"Sun Concert"

With the departure of the mirror, suddenly, the day comes and the blue sky emerges!

The sun was shining brightly on the ground, and everything around it stood out brightly.

But the day only lasted for a second and then went out, the night just now resumed, and the lights of the starry sky and the city reappeared.

Just when everyone was still wondering, this night only lasted for a second.

Day reappeared, then a second later it became night again.

Then, day, night, day, night, day, night... alternately appeared at a frequency comparable to the pulse, as if the world were an image of two continuously cut slides.

This is the rhythm of day and night.

People looked up and immediately saw the twinkling sun, it was no size, just a dazzling point of light in space. "Is that a pulsar?" said one president.

This is the remnant of a supernova, a spinning neutron star.

The dense surface of the neutron star has an exposed hot spot, and as the star rotates, the neutron star becomes a cosmic beacon.

As the beam of light from the hot spot swirled across the vast expanse of space, Earth's day briefly appeared as it swept across the solar system.

"I remember that the pulsar frequency is much faster than this, and it doesn't seem to emit visible light," the secretary-general said.

The president of country A covered his eyes with his hands and struggled to adapt to this crazy beat world: "The frequency is fast because neutron stars gather the angular momentum of protostars, and mirrors can consume this angular momentum in some way; as for visible light? Do you really think there's anything a mirror can't do?"

"But one thing," said the President of Country C, "there is no reason to think that the rhythm of life of all creatures in the universe is the same as that of human beings, and the frequency of their musical beats must be different. For example, a mirror, its normal beat frequency may be higher than our most Fast computers have fast clock speeds..."

"Yes," the President nodded, "and there's no reason to think they're all visible in the same electromagnetic wavelengths as ours."

"You mean that mirrors play music based on human senses?" the secretary-general asked in surprise.

The head of country C shook his head and said, "I don't know, but there must be a benchmark."

The pulsar's powerful beam of light solemnly swept across the cold and silent space, like a baton that was 40 trillion kilometers long and continued to stretch at the speed of light.

At this end, under the plucking of the invisible fingers of the mirror, the sun emits a thick electromagnetic sound that spreads to the universe at the speed of light, and a concert starring the sun begins.

There was a rustling sound, like electromagnetic noise interference, and like the sound of irregular waves washing the beach. From this sound, sometimes a hint of desolation and vastness could be heard, but more chaos and disorder. The sound continued for more than ten minutes without any change.

No one can understand the meaning of such music, not even the audience of heaven and earth.

"I felt the whole universe become a big palace, a palace 20 billion light-years high, and the sound lingered in the palace." - Tony Stark

"Oh my God, I feel like I've actually seen God, and this music makes me feel amazing." - Parker the Spider

"Unfortunately, I can't understand what kind of music this is." - Liu Peiqiang

"Mirror civilization is an advanced civilization after all. Perhaps because of this, we low-dimensional creatures cannot understand the music played by high-dimensional civilization." - Angel Yan

"I have to admit that there are more powerful existences in scientific and technological civilization, and I fully recognize the power of mirror civilization." - Honghuang Dapeng.

"Me too!" - Zhang Yide from Yan

The shock that the Mirror Civilization has brought to the heavens and the world is too much. Even if the concert that the Mirror Civilization painstakingly put aside, it can completely shock all the people by using the sun as a means of playing a musical instrument. Most of the people in the world!

Whether it is the technology side, the fantasy side, or even the prehistoric side.

The sun is always a very special individual.

It can be a star, or it can be the incarnation of the three-legged Golden Crow in myth.

However, the mirror civilization can control the sun through technological means, and arbitrarily use the sun as a means of playing.

This is the power that most shocks the world!

At this time, the music in the universe changed again.

Its pitch is no longer as monotonous as before with just two beats, but is filled with new beats again.

Like a tick of a clock, the two notes keep coming, but with long intervals.

Later, another two-note measure appeared, and then a third, fourth... These two-note measures continued to emerge on the chaotic background, like a group of fireflies in the dark night.

A new melody appeared, it had four notes.

The number of four-note bars is also increased at this time.

It was then discovered that each four-note bar is made up of the two preceding two-note bars. As the number of four-note bars increases, the number of two-note bars decreases, and it seems that the former is consuming the latter. Later, the eight-note measure appeared, and the structure was the same as before, which was formed by merging the two existing four-note measures.

"What did you hear?" the secretary asked the surrounding presidents.

"In the pristine ocean illuminated by lightning and volcanic lava, some small molecules are coalescing into large molecules... Of course, this is just my completely personal imagination." President C said.

"Imagine, please don't stick to the earth," said the president of country A. "This kind of molecular aggregation may occur in a nebula that reflects the light of stars. Maybe it is not molecules that are gathering and assembling, but some nuclear energy vortexes inside the star... …"

At this moment, a multi-note melody emerges in high notes, and it recurs like a bright little arc in this dim, chaotic world.

At this time, even the audiences from all over the world had an immersive experience into this ingenious concert.

They are listening, and this is an unprecedented opportunity.

Once missed, no one will be able to hear the sound played by the sun again.

Before you know it, the background music begins to change, and people almost forget it exists.

It changed from the sound of the waves to a rustling sound, as if a torrential rain was hitting the exposed rocks.

Then it changed again, into an empty sound similar to the sound of wind.

All the instruments suddenly played in unison for a short time, forming a terrifying loud noise, as if some huge entity collapsed.

Then, everything came to an abrupt end.

Only the background sound like the ocean waves at the beginning is ringing in the desolate

The simple two-syllable melody reappeared, the slow and difficult combination began again, and it all started again...

It seems that after the first extinction, it has come to the moment of recovery from extinction...