80. Chapter 79

TWO MONTH LATERNot since just before the triplets were born, had Waverly and Nicole been able to have sex, as Nicole hadn’t wanted to rush Waverly, even though the Doctor had said that the Omega was cleared for having sex. Being the planner that she was, Waverly knew exactly the best way to get back into the saddle, was to surprise her wife on her birthday. The day before Nicole’s birthday, Waverly made sure all her plans were in place because she wanted her wife to have the best day and she wanted it to be perfect for Nicole. As soon as Waverly was satisfied that her little surprise was in order, with one more thing to check on.

Creeping into the closet, Waverly pulled out from behind a pair of knee-high boots, a box wrapped in a navy ribbon with a navy bow on top, the brunette knew that Nicole was going to love this gift. Taking one glance over her shoulder, to make sure that Nicole hadn’t crept up on her, with a smirk across her face, she quickly placed the box back into its hiding place, before heading back into the kitchen to prepare the triplets night bottles.

The next morning Waverly woke early as the baby monitor indicated that at least two of their triplets were awake, and from the pitch of their cries it meant they were hungry and wet. Waverly gingerly climbed out of bed, making sure not to wake Nicole, who was sleeping on her stomach with her head turned to face the Omega. Waverly switched off the monitor before leaving the room, as she entered the nursery Waverly found that both her daughters were awake and very grumbly if their cries were any indication of their mood. Leaning over to peep into Lucas’ cot, she found the pup waving his chubby little arms in the arm, as he grinned at his Ma.

“Well, you look happy to see me, little man.” Waverly lifted Lucas out of his cot and placed him into his carrier, before heading back to her daughters, who had now kicked off their blankets and were about to switch their crying up another level, if their Ma didn’t pick them up. Waverly gave Charlotte a pacifier before lifting Olivia out of her cot, she then placed the grumbling pup onto the changing table, once the pup had their wet diaper and clothes changed, Waverly placed the now happy pup into her carrier, before attending to her sister, who was not impressed at being left to wait. As soon as all three had been changed, and taking two trips to carry all three of the pup’s in their carriers into the living room, Waverly was able to begin to breastfeed them, before heading into the other pup’s rooms to wake them.

Each of the older pup’s wanted to make their Mummy a special breakfast for her birthday, so after discussing what to make the previous afternoon over a milkshake, it had been decided that as their Mummy’s favourite colour was blue and loved pancakes, they were going to make Blueberry Pancakes.

Greeting her sleepy pup’s with a smile and kiss to their foreheads, “Are we all ready to make Mummy her special breakfast?”

The younger pup’s rubbed their eyes, while their older siblings smiled and nodded in agreeance. Nicholas and Alberto headed into the kitchen, where they used their stools to reach up onto the bench, where they climbed onto and started to pull the dry ingredients out of the cupboards, while Walden, Bach and Winona headed to the fridge to collect some of the wet ingredients, leaving Padma and Jagna to collect the most important ingredient the blueberries, before heading over to the counter and waited for their Ma. Waverly checked on the now happy and giggling Olivia, Charlotte and Lucas in their carriers, before making her way into the kitchen. Padma and Jagna helped their Ma with grabbing the mixing bowls and utensils before Waverly lifted them and sat them onto the counter. All the other pup’s climbed up onto their stools and waited for instructions from their Ma.

Sleeping in on her own was never something Nicole liked to do, but somehow knowing that your little family were just outside your door, had the redhead loving the idea of laying back in her bed, drifting in and out of sleep as she listened to the sounds of laughter peeping through her bedroom door. If Waverly had taken a sneak peek into their bedroom, right at that moment, she would have caught Nicole with the biggest grin on her face while dozing in and out of sleep. After all, right at that moment, the Alpha was grateful for making that decision all those years ago to make the move and apply for the job in Purgatory, because it led her to Waverly and her family.

Wafting through her bedroom door, Nicole could smell the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and a sweet smell, although she could make out the pancake smell, there was something else that Nicole couldn’t just make out. Prying open her eye’s, the Alpha rolled over onto her back and ran her hand through her hair, before stretching out her limbs. The past week at work had been long and hard, as she had been having to investigate several suspicious murders of brunette women within the triangle, which had her on alert. Today was her day off and she was going to spend as much time as possible with her family.

As her bedroom door opened with such force, Nicole sat bolt upright in the bed and started to reach towards her bedside drawer for her pepper spray. What stopped her from grabbing the container of pepper spray, was the sight of Nicholas and Alberto carrying a tray laden with blueberry pancakes and a mug of coffee, while Walden, Bach, Winona, Padma and Jagna followed close behind with gifts in their hands. Waverly followed close behind, pushing the triplets in their stroller, upon seeing all of her pup’s and her mate, the goofiest smile appeared on Nicole’s face and showed off her dimples.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUMMY! We made you breakfast.” All of the pup’s said in a singing voice as they walked towards Nicole’s side of the bed. Nicole reached over and took the tray and gently placed it down on the bedside table. Then turned around and stretched out her arms and beaconed her pup’s upon to the bed and into her arms. Waverly lifted the triplets out of their stroller and handed them to Nicole, who placed them onto her lap. Nicole opened her gifts, which each of the pup’s had personally made for their Mummy.

