Molecular Extraction? Shock from the whole sci-fi side audience!

In fact, audiences have already seen quite a few bizarre civilizations.

Whether it is a three-body person or a singer, they seem to be different from the images in the heavens and the world with the human body as the theme.

And fringe civilizations are even more outrageous - they are inorganic creatures made up of a group of stones.

The mirror civilization is a mirror that exceeds the size of the sun. This mirror is enough to isolate the left and right sides of the universe and block the cognition of the left and right sides of the mirror.

So in fact, the low temperature artist appeared in the sight of the audience as a hockey puck, and did not make them feel so-called curiosity and surprise.

The audience just wants to know how powerful this cosmic civilization that can be ranked sixth is.

What amazing means does it possess?

At this moment, the voice of that omniscient and omnipotent world sounded.

[6. Low temperature artist]

[Reason for the list: One of the civilizations that has reached pure energy, has the super-space jump technology that can traverse beyond the universe, can travel through any dimension existing in the universe at will, and has the precise technology to completely condense civilization into matter. , has the technology of molecularizing and extracting molecular substances and transforming molecular substances, which can fundamentally completely cut off the resource acquisition of a planet]

[As one of the civilizations that are also pure energy, the cryogenic artist is a more substantial existence than a 'mirror' - this is reflected in its shape, and the shape of the ice ball that completely materializes itself allows the cryogenic artist to be touched. , but in fact he is formed by the condensation of the purest molecules. ]

[Similarly, cryogenic artists have no concept of collective and individual, it is also a manifestation of civilization. ]

After hearing the narration voice explanation, the audience seemed to understand a little bit ignorantly.

Compared with the mirror civilization, the pure energy transformation of cryogenic artists may be purer, because it is a real civilization that can be touched.

Also, cryogenic artists are not divided into groups and individuals.

After seeing the cryogenic artist, more viewers seem to gradually understand what the mirror civilization said.

When civilization develops to a certain level, both the individual and the collective will disappear at the same time.

The emergence of cryogenic artists seems to confirm this theory.

Of course, what shocked the audience of all the worlds was the ability of the cryogenic artist.

To be precise, this is its technology.

"Pulling out molecular does it feel, the more advanced the civilization is, the more difficult it is for me to understand." - Tony Stark.

"We are low-dimensional creatures. In the eyes of these high civilizations, we are bugs. Forget it, we can't understand their power at all..." - Little Spider Parker.

"My grandpa can understand that he is the best scientist in the world, no, he is the most powerful scientist in the entire universe!" - Rick

"My child, your blind self-confidence amuses me, but it's not bad, at least I hope your grandpa can really do it." - Doctor Octopus

"Drain the molecule? What is that? It sounds like it's not as powerful as a mirror." - Yun Xiao

"Indeed, it doesn't sound like a big deal." - Honghuang Dapeng

"My son Wang Teng has the capital of the emperor! Even a mere cryogenic artist is not to be afraid of!" ——My son Wang Teng has the capital of the emperor

Having the technology to molecularize and extract molecular matter and transform it doesn't sound astonishing.

Whether it is the mirror civilization playing the sun, squeezing supernovae, or the black hole dimensionality reduction technology of the marginal civilization, it seems to sound much more powerful than the cryogenic artist.

But...what if this concept of cryogenic artists could extract the molecular matter of the sun?

What if the matter of the black hole is even cut off?

If the cryogenic artist can really do it, then the sun will no longer be the sun. The cryogenic artist only needs to completely extract a molecular substance contained in the sun, so that the sun will never burn again.

And if the black hole is emptied, the black hole may have nothing to hide!

Based on this alone, the strength of the low temperature artist is qualified to surpass the mirror civilization and become the well-deserved sixth place!

And can cryogenic artists do that?

It must be able to.

Otherwise, the cryogenic artist would not be able to pass the ranking and stand in sixth place.

It's just a pity that, except for the audience on the technology side, it seems that most of the monks in the prehistoric period can't understand the ability of low temperature artists.

But the tech audience wasn't in a hurry.

The video will gradually answer everything for them.

The air gradually calmed down, and the audience once again entered Yan Dong's perspective.

Yan Dong, who had reacted, was surprised to find that there were actually snowflakes floating around the huge hockey puck in mid-air.

The snowflakes are large, appearing exceptionally white against the background of the blue sky and gleaming in the sunlight.

But these snowflakes only appeared within a certain distance from the surface of the sphere, and disappeared immediately after drifting out of this distance, forming a snow circle with the sphere as the center.

It was as if a street lamp in a snowy night illuminated the surrounding snowflakes.

"I'm a cryogenic artist!" A crisp male voice came from the hockey puck, "I'm a cryogenic artist!"

"Is this big ice hockey you?" Yan Dong raised his head and asked loudly.

"You can't see my image. The ice ball you see is formed by the moisture in the frozen air of my freezing field," replied the cryogenic artist.

"What happened to those snowflakes?" Yan Dong asked again.

"That's crystals of oxygen and nitrogen in the air, and dry ice formed from carbon dioxide."

"Your freezer field is amazing!"

"Of course, it stops all the molecules and atoms within its sphere of action, just as countless little hands clasp countless little hearts."

"Can it still lift this big ice mass in the air?"

"That's a different kind of field, that's the antigravity field. That set of ice sculpting tools that each of you uses is really interesting: there are spatulas and knives of all shapes, and watering cans and blowtorches, interesting! To make cryogenic Art, I also have a small set of tools, that is, several force fields, the types are not as many as yours, but they are very easy to use."

"Do you also create ice sculptures?"

"Of course, I'm a cryogenic artist."

In the cold winter, cryogenic artists say so.