You are a curse casted upon me in the form of my mate!

"Why do I have to go through such humiliation?" Sofia removed herself from the crowded ball room after being humiliated by her own mate.

She held her gown up and started running towards the dark corridor to disappear from everyone's sight. Warm tears started falling from her eyes like an elegant waterfall flowing in the middle of the valley.

'What did I do so wrong for my life to end up like this? Why doesn't my mate love me? Why does everyone leave me like this? Am I that unwanted? He insulted me in front of everyone without thinking twice about my aching heart! What did I do so erroneous to deserve such behavior?' Numerous questions started popping in her head when she was running towards her room from the large corridor.

She couldn't take it anymore. The pain was too much to handle. She stopped in the middle of the empty corridor before holding onto a pillar from her one hand and her own chest from her other before bursting into tears.

'I helped Liam with his love. I was never a b*tch to Alexa. I never did anything to ruin anyone's relationship! Then why my mate is the one who is causing me so much pain? I think it is time I should accept my fate. Love is not written in my destiny!'

Her knee started to feel weak. She trembled and was about to fall on the floor but she somehow composed herself, when she heard footsteps approaching her.

"So, you are here" came an ice cold voice from behind.

She didn't need to turn around to recognize the voice of the man who turned her life into a living hell!

Sofia immediately wiped her tears. She kept her face straight and devoid of any emotion, even though she was dying from inside, she can't give him the satisfaction to look at her vulnerable state, that he managed to break not only her heart but also her f*cking soul!

She turned around to see the cause of her miserable life. Her dear mate, Alpha Derek Smith. There he was standing in all his glory after demeaning her in a crowded ballroom.

She felt an intense tug in her heart when their eyes met. The jerk still had no idea how badly he has hurt her. She just wanted to be loved by her mate just like every other werewolf does, but the guy in front of her was not ready to give her anything she deserves.

"Why did you do it?" Alpha Derek asked in a frosty tone.

"What did I do? You were the one who insulted me in front of everyone!" Sofia exclaimed.

"You deserved it! Now tell me when I am being nice. Why did you do it?" asked Alpha Derek again but this time his voice was more intense than his previous attempt.

"I didn't bloody do anything!" shouted Sofia from the top of her lungs.

She lost her temper. She already knew, no matter how many times she will say the truth, the ruthless Alpha will never believe her.

She turned around and started leaving to avoid the hopeless conversation, but a strong pair of hand grabbed her arms and turned her forcefully.

"Where do you think you are going? I am not done talking yet!" He growled angrily.

His voice echoed in the empty corridor.

"But I am done talking to you. Let me go, Derek!" Sofia struggled in his tight grip.

"Why did you tell Leah that we are dating? Why did you lie that I kissed you and promised you that I will mark you and will make you my Luna? Why did you hurt her like this?" He gritted his teeth in rage.

Sofia was speechless. She couldn't believe her ears. She didn't utter a word to his girlfriend since the moment she has arrived at the castle. How can he blame her without any evidence? She was still trying to process the information but he decided to shoot her with another sets of allegations.

"Did you really wanted to ruin our relationship by saying those things? Is it how badly you wanted to be marked by me? Is it how badly you want me to f*ck you? You must be wanting me to take you right here in this corridor, don't you?" Derek's voice became hoarse and for some reason, the corner of his lips twitched into a smirk. His dark brown eyes turned black.

Sofia couldn't handle this anymore. Mate or not, she had enough of this weird creature! That fool thinks too highly of himself. She got it that he doesn't want her but he has no right to accuse her or dirty talk to her anywhere he likes. She couldn't help but ended up bursting in front of him.

"What do you think of yourself? Quit dreaming, dude! I don't wanna be marked by such a narcissistic person like you! I am done with you. You are selfish. You only care about yourself! And forget about this corridor, even if you are the last person in the entire universe, I will happily die virgin than being f*cked by a dog like you! I hope, we will never meet in this life ever again!" Sofia exclaimed harshly.

The burning flames in her eyes startled Derek but her words boiled his blood even more.

