Keisha's Awakening, sixth place!

Sacred Keisha deeply understands that the angelic civilization that he is in is ridiculously weak compared to the major advanced civilizations in the heavens and the world.

Whether it is a singer civilization or a marginal civilization, they all have stellar-level warships.

The water droplets of the Trisolaran civilization are even more precise.

These technologies, even any of them, are not something that the current angelic civilization can withstand.

Not to mention making these techs.

Star-level warships, even if they provide energy, are an astonishing number!

Not to mention the Singer Civilization's attack that is enough to penetrate the galaxy, it needs even more outrageous energy!

What the City of Angels lacks most at the moment is energy.

If the problem of energy is not solved, it is impossible to break through the power of civilization on these warships.

As for the water droplets of the Trisolaran civilization? Where can I find such delicate materials? How to make it?

None of this was demonstrated in the video.

As the top powerhouse in this universe, after watching the video, Sacred Kaisha will not just be shocked by the power of these civilizations.

Through powerful analytical abilities, Sacred Kaisha has learned some of their strengths from these civilizations.

Such as... the two-way foil of the singer's civilization.

She clearly realized that Singer Civilization's two-way foil is an extremely powerful technology, but in the hands of Singer Civilization, two-way foil is just a relatively simple technology.

Singer creatures use 2-way foil as a technology to clean up, and only use 2-way foil as a means of attack when necessary - such as the threat of marginal civilizations.

The concept of two-way foil is to shrink one dimension of the three-dimensional universe from the macroscopic to the microscopic, thereby forcing the three-dimensional universe and all the matter in it to collapse into the two-dimensional universe.

As long as this concept is understood, the production of two-way foil can be reversed through this concept.

And once it comes to concepts related to dimensions.

Holy Keisha couldn't help but think of that existence.

"The ultimate fear!"

It is an unproven existence, but it has always been feared by the angelic civilization.

There is a void, a world that is completely opposed to the main world of reality.

At the same time, it is definitely a high-dimensional civilization that is completely incomprehensible in the universe.

If the ultimate fear can be studied thoroughly, perhaps, the two-way foil can be made through the concept of ultimate fear.

Divine Keisha would like to make two-way foil, because once a technology like two-way foil is made, it means that the angelic civilization will never be so passive as it is now.

Although the angel civilization is still the top civilization in this universe on the surface, no matter who it is, everyone knows it.

At this time, the angel civilization no longer has the glory it once had.

When the appearance of countless civilizations in the heavens and the world has shocked the attention of various civilizations, nowadays, there are no longer many civilizations that completely respect the angel civilization.

The most important thing is the "ultimate fear" that has not yet been confirmed.

It's not that Divine Keisha doesn't believe in the existence of ultimate fear, she can't believe it, can't believe it.

Because, once the existence of the Void Land is proved, if the Void Theory is truly established, all the knowledge of the main biological world that all people in the main biological world possess at this stage will be incomplete, even Incorrect.

That means that the energy conservation theory in the world today will be overturned.

This will be a heavy blow to all civilizations in the world today!

Therefore, Divine Kaisha is trying to maintain the balance that the ultimate fear does not exist to dispel the worries of various civilizations.

But the inventory of Zhutian broke this balance in an instant.

If the high-dimensional universe exists, then the ultimate fear that has not been proven also exists.

Holy Kaisha sighed and shook her head gloomily.

"Now, Carl and Morgana must have been secretly laughing for a long time."

Her sister, Lian Bing.

Since the two had a disagreement, Liang Bing changed her name to Morgana and developed her own demon civilization.

If it was her, she must have a better understanding of the ultimate fear.

Although Divine Kaisha did not deny the existence of Void Matter, the understanding of Void is definitely better than Lian Bing.

"Are you going to find her?"

If you want to develop the technology of 'two-way foil', it seems that there is only one way to go.

In fact, Sacred Kaisha also has its own arrogance. By studying the Ultimate Void and inferring dimensional technology backwards, as long as there is enough time, Sacred Kaisha thinks that Angelic Civilization can do it sooner or later.

Coincidentally, what the Holy Kesha lacks the most is time.


Sacred Keisha sat on the throne and said the name of an angel in a soft tone.

The beautiful angel instantly appeared in front of Sacred Keisha, kneeling on one knee, with an expression so cold that there was no expression.

At this time, Holy Kesha also issued his own order.

"Take the angels to the Demon Nebula and 'bring' Morgana back to me."

"Yes, Her Royal Highness."

Angel Yan took this order and got up and left.

Clean and neat.

Looking at Angel Yan's back, a softness flashed in Sacred Kaisha's eyes.

Yan, her favorite child.

If she leaves unfortunately, the position of the Heavenly Blade King will be hers.

But now Yan is not good enough, her strength is not enough to bear all this.

After that, Keisha closed her eyes.

"Let me do it all first."

At the same time, the familiar voice resounded in his brain again.

[Inventory of Science Fiction Civilizations in the Universe: Top 10 Most Abnormal Science Fiction Civilizations! ]

[Six, low temperature artist! ]