The Milky Way Has Become A Painting

Super universe.

"The Law of the Dark Forest?"

Hexi looked at the discussion in the barrage and muttered to himself.

This rule applies to weak civilizations.

But it does not have much impact on civilizations like Angel Civilization, which are already at the top of the universe.

Angel civilization, currently the strongest civilization known in the universe.

The coordinates have long been exposed, but there is no higher civilization to attack.

Prove what?

Prove that there is no civilization stronger than the angel civilization in the known universe.

No civilization can beat the angel civilization.

So Hexi's expression didn't change much.

Hexi's eyes returned to the video.

Can not help but slightly stunned.

"This is--!?"

In the video, a voice sounded.

[When the two-way foil is approaching its destination, its speed is rapidly reduced to one thousandth of the speed of light, and at this time it has obvious gravitational wave characteristics. ]

[Earth humans in the Milky Way are rapidly testing. ]

[Such gravitational waves are extremely strong and usually only come from massive celestial bodies. ]

[Human scientists can't even understand. ]

[The technology gap is too big. ]

[Humans cannot detect the quality of the two-way foil, let alone escape the attack range of the two-way foil. ]

[Scientists only know that the two-way foil bound by the force field is only the size of a piece of cardboard. ]

[It itself hides unimaginable energy. ]

Fall with the sound.

When the two-way foil of a thin paper reaches the target space, the encapsulation force field gradually dissipates until it finally disappears.

In the end, the weapon was irreversibly activated when it came into contact with the three-dimensional space, shrinking one dimension in the three-dimensional space from the macroscopic to the microscopic, causing the three-dimensional space to collapse, turning into a two-dimensional plane space and expanding continuously.

The process of two-dimensionalization is like the endless expansion of a huge bubble.

While this "bubble" expands, the surrounding three-dimensional space itself will gradually be pulled into the bubble, just like a waterfall that is rapidly expanding outward. The water flowed past.

And this waterfall is 360 omnidirectional, and there is no angle that can escape the doom of being engulfed.

If you want to escape, you must reach the escape speed before being swallowed by the waterfall, and this speed is the speed of light.

In the video, the spacecraft of the first group of victims pushed the engine to the maximum power in the opposite direction, and when it reached 15% of the speed of light, they were still shocked to find that they were still slowly "falling" into the two-dimensional space created by the two-way foil. In the end, he had to watch helplessly as he was involved in a two-dimensional universe.

The heavens looked at this scene in shock.

I saw that the spaceship gradually curled up, became flatter and smaller... and gradually became a painting.

A scene similar to a painting.

This scene shocked the heavens.

"This is the power of the two-way foil??? It can actually turn a piece of space into a painting!" - Dongfang Invincible.

"Cosmic law-level weapons, so terrifying!" - Zhang Sanfeng.

"Fuck! This power, at least has the power of an immortal, right?" - Zhang Chulan.

"Can it devour a galaxy? If the widowed Qin Empire has such weapons..." - Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng.

"So, the future of technology is very strong!! It's definitely not better than Xuanhuan and Honghuangcha!!" - Tony, the richest man.

"Huh! What's so powerful about this? It's far inferior to my son!" - My son Wang Teng has the appearance of a great emperor.

"??? Are you here again?" - Spider-Man Parker.

"Are you sure your son can fight with cosmic law-level weapons?" - Xiadou.

"That's natural! After my son became the emperor, he naturally has such strength! It's you who underestimated the strength of the emperor!!!" - My son Wang Teng has the appearance of the emperor.

"The Great Emperor is indeed very strong. But the premise is to become the Great Emperor, not to have the appearance of the Great Emperor." - Xiao Hei.

"Hahaha! I also said that I have the appearance of a saint!" - Honghuang Dapeng.

"..." - Yunxiao.

"Can you watch the video quietly? Why are you always arguing about combat power?"

"Because the fantasy combat power is indeed stronger!"

"Fart! It's obviously that Honghuang is stronger!"

"Why do you think sci-fi is the strongest now! The ninth place is so strong, the top eight are not invincible."


During the battle of the heavens, the video is also playing.

Seeing the Milky Way, all the three-dimensional matter involved in it inevitably becomes two-dimensional, loses a lot of physical properties and disintegrates after losing the concept of thickness, leaving behind a two-dimensional plane remnant without optical features but with mass.

Since 2D objects have no thickness, light will penetrate directly through the 2D object without any reflection, and the 2D object will gradually become transparent so that it cannot be seen.

These flat debris are not simply flattened, but gradually "melt" into a "flat design" of an object after losing the height axis.

Theoretically, two-dimensional objects can show the full details of the objects themselves, and are presented in a flat unfolded state without any overlap.

This scene shocked the heavens!

Even some powerful fantasy worlds exist, they are amazed.

This power is terrifying...

Before, only some spaceships were curled up, but now a whole piece of space is drawn into it.

There are even planets rolled directly into a painting.

Such a big planet, the moment it touched the two-way foil, was two-dimensionalized and collapsed directly.

The collapse of three-dimensional space!

By the end, the entire galaxy becomes a painting on a flat surface.