Even after trying her best, Sofia couldn't stop tears from falling on her cheeks. He broke her completely!

Derek's eyes softened when he saw her crying for the first time.

"Sofia, let's stop this nonsense at this instant and we can handle this situation as peacefully as possible. Stop crying now. Just apologize to Leah and end this conversation right here" His tone was gentle and his hand automatically reached towards her face to wipe the tears falling on her smooth cheeks.

Sofia slapped his hand away and shouted in fury, "Why would I apologize when I didn't do anything wrong!"

"Are you suggesting that Leah is lying to me?" Derek raised his eyebrow.

"So, you are convinced that I am lying?" Sofia asked in an incredulous tone.

"Do you think I will believe you over her? Do you really wanna get on my nerves again? Apologize to her! I can't tolerate liars even if you are my mate" Derek uttered coldly, the gentleness in his tone was long gone.

"Go f*ck yourself! I can't help it if your sh*tty brain is assured that I am the culprit. But I am not apologizing for the mistake I didn't do!" Sofia replied in a raspy voice.

"Language Sofia!" Derek growled.

"I don't need to learn from a person whose mouth is sh*ttier than sh*t itself! You talk worse than p*rnstars! Don't try to be my father!" She raised her voice to knock some sense into his empty head.

"I will love to be your daddy, babygirl! Don't you want me bend you over that pillar and make you scream my name whole night when I take you over and over again from behind Hard and Fast!" A devilish grin took over his handsome face and he took a few steps towards her.

"Huh? Screw you, Derek! You are worse than a dog! Do you think it's my dream to be broken by a lowlife creature like you!" Sofia scoffed at his face.

"I am your f*cking mate! Show me some respect! Do you really wish to be rejected by me?" asked Derek furiously.

"Do whatever the hell you want! I am already done with you. I am not interested in you. You are a curse casted on me in the form of my mate! I don't know what did I do so wrong in my past life for you to be my mate!" Sofia replied, her face was as hard as the block of ice.

She was sure no matter what happens, she isn't going back this time.

His face darkened for more than one reason. But most importantly, he was stunned by the fact that she actually allowed him to reject her.

"Are you kidding me? You are the one who was throwing yourself at me since the day we met. Even when you knew I had a girlfriend. You are never replacing her. You must get that straight!" He howled in anger.

He was still not ready to accept that the girl has already given up on him.

"Nobody is trying to replace anyone here. I never tried to throw myself at you. How many times do I have to tell you to stop thinking too highly of yourself. You can reject me now if you want. I don't care anymore. I still curse the day we met!" Sofia roared in fury, before removing his hand with one powerful jerk and pushing him with all the force she could muster which resulted in him falling on wall at the opposite direction.

Derek was a bit taken aback when a small girl like her managed to throw him, the strong Alpha, like he is as light as feather.

"What the… Are you insane?" shouted Derek, when his back hit the wall behind.

"I think I have lost my mind after meeting a self obsessed fool like you!" Sofia replied coldly before she began to move towards her room again.

Derek held her arm tightly to the point of pain and pinned her against the wall. Pressing her between his rock solid chest and the cold wall behind.

"Who did you call self obsessed? Do you really think anyone here is interested in someone as petty as you? Look at Liam, your lovely best friend. He is so happy with my sister. He ditched you instantly when he got the first opportunity. You are so unwanted that even after being your mate, I don't want you. Coming closer to you disgust me!" He uttered arrogantly while gripping her chin roughly and making her look in his eyes.

Even though, he was uttering the venomous words, his mind was stuck at her luscious pink lips he wanted to devour so badly. He could feel himself getting hardened just by the closeness between them. The sexual tension was killing him, he was growing frustrated. Ever since, he met Sofia he couldn't find his release no matter how roughly he f*cked his girlfriend.

"I don't know why are you even here? Nobody wants to see you" He said with a mocking laugh.

Sofia tried to gather the courage to fight back but it was too difficult after the insults he was throwing at her. After doing a multiple attempts in her head, all she managed to say was a single statement.