Nicholas and Alberto had made at School some pottery items, one being a pinch pot that had been painted their image of Nicole sitting in the middle of ten little pup’s. Walden, Bach and Winona had painted images of their Mummy dressed in her Sheriff’s uniform, kissing their Ma, while running around them were ten little pup’s.

“Mummy, do you like your presents?” Alberto kneels beside Nicole on the bed.

Turning and looking directly at Alberto, “Yes, I love them because you made them. Thank you all so much for each of your presents.” Pulling all of her pup’s into one big hug, Nicole plants a kiss on each of their heads.

“Ma, where’s your present for Mummy?” Walden asks.

“Oh, Mummy will get her present from me, later. Now Mummy you need to eat up before your food goes cold.” Waverly stands beside the bed and runs her hand along Nicole’s shoulder, before squeezing it. Looking up at her wife with a raised brow and a quirky look, Nicole wondered as to what her present from her wife would be, but she soon turned her attention back to her family on the bed.

Nicole did as instructed and started to eat her pancakes, “Mmmmm, these are just the best.” After finishing off her breakfast, Nicole got up and dressed in a pair of jeans and a pull over shirt, which showed off her biceps, much to the delight of her wife. Once all their pups had been fed and dressed, Waverly took them to their School and Daycare for the day, while Nicole stayed behind to carry out some chores, which had been put on the back burner and were needing to be done.

Returning to the homestead and climbing out of the van, Waverly heard the sound of wood being split from around the side of the house. Nicole had told her that she planned to chop some wood and get it stored away, before the winter, Waverly snuck around the side of the house to find her wife standing with her back towards her. Nicole had stripped off her shirt and was now standing wearing a tank top, the Alpha’s biceps were glistering from the sweat, which showed off the redheads flexed muscles. Waverly suddenly lost the ability to think and speak, all she could do was stand and stare at the goddess before her.

Just then Waverly knew exactly how she was going to give Nicole her present, and that would entail her heading back into the house without alerting Nicole. Sneaking back around to the front of the house, Waverly crept up the steps and quietly opened the front door, before heading inside to their bedroom.

Waverly grabbed hold of the wrapped box from within the closet, with trembling hands she unwrapped the ribbon. Until this moment Waverly had been anxious to show her body to Nicole. After carrying and giving birth to ten pup’s, it had given the brunette stretch marks and sagging skin in areas, where her skin had been once tight. Waverly changed out of her clothes and began to get dressed in the new outfit. Once she had finished dressing, Waverly took a good look at her body in the mirror, allowing her hands to slide over the curves of her larger breasts and then over her hips, the brunette no longer saw herself as the mother of ten pup’s, instead of the mate of a wonderful Alpha. Waverly headed out of their bedroom and moved through the kitchen, where she stopped and took another glance out the window at her hotwife, which sent a surge of desire right to her sex.

Nicole was lost in her thoughts, as she was still thinking about the murdered women, who were lying in the morgue at the station, she was working on autopilot as she lifted the axe above her head and brought it down, sliding through the wood and throwing the split wood into the pile beside her. Nicole didn’t hear the door to the house opening and closing until she caught the arousal of her mate wafting through the air. The smell of her mate pulled her out of her thoughts, the sight that Nicole found standing behind her made her lost for words. Waverly stood before her wife, wearing only a Night Games Sanaz Soft Cup Navy Bodysuit. Her breasts plump from breastfeeding were bulging through the fabric, the Omega stood before her.

“Happy Birthday my big Alpha, do you like your present?” Waverly stood with her hand on her hip and a seductive smile on her lips.

Right at that moment, Nicole’s brain short-fused causing all functions to act at a minimum, and all Nicole could do was stare at her wife’s half-naked body, as she tried to swallow the lump that was now lodged in her throat. Nodding her head in approval, Nicole’s eyes turned dark with desire and want, slowly and carefully Nicole wedged the axe into a log of wood, before taking a couple of steps towards her wife. Nicole realised that at that moment, her jeans were becoming rather tight, as her cock hardened at the sight of her wife wearing the bodysuit.

Nicole’s wolf took control over its human form, as Nicole strolled closer to Waverly, and once she was within reaching distance, Nicole snaked her hands around Waverly’s waist and pulled the smaller woman into a passionate kiss. Nicole pressed her body hard against her wife’s, making sure that her Omega could feel how much the Alpha was enjoying the sight of her wife’s body, as she pressed her hard bulge against the Omega’s sex.

