The devils throwing feast for angels?

"The Smiths. The leaders of the Blood Diamond!" Blair exclaimed in her signature gossipmonger tone.

"WHAT? THE SMITHS OF BLOOD DIAMOND PACK?" shouted Sofia, she was stunned by the news.

She felt like she was struck by lightning bolt when Blair took the name of that vicious pack. They are known for being extremely rude and cruel towards their own community and now, all of a sudden, they want to throw a peace keeping party?

'Peace keeping by Blood Diamond pack? My foot! Pigs must be flying!' thought Sofia with an eye roll.

"The devils throwing feast for angels? What exactly are they cooking?" Sofia suspiciously asked with a frown on her beautiful face.

"I also want to know what will they serve!" replied Blair with exactly same expressions. It was like someone pressed Ctrl C then Ctrl V on a word document.

"I hate that pack!" replied Sofia with furrowed eyebrows.

"Everyone hates that pack. Alpha Brown and Alpha Smith always gives each other cold shoulder" Blair waved her hands casually.

"I know. But what I don't get is why are they not discarded from werewolf community yet?" Sofia enquired curiously as someone this ruthless towards their own people should have been perished long back.

They also have a history of teaming up with vampires to take revenge on their rival werewolf pack but still they were not regarded as traitor and there was absolutely no news of them being kicked out from the community.

"Because for some mysterious reason, they have been favored directly from Crescent Moon Pack" Blair replied in confused expressions.

Not knowing the reason was killing both the nosy girls.

"I wonder how they managed to get royals on their side!" Sofia was skeptical about the whole scenario but no matter how hard she thinks, she couldn't find a valid reason.

Knowing about Blood Diamond's secrets alone was extremely difficult, revealing their mysterious relation with Crescent Moon Pack was next to impossible.

"Nobody knows. If not for royals, they have been disowned by werewolf community long back" Blair spoke the truth they have been listening from all the packs during every damn peace keeping party.

"Can't we just skip it? Why do we have to attend that damn party?" Sofia continued probing persistently.

"Because we can't say no to peace keeping, Sofie. At least, you should know that as the future Luna" Blair replied, giving her a knowing look.

'Again, with that Luna sh*t!' thought Sofia, taking a deep sigh before looking her best friend in the eye and continued to deny the fact.

"I have a strong feeling that I am not going to be the future Luna of this pack" was Sofia's extremely annoyed reply.

Blair knew she could easily reason with a three years old kid but not with this stubborn hellcat in front of her. So, she sighed and given up on her argument.

"Anyways, get ready. I am leaving. See you at training field" she said with a small smile.

"Okay. See you there" replied Sofia with indifferent expressions while waving her hand.

Sofia got ready sooner than she usually takes and around six am, she left for the training field happily thinking about the good news that she has to train less on a weekend but she didn't know what was waiting there for her.

The wide smile on her face disappeared the moment she reached the training field. The lively and breathtaking weather around her turned into cold and frosty in a matter of seconds.

She was stunned to see her mother, Julia Dawson and Luna of her pack, Phebe Brown, standing at the field waiting for her with a wide cheeky grin of their faces. It was as if there was a sudden thunderbolt on a clear day.

She cursed under her breath knowing these two wicked females together is a death of her.

"We are training you today" Her mother informed her with authority and grace in her voice.

'As if! They are here together to kill me!' thought Sofia, her palm became sweaty with nervousness.

Sofia looked as she wanted to lodge a complaint when she glared at Liam, who also gave her a sad smile.

She took a deep sigh and got ready mentally for the physical torture she was about to go through for HOURS.

After being tormented for four hours straight, she returned to her room, tired as hell. Each part of her body was cursing her for exhausting it so badly. She directly fell on her bed and buried her face on her pillow.

She heard her room's door opened with a 'click' and Blair entered the room with worried expressions.

Sofia noticed bed on her left side 'dipped' and felt a soft palm on her head, trying to comfort her which was not really working at the moment.

"Sofia, are you alive?" asked Blair anxiously, knowing how her best friend was mentally and physically traumatized in front of her own sinful eyes.

"Barely" she replied in a painful voice without raising her head from the pillow.