"I was personally invited here"

She removed his hand from her chin and strived to get out of his iron clasped hold but he grabbed her shoulder instead to keep her in place, his body pressed tightly against her.

"Personally invited!" Derek scoffed.

"Why do you think someone from royal family will personality invite an unwanted trash like you!" Derek sneered at her face.

"You bloody loser!" shouted Sofia aggressively and punched his face with full force that she nearly relocated his jawline.


He trembled back crying in pain.

Derek was beyond angry. His eyes turned entirely black with anger and lust. He checked her out from top to bottom, taking extra time at certain unmentionable places.

In the dark corridor which only had lamps for illumination for keeping the aesthetic of the castle, the beaming moonlight was falling directly on her body.

She held her breath in nervousness, which was making her already synched blood red ball gown more tight around her waist and her milky white chest and collarbone more visible.

Derek looked at her body then her face and licked his bottom lips before moving towards her. His black eyes never left her electric blue globes. He let the animal inside him take over. She gulped down her saliva in fear. She knew what Alpha Derek was capable of. She has pissed him off beyond limits today. She also knew if he lost control, he wouldn't be gentle with her.

'Will he beat me? Or will he take me?' Multiple questions swarmed her thoughts.

She won't be surprised even if he does beats her because he hasn't been treating her like a gentleman anyways. He wasn't nice from the start but he began to act like a complete jerk specially from the moment he realized that she is his mate.

He was moving towards her with torturously slow pace. Like a predator moves towards its prey. Sofia wanted to run but her mind and body wasn't in a perfect sync at the moment. Her legs were glued to the ground. She felt her knee turning weaker than before. She could collapse at any time now.

Derek almost reached her but a sudden chill causing voice stopped him in his track almost immediately.

"What is going on here?" The voice of the guy was deep husky, almost seductive without even trying.

He just said a simple statement in a perfectly normal volume but the authority and dominance in his voice was enough to convince them that he was an Alpha.

They couldn't see the guy's face as he was still at the dark side of the corridor.

Just by listening to his voice, Sofia felt the tingling sensation in her entire body. Her legs automatically started to move towards the source of the voice like it was calling for her.

Only his one statement gave her a sense of relief, and she couldn't understand why her body was automatically moving towards him.

Her heart was hammering against her chest. Her inner wolf was howling inside her head. She had no idea what was going on.

"Sofia.." Derek called softly.

She turned towards Derek but her legs were still moving behind on their own. Her back was facing towards the stranger behind her who was attracting her like a magnet.

"Your highness" She heard Derek saying in a respectful manner and bowed deeply when the stranger moved forward.

Sofia felt a giant heavy fabric on her open shoulders of her sleeveless dress. The moment his fabric made contact with her bare skin, her heartbeat calmed down like a magic. She turned around to meet the most beautiful icy blue eyes she has ever seen in her life.

'Alpha King Chase Spencer?' Her heart began hammering against her chest again when he moved closer to her.

He adjusted the coat on her shoulder without showing any intention of touching her bare shoulders.

"You shouldn't treat any girl like this, irrespective of your relation with her!" His voice was calm but the authority in it was making them shiver.

His icy blue globes were still holding her electric blue eyes prisoner.

Derek was completely suppressed by his strong intimidating aura and Derek was, by no means, a weak Alpha. He gulped down his saliva and looked down in terror.

"Sofie..! Where are you?" came her best friend, Liam Brown's voice from behind which was followed by his mate's voice, "Sofia!"

She couldn't response. She was still staring at those mesmerizing icy blue globes. She felt the heat radiating from his body, which was causing rise in her own body temperature. She was so aroused just by looking in those eyes. She couldn't understand why her body was reacting that way just because of the closeness between their bodies.

She tried to move away but her heel got tangled with her floor touch dress and she lost her balance.

She felt Derek moving towards her but the Greek God in front of her was quick to hold her in his giant arms.

The moment, their skin touched, the sparks were everywhere in the large corridor like freaking fireworks at new year's celebration.