Waverly pulled back and placed her hands on Nicole’s chest, before running them up and around the back of Nicole’s neck, pulling the redhead down so that she could kiss her wife, the Omega ground her now soaked sex, against the Alpha’s bulge. Playing with the fabric of Nicole’s shirt, Waverly kissed along Nicole’s jawline and down towards her mark. Nicole’s wolf howled as it caught a whiff of its mates arousal, “Waves, are you sure? I don’t want you to if you're not ready.”

“Nicole, I need you so badly and I want you to take me, right here and now. Nicole, I love you and I’ve missed you making love to me. But just for now, I need it rough.” Waverly’s eyes turned dark as she cupped Nicole’s bulge with one hand while unzipping Nicole’s jeans. Reached in and pulling the waistband of Nicole’s shorts down, so that Waverly could release the hard cock from its prison. Nicole throw her head back and growled as she felt the cool fresh air hitting her sensitive cock.

Nicole wasted no time as she picked Waverly up so that the Omega could wrap her legs around the redhead’s back, where the brunette locked her ankles together, while Nicole used her hands to hold onto the brunette’s ass. Stumbling as she walked them over to the wall of the house, Waverly’s back hit the house with a thud.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t hurt you, did I?” Nicole checked to make sure that Waverly was alright.

“Nicole, I’m fine. Now just fuck me senseless. I need you inside. NOW!” With her hands running through redhair, Waverly pressed her forehead against Nicole’s.

Nicole’s wolf had been permitted to take control and so it did just that, sliding one of her hands down between their bodies, Nicole forced the fabric of the bodysuit that was covering her wife’s sex to the side, before lining her cock up with the soaked sex. With one last look for consent from her mate, which Waverly nodded her head, Nicole plunged right inside of Waverly and bottomed out.

Sliding into the warmth of her wife’s sex, Nicole’s wolf sat bolt upright and howled with pride, that it was now reconnected with its mate. As Nicole continued to bottom out with her each thrust, causing the brunette to groan in pleasure, at the feel of being filled by her mate. Nicole’s hips started to work as a pistol working at full throttle, with her hand wedged between their bodies, Nicole rubbed Waverly’s clit with her thumb which pulled moans from deep within the Omega, whose hands had found their way under Nicole’s shirt and was now clawing scratch marks up and down her wife’s back. Their kissing was messy as teeth clashed with teeth and tongues fought for dominance.

Nicole had been holding out till she could hear the moans and groans that only Waverly made when she came before she could reach her release. With the moans coming from deep within, and Nicole knew that Waverly was close, with one more swipe of her thumb against the Omega’s clit, was all it took.

“NICOOOOLLLLEEE, fuck.” Waverly’s head hit the wall of the house as she convulsed as she came hard. Just hearing her name being screamed out aloud by her wife, was all it took for Nicole to fall over the edge. “Fuck” was all the redhead could say as she shoot hot cum deep into Waverly. Burying her head into the crook of Waverly’s neck, Nicole pants as she works at bringing her breathing back to normal. They were knotted together and Nicole lowered them both onto the ground, Nicole stripped off her shirt and lay it down for them to lay upon.

“Wow, I’ve missed being able to scream your name when I come.” Waverly smirked as she tucked some loose strands of redhead behind Nicole’s ear.

“I’ve missed being inside you and hearing you scream my name. Happy Birthday to me.” Leaning forward Nicole connected their lips in a tender lingering kiss. Lying wrapped up in each other’s arms, with Nicole knotted in place, all the while kissing and caressing each other’s body.

Just as Nicole’s knot disappeared and unlocked them from each other, Waverly shyly turned her head, “Waves, what’s on that beautiful mind of yours?”

“I didn’t think that you would find me attractive, …. especially after carrying and giving birth to ten pup’s. I mean my body isn’t the same as when we first mated, and ……” Nicole turned Waverly’s head to face her, with a finger under the brunette’s chin. “Waves, I’m in love with you and I will always be attracted to you, because I love how you love and care for our pup’s, and how you use that amazing brain of yours, not only for our family but also for BBD. (Nicole leans in and kisses Waverly with all the passion and love that she has within her) Now let me take you inside and show you exactly how much I love you because I’m dying to unwrap my birthday present.” Nicole stands up and holds out her hand for Waverly to take hold of. Gripping onto the outstretched hand, Waverly allows for Nicole to lift her off the ground and onto her feet, which Nicole then scoops the brunette into her arms and carries her inside the house bridal style.

For the rest of the day, Nicole and Waverly take advantage of having an empty house, where they make love until they had to go and collect their pup’s for the day. They spent time playing in the park, along with Rachel, who was soon becoming a part of their family. That evening they meet Wynonna, Doc, Jeremy, Dolls, Nedley and Rachel for dinner at Shorty’s. The grin that was planted right across Nicole’s face proved to be too good to let go for Wynonna, “I hope you and Baby Girl practised safe sex this time.”

“Ouch, what was that for, Baby Girl?” Wynonna rubbed her arm.