"Ooo, my poor baby. Look how badly those two heartless women broke you!" Blair uttered in grievance while stroking her hair gently.

The moment she mentioned her mother and Luna's name, Sofia got up and sat of the bed straight with enraged expression on her beautiful face. Her heart started palpitating once again and her blood was boiling,

"Don't take name of those two murderous old ladies in front of me! They didn't show a little mercy and jumped on me together thinking I am the last piece of meat!" shouted Sofia in anger.

"I know they were really wild and merciless. I didn't know becoming Luna will be so difficult!" Blair replied, showing pity to her friend's crushed state.

"What do you think being Luna means?" enquired Sofia with a raised eyebrow.

She always wanted to know the point of view of other people about the position which make a person bear such great responsibilities.

"Ruling the whole pack. Respect amongst the other packs! Authority!" Blair replied with a proud smile.

Sofia looked at her quietly for a while. The corner of her mouth twitched into a smile but she stopped herself from chuckling at her in response. She felt like Blair hasn't aged a day since they were thirteen. She is still misjudging the position of Luna for the bratty princess.

"You know how I see it?" asked Sofia, her celestial face devoid of any emotion.

"How?" asked Blair with utter curiosity, as Sofia was the one experiencing those things in reality.

"Hell lot of responsibilities, tons of training, tough decisions and broken bones every now and then" Sofia blurted out aggressively, her tone was filled with so much passion and fury at the same time.

"You really have a unique perspective for that!" Blair replied with a chuckle.

"Training me doesn't mean breaking me physically, does it? Did they really have to go this far with a girl who isn't even adult yet to use her full power? Was tormenting me mentally for years wasn't enough?" asked Sofia in a disheartened tone.

"Don't worry, babe. We will get our revenge soon" Blair replied passionately while clenching her fists.

The sense of support Blair showed ignited new undying flames in Sofia's eyes.

"Only if I can get my hands on them one at a time. I will rip them into small pieces. But they are always together!" Sofia uttered with fiery eyes, but her face became dim again by the thought of them always being together like they are joint by the hips.

"Everything will be alright. Take a hot water bath. I will fill bathtub for you with warm water" Blair patted her shoulder lightly not to hurt her more than she already is.

"You are an angel. I love you" replied Sofia and jumped in her arms for a bear hug but resulted in squeezing her paining muscle instead,

"Ouch ouch. That hurts!"

"I love you too and be careful" Blair replied with a small chuckle before leaving for her bathroom and Sofia fell on her bed.

Blair came back after fifteen minutes.

"Water is done. Go take a shower. I will prepare your clothes for you" Blair said nonchalantly and went towards her closet.

"Oh Blair, Liam or mate can go to hell. Can I marry you?" asked Sofia with longing look.

"Nope. I am straight" replied Blair with a wide grin.

"So cruel" faking a hurt look on her exquisite face, Sofia went inside the bathroom to take the much needed hot water bath.

After around an hour, she came out with a towel wrapped around her petite body. She was feeling a lot better. Her sore muscle started to relax. She changed into a grey lounge set, which Blair chose for her, and fell on the bed.

She knew she will be forced to attend the so called peace keeping party irrespective of her weak state as nobody will show her pity. They were supposed to reach there by four in the evening. So, she calculated that she had to be ready at least by three in the afternoon for being punctual for once in a day.

She was already late for today's practice, being late for party will only earn her a good scolding from her parents.

She decided to choose the dress she is going to wear for the occasion as if she will try to decide it at the last moment, she will only end up creating a huge scene.

She rolled on the bed and opened her eyes to stare at the interesting ceiling for thirty minutes before she dragged her exhausted body to the closet and started hunting for the perfect dress for the "special" occasion.

It was supposed to be a formal event but they have to show how free will and social they are in order to build a good and trustful relationship between packs.

Elena started going through the pile of clothes but she couldn't understand what she should wear to look presentable and not overdressed at the same time. Being frustrated by her failed attempt, she punched the closet and a drawer opened.

She was shocked to see what was inside. She extended her hand and held the crumbled paper with her shaking hand.

She pressed the paper lightly with her small palms to flatten it out and a tear fell on her cheek when she read the content.