Louise’s voice begins to break, her arms gripping my biceps.

“I thought that you didn’t want me anymore…. that I was not enough for you.” I struggle to speak as my heart aches at the thought of Louise with another Alpha.

Grabbing the sides of my cheeks with her trembling hands, Louise says, “Emily, I’m in love with you. I love you and only you. (Louise leans in and connects our lips together) I want you to take me back to your place, so that I can show you just how much I love you.”

“Yo..uu, lo..ve.. meee. I love you so much.” I take hold of Louise’s hand and we walk back to my place.

We spend the rest of the night, exploring each other’s naked bodies and by the time we fall asleep in each other’s arms, we both are sporting fresh mating marks. In this moment, I know that Louise is mine and I am hers for the rest of our lives. I never want this to end. I can feel her body pressing against my side and her fingers moving on top of my stomach.

HOSPTIALLouise is woken from her nap by the feeling of a hand running up and down her back and a stirring of Emily’s body underneath her head. Opening her eyes and looking around the hospital room, Louise expected to see a nurse, but instead she finds an empty room. Turning her head towards Emily, Louise’s eyes connect with an awake and smiling Emily, staring back at her wife.

“You know I could get use to waking up with you in my arms.” Emily says as she presses her head against Louise’s.