Create a Dimensional Channel, ranked ninth in "Singer Civilization"

"Lord Emperor, I have searched this universe. I found 600,000 civilizations related to singer civilization. But only 36 related to dimensional technology."


Liu Li meticulously analyzed.

The most intelligent AI in the Galactic Empire is not to say.

Qin Zheng slowly opened his eyes.

"Singer civilization? It's a familiar civilization again, which is a bit interesting."

The corners of Qin Zheng's mouth twitched slightly.

The Singer civilization is also a powerful civilization in the Trisolaran universe.

In terms of technology, it is many times stronger than the Trisolaran civilization.

Qin Zheng knew that Erxiang Foil came from the singer's civilization.

It's just that now Erxiang Foil is not even a cleaning tool for the Galactic Empire.

It doesn't look like this list is good.

Or, am I too strong?

When the strength is strong enough to look at other technologies, there is no shock.

"How's the dimension channel?" Qin Zheng slowly opened his eyes, a flash of interest flashed in his eyes, and he said.

"Lord Emperor, it will take some time to complete the construction of the dimensional channel."

Liu Li said, his right hand swiped in front of him, and a data line appeared, which showed that the completion rate: 29%.

Qin Zheng showed a rare smile.

dimensional channel.

This is the gateway to any universe in the heavens and the world.

At that time, as long as there are coordinates, even the world of animation, comics, and even the world of martial arts, the world of movies, etc. that you have seen in your previous life, you can travel through the past!

The Galactic Empire's footsteps into the heavens and the world will soon be realized! !

"Wait until the dimensional channel reaches the fifty progress level, and let the empire enter a state of combat readiness."

"Okay, Lord Emperor."

Liu Li bowed slightly.

Qin Zheng had nothing to do, so he turned his attention to the inventory again.

Just relax with nothing to do.

When the passage starts, the battle begins!

Qin Zheng was originally called "The Tyrant of the Galaxy".

So he is not a kind person.

Qin Zheng insisted that wherever the Galaxy Empire goes, it must be ruled by the Empire!

Except where the empire is too lazy to rule.

Like some desolate places.

And some species that Qin Zheng himself does not like.

For example, some creatures that have no emotions will only reproduce and survive.

No feelings, no sense of accomplishment when ruled, no meaning.

So Qin Zheng is not interested.

Like this universe.

There are close to ten percent of the universe and species that are not ruled by the Galactic Empire.

It's not that empires can't rule, they're just too lazy to rule.

And the strongest point of the empire is that in the domain of the empire, there is no rebel force.

c137 universe.

"Rick Rick! The list is updated again!"

In the secret laboratory, Morty ran in happily.

Rick took a sip of wine and said indifferently, "Morty, I've told you several times that this list is meaningless. It's all poor and outdated technology."

"Rick, you say that every time."

"Because what I said was the truth."


Morty was a little unhappy, but couldn't think of a rebuttal for a while.

Grandpa Rick was so angry that he couldn't speak every time.

Rick is such a serious character.

Rick glanced at Morty, but turned on the video anyway.

"Dimension Technology?"

Rick muttered, of course he knew how to make dimensional technology, so he wasn't surprised.

But think about it carefully, the eighth place is Dimension Technology, which proves that the strength of this list is really good.

However, what Rick is more curious about is, what kind of existence is the cosmic web of the heavens?

Rick also tried to find out who was behind the cosmic web, but he couldn't.

Prove that the source of this cosmic web is not in your own universe.

This is from other universes, and it will take a certain amount of time to find out.

Moreover, Rick believes that many people in the universe must be checking, and it will explode in time.

While thinking, Rick looked at the video.

The barrage has been swiped.

"Dimensional technology? Dimensional reduction strike? This civilization is very powerful!" - Spider-Man Parker.

"Huh? Dimension? What is dimension?" - Linghu Chong.

"Haven't you watched an inventory video? The three-body civilization video contains an explanation of dimensions. The Sophon Project is one of the dimension technologies. For many of our scientists, this is already a top technology that can block a race. Technology is very powerful." - Dr. A Li.

"Amazing? But that's it! It's far worse than my son's potential!" My son Wang Teng has the appearance of a great emperor.

"Can you stop talking? You are saying that your son is going to make enemies to the heavens and the world." - Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu.

"No, he has made enemies to the heavens and the world. It's too arrogant! If it wasn't for me to pass through, I would definitely pass through and fuck him!" - Honghuang Dapeng.

"Humph! It's not that you are too weak, so there is no way to cross." - My son Wang Teng has the appearance of a great emperor.

"What are you special!" - Honghuang Dapeng.

"...Okay, everyone, stop arguing and watch the video!"


[Inventory of Science Fiction Civilizations in the Universe: Top 10 Most Abnormal Science Fiction Civilizations! ]

[Nine, singer civilization. ]

[Reason for listing: Possess strong scientific and technological strength, possess intergalactic technology, possess dimension technology, possess dimension reduction and strike technology, and possess interdimensional technology. ]

When the second civilization appeared, in addition to being surprised, the civilizations of the heavens also had some doubts.

Some powerful civilizations don't quite understand it, why didn't they make it to the list?

Could it be that the technology of this singer's civilization is really strong?

Accompanied by arguments and doubts.

Video playback starts.

When you enter the video, you are all immersed in the scene, instantly falling into a dark and boundless universe.