Zhun mention: Technology is just a toy

The progress of the story did not disappoint the audiences of all the worlds.

After all, this is the home of the list of marginal civilizations, and we should talk about how powerful the marginal world is.

How could it be defeated by the Singer Civilization?

[Occupying multiple planets has made this race a marginal galaxy country. ]

[Inorganic creatures have a common mind, so that no matter where they are, their relationship is closely linked. ]

[Unexpectedly, the edge world has re-emerged. ]

After occupying other planets, they found other inorganic substances on these planets.

Inorganic organisms continue to multiply, they are no longer a single liquid material and rock material.

At the same time, these marginalized people began to completely reshape their physical and chemical characteristics with the help of newly discovered inorganic substances.

Inorganic organisms are completely different from organic organisms due to the principle of existence, which allows them to completely transform themselves.

Such high-intensity transformation makes them not know what kind of creature they have become.

But inorganic beings have never been afraid of this.

Through transformation, their vitality has become more tenacious and their adaptability has become more powerful.

Then, after being attacked by the Singer Civilization, these inorganics finally discovered their technological backwardness.

They can face the attack of the singer civilization, relying entirely on the strong adaptability of their own race.

Therefore, in the following technological development, the marginal civilization developed from the perspective of its own ethnicity through the experience learned from the singer civilization.

Ultimately, they created powerful magnetic field technology and stellar blasting technology.

With these two new technologies in hand, the time has come for the reversal of the edge world.

[Their tactics include: attacking the planet's magnetic field, exposing the planet to cosmic radiation, and total death of the organism. Attack the star, causing the star to explode or lose its outer shell into a fiery nebula. ]

Their attacks are very effective. In the early days of the battle, a large number of inorganic beings carrying magnetic field technology attacked the magnetic field of the singer civilization.

The cosmic magnetic field completely covers the planet, and the powerful cosmic radiation completely burns the entire planet's surface, and the living beings and the plants on the planet's surface almost completely die.

However, the inorganic creatures in the marginal world can escape this disaster by relying on the adaptability of their own species.

The second attack, they attacked the stars of the entire Singer civilization, just as the Singer civilization once did to them.

Singer Civilization was shocked by the improvement of the technological level of the marginal world civilization, and finally realized that the growth rate of the marginal civilization was too amazing.

[Started in the late stage of the stalemate war between the two sides. ]

[The edge world begins to prepare a huge counterattack project. ]

[Implement advanced dimensionality reduction strikes by controlling the black hole, causing the final blow to the singer civilization. ]

Even high-dimensional creatures will feel powerless when facing black holes.

Therefore, the edge world wants to involve the black hole closest to the singer civilization into the galaxy of the singer civilization by controlling it.

When the black holes in the centers of two galaxies attract each other, both galaxies will be involved in the entanglement of the black holes. The black holes will eventually merge as they entangle with each other, but all the stars in the galaxy will be like soup that has been stirred over by a spoon.

The fringe worlds succeeded, paying a terrible price to take control of the black hole that once drove their group of inorganic beings out of their homes.

Just as the singer civilization once treated them, they also "aided" the power of the black hole and launched an attack on the singer civilization.

When the amazing gravity on the surface of the black hole is constantly pulling on the galaxy of the singer civilization.

[Singer Civilization finally felt the arrival of the crisis. ]

[If they sit still like this, they will be completely absorbed and assimilated by the black hole. ]

[In the end, the mother world of the singer civilization used their dimensional weapon, "two-way foil". ]

The clean-up of the "two-way foil" is two-way. So far, the two major civilizations have entered the two-dimensional space at the same time, completing the final "death together".

At this point, the war between the two major civilizations has come to an end.


At this moment, after watching the entire video, after seeing the war between the two great civilizations, the audiences in the heavens and the world could not come back to their senses for a long time.

The video inventory this time did not introduce them directly from the peak of civilization like the previous two.

Rather, it begins gradually through the birth of marginal civilizations.

This time, they have truly seen the development of an advanced civilization from scratch, and their racial power that is not afraid of death.

Even if they take a step back, it is impossible for the inorganic creatures of the marginal civilization to successfully resist the singer civilization.

It is precisely because they chose to resist, they chose to unite and seek survival from the cracks.

They succeeded.

For some reason, when the list of marginal civilizations ended, the viewers who watched the list were sighed for a while.

Feeling the power of advanced civilization and admiring the great dedication of the marginal world.

At the same time, it is a pity that such a powerful civilization with a strong technological level and speed finally ended up with the singer civilization.

However, in terms of the strong racial adaptability of marginal civilizations and their technological level, it is a well-deserved fact that the ranking of marginal civilizations is higher than that of singer civilizations.

"What a wonderful universe, even a powerful advanced civilization will eventually lead to its demise." - Pluto.

"Singer civilization is too proud, even in the end, they are unwilling to admit the fact that they were defeated by the marginal world, so they chose to use the 'two-way foil' to die together." - Luo Ji.

"Is there any researcher who considers making something like 'two-way foil'? I can pay for it!" - Tony Stark.

"'Two-way Foil' is a high-dimensional weapon, and I doubt that it should be impossible to make with our human reality technology." - Little Spider Parker.

"Don't doubt, be confident." - Liu Peiqiang.

"I have to admit that in some respects, these weak stones are stronger than the monks, but... if you want to surpass the saints with such technology, I don't think they are qualified." - Honghuang Dapeng .

"I am looking forward to the content of the follow-up inventory. Will there be existences that can match the saints? Of course, even if there are a few more civilizations, they will not be able to compare with my son Wang Teng! Hahahaha!" - My son Wang Teng Have the capital of the emperor.

After the video ended, the barrage was peaceful, basically discussing the contrast between technological power and prehistoric fantasy.

Until a pair of well-known names appeared, breaking this quiet harmony.

"Technology? It's just a toy made by a group of weak fragments." - Saint Zhunti.

"Good." - Receiving and citing saints.

The top saint in the prehistoric rankings, the second saint of the West, appeared.