[Ten, Three-Body Civilization]

Under the watchful eyes of the audience from all over the world, the video of taking stock of science fiction civilization began to play.

The contents of this inventory undoubtedly shocked the heavens.

Because all the previous inventory was supernatural power, non-sci-fi combat power.

And those lists also shocked the heavens!

Such as the Huangtian Emperor, Ye Tiandi, Ruthless Great Emperor on the Mysterious Battle Power List...

Several great saints on the prehistoric list, all kinds of innate treasures...

As well as the more terrifying mythological Da Luobang, the heavens are even more shocked!

Looking at it, only technology did not appear on the list.

Even many people are wondering, is the future of technology not strong?

Even people who live in the tech universe think so.

Technology may be very strong in the early stage. After all, if everyone is an ordinary person, they will rely on technology.

But if you put it in the big world, technology is really nothing.

Even weapons such as guns, missiles, and even nuclear bombs are not considered a threat in the wild world.


Marvel Universe.

Brightly lit New York City.

"It's so tiring." Above a tall building, Spider-Man, known as a superhero, took off his mask, revealing a youthful face, gasping for breath.

Parker, who had just dealt with a terrorist attack, was gasping for breath.

I don't know what's going on recently, there are more and more weirdos in New York City who engage in terrorist attacks.

Just when Parker was about to rest for a while, a mechanical tentacle from the bottom of the building slowly stretched out and grabbed Peter Parker's back.

That's when Peter Parker's spider-sensing crazy tips!

Parker's heart instantly raised his throat, and at the moment when the mechanical claw accelerated, Peter Parker rolled and avoided the attack.

I saw in the dust, a vague, strange man with four mechanical claws slowly stood up.

"Peter Parker!"

This weirdo is called Doctor Octopus, whose real name is Otto Gunther Octavius.

He was a friend of Peter Parker, before.

But since putting on the manipulator, he's gone bad.

Peter Parker was fighting with Doctor Octopus before.

Parker thought that the doctor had been beaten seriously and escaped, but he didn't expect him to take another shot.

Peter Parker is also not sure that he can beat the Doctor, and he doesn't want to kill the doctor's friend, just to stop him from doing bad things.

"Doctor, stop it!" Peter Parker was about to say something when suddenly a voice came from his ear.

[Inventory of Science Fiction Civilizations in the Universe: Top 10 Most Abnormal Science Fiction Civilizations! ]

[10. The Three-Body Civilization. ]

[Reason for listing: Possess strong technological power, cross-planet combat power, and cross-galaxy strike power. ]

"Three-body civilization? Cross-galaxy strike!?"

Hearing the sudden sound, the doctor who was about to attack Peter Parker also stopped.

This is the voice of the universe of the heavens, and anyone who joins the website can hear it.

The doctor and Parker looked at each other, put down the idea of ​​giving up the fight, and wanted to see how powerful technology was the first sci-fi civilization on the list.

As scientists and doctors who develop technology, they hope that technology can be no weaker than fantasy, self-cultivation, and fantasy.

After all, fantasy and fantasy are too far away for them.

If you want to cultivate immortals, there is no place to do so.

But technology is accessible to everyone.

There is even hope to improve.


Super universe.

Angel Nebula, City of Angels.

In the gorgeous palace of angels, the angels are discussing the battle against the demons.

"Queen Keisha, the wormhole bridge has been built! I would like to lead my troops to the demon galaxy! Defeat the demons!"

A beautiful angel in armor with a cold face spoke.

She is Angel Leng, an excellent angel warrior who has the opportunity to become the guardian of the left wing of the Angel Queen.

"Queen! I am also willing to participate in this battle!" Angel Yan asked for orders.

Today's Yan has not yet become a left wing guard, but he is an excellent warrior among the younger generation of angel warriors.

"My Lady Queen! I am also willing to participate in the battle!"

"Fight the demons! Uphold justice!"

"Lord Queen, please let me also participate in the battle!!"

All the angels prayed for their orders.

In order to maintain justice and order, they are not afraid to fight the devil, let alone sacrifice.

On the throne at this time.

Keisha was leaning lazily on the throne with her slender legs crossed.

Queen of Angels, Holy Keisha, the strongest known in the universe.

As the name suggests, Keisha's strength is the strongest in the universe.

No civilization can rival Keisha.

So even if the enemy she is facing now is the same powerful demon civilization in the universe, Keisha is still very calm and doesn't even take this battle seriously.

This is the state of mind of the absolute powerhouse.

However, even in Keisha's state of mind, she was thinking at the moment.

Does technology really have no future?

After reading the list of "Prehistoric Battle Power List", "Fantasy Battle Power List", "Fantasy Battle Power List" and other lists launched by Zhutian Universe.com, Keisha began to doubt that technology can really catch up with these magical powers. strength?

As a civilization that developed technology, Keisha couldn't help but sigh.

So that fighting this war also made her not interested in the slightest.

It turns out that there are so many magical and powerful forces in the universe outside the universe.

Keisha's ideas and perceptions have been reshaped.

So much so that she believed that the ultimate fear really existed!

Before that, Keisha had never believed in the ultimate fear theory.

He even broke up with his relatives and sisters for this, and fought for tens of thousands of years.

At this moment, the voice sounded...

[Inventory of Science Fiction Civilizations in the Universe: Top 10 Most Abnormal Science Fiction Civilizations! ]

[10. The Three-Body Civilization. ]

"Three-body civilization?"

The angels who were preparing to fight were stunned for a moment, looked at each other in dismay, and finally all looked at Queen Keisha.

Keisha's expression was also stunned for a moment.

She was just thinking about the possibilities of technology.

future possibilities.

I didn't expect the list to be updated.

Seeing the ability to strike across the galaxy, Keisha also became very curious.

It is definitely not easy to be on the ranking list of the universe network.

Thinking of this, Keisha temporarily put down the war order and looked at the video screen.

In the picture, it is the three-body civilization!